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var rings = 10;

var spacing = 5; // in units such as um

var pixelsPerUnit = 1;
var unit = "pixel";
var xcenter, ycenter;
var markSize = 5;
// Draws concentric circles centered at (xcenter, ycenter)
macro "Concentric Rings Tool -C00b-O00ff-O4477" {
getCursorLoc(xcenter, ycenter, z, flags);
makeOval(xcenter-2, ycenter-2, 4, 4);
spacingInPixels = spacing*pixelsPerUnit;
radius = spacingInPixels;
for (i=0; i<rings; i++) {
drawRing(xcenter, ycenter, radius, i+1);
radius += spacingInPixels;
run("Select None");
//print(pixelsPerUnit+" pixels per " + unit);
// Records the coordinates and distance from (xcenter, ycenter)
// in the "Log" window and draws a dot.
macro "End Tool -C00b-T2e16E" {
if (xcenter==0 && ycenter==0)
exit("Rings must be drawn first");
getCursorLoc(x, y, z, flags);
drawLine( x, y, x, y);
xx = (x-xcenter)/pixelsPerUnit;
yy = (ycenter-y)/pixelsPerUnit;
distance = sqrt(xx*xx+yy*yy);
print("end \t" + xx + " \t" + yy + " \t" + distance);
// Records the coordinates and distance from (xcenter, ycenter)
// in the "Log" window and draws an X.
macro "Branch Tool -C00b--T2e16B" {
if (xcenter==0 && ycenter==0)
exit("Rings must be drawn first");
getCursorLoc(x, y, z, flags);
size = markSize/2;
drawLine( x-size, y-size, x+size, y+size);
drawLine( x+size, y-size, x-size, y+size);
xx = (x-xcenter)/pixelsPerUnit;
yy = (ycenter-y)/pixelsPerUnit;
distance = sqrt(xx*xx+yy*yy);
print("branch \t" + xx + " \t" + yy + " \t" + distance);
function drawRing(x, y, radius, n) {
makeOval(x-radius, y-radius, radius*2, radius*2);
drawString(n, x+radius+2, y+4);
function getCalibration() {
info = getInfo();
if (indexOf(info, "Resolution:")==-1) {
pixelsPerUnit = 1;
unit = "pixel";
lines = split(info, "\n");
resLine = 0;
for (i=0; i<lines.length; i++) {
if (indexOf(lines[i], "Resolution:")==0)
resLine = i;
calibration = split(lines[resLine], "");
pixelsPerUnit = calibration[1];
unit = calibration[4];
macro 'Concentric Rings Options' {
rings = getNumber("Number of Rings:", rings);
spacing = getNumber("Ring Spacing", spacing);

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