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Do you want to learn what your hands can tell you about your

personality with the ancient art of palmistry? Take a look inside palm
reading and explore the universe residing within your own hands.

First of all, look at the shape of your hand. If your hand is round in
shape, you’re an action-oriented person. You act before you think.
This can sometimes cause you to land in a sticky situation, but you’re
good at working things through in a crises situation. You’re best
motivated under a crushing deadline!

Action people hate to wait around all day, waiting for something to
happen. They get annoyed with people who take all day to make up
their minds.

Now, if your Palm has an oval shape, it’s what, inside palm reading, I call the Conic Hand.
It’s a beautiful hand and signifies that you are very emphatic. This is the ability to feel the
emotions of others. It causes your aura to radiate a warm, sympathetic energy, which is
attractive to the – well, the lost souls of the world. Emphatic people seem to attract the
personal confessions of strangers. It would not be unusual if you are sitting at a bus stop,
and someone sits next to you and starts telling you their life story.

At some point in your life, if you have the Conic Hand, you’ll begin to wonder why all your
friends have so many problems. It’s kind of like being the ‘agony aunt’ in your social group.

If your hand is square, you’re a planner, a designer and a coordinator. You tend to be
eminently practical, a little sceptical and a person to whom security will always be
important. Square hands, inside palm reading, reveal the practical people of the world. If
you are square handed you will not run off to join the circus!

Inside palm reading, finger length is important, too. If your fingers are long, you are very
sensitive to details and perhaps a bit of a perfectionist. If your fingers are short, however,
you tend to be a bit impatient and won’t want to be bothered with details.

Now, let’s look at the lines of the hand inside palm reading.

This is the Heart Line. It begins at the side of the hand and
continue across the palm and can end in various places. If it ends
under the first finger, it signifies a person who’s a little self-cantered
and introspective. I call it, inside palm reading, the “Princess Line”. If
your heart line ends under the second finger, you are someone who
gives, and gives, and gives. This is called The Gift of Mercy, but it’s a
pain in the neck kind of gift, because it means that you tend to put
the need of others in front of your own.
Ideally, the heart line should end between the first two fingers, which signify a good balance
between giving and receiving. It’s a fine, nurturing quality that is ideal.

Now, if your Heart line is straight, it means you have a Mental Heart line. It always indicates
someone whose head gets involved in matters of the heart. Relationships must satisfy the
head as well as the heart. But with a mental heart line you may overanalyze people rather
than trusting your instincts.

If your heart line is curved, you have a Physical Heart line. People with this line are very
romantic and idealistic. They always show what they feel because their feelings are always
close to the surface. Sometimes too close!

Inside palm reading, this is your Head Line, and if it’s straight, it
means you’re logical and technical.

If it’s curved, you’re creative and artistic. The length of the line
determines your attention span and ability to concentrate.

If your headline forks, it means you can see both sides of an issue,
and you will love debate. It is sometimes called a Writer’s fork or
Lawyer’s fork.

This of course is your Life line. Inside palm reading, your Life line
does not tell how long you will live; it gives an indication of how well
you live.

Are you vibrant and alive or tired and weary all the time?
If your Life line sweeps out into the Plain of Mars it will make your restless so you will most
likely seek independence and travel a lot. Inside palm reading, if your life line hugs close to
your thumb, near the Mount of Venus it will draw you to stay at home and be a homebody.
During your lifetime, if your lifeline is torn between Venus, with the desire to stay at home,
and Mars, with push to come out and take on the challenges of the world, you will struggle
between the need for security and the desire for independence.

 L = Lower Mars
 P = Plain of Mars
 U = Upper Mars
 V = Mount of Venus

Breaks in the Life line, inside palm reading, will indicate periods of
illness or times when you feel like ‘life is on hold’. A fork at the end
of your Life line is called a Traveller’s fork, and indicates an “itchy
foot” and a desire to travel.

The Heart, Head, and Life lines are the three major lines of the hand
studied inside palm reading. But the following, more volatile, line of
the hands also holds amazing palmistry secrets.

The Fate line is sometimes called the Destiny or Saturn line

and shows what forces go into centering your personality. If your
fate line starts close to the Life line, you’ll be a “people pleaser” early
on in life, trying to meet the expectations of others. If the line starts
down on the heel of the hand, it’s called a “Neptune Line” and
indicates that you’re a bit of an oddball, doing things your way and
marching to the beat of a different drum. If your fate line starts high
in the hand, you’ll be a late bloomer. It takes you a little longer to
find out who you are and what you want to do.
Professional psychic Samantha Stevens will teach you everything you need to know
about palmistry in her new eBook Guide to Palmistry

With over 120 pages, this fully illustrated palm reading guide will walk you through every
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beginners as well as a great resource for professionals looking for a fresh perspective in this
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Prophecies for the passionate in planetary prediction.

We have genuine horoscopes with accurate predictions of the future based on the relative
positions of the planets in our solar system. The lucky horoscope-junkie gets a free
PSYCHIC horoscope too... read on.... :-)

Are you a horoscope junkie too?

 You want to know the star sign when you meet someone new.
 You recognize people’s astrological personality traits.
 You prefer people of one star sign over another.
 (ZorbaZiv is a Capricorn is that a good thing?)
 You say you don’t believe your daily horoscope but you do.
 You know which celebrities share your star sign.
 You read the zodiac in every magazine and newspaper you pick up.

Yes, you have come to the right place!

For instant answers to urgent problems, here's a personal horoscope service from Sara
Freda. -> Free for the horoscope junkie here <-

Our star signs are based on constellations of stars that outline the earth known as
the Zodiac. As the earth moves it gives the illusion of the stars moving across the heavens.
Each star sign in the Zodiac becomes a sort of event marker and Astrologers are able to
interpret the relative positions of the stars with your particular sign and produce
horoscopes. Thank heavens for Astrologers! The Horoscope Junkie would have no planetary
predictions to be passionate about if it weren’t for the Astrologers. Three Cheers all round.
Hip – Hip - Hip - Horory for astrology!

The Ancient History of the Signs: When the

ancients noticed the planets moving along the ecliptic
path, they also noticed the background of fixed stars
behind that path. It would be as though you noticed a
background of billboards around a racetrack. You could
tell the positions of the horses around the track just by
identifying the billboards behind each horse. The
ancients used the background of fixed stars the same
way. They divided their racetrack (the ecliptic) into 12
equal sectors. Each sector was named after the fixed-
star group seen in that sector: Aries the ram for
instance. The ancients referred to these sectors as the
"little zoo", which in Greek is "zodiac".

