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Falcon Breeding Areas


www. b r y a i r. c o m

FFPs Frequently Faced Problems

In Falcon Breeding Areas, fresh air is introduced to offset the contaminants
generated by the birds and their surrounding. Humidity present in the fresh air
affects the mortality rate of Falcons during breeding.

General Recommendations
The Falcon Breeding Areas need to be maintained at a temperature of 3 to 4C
@ 35+5% RH.

Our Solutions
The Background
Falcon House in Al-Ain, U.A.E is a project involved in Falcon Conservation and
Breeding. The President of UAE, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nayhan, an avid
environmentalist is financing this scientific program to ensure the survival of ancient art of Falconry. The breeding
area is housed in a controlled environment of reduced oxygen, increased carbon dioxide and vapor content. Fresh
air is introduced in the area @100cfm per room to offset the contaminants generated by the birds and their
surrounding like methane, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia added by decomposing waste, animal activities, air
movement and microscopic dust particle from feed, bedding, and fecal material. The breeding facility need to be
maintained at a temperature of 3 to 4C @ 35+5% RH. Moisture present in the fresh air being introduced did not
allow required humidity conditions to be maintained.

The solution provided by Bry-Air was to install a customized desiccant dehumidifier with pre and post cooling,
Model-MVB 10 B with fan coil units in each room to re-circulate the air to maintain the desired temperature.
It is believed that Arabs have hunted
with Falcons for the past 2,000 years. Symbolizing bravery, Falcons are famous for their very keen eyesight; when
soaring high in the sky, they can spot any movement of the prey more than 1 mile away. The cost of a Falcon
depends upon its strength, age, clarity of eyesight and speed of movement. The price of a Falcon ranges from $330
to $330,000. Facing extinction the Falcon is an endangered species. Many projects have been initiated by the UAE
government to support Arab falconry, which includes breeding pure lines of Saker Falcons.

Modified on: 01st August 2011

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