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1-Needle Lockstitch Unison Feed Industrial

Sewing Machine With Reverse Feed
-*at*flIi8iZS r> ~!I"J (il8l.J1I1~)
1-Needle Lockstitch Unison Feed Industrial
Sewing Machine With a Large Bobbin

/'-'Y I) ~ HnJt:n
1. The part numbers of parts shown in the figure indicate the corresponding numbers (Ref. No.) shown by the Index.
* *
[2] I:::if;: ;!l. ;/1. tc lSBg 0) 6'0 Ii, [2]1= ~ <? ;/1. -Cl' {, No (R cf.No ) 1= M r,t 9 {, -( ;...- T '/ :7 7- 1= J: '0 -C, -i- 0) 0"0 h' ;to h' t) J 9 c

2. Explanation of codes
~c. '% 0) ~it~Jl

1) Codes on the "Note" column

";i. ~c." liill 0) ~c. '%
CD ,., ......... means this part is changed from the previous parts list.
M@]O)/{-';I I) 7- ~ 1= M L -C ~@],;[iJ"i;!l. ;/1. tc lSBo"o '" :@"-* L J ',,,
@ #01 ....... refer to the "Note" explanation at bottom of page.
001 ....;,--;....TO) ";j:~c." O)~it~Jl",w~~ L -CT 2- l',
2) Codes on the "E.C. (Engineering change)" column
",;[iJ"i"¥- Fl" trillO)~c.'%
CD A.10/83 .... Added from October, 1983
1983"¥- 10Fl J: t) ~1J~;!l. ;/1.tc.
@ 0.10/83 .... Obsoleted from October, 1983
1983"¥- lOFl J: t) i!iIJ~,*;!l. ;/1. tc"
When previous parts (Obsoleted part) and new parts (Added parts) a, c ~~, interchangeable with each other:
lSBg O)lit~tth' t~· l' ';[iJ"i O)j~.g .
In this case, even obsoleted part (D.) can be ordered with the obsoleted re" ~umber, so select the parts with changed dates and place your orders .
.:: 0) j~ii' Ii i!iIJ~,* CO) ;!l. ;/1. tc 6'0 *
-C t .:: ;i.x -C 2- J 9 h' <?, ';[iJ"i "¥- PI 1= J: t), l' 9' ;/1. h' 0) lSBo"o '" ill >.R L -C .:: ;i.xT ;!l. l'.
Example (Hlj)

Ref. Amt.
Note Part No. Description
No. ;j:~c
S * t<z!'
B1401·1 00-000 Needle bar ~D.loi831 n I) ;f--
1·1 B1401·1 OO-OOO·A Needle bar ~A-,1.9@~ /, I) ;f--
B110S·200-000 Frame cover :0-:-'-07831 I B110S.300-00Qj
--+--- I 4
IB110S.'300-000 I Frame cover ~.:...lQ@~~ 7 v-.L>.7J/ i -

In case when previous parts and new part are interchangeable with each other:
lSB 6'0 0) li t~ '11: f.d) {, j~ ii' 0) ';[ iJ"i
In this case the new part number is replaced on the" 6'0-6 (Japanese)" column of the previous parts, so please order by the new part number .
.:: O)j~ii' Ii, IEllSBgO)t~Xo"o-6tr,jli= -i- ;/1.1= h';to {, ~Ii L l' gill' h'~c..A. L -C if:, t) J 90) -c, ~Ii L l ,gill' -C .::;i.XT ;!l. l '.
® C,10/83

Frame cover

Please order by the correct part number.
iE L l'o"oill'-C':: ;i.xT;!l. l'o
® M.10/83 The amount required is changed from October, 1983
The new amount required is shown in the "Amt, Req". column.
1983"¥- 10Fl J: t) tV. fJ'';[iJ''i 1= t~ co tc c .:: O)j~ii'tli:IHM I.:: IHIi L l' 'tHI tJ'~:if;: L -C if:, t) J 9.
3) Codes On the "Amt. Req." column
"tli::i!" trill 0) ~c. '%
CD2 Indicates amount required is 2.
tli:I, 2@",~;toLJ9o
@ 2.0 Indicates length in meters. (unit is meter)
:Bt ;!l., 2 -" -~ )[.. '" ~;to L J 9. (.'*'-1:;): Ii -" - ~ )[..-C 9)
@ Indicates parts Obsoleted from the parts list.
::'(T)/',-';I I) 7- ~ fJ' <?i!ilj~,*;!l. htclSBo"ol9.
@(1). Indicates sub parts which construct the assembly part.
Assembly part is shown as "asm." and:7 '" in Japanese, in the "Description" column.
Hl.lSBo"o",-mptL-Cl'{,.:f.lSB6'o"'~;toL J9. *.ll.lSBo"olio"o.t',irilll='!€x-c "a,; III " tOX-C7 _ (:~:if;:L-Cif:,t) J 9

When Ordering The Spare Parts:

In order to ensure that we deliver the correct parts to you, please clearly state when ordering the corresponding PART NUMBER
(ex. B1109·012·AOO) and also the PARTS LIST NUMBER (ex. 0010-Ol,given at the top right of the cover) orthe MACHINE SERIAL
NUMBER, because there are some parts which have been changed.

fitiffl ftB~~:t3t O)~O) .:.. ~:t.

= (TV\ - ") I) 7. r I::: ~ctt c\ ;h. -c \. \ ~ MIFIHmJ'~ ~ ':::';ix O)~~W:, fmJ'~ 0):i:-i5- (1§1J ~ 1;1:, B1109-0 12·AOO) L ::::;iXT c\ \. \ 0

IS- hit -C, .:::. ~ 0) /'\ - ") I) 7. r 0) ~I!:i:-i5- (~*Et;t:l_L 1§U 1;1:, NoOO 10-0 1) 3Z. (i, m:1iit:i:-i5- ~ .:::i1*~Hl. It ;h. (;I: $ \.' L
'90 3Z., ~~ 0) t: IY') ff~~"'~ O)-ff~t:J'gr~ (.: tJ.·
~ i~1S- fJ{ if) I'J ;: '90) T .::: '! 71\T c\ \.' 0 •
• f
13 ~


