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Stage 1: Brainstorm - 20 minutes of silent workshop time

It can take some time to come up with an idea for a new invention so kick around a few
different ideas and write/sketch whatever comes to mind and then weed out the weak ideas.
Its important to do this part solo others will just distract you and delay the process for you.

Stage 2: Share/Feedback

Now that you have an idea(s) find a classmate to share your idea with and get constructive
feedback. Bounce ideas off each other to further innovate your invention.

Stage 3: Develop and Refine

Now that youve had some feedback on your idea work to further develop and refine your idea
and become more detailed in your thinking. Also, look to the assignment requirements to
guide you.

Stage 4: Write/Sketch

Write a detailed description of your invention as well as the other guiding elements required
by the assignment. Also, design a final sketch or illustration of your invention/innovation.

Stage 5: Google Slides

Now you are ready to put all of your information on Google Slides to prepare for your
presentation to the class and ultimately a class vote on your invention/innovation. Make it
high-quality because their vote will be based on how professional your presentation of your
idea is to the class.

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