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Esta especializado en la herramienta de Anlisis de Ciclo de Vida. Presenta
demos para poder iniciarse, guas de soporte, a la vez que completas y variadas
bases de datos. Es adecuada para el departamento de diseo o i+D ya que
compara y analiza complejos productos descomponindolos en todos sus
materiales y procesos.
Herramienta especializada en software simplificado de anlisis de ciclo de vida
(ACV) y Huella de Carbono (HC) para productos. Especialmente indicado para
diseadores de productos y envases. Su manejo es sencillo.
Air.e LCA:
Permite incluir tanto ACV como Huella de Carbono. Se puede enfocar tanto en
productos como organizaciones. Es una potente interfaz grfica para el diseo de
ciclos de vida y mapa de procesos. Permite generar informes de verificacin y
grficos automticamente.
Open LCA:
Es un software libre, gratuito y multiplataforma para realizar completos anlisis de
ciclo de vida. Una herramienta que se lleva desarrollando desde 2006, y al ser
libre puedes modificar las caractersticas para adaptarlo a tus necesidades. Est
orientado al ACV pero tambin se puede realizar la Huella de carbono y del agua.
Dispone de una amplia gama de bases de datos.
Es una herramienta para el ACV y contiene todos los elementos necesarios para
modelar productos y sistemas. Se pueden construir modelos para cualquier
producto, balances de entrada y salida de emisiones, materiales y energa y
modificar los parmetros en cualquier momento. Posibilita escenarios de fin de
vida. Permite la exportacin de los datos.
Herramienta muy completa, flexible y potente pero algo difcil de utilizar. Permite
introducir informacin relativa a los costes, diagrama de flujos, procesos etc. La
introduccin de datos es similar a GaBi. Posibilita en cualquier momento
modificar los parmetros del ciclo de vida del producto. Posibilita el anlisis de fin
de vida y exportar la informacin.
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Ofrece datos de gran calidad y resultados transparentes. Refleja el ciclo de vida
completo, entradas y salidas, flujos entre procesos, etc. Tiene alta flexibilidad
respecto a los lmites del sistema. Posibilita tambin estudiar el ciclo de vida de
coste econmico. Se puede exportar la informacin.
Building for Environmental & Economic Sustainability (BEES)
BEES is a Windows TM -based software program aimed at designers, builders,
and product manufacturers. It provides a way to balance the environmental and
economic performance of building products. BEES measures the environmental
performance of building products by using an environmental life-cycle
assessment approach specified in the latest versions of ISO 14000 draft

1 Life Cycle Assessment Software, Tools and Databases

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Links to a variety of LCA software tools.

The Association of Plastics Manufacturers in Europe (APME)
APME publishes annual data on the consumption and recovery of plastics used in the main application
sector of packaging, building and construction, automotive and electric and electronic.
U.S. Life Cycle Inventory Database
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and its partners created the U.S. Life-Cycle Inventory












environmental impact. This database provides a cradle-to-grave accounting of the energy and material
flows into and out of the environment that are associated with producing a material, component, or
assembly. It's an online storeroom of data collected on commonly used materials, products, and
SimaPro Life Cycle Assessment Software
The new SimaPro 7 provides you with a professional tool to collect, analyze and monitor the
environmental performance of products and services. You can easily model and analyze complex life
cycles in a systematic and transparent way, following the ISO 14040 series recommendations.
Building for Environmental & Economic Sustainability (BEES)
BEES is a Windows TM -based software program aimed at designers, builders, and product
manufacturers. It provides a way to balance the environmental and economic performance of building
products. BEES measures the environmental performance of building products by using an
environmental life-cycle assessment approach specified in the latest versions of ISO 14000 draft
Athena Institute