The Significance of the Signs: The planets represent

the energies that drive your physical, emotional mental
and intuitional systems. These energies manifest themselves differently depending on the
positions of the planets in the signs of the zodiac. Different signs channel the energies into
different behavior patterns, which are then recognized as personality traits.
Your star sign is also often called your sun sign because it’s actually the position of the
Sun in the Zodiac at the time of your birth. If the Sun was in the part of the Zodiac called
Capricorn at the time of your birth, then you are a Capricorn like me. Check your birth date,
and in a word, the horoscope junkie traits associated with each sign of the Zodiac as

 Aquarius January 20-February 18 - Independent

 Pisces February 19-March 20 - Impressionable
 Aries March 21-April 19 - Outgoing
 Taurus April 20-May 20 - Conservative
 Gemini May 21-June 21 - Versatile
 Cancer June 22-July 22 - Emotional
 Leo July 23-August 22 - Authoritative
 Virgo August 23-September 22 - Exacting
 Libra September 23-October 23 - Helpful
 Scorpio October 24-November 21 - Determined
 Sagittarius November 22-December 21 - Optimistic
 Capricorn December 22-January 19 - Cautious

Every sign falls into a group of elementary signs: fire, earth, water, and air;
depending on their orientation in the zodiac. The ancient astrologers had associated each
element with their temperaments, and each group of elements is at 120 degree angles to
each other.

 Fire Signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are: enthusiastic, courageous, passionate
and impulsive.
 Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are: practical, materialistic,
conservative and inhibited.
 Air Signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are: intellectual, adaptive, impractical
and superficial.
 Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are: emotional, sensitive, placid and

These four groups of signs: fire, earth, air, and water, combine to form two major groups
that represent two fundamental approaches to life; active and passive. The fire and
air signs make up the active or masculine signs, while the earth and water signs make up
the passive or feminine signs. It is unfortunate that the ancient astrologers called the active
signs masculine and the passive signs feminine.
Generally, the practicing psychic is called a medium.

Medium: An agent through which something else is transmitted or carried.

Receiving Psychic Advice is usually called ‘having a reading’.

A psychic medium receives information through:

• Clairvoyance: the ability to see what isn’t seen through the eyes

• Clairaudience: to hear what isn’t heard through the ears

• Clairsentience: to be able to touch, taste or smell beyond the natural range of these

Each medium will have his/her own idea from where they convey their psychic advice.

For some it’s simply connecting to the spirit world as they have the ability to communicate
with those who have passed over. As in these insights into the afterlife from a ghost

Consider though, that if a person was as thick as a brick whist alive, he/she is most likely as
thick as a brick while dead too. So if dead Uncle Fred, who had gone bankrupt ten times
over whilst alive, comes to you through the medium and says “sell all your stocks and go
live in the hills” think very carefully before taking this psychic advice too seriously. Would
you walk across the road and stop a total stranger and ask what advice he had for your
major life purpose? I don’t think so.

However, a session with a spirit medium can be very reassuring for those who have lost
loved ones. Contacting those who have died is a very popular form of obtaining psychic
advice and attracts the TV producers to televise some of the more famous mediums like
John Edward, James Van Praagh and the like. I should say, rather, the passed-on contacting
the living via the medium. It is more the case that spirits will find the medium in a way to
come through to you, not you finding a way to contact the spirits.

If you could see with your own eyes that every one of us is surrounded by angels, spirit
guides, and our family and friends that have passed on, you would never doubt that you are
truly blessed. Clairvoyant medium Rev Jennifer Marie Solis shares Six Steps of
Actualizing Your Higher Self for psychic advice and Divine Inspiration.

Psychic Advice from the Light of Brian. As a psychic medium, Beth Berry can help you
communicate with your loved ones in the spirit world. Beth's compassionate psychic advice
can help you experience proof of life after death. It was Beth's brother Brian who gave her
the "kick in the pants" (from the other side) to use her psychic gifts of clairvoyance,
clairaudience and clairsentience without fear. (Brian was killed on December 25, 1997 at the
age of 21). You can read Beth’s story here. www.LightOfBrian.com

Author and afterlife communication psychic, Penny Clark Babson, recently explained to
me how she connects to the other side. One of the most important things that she has
learned about afterlife communication is that you do not need a psychic medium to connect
with your loved ones who have crossed over. Here is Penny’s psychic advice about
afterlife communication.

Some mediums will connect with Higher Realms. Their psychic advice is
communication brought forward from the essence of different dimensions; Angels, Beings of
Light and Wise Old Entities.

Often referred to as a Trance Channeler this type of medium will usually go into a light
trance state while the being aligns with the person and communicates THROUGH him/her.
Some mediums have little or no conscious awareness of the messages being shared. But
this is not set in stone, some channelers will remain totally aware of the session whilst it is
in progress. Typically this psychic advice is not personal but rather more about higher
insights to live by.

Much of the channeled information is truly remarkable, but you have to get your own
experiences to know that of course, and I must warn you, I have also found this area to
harbor many absolute fruit-cakes and space-cadets. So buyers beware as they say, Nutters
exist as well as the Real MacCoys.

This leads me to the skeptics. All I can say about the skeptics is: For the believers no proof
is necessary, for the skeptics no proof is enough. I’m happy for both the believers and the
skeptics. I’m not here to convert anyone. I have my own evidence you need to get yours, if
you want to that is.

It’s always best to be skeptical until your own experience of receiving psychic advice gives
you reason to believe.

If it’s answers to important questions you seek, more down to earth psychic advice
can come from the Clairvoyant Tarot Reader.

I would like separate the Tarot Card reading from Clairvoyant Tarot reading here.

A good Clairvoyant Tarot Reader will use the imagery of the Tarot to inspire visual
messages in the minds eye. He/she will then relay thoughts and feeling from those
visualizations within. The clairvoyant tarot reader is a psychic. Those images will ‘come
alive’ in the psychics mind's eye. The clairvoyant will then be able to convey messages and
future guidance about specific areas of your life.

This type of reading will usually be more about what is going on for you NOW and in the
near future.

