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True Relation of tt1e admirable V oiage and'~~ 'Frauen ojWiOiam 'BuJh gentleman: 1"pho wm? .

hisowne handes without any other mans helpe, made a PYa: llacc,in which he paft by ApG,Lnnd,~nd W,II(y:From Ltlm"Qrn~.

I ill '1ltlrk...jhJr~~to the CHflome h01ffi KCl it Lande», 1607.


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r"'-' .LA.--1-~....L" ~_ ... ~_~~ _. ._~'_':' ... _~ ' .. __ ~J


1 \


7"0 the :Reader.

N different Readers.whofe ....... _.~L.=.~.,_ iudgments are {ophifiicany

mixt with humors, or conceits', as many are now a dayes, who are mort ready to condemne with their ~-a~ turbulenetongues , then to , \"I., amend with [enfible iudg. ,_ ments: Asforthem,or~InY (uch carpers, I am reafonably perfwaded to fet as lightly by thdr cenrures, as they are farre from conceiuing well of any thing, but what agrees withthcir owne humors, odi8ions. To thoCe that are, of more plaufible {pitits 1 who (for the mof] part either faY' litde, er conceit the bert, and either applaud what isgeod, or paffe ouer with filence what is not hurtfull : And to thole that hauing Iorne vnderfianding themlelues in this Arre, as either Nauigaeers, or Shipwrights, and are defirous to be partakers of the Experiments & Pra- 8ifesof other mens knowledge. To the one r commitrhecenfure, to 'the other the profitte of this Trauellors laliours ~ knowing that fuch as are - .. -- ',. - _. - A 2 wife-,

'.J. .

...... '.

To the ~ader.

wife, will rather winke!it Imallfaults, thenralhl.y reproue what may pleaf~'9~hers.1"houghfucb as ace curious, and thinke thein{q\ues fu£ficiently expert in this Arte, finde nothing herein contelned that may Iatisfie their expedatiom yetthe Gentlemans hope is.they will iudge fauourably of his intentions and proceedings, and paffe it Oller with patience, (or affeCtions lake to the Arte it {elfe : and hereafter doubts not but to doe them more profit and plealure in matters of Iome other: deepe performances, If any thinke, that what this booke fpeal<es,is very ftranger he may fee the very tide faies as much : And it is good for an Authorro be as good as his title. If any thinke it is but a Tale, and no trurh , I cite you my Talesma.ifler, (which is more then mofl men will doe.] And he to auoide eueryfuch imputation, hath his confirmseionhereof vnderthe hands and (eales 01 the chiefeftof the Cuflome houfe in London,

betides many thouiand wimefles in the Coiitrey. Thenfirdowne andreadir, if it doe not profit thee, yet his truft Is,

it Ihall not dj{pkafc thee,



'True relation of the trnuels of VYi/~ liam Bufh gent: that without morehelpethen his owne, madea Py. nacc,bywhichhepafiby Ayrc, Land.and Water: No man

. ayding,oraffifting ,


'5!~E!~j ,. ~., by ferfou. iritmlhie,

m gatl)£fing· a ,eftaine ~tbben

tertu&! from rUnb~l! ro;tes of Dobltr. anD btarbftl, anD malltn~ 'bmof (Ill! labour anD tranell , ) a materiall lUIJtP&!, n'ame!)?, tbe Honny-

"~~~~E~ii!~ combe ; is not tbrrefol8 to \!: be conDemneD of any, but ra-

tbtf flinblie to be commtn'eb of all. !!tlJe 10bifition of manl? ftmpltJ, maktnll ene compounD mellicine, botb not Dnell? reape PJDfitto timfdfe bl? lbe fame,but punbardb commenbattonS, anb applaulIitillB of 01 tber •• gnD tbe nUllious ))traber. ant OHUllb~t1 .au· tbo" botl] felut fome cbeife Plil1cipltg, lllbitl) bl' re' cOlbftb as mfmo)iais, ettber to abliantllSlt ~imrdrt, 0, to aOoe plearure to Gtber •• '

. ~ ~f



William Bu[h his trauets

SlDftbere tb~t.e compartronl'J : m;~e Brit i, 'rt~lent fo: tmtttttion in generall. S!t~cfecDnn'otr12 ntce1fllrie fo: Diuers in p4rticular. .anD tbe bal, t~ougb not (Q btgblte c(f££lueD oUbe common fOlf ofpeoplt, bl!nll' fall oftbcirigllD}tlUCC tn artes,anb ~cien,e~: pet fo: tbe gmIJ tbat ma~ come tbcrebr to a common wealt,,, llotting (nferionr to tbc bell : ~rpeddUl! \Dbert tbe ftubie fenDet~ to gmo anD 1Jertuons trmifes. p~ tlj$ p~tlatre anb contemplation f~ertof to laulJablt .£lrte'J anDnpcrienccs : ~f\UI)tt~ Qirtes, t111md!?,.~atbe· maticall j fbe Pll1rtife of jflauigation itl a Plillcipall member: llal)lluinlJp·artictpationin .aritbmeticke, ~eomefrJMl~zosrap~p,l!:ormograpbr, anD QUfrono~ mie.oJ ratber (tofal? fbe tract,,·) tbclluintelfencc.rcil tbe berr p~roft anD trralloft~tm .aU : :RoJ albeit mcn rca" o~ berc neuer (0 muclJ I)f~ormoiJrilpb!,o~ aaro, nomic, 1!et\Dtt~out ,~a(tife nnb eJ:pcricncc it is 1m' perfetto ~nD bow can pcrfcttian bet attainCb, but b~ "laking tire t tranfpozting from place to place, tberb! bebolOing tbe bfuerrttics B!Datu anll t\ilJ~te.~ l»itb. tbe temperature of tbea1?~e in Cunblpe regions, Ill! 1Bbitb tbe 1nbolccourfeann reuolutfon of tbe fpbeare, IS maee apparant to mans capctt1l1~L\lin1J tbcrefo:e (bat t~e faltle art Ilntl fldll ad not perfolmee,eit~crb~ \'AtlJne£l of c~l1uncc, 0; Qrangenes efmir <iele, but ae' ,o~Ding to certain unincrfallp,ecepts, OJ tlocumtl1ft. tleriueb f.-om tbe mtltlJeu\atica\\ fountaines. be£inIJ fbe tier!! elIenlillll matter anb fubalance tberC6f ; 31 tboug~t gCO!) (being intreateb tb~rtlt1to) not to Olltitte amclUlrange, uno)Dcll tlerenung labo~. of no lell"e woltlJ tbnn \uonner, elfeaell Rn!) bzougbt to pall"e b'Q'; a <ltScntlcm<ln ofoul' oWI1£COunticR : Ebc \D\1icb (but tbat we arc \Jer~ mutb abide' to a~mirt tlrange,anlJ. ,ontcrnnc our own!!, acco~uinll fe t.lJe 010 p~oullrbe:

Porlooth it muf] nee des be true:

For I haue learu:d ~t of a lew.)

1 I

by Ayre,Land, and Water:

tJ'Ulb "rgd a.gllb an opinicn amol1itl ".: ~O) fift iltRentingtbefame, a. tbat rame miraculous tnftm· anent Dib among" fbtm of Amclphis, upo~tell of bl Pandulphus Collenutius, in biB jflellpolitanetJtfto~l!'

;$ct tterefozeto bl!gtltlte~pectation, t»Hbotd ant!

IDnger continuPtl p:rAble Df bts; p~adf[et11 31 makeno I!lIubt but tpon relation of ~ilJ abuenturolls anD Ilrllllgc tlltOl!a'le, l!IlU \DiU iOl!nc in IlllmtratiDn Dftis ""II. anll fo~funl!.

3nfomud}, as fueb itS baul! conferreb hlitb tbefldl, fullelt ~autgarc~s of out J!.anl) : Mtl) fucb as bane Illtu p~inciplll~.adOZj. in oar fllftbcft :$o~tb'ell,!? a~1:I .;$o:fb'1lJtfi Dtftouems : wit" ftUb as ~aue ltf;\n an tbt ~otltb,~'m. nub at t\)t 4tapt of BOllI!. Spe~an7.a, (Dul'llat£uer repo)t of fucb npttfolmtmCt as t"fa gentlemllns, w~itb fo~ rartnt., bat~· tt e wonner ill1D ~Pil p~obaUon o~a\l mm, all~ fo~ ((udb, t~e ,cnfirmahl,ln ofman\! tbou(ano.£l!£I1tntne1fcl'J.

And icwas this. .

. -Ut a fthir troles, o! inlll'umn:ltrs,. anI! 1l1i~b ~il'J oblnt ~aul)ts (no Ul.nn mt~e le~n tlU:ll.luu:atl)lI1g o~ a~inlng biU1)~erraf1tr"ai,\1) fa(t)icr.(b alt'tnareb~ JJiSClUtl1illg anbCldU ~attitmatiqlle enb ~I)cmttl·" (a\\, \1)bttb blit\lout tbe \latpe dt~et of man, 06 btall to moue tbe fame rO:warD •. JII1C bl! art e, i-antl, Il!lb .sttr, onell! bl!:~fu1tme btbtlftrr, anIl1abo;, VI~. ~'u.rtoie ~artlcs in 'tie ~~)e, ~iy;e nnb ilt\11fntlc Dlllit" tlpo.n 'be 1LanD~ anb an j)unll:etbmUIZS tlppcn ~cklater.

B 1.- The

m~m~~~~rtJ·~ ~~~t~~t~~:~~~t!} .

