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Charter of the Colony of Mars

Helios 003 Mission

Ellen Landrum
Daniel Kim
Kalpak Mondal
Katherine Roybal

Common Goals
This missions goal is to travel to Mars, establish civilization, and learn more about the
planet as a whole. The Helios 003 Mission, in order to venture into the far reaches of
science, establish justice, insure safety, provide for the peoples needs, promote the
general welfare of resources, and secure the blessings of civilization to ourselves and
our posterity travel to this new frontier seeking an expansion of knowledge.

Rights of Citizens
Our citizens retain the right to vote on nominations for officials, be represented in court,
and have freedom of speech, press, religion, possessions, privacy, and information.

No littering or pollution, no natural gases, fossil fuels, or oil, no unrecyclable materials,
no murder, no stealing, no abuse or assault, no weapons, no destruction or
vandalization of property, no lying in court or in advertising, and no discrimination for
gender, race, financial status, or religion, and no eating or drinking extra rations.

Government System
The government system of elected officials will rely on representatives of trade, military,
education, construction, and interests of the people. This government will meet weekly
in the Town Hall, and each representative will present their business in turn, and a
group of randomly selected Jury from the civilians will help to vote unbiasedly.

The Keeping of Laws

The laws of the colony apply to the original four person mission team, as well as the
future masses. If a person litters or pollutes the dome, they will face deduction of one
ration item for the following day. If a person uses natural gases, fossil fuels, or oil, the
material will be confiscated, and the will not be allowed to handle any kind of energy. If a
person uses un-recyclable material, it will be confiscated. If a person murders another
person, they will have to do that persons work and provide for the family of that person.
If a person steals something from another person, they must replace the item and the
other person can choose something of theirs for their own, and if the victim does not
want any of the thief's possessions, the thief must do that persons work for how much
time is needed to pay off what they stole. If a person abuses or assaults another
person, they must provide for that person while they recover. If a person is caught with a
weapon, the weapon will be confiscated, and they will have to do community service. If
a person destructs or vandalizes property that is not their own, they must pay twice the
cost of the item, and fix the item. If a person lies in court, they face a fraction of the

convicts sentence. If a person lies in advertising, the advertisement will be taken down
and they will not be allowed to trade that item. If a person discriminates for gender, race,
financial status, or religion, they must provide their service or good free, and must do an
hour of community service for every stereotypical comment. If a person eats or drinks
extra rations, they must do the work of however many peoples rations they have eaten.

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