Issues such as relationships: “Is my ex boyfriend going to come back to me?” “Who is my
wife spending her time with?” “Will this friendship turn into something more?”

– Business and Careers: “Will I get this job I’ve just had an interview for?” “Is this person a
good partner in this business venture?” I am so bored in my work life, what career path
should I be taking?”
These and many more are often the questions asked of and answered in a good way by The
Clairvoyant Tarot Reader. They don’t involve talking to spirits and entities and do help many
people in everyday situations.

Some Clairvoyants convey their psychic advice by

gazing at a crystal ball. In a similar way that the clairvoyant
will see the tarot cards come alive the crystal ball gazer will
see things in the nothingness through the ball.

It’s not the Crystal Ball that has any magic power. It won’t
matter whether the ball is quartz crystal or lead crystal glass,
it’s the ability of the clairvoyant to see the unseen.

I remember struggling for many years to ‘see’ things in my

crystal ball. I have been adept with my Clairvoyant Tarot-
Vision for fifteen years or more but try as I may all I could see
in the crystal ball was the impurities and flaws in the glass.
Then one day while in the middle of giving a reading over the
phone I just glanced back at the ball and there in my minds
eye the animated image of a hand holding a scrap of paper
with a word written on it as clear as daylight. It was the very answer to the question my
client had just posed.

I still can’t just pull to me the visions in the ball, but it’s always there during my readings
and most often the signs and messages needed, will appear right on time.

The Oracles (Tarot, Runes, Numerology, Astrology and I-Ching) are studied and used
by many people.

Although I have found a big difference between the psychic and the oracle-teller, seeking
advice from the various oracles (printed or practiced) can be both entertaining and thought

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A Tarot Reader will study and learn the meaning of each and every card, then replicate
those meanings in a reading. These tarot readers usually follow a structure and lay cards in
a ‘spread’, most popular being the Celtic Cross or a variation of it.

In my mind, you may as well get a Tarot deck and instruction book and look the meanings
up for yourself. I don’t think of a Tarot reader as a psychic.

I don’t want to put down the Tarot, it is fascinating and well worth the study. I will cover
different subjects like Tarot, Angels, Channeling, and Numerology etc in subsequent pages.
Steps to take before seeking Psychic Advice:

Know the type of advice you are looking for.

Are your questions specific and down-to-earth, about

now and near future events that affect you personally?
Best seek the Clairvoyant Tarot Reader.

Looking for evidence of life after death? Wanting to

know that loved ones who have passed over are still
real in some form, safe and know you are thinking of
them? Arrange a reading with a psychic spirit medium.

Higher level questions like advice on Spiritual Paths, Universal Wisdom and questions on
life, universe and all that is? Locate a trance channeler, either one who will conduct a
personal reading or one who holds group lectures and dialogues.

Choose the method of obtaining your reading. A personal recommendation is always good
lead to follow, but where do you find psychic advice?

There are usually psychic advisers of one type or

another at a local new age bookstore. Remember to
question the store owner or psychic about what type of
reader he/she is. Market stalls usually have a tarot
reader on site as do Psychic Fairs, New Age festivals,
Body-Mind-Spirit exhibitions and the like.
Another group of traits occurs among signs that are 90
degrees apart from each other. There are four signs in
each group of qualities, which are cardinal, fixed, or mutable.
They suggest the basic kinds of activity a person will be
engaged in--getting things started, keeping them going, or
steering them in different directions.

Cardinal Signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are

initiating, enterprising, ambitious and domineering.

Fixed Signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are

determined, conventional, organizing and dogmatic.

Mutable Signs: Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius are

adaptable, imaginative, tutorial and critical.

Many psychics claim to have clairvoyance, the psychic sense of seeing clearly. A clairvoyant
person can see what many others have trouble seeing. I have this ability. I can go into my
deep thoughts and see clearer. I feel as if a screen is pulled down in front of my face and I
am watching a movie. Sometimes it feels as if I am watching only scenes from a whole
movie. This can be difficult but with my many years of experience, I know how to interpret
it for the most part. I have learned to decipher what is really going on. My mind acts as a
filter. This so-called filter will separate what is going on, what will happen in the future. It
can also determine what is being thought and what is actually happening or has happened. I
know this sounds a little confusing but it happens very frequently to me. Since I am
clairvoyant, I can say that I often see things that seem unclear also. I have visions of
people, actions, and objects. Sometimes they do not make any sense. I present all of the
information to the person that I am reading. They in turn can usually decipher what it all
means. There are some occasions when they are not sure. I do find that later on while they
are living their lives, they tend to refer back to what I saw. They things I predicted will be
true at a later time. In a way, being clairvoyant is a kind of therapy. I feel very free
and able to answer many questions for others. I usually find that the things presented to
me make sense after time. I use my tools to help my clients understand why things are
happening to them. My clairvoyance can help them make whatever changes or decisions
they may need to.

I can really use this gift to bring out what they do not want to face or deal with. I often talk
to them about all of the things that are going on and they seem to fit the pieces together as
in a puzzle. Being clairvoyant can make your direction go the right way. My clairvoyance can
really guide others and me to their destiny. I feel that my mind receives messages form the
higher spirit. I get these messages in the form of words, pictures, smells, and feelings. I
then relay it to my client. We often have to dig deeper to really know what the messages
are. There are instances when it is very clear and we know right away without further
digging. Being clairvoyant can also tie into being clairaudience, and clairsentience. I
experience both of these.

Since I am clairaudient, I have to tell you that this means I can ‘psychically’ hear clearly.
I hear what others have said or what they will say. I hear about their plans and their
failures. I find that I hear what they will say in the future as well. This can be a very useful
tool. I help my clients to be prepared for what others will say to them. Some of my clients
are concerned about their jobs and careers. By using this skill, I can tune into what a future
boss or interviewer might say. This can be very helpful while they need to not waste time on
going to the wrong employer. I can help people with relationship problems. I use this sense
to pick up on what another is saying about them. It can help deliver a more concrete
conclusion about what is really going on.

