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Abdulla Ali

Art Gallery Manifesto

The purpose of this art gallery is to make the human observer realize the destruction he
or she is causing to the most attractive, majestic, and the most-giving creatures of
Earth. The messages hidden deep in the paintings and images in this gallery are meant
to provoke strong feelings for a change in the way we treat nature. These changes
could vary from personal changes to protests against governments and organizations
aimed to provide more projects for the environment. The picture timeline in this gallery
conveys the past, present, and predicts the future. Feelings of guilt and shamelessness
is meant to drive the viewer to start taking actions in preventing this devastating, empty
future. The viewer should consider following the steps below while looking at the gallery
in order to be moved by images.
1. Trade shoes with the trees that youre seeing.
2. Imagine youre a living creature, living, growing, and being nourished in
one specific place, physically unable to change location.
3. Imagine youre in that same place and a person comes and starts smoking
next to you.
4. Then a person comes and throws plastic food wrappers and garbage
around your area.
5. After that, Imagine a third person coming in and cutting you in half, and
taking every piece of your body
6. Think about how you would feel as a tree or a plant that cannot change its
position and therefore cannot get away from these horrifying actions.
7. Now think about what you would do if you were a human who was able to
8. Realize that people are the worst when it comes to taking care of the
We are part of the environment, and it is our job to keep it safe, clean, and unharmed.
This is not a call to stop producing paper and building houses. This project is meant to
give an idea of what we humans are doing and how we could be better and more
considerate of our actions. This also conveys a bigger picture for human interactions
with others. Generally speaking, we are greedy and selfish creatures, wanting only
whats good for us. This does not only relate to trees but also animals and everything
and everyone around us. Even to each other. Thats why it is extremely important for
people to realize how their actions are affecting their surroundings. In this project, its
mother-nature. Deciding to change this issue is the goal of this gallery.
Art is one of the best ways to promote change in a specific topic. As a curator, having a
specific topic or medium being accompanied by art delivers the most accurate emotions
and feelings intended. People and society are in a constant struggle express their inner

thoughts that are inexplicable by mere words. Thats why society tends to transition to
art and artistic crafts to communicate their purpose. However, people may still not be
understand this transition properly. Miscomprehension of this transition would lead to
arguments and disagreements that would discourage anyone else from expressing their
thoughts with art. Change is not always good, society can always encounter obstacles
in the way to progress but that is the beauty of human history. Ever since humans
existed, people consistently looked for more knowledge and progress. New knowledge
brings more bumps to society which sets us a few steps back but also puts us forward
as a society. on the way of progressing further in our world, and for that, several artists
fought their way against social norms and standards, to protest the negative aspects of
human progress throughout history, like wars and mayhem caused by the power
bestowed to people in privilege.

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