iiJift69f.~~f*, ......................................... ,........... 1
l:..m, ~fP~f*.................................................... 3
"'F.m, ~.m~f*.................................................... 5
it., l:.~ 'J ~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7
1£II.I~, *!¥tdI~f* ............................... _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
~'J v"'-~f* .............................................. ,'..... 11
~~~ifi, ~l:.-T~f* .............................................. 13
ij-7"77A~f* .................................................... 15
(1) LU-562A ....................................................... 15
(2) LU-562-3 ................. , .................................. , " 15
(3) LU-563-3 ........... , ............ , ........................... , .. 15
"'1L-- ~ 7.1 ",-oof* (~5.lIHi.x:g~.PQ) , ................ , ................... 16
~ 51 ....................... , ................................... 17


3 --l-~---!l!--ll---t-'----'\.


Ref. Amt
Note Part No. Description
No. Req.
~ :g ~.
B31 01 -053-000 Face plate -" :.--15- ..............................................................
2 B31 06·019·000 Screw ...... , ............... "." .. ,.... " .......... " ....... ,.......... .. 0.8/83 S S-7090610-SP ... , ......................................... ..
SS· 709061 O·SP Screw 9/64·40 L~6 ., .. " ....... . A.8/83 '7!~ '7;;- '/ 9 64- 40 l = 6 .................. ..
3 B1140·051·000 Take·up oil splasher ........ . T / t: :::r.;I' - l' 5- .. "
4 SS-3090610-SP Screw 9/64-40 L~6.0 ... . 7 }~:;j'. s; 9/64-40 L 6
5 (~01 81129-051-000 Frame thread gu ide, upper . l' ~7':.r71' ?
6 c02 B1129-563-000 Frame thread guide, upper " .......... " ... l' r 7'/71' ?
7 SS·2090710-SP Screw 9/64-40 L= 7.0 ................ .. 71~-tt'7:;j'.·;; 9/64-40 7 2
8 Bll03-051·000 Face plate pi n ............. .. -":.--1'5- ~-"t::/
9 B113Q.051-000 Frame thread guide, middle l' ~7'/71' 7;iJ , .
10 SS· 209071 O-SP Screw 9164-40 L=7.0 ...... 7 I~-tt '7.:i". s; 9/64 --40 L = 7
11 Bl131-562·000 Frame thread gu ide, lower l' ~7'/71' "-'5- ......
12 SS-3090610-SP Screw 9/64-40 L=6.0 . 7 }~:;j'. s; 9/64-40 L= 6 .... ..
13 B3138-051 -000 Take·up spring adiusting plate DA/78 83138·512·000 ........................... " ...
B3138-512·000 Take-up spring adjusting plate AA!78 1~r')/':;j'· "f3-f~';;15- ...................... .
14 SS· 7090520·SP Screw 9/64-40 L=4.5 7}~t:'7:;j'.s; 9.'64-40 L=4.5 ...

15 SS· 711 0720-SP Screw 11/64-40 L=7.0 ...... ." )~ t: '7 ;;j< s; I I /64 - 40 L = 7 ..
16 B 11 28-051 -000 Three-hole thread eyelet D.8179 1128-522'000. .. .............................. ..
B1128-522-000 Three-hole thread eyelet A.8179 'J -" l' r;iJ
17 SS-811 051 Q.SP Screw 11/64-40 L = 5.0 r -,,:;j'. s; 11/64-40 5 .......... ..
18 83501-051-000 Oil filter sleeve .................... " -" 5- I~ 7' 7' 7' 'J 'J .
19 B 1155-053-000 Oil cup ...... ,........... .. ? 'J ;;t 7 I) P'J r' ;;t l' Iv;iJ .y 7'
20 B 1509-051-000 Adjusting screw ... -\z';;;;j< s; ............ .
21 [31114-051-000 Needle thread guide pin 1;'7/71';1'
22 B 1150-051-000 Top cover T/1'~
23 B1152-051·000 Washer T/1~ ;f.s;-if11of· ............ .
24 SO·0630241·SD Hinge screw 0=6.30 H"2A ,,( / of· s; 0=6.30 H 2.4 .........
25 B 3121·053-0AO Tension controller base asm ............. .. l' ~"f"-'/ ~.1'1'5- 7 ~ 1
26 B3122·053·000 Tension release bar l' r .::t Iv -" ;;t '/ ;I' - ............... . (11
27 B3134·051·000 Tension release lever l' r .::t)~ -" ? IT l' 5- .. . (I)
28 SO-0470281·SP Hinge screw D=4.80 H=2.S Y / of· s; 0 = 4 . 80 H = 2 . 8 ........ .. (2)
29 B3127·051·000 Tension release pi n, short l' r :::r. I~ -" t:: / .... ........ .......... . (1 )
30 83124-051·0AO TenSion stud ssm ............................. .. l' rT ;t;- 7"- " ............................. . (1)
31 B3124'051-000 Tension stud ......... .. 1'rT '/;1'- .............................. . (1)
32 B3131-051-000 Thread tension disc pin ...................... .. 1'r"f "-'-tt'7 r-":::.r ...................... . (1)
33 B3126·051-000 Tension disc ............................. .. l' .:.r -tt '7 ....................................... . (2)
34 B3132-051-000 Tension disc holder ..... 1'rT3 '/-tt ;;t-tt;x:: (1 )
35 B 3129-0 53-000 Tension spring 1'rT3 '//{;;j< ........... .. (1)
36 B31 25-012-000 Thread tension stud nut 1'r"f - ' / 7 ' ; t r ... . (2)
37 B3137-051·0AO Take-up spring guide disc aSm. l' r r I) /,;;j< 7 / 7 l' -if '7 7 ~ (11
38 SS·408061 Q.SP Screw 1/8-44 L=6,4 ... 7-'Zof·s; 1/8-44 L=6,4 ........... " .. " ...... . (11
39 83128-051·000 Thread take-up spring .. l' r r I) / .q.... (11
40 B3123-051-000 Take-up spring stud l' rr I) ;q. S/ 7 .. "" ..................... . (1)
41 SS·81 t 1 251·SP Screw 11/64-40 L=--12,0 r-,,;;j<s; Ili64-40 L=12 " .... .
42 B 11 57-009·0AO Oil cup asm ................. .. D.8179 "-' :'J s; 7 ;;t l' )t.-;iJ .;t 7' 7 ~ ....... .
43 B 1405-012-000 Cap ..................... " ... . ~ -\".y 7' ........................................................ .
44 B1132·562·000 Oil felt ~.:L -:::r. 7 I)t- r ..... ..
45 B1112-053-000-A Bed slide, left ......... A-'Z')1':'J :::5-. ,) ....................................... ..
46 B 1113-053-000-A Bed slide, right A -'Z 'J 1':'J ~ o¥ " ............... " .. " .......... ..
47 001 B1109-562-000 Throat plate .............. . ;, 1) l' :'J .. " ........................................................ .
48 ()02 B 11 09·053·000-A Throat plate ........................................................ .. " I) l' 5- " ........... " ............... " ...... " .......... "" ..... .. 1
49 SS·2110920-TP Screw 11/64-40 L~8.5 .................. " ................... .. 7 }v-tt of· s; 11/64-40 L =8.5 ................. . 2
50 83542· 581·000 Oil felt .................... .. 7 ::r:)1r r .. ,...... "....... ,.. """ .. ', ...... ,........ ', .. ., .... .
51 . 01 B1839-053·000 Oil receiving cover ............................................... . D.7/79 :!J7S/7:'J"1' ;iJ;,- .... " ........ " ......... " ...... .
52 01 B1841·053·000 Oil drip felt .... ., ............................. " .......... .. D.7I79 ;iJ7S/7:'J"1' 77' ?'r .......................... .
53 001 SS-7110410-SP Screw 11/64·40 L=4.0 ....... ,,, .... ,, ............... ,, ....... .. D.7177 SS'7110510'SP .............................................. .
)01 SS-7110510·SP Screw 11/64-40 L ~5,0 .... "." ........................... " .. . A.71n 71\.<1:: '7 of· s; 11.'64-40 L 5 2
53-1 B 1111·563-000 8ed slide spring ..... " .......... "., .............. " ............... .. AA/78 A -'Z ') l' 5- ;, of· ... " ....................................... .. 1
53·2 SS·711051O·SP Screw 11164-40 L=5.0 " ....................................... . A.4!78 7 It.- !:: '7 of· s; I 1/64 - 40 L = 5 ................. .. 2
54 002 B 1838·563-000 Oil shield, (AI ...... ,........................., .................... . :tl 7 S/ 7 :'J" l' .:J.;I' -1' ~ A ......................... .
55 002 B1844·563-000 Oil shield, (B) .................................................... .. :tl 7 :; 7 :'J" l' :::r. * - l' ~ B ..........................
56 •) 02 88146-563-000 Oil drip felt .......................................... ., ............. .. .:J. * - /{/ 7' 7' '7 ? 'r ................................. . 1
57 002 SS-7110510-SP Screw 11/64-40 L=5.0 .............................. ,......... " 7 Iv !:: '7 ;f.:; I Ii 64 - 40 L = 5 ................... . 4
58 002 B1839-563-000 Oil receiving cover ;iJ 7 s; 7 :'J" l' '77''7:'J" -" ............. " ............... .
59 002 BI841-563·000 Oil drip felt ............................. " .......................... . ;iJ 7 s; 7 :'J" l' 7 7' -'7 ? 'r .............................. .

Note (;i.~c) 001 ..... For LU-562 L U-562F!l

002 ..... For LU-563 L U-563F!l


7 lir\ 17 19 20
\\ \ \
\ \ \



Ref. Amt.
Note Part No. Description
No. Req.
1 cOl B 1905-053-0BO Thread take-up lever asm ........... . A71 ~T/'t::'/, ?~. 1
2 COl B 1905-053-000 Thread take-up lever ............................. . T/,t::'/, ................................... . (1)
3 001 B1906-051-0AO Take-up lever pin asm. T /' t::'/, -ij--ij-I.;;-? ? ~. (1)
4 cOl CO-2020000-00 Oil wick ....................... . ~-::...-/ ................................... . (0.1 )
5 cOl B1907-051-0AO Take-up lever thrust pin asm. (1)
6 (01 CO-2020000-00 Oil wick .......................... . ~-:..-/ .......................... . 10.1 )
7 SS-8151150-SP Screw 15/64-28 L~10.5 ...... . ~ -"*;;- 15/64-28 L=10.5
8 (02 B 1158-563-000 Thread take-up lever cover ... . T/-t:':..--j]/{,- ...................... .
9 c02 SS-7150940-SP Screw 15/64-28 L~9.0 ......................................... . 0.2/79 SS-7150740-SP .............................................. .
002 SS-7150740-SP Screw 15/64-28 L~7.0 ........................................ . A.2/79 ? )" t:: 7 :1.;;- IS '64-28 L = 7.0 .................. .

10 c02 B 1905-563-0BO Thread ta ke-u p lever asm. A71 ~T/'t::·/' ?~. 1

11 <02 B 1905-563-000 Thread take-up lever T/'t:"/' ............. .. .......... .. (1)
12 <02 B1906-051-0AO Take-up lever pin asm. T/,t::'/, -ij--ij-I.;;-? ?~ (1)
13 <'02 CO-2020000-00 Oil wick ...................... . ..::1..:// (0.1 )
14 ,02 B1907-051-0AO Take-up lever thrust pin asm. T/,t::'/, (1)
15 C02 CO-2020000-00 Oil wick ..::I..s...-:..-- ,.. (0.1 )
16 B1408-051-000 l)Jeedle bar crank rod " I) *- ? 7 /' ? Q '/ ~.............................. .
17 B1210-051-0AO Needle bar crank pi n asm .................... . " I) *- ? 7 /' ? i::::' /' ? ~ . 1
18 CO-2020000-00 Oil wick ..... ................................. . ~~/' .............................................••..•... (0.1)