Tbe true manner of this :Pynaces dellifls for her proceedints in the


~~=~~iii~ .l!D1o ~rrpatra!lc in t~e .allre Ilje "40 fUloo Ilrongc ~l1blcs ai' moll ofm:~,~rco:c anbfi~e 1?llrIuis in IcnBt~ ,aull an ~~n'J:ttb wellJbt a p6lce,ftra' -,,-,., n~1I b! Wl'nDlelTes, anD otber:

~~~~I Ilrange,anll tmbearb'ofQeut~ ~~l]~M~ (es bert! aitfe1E fromtbD'btltIII . tlemenfs sf tbe ¢burcb ~, tuer of Lambornein tbe Iltounttc Qf Berke: being I !!Cower of great beig~t. aboue an "unll,etb foete Dif, tantanefram tbeotber, tulUbl!b~eilDfb of tbe Pl!~ nace, to twoo trees in tbe fame ~"Urtf;lmlrb an bunl IJletb fmte likel»ife lIillant, from t~e ilColl'ler .: )11:;11 lubicb .tables OJ !topes tbe 1\) l!nacc Dt9 aRlie, ,lutt~ ,crtlti",l1?~on (lnges on eit~er fine tbe fame frameD fOol tfmt pupofe, !lnD Diuers I)tber-en~tn. tbat 'illlre' IJet(bR one mans tlrengtb i~ ~er)Ulit{Jout .,t!Jer'belpa to mount 131' to tbe top oUb~ rame ilCQ~er. 'IlnbflllJefl cenb againet" tbe grortnll at bi13 pleaflue ;. anti tbat wftb great facllitie, 61ltljcuglJ tbe beboloml iungel) it at firLt i11l polltble a:~ to queue!) ftre tottb few"I, Il~otun an <!eagle wtttJ mater,o: c~tingutlTJ a burntn; ague tuftb batte 1utmB.

. :itl)erc bJ<lG liltellliraa frame of lttmberbppon tbe toppe of tbe ~ower, to bJbicb fbe matne great ~ables lUere falfeneQ Wit~ wtnoleltel, ano OC~et DfUtfc. in


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by Ayre, Land. and Water.

it; anof~cr frame 41ro ofllCimber lPa. fl1fteneb b«pe in tbe eartbwtt~ wanblell'es, anD otber <leng\tts to ftratne tbe ropes, anb a[tft fbe 10l!nace in moouing br ot!m lJeuices : Jlttllo ropes furnrb tn tbe lPtnblcf, fe'· uppon tbe top of tbe m:otlJer anti tn tbe fo~£raiD fcame \tIatb touuterpoires in pulll!elJ, to atria tbe mo' tion of tbe tDl?l1llce. ann te caufe ".f to moue br Dc:' grees eitbsr lI(cenbinlJ,o~ DefcenDing. Jltbus,artio1?neb witb inbnllrta anb labo), turnes to gQ)b dfert anb pu .. pofe, e~erci(eJ of moO: ambiguou'1)OUbts anb oif, ficultiel'l. SlCbe CkUfull Marryner Illbo batb reab manl? bGlkes of ~aailJation, bnto l)te fktu muft of ncuf, IltteabbelabO) anbtrauelt, dre it "otbing auaUetb: 'J3ut compareD to II burning canDle, tl)at (bilb tnber a bull)~U) teellJes no ligl)t, o~ comfo~t . .art tv tbe tn~ DUdton. aUb plat<fo~me : ~ut JltraueU, aUb JL.abo~ "~inil aU tbing. to IIQ)D enb,anl! perftaten.

The manner ofhet proceeding by land.

T· ,is'l!nace fbat tblls ferues fo (ucb (eueraU tJ, fes, as ~r,e,JLllnll, anll_ater. mtgl)trtYmeto perfo:me tl)tngs not to bee marlbnUcb Ulitbin tbe It!' mtt. anb bounD8 of bUllJane rcafon,ano to be incom' pl>elJcnftble bnto mans fence, anb to leall ilnll carrp it a\tlaR captioll ta aftantil)ment anb aDmiration; but tbat "00. tbat btllributc.G ftnoIDlclIge anll nnneruanDtngamongmen, acco'lling to Iuch meafure, hlllCl. anb mean,. as ftem beO: \3"to l)irnfclfc, opens tbe dts ofbeUeft. SIC", callres t~erefo~c ltnoUm, tbe wll.Ilur mal!ccafe.

,>jfoHbe 10pnlltc1I paffage bplanb Il)re bab fll\tler IDbeeles. aU maDt anb frameD IJR tl)iS gentleman, 'uIJ8rcoftlJ~re feraeD to carre ber, ane tbe fourtb fur-

~;. .. eD in ber. witb btuers otber ®ngl!ns tbilt caufen ber ,I '1~:'1I one mAns labo) AnD arengtb ts paffe fo) l1larlJ df ~ J5 3 tb.r


.. __ ._ •. _ .... _"c._ .• ===

William Bl1~ his trauels

tbet 1lp n \Jill, o~ in lltfpe bJa~, Iln~ be l}im(elfe in b,cr~

l))et wbil:lra were tbus platelJ, two of tbm bemg reure froteanb an balfc bigb, luefc fet 111 t~e f06~alt oftbe l~l!nace on £it~er fiDe otle, bJjan a rquar~ aron tltdtr~ : SJC.tc tbitl) tumen in a frame of tbzlI frote big", anb luas faffnttD bi! Dtlltfesat tbe binDel' part ~ftbell;)l!ni1ce,OiU(tll! tltlm tbe j&terne, luttb M.JicfJ Ilc\tlouln malle rUt~Hlltrt rpllel) an lana, a"tl1anp folIOW£b ta lJeboin bim,anll 10 witHe(l'ehtitb t~tir del, lllbat tbrtr tbougbfs coutu "CIt ccnctiue to be creDib[e~ ~ut nil Ea habcntur optima, qua: &. iucnnda, hcne!l2,

& vtilia: ~o tbiIJ 1uo~l{£mal1, folJigblie commtnD"o,

anD rrfpectcnfoz tbiB Jl£He oftvozllemanlllip, fraud ..

lell bp anObo\lllle blUb as grtatn trmpcnftu blm, as

are commonlp (Dl1gngattD tlpon anp ferton,o: ft(W uaU a(l'embl)!, wbi'" mal) bnppl11! Walke fueb grob e(' ferts in f()me of tbem, tbat (soT2cirus upo.ltetb tbe ·1 Germaincs to l)nuc entollrantb t\ltmrelucB to. tbe ! lnams,wtfb fll1ing,anD flnging tbe wO.ltbl? mantle", tlnb .,croteaU u:plo~tetl of Hercules: ) ~o (orne mal?

be b~~wn bV t):tlmp\e oe\li. inbultiou8 (nbeauOUl'p; anb labour to lall ar12bll, attb lIJaitf nf t~e fruitlltl tm, ll.l8CQmente, of 3t11enes, Ittb betake tbemfdue. fa rutb ntteltitte £JperimtntB 8S mi1~ \Do~tbl!\l! ttnll tl) pzatfe.PJo8t, ~J pleaflll'e.

The manner of her proceeding by Water.

T 80 f~ittB6, are ill fUtry fnllrument D) bf(l'ell of rpedall , moll nmO'lrp ccmfitlfratfon:Stbeone, The body (as it were) anb rubffanra of it : SIt,,,,, tbn, The cnd,an~ purpofe lD{Jeretnto (teet ales : SiCbe bOb1! 81\J1 rllbffancr ofeun\? ane,as namelE oftbis Itt, tI. p~nace (tllbeno(is "aUl rpokm) lV, may call~ba


I. by"Ayrr, Land, and Water.

i Material! partes of lubicb it £onfilfs, lDitb tbeir patti. 1 .tlliar fO~m2!lJrUC~,a1'l wberbll tbat tntlmtl~ be beft nt' :: tapneo: 1 m eane bell, botb UJitb tbe greateR rer-

tllintttJ anb moll po(l'iblc facilitfe: 1lCbe Purpofe, o~ end, tnee map tCilrmt, titbertbc commotlitleB to bee reape~ tbereb\? D~ t~c fin guler nnb pleafltnr bCrs 1lJbereunt(J it is o~ mllp bee appl~tb. ~be mntcrialt parts ortbil! little ~I?naccbeeing alrcnny fet \)owne, 1l1iCo reme "aft~s oUbebfcG, tbe reft follow tbus.

Jfo~ berpatragll bi? water, l1)ce mas bert! carefllUl!

CIIlhcD, anD pttcl)CD to hrepe fbe mnterfo~tb : ~bre bana\(o afeatp\ace~ in ber, illlltnbermtbble "art. an' boubtlelJ ftgbt opportte one "Baintt t~e otl}er .. lTJe ball oareelikewire of an equall lengfb anb tuetgbC to rowe lJertuitb, anDfourc malJes anb l!arbcUlftbc

moll line HlJbt timber t bllt migbt be ~IID, 01 P)OCUf(lb: flJoo \oilS d)tlerlr ti(gCD 1Difb ropes anD failes, anD in all porntes ball all manner of tacklings p~outDeb fo) ber,lll'l ftt !lnl) necdl'arie, as be1ongetl} to a llJip of bcr

harfben : ~bre batl tmelul) preces of ,aj»)binllnCe in IJer,tbllt went offb\! a ftrange Ileutfe in tull o~l)er one after tbe otlier ; lltbe~ IDm plilntcD on 11 platfozme (r4lJJeD fo~ f~af purpore bPPOl1 tbe ~owefll'ttJte in t~etf eqllaU P)Dpo~tionf, anD no man neere tbem at tbeir DiCcgargtl1\l : tl,jler fo~cclIll[c tnas frameD loUler tb~11 t~e llerne bl! 11 fOltc; bpon et1er~ tappe, anlll?llrb arme il)re WitS! gamillJcb, Rnl) ret fo)tb Wltb flaggcl'l, Rutlcignts, ftrelll1lerS, atttl pcnllelltl'l of "feb lltaffeUIl, tbe cqulaurs fable; anbarlJcnt, Ilccoztling to tbe COlli iGurs of btm t~t1t mlloe ann framc!) ber ! ~er reuernll ("'gges were hcalltlftea tuitb I)iuers ¢oatr. or llrme4, as tbc .armes of Etlgland, tbc E{fcx coafe, tbe Harecourres , aOb tbe Waynernans : .anD the coate of fbe Shippcwright. ann bill anceao~s, ulitb _tucrlJ otber ~elttlemen of 1uro~tbe, al1lJ ll,oJfl)ip ,n tfJat ~ounfrce. \l,l1\1I tbe fptcull1Uon of tbilJ

. mlltfn



.. ,.,' ":"'~ ....... ,_..:..~.,--

William Bufh his trauels

matter tome to our im811ination .b~ fente, 0: memo' ric. lIt~e refpert ~ereof baD 1I0t fo Dtipelp refill". in mens contentments, fa: ignoti nulla Cupido,213uC being an obtcrt p::rJenteo to tbe el!u. anti ratiacb to

be tnrc bl! fbe ilteftimouie of manl? ttOU(~110 witner" fe. (all one man. labour ano kJo~kcmantlJip) atbattl I b~a 1l.lue mllnpmene tumol' anb affection. to tontul' in,plellfure, anD alliniration, anb (but t~at it balb bIn rlin) it mt~bt be tlJougbt a tbing implIll'tble to be (am" patl'eo bp bamane \JnDerifanlling. anll tet it map be tbat fome fuperftctall t1)tp"e'lo~igbfS, 0: tmgrounol!o ~tbollers in tbatarfe, w~o, adpauca rcfpicie!)testie fadli· iudlcanr, 1»ill t~inke tbi. eafl? to bee pl!rfoamet7, becclure t~el? can (A1!. tbel? ltnoweit : 115ut tbat lotU not fuffiee, bC(RUfetbe rpbere cfknoUllebge Dotb inftnitell?eJ;crell fbe Umtt. of (oldtcture, 0: not Iu!pe,ano p:ofo"nb capacities; 1!eU'e! will oftentimes goe abOllt to Derogate from otber, tDmJt~, fo~ tbat t"" tbemrclues bunf gralltl! after acudration.

l bauebearlJamerf1! ra!po~t :liCbat llJips of run II,,! ,$atiens, Iping in barbour in faire lDeatlJer,m:;~e 1!Ol1ng ~ariner8 luere £liming, antltl}ewing feafe, ofatttuitie,one of one jJlatiGn to olttb~ag!le tbeotber, .lilt lengtl) « nimble I?onckller gets bam to tbe ber1! top oftbe fo:emaff,antl ral!(fng bimfdfe bolt \)p~igbUur' uell rounll "ppon bis fmte lottl}outanp aap, (baUen, gin~ bis AlltagonHl o~ an! of tblB ~l1tion to tloe tbe lihe : \l)i. AI1t~gonift p~erentll! bnlJertaketb tbe 'bal' lenge L ~ut baut~g tUfntl Ccarre "alte about, fell 1I0\une, anb (al gotl \tIoulD) iUbid tumbling bl.' smb l)ap,cQlIgl)t lJolD fit tlJe RuotuDS: anti as (mnea. " uer be I)all a !ttle recour,. bil fpirits,belnlJ balfe lIeali fOJ feare, l!d fet a bolll (ountenance on fbe matter :', l)e alfo againe mit" a loUD \Joice Darelll]ts alluerfarie 0, an}!ot,er ortbat ,$ation to lIoe tbelike: a't~ouub tbat I.DlJtcb lIefdlbim bl! ~i. erro~,bebllnon$,~t~cr!1

