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Lesson Plan Design

Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2nd Lesson Topic: 10 more than or 10 less than a number
Candidates Name: Ian Frasier ID#: 023019277 Site Supervisor: Marilyn Sugimoto
Date: 11/9/2015
1. Introduction: (Identify Grade Level K12 Academic Content Standard(s),
rationale, focus learner, create bridges from past learning, behavior expectations)
This lesson provides a foundation for standard
2.NBT.B.8: Mentally add 10 or 100 to give a
number 100-900, and mentally subtract 10 or 100
from a given number 100-900.
Bridging of Past Learning:
The class has previously learned how to find a
number that is one before or one after another
number. I will explain to them that today they will
be using this same concept, but with ten more or
less than a number instead of one.
Behavior Expectations:
There are five students in the class that
consistently need to be reminded to stay on task
participate. I will be making an announcement
before the lesson as to how I expect everyone to be
focused and attentive, and willing to participate at
any point in the lesson.

For students to prepare themselves
for the lesson they will need to
know exactly what they are doing.
Knowing what the lesson content
will be will also give them the tools
needed to succeed.
It is necessary to bridge previous
learning. By bridging concepts
already taught to my students in
previous lessons I am allowing
them to actively engage their
memory of past learning, which
will ultimately help them learn
these new concepts within chapter
two, lesson one.
Behavior expectations will be set
prior to the start of the lesson and
will be an important aspect of the
success of this lesson as a whole.

2. Learner Outcome(s)/Objective(s): (What will students learn from this lesson?

How will you measure mastery of the outcome?)
Objective of Lesson:
At the end of this lesson students will be able to
identify and write numbers that are 10 more and
10 less than given numbers.
Measure of Mastery:
This will be measured by informal discussion and
observation throughout the lesson, and students
will also be turning in a math lesson packet that
will have them demonstrate their knowledge of the

This outcome will all be met
through the activities involved with
this lesson. Furthermore, these
outcomes directly relate to the
specific content standard being
Verbal questioning will act as an
informal assessment to see if
students understand concepts, or if
reteaching is needed. The math
lesson packet will be the formal
assessment in which students are to
individually demonstrate their

3. Pre-assessment Activity: (Determine students abilities to achieve the Learner

Outcome and prescribe instruction accordingly. Consider: linguistic background,
academic language abilities, content knowledge, cultural and health considerations,
interests and aspirations, physical development, social development, emotional
development. )
As a pre-assessment I will verbally ask students
questions pertaining to the content. For example, I
could start by asking the class what number is 1
before 47?, as well as what number is 1 more the
82?. I would then move onto a larger number
dealing with the same concept. For example,
what is 5 more than 20? or what is 5 less than
60?. As I ask the questions students will need to
write the answer down on their individual white
boards in order for me to check if they understand
the concept.

This pre assessment will determine
if students have remember the
concepts taught in the previous
lesson, and will let me know if I
need to review certain aspects
before moving on the current

4. Differentiation, Adaptation & Accommodation Strategies: (Based on the preassessments, modify Learning Activities based on learner characteristics to meet the
needs of ELL & special needs students, highly achieving students and low achieving

Utilizing the Hundred Chart in order to

solve the problems within the lesson.
Allowing student to use the Base 10 Rods
Having students work together with one
During group work and individual practice
I will focus on the few students that have
problems with the material and provide
them with one-on-one instruction.
I will challenge students to go further than
simply adding or subtracting 10 if they
fully understand the lesson concepts.

- Using the Hundred Chart, and the
Base 10 Rods will give students a
visual and hands on depiction of the
problems they are solving. This will
allow them to see what the solving
of the problem looks like, instead of
simply hearing it verbally. These
two resources will help a variety of
students to form a greater
understanding of concepts being
taught in the lesson.
- Allowing students time to pair up
and practice the concepts of the
lesson will give them a chance to
help one another, and hear the
opinions of their classmates. This
will also act a good time for
students to take on the roll of
teacher if needed.
- During group, and individual
work times of the lesson I will
make sure to focus on students who
are struggling with the concepts.
This will be the time where I can
efficiently provide one-on-one
intervention if needed, and will
allow me to assess their

5. Resources: (Identify materials needed for this lesson accounting for varying
degrees of skill level)

Classroom/individual white boards

Hundred Chart
Base 10 Rods Manipulatives
Red and blue number dice
Math lesson pamphlet
Writing utencils

These resources will be used to
help guide the students in the
creation of a well-rounded final
concluding paragraph.

