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Nature and environment

City / Countryside
Means of transportation
Shopping and stores
The weather
Online shopping
Types of houses
Clothes and accessories
Book / E-book
Social Networks
Events: weddings, birthdays, festivals, etc.
Household chores
Gender equality
Hobbies: books, cinema, music, fitness centres Food / Restaurants
Sports and outdoor activities
Health and healthy life style
Musical instruments
Adems de los que puedes encontrar en los exmenes tipo, te puedo decir que
han aparecido los siguientes temas
Teenagers (Por ejemplo, dos fotografas, un adolescente con sus padres y otro adolescente en su
cuarto o con sus amigos. Preguntas tipo: Can you see yourself in any of these situations? // What
were you like as a teenager? / What are the problems that teenagers have nowadays? // What were
your problems as a teenager? / What will the future be like?)
Elderly people (Por ejemplo, dos fotografas, una seora mayor jugando al tenis y otra seora
mayor haciendo punto en casa. Preguntas tipo: Can you see yourself in any...? // What are your
parents or grandparents like? // How would you like to be in the future?)
Children (Por ejemplo, dos fotografas, un nio solo viendo la tele y otro nio con amigos jugando
en el parque. Preguntas tipo: Can you see yourself in any of these situations? // What were you like
as a child? // What are the advantages and disadvantages of each situation? // Is childhood
nowadays different from you own childhood? // What will happen in the future? // Would you like
to be a child again? Why?

Library vs Home
Houses and decoration
E-book vs Traditional book
Household chores and equity
Buskers (Msicos callejeros) vs Street Band

Musical instruments
Types of houses (Block of flats vs House)
Learning languages
Types of means of transportation
Types of facilities in a city

Las preguntas de los monlogos son 4, se pueden contestar en cualquier orden, aunque yo aconsejo
seguir un esquema. 1) First / To begin with... 2) Regarding the second question... 3) About the
third question... 4) Finally
Normalmente las 2 primeras son para hablar en cualquier tiempo verbal, principalmente presente.
La tercera es para hablar en pasado simple o presente perfecto simple (I have never been abroad).
La ltima suele ser para segunda condicional y, en menos casos, para hablar en futuro. Ejemplos: If
you could play a musical instrument which one would you choose? // If you could be a professional
sportsperson which sport would you do? // What would you make for dinner if you had guests from
other countries? // How do you think people will do sport in the future?
Comprar un regalo y discutir los detalles
Planear un viaje (de fin de curso, de acampada, al extranjero)
Elegir un colegio para el nio
Elegir un men y otros detalles para una celebracin
Elegir una pelcula para ir al cine
Elegir un plan (por ejemplo, decidir entre ir al cine o al teatro)

Informal letters / Blog entries / Article for a magazine or a newspaper

Tell a story (Your best/worst holidays ever / The best/worst day in your life / A funny
Tell a friend about an event (wedding, concert, festival, etc.)
Your opinion about a topic
Give advice
Thanks letter / invitation / proposal

Formal / Semiformal letters / Article for a magazine or a newspaper

Apply for a job
Ask for information
Make a suggestion / proposal
Complaint letter
Give your opinion about a topic


