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Grading Policies for Ms.

Zhangs AP Calculus AB Class

XZ-CalcAB-14/15 ver.

Grades are based on the standard scale:





















54 and below F

The breakdown of a semester grade is as follows:

1st marking period: 30%
2nd marking period: 30%
3rd marking period: 40%

The breakdown of a marking period grade is as follows:

40% Academic Tasks
60% Assessments

Academic Tasks:
Academic Tasks include homework assignments, AP Prep assignments, and activities. It plays one of important roles in
your success in this class.
Usually you will have homework assignment everyday and on weekends. Please do homework assignment on line papers
with your name, date, and lesson on the top of the 1st page AND with # of each problem labeled. It will be checked
at the end of each learning section. You can earn a maximum of 5 points from each checked homework assignment. I may
collect it without announcement ahead of time on its due day and grade a few problems, or we grade them together in class.
You can earn a maximum of 10 points from each collected/graded homework assignment. Work must be shown logically,
clearly and correctly in order to get full credit!
AP Prep assignments are for helping you to get ready for the multiple choice part of the AP Exam. I will collect them or
we grade them together in class at the end of each learning section. Work must be shown logically, clearly and correctly,
even for multiple choice questions, in order to get full credit of 4 to 6 points.
We will do activities to help you understand the concepts that you are learning in this course or to apply the knowledge
that you are learning in this course in real-life situations. Some activities take longer than others. I will let you know the
due day and the points you can earn from each activity when I assign it to you.

I expect you do well on each quiz or test so that you have better chance to do well on AP Calculus Exam. If you did
homework and fully understand what you have done in homework, you should be able to do reasonable well on quiz or test.
Usually a quiz will be given in the middle of a chapter and a test will be given upon completion of each chapter. You can earn
a maximum of 50 (or 60) points from a quiz and 100 points from a test. Students are allowed to retake an assessment
sometimes, but the highest grade on a retake assessment may be 80% of the original assessment grade. The retake
assessment is NOT exactly same as the original assessment!

Absence and late work: Absence seriously, I MEAN REALLY SERIESLY, affects your academic performance at this

level. Please make every effort to be in class daily. All make-up work should be done and turned in within three days after
you return from an absence in order to get full credit. If you were in class and you didnt do a given assignment, you are
allowed to make-up and turn it in as late work to get half of the points that you could earn when you turned it in on time.
Late work will not be accepted if it is late for more than three days.

Extra Credit: There will NOT be extra credit assignments. I expect you earn your grade by doing well on daily work and
regular quizzes/tests. But I will give extra credits for coming to get help from AP Calculus AB students during lunch time.

Cheating: Cheating will not be tolerated. For any cheating event, the student will be given a zero. Consequences also include
a phone call to your parents/guardian and a class suspension or a referral to the office.

Citizenship Grade: Your citizenship grade reflects your contribution to your classroom. An excellent citizen consistently
comes to class on time and prepared, and contributes to his/her classmates learning experience in positive ways.

Please keep ALL work for your record. Please check your grade online frequently so that you know where you
stand. Usually I up-date the grade book on every Friday. Please talk to me whenever you need help, or have
concerns about your grade.

Hope you have a successful year!

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