19 B 1206-051-000 Cou nterweight 'J I) 7' 1 :t 'to I) ....................... ..
20 SS-8680540-SP Screw 9/32-28 L~4.5 . ~
-":1.;;- 9/32-28 L=4.S
21 SS-8680730-SP Screw 9/32-28 L~7.0 . ~ -":1.;;- 9/32-28 L= 7
22 SS-8681650- TP Screw 9/32-28 L~16.0 ~ -" 1·;;- 9/32-28 L= 16
23 SS-7681750- TP Screw 9/32-28 L~ 16.5 ? )" t:: 7 1·;;- 9/32 - 28 L = 16. S

24 01201-055-BOO Main shaft ................................ . ?~;;-? ............................. .

25 B 1207-051-0AO Main shaft plug screw asm ... . D.8/79

26 CO-2020000-00 Oil wick ........................... . ..::1..:/:"-- ............................................................... . 0.1
26-1 TA-0570601-MO Oil plug ................................................ . A.8179 ~ -" -t /' ........................................................... .
27 B1202-051-0AO Main shaft bushing, front 35m .. ? ~ ;;-? ? I. -" ?)" ? ~ 1
28 B 1 230-051-000 Oil plug ...................... . M8/78 ? ~ ;;-? ? I. -" ?)" ~ ~ /' ~ -" -t /' ... (2)
29 CO-2020000-00 Oil wick ..::1..:/::"'-- ................. . (0.1)
30 B 1205-051-000 Thrust washer ....................... . 0.3/79 ? ~ ;;-? ? I. -" ?)" -if 1i 1· ..
31 SS-8151350-SP Screw 15/64-28 L~13.0 ~ -"1·;;- 15/64-28 L=13.
32 B 1203-051-000 Oil felt ? ~ ;;-? ? I. -" ?)" 7 I ) " ~ ....
33 01450-055-BAO Feed eccentric asm. ? ~ :t ? I) :tJ.b. ? ~ ........ 1
34 SS-8660530- TP Screw 1/4-40 L ~4. 5 ~
-" 1·;;- 1/ 4 - 40 L = 4 . 5 .. (1)
35 SS-86609 70- TP Screw 1/4-40 L~8.5 ............ . ~ -" 1·;;- 1/ 4 - 40 L = 8.5 ........................... . (1)
36 B 1 220-562-0AO Stitch graduator asm ........ . :t ? I) -" 'to I) 1? ? ~ ................ .. 1
37 SS-8151230-SP Screw 15/64-28 L~12.0 .... . ~ -"1·;;- 15/64-28 L=12 ............ . (2)
38 B 1214-019-000 Sprocket ring ........................... . A / Q "r 'y ~ I) /' -7 ...................... . 2
39 B1302-051-000 Sprocket wheel, upper ?I. A/Q"r·y ~ ............................. .
40 SS-8681 650- TP Screw 9/32-28 L~16.0 ~ -"1,;;- 9/32-28 L=16 ...................... ..
41 SS-7681750- TP Screw 9/32-28 L~16.5 ? )" t:: '7 *;;-
9/32 - 28 L = 16 .5 ................ ..
42 B 1301-051-000 Timing belt .............................................. . ? 1 ~ /' -7 ""')" ~ .............................. ..
43 B 1216-051-0AO Main shaft bushing(l), rear asm. ? ~ ;;-? ? ~ Q -" ?)" (I) ? ~ 1
44 B1216-051-000 Main shaft bushing(l), rear .. ? ~ ;;-? ? ~ Q -" ?)" (I) .................. . (1)
45 B1217-051-0AO Main shaft bushing(2), rear asm. ? ~;;-? ? ~ Q -" ?)" (2) ? ~ (1)
46 SS-8150710-SP Screw 15/64-28 L~7.0 ~ -" 1,;;- 15/64-28 L= 7 (2)
47 B 1219-051-000 Bearing ................................................................. . 0.8179 S8-1150002-00 .............. ..
SB-1150002-00 Bearing .................................................................. A.8179 ""' 7' I) /'?' ...................................................... . (11
48 B 121 &051-000 Rear bearing retaining collar ? ~ ;;-? ? ~ Q ""' 7' I) /' -7 ~-" (1)
49 SS-8151350-SP Screw 15/64-28 L~13.0 ~ -" 1,;;- 15/64 - 28 L = 13 ........................ .
50 B 1227-053-000 Hand wheel ......................................................... . / , A' ~ -7 ),,? .................................................. .
51 SS-8152030-SP Screw 15/64-28 L ~20.0 ............... . ~ -"1,;;- 15/64-28 L=20 ................... .
52 SS-8151780-SP Screw 15/64-28 L~17.0 ~ -"1·;;- 15/64-28 L=17 ....................... ..
53 B1233-012-000 End screw ............................................................. . " :x ~ -7),,? :t ~ 7' -7' 1, ;;- .......................... ..

Note LHc) 001 ..... For LU-562 LU-562ffl

002 ..... For LU-563 LU-563ffl



46 47 484945
/ /


57 59 58 62 63 64


Ref. Amt.
Note Part No. Description
No. Req.
A:~c tJi:.ii
B1823-051-0AO Bobbin case opening lever crank pin asm. 1
2 CQ-2020000-00 Oil wick (0.11
3 001 B9117-051-000 Bobbin ;t; c: / ..
4 1)01 B 1830-055-0AO Vertical-axis sewing hook asm .. 7.1-"17i? 7 ~
5 B1820-051-000 Bobbin case opening lever link .. 771'1i? ]'/71 1)/7
6 (01 B1814-051-000 Hook driving shaft bushing, upper .. fJ ? :; 7 7 r; -" )l )t..

7 SS-8151150-SP Screw 15/64-28 L~10.5 ~ -":1'-:; 15!64-28 L= 10 5

8 (01 B1822-051-000 Bobbi n case open i ng lever cran k 7fJfi? ]'/7177"
9 '>01 B1824-051-000 Bobbin case opening lever 7 fJ fJ'? ]' /71
10 WP-0371016-SD Washer 3.7 x 8.0 x 1.0 (: 7 'tfJ':1" 3.7 X8.0X
11 SS-6090620-SP Screw 9/64-40 L ~6.0 (: 7:1'-:; 9/64-40 L= 6 1
12 B1821-051-0AO Cran k screw stud asm. 7 fJ fJ'? ]' / 7 1 7 7 / 7 (:' / 7 ~ 1
13 CQ-2020000-00 Oil wick (01)
14 NS-6110420-SP Nut 11/64-40 6 fJ 7 7 '/ ~ I I /64 - 40
15 001 B1811-051-000 Hook shaft saddle, right fJ?:;7 5(1 ~ of
16 SS-7762840-SP Screw 1/4-28 L ~28.0 ? )t.. (: 7 :1'-:; I /4- 28 L = 28
17 B1812-051-000 Washer D.l/76 W P-0753016-S Z
WP-0753016-SZ Washer 7.5 x 16.0 x 3.0 A.l /76 (: 7 't fJ':1'- 7. 5 X 16 0 X 3.0 ..
18 ,·01 SS-8150710-SP Screw 15/64-28 L~7.0 ~ -":1'-:; 15/64-28 L= 7
19 SS-6153040-SP Screw 15/64-28 L~30.0 (:7:1'-:; 15/64-28 L=30
20 B1816-521-OAO Hook shaft gear, large asm. C.8/78 B 1816-051-0AO
21 B 1831-055-000 Screw. D.3176 SS-8660830-TP
SS-8660830- TP Screw 1/4-40 L~8.3 A.3176 ~ -":1'-:; 1'4-40 L=8 3. (2)
22 B 1817-051-0AO Hook shaft gear, small asm. C.11177 B 1817-0530AO ... 1
23 SS-8660530- TP Screw 1/4-40 L ~4.5 ~ -" :1'-:; I /4 - 40 L = 4 5 ." (11
24 SS-8660670-SP Screw 1/4-40 L ~6.1 ~ -" :1'-:; I /4 - 40 L = 6. I . (1)
25 B1818-051-BOO Thrust washer :1'- :; /' 7' )t..? 7. 7 7. ~ 1)l B
26 001 B 1815-051-000 Hook driving shaft bushing, lower fJ ? :; 7 :---)l -" )l )t..
27 SS-81 5071 O-SP Screw 15/64-28 L~7.0 ~ -":1'-:; 15.64-28 L = 7

28 B1802-053-000 Hook driving shaft bushing, front .... -::..- )l :; 7 ? I -" )l )t..
29 SS-8152030-SP Screw 15/64-28 L~20.0 ~ -":1'-:; 15/64--28 L =20. 1
30 B1840-051-0AO Feed driving eccentric asm. :; 3 - -7 ;J- 7 I) fJ b 7 ~ 1
31 SS-8150580-SP Screw 15/64-28 L~5.0 ~ -" :1'-:; 15 i 64 - 28 L = 5 (1)
32 002 B9 117-563-000 Bobbin ................................................................... . ;t; (:' / .................. .
33 002 B1830-563-0AO Vertical-axis sewing hook asm. fJ? 7 ~
34 c02 SS-8151230-SP Screw 15/64-28 L=12.0 ~-":1'-:; 15!64-28L=12
35 002 B 1 824-563-000 Bobbin case opening lever 7fJfJ'? ]'/71
36 ()02 B 1814-563-000 Hook driving shaft bushing, upper fJ ? :; 7 '7 r; -" )l )t.. .
37 '02 B 1822-563-000 Bobbin case opening lever crank. 7fJfJ'? ]'/7177"
38 002 B 1 311-563-000 Hook driving shaft saddle fJ?'/7)l'1
39 ('02 B1815-563-000 Hook driving shaft bushing, lower fJ ? 7 -::"-)l
:; -" )l )t..

40 002 B 1843-563-000 Oil adjusting screw fJ? I) 3 -

.l 7- 3 - t ") :1'- '/
41 002 NS-6110420-SP Nut 11/64-40 6 fJ 7 7 '/ ~ I I ! 64 - 40
42 (>03 B 1830-563-BAO Hook asm., for extreme thick thread fJ? 7 ~
43 B 1804-051-000 Hook driving shaft bushing, intermediate -::..- )l '/ 7 7 fJ -" )l )t.. .
44 SS-81 51 550-SP Screw 15/64-28 L~15.0 ~-":1'-'/ 15/64-28 L=15
45 B 1626-562-000 Feed eccentric guide ;J- 7 I) 7- 3 - t '/ ]' /71 fJ b
46 B 1636-055-000 Feed eccentric adjusting knob. ;J--::..-;t;)l/
47 B 1639-051-000 Spring ;J--::..-;t;)l / /':1'-
48 B 1637-055-000 SI eeve D.3/76 ;J- 7 ') 7- 3 - t '/ ;J-:---;t;)l / '/ '/
49 R E-0500000-KO Snap ring 5.0. EfJ')l ~-"r;5
50 B 1624-055-000 Feed eccentric body spring ;J- 7 I) 7- 3 - t '/ /':1'-
51 B1625-057-0AO Retaining collar asm. ;J-7 )7-3-t'/)l'1 /':1'-7-7 7 1
52 SS-811 051 O-SP Screw 11/64-40 L=5.0 ~ -" :1'- '/ I 1/64 - 40 L = 5 (11
53 SS-8110750-SP Screw 11/64-40 L=6.5 ~ -" :1'- '/ I I! 64 - 40 L = 6.5 (1)
54 B1807-512-000 Bushing (B), intermediate -::..- )l '/ 7 7 fJ -" )l)t.. B
55 B 1 806-051-000 Hook driving shaft timing indicator D. 1/77 -::..- )l '/ 7 :--- '/ /, /
56 SS-7090520-SP Screw 9/64-40 L~4.5 D.l/77 ?)t.. (: 7:1'- '/ 9/64-40 L=4 5
57 B 1801-562-000 Hook driving shaft :---)l'/7
58 B 1807-051-000 Hook driving shaftbushing(l), rear. :--- )l '/ 7 7 -:/ Q -" )l)t.. I
59 SS-8152030-SP Screw 15/64-28 L=20.0 ~ -" :1'-:; 15/64- 28 L = 20
60 B1808-051-0AO Hook driving shaft bushin!j(2), rear asm. -:/ )l '/ 7 7 -:/ Q -" )l )t.. 2 7 ~ 1
61 SS-8150750-SP Screw 1 5/64-28 L~7.0 ~ -" :1'- '/ I5 i 64 - 28 L = 7 (2)
62 B 1219-051-000 Bearing D.8/79 S8- 1150002-00
S B-ll 50002-00 Bearing A.8/79 -" ]' I) / 7'
63 B 1 809-051-000 Bearing retaining collar. -:/ )l :; 7 r ( ] ' I) / 7' ~' -" 1
64 SS-8090530- TP Screw 9/64-40 L=5.0 ~ -" :1'-:; 9 / 64 - 40 L = 5 3

Note L,Uc) 001 ..... For LU-562 LU-562)fj

002 ..... For LU-563 LU-563)fj
'~03 ..... Special order part for LU563 (For extremely thick thread) LU-563)fj1~:5IjA:Y~.l'~ (~:;t:*)fj)


14" )7 'I rIG

I !/
I! ,I

/ IJ~l-~
-, '~







47 57



Ref. Amt.
Note Part No. Description E.C.
No. Req.

;Hc &'0 *
B 1 459-053-00A L shaped link .......................... """""""""""""'"
L. j1? I) /7
00 ;J(fI

2 B 1459-053-00B L shaped link connecting screw stud L j1? I) /7 -;; 7 .........

3 NS-6110310-SP Nut 11/64-40 ........................................................ . 6 jJ 7 -r'1 ~ 11/64 - 40 .............................. ..
4 B 1465-053-000 Walking bar driving link ...................................... . '/ '7 ;t 7 I) 3 - I" - I) /7 .......................... ..
5 SS-61111 40-SP Screw 11/64-40 L =11.0 ..................................... . I::: '7::t. -;; 11/64-40 L = II .......................... ..
6 B 1458-053-000 Connecti ng link .................................................... . '/ '7 ;t 7 I) l,.- /7"/ I) / 7 .......................... .
7 B 1457-055-000 Screw stud ............................................ . '/ '7 ;t 7 I) l,.- /7"/ ?' /::t. -;; .................... .
8 NS-6660430-SP Nut 1/4-40 """" .... ''' ...... ''''''''""""." ... '' .. ''''" .. """. 6 jJ 7 -r'1 ~ 1/4 - 40 .................................. .
