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WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM ww | : = Gidi thigul FACEBOOK.COM/DA YKEM.QUYNHON . PHAN THI MINH: cBAU (Cha bién) LE THANH HA (Bién soan, tuyén chon va gidi thigu) HOC SINH GIO! TIENG ANH rich doan béi GV. Nguyén Thanh Tie = WWW.FACEBOOK.C - TRUNG HOC-CO S6 Cac chuyén dé ngiam, ngit php, tis vung, ky nang néi, doc, vit nang cao va cac bai tap |Uyén theo cdu tric dé thi Hoc sinh gid? Tiéng Anh THCS va dé thi vao trudng chuyén Huéng dn lam cac dang bai thi Hoc sinh gidi Tiéng Anh THCS Hudng dn chi tiét dap An Tuyén tp céc 6 thiHoc sinh gidi Tinh mén Tiéng Anh THCS va dé thi vao trudng chuyén. NHA XUAT BAN DAI HOC QUOC GIA HA NOI /BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON Loi gidi thiéu Cie bai thi Hoc sinh gioi Tiéng Anh va cdc bai thi véo Truémg chuyén, 1ép chon luén lun 1a cdc bai thi day khé.kh&n, thir thach nhung ciing day hap dan di véi cdc em o6-niém dam mé hoc Tiéng Anh va muon hoc Tieng Anh gidi dé c6 thé sir dung | Tiéng Anh tét trong céng vige ttzomg lai cita minh: Mt sO em 6 thé chua dgt duoc két qua cao trong céc ky thi Hoc sinh gidi c6 1é vi cdc em chwra diroc cung cap céc kién thite néng cao cia chong trinh hoc mat céch dy da, eting cé thé cac em chua ¢6 k: ning lam bai thi va cing chwra quen cdc dang bai thi. Chinh vi thé, cudn sich “Clim? nang én luyén hoc sink gidi Tiéng Ank Trung hgc co sd” 3a cuén sich duge bier soan véi muc dich gitp cde em hge sinh c6 thé ty minh dao séu kién thie trén.nén tang kién thife sch giao khoa, ty mé rong kién thie ngén ngi, ty én luyén caéc'dang bai thi pho bign cia cdc ky thi hoc sinh gidi dé c6 thé tham gia va dat két qua cao | trong céc ky thi Hoe sinh gidi va cde ky thi vao trong chuyén Anh, Iép:chon. Cuén sdch cfing sé gitip cic em phd thong co sé ty trang bi che minh mot von Kién ng6n ngit nang cao, dé sau nay c6 thé tham gia cdc ky thi vao Cao dang, Dai hoc hay tham gia cic ky thi Tiéng Anh mang tim quéc Cubn sich bao g8m 6 chuyén dé chinh duce phén chia diing'edii tric cba cée bai thi ge sinh git mé cée Thong, ede Than phé, cdc S& GD. (cée Tinh) hay sir dung trong cdc bai thi: + Chuyén 48 NETICS (Ngir am): Phan nay ‘tip ‘cdc em phan biét cdc cp 4m hay nhdm lan va cach ghi nhé mét sé luat 18 dank trong am. ‘Chuyén dé 2: VOCABULARY (Tit vung): Phin nay giip cdc em hiéu duge mit sé nét dic diém dac trung cua cdu tgo wr trong Tiéng Anh, mét $6 trréng tar vung ngir nghia (cdc sic thai nghia khde’nhau cia tir duye ding trong cdc van cénh Khéc nhau), mét s6 ngit, thanh hair cé dinh,, ° Chasen 48 3: COMMUNICATIVE FUCTIONS (Clute niug giao tiép): y 1 phiin kiém tra khé ning giao tiép qua céc tinh huéng theo dang viét. Phan nay gidp céc em co cdc kién thi vé van hoa giao tiép va co thé tra di cde cu hdi theo tinh huéng giao tiép. > Chuyén dé 4: GRAMMAR ("ga phap): Phan nay cung cap cdc kién thirc ngit phap co ban va nang'cad theo tn chuyén muc en dé 5; COMPREHENSIVE READING (Boe hiéu): Phan nay gitp cc em cé thé ndng'cao’cac ky nling lam cdc dang bai doc hiéu. Chuyén a8 6: WRITING (Viét): Phan nay gitip cdc em hiéu va rén luyén cae cach tire viétthuy viét cdc bai lun theo chi dé. : Ngoai ra, cudn‘sach con cé Phan Gidi thigu mot sé dé thi hoc sinh gidi trong nhimng ndm gan day va Phan dap 4 cdc bai tap n luyén va cdc dé thi, Véi kinh nghiém gidng day cia minh, cée téc gia cd pang bién sogn, tuyén chon ' va gidi thigu Gudn sach yi hy vong cudn sach sé 1A ti ligu tham khao c6 gid tri cho céc em hot sinh céc bac phu huynh va cic thay cd gid. Cudn sach sé khéng wénh Khoi mot $6 sei sot va nhiing diém can b6 sung. Rat mong nhian duge nhieu y kién | ding gdp cia ede déng nghiép va cdc em hoe sinh. o Cae tae gid 7 3 Gidi thigu trich doan béi GV. Nguyén Thanh Tit | WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON - S ¥ 3 & © Ss RS) DO g Gidi thiéu trich doan b6i GV. Nguyén Thank Tit | WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON www) ~~, dé 1: PHONETICS (NGU?ANiy 8M UY SHON A.LY¥ THUYET CO BAN VA NANG CAO * DANG BAI KIEM TRA KIEN THUC NGU AM (PHONETICS) 4 ‘Théng thurong, trong cdc bai thi tiéng Anh danh cho hoc sinh phé thong co so va phd phan thi ng am chi chiém 5 -10 cau Tuy nbién day lai 1a phin th thie nhat d6i voi hoe sinh vi tiéng Anh. nhu nguéi ta van noi, “viet mot ding. doc mot neo”. Khac voi nbicu ngén n ng ror hoe chi can hiéu 13 cach két hoy ng Anh kign thie ngit dim ebas t Cée bai tap trong séch cing dug sip xép theo cée van thuyét duge dé cép dé thuan tin cho cac em thyc hanh nhiing qui tac di néu. g. ee qui tic nay Khéng thé bao quat tat cd che pham tri trong phat am tiéng Anh béi vi trong tiéng Ankh c6 rat nhiéu ngoai 1g. Do dé. dé lam tot phan nay, ngoai viée nam vieng cdc qui tac dirsi day, hoc sinh cing can phai chi: trong tich lay kién thie trong qué trinh, hod’bang each tap phat am cae ti theo ong, phign 4 am cia mét cudn tir dién tiéng Anb: DANG 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter 4, B.C or D. (Chon tir c6 phan gach chant durge phat Am vi cac tir c6n Iai). Céch lam: Choy xae dinh mét sé cach phat anys 1/ Pronunciation of -ed Khi phat am cdc tir 06 tan cong Ja'~ed ta phai dya vao am cudi cia tir truce khi thém -ed \ */id/: sau cdc am / ti / Eg. visited needed invited * 1th sau cdc am/O/-Akipl il sf ffs aly i Eg. “looked washed laughed | */d/ sau cdc phudm cén lai va cde nguyén am f Eg. “Y cleaned rained studied Note: some special adjectives, some adverbs ending in ‘ed’ and ‘ed.’ is pronounced / | id / (M61 vai:stiith tie, trang tic tan cing bang ‘ed’, nhumg ‘ed dhege phét dm tat fid/) dj; naked,crooked, ragged, wretched, rugged, beloved, wicked, sacred ‘Adv: deservedly, supposedly, markedly, allegedly 21 Pronunciation of -s or -es (present simple/ plural nouns/passessive) + Ys” sau cdc am /0/ /k/ pl /ff Eg. looks steps laughs Fiigt sau cacim ALL (PA 03i fd3i fat as q Eg. watches judges washes */2/: sau cdc phy 4m cén lai va cée nguyén am I Eg. lives cleans needs ' i 8 Gidi thigu tr ih doan béi GV. Nguyén Thanh Tit -WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON 3/ Pronunciation of | * TH duoc phat am [a /@/ ho&e /8/ i 18: three, thank, breath, tenth, i 18/ this, that, these, those, father, mother. * CH duge phat am ta (tf /;/ Ws /S/ ff; phan lon cée ti c6 chtra nhém ‘ch’ duge phat am 1a / tf / nt’ dong teacher, researcher, chair, achieve, watch, catch, teach, chat etc. iki; mot sé tir nhu