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Your name: Carley Hall

Grade level for the activity: 9th Grade (can be adjusted for upper levels)
Content area (math, ELA, science, etc): World Language: Spanish
Integration model (TPACK or SAMR): Using The SAMR Model
Technologies integrated: For this activity, each child should be provided with a laptop
that has a video recording device available (suggest to use computer lab). Students will
need monitored internet access to search and post work, and also access to YouTube
and video making application.
Activity title: Communicating Abroad
Class demographics (describe your students):
- Middle class area
- No ELL students present
- Students have been enrolled in Spanish classes since the third grade (within district)
- Mix of Caucasian, African-American, and Hispanic students (60:20:10)
- Most on track with grades of Bs and higher
- Female/Male: 55/45
Activity overview (describe the activity): In this activity, Communicating Abroad,
students will research a Spanish speaking country (excluding Mexico challenge
yourself!) and find interesting facts they would like to discuss. They will have to use 2
different mediums (i.e: website, scholarly article/journal, video clip, music, etc.) to find
their information. They will then create a YouTube video of them talking in Spanish about
their facts. Furthermore, they will partner up with another student and create a

conversation piece to film as well. Students will upload videos to their webpage we have
been creating since the start of the year.
Activity goal (describe what the activity will accomplish): Communicating Abroad will
encourage the students to further their exploration of the Spanish language and culture.
This activity also challenges them to use the language out loud and converse in an
intellectual conversation with a partner. This will help to further develop their knowledge
of the language and culture of Spanish speaking countries, as well as grow their ability
to speak in a foreign language. The students will be able to expand their research
methods by using two different forms of media, and will be able to add to their personal
webpages. In doing this, they will get experience of creating videos and voice recordings
on the computer.
Standards covered (pick from State, CCSS, NGSS, etc): Michigan World Language
Standards: 1 Communication - Communication in Languages Other Than English: 1.1,
1.2, 1.3. https://www.michigan.gov/documents/mde/WLSB_206824_7.pdf
Procedure (describe the steps students will follow):
1) Students will obtain individual computers with video camera accessibility (try
computer lab or use class/school set)
2) Students will pick a Spanish speaking country BESIDES Mexico (make it a challenge)
3) Students will research the country they have chosen using a website, video, music, or
scholarly articles/journals, etc. They must find 3 facts they are interested in discussing.
4) Students will continue to research and find 3 more facts using a different media
source than they used in step 2 (i.e.: If I find my 3 facts in a Discovery Channel clip, I
have to find my next 3 facts some other way, such as a scholarly journal.)
5) Students will use a Microsoft Word document to type a sentence for each fact they
found. First in English, then translate to Spanish. Turn this into class website drop box.
6) Students will create/video themselves talking about their 6 facts in Spanish. Upload
to class YouTube account.
7) Find a partner in the class. Share facts.
8) Collaborate with partner to make a conversation involving each of your 6 facts.
Acknowledge similarities and differences. *Students may need help with this so make
sure to be attentive and helpful*. Type up and turn in on class website drop box. 6 facts
can be spoken about in English, the second half of video with other 6 facts should be
done in Spanish. **Extra Credit if whole video is done in Spanish!**
9) Record the partner conversation. This time, create it using effects, transitions,
pictures, etc. to make the video more appealing. Upload to class YouTube account.
10) Post on personal webpage.
What comes next?
11) Tomorrow students will post a reflection of this online experience on their personal
webpages and leave a comment on their peers posts.
Assessment (describe how you will assess student understanding): To asses students,
grade accuracy and full completion of Word documents turned in of individual facts in
English Spanish and the partner conversation. Watch videos posted and watch for

fluency and correct usage of verbs/verb agreement. See if student pushed themselves
and did not take the easy way out. Lastly, read their reflections posted on their
webpages. Reflections should show they have new knowledge of Spanish speaking
countries and have progressed with their confidence and comfortableness while
speaking the language.
Personal reflection (discuss how the activity you designed covers TPACK/SAMR
principles): I used the SAMR model for this lesson plan. For the S, Substitution, I am
having the students have only internet access and web browsing for research. This is
replacing books, notes, in class material that we would normally use. For the A,
Augmentation, I am having the students research online still, but they have to use a
different source/media other than what they used the first time for their first 3 facts. This
way, they are encouraged to search a little harder and not just stay on one site reading
from a paragraph. They have the choice to use music or video too! For the M,
Modification, they will use the facts they found from their research, and create a video of
them speaking. This is essentially the same task, but revamped with having to video
themselves. Finally, for the R, Redefinition, the student will pair and share with a
classmate and create together a script to read and videotape. But for this video, they will
have to go more into detail with effects, pictures, words on the screen, etc. This model
for this activity shows a progression of technology usage within both a research aspect
and a video making aspect. The enhancement of technology is shown through the
students using different methods of research and challenging themselves to go outside
the box. The transformation is transitioning from a script in Word, to a video, to a video
with more effects.

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