9 B 1 456-053-000 Upper feed driving shaft """"" .. """"" .. ",, ........ .. '/ '7;t 7 I) -;; 7 ........................................... .. 1
10 B 1455-053-000 Bush i ng .................................................................... . '/ '7 ;t 7 I) -;; 7 ;><? i~ 2
11 D1454-055-BAO Upper feed spring rod asm. """""""""""" '/ '7 ;t 7 I) '/ T 7 ~
12 SS-7161640-SP Screw 1 /4-24 L=16.0 ................................ . D.5/81 S S -9 161610-S P .................................. ..
SS-9161610-SP Screw 1/4-24 L=16.0 A.5/81 6 jJ 7 *
i~ ~ 14-24 L = 16 ........................ . (1)
13 D1455-055-BOO connecting stud '/ '7;t 7 I) t:l'1 I" l,.- / 7' '/ -;; 7 ................ .
14 D1456-055-BOO Hinge screw ........................................................... . '/ '7;t 7 I) t:l'1 f'?' /::t. -;; .......................... .
15 D1457-055-BOO ~~~ ................................................................... . l,.- /7"/ -;; 7 ?' / ::to -;; 'if jJ' ::t... .................. .
16 D1458-055-BOO Wing screw ................................... " ...................... . D.4/79 N S -61 10530-S P .............................................. ..
NS-6110530-SP Nut 11/64-40 .................................................. " .. ". -r'1 ~ I 1'64-40 ............................................ ..
17 D1453-055-BOO Upper feed driving rod .............. " ........................ .. '/ '7 ;t 7 I) t:l '1 I" .......................................... .
18 B1213-012-000 Felt retainer "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 7??? 'ift' 7 I i~ ~ ;t'ifI .................... ..
19 B1702-012-000 Oil felt .................................................................... . -;; 3 -I;' ;t 7 I) t:l '1~' 7 I i~ ~ ................ ..
20 B 1469-053-000 Adjusting thumb screw ........ " .............................. .. '/ '7 ;t 7 I) ;t'if I * - T 3 - -to '/ ::to -;; ...... .
21 B 1467 -053-00B Retaining collar ..................................................... . '/ '7;t 7 I) /'::t. '/ 7' ....................................... .
22 B 1 467 -0 53-00C Retaining collar pin .............................................. .. D.l/78 '/ '7 ;t 7 I) / \::t. '/ 7' I::: / ............................ ..
B1467-521-00C Retaining collar pin .............................................. .. A.l/78
23 B1467-053-00A Spring pole .......................................................... .. '/ '7 ;t 7 I) /\::t. :/ -;; * - .............................
24 B1468-053-000 Walking bar spring .............................................. .. ,/'7;t7 1) * - ;t'ifI/q........... ..
25 B 1466-053-000 Walking bar .......................................................... .. D.l/77 '/'7;t7~*- .............................................. .
B 1466-053-000-A Walking bar ........................................................... . A.1177 '/'7;t7~*- .......................................... .
26 B 1470-053-000 Walking foot ..................................................... " .... . '/ '7;t 7 I) 7':/ ............................................ ..
27 004 B 1470-562-BOO Walking foot " ........................................................ .. '/ '7;t 7 I) 7':/ .......................... ..
28 005 B 1470-053-COO Wal king foot (C) ........................ " .......................... .. A.3/76 '/ '7;t 7 I) 7':/ C ........................ .
29 SS-611 071 0- TP Screw 11/64-40 L=6.5 " ...................................... .. I::: '7::t.-;; 11/64-40 L=6.5 ........ ..
30 B 1 420-053-000 Needle bar frame .......................... " ...................... .
31 B 1421-051-000 Needle bar frame taper stud """"""" .................. , /\1)*- 3-f'-?'1' T-/~-;;7 ............ .
32 SS-8151160-SP Screw 15/64-28 L=11.0 ...................................... . ~ ;><::t. -;; 15/64-28 L = II ....... ,.................. .. 1
33 B 1411-053-0BO Needle bar connection asm ................................. . /\ I) * -?' 'f 7 ~ .......................................... . 1
34 SS-7090910-SP Screw 9/64-40 L=8.5 ............................................ . ?i~I:::'7::t.-;; 9/64-40 L=8.5 .................. . (1)
35 B 1412-051-000 Felt ................................ " ....................................... .. /\ I) * -?' 'f 7 I i~ ~ .................................. .. (1)
36 B1423-051-000 Needle bar frame guide ........................................ .. 3 - I" - ?'1' 7' /71' ................................. ..
37 WP-0480856-SP Washer 4.8 x 8.4 x 0.8 ......................................... . I::: '7'ifjJ'::t. 4.8X8.4XO.8 .......................... .
38 SS-9111 01 O-SP Screw 11/64-40 L =9.5 ........................................ .. 6 jJ 7 *iH 11/64-40 L =9.5 ............. .
39 B 1401-053-000 Needle bar ............................................................. .. /\ I) *_ ......................................................... ..
40 MDi-300B2300 Needle DI x 3 #23 ............................................... . / \ I) DI X 3 :11: 23 .......................................... .
40-1 008 MC-3515016-00 Schmetz needle 332 #160 ................................... . A.l0/81 :/ -'1 ;><1 '/ H 332 ::t 160 ................................ .
41 B 1419-053-000 Needle bar thread guide ...................................... . / \ I) *- l' ~ jJ 7' .. """ .... " .. " ....... " ...... ,, .... ,,"
42 SS-7060310-SP Screw 3/32-56 L=3.0 .. " ...................... " .... "" .. ,,..... D.4/84 ? i~ I::: '7 ::to -;; 3/32- 56 L = 3 .. """ ...... " .. "
43 SS-7080510-SP Screw 1/8-44 L=4.5 ... "" ....... " ..... "."" .. ,... "......... D.9/80 S S' 7080510- T P ..... " .. """'''''' """ " ................ .
SS-708051 0- TP Screw 1 /8-44 L=4.5 .......... " .......................... "" .. , A.9/80 ? i~ I::: '7 ::to -;; 1/8- 44 L = 4.5 ............ " .. ".
44 B1425-051-0AO Needle bar frame sl ide block " .... "" ...................... . /\ I) *-
I" - jJ 7 :::f? :7 ~ .... " .. " .. " .. .
3 -
45 B1438-051-0AO Oil wick asm ............... " .......................................... .. 3 - I" -7' '/ T .:I.:/ / 7 ~" .......... ..
{f /
46 B 1437-051-000 Oil wick retainer .................................................. . 3-1"- {f/7''/T .:I.://'if'ifI ............ .
47 B 1429-051-0AO Needle bar frame rock shaft asm ....................... .. /\ I) *- 3 - F - -;; 7 7:: ........................ .
48 NS-6620310-SP Nut 3/16,32 "." .. """."."."" .. """""""" ... """"".". 6 jJ 77'1 ~ 3/16-32 """""""""""""""""
49 B1431-051-0AO Needle bar shaft rear crank asm ........................... . / \ 1 ) * - 3-1"- :::J-7''/T 7:: .......... . 1
50 SS-61 51 440-SP Screw 15/64-28 L= 14.0 ...................................... . 1:::'7::t.-;; 15/64-28 L=14 .......................... . (1)
51 SD-0790801-SP Hinge screw D=7.94 H=8.0 ....................... " .......... . 11 / ::to -;; D = 7 . 94 H = 8 .......... " ............ " .... .
52 NS-6160520-SP Nut 1/4-24 ............................................................ .. 6 jJ 7 -r'1 ~ 1/4-24 " ...................... " ... " ... ..
53 B1434-051-0AO Needle bar frame driving rod asm ....................... .. /\ I) *- 3 - I" - t:l '1 I" 7:: .... " .............. . 1
54 CO- 2020000-00 Oil wick ................................................................ .. .:I.://." ............................................................. . (0.1)
55 SD-095080A-SP Hinge screw asm. .. ................................................ . 11 /::t. -;; 7 ~ ............................ " .................... . 1
56 CQ-2020000-00 Oil wick .............. " ......................... " ...................... . .:I.:// ............................................................... . 10.1)
57 NS-6700420-SP Nut 5/16-24 ....................... " ......................... " ....... . 6 jJ 7 -r '1 ~
5/16-24 .............................. " ..
58 B1435-051-0AO Driving rod crank asm. """"""""""""""""""""" /\1)*_ 3-1"- ;t7 1)'/T 7::: ........... .. 1
59 SS-6151920-SP Screw 15/64-28 L=19.0 ................................ " .... . I::: '7 ::to -;; 15/64 - 28 L = 19 .............. " .......... . (1)

Note LHc) 004 ..... Special order part for LU-562, LU-563 (With teeth) L U-562, L U-563~!iJIEi:SC$~ (1§1t)
005 ..... SpeCial order part for LU,562, LU-563 (For light weight materials) L U-562 ,L U-563~!iJI];ix$~ (llJ!lmffl)
008 ..... Special order part (For JE) tUIEi:SCliB&,o (JEffl)




42 , 1


-- I _____ \

52 01 I CI 51 63[62

~53~~1~'\/ !'I/'I'll
54 "LJTl' ' ('~Irr
\ ~
,,- I'


~l~ 55 56 57 58 60 61 67 68

- 9 -
Ref. Amt.
Note Part No. Description E.C.
No. Req.
;i~c g['J'l:~FI "
00 ~11
81507-051-0AO Presser bar guide bracket .................................... .. 0.B179 B 1507-562-0AO
81507-562-0AO Presser bar guide bracket ......................... A.BI79;t -1j- x * - J;" 't- :; ~ ........................................ .
2 SS-7090910-SP Screw 9/64-40 L=8.5 ........... ............................. 0.8179 SS-7091310-SP .............................................. ..
SS-7091310-SP Screw 9/64-40 L=13 .......................................... .. A. 8179 "7 Jt- I:: 7 ",_.:; 9 64-40 L = 13 ...................... . (11
3 81503-051-800 Presser bar bushing, lower ... ;t -1j- x * - '/:$1 -" :$I Jt- 2 ................ .
4 SS-81 511 50-SP Screw 15/64- 2B L= 1O. 5 !- -" "'- -:; 15/64-28 L = 10.5 ...................... ..
5 81501-040-000 Presser bar .......................... .. ;t-1j-x*- ......................................... .
6 81525-053-000 Presser foot ........................ .. ;t-1j-x )''/ ........................................ ..
