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Feminist Legal Theories

Re Edith Haynes (1904)))

Liberal Feminism
Betty Friedan The Feminine Mystique (1963)
Psychologist who interviewed woman who were working in the second world war
and where forced to return to be housewives.
Exclusion of women and the promises of liberalism-- liberalism was not living up to
its own ideal.
Provisions where excluding women the living standards of men key concern of
liberal feminism (an emphasis on sameness).
Radical Feminism
Kate Millet Sexual Politics (1970)
Developed the concept of patriarchy (political and social system that favours men
by oppressing women, and those male subjects who can be assimilated to women
(Children, gays, elder men)
In the case of radical feminism there is a close relationship with Marxism, because
the look on society from a perspective of radical feminism can be explained through
false consciousness.
Believe the inequality between men and women is the root of all other inequalities.
Gender inequality must be eradicated to eradicate other inequalities.
Cultural Feminism
Carol Gilligan In a Different Voice
Worked with psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg, who was interested in the moral
evolution of individuals. Kohlberg was trying to understand at what moment when
we grow are we began to become concerned with justice and human rights.
Interviewed subjects in several countries believed if you were more concerned with
rights then your evolution was deeper and you were in different stages in the
evolution of moral character (real adulthood).
Concluded that Turkish and Mexicans are not as inherently moral as Americans etc.
Claimed they were evolutionary different morals.
Kohlberg believed Women are not as evolved about men, care less about rights.
Carol disagreed.

Carol explains that culturally women have been historically educated and
discriminated and it is time to acknowledge that the way by which women.

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