purpor, ..

', .

By AYre,Land,andWater.

parpore: CIl!uen fo Dtuers t~l1t ~aue pcrro~meD famt' aetgbtmatter" o:"o,ages,tuiltake "pon tbem, anD

'aatkanbboaif tbel! "aueb~lle great tbtngs, ane at(O~~fng to !lrte; anb "apptl~ will fpeake anll talke aftlrangewonDers, faeb at baueneuer beene ~eatll of, antlofgulfes. anncurreuts , mo~e b~ manp tben euer ~IlD mabe.lobeu lntleelle tbefe tl)ifts are but fo QJaDOloe tbefr ignorance? ano wben all rauours of aD, mac' arf, af tbat \DaSlobtcb tbe fellolo befo~e(pectaeD ID;ougbtbis feare b, .:

1lCo fuc~ 1 COuib lDillJ tbel! looulll l1auc in remeRtb)anee a ra~iug of ApeHes bntoMcg3byfus a noble man of Perfia.lobo comming into bis Il)op, altbougb Iii. knehlleb!,!e was but fmall, rcttuas tee loatb to ~Aueit appeaetbat be mas tgnorant oranl? tiling. anbtberefo:tbegan to quellion, tbirputuf UUel, oft1)atlolDeS, anb of {llCb Uke matters belongi",! to '"dlrt; ~ut Apellcs (ntreateD lJim to makcmo:e fp~re of bis fptetb. fal (~attb be) ,m\? 1!~utbes wbicb gtlUlI ml? tolours,beanng \?our 't.le blfcourfrs! bile Derioe tbem. tubicb befoze batlllOU ,in great alimil ration fo: 1!our gallant ll)e\1M p,eftnce : ;~ow to t~. Planner of bil furtbrr p~octcbm!s.'{


The manner of the Pynaces tr.auclJ.

IDoe nottlltnketbereis an\?·man tbat eitbtrregar1 Deeb cll'SobS glo:l!,o~ elhemetb of bumane rotiett'. but .,alOd" tbis .arte an) facultp of ~!luigi!tion anb ~btp1»~tUbt", (fo~ tbis ~entltman~ p~a(ttfe partict,ate. of botb) tbe moff f~cell~n~ (bat are C};erctffD :amonaffmen .~nll tberefo~e ,t III ofberl1 bue rigbt. 11Iat t1Jep:attirers t~ereof, ll)oulb be ball in befmte" leputactou:. ;$eitlJet ts ttere an\? otber arte tubere' .... CSoo QJe\Dd1J." lIiuinepO\Der fomanif.1l11!,a, in C~i.; ,etmttting \)nto tbem mtatne rllies to , . ' ~.. wo~\\c

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I I r

WiUiamBi,{b his tt'auets· .

luo~ke bl!, ,inerellang tbllm from time totime,gro, ming Oill onwarD. towarDS perfedton, as tbe111ozl' botb tObJarDS bis enD : anlJ'1et rerlll'uetb \mto ,jim' relfetlie managingoftbelUbole; iltUat rob en tbe pza(tife. of tbis facult~baue Done bJbat tbep can l1CCO~~ btng to tl)e{kiU tbep baue, o:l1JaU 1r.I1l'Ml1eereafter, .,e Yilt allDaies maker!) maniretl, tbatnone but bee a" lone t. U.O~b offbe avre, JL.4nl), anb Rater, fbat all ao~m£s anD fempell, Doe butfulftll bis bJit antJplea, fare, lIUD all tbe bJaueuftb~ waters are coutinu.UI atbia commanDement: ~utfldentll! beraticD bp tbe feuerall occurrents tbat befell antbis atluenturer. bOl'sge,wbicb 10as tbu_-begunne anD p~OCllelietl.

tiltpon ~DnOa1? being fbe tlDenttetb oat! of 3ulie .laa paa, betbJeene 'be boure, of ntneanb ten of fbe doclte in tbe (ozenoone, SlCbfs faib\0l!nace tua • b~ougbt foo~tb oftbe boure Dr. fbe rigbt bJo~llJipf"ll Wiil.lam Eflcx ®rquire,of JL.ambo~ne afo~erlli", being nmdmto tbe <tburCb, to p~oceeDe .l1nll palfefo~, .Waro'in ber iaurne" viz •. j(rom tbe battlements of tbe cltburcb tower orm,;ambo~Re •. b1! a1!~e, JL.nnD, anD ~atllr tmllcrll. 9J) ~ ~ :4D jJl b~tblle to fbe <tuaome boufc Jiel! oftbe 4tttte of JL.Ol.lbOn, hl? tbe inouad. anb laboar of one onlp man tl)atframebl)er. 1l5ting _ b~ougtt into tbe ~burcl) ,arb, "e tl)ot.of bel' o~bt, nanee., betal! fwelae peeces, in o~tJer one after anD, tber, to tbc\UonllerfuUallmtrati0n of tbe multttu~

of peopls tbat me,-'" tbere alTembleO to bebol!) .el', fo~ tbe matt pat:t oftbem neuer fame ll)ippe,o~ "_ nace bero:e, c,:ceptit werero~e few of tbt,b~tttll' Co~t. m;~ere tbe. multttube of people wa,Co ·Ireat, tbat b~ rt~aron of t~e tb:ong, anlJ p:ctre amon,a tIJem, onellJl)olc lJoure mas Cpentbcfo~e tbe@pnace toulb be bzougbt fa tbe groan!) platro~mc; an. fet .. 'eo bpontbe 4::ablCl to a(cenl) lJp Co tOe "·,,tUemenC.

oftlelltolu.r. . .

by Ayre, land) and Water~

,.,.tua.tul ramer ret tlpPO" tbe (;allle" but lllii. arcenoeD bl! Degrees bp inro~el' placebppon fbe battleMlente., not ,auing ant! man in I)tr: wtJm Ill- continuel) till ttuo of 'be docile in tbeafternmne : at l1!btc" ttme llJeetuas let of from tbe SlCotlJel', tbe bjllan"of Ilutntie·fmte to bang in lbe a~~e~ in fbe full t)ielDe, anD fig", ofalltbe peeple tbeee p~erent: a'llJti fo bunge in t~e al!~e, ber llD~lIinance lD~nt of, anti n8 man. neare bel' br m:tuentl!e fmte luttb man! fire \1Jmlkes J anI) olber Orange ~nD tlJo~tb! Deuifts, fe ratirfye_ fbe peoples e):pedatlon ro~· Ibat lIa! ,fo) tbe bDl!age lDanetcrmtnetl to begtunetbe ne):t Dal! fol1011ling. 25ut tbe bngouern'!) \)ulg~r CO)t of peop\enot content witl) tbefe \l)eQ)e~ (al"elt tbCl1c:ameGratis) began fOlJatber fogetbn an a ttv multuous anb \mra1'!? "eab, 8J if tbel! meant rome lJurtD)p)eiu1)ice to tbll tlJmaite,o) wo)~man, (~z tbt\! p~etenlleb tbemfeltle. not fati.flell lBtt\) aU t\llS, e):~ (.epttlJt\! mtf3bt (tune come Downe front tbdoppeor tbe SlCo\Uu in t!)dame bOlte o)\0~nace : bJ~tcb tl)e framer of fbe \tlGo~ite pmeiutng, anD Imewmg t.be maitttube to bee campaUb toa beatt of maDt!e "all', tmfta'1etl in rerptd of maJl'UutDC8, \mcon' aant in rerped of manl! minoes. anti tmrull! in rerped of manl! members, tbouJbt llmll fO p~euent b! ratisf~inlJ t~,ir ulqrmuring minoes witb tba ef, fed: of tbetr ·l)eal'U :'fo~ tbe ·atlfbour of all tbat bafin'«~, to pleafe tbeil1CUDUlolll people, anb to

fnllU ,tbeinfadette of tbe ¢ommon rO)t '. llJent 13ptQ'tbe.battlemente., ano DO\1lne againe m bel', t.9.~(tie:l\llo~tUJtUentor manl? ,. ~~\)to tbe fnlt fa· tf.r.w.n a.pJ) to",cntor aU, .bfEtl1g 11»00 tboufanta tJl~num~.ent tbe leall : ano about fi):e of tbe dodse i~: ibc·afternmne (l};e returlliD into tIJe place fram

1»,.n" ". Cftm$.


, Witliatn BufhhisTdueh

Gltpon stnero~l! tbe one anb UiDtntetbllal! Of JUlI!. betweene tbe bouresof tUldue anb one of fbe tlom e' tbat oa!, tbJs 1_&inace was p~eparco to fet fO:\lJarD on ber tlo l!age, little tbinking tbat fbe (oneourfe of ptople ball bin:fo great, as was tbere fbe oap befo,e fa ' "intlcr 1m palTnge: but lDlJenfi)ce tullgbzouJl}t fQ)~tb inta tbc([;~nr(lJparb,ll)e [I)UJ)b tbere tbe num'

ber mueb intl'ear~l),llnD tbe companp as troublefomt i

anbtlnrulp,l1s tfjcllappall'eD Illet tbat lIitlnotlet, 0: [:

11lftb;bolb tbe betermtnafe pm'pore or bel' P:O(CI)# i

bings, butblltbtbe greatlabo~ anD patnesof tllle"' ~

tte men at fbe leall tlJit lllel'c belptng, tlJee loaG I

b~o~gbf to be: fet bppon fbe ]Koapel, anti t{1cre reacD '

!o~t~le !~~e (j,l'am tIle gro~n1l, out o~t~~p.copl~S reacb, J

unU .u.."t me as al tblng' were .uff",cnUp breloeD I bl! bim tbat was to trauaite in bel' : fo:ttbtblllulD

"ilb to.t):fentl bi. care in a cafe of(lIeb DanBer ,1llbere .., be ball rngreat a b1ager.asll}e \Jenture of I)islife;in ~ tbeperfnzmance of bis bnllertnkcn bGl!aBe;anlJt~e· rat~er ,f03 t~l1t tbe loue. tbe Oemeanoz anoDtfpofitt,

lin of tbe people tbat IDere tberr.lUet'e altogetber'n' k~ownetmtObim,1v~ore rulean1l1)notrceettebeba, Ul0:8 afterWarDs appeareD to bee rucb, a. bl! tbefr negligence ttJllt' ~ab· pllrc~a(eD to tl}em(elue.anb 01 tbers, an ~ntinull!. ndne ano ollertbzollle, baD not' CltIobs loue,anllmercf! beene lJe1!OnbaU boP'. mea' fure. aUII t):pettation~ . Jro~ 'tba. i1Duentllrer ,.uiiJl manp frienns (r03 bee was \Jel'! well belau~D) to '''e number; of fbzee(co:e perrans,mett, ~omen arib(~il'

lI~en btlltg aafmblcb fogetber.anb g~ttJpplln tbttop oftbeSlColll,:e, contrarpto ~iI JmO\uUtbget 1»bett tbe' platfozme 1»18, f 1D!}tre Ditter,otbenopes belC,,"g~'

ing to tbe pulltes ,anD counterpotretloerefallenetlto.,

tbe matne Pl?nnadefl t!)ereot: t ~e cowmonmulUtuDe U(tle reuarbing. anb,lelle kno1Dtng to lo1»at 'fe' t~., . 1IIere mll8e,fome leaneD,(omc tan"e Come rat 'paa

. &,.'

by'Ajre,Land, and Water. tfJe,l'Qpe"otberfome gate bp tOitbe top' of t~e prnna'p del to tubitb tbe rape.lUlll'! faltneD, anD t'bere RooD "Illoing tbe r~on (llIberl'on tbe tlltane 10118 fi):t) in tbeif bantles, tbllt tbel! mig"t tbc better, bauc full Ogbt of tbe:comming 1)p oftbe ll!lpnnate:· lI5ut ~IJ r.:Mtll"mil1uJ rxprff4ta gr"'1;orA, fo tbe m(rebiefc t!)at· tben (lIbllcnlp befell was ttc mO:1r grieuolliS,bl! bow macl) it was tbe fell'e ep;perteb, OZD~enmeD bpon. jfo~ att"e tlrt! motion oftbe l~l!nace "Ruing ber Commander in bel', aetermlne' to nfctnll to\l)al'bstbe top oftbetotuer,2. .• oftbemainepl'nnllde9,witbmentlp, on,tbeRl feU "Dum into tbe tower ,Ilntongft tbepeople troas tbcre lhnbinB as t\lick as llIigbt be,tbat eucf2 Dile wus itl great batarD t lliiger.lI5utbere ([;Ob ll.Jewell bt. \l)olJerfull mer't!)fo~ ncitber tl)el? tlpo tbe pin' nades,no~ llpon tbe (Opts,t'O~ anl? DUbem tbatlDere Ifanbi~g \Jpon tl)e !ealle, tmber t~e fnll of tbe pinna' de11lljaD anp lji1rme o~ burt,o~ recline!) anp b~uire Ill! tbe fall tbereof. alt{loug" b, cllimlltion tbel! tnere ci' t~'roft"em lUlIgeD looo.waigbt.

