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Air Pollution

Community problem report: Air Pollution

The University of Texas at El Paso
Lorena Zuniga
RWS 1301
April 18, 2016

Air Pollution


Air Pollution


Air Pollution

Air Pollution is a topic that many people lack knowledge of, but they all could learn how to
help the earth with the help of experts on the topic. The Issue
Air pollution is causing a lot of health problems, a lot of people do not know that air
pollution is the cause of many diseases that are coming out now a days. With the
technology our country has available today is almost unbelievable that there is still people
that are not aware of the risk they are running with all that contamination.
Many people dont even know what is going on with their planet. They dont know
that many industries or even common
things like cars hurt the planet with all
their carbon emissions. All the carbon
emissions produce hurt our atmosphere,
and in the long run are contributing to
the global warming. Also the
community dont want to realize the
consequences of all the air pollution.
For example, many people say that the
global warming is just a myth and they
dont want to believe that its actually
The consequences of air pollution go beyond causing disease to people. Air
pollution is also causing plants and animals to die. Scientist have done research and have
shown how plants deteriorate through time, as they are being exposed to air pollution. In
comparison to plants that are not being exposed to this pollution, the ones that have been

Air Pollution

exposed die faster than the regular ones. Scientist have shown the results to the community,
but still there is people who can not believe that this is happening.
Now a days learning about the causes and consequences of air pollution is as easy
as typing it in the internet, but still people dont know everything that is going on in their
world. Although the majority of the people lack all this knowledge, there is also people that
know this topic pretty well. All this persons try to help by writing on the newspaper,
magazines, and even blogs. They share their knowledge so that everyone is aware. We are
causing our planet to slowly deteriorate. We would reach a point where everyone will be
able to see the effects that all our pollution is causing so obviously, but it will be too late to
solve our planet because it will be already death.
The Research
Research has confirm what the main causes of all these air pollution are. For
example, in the article named In Texas, a War Over Big Cars And Dirty Air, Ball talks about
how Texas currently has a lot of problems caused by the emissions that cars have. Air
pollution is becoming a big issue in Texas because a lot of people have cars so the
emissions are increasing in a rate we all should be concerned of. The United States
government has demand the state because of the quality of the air. Everybody thinks this
demand will really affect the automobile industry. On the same hand, there is other articles
that blame all types of transportation like the one named Associations between urban and
air pollution where Zora, Sarnat, Ratsoni, Johnson, and Greenwald discuss how cars and
any other type of transportation is what contributes the most to air pollution. They talk
about how hard it is to prevent this contribution of pollutants. Today, the usage of cars or
buses is inevitable which makes it harder to not contribute to the air pollution. The carbon

Air Pollution

dioxide emissions car have is something that is a big part of most of the respiratory
illnesses such as asthma. In addition, they discuss some strategies we could use in order to
reduce the pollution that most of the ways of transportation produce. Although these is the
main cause of air pollution there are other factors. In the article Progress Report on Air
Pollution, Vernon and Mackenzie talk about how the increase in population could be a
factor of why we have so much air pollution. They also discuss about other factors, for
example, the changes on how we use fuels, the increase in the use of energy, and the
increase in the use of materials. They said that air pollution does not affect only us humans,
but that it also affects animals, vegetation, and physical structures. They talk about the
effects that air pollution can have in us, such as: eye irritation, respiratory irritation, serious
illnesses that could even cause our death. In addition, they talk about some laws that the
government is implementing in order to prevent more pollution from going into our
atmosphere, and some health programs that are specializing in air pollution problems.
William Winner is the author of a journal called Mechanistic Analysis of Plant
Responses To Air Pollution that talks about how air pollution affects plants and other living
things in the planet. Air pollution is not only affecting us humans it also affects plants and
animals in our planet. . He mainly focus on four points: Air pollution definition, air
pollution uptake, compensatory responses, and air pollution and multiple stresses. In his
first point he says that the definition of air pollution expands consistently because it was fist
a simple definition talking about how it affect the environment, then they add the effects it
has on people, and now they adding the effects it has on plants. Winners second point talks
more of what scientist are doing in order to remove the pollution from the atmosphere.
Every day the way they do it is upgrade in order to work better. On his third point he states

Air Pollution

that plants are starting to adapt the environmental stress the pollution is doing and that is
making them work more and produce more oxygen. Finally, in his fourth point he is just
explaining what is considered a stress in the environment and how can we identify it.
Other scientist have done research on how air pollution affects us, humans, and all
the diseases that are a consequences of the pollution. For example, Harder talks about the
relationship between air pollution and birth defects. He talks about the heart problems that
prenatal exposure to air pollution can cause. He also refers to studies that scientist have
done in order to find out if air pollution actually affects us. In addition, he shared that
Epidemiologists have records of the quantity and quality of the air in our surroundings to
find out the increase in pollution. In addition, Peters, Liu, Verrier, Schwartz, Gold,
Mittleman, and Dockery discuss how air pollution contributes to cardiac complications.
Researches have associated air pollution to several cardiac difficulties. They discuss that a
lot of the people that went to the hospital because of heart problems had some kind of
pollution in their body. Also there were cases where it was the other way. People that had
been exposed to pollution in the air had developed heart complications. In the same hand,
Pope, Bates, and Raizenne discuss in detail how air pollution is affecting people all over the
world. They describe a lot of cases from people that suffer from respiratory problems,
chronic respiratory diseases, non-smoking adult symptoms, and so on. As they mentioned
in the article, some pollutants are more dangerous than other ones, but we all are exposed to
all of them without even noticing.
All the pollution that our community produces will end up killing our planet. The
problem begins in our homes because we are not conscious of all the harm we are doing to

Air Pollution

our planet and environment by simply throwing something in the ground instead of a trash
can. Children now a days are not being taught that they are not supposed to throw trash in
the ground. They see that their parents dont do it themselves so they think why should they
do it.

Air Pollution

1. Ball, J. (2000, February 7). In Texas, a War Over Big Cars And Dirty Air. Wall Street
Journal - Eastern Edition. p. B1.
2. Harder, B. (2005). Can polluted air cause birth defects? Science News, 168(10), 158.
3. Peters, A., Liu, E., Verrier, R. L., Schwartz, J., Gold, D. R., Mittleman, M.,
Dockery, D. W.. (2000). Air Pollution and Incidence of Cardiac
Arrhythmia. Epidemiology, 11(1), 1117. Retrieved from http://0www.jstor.org.lib.utep.edu/stable/3703647
4. Pope, C. A., Bates, D. V., & Raizenne, M. E.. (1995). Health Effects of Particulate Air
Pollution: Time for Reassessment?. Environmental Health Perspectives, 103(5),
472480. http://doi.org/10.2307/3432586
5. Vernon G. MacKenzie B. S.(1958). Progress Report on Air Pollution. Public Health
Reports (1896 1970), 73(1), 3941. http://doi.org/10.2307/4590036
6. Winner, W. E.. (1994). Mechanistic Analysis of Plant Responses To Air
Pollution. Ecological Applications, 4(4), 651661. http://doi.org/10.2307/1941998
7. Zora, J. E., Sarnat, S. E., Raysoni, A. U., Johnson, B. A., Li, W., Greenwald, R., & ...
Sarnat, J. A. (2013). Associations between urban air pollution and
doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.11.067pediatric asthma control in El Paso, Texas.
Science Of The Total Environment, 44856-65.

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