Being clairsentient means that I feel what my clients feel. This can be a bit strange at
times. I feel pain, sadness, happiness, depression, joy, panic, etc. You may now know that
this can be pleasant at times but also very rough too. I have to control using this skill
sometimes. I have to be in a rare and strong mind set. It can become very draining. It will
make you very tired and sometimes physically harmed. I use this with much caution. I
agree that it is a wonderful talent to have. I feel that suing this is of great service to many.
I can very mush really feel what is going on or what will happen. I use this to warn others
as well. I can inform my clients of harm that may be done to them unless they avoid certain
situations. I find that I do not use this often but I will use this as needed. I will also do it if a
client requests it I think that the gift of clairvoyance is a
complete joy. I feel free knowing that I can look into many
different aspects of anyone’s life and get some real concrete
answers. I think that this is a genuine skill that needs to be
fine tuned at times I feel that over the years, I have learned
to really be able to use this to it’s fullest advantages. I am
always trying to acquire more and more experience. This
insures me that I will be able to put my clairvoyant gentle
guidance to work and help many others in a very positive way.

“Death is an illusion that some choose to give power by believing that once we die there is
no more; however, the truth is that it simply doesn’t exist. Death is merely the transition
from one world or dimension into another.” — William Constantine, Spirit Messenger and
Ghost Whisperer

Since we are born we begin to die, so in life, there is death. I have learned a lot about life
and death, and the afterlife as my work as a communicator with Spirit / ghost whisperer.

In times like these, where death is prominent, between the natural disasters and war I find
my message to be that of love and healing. There is a place where souls reside and that the
human body is merely a temporary shell that spirit inhabits.

The message from my insights into the afterlife is simple, nobody dies alone. You are
received by loved ones that have passed on. You are greeted with a loving embrace by
familiar faces, open arms, and tenderness. You find yourself comforted by these loved ones
that you understand that everything is going to be alright.

In addition, there is the tunnel or the light as some refer to it, a swirling colorful tunnel that
embraces you with a feeling of warmth, love, understanding, and forgiveness. Going
through the tunnel is a soothing experience and not something to fear.
My insights into the afterlife have taught me that death itself is nothing to be feared. In
fact, it is just the opposite, death is a release of all the pain and suffering that may be
occurring here on earth. It is merely a passport for the soul to move from this life to the

There has been issue of suicides or mass death, which has been brought to my attention,
and my insights into the afterlife as a ghost whisperer have taught me that those, whom
take their own life, are not condemned to eternal damnation. In fact, they are welcomed by
loved ones that have passed on too, they also get the help that they need on the Otherside.
There is a support system on the Otherside, and forgiveness is a huge part of it. Also, the
support system helps, in situations like Hurricane Katrina where mass life is taken, it helps
to counsel and aid those affected.

To give you a better understanding how forgiving the Otherside is; I once communicated
with a Spirit that told me that even victims of murder, even serial murders, forgive those
that have taken their life. The power of forgiveness is truly amazing, my insights into the
afterlife have shown that nobody harbors grudges on the Otherside.

I am often asked what it is like on the Otherside. For some reason this topic is fascinating to
the living. I don’t know if it is because they are curious about where they are going to go or
if it is more of wondering where their loved ones have gone, maybe it is both. A lot of us
just want to be sure that we aren’t going to be left in the ground to become food for worms
and recycled back to Earth. Sadly, I must say that this does occur, but on the positive side
it only happens to our human shell. My insights into the afterlife as a ghost whisperer show
our Spirit has long since left the body by this point, in fact, the Spirit usually leaves the
body either shortly after or before death depending on the circumstances.

Contrary to popular opinion, the afterlife isn’t above nor below us, in fact, my insights into
the afterlife as a ghost whisperer reveal it co-exists with the world we live in. The Afterlife
isn’t just rolling hills and a white mist, like we see in most movies or Hollywood renditions.
It does have places that may remind you of Heaven or the Elysian Fields, but it also is home
to villages, towns, cities, etc. There are jobs and learning facilities, places to eat and even
the occasional bar. It is very much like the world where we live, except without all the
violence and anger. From what I understand there is no War on the Otherside(s).

My insights into the afterlife as a ghost whisperer reveal multiple dimensions and planes
that house various parts of the Spirit World. I have learned that some planes of the Afterlife
resemble certain eras within our History, for example there is a plain that would resemble
Medieval Times, Victorian times, etc.

When a haunting occurs to us it is modern day, but the Spirit prefers to see the world as it
was when they lived. This is not to say that they do not see it how we see it, but it is a
mere preference for them to experience it as it is most comfortable to them.

This brings me to another common, related subject, why do some Spirits not cross over? my
insights into the afterlife as a ghost whisperer confirm the answer is this, sometimes if we
die a very traumatic and tragic death our soul is very confused and we may not know that
we have in fact died. Sometimes, in the case of a murder or suicide, the soul may feel angry
that it feels like it has unfinished business to do. It has been known for Spirits to seek those
that have done them a severe injustice, like in the case of a murder. Usually in the case of a
murder it is the Spirits choice on whether or not they stay or cross over. You have those
Spirits who simply chose to not cross over and become residual energies here.
In death it really is those that continue living that suffer because they go through a grieving
process, which in my opinion, is the human way of being selfish and wanting that person
alive again. Even though, that person is in another place which is a lot better than here, and
they are for the most part happy and healthy. Spirit’s do have shoulda’s, coulda’s, woulda’s
but realize that they didn’t. I call this Spirit Reflections, things that they have learned after
crossing over that they would have done differently here on earth. Yet, they do not mope on
the Otherside, wishing they did these things instead they continue to be an active part of
our lives by coming in visitation and just being around us. My insights into the afterlife as a
ghost whisperer demonstrate they find great comfort and joy in guiding us through our

No matter how you die, you do not make the journey alone. Please look at death as a
continuation of life, a ticket to the afterlife if you will, but not as a punishment or something
to fear.

1. Actualizing Your Higher Self with Meditation: Center yourself so that you can begin
to hear the divine inspiration that the universe is giving you. Quiet the mind to allow your
soul to speak. You have lived many lifetimes always learning and gathering knowledge.
When we are reborn we forget, but you can quiet your mind and allow your spirit to
remember. Meditating is vital to actualizing your higher self. When meditating allow your
mind to wander even if you can't understand what you are seeing or feeling.
2. Affirmation for Divine Inspiration: It can be hard to change the way one thinks. It is
instinctive to judge, doubt, and question. Everyday you should chant affirmations. One
positive thought has 100 times more power that one negative thought. Two affirmations
that can change your life in two weeks are, " I (your name) am the perfect child of God."
and " Money flows easily and abundantly in my life." If you repeat these, ten times every
morning, you are actualizing your higher self, so never doubt the power that you have when
you tap into that well of divine inspiration that lives within you.