SlCl)ere mig", 110n bane bearD 11 griellaus lIir anti lal mitatio oftbe people fo: fIJI! (Urperteb IOll'e offrienbs. fomurpinlJfo~ tbc loll'e oftbeir "u({Jauncs, rome fc~ tbelstkeofloiue. autl cbilo~en: ottler fonte fo~ tbeif frienDs ,anb kinrfollte, aU greatl)? lIoubting,anD mir, trulling tbatl I. gl'eatpar.t oUbe pecptdit fbi £Collier. JJa\l:bJ! t~atfaUbi" utterl~ killetl)o~ at lealf griemm(, It? "urto~ marmeD:but IDfll~1'i ail baPPl! bapee gaue noticefram tbetep oftljt :m::;ouler, ttld no perf an tao (uli.tneo eUber Ioll'e of life aHfmbe~ olrettiu\!1J a~11 "urt:b~ bzut(e, tl)epeople alltJio'ilblli'eu ana !tranGe lniirad.,anD gaueCltlou~e glD1~t riHotile Dft~e DlDII increDulou. fOlfe remapn'to lI'tJiibtt'tlll anD 1uoulo not bee (onftbennlf (ucl) bappinell'co: grot! f'Jtane,bntill tbep mtgl)t fee tbeirburb,mIlS,wiufs, .8 c~'~m'cOmn:otDne anti b,r'enD (l'omt~e toppe

, c: 3 Of

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William Bu{h his rrauels .

oU1J. ~01l1tr :, lnfJlcb was not long a 1I01"IJ. Jci:'*~ ae" minariueb te malle mlllt 1)al1. anlllJe tl}ob~1)t· fJtmretfe mGff fo~tuuate tl}at(ou\b attatue to !Jee fo~;

moJl., .' .

'ant~i. time.bte tfJ.l1tlJi11J bnbertakentbtB iburnet! riltl'eall~ tntbe l1)!nace to p~O(Ulle in btl', Ilnll bel)ellf all tbat lIifallerou.· cl}aun(e mbteb ball "appenelJ, 1Il3ut \D~en ~e rawe tbat all was ,in CaCttie, anD t~at ncit~er man, tuGman, nG~ '1)110 baD UtellUeD lb. lealt burt ,jJ!tbat a"tDent , '~bJasmu(b top roll fo, tbem,;g~clltll! r , ,omfo~teD in bimfelfe, anD gaue ~Ob beart\? p~ni{e,· anb tl}ankts; fo~ fenDing ,otlrolat~on in (ucb bopeltrte t};trcmttte " 1I5ut as tbe mClOUon neitber ltrallnetb tl), llring of fJistnllrunumt tGJ bigb fo) (ea~e of ~~eaking, nO' le~tet~ it tcill~bJe fo, fear,e Df Dtllunii1ge : ~D <ltil)lI alll 1tt'£pet" a meane, net' tbn (offering men to be tareleflietecure, nD~ b~tntng tbem fo; lUant of coanfolttnefpl1ire.

arter eM' j tbe cU;ou~rnour oft~e @\!"ace came .fo~tb of fJer. anD wilntbp into t~e SlCobJerto ileeaR' cepe,witnts of ltIbat ball bappeneD; anb ft~bingall . tbi"g~ fllffident,anD aroul'll) to~ bil p)odt'atnll, not' lDttbtlanoinll tbts mtl3ro:tune,~e came oo\lme tb~l" fun1!, nno ltItt~ a reColute ~tart to goe fOlwaro on bis ioume~, .1.But ma,,1! of .,is frienoesbotb~earn .. lBjea~lJerl1 ), ;anD .or,er, ,went abo~t to DltI'bJ~'" i)trn f"lim tbi8 ,,1)uenturDU8: enterp)lfe .:~lleaBln, bil attempt ~GJ benturous , ,bis purpofe Dangerous; anD b's (I~"(bll1pt,onegl'eg'Du,,, allD to be a !!reat liI1"e.i~~'Wp~inllttJe riterde of ,~oD,t~: fa;tfrange; n"~, 'b~IJ,,~De~pr.,m.nnl:r, of . bDl.,~nd(.e: r : .• ,.~, fD"atitel,e, JP.~.anr\»,a1't ,tbat tbul p~tillentbftnts: fo \1lO"D~rfull, anb be\?OnDe~opt, Ot'mo)I)£",,' courage anD animate: ~ilr p~oc:lillfnlle' ~ tban an\? ltlan. p£rC¥li\fion., coull). po.a~bl~6 : Ple~~l!le to· fr.~ tOlltrarie ; Jfo~now . bee felN~' ~(!lp.n .. ~an •.

Y ," of



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. Willialn Bul.hhisTrauets

IIllpon1tuenhl)! tbe on. anI! tw,nfetbbl1l! of Jbl!? betlDeen. tb. bouresof Uudu. anll one of tb. clocke' tbat oa)!, tbjs ~inac. was p~tpllrCII to ret fo:warD on berlllll?age, little tbinking tbllt tbe toncourfe of ptoptt ball btn:fo great,as was tIme t~e lIal? befo,e to· binuer bel' palfllgc: but lDben fl)c. tualJb~ouJbf fm~tb into fbe¢!Jorcbparll.t1)e fl)U110 lbere tbe num' ber muc" inmareo,anlJ tbe comp-anl? as troublefome ann 1mrulp,al'l ffjellap palI'eD ;p.t tbat !lib not let, 0) wifb'bolb fbe betermtnafe purpofe of ber p:otecJ bing". but lllitb tbe great labo: ano pain.sof twen' fie me(tat tb' leaa tbat were. belptng, tIm was b.:ougbt to be ref bppon tbe lRoape., alto tbere rca.!) fo:tie fmfe from t!JegrounD, out oftbepeoplrs rearb, tntil fuc{)timeas al tbings ~ererulfidenfll! brew.!) hp !Jim fllat was, to trauaile in bel': fo~ttbtbcIJue!)·· "im tot~t.nb bis cardn a care ofru'b oanger ,wbere' be bal! fo gre.at a mager,as lbe tenture of bis life, in tbeperfozmance of bis bnllerfaklll1 tlGpag';llnll tbe· rafl]er ,fo: tbat tbeloue, tbe bemeano~ anlfDirpoOtt, on of tbe people tbat luere tl]ere.were I1ltogetber tin' kl1omnebntobim,1vbore rule ano tnlltrceerte bel]a' UiOZB afterWarDs appearell fo bee rucb, as bl? tbeir ne!1ligencll tbcr ball'purcl]arell to tlJemrcluesanutbers, an ~nttmell! mine anb ouerfl],ollle,ball not <!Dolls lout,anll mere!! beene bel?onllaU bop •• me.'; fure, anI! t~pertation •. jfoz ,tbis ~Ouenturer blllilf«· manp frienllg (foz bee was bel'! well btlouell) to tbe number; of tb,eefco:e perfonS,JlIeh, b)omen anll cbtl, 1I:.n being aaEmblcll togetl]er.anb !l,bt tlppon tbttop oftlJe m:ow~e, colttrarp to ~is knollllilOget blber. fl1e; platfozme was. f m~trtD'uer,otbenopes belbtig" ' 'ng to tbe pullies ,anll counterpoiref_wel'efallenelito, tbe main. P1?nnatles tbereof: t be tommonmliltituD. little regarlling. ano.lell'e knowing to w(Jat ,reu"e, _ere maDe,fomc leaneD/ome tan". fome rat It,on

. cDe'

byAire, Land, and Water .

"JC~l'Qpe.,ofberrome gate bp totbetoP· of tbe p~"t1a, c1" to wbicb t~c ropES were faancll, anll 'bere llOOI) "eloing tbe l1~on (tu~cu'on tbe tIllane was fi~t) in tbeir "anots, t~at~bep migbt tbe better, baaefuU Ogbt oft!Je commlng bp oftbe 19pnnace: 1I5ut IlIJ eM"/,, minHI exprEf4tagr4lfior4, fo tbe nltfcbiefetbat tben fUllllenlp befell was tbe mo:~ grieuoIUI,b! bo\n macb it 1l1as tbe leac eWttteo,l):o~eantelJ upon.jfo: attbc flrl! motion cftbe'@pnac8 bauing ber Commander in ber, oeterminco to I1f(£no tomarDS tbe fop oftbe tOlDer ,l .• oft'!Je maineppnnades,witb men bp' on.tbem feU Down into tbe tok1er:llln~ngft tbe people ~ was tbm llanlling as 'bitk as migbt be,tbat eUefl? Oil. WIIS itt great "alarl) «biigcr.l15utbere <If)ol) llJeweD bis wfillerfull mercl!,fo, ndtber tbel! tpa tbe pin' nac:les,no, bpDn fbe ropcs,MO~ anI! oftbem tbatwere ftanlliJ.lgbpon tbe leal)elltnDertbe fall of tbe pinna' cles bal) anp bilrmeo~ burt,o, receiuel) anI! b,uife bl!· fbe fall tbereor, altboug~ bl! ellimiltion tbep wert ei; 'bet oft~em iUllgeb looo.waigbt.

stbere migbtl!ou balle bearl) a grtellous air nub 1111 mitatiii oftlJepeople fOJ tbe rufpetttlllolI'e offrienbs. romurl'ingfoHbc 10lI'e oftbeir bufbanlles, fome fo: tbe lackeofwiues aull c!Jilo,rn: otber rome fo~tbttr frten~s,ano kinffollte. all grtatlp !lElubting,ano ntif, fral!anB tlJatl a: greatpar.tof tbl! ptapld" tl]e llColller. IJa,;bp tblt fall bin 1)tterl\,! ktlltti,o, at lealf grieuElu(, Ip burt o~ ml1rmeb: but lDb~1'I ail bl1ppp bopce zane noti" from tbe fep ort!]" 1[;otllcr, t!}at no perfon tat! fUliatnell eit~er IlIlfeof UfeoHfl'llbe~ o:reteillllD n"l! burt . .,) bzuire,.tbe people aIlWIl'ilb.""Bl .ar'fll ~ .. ran\ill a:ftiirad.,anD gaue~oll t~c ~loi'e;reHoriie of t~1I moll increDulous ro~te remal!n'ell bOiibtfllll anD 100uiO not bee conftDent'l)f (ucb ~appinelI'eoamtJ feJtane,tlntill tbep mig,,' ree tbeirbufbanDS, 1l1iUfS, ... c~'~m"mnOlD"eanO Derc~ntl froan t~e toppc

Co i Of

William Bu(h his tratiels

of~"e :E:C!tlltr : ,lDI)'CbW8snot long a ootn~, fu,i;: aen! manltriueD til make mfllt bait. anD be tboaQI)t' IItmrdl'e molt f03tanate tbnt coalD attalne to bee fo~',

moll· ", '.,

.an fbis time,bre fl)lltl)aD bnbertaken tbiB loarnt\?: fat reaD)? in tbe\Bpnace to,p~oculle in btl', anb be!Jelb: all t!Jat Difalerou" cbaunce lDbicb baD bappelt.ll, ~ut wben be fawe tbat all was in far.fle, anD tbat neitIJllf mlln, 1»oman" no~ cbilD !JaD rec.aueD tbe Italt !JlITt ,b! tbat acciDent, luilD~smucb iOl1full fo, t~em., ig~catll!, ,comfo~teb in bimfelfe, ann gaue ~Ob l)eart'll p~aife" anD tlJankrs; fo~ f.nbing confolat~on in rucb I)opelrtte e~tremitie • 1l5ut as tbe mllat~an nettlJerltral!netb tlJ' llring of bis,inltrllUlent tOJ "1gb fo~ (.afe of ~:eaking, 110~ le~tet" it tOJ l~lDe fe~ fear,. of billuninlJ' : ~o <lI)olllltll1tupetb II m.an., nlll' tber (utfering men to b. tareleaie t~care, no~ 1I3ining tbem ro~ bJant of tomfo)t to D.fpalre.

after fbilJ) fbe eoucrnour of tbe 10l!nnce came ,fo~tb of ber. anti went 1)p into t~e ftolDer to bee an· ¢pe,wit",es of tubat baD bappeneb; anb fi~bing all . tbing5 fuftlctenf,anD Itronge ro~ Ilis paatalung, not' bJitbllanDinll (bis mtsro~tune)be came Down. cbar, fuUp., anb tuit" uetolute "eart to goe ro~bJarb on "is (ournel! , .mut manl! of .,is fdentlesbat,,~earn'lI tB:e4~bers ), ;anD at~erll, tue.nt: aba~t to bl4'tu~tle I)imi from tbis l.1~uentnfou,; enterp~lfe.: 1l11eailtng I)i' attempt tOJ benCHrous , , Ilis purpof. bangerous ; anb bis p~"nUl1ptionegreglolls) anb to be a great finHe i"~inptingt"e merde Df· cIl5aD,tn:Co~ftran«e' a!lll \irib~'~Qe~pf:,m."ner IIfb DID~ndl.e'r: 11illtl.~ 1 foDaiite'l}!e, .. n.!el.1nrw~al'etbat' tlns p~entbem~ to WDnbll(C"ll, anD. bel!OnDelJope, elD mo~e "III, (ourage anlt an-emate: btlL p~oceebtngt' 1 tban anll ~ans per«uaOon., couID.PQa.bl~8:p~e~apte tD· th~ conCrarie t ,8o~no1u .bte felt:t~1: belplns lI.n. y . .?I, ~ of



by Ayre, Land, al1d IW;\tir.

lit "i4 merCiful( ~OIJ to ,b. reatJ~~ io' altilf btlU ht all, bts action. ,eftreciaU!intbi'bts iOUFltel? : ~o til the name .of God ~~·llfttnoeiJ Up· to tbe bll~tle~ mente. oftlle Sltowerlntb' Pt •• ", ' wbtre "an~ Ding bp I)u turneD bimfelfeto rfllu~e all~is frienlls) anD' taldngtbelll all bp;tbl bIlUlJl!Si ~ee(at tloblne intb'ill1!nate, ant ,bpbis olDne:inbultrtc, .anlJ labonr let bimrtUebowne bp·.brgr.s totbe grounD tG tbe tOlle an' bJonbl!l'. of all tbe bebolbers.