To put up with soportar, tolerar If you live close to a railway station you have to put
up with the noise
To run out of quedarse sin We ran out of petrol in the middle of nowhere
To come accross encontrar(se) por casualidad Yesterday I came accross and old
classmate, he looked much older.
To put somebody up alojar en tu casa We didn't have to book a hotel room because a
friend of mine put us up.
To get togheter juntarse, quedar We should get together more often
To run over atropellar My cat died last week. He was run over by a truck.
To overtake adelantar con el coche Our car was overtaken by a Ferrari in the highway.
To pick up recoger (a una persona, algo del suelo) I'll pick you up at 5, so please be
ready by that time.
To bring up criar a un nio I was brought up by my grandparents because my parents
died when I was a baby
To bring up sacar un tema Don't bring up my divorce again, it makes me feel depressed!
To carry on, to keep on, to continue + ing continuar, seguir Please, carry on with your
story, it's really interesting!
To come up with encontrar (una solucin, un eslogan, una palabra) We need to come
up with a solution for our financial problems.
To get along well / to get on well llevarse bien, tener una buena relacin They got
divorced three years ago but they get along well.
To get over superar (un miedo, una enfermedad, una ruptura) I got over my fear of
flying, my exboyfriend, the flu...
To make up inventar (a story, an excuse)
To take up empezar a hacer una actividad, un hobbie (darle por algo) When my father
retired, he took up scuba diving and now he's an expert diver.
To give up dejar algo (un hbito, una actividad), rendirse, dejarlo I want to give up
smoking, but it's so difficult...
To look after = To take care of cuidar My cousin usually looks after her little brother
when her parents are away for the weekend
To look forward to +ing esperar algo con ganas, tener ganas de que llegue algo David
is really looking forward to going on holiday next week
To look up to admirar I really look up to my grandama, she brought up six children on
her own.
To turn up = To show up aparecer, presentarse I had a date with a boy that I met last
Saturday, but he didn't show up.
To turn out resultar Some years ago scientists claimed that chocolate was harmful for
your health and now it turns out that it's really good.
To find out descubir, enterarse de algo She got really upset when she found out that her
husband was cheating on her
To cheat on poner los cuernos o hacer trampas (deporte, examen)
To pass out desmayarse It was so hot inside the church that the bride pass out in the
middle of the ceremony.
To break up = To split up romper una relacin After being together for 2 years they
decided to break up.
To fall out pelearse, reir, discutir (amigos, pareja)
To make up arreglarse, hacer las paces


sencillas, conectores, ideas individualizadas, que el tono de voz marque un comienzo, un
nudo y un desenlace.
1 First question First of all / I would like to start by saying that I can see myself in both
situations becuase... habla sobre t mismx, gustos, hbitos, experiencias... Usa slo un par
de ideas bien unidas.
2 Second question Regarding the second question, I guess that some people do sport
because... habla sobre hechos generales, lo que la gente hace... Un par de ideas bien
unidas, si expresas contraste trata de utilizar On the one hand y On the other hand. Si
vas a aportar ideas nuevas puedes decir Besides o Apart from that.
3 Third question About the third question, the last time I ate out was last Saturday. No
te olvides de usar el past simple para hechos del pasado con una fecha concreta y el present
perfect cuando no somos especficos.
4 Fourth question And last but not least / And finally / And to conclude, if I could live in
a different place, I would love to buy a house in New York. It's my favourite city in the
world, so I would really like to visit it sometime in the future. En esta pregunta usamos
segundas condicionales. Acordos de que, si seguimos hablando, hay que hacerlo en
condicional tambin.
Si vas a repetir alguna idea puedes decir As I said before como he dicho antes...


Recuerda que esto no es la guerra, si despus de daros un par de razones ninguno de los
cede, puedes utilizar alguna de estas expresiones para indicar que te rindes
- Ok, maybe youre right! Lets go to the beach!
- You have convinced me, our child should go to a state school.
You are right, your idea is better; we should celebrate the party in Pamplona
Expresar tu desacuerdo - I dont think so. In my opinin, going to the cinema is funnier
going shopping.
- I disagree with you. In my view, its very difficult to study and work full-time at the same
- Its not a good idea because
- It would be better to rent an apartment in the centre because we could go out at the
Expresar tu acuerdo
- It sounds great! / It sounds good! / It sounds like fun!
- Thats perfect!
- Im OK with that

- Thats a really good idea!

Its a really good option
Expresar tus dudas o falta de convencimiento
- Im not sure about that
- Im a little bit worried about the accommodation; you know that I hate campsites
I see your point but Im not convinced
Proponer acciones o introducir nuevas ideas en el discurso
- Why dont we meet tomorrow at 5?
- What about next Saturday?
- We could invite our classmates
- Lets go to the cinema tonight!
- What do you think about going to the cinema tonight?
We need to talk about the furniture I want a fully furnished flat
How to start a dialogue siempre directos al grano para no hacer errores
- Hi Judith! How are you?
- Fine, thanks! And you?
- Very well, Im looking for a summer job
- Really? Me too! What a coincidence!
Where would you like to work?
- Hi Itziar! How are you doing?
- Really well. Im planning to move to a new flat!
- It sounds great! I want to rent a flat too. Why dont we share a flat?
Thats a great idea! Where would you like to live?
- Hi Naiara, its great to see you!
- Hi Judith!
- We have to speak about the school trip because the lessons will finish next month.
- Youre right. I think that we should go on a cultural holiday. For example, Paris is a very
interesting place.
Are you kidding me? It sounds boring. We should go to the beach and have fun
- Hi honey! We need to make a decision about Jasons school!
- Yes, in my opinion the best option is a state school because
I totally disagree with you! I attended a private school and they are much better.
- Hi Itziar! Do you know that tomorrow is Naiaras birthday?
- Oh, really! Lets buy her a present!
- Its a good idea but what could we buy?
- Im sure that she would love a T-shirt

- I dont think so. In my opinion, she would prefer a mobile phone!

