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The Life Cycle of a Star Webquest:

The Birth of a Star:
1. What is a nebulae?
1. Put these steps in order.

______ The gas and dust compresses into a slowly rotating ball.
______ The gas ball begins to spin faster and cool.
______ A star begins to form from clouds of hydrogen gas and
______ The ball separate into a core and spinning disks.

3. How long can a star stay a protostar? ____________________________

4. Explain nuclear fusion.
5. How long does a star live before it begins to die?

Sun-like stars.
*** Scroll back up and click on it.
6. How does a star like the sun become a Red Giant?
7. Where does most of the mass of a red giant go when the star becomes a

8. The final stage of a medium sized star like the sun is a

The death of a Huge Star:
*** Scroll back up and click on it.
9. What happens to a huge star when it becomes a red super giant?
10. The explosion of a red super giant creates a

11. The final stages of a red super giant depend on the stars

12. What happens to a star?
- Less than 3 times the size of the sun?
- Greater than 3 times the size of the sun?
13. How does a star become a black hole?
14. Could the Sun become a black hole?
Life Cycle of a star Diagram:
Draw the Diagram of the life cycle of a star use this link.

Why do stars twinkle?



What is the scientific name for the twinkling of stars?


Why do stars twinkle?

17. Why dont planets twinkle?
18. If you were in a spaceship would you be able to see a star twinkling?
The Closest Stars
19. What is the closest star to Earth? ________________________
How far away is it? _______________________
20. What is the brightest star in the sky? ____________________________

21. Draw the constellation Canis Major and label the star Cirrus on your

22. How many constellations are in the sky? _________________________

The End!

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