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pemiog The Senate of The State of Texas SPSsoyavsmromer Roos JE2 SAN ANTONIO, Texas 78235, Ausnin, Texas 78711 Bi (@10) 952-2555, 612) 463.0119 (210) 952-2572 Frc (612) 463-1017 Sours West Recrowat, Orsice Mavsnick Cousry Courraouse 501 East Maas Sraser, Suive It Excux Pass, Texas 78852 (680) 758-0204 Foe (830) 758.0402, 312S0trHCeDaR Ecos, Texas 79772 32) 497-0270 as (432) 457-0275, arlos Bresti sus nom District 19 DiaL 7H For ReLay Canis May 20, 2016 Commissioner John J. Specia Jr. Department of Family and Protective Services 701 W. Sist Street Austin, Texas 78751 Dear Commissioner Specia, 1am writing with concern over the policy change at the Department of Family and Protective Services (OFPS) that lowers the educational requirements for caseworkers from a bachelor's degree to a high school diploma and four years of relevant experience. This dramatic reduction in educational requirements will make Texas the only state to not require a bachelor’s degree. More importantly, the policy fails to address the root cause of high caseworker turnover and recruitment, could cost our state far more money in the long run, not to mention could put more children at risk. ‘We all agree that DFPS' caseworkers, regardless of whether they are invalved in investigations or alternative responses, are responsible for the lives of the children and families they oversee. They are expected to read, comprehend, and adhere to complex legal processes. They must quickly assess current and potential risk environments under immense pressure and with constant internal and external scrutiny. They are required to write reports, testify in court, and evaluate the multifaceted causes of child maltreatment. Vacancies are a result of high turnover and high caseloads. Adding legions of individuals with only a high school diploma will not address this perennial issue. The 2014 Stephen Group report recommended DFPS work with colleges and universities to develop a pipeline of well-qualified recruits and to "work ‘with deans of schools to encourage focus on the practical issues of CPS in curriculum development.” Lowering standards for applicants undermines these fledgling relationships with our schools. ‘Our state should not solve caseworker vacancies and high turnover rates by simply reducing qualifications to increase the applicant pool. While some make the point that there is a great deal of, money in the CPS system, the fact remains that starting caseworker salaries are neither a livable nor attractive wage in growing cities such as Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, and Houston. With higher salaries, You would increase your pool of qualified individuals who are willing to give CPS another look as a career ‘opportunity and reduce incentives for current caseworkers to leave. Finance; Narurat Resouxces & Ecoxostic Devitoracen; Hats & HUMAN SERVICES "ADMINISTRATION, Ve-ci a JOINT Iorgeia Cossurrtes-T0 Srupy Bona SECURITY, ‘Senate Seutct Coumurtet on Provenry Tax Rasonx & Revie, Lecistarive Bupcer Boano “S ‘CARLOS URESTI “Texas Stare Sexaron Disraicr 19 | urge you to reconsider this policy. | also urge the department to hire an outside entity to study and determine 2 fair starting salary that takes into account the actual day to day duties of our caseworkers, and to make adjustments to the starting pay scale as necessary. | realize opportunities exist for our caseworkers to earn more money with time, but our low starting point means we are behind the ‘turnover battle before we even take the field. We must keep in mind that we have a legal and a moral obligation to take care of our children. Sincerely, Koh carlos |, URESTI clu/et/mr cc: Governor Greg Abbott Executive Commissioner Chris Traylor Chief Deputy Executive Commissioner Charles Smith Commissioner Henry "Hank" Whitman Assistant Commissioner for Child Protective Services Kristene Blackstone Lt, Governor Dan Patrick Speaker Joe Straus ‘Senator Charles Schwertner, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services Representative Richard Pefia Raymond, Chairman of the House Committee on Human Services ‘The Texas Senate

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