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As the youngest person to have ever received the nobel peace prize, Malala Yousafzai

has demonstrated the importance of education and womens rights. At a mere eighteen years
old, Malala is currently an educational and human rights activist with international recognition.
Being a native of Pakistan, Malalahasovercomeunbelievablestrugglesinfightingforher rights
to be educated against the oppressive nature of the Taliban, who often banned girls from
attending any kind of educational institution. Despite being fatally shot in the head by Taliban
forces, Malala has recovered and is now a universal symbol of courage and heroism. But how
The courageous actions in pursuing education and human rights displayed by Malala
Yousafzai havenot onlyinspired me,but haveremindedmethatasinglepersonwhotenaciously
displays their beliefs, has everlasting power and influence. Ineffect,Iviewtheworldasaplace
that is constantly challenging your ability and willingness to stand up for personal doctrines.
This worldview is clearly evident in Malalas case as in many others in that external forces
whether they be peopleorcircumstances,willattempttopenetrateandevenobliterateonesown
personal standards. The challenge is however, to stand up to great oppressors despite the
potential consequences and in doing so, the world is strengthened by this steadfast decision.
Malala was clearly willing and ready to die for her humanitarian beliefs and not even a bullet
couldhinderherpowerfulmessagefromspreadingacrosstheworld. Malalaoncesaid,
telling men to step away from speaking for women's rights rather, I am focusing on women to

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