ache, backache, earache, headache, toothacite, “anchor, archeology, architect, bronchitis, chaos, character, chemical, chemistry, choir, chord, choreography, chorus, Christ, Christian, Christmas, chronic, chronological, echo, mechanic, monarchy, orchestra, orchid, psychiatrist, psychiatry, psychologist, psychology, schedule, scheme, scholar, school, stomach, technician, technique, techndlogy Ai: phan lén cac tir nay 1a th’ vay muon tir tiéng Phép-nbir trong brochure, cachet, champagne, chauffer, chef, machine, mustache, parachyte’ * C duge phat am la Md; /s/ Me car, cat, cake, cook 4 isi cell, circle, circus iy *T duge phat am lav: ft /; /J 4/3! ne ab teacher, ten, take, computer AL AT before U) picture, actual. stanie® Abn! question Aa 4 a notion, information, calculation, potential, essential 4/ Mot s6 phy Am ‘cm (silent letters) Ah hoc silent: 5/ Mat sd cAp 4m hay nhdm Hn: Jong vowels and short vowels: Eg: /if & fil (hit # heat); /a:/ & /)/ (far # cup); /e/ & / /x/ (man # men); fu/ & /o:/ (pull # pool). DANG 2. Choose the word with different stress pattern by circling the corresponding) letter 4, B, C or D. (chon tir e6 phn nhau dm khae voi tir edn Iai) t Céch lim: Theo mét sé chuyén gia ngén ngit va giéo vién Tiéng Anh, can chi § dinh mt s6 quy lugt eo ban nhan trong 4m nhu’ sau: | © Luat 18 théng dhudng cho tir o6 2 am tiét la trong fim duge anh & Am tit dau, nhiing néu Am tiét dau la mot tién 16 hay am nhe (weak form), trong am) duce darth o am tiét hai. Vidu ‘market; ” ‘commerce: ‘baker; ‘candy; ‘carrot: ‘journey: ca'ial;’ —ci'gar: police; pois'ess; romance; guit'ar ‘Néu tir 2 Am tiét vira 1a danh tir, déng tir, thi trong 4m duge nhdn 6 am dau tign néu né 1a danh ti, am thir 2 néu nd la déng th. Vi du ‘increase (n} ‘import {n) “decrease (n) ‘perfect(n) —_ ‘survey {n) increase (v) __im/port(v) decrease (v)Per'fect(v) —_sur'vey (v) © Ludt 1é thong thuting cho tt ¢6 2 Am tiét [8 trong Am duroc dank am tiét thir hai néu am tiét dau ia mdt trong nhiing tién t6 sau: a, ab, abs, ad, ac, af, al, Giéi thigu trifh doan béi GV. Nguyén Thanh Ti www. ‘ACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON an,ar,as,at; be; co; col;com; con; cor; de; dis; ¢, ef, ex, em, en, im, in; ob, 0p; pre, pro, re, sub, Siap, SUr, Iran, ttt... Vi du: : ab’oard alive abs'tract addr'ess achieve adopt ——acc’ord affirm aily approach + Néu dong tir ¢6 2 am tié, trong d6 am dau 1 mét trong cde tién t6: for, fore; out, thi trong 4m duge nhan vao 4m thé 2. nhumg néu dong tt 46 chuyén thank danh thay tinh tir thi ching ta rhén trong rm 6: for, fore; out. Vi dus for'give (V) ‘forgivable (adj) ‘forgiveness (N) fore'see (V)_"fogettable (adj) © Néu tired 2 hode 3 am tiét, trong dé am dau tién 14 cdc tién t6 voi nguyén amt dai nhu: /e:/: /o:/; ‘il: /eil; /au/; fou! va theo sau 4m nay [a abiug phy am, trong am duge danh & am tiét (6 tién 6 46). “Y Méidus 4 ‘absence ‘adverb ‘colleague ‘essay —_‘gOnerete © Tir cd 3 am tiét thuong cé trong am nhan o am dau, néu tir 46.06 cdc tién t nhu: a, ab, abs, ad, ac, af, al, ax, ar, as, at; be; co; colzconts con; cor; des dis; e, ef, ex, em, en, im, in; ob, op; pre, pro, re, Sub, sup, Sur, tran, un,. thi trong 4m nhdn & am tiét thir hai hode thir ba, & Vidue : ‘usually ‘capital ‘difficult favourite ‘goverament Dec'ember November _ tobacco aréangement understand + Tir 06 4 am tiét we len, trong am thudng doe nhdn & Am thir 3, tinh ti sau tro vé truée. Vida: economy —eco'nomical ~=—s mant'factlies.”—_ne'cessary constiderable ‘Ngoai 18 cho nhimg tuéng:hop c6 Am tiét bi giam di, khong doe phat am. thi trong dm cia cac tir ¢6 nhiéu am tiét nay due nhén 6 am dau tin. Vidu 4 ‘business ‘inte/rest_ © ‘invelresting—‘secret/a/ry—‘misle/rable | © Néu tir tan cing bang: ic; feal; ically; ion; ia; ial; ual; al; ian; iar; ular; c ience; ience; iency; iance; ium; ious; cous; uous, . . thi trong am dugc nhan 6 am ngay trude Gée dui Vidy: ¢ Econo'mie atmos'pheric description commercial intelectual + Tirtan cing bing ous, ate, tide, ity, ety, ical, logy, graphy. metry, nomy,, . . trong am.thuéng duroe nhan & m thir 3, tinh tir sau tro vé trude. va'riety <~ captivity ad'vanturous Con'siderate_—_as'trology © Tutineing hin 6.4m cudi, Vide engin'eer sham'poo cigarette 1g ade, ec; ese; cer; 00; oon; ette; esque, trong am thang durge 7 Gidi thién trich doan béi GV. Nguyén Thank Ti | WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM "bookease; ‘coal-mine: WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON B. BAI TAP ON LUYEN Dang bai 1: Choose the word whose underl from the others. Identify B,CorD Exercise 1: (-ed /-d ending) 1. A.snswered df @)erowded/id/ 2. A.depended d/ B added /Ad/ 3. A. prayed Impressed 4. A. designed B. ironed 5. Acopened B. closed 6. A}skied B. helped 7. A. offered B. owned Z 8. A.exchanged (B/wanted Q 9. @ynstalled B. prevented _ 10. A. suggested B. congratulated 11. A. launched B. collapsed ~ 12. A. occurred B. destroyed 13. A. proved "B.hrustéd” 14.2 markedly B. unidentified 15. A-nominated ——-_Breelebrated 16.24, missed (By reduced 17. A. frightened © B. organized 18, A imparted ~~” B. molded 19. A.pleased “A/ (BY instructed /pef/ 20. A. relaxed] B. reached /t/ Exercise 2:sHes ending 21 2 23. aa 23) «26. 27. 28 29 30. al. 32. 8 Gidi thiéu trich doan béi GV. Nguyén Thanh Ti www. A. box: A. catches A. plays A. decks A. contests A. bottles A. describes A. composes A. houses A. walks A. cats A.tells B. classes B. phones B. stays B. boats B. remarks B. novel B. encourages B, decorates B. places B, begins B. tapes B. talks = wanus uu gue int trong am nhin & am da ‘crossword; ‘tea-pot; ‘footprint; * Tir ghép duge két hop bai mot tinh tir va dan ty, loud'speaker; bad'tempered: second’class: ©. enjo ea /al & tasage fed / Oo Cécontained watched C. ruled C. controlled C. persuaded . decorated OU damaged ‘C separated C. pulled C. terrified C. extended C. covered C.arrived ‘Crooked C. showed Cosupposedly al/ C. potatoes C. courses C. bays C. bears C. postcards C. oecasions C. judges C. expects C. horses C. helps C.lives C. stays fined part is prononiac your answer by circling the corresponding letter A a thi trong am nhan & am hai differently . failed /elf crooked/y D. admired D. served D)iinishes Debooked DAvashed D. reduced D. polluted (D. wicked “D. worked D..wamed D. claimed D. behaved conserved relaxed mended Killed / crossed /t, watches places. says stops gallops poeis, washes drops Faces cuts cooks steals SossoyErooyNUs ‘ACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM b. A. biscuits B, magazines i4. A. learns B. works 5. A. rises B. slices 6. A. transmits B. laughs 7. A. volunteers _B. devices 8. A. habits B. applications 9. A, cats B. fifths . A. fetches B. reduces xercise 3: Pronunciation of “th” . A. both B. tenth 2. A. tooth B. sunbathe 3. A. this B. thick A. within B. without 5. A. wealth B. healthy . A. mother B. leather ‘7. A. together B. Thursday . A. think B. author pe A. though B. thought 50. A. method B. rather n of Sch” al B. chair 62. A. chaos B, toothache 53. A. children B. character . A. check B. bachelor 5. A. technique B.Christ i56. A. monarchy B. Michael , Is7. A. machine B. stomach ~ 8. A. butcher B. chemical 59. A. much B. teacher 160. A. cheap Brbackache [bees 5: Pronunciatio of ‘c', “g” 61. A. cruel B. cross |62. A. century B. conimercial 163. A. city” B. racial /64. A. cite B. cruel los. A. magigally B. comment | 2 B ocean | B gleswore B. geology 69,-A. manager B. magically 70. A. begin B. eligible | i Gidi thiéu trich doan béi GV Nguyén Thanh Tit WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON C. newspapers D. vegatables C. controls D. responds C. relaxes D. sleeps, C. seems D. escapes C. appears D. behaviors C. victims D. waterfalls C. grapes D. valle ©. goes D. loses C. myth D. with, C. these D, father C. maths thin C. clothing strengthen C. birthday D. with C. breath D. breathe C. theater D. thirsty C. arithmetic D. therefore C. feather D. bother C. ehythea D. together D. pitcher D. archeology D. researcher C. Christmas D. catch C. headache D. lunch C. chef D. school C. architecture D. chorus C. which D. chocolate €. coach D.echo C. psyghology D. orchestra C. deligious D. because C. cease D. ceiling C. precious D. sufficient C. commercial D. cooperation C. academic D. cigarette C. convenient D. precious C. gallery D. sugar C. get D. goose C. register D. magnificent C. group D. growing 9 www. ‘ACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON Exercise 6: (silent letters) : 71. A. baggy B. hamburger C. benefit D. subtle 72. A. comb B. debt C. viable D. doubt 73. A. resign B. microorganism _—_C. grade D. category ~ 74, A. hobby B. honest C. hedge 75. A. household B. brotherhood C. exhausted 76. A. rhythm B. ghost C. handle 77. A. knee B. knit C. kangaroo D 78. A. knife B. talk ©. keen _D. 79. A.calm B. compulsory C. careless “D. 80. A. what B. white C. who D. whisper 81, A. autumn B. occasion C.colum D. solemn 82. A.pneumonia _B. receipt C. psychology D. paragraph 83. A. experience B. raspberry C. present «— D. separate 84, A. island B. campus, ©. soenery- D. course 85. A. fasten B. hasten C. effective D. listen 86. A. Christmas B. chestnut C, ballet D. material 87. A. answer B, sword D. two 88. A. wrinkle B. warn D. wonderful 89. A. well-qualified B. wrap a D. wrist 90. A. guitar B. ultimately > C. biscuit D. build Exercise 7: Pronunciation of ‘s’, ‘gh’, “ 91. A. display B.mouse C. taste D. design 92. A.see B. sugar 6) C. salt D. sofa 93. A. basic B. exist.“ C. sale D. society 94, A. seldom B. aspect C. cousin D.slim = { 95. A. possession B, dense C. campus D. assemble} 96. A. laugh Bi though C. tough D. enough 97. A. plough ‘B. through C. cough D. bright 98, A. future B. stop C. culture ° D. picture 99. A. natural B. character C. priority _D- pastime. | 100.A. thank, = B. jungle C. anchor D. banana | Exercise 8, Vowel sounds | 101. A. creature B.creative C.creamy —D crease : 102. A. boat B. road C. broad D. gat 103,.A, butter B. sugar C. pat D. push 104A. great B. bread C. break D. steak 105. A. weight B, height C. eight D. vein «S106. A. too B, food €-soun D. good 107. A. would B. about C. round D. out 108. A. few B. sew C. knew D. new 109. A. hard B. father : D. sacrifice 110. A. dosage B. voyage C. massage —_‘D. carriage Gidi thiéu trichQdoan béi GV. Nguyén Thanh Tit FA CEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON ‘Dang bai 2. Choose the word with different stress pattern by circling the corresponding letter A, B,C or D. Exercise 9. Word stress ILL. A, adorable B. ability 112. A. engineer B. corporate 113. A. popular B. position ‘114, A. selfish B. correct 115. A. nominate B. susceptible 116. A. eliminate B. domesticate (117, A. sustantial B. techriological 118. A. immunity B. pursuit 119. A. accompany B. unfinished 120. A. continent B. essential | Exercise 10. Word stress (121, A. recycle B. completely 122, A. religious B. miserable 123. A. significant B. quantity 124. A. ambitious B. constant 125. A. opportunity B. decoration 126, A. particular B. equipment 127. A. complete B. command 128. A. journal B, mourning 129. A. memory B. compare 130. A. simulate B. permaneit Exercise 11. Word stress 131. A. accelerate B. digestive 132, A. convenient B. previous 133. A. deliberate B, dramatist.“ 134. A.redundancy ——_B. comparison 135. A. recognize B. stimulate 136. A. intelligent B. direct” 137. A. relationship Bi¢ommand 138. A. define . Bijdea 139. A. suppose “B. expect 140. A. magnetic B. radiation Exercise 12. Word'stress 141. A. distraction B. considerable 142. A. probability B. attitude 143. A. emergency B. encourage 144. A. natiral B. surplus 145. A create B. ordinary B. theory 146, A. obtain E Gidi thiéu trich doan béi GV. Nguyén Thanh Tit peeeananoeé? C. impossible C. difficult C. horrible C. purpose C. resistant C. unhmited _ C. exponential C. perfection C. contagion C. industry introduce perform committee investment temperament identify common caleiuni connett fertilizer "2A NAMNANNOO : disorder " management . discovery . maintenance activity . desire vocabulary . express . unusual unpleasant . recommend . technological shortage . dynamite attinade . illustrate p9nnen D. entertainment D. different D. positive D. surface D. recovery D. sabotage Q D. infiltration D. confident D. separate D. comfortable community . although upgrade variety infantry purchase improvement capacity adult satisfactory istand figure literary equipment vepyoDUNUD . description entertainment distraction . decision ). scholar diagram voDDUU uv WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON 147. A. gravitation B. manufacture C. behavior D. recommend 148. A. messenger B. assistant C. enable D, require 149. A. agree B. religion C. suitable D. occur 150. A. passenger B. explorer C. italian Exercise 13. Word stress 15]. A. traveler B. European C. century 152. A. unmanned B. valuable C. comment 153. A. leisure B.unnecessary —C. result. 154, A. already B. complain C. arrangement 155. A. result B. strengthen C. forget. 4” D. abolish 156, A. suggest B. relate C.empty “5” Dz effect 157. A. colleague B. available C. different D. sacrifice 158. A. discovery “B. researcher C. remait D. lable 159. A. identify B, continue C. popular D. consumer 160. A. adequate B. reveal C-construction _D. together Exercise 14. Word stress & 161. A. experience B. discomfort.