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Dr Janna Thomas, Dr Chloe Nelson, Dr Elizabeth Bell, and Dr Sydney Hoover

Heads of Gene Slots

The Genetics and Public Policy Center
Yale University
2456 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 420

Mr. Robert and Mrs. Linda Shallow

555 Ponce de Leon ave
Atlanta, GA 30307
May 20, 2016

Formal Letter to Mrs. and Mr. Shallow

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Shallow:

We are writing to you about the prospects of your desired child. There are 2 attributes we are
able to change to your wishes. We can give this child the blond hair and make it to where she
does not inherit the anemia from Mrs. Shallow. Most of the things we can accomplish due to
both of you having the right DNA, we can do a screening, and alter the DNA to express the
desirable traits. Two of the traits wanted we need to do some extra procedures so it can happen.
What we can provide for the child is blond hair and lack of anemia. Since your family does not
have the DNA for blond hair anywhere on your pedigree, we need to perform gene therapy. Gene
therapy is whenever you alter the genes inside the body. We insert nucleic acid polymers into the
patients cells. Normally this is used to treat cancer and other diseases, for this this case we can
alter the genes so they will express blond hair. If we can extract the eggs of Mrs. Shallow and
perform the procedure on the egg in the best condition, we could give you a blond child. For
anemia, since Mr. Shallow does not possess the trait, we can make it to where the baby does not
contain the trait. We just need to pick an egg and sperm that possess the dominant alleles for
anemia, which will provide a healthy child. Now if this does not work out, and the child does end
up having anemia, there are possible blood transfusions that you can have done, which will give
the child healthy blood form a donor. For this they will extract the blood of a person with good,
clean blood, and doctors will proceed to put in an IV into the childs veins allowing the healthy
blood to enter her system. This may also help Mrs.Shallow with her anemia problem. For the

epilepsy problem, once again with messing with the dads genes we can provide an epilepsy free
child. This child will not have tay-sachs, as we can use a genetic screening and do procedures on
the genes so it is not expressed. She will not have klinefelters as it is only diagnosed in males.
All of the problems her parents have, like diabetes and high blood pressure will not be expressed
as we can alter the genes and change what they express. The total costs of all of the procedures
will be $5,410,250. All of the procedures that will get you youre ideal child will cost that much,
so you can think about whether or not you want to spend all of that money.

Dr. Chloe Nelson
Dr. Janna Thomas
Dr. Sydney Hoover
Dr. Elizabeth Bell

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