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Morgan Ambrose

Paraprofessional Plan
Setting and Materials


When: 9:30am -10:00am

Large white board for modeling

Where: In the extra room across the

hall, Room 12.

Dry erase marker

Behavior Expectations Poster
Learning Target
Task Analysis Poster
Students need:
Math journals
Math book

Lesson Opening (9:30am- 9:35am)

Signal for attention
Good morning 6th graders. Lets get started with our math.
Behavior Expectations
During our lesson today I have three behavior expectations. Please read them with
me. Get ready
1. Listen to speaker
2. Follow along with lesson
3. Raise hand to speak
Excellent! Thank you for reading on my signal. (Active student response and
acknowledging appropriate behavior)
Lesson Objective
When given 3 problems involving dividing proper fractions, students will use the
strategy invert and multiply to divide the fractions 3/3 times with 100% accuracy for
2 consecutive days.

Morgan Ambrose
Success Criteria
Please read the learning target with
me out loud.
Great! Now please write down the
learning target in your journal.
Remember circle any unfamiliar words
and underline the important words.
(Active student response)
Did anyone underline or circle words
in the learning target?

I can divide proper fractions using the
strategy invert and multiply.
(Students write down learning target)

(Students raise hands to share

(Model on learning target poster)

Lesson Middle (9:35am 9:55am)

Today we are going to review the lesson from yesterday and practice using the
invert and multiply strategy to divide fractions.
Lets review some of the vocabulary we will use in this strategy:
a. Numeratorthe number above the line in a common fraction showing how
many of the parts indicated by the denominator are taken
b. Denominator the number below the line in a common fraction
c. Convert cause to change in form, character, or function
d. Invert put upside down or in the opposite position, order, or
The steps in the invert and multiply strategy are: (Post visual on board)
1. If there is a whole number, convert it to an improper fraction

2. Invert divisor (the second number)

Morgan Ambrose
3. Multiply straight across

4. Simplify answer

5. If answer is an improper fraction, convert to a mixed number

I want to do this problem together:

Is our problem in simplest


2 1

3 4

Write on whiteboard

What is the first step we


So what is


= to?

Invert the divisor, the second number,
so it looks like this


Then you Multiply!

Then what?

No not yet, we need to turn it into a

mixed number.


2 4
3 1

= what

How do I turn an
improper fraction into a
mixed number?

2 1

3 4

Check if there are any whole numbers
or improper fractions. I see two proper
fractions so I do not need to convert
any parts.


= 3

Long division with fraction remainders


Now I want you to all try the invert and multiply strategy in your journal with the

3 2

5 7

Go over problem with students.

Give them 10 problem practice worksheet to complete.

Lesson Closing
Today we reviewed dividing fractions using the strategy invert and multiply. Please
clean up your area and get your pencil ready for the three questions.

Mastery Measure

2 1

7 4
5 3

9 5
3 2

8 9
Data Collection Table

Problem 1

Problem 2

Problem 3

Stein, M., Kinder, D., Silbert, J., & Carnine, D. W. (2006). Designing effective
mathematics instruction: direct instruction approach (4th ed.). Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.

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