3. Forgiveness is Essential for Actualizing Your Higher Self: Love yourself with no
judgment. Many say that they have forgotten the past. Then why are people still making the
same choices and recreating the same experience over and over again? If someone has hurt
or failed you in some way, forgiving them is only half of it. Forgiving yourself is the second
half. Know that you chose this experience for a reason and allow yourself to leave without
guilt. For example, if one's spouse is abusive then one must forgive oneself for allowing
oneself to experience this. Then, and only then, will you make peace with past, present and
future problems.

4. Happiness Can Bring Divine Inspiration: God is all loving. God wants you to be
happy. Never question something that brings you joy. Nothing anybody thinks should make
you doubt your happiness. God judges our sins, but not who we are. So why be so self

5. Actualizing Your Higher Self Can Connect You With Your Angels: Can you imagine
the sense of security that a newborn baby feels in the arms of their mother? This is the
feeling that most people spend a lifetime searching for. When you connect to your angels,
you feel this same feeling. You no longer feel confused, angry, and lonely. You feel loved.
Imagine not being affected by the negativity from your boss, spouse, or lack of money.
Believe that divine inspiration can provide for you. This connects you to the universe and
opens you to the divine inspiration that can heal anything. It is time to look to love and
abundance and find peace. The love of your angels is never-ending and they will teach you
to love yourself in the same way. This will allow you to begin to find happiness around every
corner. Being connected to your angels will change the way you view yourself and the

6. Actualizing Your Higher Self Helps You To See Tragic Events In Our Lives As
Inspirational Gifts: Life is a series of cycles. Just like the human body develops in stages,
so does our spirit. In life, we find that every cycle seems to end in chaos. Think to yourself.
‘If I am comfortable would I want to get up?’

No. Life is the same. What if one has a job that gives the necessities and wants to be
comfortable, but suddenly you get laid off? This can be a devastating event in ones life but,
know and have faith that divine inspiration will turn our tragedies into opportunities. Life is
an evolution of betterment. Every time tragedy strikes, know that God has a bigger plan in
mind. Analyze and learn from your downfalls. This will allow the chance to move forward.
Experience a great tool for learning - and happiness comes with actualizing your higher self
and each experience learned.

Many people wonder what happens to us when we die. Churches, of one faith or
another, have taught us many different beliefs about afterlife communication throughout
the ages.

The atheist viewpoint is that that once we die we simply snuff out; much like a light bulb
that has finally blown. Some with a reincarnation leaning may believe that when we die
we come back to live another life. Some followers of reincarnation believe we may return
not necessarily as people next time, but in other forms of life which would depend on the
deeds we accomplished in our last incarnation. And some angel enthusiasts believe we go
on to become wonderful angels, loving and guiding anyone who needs our help.

In my afterlife communication work I connected with people on the other side

(and sometimes a stray pet or two.)

Through meditation with my spirit guides I have learned a lot about the other side and what
happens to us after we die:

 I have learned that we do not become angels; angels have never had an incarnation in
this life or any other. They have always been angels, the right hands of God so to
 First and foremost we are all born with a primary spirit guide. A spiritual entity we
have chosen before we were born to guide us through this life. Our unique spirit guide
stays with us until after we have returned to the afterlife.
 In the afterlife we can become spirit guides for other people who are about to be born
into a new life. But we do not become spirit guides for our families because we can not
see a family member’s pain and not try to intervene.
 Our main objective while in the afterlife, as well as in this life, is to learn for God and
for our own soul’s perfection. We must learn through doing. This is why so many
people go through so many of the same hardships in life. And when we decide to learn
more we sometimes decide to reincarnate into a new life.
 No matter how many lives we have lived we always leave a part of the essence of who
we were in the afterlife. So even though we reincarnate again we never forget the
people who we loved in any of our lives.

 When you come to me seeking afterlife communication, to connect with someone who
has died, I am able to connect in many different ways. I always tell my clients,
even though they may specifically wish to talk to their mother or a child or
sibling who had passed into the afterlife, the family member who comes
through may not always be the one expected. An afterlife communication medium
can only connect with the person who is around you at the time of the reading. That
may not always be who you want to hear from but they can also send through
information that is validating to you.
 I have heard people who talk about going to mediums online who had asked for the
name, birth date and even location where the deceased person had lived. Be
suspicious of this practice. Chances are that medium uses the internet to download
death and birth records and use those records to make you feel they are connecting. A
true afterlife communication medium like myself will ask you for none of that! Your
family member in the afterlife will tell me that information to prove they are
connecting with you.
 I get images in my mind. It’s almost like seeing a movie. Different pictures are
flashed to me in my inner frame of reference. When I am able to understand one it
drops out and separates from the rest of the flashing pictures. I am often able to
see your past loved-one; not as fully as seeing a person that would be standing
next to me, but as a shadowy figure standing off to the right watching these flashing
pictures with me. I see them in my mind's like they are standing at the side of a
movie theater. When that happens I am also able to make out some of what they are
saying and I receive energy vibrations from them as well. So it is reasonable to say
that I see, feel and hear their afterlife communication; this makes the psychic
connection with them a lot better for me.
 When we pass away it is hard at first for us to come through to our loved
ones. It takes a lot of energy for afterlife communication. Most of the time the person
needs to have been on the other side for a few months before they can come through
to a psychic medium for you. Small children and infants usually come through with the
help of older family members who have passed. It’s harder for them to speak with a
psychic medium like myself and to show pictures for messages because they have had
little life experience.

 One of the most important things that I have learned about afterlife
communication is that you do not need a person like me to connect with your
loved ones who have crossed over.

 They can show you signs everyday that they are around you. All you have to do is look
for them. And if you talk to your loved ones in the afterlife they will hear you. By
talking to them you are telling them that you do indeed believe they are around you
and this helps them to connect with you and give you signs that they are around you
so much more.

