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SYNOPSIS ..................................................................................................................................................

CHAPTER 1: Life Headed No Where .................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER 2: Getting Rid Of Everything ................................................................................................ 5
CHAPTER 3: The Misuse of Sex and Masturbation .............................................................................. 6
CHAPTER 4: Throw Away Your Past ..................................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER 5: The Cash Mountain.......................................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER 6: Create Your Circle Of Relationships ................................................................................. 9
Chapter : The Rebirth ................................................................................................................... 10
THANK YOU ............................................................................................................................................ 11

Good, you're reading this, which means you did me a big favor, and you're in store for a real treat by
downloading this cheat sheet.
This is the predecessor to Doing the Complete Opposite: Reversing Your Lifestyle. I feel like I did the
opposite by not putting this out first, to give you the idea, before I unload a massive amount of great
(gold nuggets you can actually use) information.
These excerpts I took out, is only a small piece of what the entire book has to offer. You guys wanted
answers, and I did my best to give them to you. You know, the life questions that everyone face, but
seems like are hidden from us.
When you scroll down, you will see that this cheat sheet contains portions from the E book. I want to
provide you an appetizer before the grand feast. When you are finish reading this (which should not
take too long), go ahead and check out the main course.
There is no point in wasting time reading something, if it is not beneficial to your life. This is why Doing
the Complete Opposite was created, for each page to solve a problem, and not to waste your time.
When you close out of this electronic book, watch the gears, and thought process in your head, begin to

Let's Party.

Your time should be considered more precious then gold. How long will you continue to waste it away at a job
you hate? Do you understand that you trade your time for a pay-check that barely sustains you?
Will you be in the same place in your life if you put in one to two hours toward your goal versus not doing
anything? It is not a fast process but taking baby steps toward your goal will get you where you want to be.
The funny thing about life is that time moves very quickly, and if you use it to your advantage and work bit by bit
each day, you will be surprised how time rewards you.
Time does not reward you if you remain idle, going by the same routine working at a place you dislike. That goes
back to the negative patterns, and if you stay in that state long enough, it is almost impossible to escape.
Newton Law's states that every motion in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion.
Humans, animals, and nature are all moving. The thing about humans is that we are either moving in a positive
motion or a negative motion.
With enough time, if humans are not using their brains to create or to be in a positive state, then the complete
opposite of motion happens.
Your brain will kick out positive and fill it with negative thoughts and destructive habits.
Newton's Law suggest that with positive thinking, negativity will not conquer your thought process.
Is the time that you spend on this earth worth a futile check or is your time more precious then that?
Your time needs to be invested in yourself, not in a company that will never make you the C.E.O.
Do you really believe the C.E.O will put you in a position where you are his competition?
Your best investment is YOURSELF!

The Natives Americans respected the buffalo. They understood to only hunt them when needed. They never
wasted anything on the buffalo. From the meat, fur, even to the hooves they used every piece of it. They
understood the value of not wasting and not killing for sport. They respected what was given to them and only
used what they needed.
The buffalo was so sacred to the natives that the buffalo became part of their religion. The hides were used for
tent (tipi) walls and for clothing. The sinews from the neck made thread for the bowstrings. The bones were used
to make spears, knives, and other useful tools. The ribs were used for sleds. The stomach was used as water
containers. The hair was made into ropes. Hooves were made into glue and the fat was used for soap. Even the
dung, when sun dried, was used to fuel a fire.
you have to accept this way of life if you want to find such success. If there is anything in your house that is not
being used, either sell it, pawn it, or trash it.
Only keep it if you use it on a daily basis. This does two things on your journey. For one, it teaches humility and
the appreciation for the things you already have and shows you that most of the things you own hold no purpose.
Second, it opens the doors for the things that are about to come, not materials, but the unseen things that are
soon to come on your journey. Those things that are working in your life without you even seeing or knowing
they're working in the background.

Here is the check list that you are abusing sex or addicted to porn and masturbation. There is a cure and I will
show you and the great thing about the cure is you don't have to purchase anything. It only takes a strong will
and desire. The mastery over yourself.

Erectile dysfunction (not able to get an erection) with a new or old partner

Losing erection while attempting penetration

Declining sexual arousal with sexual partner

Decreasing sensitivity in penis

Difficulty reaching orgasm with partner

Only total erect when close to climax

If you are experiencing these things and don't know why, it is because you are masturbating to pornography or
over indulging in masturbation. You need to ELIMINATE both of these. Only in this digital age of computers have
we ever experience this, and that is the reason why your brain is very confused. Your brain believes these porn
women are real and that is why your brain and penis cannot function right when you are around real women.
Porn causes erectile dysfunction; there is nothing wrong with you when you don't experience an erection around
women. Your brain has been rewired after the years of abuse you put on it, confusing it.