6-1 C06 8'1525-053-0AO Presser foot asm. A. 4176 :t -1j-x)' '/ :; ~ ............ ..
7 SS-609091 0- TP Screw 9/64-40 L=9.0 ................... . I:: 7"'--:; 9/64-40 L= 9 ...
8 81602-055-0AO Feed bar asm. ;t :; 1):$11 :; ~ ........ 1
9 81602-055-000 Feed bar ................. . :t :; I) 7" 1 . (1)
10 81604-051-000 Feed bar sl ide fork .................................... .. :t :; I) :$1'1 7:$1"7:$1 (1)
11 SS-9151440-CP Screw ...................... .. 6;1]:;*A!- 15/64-28 L=14 .................. .. (1)
12 WS-0651510-KP Spring washer 6.5 x 12.5 x 1.5 .. ""'-'if;l]'",. 6.5X 12.5X 1.5 ..................... . (1)
13 81605-051-000 Oil supply felt ..................................................... .. ;t :; I) 7" 1 7:$1"7:$1 )' 7' 7 :$I' -" 7 I Jt-!- ... 1
14 SS-5080710-SP Screw 1/B-44 L=6.5 .. !- 7:A ",. -:; 1/8-44 L =6.5 ................ ..
15 001 81613-053-000 Feed dog ......................................................... .. 0.3179 B 1613-563-000...................... .. ................. .
001 8'1 61 3-563-000 Feed dog ........................................ .. A.3179 :t:;I)" ............. . 1
16 81611-055-000 Screw ...................... .. :t :; I) !- -" ",. -:; 2
17 1>02 B 1613-563-000 Feed dog .......................................... .. :t:; ,)"
18 ('07 81613-563-800 Feed dog ................................................ .. :tOl')"~
19 006 81471-562-000 Needle guard ........................................................... . /'\ I);f-- Y/1:!:;...-j]/'- .............................. .
20 004 81525-562-800 Presser foot .............................................................. . :t-1j-x )''/ ...................................................... .
20-1 006 81525-562-8AO Presser foot asm ..................................................... .. A.4176 :t-1j-x)''/:;~ .............................................. .
21 81505-053-000 Adjusting plate spring ............................ .. ;t -1j- x T 3 - t ';; 1:$1" ",......................... .
22 SO-0801601-SP Hinge screw 0=8.00 H=16.0 ................................ . 7"/",-:; 0=8 H=16
23 SO-0800481-SP Hinge screw 0=8.00 H=4.9 ................................ . :$1-/",.:; 0=8 H=4.9 ................................ .
24 81502-051-000 Presser bar gu ide sl eeve ........................... . :t-1j-x*- )'/1'1';;';; .............................. ..
25 SS-81 511 50-SP Screw 15/64-2B L=10.5 .................................... .. !- -" ",. -:; 15/64-28 L = 10,5 ....................... .
26 81503-051-AOO Presser bar bushing, upper .................................. .. ;t -1j- x ;)< - 7 '7 -" :$I)t- I .............................. .
27 SS-8151150-SP Screw 15/64-28 L=10.5 ...................................... . !- -" ",. -:; I 5/64 - 28 L = I 0 .5 ....................... .
28 81504-051-0AO Presser bar connection asm. ................................ . :t-1j-x*-7"'f )'/1'1 :; ~ ................ .. 1
29 SS-7090910-SP Screw 9/64-40 L =8.5 ............................................ . "7 Jt- I:: 7 ",. -:; 9/64 - 40 L = 8 ,5 ................ .. (1)
30 81460-053-0AO Hand lifter mounting bracket asm ..................... . ;t -1j- x )' 'T 7- CJ :$1'1' :; ~ ., .................... , 1
31 81460-053-00A Hand lifter mounting bracket ............................. . :t -1j- x )' 'T 7- CJ :$1'1 " ............................ . (1)
32 SS-7111310-SP Screw 11/64-40 L=12.8 ......................... .. "7 A I:: 7 ",.:; 1/ / 64 - 40 L = 12,8 (1)
33 81460-053-008 Connecting pin .................... .. :t-1j-x)''T 7-CJ7"1 :;:; .................... . (1)
34 PT-0201200-S0 Pin 2.0 x 12 ............................... .. 7--"1::'/ 2.0X12 ............................. .. (1)
35 81512-051-000 Ha nd lifter .......................... . :t-1j-x),'T ..................................... .. 1
36 81515-051-000 Hand lifter pin ........................................ .. :t-1j-x)''T -:;:; ...................................... .. 1
37 81462-053-000 Thread release spring ........................................ .. 1!-.:::LJt--" 771:$1 ""'............................. .. 1
38 81461-053-0AO Thread release guide asm ..................................... . 1 !- .:::L Jt- -" 7 7 1:$1 :; ~ .................... .
39 81158- 562-000 Crank connecting rod oil pipe ............................ .. :t :; I) ~ 'Y I-' 'f "- -.:::L "1 7' ................... .
40 81213-012-000 Felt retainer ......................................................... .. 7 :$I "7 :$I-1j- '\" 7 I A!- :t -1j- x .................. " ..
41 81702-012-000 Oil felt ................................................................... .. -:; 3 - 'T :t:; I) ~ 'J I-' 7 I Jt- !- ................ ..
42 81614-562-080 Cran k connecting rod asm. .................................. .. :t :; I) ~ 'J I-' :; ~ ....................... ..
43 81614-562-000 Crank connecting rod .......................................... .. 0.1177 :t :; I) ~ 'Y I-' .................................................... .
44 81627-562-000 Needle bearing ..................................................... . 0.1177 :t :; I) ~ .y I-' =-
I-' A '"')' I) / '7 .... .
45 81623-057-000 Feed adjusting screw ............................................ . 0.9/80 :t :; I) T 3 - t ';; I) - I-' ;I].b. 1::' / .......... .
45-1 81623-563-000 Feed adjusting screw ............................................ . A.9/80 oj":; I) T 3 - t -;; I) - I-' ;I].b. I::: / .............. . (1)
46 81622-057-000 Friction plate .................................................... .. :t :; I) T 3 - t ';; ;I] ~ '.J I) ........................ . (1)
47 81642-057-000 Screw ...................................................................... .. 0.1176 SS-BOB1050-TH ............................................ ..
SS-8081050-TH Screw 1/8-44 L=10 .............................................. .. 0.10177 SS-BOB1210-TH .............................................. ..
SS-808121O-TH Screw 1/8-44 L=11.5 ........................................ .. 0.2/82 SS-6081220-TP ............................................. ..
SS-6081220-TP Screw 1/8-44 L=12 .............................................. .. A.2/82 I:: 7 ",. -:; 1/8 - 44 L = 12 .......................... .. (2)
48 NS-6080210-SP Nut 1/8-44 ............................................................ .. 6 ;1]:; l' 'J!- 1/8-44 .................................... , (2)
49 SS-81517BO-SP Screw 15/64-28 L=17.0 ...................................... . !- -" ",. -:; 15/64 - 28 L = 17 ........................... . (1)
50 SS-B151770-SP Screw 15/64-28 L= 17.0 ...................................... . !- -" "',:; I 5/64 - 28 L = 17 ........................... . (1)
51 81647-562-000 Feed regulating fork link ...................................... . :t :; I) T 3 - t ';; 7:$1"7:$1 I) / :; ............... .. 1
52 81664- 562-000 Needle bearing ..................................................... . 7 :$I "7 :$I I) / : ; =-
I-' Jt- -:;:; 7 7 ............ .. 1
53 81646-562-0AO Feed regulating link pin asm. .. .......................... .. :t :; I) .T 3 - t ';; I) / : ; -:;:; :; ~ .......... .. 1
54 CQ-2020000-00 Oil wick ................................................................. . ..:J,.Y/ ............................................................... . (0.2)
55 81603-051-000 Feed bar shaft ........................................................ . :t :; I) :$1-1 :;:; " .. ,.. ,.,', ..... ,....... ,......... ,.......... . 1
56 SS-811 051 o-SP Screw 11/64-40 L=5_0 ........................................ .. !- -" ",. -:; 1/ /64 - 40 L = 5 ............................ . 2
57 81601-562-000 Feed rock shaft .................................................... .. :A 1 "' 1 :t:; I) -:;:; ...................................... .
58 81607-051-000 Feed rock shaft bushing, front .......................... . :A 1 "' 1 :t:; I) :;:; "7 X -" :$I Jt- ................ .
59 « SS-81 511 50-SP Screw 15/64-28 L= 10.5 ...................................... . 0.11/84 SS-B150710-SP ............................................ ..
« SS-8150710-SP Screw 15/64-28 L=7 ...................................... .. A.ll/84 !- -" ",.-:; 15/64-28 L=7 .......... _............ .. 1
60 CS-1401010-SC Thrust collar asm. 0=14_0 W=10 ..................... .. :A7:A!- 77 0=14_0 W=IO :; ~ 2
61 SS-81 5041 0- SP Screw 15/64-28 L=4.0 ........................................ .. !- -"",.-:; 15/64-28 L=4 .......................... .. (4)
62 81648-562-0AO Connecting pin asm ............................................. . :A 1 "' 1 :t:; I) 7 T -:;:; :; ~ ................. .. 1
63 CQ-2020000-00 Oil wick ................................................. . ..:J..s..-./' .... , .•......•.•..........•..••.•.......• , .............. , .. " ..• (0.1)
64 81616-562-0AO Feed rock shaft crank asm ... _...................... . :A 1 "' 1 ;t:; I) 7 T :; ~ ............................ .. 1
65 SS-7111410-SP Screw 11/64-40 L=14.0 ...................... . "7 Jt- I:: 7 ",. -:; 11/64 - 40 L = 14 .......... .. (2)
66 SS-811 0520- TP Screw 11/64-40 L =4.5 ........................................ .. !- -" ",. -:; I I / 64 - 40 L =" 4 . 5 ........................ .. 2
67 81609-051-000 Feed rock shaft bushing. rear ............................. . .7. 1 "' 1 :t:; I) :;:; 7 '/ ~ -" :$I A ... .
68 SS-8152030-SP Screw 15/64-2B L=20.0 ...................................... . !- -" ",. -:; 15/64-28 L=20 .............. .

Note Lite) (01 ..... For LU-562 L U-562F1l

~02 ..... For LU-563 L U-563F1l
('04 ..... Special order part for LU-562. LU-563 (With teeth) LU-562.LU-563F1l~51IJ;ix$.\"0 (-1'l1t)
';06 ..... Special order part for LU-562. LU-563 L U-562. L U-563F1l~51II;iX$.\"0
