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Lesson plan

Date: April 19th Level: 6th grade

Skill: Listening and writing.

Expected Outcomes: Activar conocimientos previos sobre el tema de la unidad.

Predecir el contenido de la unidad y Presentar los objetivos de aprendizaje de la unidad.
• Listen and understand physical features.
• Recognize and name descriptive adjectives.
• Students describe their own physical appearance.
• Value and respect differences.
Resources: Data, laptop, radio set, class book, didactic material.

Time Comments

Today’s class, getting 10 min Greetings, what the class is about. Both pictures are used
started, In this unit you in order to help students get an idea of what the unit is
will. going to be about.
Students also receive information on the main purpose of
this unit.

Core of the class 15min Students listen ad repeat several descriptive adjectives.
Guess who! Listening Following they identify which one of them suits them in
activity. order to describe themselves physically.
Finally, they identify those adjectives which fit their best

Listening activity 15 min Students listen to the recording and answer the following
activities. The recoding will be played twice (if they need
to, the teacher will read the transcript.) so they can
successfully answer to the activities, specially activity 6.

Writing activity. Putting 10min Students complete the chart fitting properly the adjectives
into categories. into their categories. Following they match columns

GUESSING GAME 20 min Students receive a piece of paper with six different people
presenting different physical features. Some of the students
come in front of the class and describe the person the
teacher designates while the rest of the students must
correctly guess the name of the person being described by
their classmate.

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