6. Learning Activities: Explicit Teacher Instruction - (Explain, Model,

Demonstrate, Check for Understanding)
- I will begin the lesson by posing the problem:
Juno is 10 years younger than her cousin, Daniel.
Daniel is 24. How old is Juno? As a class we will
use a Hundred Chart to find the answer. Once the
answer has been discovered I will then ask who
can give me the answer to the question if Juno
were 10 years older than her cousin, Daniel. I will
then provide two more examples that we will solve
using the Hundred Chart.


In the previous lesson students were

introduced to ways in which using a
number chart can help them count
more efficiently. Todays lesson will
be utilizing the same concept but
with adding and subtracting 10
instead of 1 and 5. These questions
will activate their prior knowledge
so they can build onto past learning
- Once we have answered the first three examples I and apply it to the days lesson.
have given using the Hundred Chart, I will then
ask two more questions of the same nature. The
Since some students may prefer to
difference with these questions will be how they
use something other than the
are solved. Instead of using the Hundred Chart I
hundreds chart, I will also show
will use the Base 10 Rods Manipulatives.
students how to solve equations
being introduced in the current
- I will also ask a challenge question: Find the
lesson using the Base 10 Rods.
number that is 11 more than 37. What shortcut
could you use with a the hundred chart?
Modeling how to solve the
problems involved with the lesson
Check for Understanding
using both of these resources will
- Students will be using their whiteboards to
give students a deeper
answer questions, and I will conduct verbal
understanding of the material.
questioning to gauge their understanding.
In order for students to demonstrate
their understanding of the concepts
being covered I will have them
informally answer the problems I
pose using their individual white
7. Learning Activities: Guided Practice/ Collaborative Practice (Check for
understanding and provide feedback and re-teaching)
Guided/Collaborative Practice:
- There are four questions on the front of the math
lesson pamphlet. Students will pair up with their
eye buddy partner and complete these four
problems together. Students will roll the dice to

Having students work in pairs for
the first portion of the math lesson
pamphlet will allow each pair to

figure out what number they will be using for each

problem (Red die: 10s place value/ Blue die: 1s
place value). Students will also complete the eight
Guided Practice problems with their partners
once they have finished the front page.
Check for Understanding:
- As students complete this in their groups I will
walk around to various groups to check their work
and see if they understand the material.

work together, help one another,

and learn from each other in a
friendly manner. The first four
problems are open-ended and will
challenge each group to be creative
while applying the new concepts. I
will also have them complete the
guided practice together so they can
check one anothers work and see if
they are coming up with the same
By this time I will have a basic
understanding of who is having
trouble with the concepts of the
lesson so I will focus on
questioning these groups during
group work to help them master the
content further. I will be checking
on all of the groups during this
time, but will focus my efforts more
on those groups I know are

8. Independent Practice: (Provide practice that supports the learning outcome.

Note: Independent activities are assigned assuming that students understand the
concept well enough to work on their own.)
For this portion of the lesson students will
complete the independent practice portion of the
math lesson packet (question 9-21).

This portion of the lesson will be
done individually in order to have
students demonstrate their level of
understanding in a way that will be
easy for me to determine if
intervention is necessary, or if the
class is prepared to move on.

9. Assessment and Evaluation: (Describe how you will assess and/or evaluate the
students learning. Describe differentiating assessment strategies you will use for
ELL, special needs students, highly achieving students and low achieving students.)
Assessment will take place throughout this lesson.
Informal assessment will be done through the


discussion and questioning aspects throughout the

explicit instruction. During collaborative practice,
assessment will be done through my personal
observation of students work within their groups. I
will have a sheet with a list of student names, and
as I observe each group I will make a check by
their name to keep track of who is demonstrating
an understanding of the lesson concepts. Finally
the formal assessment will be completed by having
every student turn in their math lesson pamphlets
for me to check and return to them.

It is vital to the success of the class,

and my teaching to consistently
check for understanding. Whether it
be informal or formal assessment,
this is an aspect of the lesson that is
ongoing. I will perform many
assessment strategies throughout
the lesson to continually assess
student learning, which will have
an effect on the speed and explicit
teaching of the lesson.

10. Closure: (Describe how students will reflect on what they have learned.)
For the closure of this lesson I will have student
discuss their opinions as to why the topics covered
in this lesson are important. I will give them 5
minutes or so to hold their own discussion, and
then we will come together as a class for an overall
discussion on the importance of the concepts
covered within the days lesson.

The closing discussion will recap
on what was being introduced and
taught within the lesson, and will
also allow students to share their
thoughts and opinions regarding the
lesson material. This will be a time
for students to ask any further
questions they might have on the
material covered within the lesson.

11. Lesson Reflection/Assessment: (Collect student learning data to determine:

What went well? What needs to be changed? Were learning outcomes met? What
activities will you add, change, modify in the future? What can be done to follow up
on the learning from this lesson? Who needs additional help? Who needs
enrichment or higher level work?)

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