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Life of the School

(Anne.C, David, Yaz, Rachel, Kate and Nicole)

Discussion about where we are at, where we left off.

Where do we go from here?

2013 What did we do?
A team went to the introduction of the new curriculum. Planning days were arranged for
year levels to dabble with the new curriculum. Resources were bought but not necessarily
shown to all staff.

2014 What did we do?
Anne Victor visited the school to deliver scripture in service to the staff.
Amy planned with all year levels a unit of work in term 4. This worked well as then clusters
came together and shared what worked well and what didnt and particularly looking at
criteria sheets that outline whether achievement standards have been met.
Amy and teachers met to commence a scope and sequence across units of work
throughout the school.

2015 What can we do?
At a staff meeting David will ask each year level to complete what has worked in RE and
what hasnt worked in RE for their particular year level. From this David and the
committee can make future plans using the goals staff address within their PMIs. During
this staff meeting David ask each staff member to think of something they would like to
learn more about, know more, need help with etc. to write this on a post it note for David
to look at prioritising or using these ideas for future planning. An idea could be for staff
share ideas into different areas like religious curriculum, prayer, life of the school so that
we can plan more easily.
David to meet with each year level to look at term 1 units and to plan term 2 units of work
and to find relevant resources for teachers to use in week 8. Each year level will have a
two hour release opportunity
Look at introducing a small segment each staff meeting to tell staff about new religious
sites, ideas, resources.
Look at starting each week with a Monday morning welcome to the school week from
David with a prayer or thought followed by relaxation music to start our week by term 2.
Look at Holy week and the way in which we celebrate that within the school.

We will look at:
- Holy Thursday 2nd April at 8:30am (parents invited) for the crucifixion
- Easter Monday 20th April at 9am in the Church (parents invited) for the resurrection. David
will use his Mission group to run do this.

Whats coming up?
Tuesday, 24th March Mission Day
Thursday 2nd April Holy Thursday
Monday 20th April Easter Monday

Next Meetings Agenda
- Peace garden/Japanese Garden how are we utilising these spaces properly.
- Address what we need to look at to meet accreditation for 2016 whats our plan?
- Inclusion of school officers, secretarial staff to these Holy Days etc.
- Renegotiate Easter Raffle see David

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