·.at tbe lewer enb Of tbe ropes .tuere t~e wbeeir" anD blUerS olber enllvn'~. ,,~oaib8bfo; bis traaell lip I.anl) ,reaD", atttnlling,lJiscol11m,ing D~b)n8; SlDn lbbicl)bJbules after tomcltttlil tIme bEe, pIa,; ceo. tbe 10llnace. anb all tbetrotber ~ytfsin tl)eir·teucrall.plau •. ; anD Dttil'lB in." mft'eber, PR1l'.toit anD fr~in tbetl)artb·parlJ,efi'.~:1DeU.to t. tbl.1~ alitbingsfi)8ulO be fit, anDW .... @ppDtn. teb ro~ bis.traueU.,as to co.tent tbelle.pl"Jt.at Itllloe Dellrousto, tli. tber~!t ,\lefro~mIlD'llf tb4t.'QO' gelLa\lllenture : jfrom Jbe .. ee lJil,p~otaebeot" plact .from \J),btlU'; Iblt CIJI1tt, in tb~ !inQ'n~~ 111$~ ingpartlpe in bis bJa1?e to;Lpnd{m(,,,!.t~N~n part of IIi. iourneg~"mj):ebeJ;enntl:'trollbJ~l1(m, tban awbolURpedtlluelttn tlJerllltaf;;f)is .\tll~'i1ge, b,i rellfon of tb' multitulleLof.lUlIl\fle;dbat I!t, (0; folloll)" anDpelfrr 'bim ~i~ti~ 'Itbe:tJtepe~i'fi't) A~II, Itf8igfjfnette-of. tb~WAl!itbiltJtI'~ifo: m..w.lngh? "tn~,: btl' bim. that bee mu conaraln£b to rclt fIJe bell, part of tbentr£ Qal?·fr'ltf!tblllt.rtu.eHm[f IIUll fUf' .b',r!" ~P": alt\u",a~. "t,dl'UIMlllgelSc,lIt'luellir" ~~fpe¢,"ftb. fQ~Uler,PlUlJ"PPlvt ,anD,\lne):p~'lllle· doeltf,~be ~nrull!.e ~Ol'lJQI,J~rt ,()ftbe,'ommon p.ilopll~t· anD t'~hl\.nelw,tfb~ JP.l?~ ;were t)erl! cOI~berr()me .nDmigl)t~l1l1e:mil1(1t~'bmhtb taUre,~hlr(Oal'lIgc... ,nt, 1l.uts re(Q(utjfJJ • .wA\,~ t'flltleb,lln~ 1It. bopes. (ofaUp",t )"lIn901I. 'elp." .. ;tbor • .'~"t"""etre •• , , " . " '. t1)at

~:', 'i




,.William Bu{h hisiraucls'

t~at ,,' p)OCebing, P:OUtb tJ;tEabing p~orperou,.an' t~e ena wa. concluDeD witlY ttle fulnes Df aU content anb eJpettationbotlJ of bimfelfe, anb all bit 1»elltIiller. ; as appeare'~p bis furfber PJogreltein tbe

(ame. ," .

tnlpon .elnertlal! tbe Uno anD ftJ)entiet~ of Julr. lJeuu.ne tbe bour es Df foure anD fiue ~f tbe dodte ~n '''rafter nlDne,tbis lJentltmanenterp~lfeb b1? btgrees to make p~ofectttion or bis trauell, \lIbic~ n~t~tt~ .. &lanDing it was labourfame bntG lIim, 1!£~ fee I~b it fbuiet8 anD plcafing in fbat {lis .. dno loas leol111tl) ~ oefifl,ano oelii\l)t to {lie tbe perfo)mance anI ~~etut" on oftl)e fame; fo~ a firms bope anD alfarance of tbore ttJingsweloue. anD labour ~ob#ng to pafl'e.lll~aies caufetb IIdig"t: Spu aUt agrie-Q/1I1 l Hope nourifheth thec.;ounttY-llIcn. ~l)el)opeof,a1!ne cau(etb tl)ela' bqurinlJlItdbanDman, notto ftile tbdcs:cbtngt}eat. oftbdummer, no~ tbel)oarl? fro~s of winter. ~DPt Gfll'O~,e enrit,betb 'be ~oulOlour b)itb a (ert~in. {b)fd*,e.inan~(s Uanserau. encounters: nno·t,. *arc.tr4n~, altbougIJ bt;l~e felfea lllitbbillollles,ana Cempdbl1Jallen in·t~e m~DlIeft ~f tbe Ocean, t!et is ". mane mente at·mtQ.nlgl)t b)\tb tl)cbO~l8of JLucre. ~etbat (. mlDueO witt) lJeligbtin tbi. ma~terofhQP~' a-p;actl1!,eclaresbismtaineconfibenC8 of app~eben' bini t~e CUbielt of'btl'l 'ope. tt1Je \)nIl8ubte~ ~l'Oa"b'j anll1',obable (Icndtte.oflbta~binl tbetl)tnge. ".

petteo. .' '.

~o fareD itb)tt1Jtl)idtraudler, 1111)0 mouellb>ttb t~fs paltion;ofl)oJ)'I,· 0) ratbercertaine pedwallo"." tits PJofpUOUrJPaoctiDfnu, besJ~nite ntikl'to aO'O~elfe ~tm(elfe to tbe apt ,'fpollu!,} ofbl. p1!nac~,an" to tb' making of lJer luoe tPOI1 tb,maine lanb, anll (0 tra' IlCliel from ct1Jurcb Lamborilc,to V p-Lamborne,bil, inlJb! tU"~'~3"tano"IlUrlatton' fomeCJuartt~ o.~~: ml1leDt"anU~e,o'lf frlJml~e .",.r ~i.n.,tr'V enut- i

. t,er.

, ,

By :~UBa~ahd Waitr.

iter. t. a lotoe Dt~hii';l mlane, an".n ¢):tttret.t ; fdC,tr. be btnUlners, dD'tr8Tb:lllaru. lino perrett, Inw ciplentes, fcr1ic:iente51&p~rfeai : 3neuel1!;~'d«~ lifer ••• a fipieame .~elltMie,. rare,' tl~uter~ :arlb alittirabl", a"nf()r\hude~ aperf ,~.rills of'D'Btb', in Prudence.'; ,))tfent Refohitions. &c.\1)f}kb lIegrti. t'i.p~t"t(tioner ~ao "~Ol1gf)t ·tOfutb perfe~ion in' bi. ~rtt.tbr.t be tffertellt~e feme" tb!;~(eatcomnrem batton _r fJfsVertu~i'ntl.t~e·bte~t.t.6'",c"~~erit,ot .Il~ tf).IJ,.,olbtrs.· Slat!) abeut renen 1lttbe'(locki' Itt tbe tuetttnu ofttiis Came lHlP, ~e cear~b ftom \)lS labou.r fo~ Ibatttme"aftDtbene#tiap rallotvihg·b"itJllThurfdal

\let~~re reft~,~' an~tCliti~;"istttJ9re.'~~~: 'i"

,"., .. -~mtttJeW"vlgorem L ....

fort ri'luiei,repll7-tllldanpej1;lta.'otiteVlrei; . . ",' '.:

_pon frl'lIat!beingibe 2 .... liot! of 3111p befwttl'le t~e bolve~, of tbzti allll &ure of the t10du in ttuf, ternlD~n~!lJe bt~al\t.o tnluFlll1lit~~~s bQate fr~UJ.V~w Lambotlnc ttlVerelJe~nb 'l1ttlfr~thl),l Rlibttfret\)t bls tl1earin~s. tp as, ~):(tt~in~ bi~~ billtDtuarllrs Ch.ilw derie'(Jowbes, tilbtcbbe cOl1lD berv ~a.ftltl? .atta~J1I: ti fop:of> but luitbgreaf enro~cc!:"intCltpa.inclJ" arlbl4""·oU".' ,. ~nlltbrn b~rctnbe~.tnt~ tbe;le~ttItUt c,· m;~ ardage to w"irblJai ~unbtol1e (otane; .t~af\)eturi ttettlft!tntotil'a;gell to attempte tbtc1t~it1~to tbt, t0p'0UlJe nt,:t btu. b6:in.tf rtme bilJber, anbaiIper t1jan'tbefirlt, hut tbat P%DUeO fo'bltficult,anbftiU of totl~ .' to ~im· in tb~ tl'autll,tbat it mas full~l!'ttb~~ f;O~& ~e 'OuID attan~c to fbe tep t1imof ;:nnD ~iW~Qttt6 lD. __ e ra ouerwearitb, a~o gricuttl iliitb tbe eitrufnil? Dftbatlabo~, S1tbat bilUU11J tbm tr auclleb a \Tp3tlt,iln, an bllUe be bJas tbere conftratncll to nft Ii tltl to P20' ,til) no furt~u. bunD put a tllipnrolte into tbc ~art~. bJ"ere JJeeletrbiellliate, aUb (orne ptoplc fui~' ~e~ t~erttbat ntgljt, anti bee \\litbl)iucrsotbers (ttnt"'!)

t. Lil1loorite wlJere bereaeo. . .' .

" ~ illlpon

I ,


.• Pllt lalter~"iltbo ti .. ~ ',~\l ttDeltfietb oflhdt. betlpft"',e tb,c bpures of feaa,n I1n~ ehlbt .. £locke t,l1

tb.. mq.i~d~g, bee ~e~i\lln" tQPJot"bcfo:~ilrQ"nbl~ ~9ar.n=F, ., anD ,~l'a"en~!) tto.m t~ II, fo.:,e. {i.~~1J Co rof(e~n ~ilde";lc Downes tot~e lotlge of tbe r.Bl)tJ.,o~a"p~

'fuU ~ir Edmond Fctiplace, bdng fn,m tbencc Dlllan. fome t\lll1 mill!1'I al1l) nn ~a\fl!, aRatbtre bl! na(o" or

t.~ ~.e. tein,. pett.' .. uou ...... wll,atbo.r,aul:. h' .. em .. t¢to9f Lig~tnillg, Thunder, illioR~~ij~,~~\1las con(traJ)l1tO tQ r.(Urom

~IIC((n~ an\! fllrtbef ,nnl) tb~re b~t"ll a~~t tbe {touu. ,,(£Cwo anb:ltb~ti oft~e cloche intbe aftetl1ro.ne.b.ez ,careo anoJertof' to labu.SICo~e,a~n' ".auing f~~' " Co wenbtrfaUI!'fd, tb!ltt~e~llnt"e (b,Rb lI)~,~.#~ from tbe wbl!tl.)m~~I)~"f)l'\ue. rlUOP1d)po~ tbe no1un~. fo:(tbe llJo~n~elllg ,nD81l) lbete tuas m lJ~r hI? ellt, mi1til)nf!l~~ic u,,'\on~of\Uater -. attbllt plate,erer,

'teO tbe ne~t'bl\~ bC2t"~ _""baR-

" .: ~~u~JaYf)le;T~q,;~iid'T ~,c~tle~ay of Iurr~

'IJf any 'HaRmouia friqui~t~bl! ;fbe Vync ro (ouef,

fbeE1n,c; lnl n~ture tbat, &tl»3appetb I~o;e IdnDelr aboutit'!ll»bb~'~~t~fo.lt~ ",o;e plentte a~bbdt~r ~tapes;Jbfn pla~t~9 _att~8 rcotepf ~~l! ~tb,el' iltr:~~.>" noot~er [eaCon quC(l~lml£. 'OU~!) bulluel\,t~all ~ eer- - tall\e recret 'Umpatl).-ee of nature, a PZOpoJtlonate ,a' gr~tlbltnetre. anD natarall conullntenCl'8. It anl! flJoulODemaunD,'l\lbl! tfJi6 ~l'ill!£ller I)atb .(~ ben!),!!' bf.4utiiu anD intlUUOUUlln, tIllS irf, , CieuJg tbere

IS C4c~ perm. bo.t6tn toe pZllJfe ano PZD.rtlrc, J t!}inke nobctler re,'ICon can be 1?IlAlbtD fban tbis, tbat it,za, t~iJet~ froln II ccrtainlllo"e be bptl)tbere\mto)groan' b81" bpon tl)c ngr~II~\.t~eLt~, anb 'Gn'Q~bance wit(J bts N ~t~e: J{~~ lleitbe~ r~.ares;,,!,i,ro)tqnes,no) baa hnlt~8r, 0) tempt(ts toulUiCan_lmate OJn8te~.e ~'m rcom~i. futCoef p~ot.~'''lI'~ "Itt ,~Ilt as .. efo~p:

by Ayre, Land, and Wat'er~

"pon Munday b,in~ t".euenah1i g:;1I.1entief~ lift!: of 3ul! bettlltine _,auen anb' eiltbt ef t~e dodte fn t"efo~enoone, taking time br tbefo:ebealt,antl De" .. U, not to be l'lt, but almai,. in naton. ". btlSlin to traudlfrotn_tr Edmond Pcnyplace "islotge. ~ut b! rlaCon of tbe ntlU,tuoe of people tbilttn I. btli'lIc' teDbdire, camnnb folt01l1etlIJtm to bebolo tbij tn, l1ell''''ofmanner llftrau£1lin",blbic:b 'Ull. a t~in6 fo increJibk t arllng, tmto tbern, Th at a Py nace fhould pa6'c ouerthe tbct6ppe of the downes, be was ilffOtite to:t b! t~e,eopletltll .. p"zt'tmttte, enfo:ttll fo rrlt'ahlt

'," remune ,ere tb)te bOIlIe. aftir be ban ttanelieD tb;~'

""le.. '

. ",~.re Vercue.tUaunCOUl'airO b1!t~e, flulg!l~ fo,t,If it tuns rememlJ~etl b'1!",tIl8tc£r,f,,)eu.r~ Qne tbat! lraO "~ntSpe8ai:or oft~i.frrange e~ttrpJtte. c811fea r,icb'fl1ltenante to be b)Obsbt1)nfo bUll. I1S dtbtr tlJat ,laceo~tlJefr (tOle anbp,ouifion COUlD affo~, bll'l1, a11l tbat tn fad) 'time11! manner, l1Jat as a f!Jowze 0 r faine atttr along blongt)te is mo,etDooztb t(liln tf:ltttt l1J.OlJlers 8notb'er tim,: anbtnonc'P 'entto a ~ilr(~ant falling ~au(krupC to bp\}oloetJi' m"it •. anil!lIce aconntel) fo muC!) anoncl! g(uen : '~o tbe

~' fame lila. t~e mon plealing anI) lIC(e~tnble tntB ~im ,tn t~atit mas fo n«oefUU lit? renrein of tbe' grfatneft'eof 1)'8. fonner la~our anb traueU. ~r~ fer I)e 1JabltlcU rmauelJ, ann refl'eft)eD ttmfdfe \t1 ttl) (UC" P)outrton at tbel! ball ple"tttuUp beftolDeD tlpon Iltm, be 800:eO I)is coulfe to\narDe" Carimilow hill. btin(tabouta mile from fbeplncel!te!tl)u. retieD at, an" t,rre tmkel)ts repofetf}ut ni~bt • baatnl traud-

leOftutmile ttefamnRt!; .

lJ;be ner:t mo,ning being SituefDl111t tbccigbt an .. ttntl1t~e DB'!? Df Illite, btlwernt t~e ~Dnr£s of nine an.:ten oftbe clorkf.int~1l foz£ nene, be Def(lleD not te go-efo~tuarDIaQ1i PJOuetiell in f)'tSl»tllrtfflme ionr,

