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Rat genetics

standard recessive
dwarf recessive
manx likely recessive
odd eyed
curly tail (throwing this in because ive seen a breeder try and make it into something
that was never accepted)
ear types:
dumbo recessive
standard dominant
P-Black eyed (no dilution)
p-Pink eyes (black/brown diluted)
RBlack eyed (no dilution)
rRuby eyed (black/brown diluted)
coat types:
true hairless recessive
rex semi (incomplete) dominant (homozygous dominant results in patchwork hairless)
standard coat dominant
Satin recessive
Bristle Dominant (Br)
Teddy aka velveteen (incomplete) dominant.
health related risks:
Curly tail:
birthing difficulties. death in labor . proved to be semi dominant..
curly male X standard tail produced pups with a slightly less exaggerated curl.
breeder equated it to scoliosis.
<picture not from breeder. found image. no claims being made .
some of the mutations are born with bladder and bowel problems, fused back legs, back
legs that aren't working because of malformed skeletons and more. this also alters
balance and ability to regulate temperature. some reports of infertility. can be stumpy
(having a nub like a hamster) or grumpy having no tail at all. birthing difficulties in
Satins :

are known to have a higher risk of respiratory problems most rodent breeders will not
breed rats that have had respiratory problems as they believe this is allowing genetic
weakness to be bred in.
Double rex and hairless:
hairless females often fail to produce milk . hairless rats need aid as far as maintaining
warmth. if bred some people will place a lactating standard mother with a hairless so
that she can help nurse the pups. Double rex rats and rex will likely not have curling
whiskers as they are brittle and fall off.
many believed these to be poor rex rats but there were differentiations , hairless is a
the AFRA has a great list of genotypes on color:
react-text: 1598 http://www.afrma.org/ratgenpart3.htm /react-text
Color related issues:
BEW- black eyed white linked to weakened immune system, deafness. BEW occurs
when you breed for less color it is essentially a lucy animal (as i know snake owners will
get the short hand)
example animals some i have owned, fostered, housed and so on over the years.

Black eyed white patchwork double rex dumbo. solid white except for black eyes.
2 variations of Mink coat standard ears standard coat solid coloration.

Copper deficient false chocolate loosing baby fur. next to a

light blue.

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