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The Garamond typeface was originally created by the French artisan Claude Gara- mond (1480-1561). The exact period of time of its invention is unknown, but it is known that it was desig- ned based on the romans of the typeface “Bembo”, created by Fran- cesco Griffo, around 1495. It is a 16th centur y inven- tion, then. Claude Garamond participated in the effer ves- cent moment of French typography , when many famed engravers were active, such as Granjon and Guillaume Le Bé. The romans of Gara- mond are more famous than its italics, but it is said that this typeface established the tradition “that the italic capitals should slope as the lower case does, rather than remain upright as Roman square capitals do”, as the Wikipedia informs. As for its classification, it is an old style serif typeface, consi- dered one of the most legible of its category , appropriate for use in print applications, and one of the most economic typefaces in ter ms of use of ink. Garamond conveys a sense of “solid tradition, yet still soft and attractive thanks to its elegantly rounded serifs and its diagonally emphasised strokes”, as it is stated in an article by linotype.com. | bumanist letters the Garamond SE ww. weagree.com.com www. tipografos.com en.wikipedia.org wun. linotype.com

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