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how is that - ce inseamna asta

sort it out - sa se ocupe
you are for climbing -- esti de acord sa te cateri ?
you are dropping it - los-o asa ?
set up ?
settle = a rezolva
to run a devision - sa conduc o devizie
as far as
as long as
as soon as
shrink questions
bottle verb
freash out
ice me out
definiteli - cu siguranta
coward - las
awkward sobbing
ship out
draw them out
communication / traffic jamms
you are just in time - ai ajuns la timp
cuts - concedieri
feel of
get rid of
you are in deep with people -- esti intr-o buna relatie cu oamenii
don't stop for less = nu se opresc pentru nimic
you end up move on
go ahead
i'm gonna puke
look around
reach out
holed up
jump out

clue - indiciu
aford - a permite
meet around = see around - vin pe la tine
bunch of time -- ?
969094 parola 214263
you may coin - ;\'????????????
tempting - tentant
ps si p conntinuu pt pragram si persoane - partea c
to fall - a cadea
to turn - a intoarce
kick - a lovi
put her on phone- dami- o la telefon
whiskey on the rocks -whiskey cu gheata
i might have fish == posibil sa pescuiesc
i'm glad i had hyou next door - ma bucur ca suntem vecini
i dropped it - am renuntat
i want to start over - vreau sa incetam
me neighter - nici eu
we were apart - am fost despartiti
you try to play me - vrei sa te joci cu mine / sa iti bati joc de mine /cu sentimentele
you can have it - poti sa il mananci
i can owe a shirt - pot sa iti imprumut o camasa
i have no idea - nu cred
go for - incepe
keep it down - vorbeste mai incept
should - ar trebui
speak slowly - vorbeste rar
blow up -a exploda
we spent the morning - ne-am petrecut dimineata
then every thing - apoi totul
i'm better at it than you - ma pricep mai bine la asta decat tine
i-m over -- mi-a trecut
we go - incepem
by myself - de unul singur
let's strip him always a pleasure - a fost o placere, mi-a parut bine
i 'll pass along
not realy up to me share this - impartim asta
swallow it - inghite asta
how so - cum adica ?
i don't work anymore - numai lucrez
actualy - de fapt4
me and x broke up - eu si x ne-am despartit
anyway - oricum
for a little while - pentru putin timp
sell you out - te tradeaza

it doesn't change how i feel about you - asta nu schimba ceea ce simt eu pentru
he is my closest friend
hash=9ae5349cf42f6e5475&dl=1786f747c65839e936 183- 185
prodromu unitatea 4 complet
there are anymore ? - mai sunt altii
felix asked me to come - felix mi-a zis sa vin
you better get a shower - mai bine iti faci un dus
don't recall - nu imi amintesc
trade - a negocia
twisted you are so mean they had a day of - au o zi libera
i had a felling - imi ma gandeam
are you guys seeing this ? - vedeti asta ?
passed away - a murit ?
vanish - a disparea
pull over
catch me out whatch out here
that is not our call -- nu e treaba noastra ?
whash out i'm on it - ma ocup eu
frozen out
feel of

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