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Shooting Script

Video Audio
Ext. on the mesa

L.S., profile, John and Rawlins sitting across from When is she comin back?
each other, next to a fire
About a week.

Over John’s shoulder to a M.C.U of Rawlins. Fire I guess I don’t see what evidence you got that she’s
light flickers on his face. all that interested in you.

C.U. profile of John John Grady nodded. I just do. I can talk to her.
….. The first drops of rain hissed in the fire. He looked
at Rawlins.
You aint sorry you come down here are you?
Not yet.
He nodded. Rawlins rose.
You want your fish or you aim to just set there in the
I’ll get it.
I got it.
They sat hooded under the slickers. They spoke out
of the hoods as if addressing the night.
I know the old man likes you, said Rawlins. But
that don’t mean he’ll set still for you courtin his
Yeah, I know.
I don’t see you holdin no aces.
What I see is you fixin to get us fired and run off the
They watched the fire
You still aint told me what answer you give her, said
I told her I’d do whatever she asked.
What did she ask?
I aint sure.
They sat watching the fire.
Did you give your word? said Rawlins.
I don’t know. I don’t know if I did or not.
Well either you did or you didn’t.
That’s what I’d of thought. But I don’t know.

Cormac McCarthy, excerpt from All the Pretty Horses


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