;,' JIll 2 nel!

.. Wil1i"'ln,~.~fh'hii'Tr,au¢ls

~l?) fin~inJ ,it nql1t 1)erN!~'nefdll, anll itkfohtetmfo btlll, 116 wllllbt!,rea(on of tb~ ntnmifR of t~l>'" batt&--, \D~a~bcr. jlS b\? meanes oHbe in{illite tompan\! of

r= peGple, lDbicbgr~lIett~fDlIl'wetl after bim in rue" ~ gr~jlt~r~"pll.t bcing two l1dle.JrlJ,",atl!t~olDhll, 0' 1llJ.~I~lIge, tbat~!l' I.lJ 1Ill i1hn,~1,l ,t.tllll&.: an II pettereo 10; bJant of: 811Je" fo~ uottnitbltnr.ntngfJe I}imfelfe mill an? times intr,eiJte~ tbean to fOJbearc, pet nelton b~, no~ all.bis frilll1DilOZ followers touloPleUllile, 8~per~ f~~~e tb£mt~l'efl'afne from p~ctri,ngtb nrerebim, , fbI! ;boate., !til"incapaijle:Qft~t1fime.s14re~t:IJe lutton, qf tbe commOIl multitul)e,:dtberfen,e.D~bcr,o~ meafure: but, tbat fo~ tbe moO: part, tbel! mo~~ earnell!?: pur(u~ ~bat w.~icb tbel! are mol ro~bibDen anD ~e'" ~ePJo,le!lq •• ,a(r.q~oin£'tlt,tbllfl ';,,'" '; ': i nr.

,..1N"i!.irn.H,r.;n/l,!i.tlffJ', ft~lr ~(4pim$4f~ n~~tlJ"'. ,,' r," • , ~~OIlUWO oH~e dotbiutl)eafttrno.ne, b~ Ii ani'lcr ac«oent anllmtsfo'"t"ne"tbe tbieftl ker of bis \l)llikeb,~alicfqnenll? "b\? 1»lJtcbitbe ll) pttact tDu gld/, beD; Ill'll), !lPJl~lttb ~ 11:, \'~L\fj)U'\Dtle\'edf,:i)e \DasfD~I' to ctare gQing fo,warll:aUl!, turtb8r"l~autn~not:tt'v !laile!) aboue a mill)tbat oa}?

mt:p~n ~eDne(QIW.tb.c nine anllt1tlentifb of JuUe, betwroJ1etbcbour~9 of :t\tuuhD tenne ofibe dotke in tbemQlI1h'~'; aftar t,bll'1,on:engine"lnIl4 Q1emell, lii tbll Dill) befoze,u.nl' ,b)oft.en; bebe{Clllt tCl lIaotllebe Olt, biil iournlll?;, ffom C;utchinglow hillbpon t~eDOll.meS Witb as Ulutl)fptitle i1l.1lJe' mi.gbt.: .anb after bee batJ fraucllcll aimoll tb:ec ntile4:11ep~arttr£II'in brsboate, The cOI)GClaledA.ry:<l for C'yifi: fp.¢edlni:lIllITing. ~~id.; be pnfo~nl~D 1\litb in~t:pettell '1lIlmil'1JtiOJo,. tnH»elh8 fCG~e, be outran all tbe I'eopletwentle l!luliCB ~bllil1gi Q.f men, lnOitl.C11' anti chltl~elt. to tbenumber or Rue Il!Inl:!~etl. ,iICbis Dllll be tt:auailel) fuetberto .alfe\UoJt~! }tltlrtRH to a illacc call£1) Harberts. lodge. Ulbere' "er~, falce be,wlle conlll'l1l?U~,to nlt,~ bl! (caron t"att.,.,









by Aire., Land, 'and WatC!r.

,",indo latel!? ntenbeb.1tlas newlte b~okenl1gaine, .bout foure of tbe docketn tbe afternoonl, bauing traunile' tbatbap tire miles,lIno better.litbis bllt! ~e paffeo tbebigtJel anDleeptl ~iII tbat WIlS in all'bis iot~rnep.betngfrom ~i}e fgote to tbe toppet~erebf, bt! ellmatton a long mdt.

Thurfday the thirtieth of'Iulie,

A Riflorle (E(h: 'l, C"P·l.) rctlucetb all our mofion, uftbemil111e,toPleaiure.anbPaine: ,ffoz a' 1lleJee(faitl},be) tbm i. no lDitkebnetrebut men mill attempt foz Wlellfurefl: ~o \De trt~ manl? to be bllter. ren f(,om tile IUDte of mertue onlie fo~ tbe feare of 10ainl1. ~olUe otbermooel'ne l&btlofopbers(apmihg almol attl)efame marke) DiO:in[luifl} in gel1erall, All I\Jfe~Hons into-two Members. (tbat is) _omecDnftl inp~a~udnlJ, an' p~orecuting fame gDoD tbin g,ettl)er pi.ellfl1nt" o~;p~oftt8blc bnto.tbem, ·.l!>tbers" tn'ftpinll Durc~ttt~ fom~ ill tbtngtbat. miilJt nnnot! tbem:

Jltbev'al!mell ('31 fal?) boib almtJ(f; at 'One marke~ be~ caure tubo p~orll(Utefb IlI1Fe matter tbat cotlDucetb ta baSi nature ,meauetb tberebD llieafure; ~o bee tbat '.RJlll~nr:t1J anI! t!),nll llifagr~tng· .to nature. l1)urinttb tonf"ltllmtlp.10aine. mttbtbcfe biuillDn' tonr~tfb.e p~otrc1)ingl'l of fbi' 1[;rultl!llcr , lnbo p:o. fecuting \l1ltb dllbe~emeLttie bis motions ermmne, t(nll atfemons of llDeftre,anl) ll;}epell1HIS Urengt!mIlD. anI). encourage!); tIOattctltptan1!Dii'ftculties, anD 11111t1 ilotOtfantutlltellbt!nnl!.plline, toplQ(ecate tbl! "ltD of

lIag Ploftt; ano pleafur!'. . '

3lnf.omuGb tbat bpoll ~bllrrolll? fbI! fbirtictb of lulie, bet ID Iilne t~c lJoures of nl?nCanD ten of tb' dotlte to tlJefo~enm.nc •. after fbe rcmel1bingoftbefaiD, <ien, jine Gf1!~on;tba. tnbuftrious gentltman no'Wapella" Itable tn btt Ufolutioll, oifwaruing !lnl! lDbitfrom , '".. . 1lD 3 ~ifl

. William Bl1!hhimaucts ~~t

'is .eterminate parpoCe, allll~el't bimfetre anb 'fl' ¥ ceurfefrom Harberts lodge, to a placualltD S treaely, beinlJ femetblo mite. oUlnnt from tbe leDge, 1:0 \lI"tc~ ptace be came about lwelu. of tbe dodtel)f tb. fame DI1~. mbere be rdfelltbatDa~, anb tbe Oat? foil! loming biEing fr)!bapf, ond" to ,aIke. pitebe, anD' trimme bill ~l?nace,becaufe il)ie \DiU fo maraelloul1! ",alten bt! tbe long anD luead, fome tournel! fbe maDe bpon tbelanl) : JLauncbins brr foo:tbluitb intI) 'be bmtrr ;tomah; trpall \lIbetl}er(bJitbout rartber rep!" ratton) fI)~ wa. able te inDare bel' traaell bppantba. .ater : t»bicbbpan (earcbbee founD Co fuffident,

as lbat bel' rozmer tlJalting bl! ianD, baD not muclJ·

"lIrt, D~ annolll) ber. ' . ,

iRpon .aterDa\! be.tnlJ 'be firl't, of Augu!l, about ('

tllleitleof tbe £'Io(ke, ibis l113entie-man inten!)eo to; ,,,mmit belt, bimfelfe, anD bis ~!nace to tfJe merd,

or tbe mater, tlnl) bel')! eaull! in tbe mo,ning PW pateD IItuers gr8at waigbfs, anD put tbem into bel', (obl? ttJe greatn;s of tb.tDatgbt. (aafeD fIJI il'I!II4CC

to fink. tmllertfJe \tinter, to enable bel' b! fbe fIDei' ling of lbo :m:.tmbcr anll plantkes to lIefenll an, bltacb fbat migbt _cppen II! bel' goinu bpl)n tbe 11H'·

tel' in I"at IDarnel!, anll tbat tuit" mo,e fpee1le anD Cafetie bee migbt af.tue at tbe en1l of I)", DetermineD tloiane: b£in~ in gml) bope be tlJonlll reedue leae Oa, mage "pan tbe \lIatertlJen ~c baD fuaainenpon tb' lantl. m:;btlJ 1Ione, I)e tboug~t bimfelfe in fl!'b fecurt-

tl? lUI it bnill in Pcrtu nauigare.ll5ut it feU O&at deane ,ontral'l! ; fo, a companl! of ralle perfous, b~nl margcmen, (alttnbcofpcople lip nature, anD ebaea' tion imm01leratr, barbarou., anI) \luciaU) \lIntiug illtbe mater to flJe tB-enace, \lJjtlJ great \liolence h'leb,anllpalleo berbpanD "otune, as tftbel?inten. -bell ttolbingdre but to baue tl)aken I)el' afuncer. tm~icb Ulbcn t~ Oommandc; of"er~earD of, - 'anD;

. .. : perdueo,




-...~- .. ~; .;

~, byAYl'e, Land,aRdIW~ter.

,crcefnel', tuttb tub at Ittno anb millie fpeetb" . anll lnfrelltleo lUI bee coulll,bce pcrfUlllDcD tbem to Din.from tl)eir rUlle IiI18 bl1clUUl manner Df IJllbaaiour ~ Zut all P1cuailebnof, tbel! mere fa farre fromlelv u hlg of to cOl1tinue tbefe 1DzonglJ anu irtiarie •• a. tbel! refurnc'II billl ann nncium fp1tclJe. to t~e ~eri. flcma": anb not contenteD witb tbat, tbetr sampan! inertllfell to tbe number of tenne,o~ fwdae perf OMS, aU1l5argenten, fome 1Dit~ long}9ttulaautS, rom. 1Ditb longbmlteiC. an1lotber 1Dtaponuno barbarour. II! aaaullc'II tbls Iltt.l:reaeb talopager, baaing bat two Inen tuttb btmiattellbants in .,is companl!.lDlJo luere 'botb grieuoalll! 1Doanbel» anD bart in fbear lJellDlul ::, otber placclI, bl' tbere rEotous perfons: fO~llll tbis t~erlll'UDe feUo11les were not fatifSeb, lIelt~er fa, tb' abuCe otfmo fobtmftlfe, no) tl)el)art(s Done to bi. hlen, buttbCl! mnntfeaeDtbeir fartbtr cRHkreQ 101 mack" anb ma!tce,(after tbe burt me" 11lere retp,eb into tbttrlobgtule, fo) fafegar'D'of tbgir ltUll')aUD \lIent ""to tbep~nl1ce lubere t~ell billl 'eft ber, anb lUitb great lontl. l)(Illtt aaue •• anD otbcrrueaponl'l, maUcioullpunt·anb fpotlell b£1",ano beat guat boles tb20lllJ~ bel', .t1ot(o~!Jearin" to tontinue fIJi! blolcnce an. DuHag., bnflU tbe\?t~ougbt tbcl! tJatJ rufftctent~ ip to~neber fo) trauatlinll n~mg~eJ ettbrr b, lanD or,lsacer. SIC"us to be te~ bl! fbe bzailt-ftck reralutif :OUl'lOf iOlef)umo:s,. to follotu tbe multitUnll, (\Db!c" -'be Philofphcr termet" to be Monfirii multorurn Capitum, a ~onlter 1111tl) manl! \leallcs) is but tellll' Ii~t 1I1aarbaRce. to takepleafal'e in lIoinIJ iniutie8. lItO fa beapeone mircbiefe on fbe necke of a.IlDtbcr.

SlCb" tuas agreAtouertb2011l, anI) I)inllti'ance to .,f. Sltl'aueUer. boy.ge. anD miBbt I)au, btlne bit .l)tter bRooing.if (bei .. DtaeUill)parporeG ball taken 'Cbetr ruu effect.; fa: bv fbis mtff03fune· be \Das ,on" arain,UUla1! aC Sm:ad.ey, S"ue.day, Sunday, anb

, ------ -- -.-. part

·W,iIliamB,uChhit trauets '

.! ,-

vart afMullday.a8 well tocure anD recau81'bitlmm, as ta menu repatre bi.haate; tlJbtcb (~OD be tban' !teo) were bot~· rea£O.l1llbll! well per-falmeD, bl! lb' Mt411day folla1.»iun fa tbat bll' tbUJ nme ~IS 'men \Pere fome1l)ba t recoue~eD, .al11) inllbleb tit tbe after' Um.de to patte an a bost1.»bitb be bab btrtb ofpurpefe, to can1! tbem fome foute miles aDa!, as tbel! were able to enDUl'll tbe'all:e, tlltt~' D:IJlllmeS,anb fo,te. ~f ijiuUckll;-bl?wbic1J botb ~bn. fetf.; t!nD blS men r,tcet-

".ltmucb confulation anbcomfo~t.· , .

