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AIM: login, check emails, get folder, I have been given the new assignment brief
and I need to read it. I have been shown examples to give me ideas for making
my banner.
EVIDENCEI am going to create a Gantt chart using the ILP and excel

I have created the Gantt chart using the dates and lesson times on the ILP to aid
me. I also followed the structure of it so I didnt stay on one task for too long.
I have also set 2 milestone reviews on my ILP

Now I have done this I will start my project using Director

To start a new project I will press director file under the new project heading

I will now set the stage size to 1200X200 by clicking on the stage then going to
the movie tab in the property inspector on the top right of the screen. I will then
set the stage size appropriately.

Now that is done I will rearrange my screen so that I can work more efficiently.

Next I will import the assets, to do this I will need to find my files in the file


Now that is done I will highlight all of the files

I will now drag and drop them into Director to the cast: internal section
This menu will now pop up

I will press Ok and let it import all of the files.

Now that is done I will change the stage background to black so that all of the
vibrant colours will stand out. This can be done by going to the same place that I
changed the stage size and pressing the little colour box that is there.

I will now insert the logo by dragging and dropping it from the cast section to the

As you can see it is too big so what I will do is make it smaller by grabbing one of
the handles in the top corner of the picture and moving it towards the centre of it
whilst holding the left shift key to stop it from distorting.

Now my logo is in place.

Learnt: I have learnt that macromedia director takes ages to boot up

AIM: I am going to continue making my banner and I will keep on top of my Diary
and ILP
Firstly, I am going to stretch the logo to 720 frames as that is how many are in 24

Next I am going to make the logo rollover through all 8 versions

so it looks like the colour is flowing through the logo. To do this I
am going to add an automatic sprite animation called cycle
graphic this can be found in the bottom right corner in the
library under animation then automatic.

Now I am going to drag and drop the effect onto my logo to bring
up the dialogue box shown below.

I am going to leave the first member of series alone but I am going to change
the last member of series setting to logo8 so that the cycle will go through
all of the different versions of the logo and then loop.

I will then set it to 1 image per second like so

Now I have completed setting up the rollover, I will now move on to the sound as
I know how long my piece is. Firstly, I need to edit the sound to get it to the
length that I desire. I will use audacity for this. To open the clip, I will press file
and open and I will then go to the file that its located and click on it.

I will then highlight the parts that I dont want and press delete to get this

I am now going to press save as and name and save it in the same folder.
Now I will drag and drop it into director like I did with the previous assets and I
will then drag it from the cast: internal section to the audio channel at the top of
the timeline.

Next I will set it so it loops indefinitely. To do this; in the property inspector tab at
the top right go to sound and tick the box that is titles looping.

Now I am going to add the text in for the prices and dates as the main feature of
the banner is to advertise band information. I have decided that the headings will
be made in Photoshop much like the logo. Due to the fact that I want them to be
animated by use of the cycle graphics.

Here I have added prices 1 onto the stage and I am now going to turn it into a
rollover so it cycles with prices 2

I will now do the same with the tour dates heading.

Now I have done this I will make it look like the tour dates and prices heading
jump off the page. To do this I will copy the headings and make them shorter on
the timescale.

Now I will add a movement vector to both of them by using the tweening feature.
This allows you to draw lines from the centre of the sprite that moves them from
the start point of the line (the green blob) on their starting frame to the end point
of the line (the red blob) on its final frame. I will do this on both of the heading so
it makes them look like they are jumping off the page.

Now I will add the jump sound effect into the audio track on the same frame the
vector path is used.

LEARNT: I have learnt that using the tweening function on Director is really
awkward as it doesnt allow for custom paths to be set and it is also really fiddly
AIM: log in, check emails, collect folder and continue with the creation of the
banner using director.
I am now going to make the text jump back on the page one at a time with
accompanying text e.g. I will make tour dates jump on the page whit the actual
dates. Firstly I will make the title jump on the page by using the tweening
handles again. I will position it off the stage and use handles to make it move to
the top of the stage.

Now I am going to make it lower a little bit so it looks like it is jumping, because
at the moment it looks like it is just sliding on the stage.

Now that is done I will add the first lot of text in to the product, this text will be
for the Tour dates. To do this I will select the A on the control panel on the left
hand side of the program and I will then drag a box out to the size I want. I will
then type in the details of the tour dates and locations.

As you can see the text is neither in the correct font or size so I will change this.
To do this you would do what you do in Microsoft Word: highlight the text but
from here you have to go into the modify> font setting from the top toolbar.

Once clicked it should bring up the text editor like so

Now I have done this I am going to change the font to Eras Bold ICT and the size
to 16. I am now going to change its colour to white also.

Now this is done I need to change the background of the text box to transparent
because the text is un readable when both it and the background are white. To
do this I will click on the text box and I will go to sprite in the property inspector. I
will change the Ink setting to background transparent.

Next I am going to add the sound effects in, the first one is the jump sound effect
and I am going to make that happen when the heading comes on the page and
also I am going to add the coin effect when the text appears on the page.

Now I am going to make the heading jump off the page again and the other
heading jump on as I already have the tour dates title jumping off the page I
can just copy and paste it but I will need to create a new tween for the Prices

now that I have created a custom path

I can now write the final piece of text. This final piece is for the prices of the
tickets. I will draw a text box again using the text tool (A button on the left)

As the text is already white I will need to make the background transparent first
before I start typing.

I will now type the text then open up the modify font window
As the font and size is already set from the last
time we used the text box nothing will need to be
changed. I now need to add the sounds to the exit
and entrance of the titles and text. As there arent
enough channels in the audio for both sound
effects I am going to combine them in audacity so
it only takes up one channel.

now this is done I will drag and drop it into director. Then place it on the timeline
at the right place

Now I have done this I need to make the final part which will have the URL for
the site in case people want more info on the pricings and dates. For this I will
use the text box again and I will type a URL into the box. The first text box I am
going to do will say for more info go to: this will pop up first then the url will
follow shortly. I am going to set the background to transparent like before on all
of the text boxes.

I am now going to add an email in there too.

Now that is done I need to edit some sound in audacity to layer the coin
collection sound effect 4 times like so

Now I will import it to director and I will place it where I want it to go

Now that is done I will create buttons on the titles on the first
scene of the banner to make things a bit quicker. To do this I
will use the sprite transition effect go to frame X by finding
and selecting it in the library under behaviour > navigation >
go to frame X

I will then drag and drop it onto the title in the time line to get this box

I have set the frame to 393 as that is the one where the Prices start, I will now
set it up for tour dates.

I will now make it so that whenever the logo is clicked it takes you back to the

Now that is done I have completed my product.

LEARNT: I have learnt that Director is very easy to use compared to flash

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