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Montero 1

Therie Montero
Instructor Jason Melton
English 5
May 16,2016
Research Proposal
Sooner or later, we will have to recognize that the Earth has rights, too, to live without
pollution. What mankind must know is that human beings cannot live without Mother Earth, but
the planet can live without humans (Evo Morales). This quote emphasizes the importance of
nature and how humans are so dependent of it in their daily lives. Pollution affects every person
on this planet and the environment is a great source of food and shelter for many of Earths
inhabitants. The biggest rainforests in the world are home to many different species of animals
and plants. Large lakes and rivers also provide drinking water to many parts of the worlds. But
since the heightened amount of pollution in the world, basic necessities such as clean water and
air have been contaminated to point of being toxic for living creatures. The source of life and
survival for many living things on Earth is nature. The negative effects of pollution have led to
global warming, air pollution, and water pollution but scientists have taken steps to find solutions
these problems by investing their time into things such as renewable energy and recycling.
Pollution has greatly increased the effects of global warming on Earth and is the reason
for many strange weather phenomena in the past years. Global warming is the changing of the
climate due to the increase amount of CO2 and the slow disintegration of the ozone layer. The
increased amount of CO2 is due to the large amount of people driving cars. CO2 is a poisonous
gas for humans and animals, and if too much of it is inhaled, it could result in death. CO2 also
causes holes in the ozone layer which protects the Earth from the harsh rays of the sun and the
increased amount CO2 correlates with higher temperatures that have been occurring lately in

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many parts of the world. An article that I read states, "The transportation industry is the largest
GHG emitter in California. It accounts for 41 percent of all emissions in the state" (Malacynski).
This article shows concern for the environment and has initiated a plan to reduce the emissions
caused by transportation. CO2 is not only a big factor for global warming but to air pollution as
Water and air pollution has caused a great amount of environmental damage to plants,
and people. CO2 emissions have increased creating air that is poisonous to humans and animals.
Scientists have concluded that although fossil fuels are a major source of energy, it negative
impacts on the environment outweighs its necessity. An article by a series of authors that create
environmental textbooks stated that, Because water is used in so many ways during fossil-fuel
extraction and processing there are also many ways in which it can become contaminated with a
wide variety of pollutants, from sediment to synthetic chemicals (Allen). This contamination
could lead to the death of millions of sea creatures and the loss of their habitat. I would like to
further access what factors have caused water and air pollution. With the increase amount of
water and air pollution, I have started to become concerned about the steps humanity has done
into fixing our environmental problems and to see if it is effective in decreasing the amount of
pollution in the Earth.

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Many great minds have come together to try and find solutions to stop climate change
and many solutions were found. In the image shown, which is created by James Delano Whitlow,
wind turbines are set up near temples. Many people have taken steps such as building wind
turbines to be able to use as alternative energy because they see the negative effects of using
fossil fuels for energy. While renewable energy is a great way reduce the amount of CO2
emissions in the air, other ways have been found to reduce our carbon footprint. Another thing
that were looking at and asking people to think about is weve added a fourth R onto the front of
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, three Rs, and that is refuse. Whenever possible, refuse single-use and
disposable plastics (Cohen). Plastics cannot be disposed of safely and they end up in oceans and
rivers which harm those habitants. With these solutions in place, will the Earth thrive once
With further investigation I would like to know how pollution effects the environment
and why, as well what other innovative ways are found to counter climate change. I plan to find
articles and books that shows how climate change occurs. I would like to interview
environmentalist and acquire their opinion on this subject. I would also go to car manufacturing
companies to understand what makes cars cause gas emissions and to find out how electric cars
are better for the environment. I would talk to scientist that are making strides towards stopping
climate change and what they recommend each individual to do so they can partake in saving the

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Works Cited
Allen, Lucy, Bart Miller, Michael J. Cohen, and David Abelson. "Fossil Fuels and Water
Quality." Ed. Peter H. Gleick. The World's Water: The Biennial Report on Freshwater
Resources. Vol. 7. Washington: Pacific Institute for Studies in Development,
Environment, and Security, 2011. 73-96. Print.
Cohen, Dianna. "Tough Truths about Plastic Pollution." Dianna Cohen: Tough Truths about
Plastic Pollution. N.p., Apr. 2010. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
Malaczynski, Joanna D., and Timothy P. Duane. "Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from
Vehicle Miles Traveled: Integrating The California Environmental Quality Act with The
California Global Warming Solutions Act." Ecology Law Quarterly 36.1 (20k09): 71-135.
Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 Apr. 2016.
Delano, James Whitlow. Witnessing Climate Change Everywhere." MIT Technology Review
119.1 (2016): 44-48. Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 Apr. 2016.

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