 Our bond is love. And love knows no boundaries of time and space. It simply is.
Jules Kennedy, a professional psychic, author and life coach offers you these preparatory
tips for a more interesting encounter if you have never experienced a reading with a

Good, professional psychics can tell you many things about yourself, your life and the
situation around you; past, present and future. Be prepared with a list of questions when
you ask for a reading, so as not to waste your time and money and the psychic's time and
energy. Remember the psychics that do psychic reading work for the public are as human
as you are, they have lives and bodies that require attention. Indeed, psychics have talents
beyond this sense-felt world that we normally perceive, but they are not beyond human
fault. They do make mistakes. Energy/information can be misread or skewed in
interpretation, due to a psychic’s interpretation or also to the fluctuation within experience
itself, especially factors like human free will and divine timing. Most psychic readers are
devoted to their work however, and do a lot of development work in order to deliver more
accurate information to you.

Good psychic readers will answer your questions directly and as concisely as they can, but
in defense of all psychics there are many “probable” futures in any one person’s life — not
just one. Certainly there are things that are destined in your lifetime, but the path to getting
there can be altered by many things, mostly by YOU. The mind brings experiences to us.
Thought does create reality. However there are many influences behind your thought such
as emotion, attachment, obsession, psychic ties and release thereof, and most importantly
your personal relationship with the Higher Power. In other words: God-connectedness -
faith, belief, knowing and co-Creation.

What should you expect from a psychic reading?

The best frame of mind to be in when you are having a reading is a meditative, receptive,
open state. Having a sincere, non-judgmental composure will help you assimilate and
discern the information given to you. Never take anything told to you verbatim unless it
feels right. Throw out anything that does not seem as if it is meant for you. Indeed, there
are charlatans posing as psychics in the psychic business (just as there are in most
professions) but there are also many very excellent psychics. You decide which information
to take further and ponder. The psychics should simply be giving you the information that
they receives clairvoyantly (higher vision), clairsentiently (information felt though the
body), clairaudiently (voices, audible information), through divination tools (tarot, runes,
tea leaves, palm) or via any psychically intuitive means. Sometime readers will “read” off of
your fears and doubt. You are the ultimate co-creator in your life. We all choose
whether to live through fear or joy, anger or bliss, sadness or happiness. The decision of
how to perceive your life is internal and up to you. If you experiencing extreme fear or
guilt it might be best to wait for the severity of that emotion to subside before you
ask for psychic advice. Good psychic readers can usually move beyond the emotionality
and get to the clearest information anyway, but why take the chance? Why not get the most
for your dollars and wait for that clear space before you get the psychic advice?

Psychic readers will give you information based on

 1.)fact (what actually happened, is happening or could happen),

 2.) your state of mind/heart/being, and
 3.) probably some speculation or guess work.

We all have the ability to alter our experiences (information foretold) by the power of free
will. You can change your reality some by using your free will. You can also align your life
with your God-given soul purpose by the use of free will. Other people in your life can alter
details of your experience too through the power of their own free will option. You however,
are the only one that can live your life to its fullest. You may choose to enhance your life by
having a little extra “seeing power” offered to you by professional psychic readers from time
to time. If this is what you want, a bit of additional foresight, then a reading with a psychic
may be just what you need.

Develop psychic ability.

Slow your mind. Modern life tends to wind us up; literally speeding up our brainwave
frequency. Normal daily, wide-awake, states of consciousness are Beta frequency 14 up to
20+ cycles per second. Beta level brainwave activity is too fast to allow psychic connections.
Beta brain is a busy brain so the practice of meditation and relaxation methods you are
comfortable with are the first steps to develop psychic ability.

Many psychics have experienced their psychic ability from childhood, claiming to be able to
see or talk to people others can’t see, or some other kinds of imaginary people or
characters. Up to the age of about seven years our brainwave frequency while awake is
ALPHA (Alpha = 14 to 7 cycles per second when measures on an EEG: An
Electroencephalogram is a brain wave test.) Most of us loose these abilities past 7 years of
age as that is when our brainwave activity speeds up along with our intellect and thinking
skills. Luckily, with a little training and understanding, we can slow down our busy minds.
Calming down enough to access these states of mind is essential to develop psychic ability.

Those that maintain their psychic gifts into adult life manage somehow to easily drop back
into Alpha and even Theta (7 to 5 cps) states. Most do this unknowingly I must add, but in
doing so they keep and further develop their psychic skills.

The brain wave frequency of Alpha is the open channel to our subconscious, our imagination
and creativity and to our sixth sense. The Earth’s heartbeat – known as the Schumann
Resonance after the 1930s physicist Heinrich Schumann discovered the permanent standing
wave in the atmosphere, resonating between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere and
predominantly at 7.8Hz.

Psychic-Junkie Brainwave Chart

CPS = Cycles per second as measured on an EEG: An
Electroencephalogram is a brain wave test. Hz = Hertz
21 > 14 BETA Fully Conscious / Awake - Busy Brain / Intellect
REM (Rapid Eye Movement in sleep) / Light Sleep / Eureka /
14 > 7 ALPHA Dreams / Meditation / Creative Visualisation / Psychic Level /
Self Hypnosis / (Earth's Heartbeat 7.8Hz)
7>4 THETA Deeper Sleep / Lucid dreaming / Meditation like Zen Monk /
Mediumship / Trance Channelling / Deep Hypnosis
3>1 DELTA Very deep sleep / unconscious / consciousness total shut down
Link to but do not copy ©2006 www.psychic-junkie.com

I find it an interesting coincidence that our psychic ability coincides with this
alpha frequency of 7 to 14 Hz and the heartbeat of the Earth at 7.8Hz. Right in the
heart of the human alpha range lays the gateway to develop psychic ability.

One of the best and most practical ways to learn meditation and relaxation skills is to attend
a Silva Method Training or the like. Jose Silva the founder of the now world famous Silva
Mind Control Method said his original seminar was structured to teach Clairvoyance. He
originally studied hypnosis in depth so as to help his daughter with her school studies.
About 1949 he began helping Isobel his daughter. He would bring her down to a semi-
hypnotic state (the Alpha-Level) and then while she was in this relaxed state José would
read lessons and recite poetry and then test her recall. First results were excellent because
while in the semi-hypnotic Alpha Level we have direct access to our subconscious. So the
information that Jose’s daughter Isobel had studied was easily recalled from the
subconscious to the conscious mind. Great! … But what also started to happen as she was
more associated with slipping into this altered state of mind was this. Isobel started to
recite the poems that Jose had not yet read to her. She was one step ahead of him! To
quote Jose Silva. “It was hard to believe, but it was happening right in my own living room
with my own daughter. Since I had read about Edgar Cayce when I was in the army and
stationed near Bowling Green, Kentucky, where Cayce had lived, it made some sense to me.
It also made me think again about all the research I had done about people who claimed to
have been clairvoyant.”

