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Analyze and Evaluate the Problem-solving Process

Hang on your almost there! The last step of your capstone course will be to reflect
on the process as a whole. Answer the following list of questions after your action
plan has been fully implemented and the White Paper is complete.
This is the next step in your journey to having a growth mind-set. Your answers
should explain in detail what you have learned about capstone work, problemsolving, collaboration, yourself, learning, etc. This will be major part of your
individual grade. Please write your answers at the end of your reflection logs so
they are combined as one document. Give your-self time to write this final
assignment, this is your opportunity to explain what you have learned.

1. When did you first start getting a clear understanding of the problem
I got a clear understanding of the problem situation when we began
because I already knew that most of the publics opinions of Law
enforcement is negative, so I wanted to find out our generations
perception of the whole situation.
2. When did you start feeling confidence in particular solutions?
I started to feel confident about the solution when my contact at the
Police Department, Officer Janke emailed me back with the date, time
and who we were presenting to. I felt confident after this because then
we for sure had our presentation secured, we just needed to put the
whole project together to present.
3. Why did you accept some explanations more readily than others?
I accepted some explanations more readily because they were the
ones that made the most sense. For instance, in our data there were
some questions that correlated with one another, and the data luckily
made sense together.
4. Why did you reject some explanations?
I rejected some explanations because the most likely didnt make
sense. An example would be from our data and how two questions, one
that asked if they had ever seen an officer racially profile, fifty percent
said no and yet in the question about discrimination, the top three
most voted said that they discriminate against people of different
races/ethnicities, low incomes and different age groups.
5. Why did you adopt your final solutions?
I adopted the final solution because it had a little of each side,
meaning data that makes sense and data that doesnt make sense.
6. Explain the change in your thinking about the situation as the investigation
My change of thinking about this progressed over time, but it mostly
progressed when we met with our mentor and when we got our data
back. We met with our mentor about what questions we should ask for
the survey. He came up with this whole list of questions and explained
that in the questions we wrote, we were asking the question that we
were trying to figure out. He explained that we should ask questions
that would help us answer that question.
7. What caused this change?

Analyze and Evaluate the Problem-solving Process

What caused that change was the meeting with our mentor and seeing
the data for the first time.
8. What would you do differently next time and why?
Next time I would definitely get the surveys out to the schools sooner
than we did. I would also take a look at the different generations views
and how they show either a spike in trust/positive feedback or a drop in
trust/positive encounters with Law Enforcement.
9. How did the answers to these questions inform your learning?
These questions helped me inform learning because it shows how
much I have done since the beginning of this class and how much we
as students are capable of doing if we put our minds to it.

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