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Sandra Gngora

Philosophy of Technology
May 26, 16
In your rationale, please:

Define what you mean by technology

Technology is the large umbrella that encompasses scientific findings,

knowledge and progression of expressing and learning new things through

different ways. Technology is a very broad term, but when I think of the word
I think about it in the classroom context. This means that I think about
applications and tools such as phones, tablets and computers.

Articulate how technology does or does not fit within your theoretical
framework of teaching
When I think about how integration of technology would look like/fit in my

classroom I ask myself the question that Jennie Magiera poses in her TED
talk. Would integrating technology in my classroom for a particular
assignment make my lesson better? If the answer to this question is no, or it
wouldnt make a difference then I do not see its purpose. Technology is not
likely to have a qualitative impact on education unless it is deeply integrated
into the purposes and activities of the classroom (Sheingold 1991). The
Book Report video by jpaulrae asks what are the barriers to technology

integration. There are barriers that are attached to technology, therefore we

must ask ourselves: Does integrating technology outweigh those barriers? In
class we spoke about how teaching the tool as well as the content can be
overwhelming, therefore we must find a balance. For my specific content
area my goal is communication. There are hundreds of ways to use
technology in a way that would fit with my pedagogical framework.

Provide evidence that technology is effective/ineffective for learning

Technology can be effective in many ways. When thinking about this

question in an educational context the very first piece of evidence I can think
of is the conversation we had in class around the ability to translate through
numerous apps, including Google translate. Through this piece of technology
we are able to communicate with people from different places around the
world. This means that if I have students whose parents cannot speak
English, I have the tools to communicate with them as well making the
dynamic more inclusive regardless of the obstacles. Through the E-ATRC
(Ershig Assistive Technology Resource Center) we learned about hundreds of
ways technology can assist students with disAbilities. An example I can think
of is the app Remind, which can be used to text students and parents
reminding them of a homework assignment. This can be beneficial to
students with ADHD who endure forgetfulness. Another resource is a
microphone that can be used in the classroom. Students with and without
disAbilities can benefit from this. Once again, students with ADHD are often

easily distracted and through the usage of the microphone, we can subtly
retain their attention.
Just as technology can be effective, it can be dangerous. The StopBullying
website states that, Cyber bullying happens when kids bully each other
through electronic technology. This is an issue that is happening in every
school across this nation. Before integrating technology into our classrooms
we must think about ways in which we can teach digital citizenship and its
importance. There are many layers around digital citizenship but as the
teacher this is by far my biggest concern in regards to using technology in
my classroom. How can I get my students to respect each other, behave
ethnically, and protect themselves all while positively learning the content?

Indicate any circumstances where technology should or should not be

used, and why
I believe that technology should be used in the classroom if it is

appropriate for the lesson and if it makes the lesson better. We should not
use technology for the sake of using it. There must be a purpose behind the
decision. I think that technology should be an option when expressing new
knowledge. For example, instead of using a test to assess learning, we can
give students the option to create a website instead.
Another example in which using technology in the classroom can be
beneficial is when students are exploring controversial topics. Through online

databases we can find peer reviewed perspectives hence broadening our

horizons and perspectives, especially when learning another language. For
example, I will be teaching French and Spanish. Online, we can explore the
culture and language through native speakers via videos, articles, eBooks,

Describe how technology can facilitate or be a barrier to family

I know that through personal experience my parents grew concerned in

regards to how much of my time was being consumed in front of a screen.

The song by TEX APPEAL music expressed how many peoples lives revolve
around the Internet. The song says that from the moment we wake up, we
check our Facebook or social media all the way until it being the last thing
we do before going to bed. But what I have found is that it is through
technology that I am able to stay in touch with my parents now that I am
away and in college. Through Facebook, Whatsapp, and email we are able to
send photos and message each other, facilitating the fact that we are far
from each other.
Also, I grew up translating everything for my parents, including papers
the school would send home with me. This is an added responsibility that
comes with having been raised in a Spanish speaking home in the United
States by parents who did not speak English. As I previously mentioned there

are ways to be more inclusive in schools now through the usage of

technology and translating recourses. In the article, Empowering Parents
Through Technology we see the inequity gap in regards to having access to
technology in the home. Homes with lower income are unlikely to have
access to technology. In addition, 19% of high school dropouts were Hispanic
(in 2008), making us the most likely to drop out. Hispanics are also reported
to use the Internet the least amount in the household. I think its important
to take these facts into consideration when asking students to use
technology. Questions such as: How familiar are these students with
technology? If I were to assign X task for homework, then who would have
access to complete the assignment? Technology is an equity issue as well.
While it can be beneficial, it can also further hinder students from reaching
the academic standards.

Book Report. (n.d.). Retrieved May 26, 2016, from
C. (2011). CONJUNTO CALIFAS Put It On Facebook.mp4. Retrieved May 26,
2016, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8wbfsO1jPo
Cyberbullying. (n.d.). Retrieved May 26, 2016, from

Empowering Parents Through Technology. (2007). The Children's Partnership,

7, 1-16. Retrieved May 26, 2016.
C. (2015). Jennie Magiera: Beware the Transformation Trap: Making
Meaningful Change. Retrieved May 26, 2016, from

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