Walt Disney( I'm pretty sure you're familiar with that name) in 1922 started his first film company with a friend
of his. The company was called Laugh-O-Gram, where Disney and his friend made cartoons and advertising films.
Disney signed a deal with a company based in New York to distribute the films he was producing. The New York
company ended up robbing Disney. When this happened Disney went bankrupt in 1923. Disney did not let that
stop him; he went to Hollywood where in 1928 he would introduce the world to Mickey Mouse.
Milton Hershey's emphasis on the Hershey did not have a formal education he started his own business in 1876.
Six years into the business his shop failed. He went back home to Lancaster where he reformatted his plans. He
ended up founding the Lancaster Caramel Company. He sold the company in 1900 for one million dollars so he
could work on a milk chocolate formula that will later be known as the Hershey bar and as we all know, this bar
is in almost every business across the nation and world.
One of life's secrets that only a few can understand is there is always a window of opportunity when it comes to
failure, reason being is that most failures are only temporary, yet come with an hidden solution. The majority of
people on Earth, if they would only fight through and study the failure and continue to strive toward the goal,
would realize that success was right around the corner.

When foreigners come to America, it takes them only a few years to acquire wealth while people born here are
in the same position as they were a few years back.
With little to no money and barely speaking English, these immigrants end up capitalizing in our market quickly.
These guys are in worse positions than you so what is your excuse again? How can foreigners who have nothing
surpass most Americans in only a few years?
The ANSWER to this enigma is foreigners come here to make money while we are taught to do what we love.
They could care less about doing what they love, if it makes money; they are in it for the long haul. That's why
you see certain races of foreigners doing the same jobs once they get here; they stick with what works. You rarely
see them divert away to something different.

Temujin, better known as Genghis Khan, put together the Mongol Empire, which was the largest empire in
existence. He became the worlds' most famous conqueror by uniting all the nomad tribes of Northeast Asia. He
accomplished this by promising tribe leaders treasures from their enemies. Through his impressive will, non-stop
dedication, and drive, he conquered more territory then anyone who has ever lived.
Legendary mythological King Arthur became famous when he pulled the sword Excalibur out the stone but he
understood that he needed help to defend his kingdom. This is when he chose the Knights of the Round Table.
These were the most skillful and moral knights in the kingdom. The table was round because King Arthur
understood that everyone should be considered/feel equal, therefore the table was not rectangle.
Fast forward to modern times. Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc. and CEO of Pixar Studios. Apple has
produced the best technology the world has ever seen, yet in the beginning, Steve Jobs did not come up with
this power-house company on his own. He had the help of his long-time friend Steve Wozniak. Apple was
founded in 1976 by the two and just a year later, they became successful with the debut of the Apple II computer.
All these renowned men had something in common. They knew their desires and chased after them even if
failure arrived and used the hidden power of an alliance to take them to the next level to conquer and create
their own world.

A cocoon can be dark. It is just like the world at times. The caterpillar in the metamorphosis stage knows things
will get dark before they become lighter. It knows that once it for goes the changes, it's entire look and existence
will change. No more crawling on the ground, but taking a beautiful flight.
It takes the Monarch butterfly about two weeks to make a transformation. At the minimum, it takes a human
being two months to form a new habit.
If you are all ready to do the complete opposite of what you've been doing, eliminating the mistakes from your
life so you can achieve your desires, you will go through stages.

Stage 1: The Egg

The beginning, where you believe everything within the masses. Instead of thinking for yourself, you follow the
directions of peers and media. You follow trends and don't question why things are the way they are. You are
ready for a life already written for you by your parents, teachers, and other people who are too afraid to step
outside the box and take risk.

Stage 2: The Caterpillar

This is the moment where your thinking, even the small things such as the way you dress, begins to change.
Remember that whatever goes on in the inside will show itself on the outside. You begin to see everything
differently; taking new steps will feel uncomfortable because you are outside of your comfort zone.

Stage 3: The Cocoon

You begin working on yourself. Strengthen the inner you. Television, social media, and the news all become
deceptive and toxic to the spirit. You begin to detach from energy-draining people, even lovers and past
relationships. Being alone and working on yourself develops discipline, confidence, and risk-taking power within

Stage 4: The Iron Butterfly

The Rebirth. For the first time in a long time, you feel complete, just like you did as a child. Waves of contentment
and peace can be felt inside of you daily. Your view of the way the world works is totally different in your eyes
now. MASTERING yourself is the key to mastering anything you ever wanted to do. That is the secret to success.
If you can subjugate your weaknesses, addictions, and emotions, then nothing will be able to block your way to
what you want. Spread your wings and take flight.

There you have it. Just a small peek of what's in store for your life, and what's inside, Doing The Complete
Opposite eBook.
Since you have a clearer picture of what I'm painting for you, go ahead and do yourself a favor, by feeding your
brain more information,that you can put to work as soon as you're done reading.
Only if you are truly ready, and ready to go further, then go ahead and:
You wont be disappointed.
Later Wolves,

Fatal Jay

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