c07 ..... Special order part for LU-563 (For light weight materials) LU-563F1l~51II;ix$.\"0 (lt1mFll)

- 10 -


~-- ........ .......... .--:


- 11 -
Ref. Amt.
Note Part No. Description
No. Req.
""" 1J
B 1666-562-000 Tension spring (B) ................................... .. ,<;:t. B ........................................... ..

2 So-0400201-S0 Hinge screw D~4.00 H~2.0 ............................... .. 'f:r;:t-y 0 4 H=2 .................................. ..

3 B 1660-562-000 Reverse feed control lever shaft .......................... . :;t P I) T" 1!'Y V r, -
y p ..................... .
4 SS-7620750-SP Screw 3/16-32 L~6.5 ............................................ . -:{ll.--t:'5::!'-y 3/16-32 L=6.5 .................. . 2
5 B 1658-56 2-0A 0 Tension spring regulating arm asm...................... l::: ';u " ) "::!'- 11';- T" 1! .y :l- ., T P 'i'. .. 1
6 SS-612121 (}SP Screw 3/16-28 L~12.0 ........................................ .. l::: '5;:t.y 3/16-28 L 12 ........................... .. (1 I
7 SS-815071 (}SP Screw 15/64-28 L=7.0 ........................................ .. ~ ;i ;:t. y 15/ i 6 - 28 L 7 ........................... ..
8 SO·0600271-SP Hinge screw D~6.00 H~2.7 ................................. 'f:r::!'-y 0 6 H=2.1 ............................... ..
9 B1657'562-000 Feed regu lati ng rod .............................................. .. :;t P I) T 1! .y !:l " I-' ............................. ..
10 WZ-064151 (}KP Washer .................................................................... . j-'i'.11·~'if11·;:t· 6.4XII.OXO.3 .................. .
11 SD-0600321-SP Hinge screw D~6.0 H~3.2 .................................. .. 'f:/::!,-y 0 6 H=3.2 ................................. .
12 B 1663-562-000 Feed control lever stopper ................................... . :;tPI)v,'- A~"'~ 1'~ .................... ..
13 SS-911182(}SP Screwl1/64-40L~18.0 ....................................... 6 11 P ;f- ll.- ~ II /64 - 40 L 18 .................. .
14 N S-611 0530-SP Nut 11/64-40 ........................................................ . 6 11 P j- ") ~ 11/64-40 .............................. ..
15 SS-915144(}CP Screw 15/64-28 L=14 ........................................ .. 6 11 P ;f- ll.- ~ 15/64 - 28 L 14 ................. ..
16 WP-0621016-SD Washer 6.2 x 13.0 x 1.0 ..................................... .. t: '7'if11'::!'- 6.2x 13.0X I ............................ ..
17 P8-0500202-KP Spring pin 5.0 x 20 .............................................. .. A / I) :r :7' t:.":r 5 . 0 X 20 ................................ .
18 PS'0500202-KP Spring pin 5.0 x 20 .............................................. .. A/I)/':7'l:::':r S.OX20 ................................ .
19 81662-562-000 Collar ....................................................................... . :;t pl).v ,<- 'if11'::!'- ....................................... .
20 B 1624-555-000 Reverse feed control lever .................................. .. :;t P I) V'<- ................................................... ..
21 SS-866097() TP Screw 1/4-40 L~8.5 .............................................. .. ~ ;i;:t. y 1/4 - 40 L = 8.5 ............................. .
22 SS·966094(}SP Screw 1/4-40 L=8.5 ............................................... . 6 11 P ;f- ll.- ~ I /4 - 40 L = 8 . 5 .................... ..
23 B1654-562-000 Feed changing arm ............................................... . :;t P I) ",,:r 11 :r '/ T ..................................... ..
24 SS-715112(}SP Screw 15/64-28 L=11.0 ...................................... . -:{}L.-l:::'7;:t.y IS/64-28 L=II ................... ..
25 S8-815128(}SP Screw 15/64-28 L~12.0 ..................................... .. ~ ;i'*y 15/64-28 L=12 .......................... ..
26 S8-612103(}SP Screw 3/16-28 L=10.0 ........................................ .. l::: '7;:t. y 3/16- 28 L = 10 .............................. .
27 B 1656-562-000 Feed changing shaft (B) ..................................... .. :;t P I) "" 11 :r :/ y P B ................................. ..
28 B1655-562-000 Feed changing shaft base (8) ............................. . :;t P 1) ",,:r 11 :r y P 'f l' B .......................... .
29 SS-815071 (}SP Screw 15/64-28 L=7.0 ........................................ .. ~ ;i::!'- y 15/64-28 L= 7 ............................. .
30 SM-6081542-CP Screw M8x 1.25 L~15 ........................................ .. 6 11 P ']' j- M 8 X I .25 L = IS ...................... .. 2
31 81645-562-000 Feed regulating link ................................................ :;t P 1) T" - 1! 'Y I) :/ P ............................... .. 1
32 S8-8110750-SP Screw 11/64-40 L~6.5 .......................................... ~ ;i::!'-y 11/64-40 L=6.S ......................... ..
33 B1641-562-000 Feed regu I at i ng arm shaft .................................. .. :;t P 1) T" - 1! 'y '/ T y P .......................... .
34 81642-562-000 Feed regulating arm pin ...................................... . :;t P I) T" - 1! .y ., T t:.":r .......................... .
35 B1647-122-000 Suspension bracket (AI .......................................... l:::'J /~ I) ,<;:t·11';- A .................................... ..
36 SS-8150710-SP Screw 15/64-28 L=7.0 ........................................ .. ~ ;i ,*y 15/64-28 L= 7 ........................... ..
37 82007-232-000 Tension spri ng ....................................................... .. =- "j;l": 1) :..-- ~ A t::. '') ,.., I) /< * .................
38 81659-562-000 Tension spring suspension (BI ............................ .. '*
l::: " ,~I) '" 11';- B .................................... ..
39 WP-0371016-SD Washer 3.7 x 8.0 x 1.0 ........................................ .. 0.9/81 t:'7'if11'::!'- J.7X8.0X I ............................... ..
40 SS-4091010-SP Screw 9/64-40 L=10.0 ........................................ .. D.9/81 SS-7090710'SP .............................................. ..
SS-7090710·SP Screw 9/64-40 L=6.8 A.9/81 ?ll.-l:::'7;:t.y 9/64-40 L=6.8 .................... .
41 SS-9111820-SP Screw 11/64-40 L=18.0 ..................................... .. 611p;f-ll.-~ 11/64-40 L=IB .................... ..
42 NS-6110530-SP Nut 11/64-40 ........................................................ . 611 P j-., ~ 11/64-40 ............................ .
43 B 1644-562-0AO Feed regulating pin asm ...................................... .. :;t P I) T" - 1! 'Y t:.":r P 'i'. ........................ .. 1
44 CO· 2020QO(}00 Oil wick .................................................................. .:1..:""';"- ......... , •.•.•.• " .•••• " ..................... " •..• , .......... . 10.1 )
45 81667-562-000 Feed limiting plate .............................................. .. :;t P 1) 1! l' ..y:r l' ~ ..................................... .
46 SS-912134(}CP Screw 3/1&28 L=13.0 .......................................... 611 P >I'lL.- ~ 3/16-28 L= 13....................... 2
47 Wp·0480856-SP Washer 4.8 x 8.4 x 0.8 .......................................... l::: '5'if11':;:P 4.BXB.4XO.8 ................................ 2
48 8164(}562-000 Feed regulating arm ............................................. :;t P I) T" - 1! 'Y '/ T .................................. ..
49 SS· 715121 O-SP Screw 15/64·28 L=12.0 ....................................... -:{}I.-t:'5;:t.y 15/64-28 L=12 .. ·............... · ..
50 SS-811 0520- TP Screw 11/64-40 L=4.5 ....................................... .. ~ ;i::!'- y 11/64-40 L=4.S ........................ ..
51 SS-811075(}SP Screw 11/64-40 L=6.5 ~ ;i;:t.y 11/64-40 L=6.S ........................ ..
52 SS-811075(}SP Screw 11/64-40 L=6.5 ~ ;i;:t. y 11/64-40 L=6.5 ........................ ..
53 81 643- 562-000 Bushing, for arm shaft :;t P I) T" -1! ".I '/ T y P ;i ~ }t.- .......... ..
54 SS-811051(}SP Screw 11/64-40 L=5.0 ~ ;i;:t. y 11/64 - 40 L = 5 ........................... .
55 81653-562-000 Feed changing shaft (A) ..................................... .. :;t P I) ",,:r 11 :r y P A .....................................
56 81414-155-000 Slide block ........................................................... . 11 P :::J'-:{ ............................................................ .
57 SS· 709054(}SP Screw 9/64-40 L=5.O ........................................... .. ? }I.-l::: '7;:t. y 9/64-40 L =5.0 ........ · ...... · .. ..
58 B 1 651-562-0A 0 Feed changing fork asm ...................................... .. :;t P I) r-..:r 11 :/ y P 7 9- -:{ ~ p::; ............. 1
59 SS-915163(}CP Screw 15/64-28 L=15.5 ..................................... .. 611 p;f- lH IS/64-28 L IS.5 ................ (1 I
60 PS-0300201-KP Spring pin 3.0 x 20 .............................................. .. A / I) :r:7' t:.":/ 3.0X20 ............................... ..
61 B1652-562-000 Feed changing shaft base (A) ............................ .. :;tpl) r-..:rl1:/YP'f1' A ........................... 1
62 SM-6081542-CP ScrewM8x 1.25L=15 ......................................... . 6 11 P ']' j- M 8 x I . 25 L I 5 ......... ........... ..... 2

- 12 -


/ ,-=::::::~~l[J

26 27 24
\ !


- 13-

Ref. Amt.
Note Part No. Oescrlption
No. Req.
1 81303-055-AAO Sproc ket wheel lower asm. ,;..-;; :>'7'''7/ 7:..-t:..-,/-'f- 1
2 81303-055-AOO Sproc ket wheel, lower ,;..-;; :>. 7'" 7/ (1 )
3 81214-019-000 Sproc ket ri ng :>. 7' " 7'/ ~ 1):..-;7. (1)
4 SS-8090540-SP Screw 9/64-40 L~5.0 0.8175 55-809041O-5P ..
SS-8090410-SP Screw 9/64-40 L~3.5 A8175 ~ .I;t.:; 9/64-40 L =3 5···· (1)
5 81310-055-000 Safety clutch small link .. 7 :..- t' :..- '/ - 'f- ,;..- 3 - I) :..-;; .. (1 )
6 81314-055-000 Safety clutch small link pin 7 / -i?:' '..--- '/ - 7- '/ 3 - I) /- -7 c.' /- . (1)
