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Gilles Dauv

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Gilles Dauv (pen name Jean Barrot; born 1947) is a French political theorist, sch
ool teacher, and translator[1] associated with left communism and the contempora
ry tendency of communization.
1 Biography
2 Bibliography
2.1 In English
2.2 In French
3 See also
4 References
5 Bibliography
6 External Links
In collaboration with other left communists such as Franois Martin and Karl Nesic
, Dauv has attempted to fuse, critique, and develop different left communist curr
ents, most notably the Italian movement associated with Amadeo Bordiga (and its
heretical journal Invariance), German-Dutch council communism, and the French pe
rspectives associated with Socialisme ou Barbarie and the Situationist Internati
onal.[2] He has focused on theoretical discussions of economic issues concerning
the controversial failure of Second International Marxism (including both Socia
l Democracy and Leninist Communism), the global revolutionary upsurge of the 196
0s and its subsequent dissolution, and on developments in global capitalist accu
mulation and class struggle.
Among English-speaking communists and anarchists, Dauv is best known for his Ecli
pse and Re-emergence of the Communist Movement, first published by Black & Red P
ress (Detroit, Michigan) in 1974 and Critique of the Situationist International,
first published in Red Eye, Berkeley, California. An essay from the first pamph
let, and the whole of the second article, were reprinted by Unpopular Books in L
ondon as What is Communism (1983) and What is Situationism respectively, in 1987
. The first pamphlet was reprinted with a new foreword in 1997 by Antagonism (Lo
ndon). It includes Dauv's own translations of two of his articles and one by Frano
is Martin, both originally published in Le Mouvement Communiste at the Wayback M
achine (archived October 28, 2009) (Paris: Champ Libre, 1972). These articles de
velop Bordiga's critique of Second International productivism in light of Marx's
writings on formal and real subsumption and the global uprisings of 1968, and r
evise Bordiga's theory of communization by drawing on council communist and Situ
ationist traditions.

Dauv also participated in the journal La Banquise, which he edited with Karl Nesi
c and others from 1983 to 1986. This sought to develop the new communist program
suggested in Le Mouvement Communiste through a critical appraisal of post-1968
radical politics, including Situationist and autonomist experiments. It also dev
eloped the theory of society's real subsumption into capital. The editors descri
be their aims and influences in The Story of Our Origins at the Wayback Machine
(archived October 28, 2009) (La Banquise, 2, 1983).
More recently, Dauv, along with Nesic and others, has published the irregular jou
rnal Troploin, featuring articles on the collapse of both Leninist and Keynesian
regimes of accumulation and the transition to "globalized" neoliberal expansion
, the Middle Eastern conflicts, September 11, and the rhetoric and logic of the
War on Terrorism. Many have been translated into English by Dauv himself and are
archived on the Troploin website, [1].
In English
Eclipse and Re-emergence of the Communist Movement Jean Barrot et Franois Mar
tin (alias de Franois Cerutti), Black & Red Press (Detroit, Michigan), 1974[3] .[
Critique of the Situationist International at the Wayback Machine (archived
October 28, 2009), 1979
The Story of Our Origins at the Wayback Machine (archived October 28, 2009)
The Perplexities of the Middle Eastern Conflict
Grey September (on the issues raised after September 11, 2001, with Carasso
and Nesic)
Back to the Situationist International
In French
Jean Barrot, Le Mouvement communiste, Champ Libre, 1972.
Jean Barrot, Communisme et question russe, La Tte de feuilles, 1972.
Jean Barrot, La Gauche communiste en Allemagne, 1918-1921, Payot, 1976.
Jean Barrot, Bilan, Contre-rvolution en Espagne 1936-1939, Paris, U.G.E. 10/1
8, 1979.( tlchargeable cf. liens externes)
Collectif, Libertaires et ultra-gauche contre le ngationnisme, prf. Gilles Per
rault, ill. Tony Johannot, contributions de Pierre Rabcor, Franois-Georges Lavacq
uerie, Serge Quadruppani, Gilles Dauv, en annexe : Les Ennemis de nos ennemis ne
sont pas forcment nos amis (mai 1992), Paris, Rflex, 1996.
Gilles Dauv, Banlieue molle, HB ditions, 1997
Gilles Dauv, Quand meurent les Insurrections, ADEL, 1999
Denis Authier, Gilles Dauv, Ni parlement, ni syndicats : Les conseils ouvrier
s !, Les Nuits rouges, 2003
Gilles Dauv, Karl Nesic, Au-del de la dmocratie, L'Harmattan, 2009
See also
"PM Press Author: Gilles Dauv". PM Press. Retrieved May 23, 2016.
"The text surveys the Italian and German lefts, Socialisme Ou Barbarie and the S
ituationist International and describes the theoretical development of the Frenc
h ultra-left."Re-collecting our past - La Banquise
rtin". www.reocities.com.
"Eclipse and Re-Emergence of the Communist Movement". libcom.org.

Communisme et Question Russe, (1972), Futur Anterieur (includes the essay 'C
apitalisme et communisme' translated in Eclipse and re-emergence of the Communis
t Movement
External Links

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