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Energy is defined as the ability to do work

Energy is neither created nor destroyed. The

amount of energy in the universe remains the
same; when we use energy, we dont use it up,
we transform it from one form into other forms of

There are 2 main states of energy:

Potential Energy
is stored energy that an object has when it is not
moving. It gives the object the ability to do work.
Potential energy is hard to see, but it is there.
Kinetic Energy
is energy in motion. We see
it when an object is moving
or doing work.

Sound Energy - Kinetic

Sound energy refers to the
energy generated by sound
vibrations as they travel
through a specific medium. This
form of energy is also
associated with disturbance of

Light Energy - Kinetic

energy transferred through waves and light particles (photons)
light exerts a physical pressure on objects in its path because photons
strike and transfer their momentum. Light pressure is equal to the power of
the light beam divided by the speed of light. The effect of light pressure is
negligible for everyday objects. For example, you can lift a coin with laser
pointers, but it would take 1 billion of them to do it.

Heat (Thermal) Energy

As heat energy is added to a substance, the
temperature goes up indicating that the particles are
moving faster. The faster the particles move, the higher
the temperature.
Sources of heat energy: burning material, the sun, and

Chemical Energy - Potential

Chemical energy is energy stored in
particles of matter.
Chemical energy can be released,
for example in batteries or
sugar/food, when these particles
react to form new substances.

Gravitational Energy Potential

Gravitational energy is due to
the force of gravity caused by
the attraction of all other
masses to the mass of the
earth. As you lift an object to a
higher elevation, you give that
object increased gravitational
energy. You can get that energy
back when you drop the object
and it falls to the earth's surface

Electrical Energy Potential

Electrical energy is the
energy flowing in an electric
Sources of electrical
energy include: stored
chemical energy in
batteries; solar energy in
solar cells; fuels or
hydroelectric energy in

Where Does Energy Come From?

Almost all energy sources can be linked back to the sun
As our world population grows, we are using more and
more of our present day energy sources
All of our energy sources can be divided in 2 groups:
Renewable and

Hoover Dam

Nuclear Energy
When atoms split apart or
fuse together, they release
stored nuclear energy,
sometimes in huge quantities.
todays nuclear power plants
are fueled by fission, a
breaking apart of uranium or
plutonium atoms that releases
lots of energy.
Nuclear is the most
concentrated form of energy

States that energy cannot be created or destroyed. It

may be transformed from one form into another, but
the total amount of energy never changes.
Losses of energy can always be accounted for by small
transformations to other types of energy, like sound and

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