7 81307-055-000 Safety clutch hook 7 :..- t· :..- './ - 'f- 'Y.> III
8 B 1 305-055-000 Safety clutch spring 0.8175 B 1305-055-000-A .
81305-055-00Q-A Safety clutch spring A8175 )7 / - t " ! ' , / , / - - r /{.:f, III
9 SO-0640322- TP Hinge screw 0=6.35 H=3.2 ;; :..- ;t.:; 0 = 5 . 35 H = 3 (2)
10 81309-055-000 Safety clutch counter-hook spring 7 :..- t' :..- './ - 'f- 'f"\';;·Y.> 1 <;t. III
11 81308-055-000 Safety clutch counter-hook 7 :..- t' :..- '.! - 7- 'f"\';; 'Y.> (11
12 B 1 311-055-000 Safety clu tch body 7:..-t·:"-'.!-7- '/7'" (1)
13 81316-055-000 Clamp screw. 0.1/76 5 5-7661110- TH
SS-7661110-TH Screw 1/4-40 L=11.0 .. Al176 ~ .> ;t,:; I 4 - 40 L = I I .0
14 81314-057-000 Safety clutch ratchet gear 7 :..- t' :..- '.! - 7- 7 'f- I / ~ 'f 1" -
15 SS-8151780-SP Screw 15/64-28 L=17.0 ~ .> ;t.:; 15 64 - 28 L = 17
16 SS-8152080-SP Screw 15/64-28 L=19.5 ~ .> ;t.:; 15 54 - 28 L = 19.5 ...
17 81313-055-000 Safety clutch knob sleeve 7 :..- t' :..- '/ - 7- *;; > 'y.y
18 81639-051-000 Spri ng .. oj-,;..-7I';;:..- I<;t. .
19 81312-055-000 Safety clutch knob 7:..-t':..-,/-'f- oj-,;..-7I';;:..-
20 PS-0200102-KH Spring pin 2.0 x 10 :>. 7' I) :..- ;; 1::':..- 2.0 X 10
21 83409-053-000 Knee lifter front lever t:+f7-T <ITC]
22 SO-0790361-SP Hinge screw 0=7.94 H=3.6 ;;. :..- ;t.:; 0 = 7 . 94 H = 3 5 .
23 06 83418-562-000 Lump set screw 7 :..- 7' ~ I) 'Y 7 ;t. :; .
24 B341 0-051-000 Knee I ifter rear lever t:+f7-T ,/,;..-" TC]
25 SD-0790361-SP Hinge screw D=7.94 H=3.6 =
:;: :..- ;t.:; 0 7 . 94 H = 3 . 6
26 83413-053-000 Rear lifting bar '/ ,;..-" 'Y I) *_
27 PO-0231100-08 Cotter pin 2.3 x 11 '7 I) 1:::..- 2.3 X II.
28 CS-051 071 3-SC Retainmg collar 0=5.1 W=7 :>'7:>'~,/7 0=5.1 W=7
29 SS- 711 0540-SP Screw 11/64-40 L=5.0 < )v t: 7 ;t,./ I I 64 - 40 L = 5
30 83414-051-000 Rear lifting bar sprmg. '/ : / " 'Y I) *- oj-:/ " ;t.
31 83416-051-000 Rear lifting bar roller holder. '/ : / " 'y I)*- c]" +f +f I
32 SS-711 051 O-SP Screw 11/64-40 L=5.0 < )v t: 7 ;t../ I I 64 - 40 L = 5
33 83417-051-000 Rear lifting bar roller. '/ : / " *-
'Y I) C]"
34 SO-0550801·SP Hinge sCrew 0=5.50 H=8.0 '.' ;;' :..- ;t. '/ 0 = 5.50 H = 8
35 88217-053-000 OriP pan 77'7'/7
36 83401-027·080 Knee lifter asrn. l::+f7-T'.!-'f- ;;_ 1
37 83401-027-000 Knee driving shaft mounting base. t:-!f7-T;;1 (1 )
38 83402·027-000 Knee drrving bracket t:-!f7-T ;;1 (1)
39 B3408-027-000 Knee drrving shaft t:+f7-T :;;; (1)
40 83404-027-000 Spri ng t: -!f 7 -T 7' 7 7 ! ~ ,';t. (1)
41 83409-027-000 Knee driving spring t: +f 7 -T' ";t.. (1)
42 B3407-027-000 Knee press plate. t:-!f7T1;; (1)
43 SM-9081620-SE Screw ... 6 tJ ;; )v ~* (1 )
44 83403-027-000 Knee press plate rod ... t:+f7T1;; :;;; II)
45 SS-9201 81 3-CN Screw 5/16-18 L=18.0 6tJ;;*j'"~ 5 16-18 '~=18 (1 )
46 83405-027·0AO Knee lift plate asrn. 'y 'I' 7 -T 1 ;; (1)
47 83410-027-000 Knee press shaft .. 'Y 'I' 7 -T 1;;:;;; (1)
48 SS-9201813-CN Screw5/16-18 L~18.0 6 tJ ;; *)v ~ 5 16 - 18 L = 18 (1)
49 83406-027-000 80lt . 'y 'I' 7 -T 1;; tJ;; * )v ~ (1)
50 83411-027-000 Stopper pin A r ''J / \ - (::' / (1)
51 SS-81 5071 O-SN Screw 15/64-28 L=7.0 ~ .> ;t. '/ 15 '64 - 28 L = 7 (11
52 SK-3623200-SC Wood screw 0=6.2 L=32 . < )v t ;; ;t,:; 0 = 5.2 L = 32 (3)
5:1 WP-0851216-SC Washer 8.5 x 18.0 x 1.2 0.8/83/1 P -0850(J02-5C ....
WP·0850P02 ·SC Washer 8.5 x 18.0 x 1.6 A.8/83 +f tJ" 8.5/IS.UX .6 (3\

Note (;i~c) 06 .... Special order part for LU·562, LU-563 LU-552.LU-563fflt~5JILixru\tf"

- 14 -

(3) LU-563-3

Ref. Note Part No. Description


(11 LU-562A (For light weight materials) LU·562A OtltiJffl)

1 81505-053-BOO Adjusting plate spring (B) .................................... :t-tt.J:73 -t!·:;1;;;.'~;j'-B ................... .
2 MDi-300B1600 Needle DI x 3 #16 ............................................... . "I) 0I X 3 :!* 16 ........................................ ..
3 B1613-053-BOO Feed dog (B) ............................................................ :t 7 ') ,{ B .......................................................
4 81830·051-0AO Hook asm ............................................................... . tJ"77>: ...........................................................
5 B3129-051-000 Tension spri ng ....................................................... .. 11-73 y/{;j'- .............................................
6 SS-8660530- TP Screw 1/4-40 L=4.5 ............................................... . r .;l;j'..y 1/4-40 L=4.5 ............................ . 2
(2) lU-562-3 (For long stitch length, without reverse feed) LU-562-3(;;t~I)ffl, 1/&:"/111-;-:"/)
1 81220-055-000 Stitch graduator ...................................................... :t 7 I) .;l '£ I) 1 1;1 ......................................... ..
2 D1801-562-COO Hook driving shaft ................................................ y;;;.y7 ........................................................... ..
3 SS-6121610-SP Screw 3/16-28 L=15.5 ........................................ .. t:"'7;j'-y3/16-28L 15.5 ....................... ..
4 NS-6680410-SP Nut 9/32-28 ............................................................ 6 tJ 7 -r "/
r 9/32-28 ................................. .
5 B1616-055-000 Feed rock shaft crank ......................................... . :A 1 "" 1 :t 7 I) '/ T ...................................... .
6 B 1614-057-000 Feed rock shaft connecting rod .......................... . :t 7 I) Q "/ I'" ................................................... ..
7 B1621-012-AOO Taper screw ............................................................ T-/{;j'-y .........................................................

(3) lU-563-3 (For long stitch length. without reverse feedl LU-563-3 (;;t~ I) ffl, il! :"/11-;-:"/)
1 81220-055-000 Stitch graduator ...................................................... :t 7 I) /- '£ ') 1 ;;;. .......................................... ..
2 D1801-562-COO Hook driving shaft ................................................ y;;;.y7 .............................................................
3 81830-563-BAO Hook asm..............................................................._ tJ"7 7~ ......................................................... ..
4 SS-6121610-SP Screw 3/16-28 L=15_5 .......................................... t:"'7;j'-y3/16-28L 155 ....................... ..
5 N5-6680410-SP Nut 9/32-28 ............................................................ -r
6 tJ 7 'y I- 9/32-28 ................................. .
6 81616-055-000 Feed rock shaft crank .......................................... :A 1 "" 1 :t 7 I) ? T ..................................... ..
7 81614-057-000 Feed rock shaft connecting rod ........................... :t 7 I) 0,/ I'" .................................................. .
8 81621-012-AOO Taper screw ............................................................ T-/~;j"y ....................................................... ..

- 15-

r- - - -
I I /""
I /'
/ /'
/' /'
/' /'
( /'

I (


'--------------- J

P,eL Amt.
Note Part No. Description Req.
," ""··1
:::!':BC. " 1ft
OP fl:il
B8230·562·0CO Belt cover and thread winder asm. ....:. )~ ~ :tJ / ,,- l' ~ "ct '.I'7 'J- ? ~ 1
2 88230·562-080 8elt cover 8sm. ... " ............ . ....:.)~ ~ :tJ / { - ? ~ ........................... " ...... . (11
3 SK·3513200·SC . '"stalling round wooden screw .... I~ ~ :tJ /( - r-) "; 7 "I~'''? "'- .c; .... . (2)
4 WP·0560860·SE . . . Washer .... . 0.10/80 WP-0501016-SC··
WP·0501016·SC . Washer .................................................. . A. 1 Oi80 -+f jj "'- .. . ........... . (2)
5 83201·562·080 80bbin winder 3sm ............................................... . (1)
6 SK·3482500·SC . Installing round wooden screw . l' ~ "ct '.I '7 f r- I) '/ >;- ?)~ '\': :7 ",. ::; (2)
7 WP·050 1016-SC . Washer ............. ..... , ................... . l' ~ ?ct'.l'7f r 1)':17 ?Iv,\,:?::? ff:tJ··'1· (2)

- 16 -
Page I tem Ref. Part No. Page Item Ref. Part No. Page Item Ref. Part No. Page Item Ref
~ r~ § No. 01, ;j!f g I~ § No 0'1 11: J't rl1l§ No. q~ :1= g I~ § No.
EXCLUSIVE PARTS 1$f.EIHm~'1, 81434-051-0AO 8 4 53 81625-057-0AO 6 3 51 81843-563-000 6 3 40
B 11 03-051-000 2 1 8 81435-051-0AO 8 4 58 81626-562-000 6 3 45 81844- 56 3-000 2 55
B 11 09-053-000-A 2 48 81437051-000 8 4 46 81627-562-000 10 5 44 B 1846-563-000 2 1 56
81109-562-000 2 47 81438-051-0AO 8 4 45 B 1636-055-000 6 3 46 81905-053-080 4 2 1
81111 -563-000 2 53-1 81455-053-000 8 4 10 B 1637055-000 6 3 48 81905-053-000 4 2 2
B 111 2-053-000-A 2 45 81456-053-000 8 4 9 81639-051-000 6 3 47 81905-563-080 4 2 10
31113-053-000-A 2 46 31457-055-000 8 4 7 B 1 639-051-000 14 7 18 B 1905563-000 4 2 11
81114-0,,1-000 2 21 31458-053-000 8 4 6 B 1640-562-000 12 6 48 81906-051-0AO 4 2 3
81128-051-000 2 16 81459-053-00A 8 4 1 81641-562-000 12 6 33 81906051-0AO 4 2 12
811 28-522000 2 16 81459-053-008 8 4 2 B 1642-057-000 10 5 47 81907-0510AO 4 5
811 29-051-000 2 5 81460-053-0AO 10 5 30 B 1642-562-000 12 6 34 B1907-051-0/\0 4 2 14
811 29-563-000 2 6 81460-053-00A 10 5 31 81643-562-000 12 6 53 82007-232-000 12 6 37
81130-051-000 2 9 81460-053-008 10 5 33 81644-562-0AO 12 6 43 83101053-000 2 1
81131-562-000 2 11 81461-053-0AO 10 5 38 81645-562-000 12 6 31 83106019-000 2 2
B 1132-562-000 2 44 B 1462-053-000 10 5 37 B 1646-562-0AO 10 5 53 83121053-0AO 2 25
81140-051-000 2 3 81465-053-000 8 4 4 81647-122-000 12 6 35 831?2053-000 2 26
81150-051-000 2 22 81466-053-000 8 4 25 81647-562-000 10 5 51 83123-051-000 2 40
811 52-051-000 2 81466-053-000-A 8 4 25 81648-562-0/\0 10 5 62 83124051-0AO 2 30
811 55-053-000 2 19 81467-053-00A 8 4 23 81651-562-0AO 12 6 58 83124-051-000 2 31
81157-009-0AO 2 42 81467-053-008 8 4 21 B 1652-562-000 12 6 6183125-012-000 2 36
