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Introduction of Materials

Science & Engineering

Fundamentals of Materials Science & Engineering; An Integrated

approach, Callister, W. D, Jr, 2008, John Wiley & Sons

The earliest humans had access to only a

very limited number of materials that
occur natural stone, wood, clay, skins,
and so on
With time they discovered techniques for
producing materials that had properties
superior to those of the natural e.g.
pottery and various metals.
discovered that: the properties of a
material could be altered by heat
treatments, process and by the addition of
other substances
Better understand relationships between
the structural elements of materials and
their properties.

Solid material properties

Six categories: mechanical,
electrical, thermal, magnetic,
optical, and deteriorative.
Mechanical properties relate
deformation to an applied load
or force; examples include
elastic modulus and strength.
Electrical properties, such as
electrical conductivity and
dielectric constant, the stimulus
is an electric eld.
Thermal behavior of solids can
be represented in terms of heat
capacity and thermal

Magnetic properties
demonstrate the
response of a material to
the application of a
magnetic eld.
Optical properties, the
stimulus is
electromagnetic or light
characteristics relate to
the chemical reactivity of

Classication of materials
classications of solid materials based
primarily on chemical makeup and atomic
structure: metals, ceramics, and polymers.
In addition, there are the composites,
combinations of two or more of the above
three basic material classes.
Another classication is advanced materials
those used in high-technology applications
viz. semiconductors, biomaterials, smart
materials, and nanoengineered materials;

Atomic Structure
Each atom consists of a very small nucleus composed
of protons and neutrons, which is encircled by moving
Both electrons and protons are electrically charged,
the charge magnitude being 1.60 10-19 C, which is
negative in sign for electrons and positive for protons;
neutrons are electrically neutral.
protons and neutrons have approximately the same
mass, 1.67 10-27 kg, which is signicantly larger than
that of an electron, 9.11 10-31 kg
Each chemical element is characterized by the
number of protons in the nucleus, or the atomic
For an electrically neutral or complete atom, the
atomic number also equals the number of electrons
atomic mass (A) may be expressed as the sum of
the masses of protons and neutrons within the

Electrons in atoms
Bohr atomic model
assumed electrons to revolve
around the atomic nucleus in
discrete orbitals
describe electrons in atoms in
terms of both position (electron
orbitals) and energy (quantized
energy levels)
An electron may change energy
by jumping either to an allowed
higher energy (with absorption of
energy) or to a lower energy (with
emission of energy).

Wave mechanical model:

the smaller the principal quantum
number, the lower the energy
level (energy: a 1s << 2s state
within each shell, the energy of a
subshell level increases with the
value of the l quantum number.
(the energy: 3d >> 3p >> 3s)
there may be overlap in energy of
a state in one shell with states in
an adjacent shell, which is
especially true of d and f states
(energy:3d >> 4s)

Electron conguration
electron conguration or structure the manner in
which an atom states are occupied
electron states: values of energy that are permitted for
Pauli exclusion principle: electron state can hold no more
than two electrons, which must have opposite spins.
Thus, s, p, d, and f subshells may each accommodate,
respectively, a total of 2, 6, 10, and 14 electrons
the electrons ll up the lowest possible energy states in the
electron shells and subshells, two electrons (having opposite
spins) per state.
When all the electrons occupy the lowest possible energies in
accord with the foregoing restrictions, an atom is said to be in
its ground state.

the number of electrons that occupy the
outermost shell, usually, in the s and p energy
The valence of an atom is the number of electrons
in an atom that participate in bonding or chemical
atoms have stable electron congurations when
the outermost or valence electron shell are
completely lled.
Normally this corresponds to the occupation of just
the s and p states for the outermost shell by a total
of eight electrons, as in neon, argon, and krypton,
exception is helium (two 1s electrons).
These elements are the inert & unreactive
Some atoms of the elements that have unlled
valence shells assume stable electron
congurations by gaining or losing electrons to form
charged ions, or by sharing electrons with other

Electropositive &
electropositive elements they are capable of giving up their
few valence electrons to become positively charged ions
atom with nearly empty outer levelssuch as sodiumreadily give
up electrons and have low electronegativity.
Electronegative they readily accept electrons to form
negatively charged ions, or sometimes they share electrons with
other atoms.
Atoms are more likely to accept electrons if their outer shells are
almost full
Electronegativity (e greed) the tendency of an atom to gain an
electron; the power of atom to attract electrons to itself
Atoms with almost completely lled outer energy levelssuch as
chlorineare strongly electronegative and readily accept electrons.
As a general rule, electronegativity increases in moving from left to
right and from bottom to top.

Atomic Bonding
The number of covalent bonds is determined by the number of
valence electrons
the degree of either bond type depends on the relative positions of
the constituent atoms in the periodic table or the difference in their
The wider the separation (both horizontally and vertically) from the
lower left to the upper-right-hand corner (i.e.,the greater the
difference in electronegativity) in general the more ionic the
Conversely, the closer the atoms are together (i.e., the smaller the
difference in electronegativity), the greater the degree of covalency.
If the electronegativity difference between them (x)is large
(indicating 1 element is greedier than other), e attracted to the
more electronegative element ion attract each other
In general x > 1.7 ionic
x < 1.7 covalent


When one atom may donate its valence electrons to a different

atom, lling the outer energy shell of the second atom
Both atoms now have lled/emptied outer energy levels, but both
have acquired an electrical charge and behave as ions.
The atom that contributes the electrons is left with a net positive
charge and is called a cation, while the atom that accepts the
electrons acquires a net negative charge and is called an anion.
The oppositely charged ions are then attracted to one another
and produce the ionic bond.

Occured by transfer electron;

form between very active metallic & non metallic elements
all the atoms acquire stable or inert gas congurations and,
in addition, an electrical charge
Atoms of a metallic element easily give up their valence
electrons to the nonmetallic atoms
to form AX ionic bonding, A loses e easily, X accepts e
without too much energy input
It follows that for ionic materials to be stable, all positive
ions must have as nearest neighbors negatively charged
ions in a three dimensional scheme, and vice versa
The predominant bonding in ceramic materials is ionic
High bonding energy is reected in high melting

the sharing of covalent bonding electrons between adjacent atoms.
Two atoms will each contribute at least one electron to the bond, and the shared
electrons may be considered to belong to both atoms.
forms when atoms have the same electronegativity energies of bonding
electrons of A & X are comparable
If the electron energy of the atoms is different transfer energy (ionic bonding)
Each instance of sharing represents one covalent bond
e.g: C atom, has four valence electrons, whereas each of the four hydrogen atoms
has a single valence electron; obtains eight electrons in its outer energy shell by
sharing its electrons with four surrounding H atoms each C atom is bonded to 4
neighboring atoms by 4 covalent bonds
Many nonmetallic elemental molecules (H2, Cl2, F2 etc) as well as molecules
containing dissimilar atoms, such as CH4,H2O, HNO3, and HF, are covalently

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