Jose Silva continued to work with others to prove to himself that he had developed the
ability to bring out the clairvoyance in people. In the ten years from 1953 Jose Silva had
trained thirty nine men, women and children to function as clairvoyants. From his regular
Friday night get-togethers which continued to grow, the Jose Silva Method is now taught
internationally through a network of Silva Mind franchises. Over 1 Million people have used
Jose Silva's mind training techniques to help them build a healthier, happier and more
fulfilling life. Although they are no longer targeted as a - develop psychic ability - type of
training it is the very same process.

If you can’t find a Silva seminar in your area there have been many offshoots from Silva’s
work. In 1963 Alexander Everett moved to the USA from England and being inspired by
Silva went on to develop Mind Dynamics. In Australia the Silva method inspired a seminar
training called Alpha Dynamics. I was fortunate enough to work with Alpha Dynamics in
Australia for about three years. As well as seeing thousands of people awakened to their
own inner gifts it also gave me a wonderful foundation to further develop psychic ability
myself. These four-day trainings, under one name or another, caught on rapidly and
continue to be taught throughout the world. As some of the training companies shut down
many of the instructors went out on their own. As did I with my Mindful Training
Seminars Forming such seminars and courses as Inward Bound, Lifespring, Forum, Life
Dynamics, Context Trainings, Lifestream, PSI World Seminars, Actualizations, Leadership
Dynamics, Inner Wealth, Sedona Method and many, many more.
Psychics regularly receive insight and guidance through their lucid dreams.

When you know how to lucid dream you can:

 Hold psychic communications with your own higher self and guides.
 Call up the great minds from past, present and future.
 Experience first hand exhilarations of flying with the birds.
 Enjoy wild fantasies.
 Envision new products for your business.
 Refine your sporting skills.
 Bring out the author within and uncover the concepts for a book.

When you know how to lucid dream, you can make anything happen. You are no longer
limited. You have entered the Psychic Zone. Moreover, it is all so realistic you will be
excited about every lucid dream for weeks afterward.

How to lucid dream

When attempting some of these techniques, you may have some

frightening experiences, such as falling or shaking sensations.
Although not dangerous, you should avoid the techniques that create
these sensations if you would prefer not to experience them.

Additionally, the placebo effect has a major effect on dreaming. If

you believe your dream characteristics will be dull and lifeless, they
are far more likely to be so. If you believe they can be creative,
original, and surprising, they are far more likely to be. Much of the content of your dreams
is affected by the placebo effect. Remember that the easier you believe it is to dream
lucidly, the easier it will be.

Many of the techniques and “facts” presented on these web pages are not backed up by
hard scientific research. This is not to say that these techniques do not work. With this
course, you are conducting your own research and will be getting your own experiences
from which you will be able to make your own judgments.

Let’s get started.

Each night, we spend about one and a half to two hours dreaming. We dream about once
every 90 minutes of sleep. The time you spend in dreams becomes longer throughout the
night, from about 10 minutes to around 45 minutes or slightly longer. But what happens
when we sleep?
The dreaming we remember is from this REM sleep period I call the dream center.

There are five stages of sleep: four stages of NREM (Non-REM) sleep, also called SWS
(Slow-Wave Sleep), and one stage of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. The most vivid
dreams, and therefore the ones we remember the most, occur during REM sleep (though we
dream in other stages too). One sleep cycle is roughly 90 minutes long. While in REM sleep
mode we are in our dream center.

(NREM1) The first stage is a transition state between wakefulness and sleep. This is the
stage that hypnagogic imagery occurs in. It usually passes into stage 2 within a few

(NREM2) During stage 2, the body gradually shuts down, and brain waves become larger.

(NREM3) Stage 3 usually occurs 30 to 45 minutes after falling asleep the first time. Large,
slow delta brain waves are generated.

(NREM4) Stage 4 is often called “deep sleep” or “delta sleep”. The heart beats the slowest
and there is the least brain activity. It is during this stage that sleepwalking usually occurs.

After stage 4, the NREM stages reverse and move back through stage 3 to stage 2, and
then into REM sleep – the dream's center.

(REM) During REM sleep, some parts of the brain are nearly as active as while awake. In
this stage, your eyes flicker rapidly (hence the acronym Rapid Eye Movement). Your body is
paralyzed, probably to prevent you from acting out your dreams. Very vivid dreams and
some slight conscious awarness of the dream is known as lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is
carried out in our lucid dream center.

After the REM state, you sometimes wake briefly. This is usually forgotten by the time you
wake up in the morning. If you don't wake up, you go to stage 2.

Dreams - our deeper self talking to ourself - Carl Jung

Why seek free dream interpretations? If you recognize dreams as messages – psychic
messages - you will no doubt want to understand their meanings. I think it’s always best
to form your own interpretations to your dreams but sometimes we can’t see the trees (with
the mystery messages inscribed) for the forest.

Everybody dreams, every night (or every day if you are a night worker). Experts say we
dream between and hour to an hour and a half per night. Dream states are recognized by
REM sleep. (Rapid Eye Movement). Experts also claim that dreaming is so essential that if
we did not dream at all we would eventually die from a lack of it.

As we go to sleep our brain wave frequency drops from Beta (21 CPS - cycles per second)
down to Alpha (14 to 7 CPS). Alpha is when we enter REM sleep and we are dreaming when
our eyelids, although closed, move rapidly. We then drop down (brain waves slow down) to
Theta (7 to 4 CPR), experiencing deeper sleep and lucid dreaming states. Then on down to
Delta (3 to 1 CPS) where our conscious and sub-conscious pretty much shuts down
altogether and our body rests deeply. We then cycle back up through the levels, dreaming
through the Alpha level REM and then we drop back down again. Through a nights sleep we
cycle through these levels about three or four times. Often the dreams we most remember
are from our last time up through Alpha into waking consciousness of Beta.

