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Cell Analogy: The

Cell Hotel

By: Isabella del Rey and Michael Zelenov

Golgi Apparatus: Room Service

A golgi apparatus would be the room service in a hotel because room

service delivers food and materials from room to room like the golgi body.

Vacuole: Storage Room

The hotel storage would be the vacuole because like a hotel, it stores
food and water.

Nucleus: Front Desk

The front desk would be the nucleus because most of the important jobs
of the organelles are done at the nucleus.

Chloroplasts: The Kitchen

The hotel kitchen would be the chloroplasts because they both produce

Lysosomes: Garbage Chute

The garbage chute would be the lysosomes because they both get rid of
and store waste.

Cell Membrane/Wall: Doorman

A doorman would be the cell membrane/wall because they control who or

what goes in and out of a hotel or cell.

Ribosomes: Construction

The construction of a hotel represents the ribosomes. Ribosomes create

protein like the creation of a hotel.


The wall would be cytoplasm because the cytoplasm holds the organelles
together like the wall of the hotel.

Endoplasmic Reticulum

The hallway would be the endoplasmic reticulum because they are like
passageways where people can get around.


The electrical room in a hotel would be the mitochondria because they

convert food into energy that is used.

The Design
First we were assigned a vacuole. We went to
tinkercad and began to design. We added a
hexagon shape on the bottom so that our
spherical design did not fall over. Then, we
created a sphere and put a lot of little circles
on the top so that it looked like an irregular

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