Slt~eftrlt, fecouo,orlaft oceafion" offtare DID ",Of c:aufe tim to .Oillrutt of bopefull en1l: but IS akJlre t1)tp -maner tnte" bee fettetb fm~tb f(om tb,ell>.oare anD ~oetb tD '~e,a, In}J.inBaft~~,tlJ,e umcmb~~nce of luife,tbilo:en,bBufe,an1l famll&e, Imploretb ~UI ~ODI? I1hllminQe onl11 to tbe Due perfo;manu of 1us tljlppe to a gatnefull bauen:!&o notwitblfanDinJ ~u lIan._ genl tbat befell bim.tit~erbl! mtsfo~talte o~ D~OJD~r, Ilepatientlptlnlltrwenttbtm, Jln' atll car;nell "lS minbe llitllinftnllments reaDt? an1l, p~rpa r t., (ODee tbeir bea to b,ing ~i8 bulints fa bapP¥ anD rUCC1'~full rOilclufion : ~nD Co bpon ~onlla, beIng tbetbhb of :AuguH betwl!ene tbe boure. of ane anDtwO',!.Qf tbe docke in tbt afternmne, bl! began to trauell-;b~wat.er at tbe place mben IJet left tbe !!CturfDa!aHJts. (Il~~ ming t~itber, fll~ bil519v.nace Waswater.bo~ne bl11ni tlpon \tIba:lcs. as tl)1J trauellell tlpon tbelanb: frrolD tbenee ti.l Dircaeo bis courCe from Streatley to Pangbornelocke , being Dtaant front Srreatlcy bt' water foare miles : ~n" ca~mtngtbttber abautfi~e of

tbe t1o£illl, reuen (bere tbat ~a1!; :

, tlltppc." SltucCOSl! bieing t~1l fourtb of AngllH bie, fwcenlltbe boure~ of dgbt anD nine oftbe docket" tbe afterncone be p,oteeDeb fa~tuarb on bis ~ollrne1!' anll patteD lTom.tbfp(acCl1111ere ~te, lerttlJenlgbtb~ to~e I ouer t~e banclus Dr tbC fatll,Locke \1ppon 1IU,



_11k Ie. into t~e watn on ~be o'"er. fiDe of t~e lor"" \)nttll bu tnas Water bo~n"i anti tbtn Itre calf tbe tlJb«les lllttb otbertleutrt~ frrtmljiiil, Ilt:JD fobr£inlJ dear'tln tbelDatcll, rallieD l11it~ hil'l cilittl,gltll1gfO(t. Ip fo~\tJarl) \)t1till bte caml! to JI.10rle D.'rrh"m-/ock!, bing lItlfn"t (roiu tp"I""borl1e/o(k,_; fdn1l1ltb~~ miles, lllberel}e came a ",oare l.n .bis boat af):lltill1. bpOIl fbe kJbttltSJ anD pltlfeO tb1oug~ a Icng,t~ooD,wl!llrfe, tbet!! 111' lal\b a \lcrt' btepe I'Il\b ttouliltfome patTn9r, lDbicb 111as fo pailtcfutl bl! reMelt E f (be bi:.1I1l'8l?,a"D tbe trtren-litie of beat, tbat tte prepl. (bLtitlf! berp manl! of tlJt bCUtt f011, Pitticb bini mttctJ, ann. \t)tfi 'great~l? razr.\? fOlbis I1liincrlllllabo~,~l1 t\lticl) bee. titb Ill! btU\11oetoplul1'fj tnnutlrl':rrtD rtf notro 1'8' ll!i"(j Upon Me art, tint ibat bc.e afmb(b tbe menn"s to <!5otililDiUanbpttaftJre, itlllb(lllt tuMeb beeroll11l net ~.aelloi1eanl! tbing. !!CWo ttings tbmfozc are 1l)il1jeb to be' 'nert.feb In men of bis !D~ofelr an : tbe Brft i •• tbe trae (eare af<!l5ob, • tben a careful! lIiligEce in all tDingl belot1ginll to t"elr ~rt(; wIJeretbe feare afCit!eD il not. no arte can ferue tbe turne, fo~ tbat 'beU to malle, of arte an JDole; y;et tbofe tbat fe'are 41Sob,muatakebtell tIJei!fcmptblm not: [lJtp ougtt tIMref83t to We arte as tbe meanell tbat eOb bat~ .~oA,neb fCli t~eir bendite, anb be tbankfull. .

after 1Ieball relleD bimftlfeabonttwo lIoures, anD 1DellrecrtateD anll refrefbt bis ~obp at ~jr Michlld IBIIiIlte.r,'e P2'Partb to p~oceell foz\tlarD patting in tbe boatetipontbe tllbliJes belalD tbelotlte ~nta tbe teater,anlltllbsnfl)e ~a" lUater- bo~neagatne, bee caa tt)e 1tlbiele.lTam btm, anll patteD fOlblarbe illi!" bis ~artS tohJarl:J!! Reading-Iockc.tlltnto wbicb place be f':e 'e(4me,bemi~btllm:rl? II far oWa tul)ule arml! of p;Ople,1lpoh Caufum-bridge, ,bpon.tl)e b,lIu)l.oftbe "'ittr. ""tC1) fOlla1Dell tbe !D\?nace tuftb btr lI,umm. ~an"m"lkk •• 1n'Ci'Ul}e. came tatDe Jl..ocke. Sltbtre " ' ,e migl)t


, 'Wil1iam,~,u(hhis uauets '

.,art of MUlldaY,88 wen to ture anI) recouerbi'mm,

as to men~' repajre ~i .. boate; \Dbtt" (<!I}Ob be t~an' kilO) lvere botb reafonllbl1? lvell perfo~meD b~t~e Mttnday. foUotuin!J; fo tbat bp' tbiS time \lis Ime .. \Pere fometl'lbtl t recauereo., anD inableb in tbe artw Ilmne to pall'e in II !loat Wbitb be baD bireo ofpnrpefe,

to tan'!! tlJem fome foure mlle., a D8r, .as tbtl? U:Jere

able to enl)ure tbe'aNe, l.11ttbD~uJl1meg anI) fo~fe" of ~ull'kefbl? Wbi'~ botb ~imrelfe, l!nD biB men recd~

ttea:mu'cb confolat'tDn Ilnl)tomfo;t. , I'

1t~e Orlt; fecouo.o~ lal1 otl:tlfions of ftare Oib ~ot ii'

caufe btm to oillrutt of bopefull enb: but ae atlltf. 11

llJtp-maUer tuben bee Jettetb fm~tb fromtlJellJoare p

ann ~Qttb to_e.a, la}!inu afio.etf)e rememb~lJnce of ii

luife,Cl.ltlD~n,b8nf"llnlJ familte, imploretb tis bObl? !i

al1D minoe onll! to fbe Dne perfo:mance of tlis llJippe I,'

to a gainefunbauen;~o nCltUlttbltariDinl aU llan_ ~

gUll tbat befell bim.dt~erbl! mlsfo~tunc o~ b~rCllD~r,i

J)epatttntl1!1JnllertDCntt(Jl!m, ~lt.ltm tarnell bJS !,

minDe llnotnttnDmcnts realll? anD: Pll!parf8 to lIee ~

tbeir bdt to b~{ng ~i8 bunnes to ~appl? anu fumerull W (oilclufion : £InD fa \)pon ~onllav being fbetbirD of :Augull betU:Joone tbe boure, of one anDtU:Joo.of tbe dottle In tbe afternmne, be began to trauell;bl?wat.er

at tbe place mberc bee left tbe :tJCturClla2Blbts (Q~_ ming tbitbtr, fo~ bis 19J!nacr.l1lIlS\1Jater.bD~"e be,nil 1Jpon \t1(Jeclt.tl,llS tl)~ frauelleD lipan tbe lanll: .frrom tbence b~ DirerteD big cUlIrfe ftom Stl'eatlcy to Pang. bornelocke ,b.ting Dinant front Strearley btl wa-

ter foure milts : £InD coanmtngt(Jitber about fiJ:c or

fbll clock", rellelJ tberc tbat ~al" ' .

iIltpp,," 1tlltfoap biting t~e fourtl) of AugllH bit, thlccnetbe (Jollrefll of elgbt anI) nine oftbe docke tn tbe arternoClne bll P30teeoeD fo~lDarD en (Jtt1]ollrnel!, anlJ pall'eb from.t(Je place1l1(Jere (Jie, lert tbe'iligl)tfl" fo;e, ouer t~e banckes or t~e faiD ;Locke t1ppon (Ii'




1 '

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byAyre,Land,and Warer.

~b{des 'nto t~ll blater on tbe Iltber {flle of t~e ladte, 1Jntill bee lD,IlS waftr lJo:ne, anD tbmtre taft ClIe ll'lbiEl~s \liitbDtberlieuirt~ frcm ~tm. 4t:10 fobrdnu

l . elearetn tbe1Date~, rowel) \lIHb I>tfloalt.,g~lIlgroft.

It! fO~l\JarD \)11till bee rame to M"ple Dirrh~m-'~(k!, bang btlta'it fro'tI Pllt'f,bor1Jf/O(k._; (Dn111',tb~1l tIllles, 1»bere be tame a "'oare 11l.bi9 boat flf.{oillll. \1POll tbc ltlbt\:lts, anbpalfrO tb~Dllgb Ii lcngtrmIol)t)·robllrfe,

tbeu 1.11' laob a \)erl' beepe anll troublt(ome pall'l111r, lDbtcbwas fo PllillllMI b~ reMon. ftbe I.1CD b'a~,antl tbees;treniltiuf beat, tbat ~~e prepls (b{r~ug berp manl' of t11eb~tttt fo:t, pUheD blm mttcl), at"" b'ere 'Ilreat~ifo~rF fo: btg Jlainefl1U luba:. ml \tINclJ bee liiD bl' bii IiUl.,e tOl'l~ anti intulhl':r ltD v£t notre t't' 111ing bpon bis .art, bllt lbat bet a(crtb',b the mClll1tS to <!I}oti; l1ltnanbptrafure, k1itbt'ut \lJ~icl} breceutD netCJaUtl!oneanp tbing. ~11l0 tMn!lS t~mfl)Zc are tDiO}ebtobe"nntifeClih men of bis19,ofelf'on:tbe Brft is,tbe true feare of~OD, , tben a canfulllliligite in all fbiitg. belonginB to tbetr .artE; lpl)eretbe feare of~c" t. not.' no arte can ferue tbe turne, fo~ tba.t 'were to malle· of arte an )Dole; fiet tbofe tbat frare CllSilb mull take beetl tbe~ tempt btm not: {bel! ought

tber~fe'ze to bee arte as tbe meant$! tl)at E;)et) batb ~~barne" to: tbeir beneftte. anb be tbankfull. ,

after lje ~aD reaet) bimftHt abotlttwo \loures, ann ~ell recreateD anti refrtt1)t bis ~obl! at ~i~ M!chllcl 'BIHnles,be pzepartD to p~oceelJ fo~\llarD pamng tn tbe lIoatetlpDn tbe 1lI1)ales belotDtbe lotte ~nto tbe teater.anllllltlentlJe lUas tuatct- bo:ne agame. b~e ca~ Il)e llIb~les from (Jim, anb palfeD fO~blar~e 1ttUb filS i)ares tDtuarll' Reading-loc~('.~ntD bl\lulJplacc h feze 'e C41iIe,'emiS\l)t Direr, a far 11ft' a bll)ole armt! of peoplupoft Caufum-bridge, ,bpOnlbe b.anlt.oftbe rlfltr.lItttV (0110111,1) tbe ~~nate 1Dttb bet D,umm. 'ami mUCkk" bfttilLtlJee came to tbe Jl.,o(ke. :tJC~ere

CIe mlllbt


"f,'.,' "'q~;,"'(""7,"','~~1"rw,,: r~:



j I
1 i'
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'[ --~~~-'-" "~"'"

,'WiUia91 Bulb his Trauels

mig~t !QltlJane rliene tb,e namber oftbt people"Duble .entrear~O,ftntJ tbe, m;rauatler 1l)it~ biuwr ~enth'" men, ,"0 otbers tn ~tj compilni(1l1l tlrangers) 1Jerl! kinl)le rtcei"'D anD entertaineD ~p'lanigbts, JJ..aDpt'l, erll~jer •• ', anD funtll~ perfonll of fbe bell ("ueke anti (4",ion, to tbe number of tIDo tbuufanllpeople ana ~p'\ll~rll, ofmel1. \\lom~n" ano tlJilD~en, beeing ~alfe a ~tle from tb~ tomue,w"etber \1)itb great pdine. fbe lJ!lpnace waG b~oug~t, anti pl<lt(Din tbt Jilings fa~geat tlje 19 n~o~fe: nnn' rUcl)RS were fn tbe ,u:;r8Uili,lers cGmpanl' palletJ into tbe town, comming t~itber ab~ut rife of t~e clotke, anlnell,cD tbm. ~a' lung trarrtalrb tlJat lIap eilllJt mUes.

lIllpon·,.e1lne('oal! beeinlJ t~e ftftb of AuguA. ' berwene tbe "allre.of ten linD elroen of t~e clocke in t~e fowntOne, be c:onua'!?eD I}isli'rnace a, p,tuih! as mig!)t be to tbe \l)ater, ta auapDe anll beguillHb' ,~elfe ilf people, beeing 'ben Dinncr time: at 1Dbicb time b.e tbouglJt fbat people woulb babc leaft mtnt' to Ioo!l~ after ~i' P1octebing. ~otblit~tlanDtl'lg \Jpon fbe le.atlnewes o.f bi'bepllrturemutturetJ,tbc people mftantll! ;ncreMIlD, anDileckeo toglltber in greater· troopea anI.' abunllA'nee, tbell tsere there tbe tlay liefezt. blitb tl}eil' a,ums, feuetall inftruments muack. -9,f arull~1I to flJelDtbeir eume glaDnelTe ana content or minD, as to abbe ccmfo~t ta tbll ~rauailer, foZ ~n' fickc botb tubtlate tbl: bcart mitf) plrafure,ercite' ana Ifirg IIp bumo:s,ano innitcs to magnantmHp:anD no oUm caufe can bte t?elle1l tben tbiB, ,tbat betlllitt mens l}t1artsanl:l mulicke,tl}el'e fa It (<<taine fl!mpb«' till,co~ri!rpCnDettcit, anll p:opo,floo. _1]0 can giff' ant? otber reafoll \llb~ fbe Jl..oabllone·b~abletb ~~on, but a rl!mpat~l! of jJlature~ tnbp t~e neeQIetoucbeli bitt witb (ueb a ftone~, l1)oulo neuer leaue looking to' warD tbe ~o~tblpoleltllbo can rememberotberrea, fon t~tn ~tmpatbte efnAtQ,re1 ~o \Veemav.far..tbil! '