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The Athena Institute is dedicated to sustainability of the built environment, a goal that can only be
achieved by meeting the building communitys need for better information and tools. From its
Canadian offices, and through its US affiliate, Athena Institute International, the not-for-profit Athena
organization undertakes and directs various research and development activities that make it possible
to factor environmental considerations into the design process from the conceptual stage onward. Try
their Impact Estimator for Buildings and EcoCalculator for Assemblies.
Building Life-Cycle Cost (BLCC)
Computer program that provides an economic analysis of proposed capital investments expected to
reduce long-term operating costs of buildings or building systems. BLCC complies with American
Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) standards related to building economics and NIST Handbook 135,
Life-Cycle Costing Manual for the Federal Energy Management Program.
The Boustead Model 5.0
The Boustead Model is an extensive database, in which data such as fuels and energy use, raw
materials requirements, solid, liquid and gaseous emissions are stored. It also includes software which
enables the user to manipulate data in the database and to select a suitable data presentation method
from a host of options.
Centre of Environmental Science (CML) - Leiden University. Chain Management by Life Cycle
Assessment (CMLCA) is a software tool that is intended to support the technical steps of the LCA
Eco-Indicator 99
Eco-Indicator 99 is a "damage oriented" impact assessment method with clearly detailed steps such as
fate, exposure, effect and damage analysis. A report containing a complete description of the
methodology, as well an overview of all damage (characterization) factors can be downloaded from the
web site link.
The ecoinvent Centre
The Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories central database of LCI data and life cycle impact
assessment (LCIA) methods data.
ECO-it 1.3
ECO-it comes with over 200 eco-indicator 99 scores for commonly used materials such as metals,
plastics, paper, board and glass, as well as production, transport, energy and waste treatment
processes. It calculates the environmental load of a product and shows which parts of the product
contribute most.
EcoScan 3.0
Ecoscan 3.0 analyzes the environmental impact and cost of products. The software tool can be used by
managers and engineers who implement EcoDesign in real life product development.
Economic Input-Output Life Cycle Assessment (EIOLCA)
This web site allows you to estimate the overall environmental impacts from producing a certain dollar
amount of any of 500 commodities or services in the United States. It will provide rough guidance on
the relative impacts of different types of products, materials, services, or industries with respect to
resource use and emissions throughout the U.S.
EPS 2000 Design System
EPS (Environmental Priority Strategies) is a life cycle impact assessment software for sustainable
product development.
GaBi 4 Software System and Databases

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by PE Europe GmbH and IKP University of Stuttgart. Different versions are available from educational
to professional use of Life Cycle Analysis to evaluate life cycle environmental, cost and social profiles of
products, processes and technologies. It contains comprehensive GaBi databases with worldwide
coverage as well as Ecoinvent data. A demo version is available for download.
GEMIS (Global Emission Model for Integrated Systems)
GEMIS is a life cycle analysis program and database for energy, material, and transport systems. The
GEMIS database offers information on fossil fuels, renewables, processes for electricity and heat, raw
materials, and transports. The GEMIS database can be downloaded for free from the web site link.
The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Transportation Technologies fuel-cycle model called GREET
(Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Transportation). It allows researchers to
evaluate various engine and fuel combinations on a consistent fuel-cycle basis.
IDEMAT is a tool for material selections in the design process. It provides a database with technical
information about materials, processes and components and allows the user to compare information. A
demo version can be downloaded from the web site link.
IVAM LCA Data 4.0
The IVAM Environmental Research database is a database to be used for environmental life cycle
assessment (LCA). It consists of about 1000 processes, leading to more than 300 materials. The data
can be used for LCA applications in various sectors.
Since 1992, LCAit has been used for the environmental assessment of products and processes. It
includes an impact assessment database, including characterization factors and weighting factors. A

demo version can be downloaded from the web site link.

The LCAPIX software combines LCA and Activity Based Costing (ABC) to help businesses assure
environmental compliance while assuring sustained profitability. It allows for a quantitative
measurement which can indicate the potential burden of any product. A demo version can be

downloaded from the web site link provided above.

MIET 3.0 - Missing Inventory Estimation Tool
MIET is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that enables LCA practitioners to estimate Life Cycle Inventory
(LCI) of missing flows that were truncated. MIET is based on the most up-to-date U.S. input-output
table and environmental data. MIET covers about 1,200 different environmental interventions including
air, water, industrial and agricultural soil emissions and resource use by various industrial sectors. MIET
can be downloaded for free from the web site link provided above after filling out a short

Software tool for corporate ecobalances and the improvement of corporate environmental performance

according to ISO14031. A demo version can be downloaded from the web site link provided above.
Competence Centre for Environmental Assessment of Product and Material Systems at Chalmers
University of Technology. This database contains detailed information on all types of freight transports,
energyware production, production of selected materials and waste management alternatives.
SPOLD Data Exchange Software

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by The Society for Promotion of Life-cycle Assessment. This software is used to create, edit, import
and export data in the SPOLD '99 format.
TEAM is a professional tool for evaluating the life cycle environmental and cost profiles of products
and technologies. It contains comprehensive database of over 600 modules with worldwide coverage.
Umberto - Life Cycle Assessment Software
Umberto serves to visualize material and energy flow systems. Data are taken from external
information systems or are newly modeled and calculated.
WISARD (Waste - Integrated Systems Assessment for Recovery and Disposal) is a LCA software tool to
help inform decision making and evaluate policy options concerning the disposal of household waste.
A free open source software, for modelling and assessing Life Cycle Assessment, with various import
and export options. A basic framework for life cycle assessment (LCA) calculation and two plugins will
be implemented, a format converter and an uncertainty module. The format converter serves to
convert relevant LCA data formats from one to the other, in a loss-less manner. The uncertainty
module will help to specify, calculate, visualise and interprete uncertainty in LCA product systems

