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Community Church


Summer 2016

Communion Sunday

SOS Summer of Service

The summer weeks fly by quickly. For many FCCers, the
official start will be participating in the Youth SOS
weekend (June 16-19). For many years our church has
supplied adults, youth, and leadership for this cooperative
outreach to the Michiana community. You are invited to
participate / pray / and attend the evening sessions at
Bethel College.
One of FCCs strengths is its intentional intergenerational
focus. This is seen on a weekly basis as children worship
with their parents during the first half of the service; it is
seen in the mixture of youth and adults at SOS; and it is
seen in the age mix on the worship team. The youth of
today are invited to minister alongside adults and learn
lessons derived from years of experience.

Sundays 9:30am & 11:00am

Jr Church @ Half Time Sundays
Other Activities as Announced

Worship Team

FCCs 28th Anniversary

VBS Vacation Bible School

As we move into the heart of the summer, FCC will be represented
in Nicaragua (July 2-8) as the Smiths and the Walts head to Isla de
Ometepe. While there they will encourage the Fritz missionary
family and minister in whatever ways directed. Please be in prayer.
VBS will be July 17-21 this year, right ahead of the Elkhart Country
4-H Fair. Each evening the kids will experience Bible lessons as we
transform the building into ancient Egypt. Always a highlight for
children and volunteers, you are encouraged to sign up your kids /
grandkids / and neighborhood children. And consider volunteering!
We will wrap up summer with our 2nd Annual Hog Roast (August
20th). This is an opportunity not only to hang out with FCCers, but to
invite unchurched friends to a non-threatening event.

Men on a Mission

Youth SOS

Kids Worshipping @ VBS

Birthday Girl

55540 Apple Rd @ McKinley



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