By' Ayre, Land, Ilrtd Wattr~

CU£b ~t"e natnreof mens mjnbes, ,as mu((tke fJtdfJ • terralnc PJ.Opo~ttoi1ate ~impatbl!e witb (bem :~. tiP," t~aes baue lIJttb tHlneCiC of bftintte cates; out {"-dlang blitbbarietie of GOOIJrD"C. llI5ut not to hlnl "pan Ibis! tbep, followeD ( 3 Cnp) t~ts traucUer altA, long bpon tbe Il)Q2-C, a mile anD bettertpon SunningLocke, IUbere (bqt tbat ~ob mil'8culouap p~ottttt". a~nefenb btm) botbtbe PllnaU auo bee in f)e~ bait "~ne £aff .wal! anD l)~o\llneD : fo~llnal)utrelllll bV t1Ie counfell (If II gg)Ulcr ~e p~£rumeb to tl)ufa nI'(l'obJ .ftrai.Gbt, IIIbicb baD a great fall iorning to tbe Locke:

l»~ere a .umpe bab almatl Dun hlbdmel) tbe P1?' nace, but ~te efcapell tbatDangel', oneil! rectauin; (om, quanhtp of water nlire ab()of t~~« o~ foul't gal' lollS. aboutfoure. o~ tineaf tbe £locke in tbe afterna,", ~,cameto Sunning, lUbertb!! Dttlerspcople of t~elJ'tter fo~t anll conllition wttb bil" anI) bis romp!' nye,ll1ere ~erie '.nl)ll1£ entertaineD. Slttere tee rtrttD tvatntgbt, calltng (nbis minDe, bOlD be mig~t ~fcape tbe like troublcfome lockeul111 Dangeul.

. tlllpon .eOntfbap. being tbe Ort of .anguli, be' fW«IU fbe boures of ten anI) elenuen of tbe dacite iu, tbe, f"~enoane,,te p~pilreb bis iDrnllce totrauell tlpon ber luhales hr lalttl to Maydenhead, bnDerllan' D~l1g it to be Ibitbu tbirtie mUe. b~ water, ant but eagbtmtlts Ill! lanD, bertDu manp 1Iangerans 10£l$e8 luhict mj!bt p«t ttm in ~rcat J1iltarb:[o be p~oceeD£I:I to trauett b1! 'ann to Twyford, but b.tS'not palTeD Ilalfe a mite, filben tbematne Clhe of 'be l!~on'llIo~hc b~atte : Ill! reafonlll,btl'£of, be coulll part no furt~el' tbUll wyford , fa: tt tuns foure boufFs befo~e it coulo be~enl)~D ngaine: ~otbtre be rtllcbtbat nigbt,tDII'F mmgJbttber about OJ; oUbe dorke.

. ~bere croars anD impebimellts blQlIlD baue wea, rIeD mnnl?, ~ m,DOlleD tDem to bifcontrnlmcllt,lIs wel t~~ '.e IIftcn rnnian_u of .me tbing \ll~tc~ cn!l"1"~et"

e ~ CaUstic





. Wi(Uattt:B~l(h bis.tt'auels

Catiety, ."pJq~t"l\t b\l n4ture m~lUlfe(t to bt8 badi DUS: as f~~ t~4t alrQ tbc~ fOllut! (dcl) IJtr"Juf4Bements

in t~.e ~aate IIfIJ (onnldon oftbeeJcrctre anD bulintl SDbte~tbe!~1J1) in banb : net ~befe coulD· net ret·tDaffe

anO b~t~el' in btl tbOqB~ttt O~ binDer t~ep;"mrillbio~

IIts intenom,o(' • , ,ll6 uUblle on jfnDlll! bein~ fbe r'a .. aentb of ~usult I betwtene tbe boures. ofnin' ano ten

of tbu\oi:lle in {be fozenoone. be began to P~DC~IJ ana IOefG~\Ua\'1J on b'f )labufull iaurnep,w1}kb tie tolHiD fobe Mlllf to tie anD labou\" hv rel\Colt I)f: 'belH~pe' nelteoflbeJllnD, tlJbicf)-cllureD tbell'l!na,e to traudt b.er\l (!lUbe anD be,Rudie. i1tbat ORl?· tlJe fraudlelJ te Uttl,Weeke, ht Maydenhcacl tbtcket~ ,being tliftant frolUTwytord fo",re mUlls! anD 'berc reBeoab.ouf a~ "-

Dftbe docket . '

. tI!lpon~fttqrIUn~ tbe eilJbt of aug"lt, betwl£ne tbe IIlIuJeB ofntne I\nl) ten.of tbulotke tbatD8p. "etra· uen~J) fr"m.ijtl~ Wecke in .be Sltl)itliet I\fo~aio, to Maydcllhead: ~{Jzou~lJ mi)t,,, m:;o\une, be enrml'ea tbe Rlo(f painefult toyle anD trauell, t~at be bt\1ltn ftll ,I)l. ionrnet!, Jlp .. ~a(on of tbe tJeepeneQ'e of t~e ml?~e ill tbll{lrilte;wberein tbe bJbklllll pierceD a footOE£pe at tb~ lell.~: anD ro fO;lDarbtoMaydcllhcadll6~iage. ,Que~ tbe i1!tIJames. lnto \Dbic!) ltiue,r be paireD 1UtffJ ;bts \1l"i'£le~. bnhll, be uns lDaterlbo~nc, . tuberebre l'U~or~ to p.1oci'£tle on !)ill iour~CI1 en Qj!)onD8p fol, JJ\Ullll!:: ~o (0: tbat~a~ be return@ to Maydenhead ~bout fou,re of tile (locko, lJauin!l trauaileo tbll (ame D4r fome tblllC. miles t linD tbere re(feb be ttH,t ni~bt, .!lntl U)e nett Oat! bcinlJ tbe~abotlJ oaF-

~Ilon W}ontlt1l', being tbe tentb of au gult,b etwl£It ·t'il~ !Joures of nme I1nO ten in tbe mll:nil11J, be bllgan to traud' from M~yclenhead liB~t!)gll hI! mater, til . tubt~b"'ilC~ bee t.ame from Maydenhead tlppon '6i.

, lDbeelel1,be(ll!l (utreafe\) b1! biuerl1llnigbt, anner,

, quire, J tbatwcre Cbers «ltcmb"O, t~a' tbc)! misbt fre tbe

I \

I '~

I l


'\ 1\'



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tlllpon l1C~urroa,lifil1g tbU3'0r~1I'"all..b'tb)."" ',.\.. '

ttl' .. ~aures of ,feau.en t\.n~. l!iBbt.Df,. tbe dO(~ein. 't " ..•..... ' ... 'ii

ulntnMJI! p:la,~ell?b8nlleD ~i. tourre tllblarD · , .~.

Don, 011,,1,. tnttb'9~,pat~e~or pares in ~is compilnEfo'i Wt'!fllft'idel'lt1UttlW~( ~.Gl ~8,lanbtngatt!.l1l cur.. tome-hcufe ltep',leRuing,bismuQtton8, anbtbe ~etl

, ·of biuomptm~ titbinl.l bim, lIonbftngtbe 'multituDe

, o(boates, I1n'O'peopie milbt. mlleb annot? bim,if ~'e8:

. QJo"~4tttmpf :'ollanl) f~~fe by? Dill!, ~Qbttbl."etbc boareul\u anlIoftbe docke tbat higbt lJelanbeb' aUbe <;:"Romc.houfe Illlll! t in t~e pzefence of 4 of t~e kittg. feruantsoUbe CuGome-houfc ,anll b'Ue,rgot~er laI.tnell'e. tbaH4tu fbe tubole perl'G,ming oftbe ioar~ ,

"'2, anlJ'CAmetuitb bin) tbieber. . -:

, Irom1"ence be retarntbauafne to Bralneford tuit, JJiIJPpna,~, anD ~berf lanDeD bl!1-' ofl~e dodle illlb~ mOJning, tntenll1ngto p,epftre ~I' PlmaC(~.,n".bt., ,ompallp in fome 1I,~tte~ fall)ion,tlUDerttanb.ing t~e peoples ~lpertationof,ul(omminB ta lLonbon,anD of ~i"l"nDingattbt¢,lIaotl1~l)o~rellsepe, tv~i(" "~Q li«neper(",mtD aga&ne, but fo; t~e mtfbtbauiour. anD \mrQlt;nrs oftbe boafu, lbat tva,,, fuc" amuUi. tuoej\"btbzongp~l'll f~. ~re t~e'!nace, tbAtllJec coulD natallt? tuat! fJaue'f#l'pall'age.

. ..~~e",affpartor .:JTil?l)I1t?e,~atcrbat?, anb ~un" . bat! ke rpent in painting anti ~iggtng ber wit II ltIalf ••

. 1?arlles, ~ailes, j[laggrs,.anctl'nts ~trcamt"', aUD pen1Jent.: anD all at~er p:ouifton fo: tier oll)inanCf.

anD f!'rtllo~k·e •• tn {lelaullable . .

<. ii' fo~ a llJip at gttateUClrlttn: UllJilCg'ive:I'"'~~~t"

.::'," ,0..;1 'jj!" . ... .",'~~~~:'J:

, i: .~... ,by Aire, Lind, and Water.,

~I""'" ',anD gentlemen niere T6raineford, SHUll fa:ts . ~J';'e tomJllan ptap!" l'Gun~e ab~uttbat place,

~. . nil. anll tlnDerltanbil,lgof, refo:ttb tbitber "P' ,tbe l1i&anDlCpe, erpelttng tbe tJ)pnace flJoulllll

I;DI1~bl1lJe DeparteD, but ll)eeintenll2b not 10 , eeoe. till; tbe mo:rame faltalning. :m:ben tbe .er fl.lJte ultrcateD tbe commaunber of bet to DO. qt,," tbat e(peciall fallour t~at tbel? migbt rec fbI

JUanner of blS trallllll botb bp lI..a"1I anI) ~ater:· ,.btclJ reqaelt malic" be fa wo)tbp perfonages, bre ~1),illi"Bh? CllbC,rtbe1l to, anI) wit~ all e~pllbition pill" "' tbe lI)Plll1Ce on bet \Dbrele" anb b,oug1]tl)l!t tronlwbencc aUe (fmoe p~tuat,e) tntoa large ¢our,C • ~bere tb£re ftmlle p:iuate fll maA~ 4):oacl} •• , anlJ Ibe glciltsates were ro lowe ~ ad ll)ie coulo noUbat ,il)llpebatie Plllfllge into tbc ffrtite. lll3ut anotbtr .Ip!lJe _",tng Joan1J be \Dbi,,, QJee was b~oul1tJt ,!oc!ltb~tbere \DaRtell no r.ptaato~s to attenD t)er _~QnlmtnI11but fbe'lreete lUa. full of ,eOl,h:, anD '~,lt 01 ,tbe better ro~te , fo) there \vere tlllO bun-

· ... bitt.lIJf.1tJg~ts, lL.aDpe,. anI) ~entlemm, \Dba blv , nml::f~)1': t!llllfl~nilce patTe:.b}?Ji.anlJe, IItfireO atto ll!~t3ber :UitiJbtfce bel' flul!tnme on tue lUll' ''--ttt: ~bht. lUlU, ltltelUire graurtteb ,bi? tbe tw . .-aeller ..ana t"el? all. f~wfte~ to t~m full ,onten" 'anD plcarure. ,_

~ppon 1tuero.~ )ft~~.~e\lflvnetcrntb of .au,

gUIt bl!r\uetnt the ~,!I!" of jfourc anI) .fine of . fbe doette in flJe mo~nillg, tbe ll'v.nace IDas b~OQgbt aliD launeIJell into fbe \»" tel', anb ptlll'eo fO~Ulane' .. n'n,nft~dI. LON DON 1 \tilt!) ;D~umane., anD

Jnll'rRments of ~aliclte~ ilJmtinlJ off bel' , .At ~er lJepart£1re r,om )l)~a£nefo,,,e,

. ·.~I

. , ,

:.W:iUiain Bulb his irauels '

~. came befo~e .camintfer befllJrene 7 anD g a cledte tnth mlJ~ning, lllbtcb fleeing Oifcrieb a fane of~ tber.ecame fncb a mul:iulDt of allfo.:trs of boates. tbat nettberlbfe, nOl aUl! ofbcr compallp coulo ratut. 0: tfirre anr wap, lit? rearon of tbelr rube rt~lItlil1g bponbcr : ~o lbtl: WalT contlra}!l1eb to p:t'lIdlV all meane, lbtt (.oulo to Sumerfer COUrt at t~e llJa II , "€it. beeinl able to come l1~rc tbe nail'cs, at bJl)i'b place (belluls DzawnetJp bp rOl1p" lDitb fo:u ofantn, alll li~ tbeatt carritl'l into 11 ~ollre in tbe ~tranlle,lubtt8 we no\!) leaue bet bnlin net furtbel' p~oclll)ing$.

. iIllpan.ebnefDal! beitt£ tbe ninet.ntb of .augul, betWfene abe bonru of ten anD e(eauen &Jf tbe clocke it:Itbe r8~lnmneJ tbe commSUhDff of tbe f02erain 10" , naft lbap't bi, courfe to tbeCu(tcme.hou(c of the cr ... tic of London. lUil" Diuers ltJitnetrts fo~ tbe ·ptrfo:;. manc:eofbts ioarne!1Uit~ ~im. -110 tnfbe ."erence

. "fe~~ CQfiomer ,Controller, anD Surueyor tOere,DtD Dr rer to make oatlJof tbe ,erfo,mantt of t~ebo!age, tlttreating a terUftcattGf w~at be bloerred,. : IiJlJtt~ 10 as 1DtIUnglp grante •• t 1JeUutrel'lbl1l'1er tbe(e'~ay,

trr, ~anos,anb (eales • .1lnb lie fJtm(elf'btrp.llihlIV· r

, ' entcrta~n'D ~l. all tbl! offtcersian1JfialfttJ > .. ,

at ~~",ner~bou(eano all . .'

. I: . ,"'c.olilP'an!~ .

. .

FI!A(_IS •




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