“ C. support D. friendship 162. A. numerous Badmit —~" C. occasion D. attempt 163. A. immediate B. success ©» —C. eagerness D. phonetic 164. A. conference B. horrible C. deny D. language 165. A. politics B. imaginary C. result D. annoyed 166. A. Japan B. astfonaut C. unfortunate —_D. approximate 167. A.consequently —_B. profile C. initiate D. project 168. A. conference B. announcement C. arrival D. reception 169. A. argument °B. definite C. museum, D. permanent 170. A. ignite 1 B. igloo C. hollow D. fellow Exercise 15. Word stress 171. A. innovate» —_B. inevitable C. innocent D. insect 172. A. irritable B. irrelevant C.irreparable _D. irrational 173. A. spectacular B. variety C. psychological D. contribute 174, A. estimate B. activate C. migrate D. inflate’ 175. A. admire B. honor C.title D. difficult 176. A=deseribe B, struggle C. political Ds I72.-A. independence —_B. politician C. immortality —_D. different 178, A. comfort B. nation C. apply D. moment 179. A. ashamed B. position C. begin D. enemy “180. A. express B. classical C. occasion D. emotion Exercise 16, Word stress 181. A. atmosphere B. entertain C. industry D. joyfulness 182. A. popular B. different C. integral D. expression 183, A. solemn B. express C. succeed D. event 184. A. anthem B. lyric C. excite D. celebrate 183. A. settle B. distance C. distinet D. preview 12 Gidi thigu trich doan béi GV. Nguyén Thanh Tit WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM Gidi | 200. A. Exercise 18. Word stress 201. A. apparent 202. A. 203. A. 204. A. tropical 205. A. athietic f 217. 218. 219. 186. A. pleasing 187. A. emergency 188. A. confident 189. A. practically 190. A. inspire Exercise 17. Word stress 191. A. simplicity 192. A. mathematics 193. A. serious 194, A. valley 195. A. gallery 196. Tetum 197. wardrobe 198. A. opposite 199. A. expensive substantial PPPPrePr>> 206. 207. 208. A. predecease A. outstanding A. material 209. A. facility 210. A. accent Exercise 19. Word stress au. 212. 23. 214. 215. 216. A. information ‘A.average A. audience A. superior A. doctor A. wonderful kilo. > A. attractive A musical 220,,Avextent Exercise 20. Word stress 321. A. inadequate 222. A. demonstrate 223. A. secondary B. B. B. B. B. DRUK WDM BW Hw B. B. B. wpowwoOD precise comparative . physical electrify . wealthy . pollution . statistics . mistake . mountain holiday market . tonight . banana . forgotten . apologize arrange potential . extinct . incredible . lucrative . competition minority disability * believe” unlike? Botogether B. Vom m OD B. B. B. attractive . exceed repetition . address . together . centigrade . baleony headmaster synonymous available responsible expectation eu trich doan b6i GV. Nguyén Thanh Ti WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON C. jealous C. dimensional . ethereal C. repetitive C. protect C. electricity C. academy C. circumstance C. peninsula C. informal C. notebook ©. begin C. camera retirement 2 C., numerous’: C. undérground C. argumentative C-marine €.tincomfortable €. conservative * C. indestructible C. determined C. phenomenon however . Cultural 929 . residential gallery convince . entertainment . birthday '. restaurant . temperature chocolate C. engineer C. admit aanaanoaa C. authority C. simplify C. supervision www. D. active D. misunderstand D. regional D. alternative D. extinct D. activity D. mechanics D. original” D. scenely. D. teeturer D. office Dresplode difficult ). picturesque advancement D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D . display simultaneous . fantastic behind . distinguish democracy evidence approximate linguist climate cosmopolitan . numerous . assure incorrect concert . physicist . destination D. decorate D. February D. manuscript voouposo D. purpose D. celebrate D. sociologist 3 ‘ACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM Gi6i thiéu trid doan béi GV. Nguyén Thanh Tit | WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON © ngudi hoc cé t "ding trong ng cénh cu thé (danh tit, dng ty, tinh ta. .)y aéng thoi nim yang cach 224, A. instead B.furious © —C.campaign —_—D- apartment 225. A. particular B. impressed C. knowledge —_D. immense 226, A. excellent B. fertile _ C.century D. include 227. A. recent B, family C. interesting, immediate 228. A. forgettable B. impotant C. periodical —_D. remove 229. A. appreciate B. relationship _C. business D. within 230. A. dependable B. assortment _C. suitable D, commeréial Exercise 21. Word stress ) 231. A.infrastructure BB. convenient —C. executive —_—D. creative 232. A. schedule B. elastic + C. improvement D. equipment 233. A.comfortable _B.. flexible C. prosperous D endeavour 234. A. enthusiasm B. chemistry C. explosive synthetic 235. A. alternative B. energy C. process D. temperature 236. A. potential B. possess . survival <~’ D, current 237. A, burglary’ B. employment C. couragedus’ —_D, dependent 238. A. comment B. nourish C. marine D. landscape 239. A. obstacle B. government —_C. courage D. dismiss 240. A. disaster B, prisoner C. agency D. family Exercise 22. Word stress S 241. A. international —_&B. federation . society D. dedication 242, A. catastrophe B. emergency ¢ °C. conventiona! 1. vulnerable 243. A. suffering B. president C. protection _D. conference 244, A. involve B )— C.improve D. soldier 245. A. deposit © B. C. opinion D. wastepaper 246. A. permission B. C. proficient D. typewriter 247. A. alphabet C. microphone —_D. contradict 248. A. persecute B.defective C. benefit D. influence 249, A. excellent /B) deduction C, decorate D. pesticide 250. A. migrate “CB. inhabit C. character D. diversity -Chuyén dé 2: VOCABULARY (TU VUNG) ~) PHAN 1: WORD-FORMATION (CAU TAO TU) A. LY THUYET CO BAN VA NANG CAO. * Tidn (6 va hau té (prefixes and suffixes) “Mot dang bai tap rat phd bién di voi cic bai thi hoe sinh gidi tiéng Amb lé loai bai t€p cau tg0 tir (tao ra mOt tit phai sinh ti mgt tir cho sn). Doi voi dang bai sir dung kién thire cia minh vé ngit phap dé chon ra dang tir loai can cfu tao tt qua vige sit dung cdc tién t6 v8 hu t6 thich hop dé dién diing tir clin dién, Sau day la ¥ nghia cia m6t sé tién +8 va hau t6 thvdng sip wong tiéng Anh va neha cia ching, Cling cn luru ¥ rang khi ném duce ¥ nghia cua cdc tién t6 va hau t6 WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM ac bai tap doc hiéu. 1. Tién #6 (Prefixes) cila tir, ngubi hoc c6 thé sir dung chiing 48 dodn nghia cia tir méi trong qué trinh lim | Tién t5 duge dat vao dau mot tir d8 thay d4i nghia hodc tao ra mét nghia méi cho | tir da cho. Sau day ld