811 58-562-000 10 5 39 81467-053-00C 8 L1 22 B 1653-562-000 12 6 5583126-051-000 2 33
81158-563-000 4 2 8 81467-521-00C 8 4 22 81654-562-000 12 6 23 83127-051000 2 29
81202-051·0AO 4 2 27 81468-053000 8 4 24 81655-562-000 12 6 28 83128-051-000 2 1 39
81203-051-000 4 2 32 B 1469-053-000 8 4 20 81656- 562-000 12 6 27 B3129-051 000 15 8-1 5
81205-051000 4 2 30 B 1470-053-COO 8 4 28 81657-562-000 12 6 9 83129-053-000 2 35
81206-051-000 4 2 19 B1470-053-000 8 4 26 81658-562-0AO 12 6 5 83131-051-000 2 32
81207-051-0AO 4 2 25 B1470-56:7-800 8 4 27 81659-562-000 12 6 38 83132051000 2 34
81210-051-0AO 4 2 17 B 1471-562-000 10 5 1981660562-000 12 6 3 83134-051000 2 27
81213-012-000 8 4 18 81501-040-000 10 5 5 a 1662-562-000 12 6 19 B3137 051-0/\0 37
81213-012-000 10 5 40 B 1502-051-000 10 5 24 81663-562-000 12 6 12 83138-051-000 2 1 13
81214-019-000 4 2 38 B1503-051-AOO 10 5 26 B 1664-562-000 10 5 83138-512000 2 1 13
81214-019-000 14 7 3 81503-051-800 10 5 3 81666-562-000 1 6 83201-562-0BO 16 9 5
81216-051-0AO 4 2 43 B 1504-051-0AO 10 5 28 81667-562-000 12 6 45 83401-027-080 14 7 36
81216-051-000 4 2 44 B 1505-053-800 15 8-1 B 1702-0 12-000 8 4 19 83401-027-000 14 7 37
81217-051-0AO 4 2 45 81505-053-000 10 5 21 81702-012-000 10 5 41 B 3402-02 7 -000 14 7 38
81218-051-000 4 2 48 81507-051-0AO 10 5 B1801-562-000 6 3 57 B3403-027 000 14 7 44
81219-051-000 4 2 47 81507 -562-0/\0 10 5 1 B 1802-053-000 6 3 28 83404-027-000 14 7 40
81219-051-000 6 3 62 B 1 509-051-000 2 1 20 81804-051-000 6 3 43 8 3405-027-0A 0 14 7 46
81220-055-000 15 &2 B 1512-051-000 10 '5 35 81806-051-000 6 3 55 B3406-027-000 14 7 49
8122(}055-000 15 8-3 1 81515-051-000 10 5 36 81807-051-000 6 3 58 83407-027-000 14 7 42
81220-562-0AO 4 2 36 81525-053-0AO 10 5 6-1 81807-512-000 6 3 54 83408027-000 14 7 39
81227-053-000 4 2 50 81525-053-000 10 5 6 B1808-051-0AO 6 3 60 83409-027-000 14 7 41
81230-051-000 4 2 28 81 525-562-BA 0 10 5 20-1 B 1809-051-000 6 3 63 83409-053-000 14 7 21
81233-01 2-000 4 :7 53 81525-562-800 10 5 20 B1811-051-000 6 3 15 83410-027-000 14 7 47
81301-051-000 4 2 42 81601-562-000 10 5 57 B 1811-563-000 6 3 38 B3410-051-000 14 7 24
81 302-051-000 4 2 39 81602-055-0AO 10 5 8 81812-051-000 6 3 17 B3411-027-000 14 7 50
81303-055-AAO 14 7 1 81 602-055-000 10 5 9 81814-051-000 6 3 6 B3413-053-000 14 7 26
81303-055-AOO 14 7 2 81 603-051-000 10 5 55 81814-563-000 6 3 36 83414-051000 14 7 30
81305-055-000 14 7 8 81604-051-000 10 5 10 81815-051-000 6 3 26 83416-051-000 14 7 31
81307-055-000 14 7 7 81605-051-000 10 5 13 81815-563-000 6 3 39 83417-051-000 14 7 33
8130&055-000 14 7 11 81607-051-000 10 5 58 B1816-521-0AO 6 3 20 8341 8-562-000 14 7 23
81309-055-000 14 7 10 81609-051-000 10 5 67 81817-051-0AO 6 3 22 83501-051 -000 2 18
81310-055-000 14 7 5 8161 1-055-000 10 5 16 B1818-051-BOO 6 3 25 83542581 -000 2 50
81311-055-000 14 7 12 B 1613-053-BOO 15 8-1 El1820-051-000 6 3 5 88217-05:;-000 14 7 35
81312-055-000 14 7 19 81613-053-000 10 5 15 81 821 -051-0/\ 0 6 3 12 88230-562-0BO 16 9 2
81 31 3-055-000 14 7 17 81613-563-BOO 10 5 18 B 1822-051-000 6 3 8 88230-562-0CO 16 9 1
81314-055-000 14 7 6 B1613-563-000 10 5 15 81822-563-000 6 3 37 89117-051-000 633
81314-057-000 14 7 14 B 1613-563-000 10 5 17 81823-051-0AO 6 3 1 B9117-563-000 6 3 32
81316-055-000 14 7 13 81614-057-000 15 8-2 6 81 824-051-000 6 3 9 D 1201-055-BOO 4 2 24
8 1 401-053-000 8 4 39 81614-057-000 15 83 7 81824-563-000 6 353 D1450-055-BAO 4 2 33
81405-012-000 2 1 43 81614-562-080 10 5 42 B1830-051-0AO 15 8-1 4 D1453-055-800 8 4 17
81408-051-000 4 2 16 81614-562-000 10 5 43 8 183(}055-0A 0 634 D1454-055-8AO 8 4 11
81411-053-080 8 4 33 81616-055-000 15 8-2 5 81830-5G3-BAO 6 3 42 D1455-055-BOO 8 4 13
81412-051-000 8 4 35 B1616-055-000 15 8-3 6 81830-563-8AO 15 8-3 3 D1456-055-BOO 8 4 14
81414-155-000 12 6 56 81616-562-0AO 10 5 64 B 1 830-563-0AO 6 3 33 D1457-055-800 8 4 15
81419-053-000 8 4 41 81621-012-AOO 15 8-2 7 81831-055-000 6 3 21 D1458-055-800 8 4 16
8142(}053-000 8 4 30 B1621-012-AOO 15 8-3 8 81838-563-000 2 54 D1801-562-COO 15 8-2 2
81421-051-000 8 4 31 81622-057 -000 10 5 46 B 1839-053-000 2 1 51 D1801-562-COO 15 8-3 2
81423-051-000 8 4 36 B 1623-057-000 10 5 45 8 1839- 56 3-000 2 1 58
81425-051-0AO 8 4 44 81623-563-000 10 5 45-1 B1840-051-0AO 6 3 30 OIL WICK iffi, ;~.>
8 1429-051-0A 0 8 4 47 81624-055-000 6 3 50 B 1841-053-000 2 52 CO-2020000-00 424
81431-051-0AO 8 4 49 B 1624-555-000 12 G 20 B 1841-563-000 :7 59 CO- 2020000-00 4 2 6

Part No. Page Item Ret. Part No. Page I tern Ref. Part No. Page Item Ref. Part No_ Page Item Ref.

,sl,* ~ 1ft § No. 0'1 1&: :ill: Iii: § No. 0"0 1&: :ill: lii:§ No. ~o 1&: :ill: !jl!'l No.
4 2 37
co- 2020000-00 4 2 13 SD-0470281-SP 2 28 5S-711 051 O-SP 2 53 5S-8151230-5P
CO-2020000-00 4 2 15 SD-0550801-SP 14 7 34 SS-7110510-5P 2 53-2 SS-8151230-SP 6 3 34
co- 2020000-00 4 2 18 SD-0600271-SP 12 6 8 5S-7110510-5P 2 57 SS-8151280-SP 12 6 25
CO- 2020000-00 4 2 26 SD-0600321-SP 12 6 11 SS-711 051 O-SP 14 7 32 5S-8151350-5P 4 2 31
CO-2020000-00 4 2 29 SD-0630241-SD 2 24 SS- 711 0540-SP 14 7 29 SS-8151 350-SP 4 2 49
co- 2020000-00 6 3 2 SD-0640322- TP 14 7 9 55-7110720-SP 2 1 15 SS-8151550-SP 6 3 44
CO- 2020000-00 6 3 13 SD-0790361-SP 14 7 22 SS- 711131 0-5P 10 5 32 55-8151770-5P 10 5 50
CO-2020000-00 8 4 54 SD-0790361-SP 14 7 25 SS-7111410-SP 10 5 65 SS-8151780-SP 4 2 52
CO-2020000-00 8 4 56 SD-0790801-SP 8 4 51 SS-7150740-SP 4 2 9 SS-8151780-SP 10 5 49
CO-2020000-00 10 5 54 SD-0800481-SP 10 5 23 55-71 50940-SP 4 2 9 SS-8151780-5P 14 7 15
Co- 2020000-00 10 5 63 SD-0801601-SP 10 5 22 SS-7151120-SP 12 6 24 SS-8152030-5P 4 2 51
CO- 2020000-00 12 6 44 SD-095080A-SP 8 4 55 SS-7151210-SP 12 6 49 SS-8152030-SP 6 3 29
5S-7161640-SP 8 4 12 5S-8152030-SP 6 3 59
THRUST COLLAR A"7 A ~ jJ"7 - SCREW :1'--;; SS- 7620750-SP 12 6 4 55-8152030-5P 10 5 68
CS-0510713-SC 14 7 28 SK-3482500-5C 16 9 6 SS-7661110-TH 14 7 13 SS-8152080-SP 14 7 16
CS-1401010-SC 10 5 60 SK-3513200-5C 16 9 3 5S- 7681 750- TP 4 2 23 SS-8660530- TP 4 2 34
SK-3623200-SC 14 7 52 SS- 7681 750- TP 4 2 41 55-8660530- TP 6 3 23
NEEDLE ~t SM-6081542-CP 12 6 30 SS- 7762840-SP 6 3 16 SS-8660530- TP 15 8-1 6
MC-3515016-00 8 4 40-1 SM-6081542-CP 12 6 62 5S-8081 050- TH 10 5 47 SS-8660670-SP 6 3 24
MDi-300B1600 15 8-1 2 SM-9081 620-SE 14 7 43 SS-808121 0- TH 10 5 47 55-8660830-TP 6 3 21
MDi-300B2300 8 4 40 SS-2090710-SP 2 7 SS-8090530- TP 6 3 64 SS-86609 70- TP 4 2 35
SS-2090710-5P 2 10 5S-8090 540-S P 14 7 4 55-8660970- TP 12 6 21
NUT T:J ~ SS-211 0920- TP 2 49 SS-8110510-5P 2 1 17 55-8680540-5P 4 2 20
NS-6080210-5P 10 5 48 SS-3090610-SP 2 4 SS-811 051 O-SP 6 3 52 55-8680730-5P 4 2 21
NS-611 031 0-5P 8 4 3 5S-3090610-5P 2 12 55-8110510-SP 10 5 56 55-8681650- TP 4 2 22
NS-6110420-SP 6 3 14 5S-4 08061 0-5P 2 1 38 55·8110510-5P 12 6 54 55-8681650-TP 4 2 40
NS-6110420-5P 6 3 41 SS-4091 01 O-SP 12 6 40 55-8110520-TP 10 5 66 55-911101 0-5P 8 4 38
NS-6110530-5P 8 4 16 5S-5080710-SP 10 5 14 S5-811 0520- TP 12 6 50 55-9111820-5P 12 6 13
NS-6110530-5P 12 6 14 55-6081220- TP 10 5 47 SS-8110750-5P 6 3 53 55-9111820-5P 12 6 41
NS-6110530-5P 12 6 42 55-6090620-5P 6 3 11 SS-811 07 50-5P 12 6 32 5S-9121340-CP 12 6 46
NS-6160520-SP 8 4 52 55-6090910- TP 10 5 7 55-8110750-5P 12 6 51 55-9151440-CP 10 5 11
N5-6620310-5P 8 4 48 55-6110710-TP 8 4 29 55-8110750-5P 12 6 52 55-9151440-CP 12 6 15
NS-6660430-SP 8 4 8 55-6111140-5P 845 5S-8111251-SP 2 41 55-9151630-CP 12 6 59
NS-6680410-5P 15 8-2 4 55-6121030-5P 12 6 26 55-8150410-5P 10 5 61 55-9161610-5P 8 4 12
NS-6680410-5P 15 8-3 5 55-6121210-5P 12 6 6 5S-81 50580-5P 6 3 31 55-920181 3-CN 14 7 45
NS-6700420-5P 8 4 57 55-6121610-5P 15 8-2 3 5S-8150710-SN 1 ~ 7 51 55-9201813-CN 14 7 48
55-6121610-5P 15 8-3 4 S5-8150710-SP 4 2 46 S5-Q6G0940-5P 12 6 22
PIN 1::':-- 55-6151440-5P 8 4 50 55-8150710-5P 6 3 18
PD-0231100-0B 14 7 27 55-6151920-5P 8 4 59 5S-8150710-5P 6 3 27 PLUG .J:.? ti:
P5-0200 102- K H 14 7 20 55-6153040-5P 6 3 19 55-8150710-SP 10 5 59 TA-0570601-MO 4 2 26-1
PS-0300201-KP 12 6 60 55-7060310-5P 8 4 42 55-8150710-5P 12 6 7
P5-0500202- KP 12 6 17 55-7080510-5P 8 4 43 55-8150710-SP 12 6 29 WASHER i£1E
P5-0500202-KP 12 6 18 55-7080510-TP 8 4 43 S5-8150710-SP 12 6 36 WP-0371 016-5 D 6 3 10
PT-0201200-50 10 5 34 55-7090520-5P 2 1 14 55-8150750-SP 6 3 61 WP-0371016-5D 12 6 39
55- 7090520-5P 6 3 56 55-81 511 50-5P 4 2 7 WP-0480856-5P 8 4 37
5NAP RING E 'i :-- ;7 55-7090540-5P 12 6 57 S5-8151150-5P 6 3 7 WP-0480856-5P 12 6 47
RE-0500000-KO 6 3 49 55-7090610-5P 2 1 2 SS-8151150-SP 10 5 4 WP-0501016-5C 16 9 4
55-7090710-5P 12 6 40 55-81 511 50-5P 10 5 25 WP-0501016-5C 16 9 7
BEARING ---'..7 I) /'-:7 55-7090910-5P 8 4 34 SS-8151150-5P 27 WP-0560860-5E 16 9 4
10 5
S B-1150002-00 4 2 47 55-7090910-5P 10 5 2 59 WP-0621016-5D 12 6 16
55-8151150-5P 10 5
S8-1150002-00 6 3 62 55-7090910-5P 10 5 29 S5-81 511 60-5P 32 WP-0753016-5Z 6317
8 4
55-7091310-5P 10 5 2 WP-0850002-5C 14 7 53
HINGE SCREW f1:1'- -;; 55-7110410-5P 2 53 WP-0851216-5C 14 7 53
5o.0400201-SD 12 6 2 W5-0651510-KP 10 5 12
WZ-0641510-KP 12 6 10

18 _-- - - - - -
alUKI JUKI f*i\~fi

To order or for further

JUKI CORPORATION please contact:
SHINJUKU-KU, TOKYO 160, JAPAN iii ;:(J)}\-'Y 'J:;z "1d:iIliPQ~~(J)t;:~'FEtd:< ~if!'lf Q$tJ\lBf) a;'lf 0

PHONE: 03(3205)108- *The description covered in this parts list is subject to change for improvement of the commodity without notice,
FAX: v""U"-Vv' '" ;:(J)/\-'Y 'J:;Z "It, 1991~ 9 FlJJiltE(J)iIli§3f±flZ"ll#! • mI!Ul-t;:t;(J)Z''lf 0

TELEX: *This parts list is edited and printed in accordance with the product specifications as of September 1991.

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