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The Book Thief Storyboard

Shot: Long Framing: Zoom

Font: Futura
and Piek
Size: 14px
Color: Black
on light

Shot: Medium

Hook: I will be sitting in

front of a bookshelf full of books
while holding a book with blank
pages to introduce the story to my
Duration: 8 sec

Duration: 7 sec
Transition: Cut

Framing: Tilt

Angle: Eye
Audio 1: Music

Angle: Eye

Shot: Long

Framing: ZoomIn


Camera will
slowly zoom into
an image of the
Grim reaper.
Narration read by

Duration: 7 sec
Transition: Cut

Camera slowly
zooms out of
the image of
Narration read
by me.

Angle: Eye
Audio 1: The narrator,

who turns out to be Death, introducing

Transition: Fade Audio 1: If you could

himself. He begins rather ominously,

write your lifes story, what would it say?

stating the fact that "you are going to die."

Would you be proud to let Death read it?

As he continues, he explains some of the

Audio 2: Church Bells

details of his work collecting people's souls

Framing: Zoom

Duration: 7 sec
Transition: Fade

Angle: Eye
Audio 1: Most of the

time, Death does not take too much notice of

humans or their lives on earth, but occasionally,
a soul here or there piques his interest. One such
girl is the main character of Liesel Meminger.

from their bodies.

Shot: Medium


Shot: Medium


Shot: Medium

Train will be a
Narrative read
by me.

Duration: 5 sec
Transition: Cut

Angle: Eye
Audio 1 The story is set

in Germany during World War II. Liesel's father

was taken away because of suspicions that he

Camera slowly
zooms out.
Narration read
by me.

Duration: 5 sec

Angle: Eye

Transition: Fade

Audio 1: Liesel

Duration: 5 sec

Angle: Eye

Nazi city
street will be
a moving
read by me.

Duration: 5 sec

Angle: Eye

Transition: Fade

steals her first book, The Gravediggers

furtive deed, Death labels her "the book thief."

funeral, Liesel says goodbye to her mother,

Handbook at the grave site of her brother.

Throughout the course of the story, Liesel steals

and travels to the home of Hans and Rosa

several other books and stays true to her

Liesel is on a train with her mother and brother;


This is when Death first takes notice of her, and

Framing: Tilt

Transition: Cut Audio 1: Seeing this

was a communist. At the beginning of the story,

during the journey, Liesel's little brother dies.

Shot: Long

Audio 1: After the

Hubermann, a middle-aged couple who

take her in, and play the role of her foster

The Book Thief Storyboard



Shot: Medium

Page: _______ of ________


Transition: Fade

Angle: Eye
Audio 1: Liesel

Duration: 5 sec
Transition: Cut


Duration: 5 sec

Audio 1: The first

book that Liesel reads is the one she stole from

death; each night, to distract her from her

the cemetery. Later, she steals another book

how to read.

Shot: Medium Framing: Zoom

Credits will
be scrolling
from the
bottom of the

Angle: Eye

Duration: 7 sec


Audio 1: Will

Transition: Fade

Germany? Read the book to find out

given a blank book, and Liesel begins writing

Shot: Long


Angle: Eye
Audio 1: Music

Duration: 5 sec

Angle: Eye

Transition: Cut Audio 1: Throughout

the story of her life, called The Book Thief. She

the story, Liesel makes many new friends

writes in the basement, and she's doing just this

and faces many losses due to the Nazis.

when Himmel Street is bombed.

Shot: Medium Framing: Tilt

Duration: 5 sec

Liesel and her loved ones survive Nazi

at a

Nazi book-burning rally.

zooms out.
read by me.

Angle: Eye

Transition: Fade Audio 1: Liesel is

has nightmares every night about her brother's

dreams, Hans tells her stories and teaches her

Narration read
by me.

Nazi book
burning will be
a moving
Narration read
by me.

zooms out
read by me.

Duration: 5 sec

Shot: Long

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