mt s6 tin 16 thuéng gap trong tiéng Anh va nghfa cua ching, Tien 6 Nehia Vidy | Dis, non, il, | khong, phi, im, in, un, ir. | bat, vd dishonest (King tung thc), illegal (khOng hop | phép, phi phap), impossible (khong thé) irregular (bat uy tic), non-sense (v6 nghla), untucky (khéng may) Tua, dis Khong (hose | unlock (mo - tai VGi lock 18 Khoa), disagree mang nghia ‘| (khéng dong ¥), disappear (bién mat - trai voi. trai lai) appear la xuat hign) unhappy (khéng vui) Re Tai, Tetell (KE Iai), rewrite-(viet lai), reprint (in lai) 1 | Anti chéng lat ‘antiwar (chéng chin tranh). anti-nuclear bomb. | chiéu kim déng h6) a anti-aircraft (phong khong). anti-clockwise {nauoc | Counter | phan lai counter-attack (phin cong), counter argue (phan (tuong tac bén trong) ! chéng lai__| bac Jai lap luén), counter-blow (dér dan tra) | Mis | sai nham | misunderstand (higu nham), mistake (sor lm), misuse (sy dilng sai, su lam dung) Super hon bin, siéu, | superheat un qué sbi), “Sopermarket (siéu_ thi), vuot qua superman (siéu nhin) supersensitive (nhay cam qua 40) Pre wurde, tién | pre-war (irude chin tranh, tién shign), pre-historic (tidn sit) & Post sau, hau ‘post-war (sau chign frank, hu chién), post-graduation (sau Ktii tét nghiép), post-birth (sau Khi sinh) Fore trude foresee (dur-kién truée, thay truéc), foretell (ndi { trudc, doan truée), forecast (dr bao truéc) | Over qua (ohiéu) | overeat’ (Zn qué mhigu), oversleep (ngi qua gio} overweight (qué cin), overdrink (uéng qué nhiéu) ex Teuru, co ex-manager (oyu gidm d6c), ex-president (ctu chi | I Sich), ex-wife (vo et) i Col [eling, déng | cooperate (hop tac), co-author (dong téc gia) co- | _[ teaching, ciing day) co-chaiman (ding chii tich) _| up ning ca0,1én | upgrade (nding cp), upstairs (Ién ting tren) ‘Sub subtitle (tiéu dé, phy d&), subdivision (sy chia nho ra), sub-sensible (du6i nguéng cdm gide) Trans ¢| qua, chuyén | Transplant (cay ghép), transatlantic (vuot Dai Tay | ‘ Duong), wanscontinential (xuyén luc dia) Inter >| Reaction International (thugc vé quéc té (gitta nhiéu quéc gia), interrelation (méi quan hé tuong t&c) Gidi thigu trich doan béi GV Nguyén Thanh Ti = Www. 15 WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON ‘ACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON cawa-linguistic context (ngoai ngén), extra- | ngoai activities (ngoai khéa) Poly ahiéu. da polysemantic (da nghia), polyglot (ngudi biét niéu this tiéng) ‘Mono don. 45 | monolingual (don ng), monosymantic{don-nghia), | monosyllabic (don am tiét) Under duéi Undergraduate (chva t6t nghigp), undercook (chua L_ nau chin), under-develop (kém phat irién) a Bi hai, song bilingual (hai ngén ngtt. song nai), Bieycle (xe dap t = hai bénh) 2. Hau t6 (Suffixes): Hau 16 durge thém vao phia sau cha‘mét tir 48 wo tir méi voi ia m6i va Loai tir méi, Sau day J mot vai hu tO ghé bi 6 Nghia Vidy | error, {cautaomét | teacher (gido vién), actor (nam dién vien), actress jess,ant, ; dan tirtirdéng | (nit dién vién), assistant(ngudi phu t8), accountant tirdé chingudi | (ké toan) | lam viée nao 46 Ness. cau tao mot danh | happiness (aem vui, hanh phic), sadness (ndi tir tirtinh tu d& | budn), lonéliness (sy ¢6 dom) chi tinh trang, : tangthaindods | | Ts métchd nghia, | socialisin (cho nghia xa hoi), Maxism (cha nghia | m@t hoc thuyét, | Mac), heroism (chi nghia anh hing) niem tin LS _ | ship, thém vio mét “/friendship (tinh ban), scholarship (hoc béng), | hood | danh tir dé tao") | authorship (nguén tac gid). championship (chute vo thinh mét danh / dich), childhood (théi tho au), neighbourhood (hang. tirméi chidiéu | xém, ving lan cén), motherhood (tinh mau tir) ese ign, tinh trang, i thoi gian, hoae ] nhimng nguéi thudc mot nhém | no 46 Less | khéng c6, thiéu, | useless (v6 ich, vo dung), childless (khéng ¢6 con), vo j Homeless (vd gia cu, khang e6 nha cia), fathers \ (khong 6 cha, mé céi cha), harmless (khang c6 % | bai, v6 hai) Full c6 (pham chat ) bopefil (6 hi vong), useful (cd ich, ding duge), ay nao 46) * successful (thanh céng) {1y, ous, y, Tedu tea mattinh TTovely (dang yéu), lively (sinh dng, song dng), | ent,ant, | tirdéchicédac | hearty (néng nhiét). dangerous (nguy him). tinh nao 46, thuée | poisonous (c6 déc), jealous (ghen ti), important nhémnao | (quan trong). independent (dc lap). Vietnamese | (nguéi Vigt Nam), Chinese (ngudi Trung quéc. cau tao m@ttinh | socialize (x% hdi hod), modemize (hién dai hoa), tirchi hoat déng_| industatize (cong nghigp hod), privatize tu hi hoa) Gi6i thiéu trich doan béi GV. Nguyén Thanh Ti www. ‘ACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON www) a a UCOZ.COM duoc lam tir cai | wooden (lam 8), woolen (iam bang ten). | —— _____ | golden (lim able. ible understandable (c6 thé hiéu due), visible (€6 thé nhin rs thay duge. hiru hinh), drinkable (co the : Ish hoi hoi, c6 dic childish (hoi té con), foolish (ngéc nghéch). tin ndy & mic it | reddish (hoi 46), yellowish hoi vang). youngish | {dho’ tré, kha tr), Like gidng. nhu, childlike (nur teé con. gidng tre con). businesslike twong tu nbur | (nhir thurong gia) Fold gdp mot sé lin | twofold (gap hai lan), tenfold (gap mu thousandfold (gap hang nghin lan) Bese Ward vé huéng | southward (vé huéng nam), backward (lit lai), t | northward (vé huréng bic) Ven, ize, | cdu tao dong tr | Weaken (bi suy yéu), darken (lém 10 lai), brighten | fy ate, | tirtinh tir | (lam cho séng lén), specialize (chilyén mén bod), i | horrify (lam hodng so). beatjfy-(lam dep). liberate I (phong thich, cho tu do), vaccinate (tiém vac xin) B. BAI TAP ON LUYEN yy Bi Dang p co ban + Compete the sentences with the appropriate form ofthe words in brackets. Exercise 1 1 pena aey 1 (HONEST) think that this ig the best thing to do. This (OBSERVE). houseS the largest telescope in the country. UFO means (IDENTIFY). ~ Flying Object. They said my illness was (IMAGINE) Don’t they realize I'm in a lot of pain? ‘They're selling these toys at avery (COMPETE) __ price. A letter should always end ‘with the (SIGN), of the writer. John hates waiting, he’s so (PATIENT). A large number of crimes temain (SOLVE) . The elderly tourists\do" not find the thought of climbing the hill (APPEAL) 10: We ne aa to QS E) more of our waste and glass. Exercise 2 jt | 3 6 7. Gi6i thiéu trich doan béi GV. Nguyén Thanh Ti www. 8. It's not a very pretty town, but the (SURROUND). are beautitul Australia is famous for its (SCENE). beauty. The dentist's (SURGEON), is closed on Thursday. “TRIS is not a good essay,” said the jlecturer, “I find your arguments & ‘ONVINCE) \ Thad to (SHORT) your specch as we started late. Tn the past few years this area has become heavily (INDUSTRY) Jn some places the weather changes so quickly that it's very (PREDICT) The world of computers is extremely (COMPETE) 7 WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/D4 YKEM.QUYNHON r ‘ACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM,QUYNHON 9. The professor explained his idea with'great (CLEAR) __ 10. The judge told him it was (RESPONSIBLE) to drink and drive. Exercise 3 1. Tit help you (FAMILIAR) yourself with the city. : 2. Despite the star-stuffed cast, the film was only (PART) successful 3. I lost my temper because he was being so (HEAD) and. was refusing to accept that he was wrong, despite all the evidence. 