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Eled 4220

Task 3-Foldables
I chose to do the Pocket Book Foldable for this activity. It goes along
with the lessons that I did in task 2.

Respond to the following:

1. Think about the foldable that you made. How would you
assess students who had completed this foldable?
I would assess them by seeing if they did what I asked them to do. If
they had the extra little books in the pockets. I just thought about this
and how the students could make more little books for different books
writing down the who and what and the other ones so that they
wont forget parts of the story.
2. How does a foldable compare to a test or more traditional
way of demonstrating knowledge?
I think that the students do not feel the pressure when completing a
foldable like they do when completing a test. The students would be
showing me what they learned when they make the little booklets
discussing the who and what of the story that they read.
3. How successful do you think students would be at making
foldables? What would you need to do in order to help them to
be successful?
I think that they would be successful, especially after I show them
examples and how to do them. I would show them how to make the
pocket book foldable and the little booklets. Once they saw how to do
it once, then they would see how to make the next one if they need

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