Existen diferentes herramientas informticas que pueden facilitar el desarrollo de un estudio de Anlisis de Ciclo
de Vida, especialmente las fases de inventario, evaluacin de impactos e interpretacin de resultados.
Dos de las herramientas software ms utilizadas actualmente son SimaPro y GaBi, ambas pueden utilizarse para
evaluar cualquier tipo de producto o proceso y contienen bases de datos con informacin de inventario de ciclo
de vida de diversos productos y procesos. El uso de estos software est sujeto a diferentes tipos de licencia, de
coste variable, segn las caractersticas del usuario (profesional, estudiante, etc.).
Una alternativa interesante a los software comerciales es el proyecto OpenLCA que pretende desarrollar un
software modular gratuito y de cdigo abierto; el elemento central de OpenLCA permite desarrollar los clculos
de ACV, mientras que dos pluggins adicionales facilitan la conversin de diferentes formatos de datos de ACV,
por un lado, y el anlisis de la incertidumbre de los resultados, por el otro.

Este tipo de programa de uso general requiere sin embargo de un alto conocimiento de la metodologa de ACV,
mientras que existen otras herramientas especficas para el sector de la construccin como, por

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ejemplo, EcoCalculator, Bees o Elodie. Estas herramientas especficas tienen interfaces ms adaptadas a
facilitar la entrada de datos y la interpretacin de los resultados obtenidos.
Tanto las herramientas generales como las especficas requieren de la introduccin manual de datos por parte
del usuario, sin que por el momento se haya conseguido una transferencia de datos desde otros software
utilizados habitualmente por los profesionales del sector (como, por ejemplo, herramientas de simulacin del
consumo energtico durante el uso o de elaboracin de presupuestos).


Esta semana, gracias a un twitt de Ramn Rubio,

descubrimos OpenLCA, una herramienta profesional,
software libre, gratuita y multiplataforma para realizar
completos anlisis del ciclo de vida de un producto
desarrollada por los alemanes GreenDelta.

#openlca An open source life cycle assessment. Great! New tool for
Ramon Rubio @ramonrubio74
the #aulaeco #uniovihttp://www.openlca.org
22:56 - 16 ago 2013

Se lleva desarrollando desde 2006, por lo que es un software

joven y con mucho futuro por delante.
Como caractersticas reseables tenemos:
Es Software Libre, con licencia MPL (Mozilla Public
License), cumple completamente con la definicin de software
de cdigo abierto de la Open Source Initiative (OSI) y con las
cuatro libertades del software libre enunciadas por la Free
Software Foundation (FSF), es decir, puedes usar el programa
para cualquier propsito, estudiar cmo funciona y
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modificarlo para adaptarlo a tus necesidades, puedes distribuir

copias del programa y puedes mejorar el programa y hacer
pblicas esas mejoras a los dems, de modo que toda la
comunidad se beneficie.
Es gratuito, no requiere un pago por licencia de uso.
Es multiplataforma, la aplicacin funciona en Windows,
MacOS y Linux.
No requiere estar conectado a internet.
Est orientado a realizar Anlisis del Ciclo de vida de un
producto y de la huella de carbono y del agua, pero adems da
la posibilidad de desarrollar, entre otras posibilidades,
modelos econmicos.
Es un sistema modular al que se le pueden aadir plugins
para ampliar sus caractersticas.
Dispone de la seleccin ms amplia de bases de datos
disponibles: Bsicamente, cualquier base de datos en formato
de datos EcoSpold o ILCD se puede importar y utilizar en
OpenLCA. Hay muchas bases de datos gratuitas disponibles,
pero tambin ofrecen las bases de datos no
libres GaBi y Ecoinvent, bajo pago por licencia de uso. Esto es
en la actualidad la seleccin ms amplia de datos disponible
en cualquier software de LCA, en todo el mundo.
Tiene interesantes caractersticas de compatibilidad con otros
programas, ya que dispone de una extensinque permite
exportar e importar anlisis entre las ms importantes y usadas
aplicaciones del sector.
El proyecto est apoyado por el 7 Programa Marco de la
Union Europea, estando integrado en el proyectoProsuite.
Adrin Garca

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1.1 ECO-IT.-






Esta herramienta software permite simular el comportamiento ambiental de un producto a lo largo de su Ciclo
de vida y a partir de ello, obtener su Anlisis de Ciclo de Vida simplificado basado en la metodologa RECIPE,
as como su Huella de Carbono basado en valores IPCC de kg eq de CO2.

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