4, He wrote the book alone, so he doesn’t have a(n) (AUTHOR) 5. He felt very (COURAGE) when he saw he had failed the exam again. 6 7. Are all those (ADD) they put in food really necéssary? The teacher warmed the children that if they (BEHAVE) they'd be punished. : 8. Librarians spend a lot of their time (CLASS) . I don’t care if you had had too much to drink. Your behavior last night was quite (DEFEND) x 10. Don’t worry! Our new product will keep.“your bathroom clean and (ORDOUR) ___ 7 Exercise 4 S 1. Itwas a complete (FAIL) dueo poor planning, It was very (FRIEND) of youito slam the door in his face. ‘The man cycled (CARE) _and had an accident. Could you (STRAIGHT) © the picture over the sofa? It’s hard to buy meat on the island but fish is (PLENTY) ‘ . I've only been to Paris (ONE) before, and that was many years ago. My car is much too (RELY) to take on a long journey. In (CONCLUDE) T'd like to thank the people who have helped me while I have been working here 9, She was sentencedito forty years (PRISON). for manslaughter. 10, There wasa (DIE) _silence when he mentioned hiis ex-wife's name. Exercise § These quantities re (SUFFICIENT) ___ for the number of orders received. Lam not saying he is (HONEST)_"__, but he isnot very good with money. The (PERFORM) she gave last night was marvellous. She las one of the biggest (COLLECT) in Britain. ‘They managed to find three miners who were still (LIVE) three days after the underground explosion. * Cats are supposed to have nine (LIVE) __ <7) “Look after your mother,” were his (DIE) words, “8 He claimed thathis (BRING UP) had caused him to become a criminal. 9. Itwasa difficult (PREGNANT) and she almost lost the baby. 10. The government has promised to deal with the problem of (EMPLOY) among young people. . again en aw aen yawn Gidi thiéu tr, doan bei GV. Neuyén Thanh Tie WWW.RACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCGUYNHON WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON Exercise 6 . This screw needs (TIGHT) 2. Scientists consider it (BELIEVE) that gods create volcanic eruptions. 3. We brought back several carved (WOOD) statues from our holiday in Africa. 4. The accommodation was (SPACE) and comfortable. 5. There's no easy (SOLVE) to this problem. 6. His hands were wet and (SLIP) _ 7. We were lucky enough to get tickets for the first (PERFORM) the hit musical. 8. What she did was so (SHOCK) that I can hardly describe it. 9. My aunt is a (PLEASE) woman so everyone wants come to her when they are in troubles. . £ 10. The palace is closed for (RESTORE) work. Exercise ? x 1. People often find (HAPPY). in simple things. 4 2. This isa very (VALUE) grandfather clock. Y 3. Katie’s (ILL) has kept her away from school for'a week. 4. Nowadays most teenagers have the (FREE) to do‘whatever they please. 5. A good{FRIEND) will last a lifetime. 6. An (INSPECT) - of the building was.mad¢ and it ws declared safe. 7. The children looked unhappy and (MISERY) _ 8. Please send your (APPLY) to 22 Market St. 9. You'd be (PATIENT) 100 if you had been waiting for two hours! 10. This outfit is (SUIT) for the dance, don't you think? Exercise 8 ey 1. The (EMPLOY) at Maxwell's are all trained in customer service. 2. The children’s (EXCITE) _ 2 was obvious at the birthday party. 3. My brother and I had a(n) (AGREE) and now we don’t talk to each other. 4. I've worked hard all my (ive). 5. The film isa bit depressing a8 it deals withthe (REAL) __of horneess people. 6. This knife is (USE), It @oesn’t cit at all. 7. We were (HELP) _-None of us knew any first aid. 8. He works with great (ENTHUSE) 9. (NATURE)_<5 , we are concemed about our son’s progress at school. 10, Loan’t find:the (SOLVE) to the last maths problem. Exercise9 9 1. A lotof encourage children’s (IMAGINE) : 2. The factory has provided cheaper (PRODUCE) lately. 3. Agcotding to some scientists the earth is losing its outer atmosphere because of POLLUTE) 2 4. (FOREST) has caused many so called-man made disasters. 'Gidi thiéu trich doan béi GV. Nguyén Thanh Tk Www. 9 ‘ACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON. WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON > 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Less public transport is now available because of the(SHORT) ._¢ Exercise 10 L. 2 wr) often walk trough the streets shouting or singing abut something they sell. Gas and oil (CONSUME). always increase in cold water. The police are interested in the sudden(APPEAR) of the-valuable painting. iy He claimed that his (BRING UP) had caused him to be’ criminal. Travelling in big cities is becoming more(TROUBLE)__ of staff. Therefore the roads become (JAM). to work. Because of the volume of traffic local councils are forced to give (PERMIT) for more roads to be constructed. with private cars as people drive (FORTUNE) ___many house have to bé demolished to make ways for the road ‘The injury to their key playér could be a (DEC Ly __ factor m the game. But travelling by public transport is very(ATTRACT)____as there are long delays The (FREQUENT) ____of the trains and the buses causes frustration and annoyance. 3 The situation is so(CHAOS) in some cities now that it is difficult to see any solution. 8. His behaviour always (EMBARRASS) ___me at parties, 9. The new film is(EXCEPTION)____good. 10. She felta sense of (LOSE) when her friend went to live abroad. Exercise 11 1 Please give the handicapped some (CONSIDER) wheri building stairs, 2. Mr. Lim has been having (FINANCE) problems for a long time. 3. We need to give our local stars a lot of (PUBLIC) 4. Money is(SECOND) _ Family comes first. 5. She displayed her (WILLING) toheip him by giving hima cheque. 6. More tocal (NOVEL) are getting recognition for their work. 7. CanYhave an (EXTEND) on the dateline of my project? 