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Good morning. I wanted to reach out to you personally because I have always
respected each of you.
I was quite disturbed at how the meeting went Monday evening.
Until recently, I have always been able to work with each of you and with most everyone
else in our Party.
Now I know that you either have been told or maybe on your own you may think that I
have gone 'rogue'. Well I have not. Now more than ever, am I standing up for what is
right and decent and true.
Since Russell's election there has been more division and hatred being spewed around than ever
and because I received so many comments from others all over that meet him, I know I am
not alone. Below is the latest message I have received from a retired Navy Hays resident.
Hi Naomi! Great to hear from you. I am a solid Trump supporter & I want our Great country to get
back on track ASAP. I contacted the Hays County Republican representative this morning, his
name is Russell Hayter. I asked a lot of pointed ?s that did not settle well with him. I am a man who
seeks accurate answers..I wasn't getting them. I am confused & disgusted as to why OUR Party is
NOT supporting the man who is collecting the support & votes of common Americans interested in
getting answers not rhetoric.'
I did not speak ill of Russell or say anything negative because I never know if its some kind of a set

up to see what I say. I maintain my integrity until someone attacks me personally and I feel bullied.
Now, I am not libertarian or a Ron Paul, Rand Paul or Gary Johnson fan AT ALL. I endorsed and
continue supporting our Senator Ted Cruz.
Each of you know that I have spent hundreds of hours organizing, spending my own money, taking
a lot criticism and working to advance our CONSERVATIVE values...those values in our PARTY
platform here in San Marcos and as much as I can across Hays.
What I do hate is dishonest dealings and growing our party with democrats that disguise themselves
and come to our Party and go around asking our REPUBLICAN voters for their votes year after
year and are paraded around by some of our county leaders and chair and once they are elected,
they rule and do as democrats do and now we are taking in the same kind of candidates.
Some of you have sat in Commissioner's Court with me with issues regarding water and taxes that
affect you personally and are not happy about the decisions and votes your commissioners make
along with my democrat one. We have seen how our State Rep Jason Isaac has fought off new
taxes in DS too.
At some point we need to reflect and act appropriately. Micah 6:8 says He hath shewed thee, O
man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and
to walk humbly with thy God?
t seems to me that a hatred of some folks has spread and hatred is bad. Its like a cancer and hurts
the one that hates more than the other.
I rose to speak because I knew how Griffin was going to be treated and I know how it feels to be
shut out and ignored. Every time that Griffin has asked to meet with me and discuss city council or
local issues and party issues, I have met him and we have an unspoken agreement, one can say, of
respect. We each know we dont agree with one another and we have discussed those things but we
focus on things that we do and how to fight for those.
These folks were duly elected as precinct chairs just like you and should have a vote that counts at
Russell appointed and stacked committees with individuals from
the table. How embarrassing that
mostly one area of the County and didnt even have the decency to give any appointments to any of
'them' to try and ease the tension.

Do you truly think that the Justices present and the campaign staff that saw it all were in agreement?
No, I could see in their faces what they were thinking but they have to 'keep face' because they are just
There comes a point in my life when I say enough is enough and I stand up for what is right.
Our State Party has the same 'problem' with libertarians and Steve Munisteri was an excellent leader and
knew how to deal with them. He didnt cut them off, didnt keep them from committee appointments and
while it got annoying at some times, he never was ugly or rude when he had to deal with them.
I hope that each of you will take a moment and just reflect on what our mission or goal is and how we
may lose in November to Hillary if we cannot just work with Griffin, David, Sean, Joseph and whoever
else. I have personally seen and read how democrats work with one another and they all get along
and attack and infiltrate us.....with smiles and pretty faces. Well, I am not ready to hand them the
Presidency AGAIN.
Think also about this: who actually block walk and phone bank? and one thing that is very disturbing.
We have a couple of folks in our Party that make it their business to pay to get 'dirt' or investigate
people like me and others that come to our Party. How wrong. Its like they are intimidated by people
and they must
do what they can to smear them. I know because it was done on me.
I hope you will ponder on all this. I am sending this to Linda too because I would rather send it to her
myself personally. Hope you all have some time to just reflect on this. What agenda are you wanting to
A person's agenda or a party's?
I love our Party and conservative principles but we need honest and decency in our Party so that it
grows appropriately. Otherwise, those we are trying to reach will continue to speak ill of the party and
keep calling it the party of the 'old white men'. People that voted you in are also counting and believing
that you are representing them and how they would vote. and the democrats have caught on to all the
fighting and are
taking advantage of it to favor them. One way is with that stupid article that Sam Brannon wrote.
Russell unexpectedly gave Sam Brannon material to write an article about me! I am attaching it because
to my embarrassment, the hispanic community in San Marcos has been passing it around and now hate
our Party...NOT me regardless of what some want to claim. They feel that Russell does not respect the
Hispanic community now and Russeell has not addressed it at all or apologized. I did not ask for that
article to be written nor did I share it or comment to anyone about it.
I have always respected each of you and have felt accepted and loved and now that seems to have
changed. Well, just so you know, I have not changed for the worse, I have changed for the better. I am
being blessed in many ways and Im excited about what God has stored for me for being faithful to what
is right.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Naomi Narvaiz

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