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PERMIT # ~— 5063-91 DOCUMENT: “emit Agchechn Voy unter / 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) & 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) & 21) 22) 23) 24) A request was made to SHPO concerning the proposed mining area but as of this date no response has been received. Since no response has been received a logical assumption would be that the agency has no comments or problems concerning the permitting of the area. The agreement concerning the commemoration of the Battle of Blair Mountain does not include any areas in close proximity to the proposed permit area and thus should not be needed for this application. The mining plan as it relates to adjacent permits has been expanded to show more detail. Sterilization as used in Phase 5 and Phase 9 of the mining plan refers to coal reserves being left such that future recovery cannot be achieved. Spoil balance per phase has been included along with where the excess is going and when the fill will be completed. The sequence of mining on the adjacent permits has been expanded. A variance request for placing spoil on adjacent permits has been included. The relation of mining of this permit with adjacent permits has been expanded. Details for the proposed conveyor are presented in Section J. Attachment F-5(B) was correct at the time of the application. Due to inevitable changes in future plans caused by regulation changes, coal market changes, etc. this attachment will undoubtedly be different after «a period of time from when the application was originally submitted. The extent of previous underground workings has been shown on a map in Attachment F-11 along with potential effects on fills, etc. Requests have been made for approval to mine within 500 feet of abandoned underground mines. The seams to be augered are included in Section G. Justification for up-dip augering is presented in Attachment G-2. 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 40) 41) REV, Ug 9 5 oy. The type of seals to be used is defined in Attachment G-2. The documentation that discharge will comply with effluent standards is presented in Attachment G-2 with the justification for up-dip augering. calculations showing that a 6" pipe or rock drain will be sufficient is presented in Attachment G-7. The last page of Section G will be removed. A more detailed plan for the reclamation was previously presented in Attachment 0-3. spoil balances are given in Attachment F-5-A, as mentioned in #14) and #15) above. Areas not being returned to AOC are shown on the Regraded Drainage Map. The reasons and time periods for the areas where a variance in contemporaneous reclamation is sought has previously been given in the variance request letter. The excavation limits have been clarified on the Regraded Cross-Sections. The permit limits have been put on the section. Regraded Section 8-11 have been added in the southern permit area. The location of adjoining permits is shown on the cross- sections. Regrade sections are included for Segment 20-22 of Haulroad #4. Barriers where applicable are shown in the Regraded Sections between the impoundment and mining areas. Attachment G-3, G-4, and Cross-Section 3 are now consistent. Attachment H-2-B(3) and the contemporaneous reclamation variance request are now consistent. The location of $-85-8 in Regraded Section A-A is correct.

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