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196518 ‘Total No. of Questions : 13) Paper ID [B0246] [Total No. of Pages : 02 ¢ $ SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ‘Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 1) Section - A is Compulsory. 2) Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B. Section - A Ql) : (1S *2=30) @ 8) Differentiate between Operations and Production Management. b) What is supply chain network? ‘¢) Discuss types of forecasting. ) What do you understand by Bull whip effect? V'can vendor selection be made effective? _ f) How is BOQ calculated? 8) Define strategic fit. 1h) Whatis the level for safety inventory? ’) Name the facility location models. ©. Howis lot size determined? 'k) Define supply chain. 24 Explain techniques of forecasting, _ et QS) Describe the methods to determine accuracy of forecast? ~ O26) Give the detailed features of supply chain management? _ 7) Explain the historical und of supply chain?. y 28), Discuss the history and issues facing operations management?> 79) Discuss the emerging trends in supply chain management? OI) Discuss the sourcing decisions and vendor selection? QLD Explain the causes and methods of bull whip eftect? — 212) Discuss the facility location models? ~215) Discuss the functions of operations management and its relevance in service

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