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0 20 2 2 23 24 25 JA: JA: JA: pe: be: TAPED TRANSCRIPT OF MR, DOMINIC CASEY INTERVIEW CONDUCTED BY SERGEANT JOHN ALLEN. CASE NUMBER ~ 08-7477 JANUARY 7, 2008 JA~ SERGEANT JOHN ALLEN NS SPECIAL AGENT NICHOLAS SAVAGE BC - BRAD CONWAY, ESQUIRE bc —MR, DOMINIC CASEY Alright, today's dates uh, January the 7°, ub, 2009, The ime is approximately 4900 hours. Uhm, the uh the following willbe a taped interview regarding uh ‘case number 08-7477. Un, this is Sergeant John Allen, uh, withthe Orange County Shertf's Office. 'm at uh, 390 North Orange Avenue, suite 1630, uh, the lav office of Brad Conway. And also present uh in the oie fs uh, Atformey Brad Conway, uh, Special Agent Nick Savage ofthe uh, FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), and uh, Dominic Casey, Alright, Domini, ean you raise your right and for me? Do you swear and affim the statement you're going tommake willbe true and correct? Yes si. Ido. (Okay. Aight. Mr, Casey, uhm, you agreed to meet with us here at uh, uh, Mr. Conway's ofice to tak tous about uh, our investigation into the death of Caylee Anthony. Isthatconect? Thatis correct. ‘You understand yout being tape recorded? Yes, | do. 1 ‘casey, Dominie.11Case #08-74777166 20 2 2 2 2 25 JA: ve: Ja: ve: Ja: be: JA: De: Ja: be: sa: be: JA: pe: JA: ve: You have na issue with that, right? No sir, | do net. Okay, Mr. Conway, you understand that the interview's being taped? Yes sir (Okay. Alright uh, Dominic could you, uh, j.just kind of stat from the beginning, Uh, and, and uh, we, we've talked a litle bit about ths tp that you got out on uh, Uh, Subutban Drive, Can you kind of start from the beginning and just explain to Us Uh, uh, uh, you know, and tell us how you came to, to be out there searching? | was not out here, My, the beginning is this. There was a meet and greet on the Satuday morning at the command center. Saturday? Could you recall the date? November the 15". November the 15°? Okay. November the 15%. Okay. At the meet and greet. | was headed out to the meet and greet, And in Kiomarie Cruz's statement she stated that that was a hangout where they hung out, That was one thing in Kiomatie's statement that had not seen or verified, so | thought lon Saturday when | go to the meet and greet then I wil go ahead and run by there and, and just take a look at it and see if i's a hang out. Okay, this was. (Inaudible), this was uh this was Saturday morning that you were going to go by the meet, and greet? ‘The meet and greet began on Saturday at 10:00 am. 2 Casey, Dominic.11Case #08-7A777166 20 2 2 23 4 25 JA: ve: JA: be: JA: pe: JA: pe: JA: pe: JA: pe: JA: ve: JA: pe: JA: pe: kay, and that would have been November the The 15", 152 Okay Correct Alright, 0 you, you, uh, on the way to the meet and greet you decided to stop uh, you. to stop by uh Ireceived a ‘Suburban Drive | received atelephone call, What Ihad done, I had called James Hoover @ ‘couple days before and invited him, atthe request ofthe family, to be atthe meat and greet. Okay. So the arrangement was | would meet him at my office so that he could follow me

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