But it is too expensive. How much would you like to pay for the present?
HOW TO END A DIALOGUE de forma clara y sencilla
- Then its clear. We can meet tomorrow to buy the tickets. Ok?
- Then, Ill phone you tomorrow to discuss about the trip. See you!
- Why dont we arrange a meeting with the headmaster for the next week?
Its very late, I must go to work now. Ill phone you later. Ok?
En la tarjeta de cada uno de los estudiantes hay varios temas por los que tienen que
preguntar durante la interaccin oral. Por ejemplo, si estis hablando de buscar un trabajo
para el verano puede poner: Salary, How long, Part-time...
A veces no es fcil estructurar preguntas y solemos bloquearnos o cometer muchos errores.
Qu puedes hacer si no ves clara la pregunta? Decir tu opinin y preguntarle a la otra
persona por la suya o, en muchas ocasiones decir: What about the...? Y qu hay de...?

How long
How long would you like to work?
I would like to work from July to September. What about you?

Would you like to get a part-time or a full-time job?
In my view, a part-time job is better because you have more free time. Do you

How much would you like to earn?
I need to earn around two thousand euros. What about you?
What about the salary?

USEFUL IDIOMS As the saying goes... Como dice el refrn

Don't judge a book by its cover No juzgues por la apariencia
A stitch in time saves nine (una puntada a tiempo ahorra nueve) Ms vale prevenir que
When in Rome do as the Romans All dnde fueres, haz lo que vieres
It's not the end of the world! No es tan malo, no es el fin del mundo
As happy as a dog with two tails Ms feliz que una perdiz
As mad as a hatter Loco de remate
It's crystal clear est clarsimo
As clear as mud
Every cloud has a silver lining (toda nube tiene un forro plateado) No hay mal que por
bien no venga
Time will tell El tiempo lo dir
It costs an arm and a leg Cuesta un huevo/un rin
It never rains but it pours (nunca llueve sino que jarrea) Si las cosas van mal, irn peor / A
perro flaco todo son pulgas
When pigs fly! Cuando las ranas cren pelo
Better late than never Mejor tarde que nunca
Birds of a feather flock together Dios los cra y ellos se juntan
Actions speak louder than words Hechos, no palabras
It's Greek to me! Me suena a chino (cuando no sabes nada sobre un tema, ciencia,
poltica, etc.)

Pedir un deseo Make a wish
Pedir cita Make an appointment
Tomar una decisin Make a decision
Hacer una pregunta Ask a question
Hacer una foto Take a picture, a photo
Hacer el ridculo Make a fool of yourself
Make a mistake, a proposal, a suggestion, friends, an effort, a discovery, money, a present,
a change, a discovery, an impression, a phone call, a photocopy...
Do well / Do badly ir bien, ir mal (colegio, trabajo) He's doing well at school. He
passed all his exams.
Do good hacer bien, sentar bien If you have a headache, take an aspirin. It will do you
Do your best hacerlo lo mejor que sepas I didn't pass the exam in spite of doing my
Do business hacer negocios
Do a favour Please, do me a favour. Tell your mom that I'll be late!
Do an exam, a course, a degree, a PhD, your homework...
Do the housework: do the cooking, do the ironing, do the cleaning, do the dishes, do the
laundry... but Make the bed

Amazing fantstico
Shocking impresionante
Stunning asombroso, pasmoso
Embarrasing vergonzoso
Awkward incmodo
Awful horrible, terrible
Outrageous escandaloso
Frightening que da miedo
Relaxing relajante
Disappointing decepcionante
Exciting / Thrilling emocionante
Inspiring inspirador
Moving emotivo

Annoying molesto
Pleasant / Unpleasant
Unusual / Uncommon
Tiring que cansa
Stressful estresante
Controversial polmico
To have fun pasrselo bien
To have a good/bad time
Crowded abarrotado
Picturesque pintoresco
Revolting asqueroso
Hilarious desternillante

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