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1. She reads the newspaper every day. (Ella lee el peridico cada da)
2. We come to school by bus. (Nosotros vamos a la escuela en autobs)
3. You work very hard. (T trabajas muy duro)
4. She likes to sit in the sun. (A ella le gusta sentarse en el sol)
5. We play in the park every day. (Nosotros jugamos en el parque cada da)
6. He watches his son in the park. (l observa a su hijo en el parque)
7. We always try to arrive on time. (Nosotros siempre tratamos de llegar a
8. He always walks to school. (l siempre camina para ir a la escuela)
9. She does the work of two people. (Ella hace el trabajo de dos personas)
10. The dog chases the cat all around the house. (El perro persigue al gato por
toda la casa)
Frases negativas
11. We dont go to the movies every weekend. (Nosotros no vamos al cine
cada fin de semana)
12. She doesnt plays the piano every afternoon. (Ella no toca el piano cada
13. She doesnt kisses me every morning. (Ella no me besa cada maana)
14. You dont watch television every night. (T no ves televisin todas las

15. He doesnt carries the books in a briefcase. (l no lleva los libros en un

16. He doesnt enjoys his English class. (l no disfruta su clase de ingls)
17. The bus doesnt stops at the corner. (El autobs no se detiene en la esquina)
18. She doesnt wants to learn French. (Ella no quiere aprender francs)
19. He doesnt speaks German. (l no habla alemn)
20. She doesnt wishes to learn Italian. (Ella no desea aprender italiano)
21. The plane doesnt leaves from the airport at 8 oclock. (El avin no sale del
aeropuerto a las a 8)
Wh quiestin

What do you do yesterday night? Qu haces?


What are you thinking about? En qu ests pensando?


Which is the cheapest one? Cul es el ms barato?


Who is that woman? Quin es aquella mujer?


When are you going to study? Cundo estudiars?


When are you going to come for a visit? Cundo vas a venir a visitar?


Where are you? Dnde ests?


Why are you coming late? Por qu llegas tarde?


How much does it cost? Cunto cuesta esto?

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