Theories abound on what dreams are. It is recognized that dreaming is a normal

process of subconscious sorting of the days events and experiences. Dreaming is a healthy
process. I believe that dreaming can also be a gateway to our psychic selves. Some
dreams can be psychic messages and it’s these psychic messages I hope to be able to help
you understand and benefit from. Psychic messages are found in dreams at Alpha
occasionally, but in particular in the merger between Alpha and Theta, 7.8CPS the heartbeat
of the Earth – Gaia. (The Schumann Resonance.) I want to help you look into your dreams
and work out the psychic messages within them.

Here’s how to get your free dream interpretations.

Each week I will offer some dream interpretations. Please complete the form below and
provide a detailed description of your dream. A dream you feel contains a psychic message.
Be as concise about your dream as you can (more than 30 words). If your’s is selected for
one of my free dream interpretations I will email you and post it to this website so that
others may find some insight from similar dreams also. I ultimately want to encourage you
to discover your psychic messages yourself. And this can be done by sharing your dream
experiences here.

"Unfortunately I  am unable to accept more free dream interpretations

for the time being.  I have quite a backlog of requests to work through
and I would like to catch up on them before I open the form for
anymore. If you would like to subscribe to myRSS/Blog feed you will
easily see when I am accepting more free dream interpretations."

In the mean time, the Sara Freder has kindly offered to give you the
opportunity to get a free psychic reading which can change your life

 Tarot-Vision tarot card meaning of: 0 - The Fool
Add-Venture! The adventure only begins when you take your first step into the
unknown. If you play it safe you are not on the path.
 TarotVision tarot card meaning of: I – The Magician
When the pupil is ready the teacher appears. You encounter a person of amazing
skills, as if by magic! In some arenas you are the magician, in others you meet your
 TarotVision tarot card meaning of: II – The High Priestess
Your intuition is now unlocked. You may be tested by a situation that only your
psychic perception can answer correctly.
 TarotVision tarot card meaning of: III – The Empress
Your needs are ‘naturally’ met. The Empress provides the key to your ongoing
requirements. You can now trust that you will be sustained for the entire journey.
 TarotVision tarot card meaning of: IV – The Emperor
With confidence and courage you are now called into action. Do something with the
resources at your disposal. Make decisions with authority, be influential.
 TarotVision tarot card meaning of: V – The Hierophant
Take some time out to learn about your inner self and find out who you are.
Enlightenment comes with the study of spirituality and a spiritual guide may enter
the scene.
 Tarot-Vision tarot card meaning of: VI – The Lovers
Passion is a source of great power. When passionate you are energized. When you
lack passion you are weak. Learn to experience the fullness of passion. Being a lover
of life, people, and endeavor will empower you always - in all ways.
 TarotVision tarot card meaning of: VII – The Chariot
Remember this path less traveled is a challenging journey. When you find yourself
pulled in opposite, yet valued, directions; consolidate and continue.
 TarotVision tarot card meaning of: VIII – Strength
Emotional fortitude will overcome challenges that psychic power will not. Strength of
character will now be put to the test. Have your wits about you.
 TarotVision tarot card meaning of: IX – The Hermit
The next great teacher is your self from the future. Take time, in solitude and
meditation, to connect you to your ‘higher’ self. Seek and you find. Ask and you will
know. Your next moves are taken with foresight. Don’t leave here without it.
 TarotVision tarot card meaning of: X – The Wheel of Fortune
Everything changes; day to night and the four seasons, yet something remains
constant throughout. Staying aligned to the constant force at the base of everything
ensures you can handle the ups and downs of the people on the outside, those
drama kings and queens, who don’t yet understand who they really are. Stay
 TarotVision tarot card meaning of: XI – Justice
You will only know which turn to take next by remaining non-judgmental. Balance
real evidence without pre-conceptions. That way you will make the right choice
because all will be crystal clear to you. Be sure before you act.
 TarotVision tarot card meaning of: XII – The Hanged Man
Delays, what to many will be their stumbling block, to the initiate will be time well
spent. Answers from deep within are the only solutions. Learn to relax and you will
always be able to pull a rabbit out of a hat, - eureka!
 TarotVision tarot card meaning of: XIII – Death
Transformation is welcomed with courage and excitement by the enlightened, but
feared with trepidation by those in the dark. Just when a caterpillar thinks the world
is over, it becomes a butterfly.
 TarotVision tarot card meaning of: XIV – Temperance
The changes you have come through need to be assimilated. The newly emerged
butterfly needs to wait until its wings unfold and dry strong enough for flight. This is
an in-between state where the past is well and truly over but the future has not quite
 TarotVision tarot card meaning of: XV – The Devil
As the initiation draws to a close the journey gets more severe. Release what
restrains you; these things must be left behind if you choose to continue. Be aware
of dazzling temptations designed to derail your progress. There’s no room for
baggage on this next segment.
 TarotVision tarot card meaning of: XVI – The Tower
You’re getting to the point of no return. If you continue, the warning is that what is
no longer necessary will be abruptly removed. This is a shake up of a severe nature.
No pussy footing about now, the last of the hurdles is about to be destroyed and new
possibilities are about to be revealed.
 TarotVision tarot card meaning of: XVII – The Star
The first glimmer of light after the storm brings new hope, guidance and inspiration.
There is only a forward viewpoint now. Ambitious anticipation will motivate you in
this moment in time.
 TarotVision tarot card meaning of: XVIII – The Moon
Just when you make it through an ordeal your mind can fill you with fear and
foreboding. Choose wisely which thoughts you allow to guide you now. Remind
yourself of your ambitious anticipations then feel your fears and push forward
 TarotVision tarot card meaning of: XIX – The Sun
Liberation! Now you can bask in the warmth of success and happiness. You have
overcome the odds and can now relax. You find confidence and a new clarity can
excite every cell in your body. You will feel free spirited, enjoy it a while.
 TarotVision tarot card meaning of: XX – Judgment
Acknowledge your accomplishments and take note of your difficulties. This vital
stage of self assessment brings to your awareness what you would do differently and
what you would repeat in the future you are about to enter.
 Tarot-Vision tarot card meaning of: XXI – The World
Accept and enjoy your well earned rewards. The journey successfully completed you
will have come full spiral which opens new doors to new adventures.
 And back to - 0 - The Fool
You find yourself evolving into a new Fool in a new Add-Venture.Add [to unite or join
to] + Venture [an undertaking involving uncertainty as to the outcome] A new
adventure can begin ....

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