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Automatic and electricity

free object cycling

Wylie Dituri_James Thompson_Josh Poole
Mr. Cardornigara

Research Problem and Hypothesis

Research Problem- Could one hypothetically convert energy from something
falling into sustainable energy.
Hypothesis- If the car falls into the lever, then the car will fall into the tracks and hit
the dominos, knocking over the bottle.

Foam boards:


Balsa wood planks:

Water bottles:




Principles behind events in Rube Goldberg

Our rube machine uses the force of gravity to the rubber balls motion onto the
platform with the car. Then then the impact causes the platform to tilt and the car
falls with the force of gravity onto the tracks where friction keeps the car in place.
Then the car hits the dominos converting its kinetic energy into the potential and
then kinentic energy of the dominos. Then the dominos collide with the water
bottle and make them fall from the force of the dominos kinetic energy.

Energy Transformations
(Presented in order of happening)
Gravity- potential energy- kinetic energy
Kinetic energy- gravity- friction
Friction- forward motion- potential energy
Potential energy- kinetic energy- forward motion
Forward motion- potential energy- kinetic energy
Kinetic energy- gravity- done.

Research conclusion: we can infer based on our Rube Goldberg machine that a
system of energy transformation could work with just gravity to start it. It would be
like an infinite loop.


Real world use

Our machine is usable in the real world for a variety of reasons. It could be used
as a way to crest energy through disposing trash down tubes: the trash would fall
on the lever and activate the car hitting the energy source, producing energy. It
could also be used as as a way to make generators work. Instead of burning fuel
they could just have objects dropping and creating motion to create energy,
instead of coal.

It was very interesting working on the tube Goldberg as a team. We finished very
quickly and were able to make a fully functional Rube Goldberg. Throughout this
we also realized how finicky wood and foam can be, there were a lot of problems
just because a piece of foam would list in the wrong direction. We also had fun, it
reminds people that working on a school project can still be as fun as just hanging
out and having fun with your friends. Overall a great experience!


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