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The 7 principles of Fearology

1. There are neither natural nor cyclical changes on earth. Therefore all measur
ed changes in nature are a trends and they are man made.
2. If its concentration is going up it is a bad thing and higher concentrations
of this thing will be the end of the world.
3. If its concentration is going down it is a good thing and if we run out of th
is thing it will be the end of the world.
4. All man made trends lead to catastrophic results for the environment and by e
xtension, the planet itself.
5. Scientists can save the planet because these catastrophic ends can be avoided
by human intervention prescribed by scientists.
6. Human intervention is necessary even if our science is flawed because humanit
y canâ t take the chance that we could be right.
7. We are the managers of nature and we must take care of the planet because it
canâ t take care of itself.

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