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Vancouver Canucks

By Alan

Taking a deep breath I watched my Mother take her last. I stood there hopelessly. What
was I going to do now? My Father had died when I was only three summers old. Now it was just
me and the bear cub against the wrath of the cougar demon.
I woke up to the little bear cub licking my face. I got up and went to fetch him a couple of
salmon from last years salmon run. I went and sat down again, and thought about the cougar
demon for what seemed like hours. I decided that if I was going to live I would need to find a
way to defeat the cougar demon, which would mean going on an adventure through other clans
land. I didnt know what the other clans would think, but what I did know is that if I got to my
fathers old clan, the eagle clan, and proved to them I was of their blood, I could get info on how
to defeat the cougar demon.
I started packing up my stuff and decided that if I was going to bring the bear cub with
me, he would need a name. I decided to name him after my father and name him Koda. Before
me and Koda left, I made sure I remembered everything I needed to make it through this journey,
including my bow and quiver for hunting plus some homemade firestarter.
We started along the game trails going towards the willow river and stopped to fill up my
canteen. The water was still ice cold from the long cold winter we had just had. I knew that we
had to head west and pass the mule deer and elk clans before reaching the eagle clan.

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