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Olivia Neuman

Rwanda is located in located in Eastern Africa. Following
Rwandas independence, ethnic tensions sparked. Periodic
and violent attacks between the Hutu majority and Tutsi
minority grew. On April 6, 1944, the Rwandan president, a
Hutu, was killed when his plane was shot down over Kigali.
Powerful Hutu politicians blamed Tutsis for the presidents
death. Within hours of the presidents death, Hutu militia
groups known as the Interhamwe began collectively
mobilizing across Rwanda. These Hutu gangs killed an
estimated 800,000 Tutsis over the course of 100 days. The
international community did virtually nothing to stop the
Hotel Rwanda

Hotel Rwanda tells the true story of one mans courage in the horrifying midst of the
genocide. I would highly recommend this movie to anyone. The actors do a great job of conveying
the heart-stopping terror and deep sense of hopelessness felt by the victims. It is an emotional
must-see film based on an act of inhumanity that wasn't stopped when it should have been. It is a
stunning testimony to the power of just one individual.
Paul Rusesabagina is the respected and well-liked manager at a Belgian owned luxury
hotel in Kigali. Paul is a Hutu however his wife is a Tutsi. They have two children who are
considered mixed. When the mass killings begin, Pauls Tutsi neighbors and friends turn to him
for protection. Reluctantly, Paul bribes a Rwandan army officer to allow him to bring them into the
hotel. As the violence worsens, the UN withdraws most of its peacekeeping force. Foreign
governments send in troops, but only to evacuate their own citizens. The international community
had abended the Tutsi people because they were African. Paul stays strong and through his
intelligence, connections, and courage, he manages to save not only himself and his family, but
also over 1,000 innocent people.

Left to Tell


Left to tell written by Immaculee

Ilibagiza is a personal account of her life
before, during and after the genocide. This
emotional faith filled narration is an enjoyable
and eye-opening read. Immaculee forgives
her enemies which is a major take away from
the book. It is proof that through the power of
God anything is possible. I would recommend
this book to anyone who is having trouble

In both the book and the movie the

terror of the genocide is present. The book
and the movie both deliver the theme of the
power of faith and courage. In Left to Tell,
Immaculee survives due to praying and never
giving up on God. In Hotel Rwanda, Paul
uses the power of courage to keep over one
thousand innocent Tutsis alive. Also, both
make it obvious that the international
communities did nothing to help stop the
mass killings. Both were a very good source
of information for people to learn and never

finding their relationship with God.

forget about the horrifying tragedy.

Immaculees life was dramatically

changed when she and seven other women
spent 91 days hiding in a small bathroom.
Instead of being angry about the situation,
Immaculee turned to God for help. Immaculee
went through a lot of suffering, but it payed off
in the end. When Immaculee turned her life to
God, she discovered her destiny in life. She
helped others and learned how to forgive her

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