8. «twas (COINCIDE) that both our birthdays fell in the same day. 9. (NURSE) for children has just opened near my workplace AO. Angie is quite TOLERATE) of the screaming of her children. Exercise 12 i. New York is the home of the United Nations and the centre of (GLOBE) finance. 2. There are always interesting (EXHIBIT) at the big art museums in New York. x 3. The cinema changed (COMPLETE) at the end of the 1920s, : 4, was absolutely (EXHAUST) after such a long journey. 5. Rivaldo (SCORE) an amazing goal from a free kick in the last minute. 20 Gidi thigu trich doan béi GV Nguyén Thanh Ti = Www. ‘ACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON ©. Are you (INTEREST) in any sports? 7. The movie was (DISAPPOINT). 8 Please write your name, age; and (OCCUPY) __on the form 9. Hfind it (INTEREST) talk to Peter's father 10. The river is (DANGER: for swimmiers. Exercise 13 1. The boy felt quite (SATISFY) with his examination results. 2. A(FISH). is someone who catches fish, either a job or as a sport.’ * 3. Our (FLY) will arrive at Tan Son Nhat Airport at 6:30. 4. Hamid is a (FRIEND) person a 5. The (HOT) destroyed all the crops. 7” 6. Our teacher has a profound (KNOW) of Moroccan history. 7, Walt Disney is the (CREATE) of Mickey Mai 8. We need to join efforts and work together to find a (SOLVE) to the problem of pollution. 4 9. Literature is a source of great (WISE) & 10. Attthe age of just 14 Lauren Murray was «appic __to heroin. Exercise 14 1. Edith Piaf was (FAME) not shly for her magnificent voice but also for her black dress. 2. In this poem, Robert expresses his patrio’ ic (PROUD) 3. The children were very (NOISE)__<\_"_ when their mother was out. 4, (CHILD) is the period of time in which we learn to become a personality. 5. Try not to become a man of (SUCCEED) _but a man of value. A. Einstein 6 Don't worry about (FAIL) as long as you are ready to try again. 7. A basic premise of American jurisprudence is that a person is presumed (INNOCENCE) _« until proven guilty in a court of law. 8. “The situation of human rights in the Arab world has (INCREASE) deteriorated in 2008,” the CIHRS said. 9. GGNORE) of the law excuses no man. 10. The school=expects students to dress in proper attire and maintain a (RESPECT). level of deportment throughout the day. Exercise 15 1. Thete, has been an outbreak of racial (VIOLATE) in the south of Spain recently. 2 The soldiers were responsible for the (DIE) of many civilians in <<“the South of the country. The company’s director lacks (LEAD) skitls, Sugar is (HARM) __ for your teeth because it sticks to them causing plaque and decay ' 21 Gidi thiéu trich doan béi GV. Nguyén Thanh Ti www. ‘ACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM eV 5. The first key to beating drug (ADDICT) lies in understanding it i and identifying its causes. i 6. Mounir Alhamdaoui holds joint (CITIZEN) in Morocco and Holland. | 7. My daughter Hajar received many (GIVE) for her birthday. 8. Itis (LAW) to drive a car if you don’t have a driver’s licence. 9. Taha Hussein lost his (SEE) at an early age 10. His behaviour is often (CHILD) and this makes‘me angry. Gidi thigu th doan bei GV. Nguyén Thanh Tie Exercise 16. Complete the following statement by adding the right suffix from the | list given: -bood, -ship, -th, -ful, -dom,—en, —ous, less b 1. Most people reach (ADULT) at 18. ” 2. Alllove that has not (FRIEND) foc its base is ke a mansdf built upon sand, 3. The longer Illive, the more (BEAUTY) life becomes. 4. Its cold. Why don’t you put a sweater on for extra (WARM) 2 5. Obama is (HOPE) about the future of Amefican economy. 6. The fire gutted all the (WOOD) buildings in our neighborhood. 7. A teeage girl died under (MYSTERY) <_ circumstances and the investigation process is now under way. Thousands of people are still (HOME) _< | two weeks after floods in Sidi Slimane, Morocco. 9. Arrogance is like a (KING) Without a crown, 10. Only the unknown (FRIGHT) ____© ~ men, But once a man has faced the unknown that terror becomes the known. known. Exercise 17 oF 1. Our team were (LUCKY) __¢ to lose as they had a lot of chances but they missed them. ' 2. We must not be (POLITE) our greatest resource. 3. The government arid the trade unions had a (AGREEMENT) over the wage hikes, 4. Our association launched a campaign to raise awareness of (DIVERSITY) anthits importance in all our lives. ~ to our teachers. They are our mentors and 5. The teacher “asked me to (WRITE) my essay as it was full of spelling mistakes. 6. Hundreds of people joined the (WAR) protest in Copley Square in Boston. 7. If you'think corruption can be solved by punishment alone, you completely (UNDERSTAND) problem. 8, Let's not JUDGE) the situation until we hear more details. 9.» (DEVELOPED) countries lose their human capital to the developed countries. ©7'10. [ grew up in a (LINGUAL) family who spoke both Berber and- s Arabic at home, Exercise 18 1. (STABLE) could prevent countries from developing and progressing, EEE ane WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON 2. Raja fans (NUMBER) those of IZK last Sunday at Mohammed V Stadium in Casablanca, 3. In case of wa, itis usualy children, the sick, the elderly, and the (ABLE) who get stuck in the crossfire. 4. During wars civilians may be (ABLE) to obtain food, water, shelter, and medical care. 5. Deforestation causes the extinction of species which depend on the forest for (SURVIVE) Poverty is (DOUBT) a determinant factor in the use of child labor. (GROW) deficiency is prevalent among working children. .Bilal's mother often blames him for his (CARE) Many people in developing countries are (POOR) remunerated for ail the hard work they do. / 10. The Moroccan and Spanish authoritics (OPERATE) 0 fightterrorism, Exercise 19 & 1. Be sure to contact him if you need advice. He's a very (HELP) person, It was a really (ENJOY) party. Thanks for inviting me. He has just taken out a (MONTH) subscriptiOn to the magazine. She smiled (HAPPY) when they offered her the new job. . (HOPE) we'll have enough money saved to get married next year. In order for the medicine to work (EFFECT), © you must take the correct amount, 7. Although our teacher is very strict in class, she is (FRIEND) than you would expect. 8. What a beautiful vase! That's the (LOVE). present I've ever had. 9. He told her that he (SYMPATHY) with her problem but couldn't do anything to help. 10. My. belt feels a bit tight after that huge lunch, I think Tll have to (LOOSE) ita litte. yee rr oS Exercise 20 She was severely (WEAK) by the long illness she had. ‘There are many differentways to (CLASS) areas of English Grammar. If you're really sorry for what you said you won't mind (APOLOGY) . There's no need to (CRITIC) my work. I'm trying as hard as I can. ‘The pain in iis back (LESS)___-a soon as he took the medication. Everybody was (HORROR) by the news of the earthquake, . When he Became a teenager he wanted to be more (DEPEND) from his parents. 8. -Itwas really (HONEST) of you to take that money without asking. 9. If you hadn't been so (CARE) ‘with that book you'd still have it now. 10. My broken leg means Tl be (ABLE) to go on holiday with you. Naw e eS 23 Gidi thiéu trich doan béi GV. Nguyén Thanh Tt www. ‘ACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON pany e40 Dang bai 2: Complete the passage using the correct form of the words-in the capital letters. Exercise 1 To neighbors, Mr Stewart is a dull man. who speaks very (1/“POLITE) and whose only form of (2- ENTERTAIN) is his job. And to a certain extent it's true, since Mr Stewart finds his job very (3 INTEREST) He is an antique dealer and goes to work (4 HAPPY) every day. He handles some very (5- EXPENSE) __ pieces sometimes, whith can make his job (6- DANGER) . as there have recently been quite a few (7- ROB) at antique shops. So not (8- SURPRISE) 2. Mr Stewart decided that his own business needed some extra (9- PROTECT) Affr having an alarm system put in, Mr Stewart doesn’t feel (10- COMPLETE) secure but he does feel more protected. Exercise 2 ‘You may know that Asian, Middle Eastem arid: Mediterranean cultures have (I- TRADITION) used garlic in their dishes. What you may not know is that garlic was also thought of as a (2- VALUE) medicine by many ancient civilisations. Today, (3-PROFESSION). in the field of nutrition have come up with new (4- INFORM) __— Which is indeed quite surprising. Apparently, not only is garlic good for you but it also helps overcome various (5- ILL) ‘The mam (6- ADVANTAGE) ___“Y__ to eating garlic is of course bad (7- BREATH) _ Cooking it reduces the Strong smell and eating’ parsley, which is a (- NATURE) deodoriser; aléo helps minimise the smell. So, it’s time we took the benefits of garlic (9- SERIOUS) Why not add it to some of your (10- FAVOUR) dishes! Exercise 3 Being a (1- JOURNAL) , Toften have to go on strange assignments, So when my editor told me to do @ story on one of the (2- FAME) health spas in Switzerland, Iwas only too happy to go and take it easy for a week or two. However, when: [-got there and saw the programme, I began to panic. I had to go ona diet and participate in a (3- VARY) of exercise classes. My (4- ANGRY) tured to rage when they insisted 1 go to bed very early so as to get up at 5:00 a. mand eat breakfast in a (S- BUILD) which looked like 2 greenhouse,’I must admit that they ran an excellent (6 ORGANIZE) Anyway. you can imagine how happy [ was to see my familiar (7- NEIGHBOUR) vhen.J’ finally arrived home. A few months later, I received an (8- INVITE) from the same clinic for a week's worth of free treatment. My family jought it rather (9- AMUSE) when they saw the (10- FRIGHT) 5 look on my face. cxercise 4 My father was 2 police (I- INSPECT) , my mother a (2- TEACH) < . Their (3- DECIDE) to move to a small town when I was a child as hanged my life. It was a very (4- PEACE} place and of course living there SO veant that I had much more (5- FREE) to go wherever 1 pleased. The 5 sople were (6- FRIEND) but I missed my close friends, my school and the * NOISE) city Thad lived in. As I grew up, I realized that there wasn’t ‘ Gidi thigu trich doan béi GV. Nguyén Thanh Tit WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON for 2 young person to do mere, except rush into (o- MARK J seins Pilest, my parents were sad, but they realized that staying there would only make me H(9- MISERY) The big city I live in now is not very far away. so I can visit Fmy parents (10- FREQUENT) and have the best of both worlds. ‘Exercise $ The economic crisis facing many countries today, has created serious (I. EMPLOY) problems. (2- ENERGY) young people, willing. work, are confronted by many (3- DIFFICULT) when trying to finda” job. Filling in countless (4- APPLY) forms and hearing that they are.(5- SUIT) _ for the job because they don't have the right (6- QUALIFY) can be disheartening, Finding a job seems just (7- POSSIBLE) However. their (8- DISAPPOINT) shouldn't affect them nor make them give up. There is no straightforward (9- SOLVE) other than (10- PATIENT) and persistence. : Exercise 6 f The (1- EXCITE) game between the Dragons atid, the Tigers is over. The Tigers’ failure to win of course means that they won't-play in the finals. The Dragons played a (2-WONDER) game and earned everyone's (3- ADMIRE) Their (4- COMBINE) of tactics and strength definitely helped them win. Due to the continuous (5- DEVELOP) of new | strategies by their coach, this will be the (6- FIVE) year in a row that the Dragons will play in the final. Their (7- POPULAR) has increased over the years and there is no doubt that Hillbell Stadium will be (8- CROWD) ____ with (9- ENTHUSE) fans on the day of the final. If they play like today, they are sure to be (10- SUCCESS) Exercise 7 7 In our (3- LIVE) we areyconstantly bombarded by (2- ADVERTISE) whose role is to make products (3- ATTRACT) enough so that people will want to buy them (4- IMMEDIATE) There has been a lot of (5- DISCUSS) on the powerful effects of advertising. Are ads really (6- USE) ? Are they (7- TRUE). 2 Do they give us a(8- REAL) idea of the product? People\aré rarely in (9- AGREE) on any of these questions, but the fact is that ads are (10- HELP) in letting people know the F wide variety of goods ayailable. Exercise 8 There has been.a atpificane (1- REDUCE) in police popularity in the last few years. That's why this week a public relation campaign is being launched to make people mort (2- SENSE) to the role of the police officer. The adds will stress that police do more than just give (3- MOTOR) * speeding tickets. They. often act as unofficial social workers, visit schools and talk to students, familiarising them with traffic signs and waming them of (4- VARY) dangers. Being a police officer is (5- RISK) . considering that every day they-deal with (6- CRIME) such as thieves and even (7- MURDER) __ (8 CONCLUDE) » the campaign wants to make the public realise that seven though in some cases the police’s approach may seem exireme, they cannot ignore the (9- POSSIBLE) of injury or even (10- DIE) ‘while on duty 25 Gidi thigu trich doan béi GV. Nguyén Thanh Tit WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON

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