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This manuol i. designod to provide the servi"""'QM with 00",_ pl~te infnr",",ir.n <1M th~ O .... M.ructinl\ np,,,,,tion, rnaintcn1Ulce and repair of va,iow unitliofth~ 1949 to 1953 model Chevrolet pa"..,ngercar.

Added to thi. manuol and locnted aft.r.ection 12'.the 1954 8uvp";m~n!. Thi~ ."I'I')~n'~nl ,,~v~'" d,~ug~" rue u,~ 1954 prodllCt. Unle,," othcrw;oc stoted in the .upplement, the i"{,,rmation in this mMu"' th~t ~prli"" to 1<15.1 ",,,,I~I. will HI." """Iy to the jg54 model •.

An ~ffort hu been mad~ to proouce a manu~l thnt win net only .erv~ a. ~ ready rel""enc~ book for the expenenced aervice mlUl but also cove~ step-bY"'ltep vnx:odure rur th~ g .... ;<l~,,~~ ,,{ the Ie .. exper;en.,.,d on~n.

Th",Section lnde:lon the title page ensbl". the wer toquiekly lo~~te any desired """lion. At the b.,ginning of ~ach """,tion i. n TableofContentsfoll"wedb.l'nnindexli!tingthepB&~"nwh;ch eachmBin~ul;)jecL lxltlins, In these """tiOMll thfltcover more than une m~jof ,ubj""t, the T~bl~ "r Contents ~iv"" the psge number on which the ""ve'~ge 01 the ,ubj~ct b.ging, and w~ d",giled inde:< of that .ubj~~t appellfs DO this png~. This nrrnngernent. ~.::u~:~ie:ne;o;~!t:~~e il ",,~y for Ihc .erviee man to local~ th~

Prevision i. made \0 enter refurente. to any supplementary

~~:S~':.:.i: ~";;~~:i!.by Ill" J~"kr i" I.h~ lonn .;.f S~lVj"e N~w~

The Spl>Cial Service Tool •• hown in this manual. Or th~ir equiv8len~ ar~ nec ... nry for the efficient servicing of Chevrl>lel pusenger,Cs!'3. AU tccte lisled Ore availai?l" (hr~gh Kem·M_oore OrKIUlj.~hon, Inc. GenerQI Motor-. BUIldIng, DetroIt 2, M,chlKan.

Thi" ",anual ,hould be kept in. h~ndy place (oc c=dy r~Ie1'· ~nce. II p"0p~rly usod. it ,.,;11 cnabla tho mechanic to better ",,<ve the (},.,ne", or Chevrolet pa.."n~er car" ~nd therehy build or maintain a reputation forreliable..,rv;CiO

All information, ill_"lrRlions and specification& contained in this liler8ture are ba"ed on the lntest product information ovail· "ble~tthetioneofpubli<atiQnappmval.Thecighti.re.ervedtD m~ke <hsn~. "t any tim~ wi,hoLl' "o,;c •.


GeMrQIMorr,,,Co<poratlon DETROIT, MICHIGAN


For U,e ~..:.n"'~JiuH"e of "~rvke!Jlen wh~" wdlillg "I' "en";,, LWimes., pal'e,,, _,ud, as Application for Pollcy Adjustment. Prod""t lnfornlatioll RCllom, or rCPDrting p,uducL Iail_ urC'l; in ony WliY, "'C are :;howinll below Ihe location o[ the varlo"'l unit tlumbct~. Thc~c unit numbers nnd their pr<:'til<e~ ~r(> nec";"ary on these pnpers for V3rious t<!~",'n.-"uch U a~countln!l, follow_up on produotion, ~lc

The prefjxP$ <;In celtlin unil. icl~ntlf)' lhe pt~"l in whir.h ,h .. unit w .. s m .. nllr"dLlr~rl, and thct~by ptrrmiL. prOper follow_up of Lh~ plant involved to get correclion~ mad" whell neeeeaerv.

Always Include thcprcfilt in the scrinl number.

1 •• '".'., ••••• "~ ""mb., I ... "d on 'ho I.~ .I~ • .,/ .. Md, ~" tho "Q' .f th. "p 'G"~ '"~. II.

G ...... t~, .,,1.1 ~"d modoj "um~.' .... Io<o,.d on 0 m.,.1 pi., •• , .... on ,~.

~.~:~;~ ... ~,,~:.d~,~"" ' ...... ,d .f ., .... 'u .•

'1.,,1 .... ".,Lb ...... ~.I .. d "' .... , .,~_ b .. 0" ''''0,,,,,, tho dl.hl~"'., b, .. ~ ... ~I.,. whl.h t, u .. d" dl,t,lbut., ,.~ I~ •• 31.


1,.,,,ml .. l.n , .. 1.1 numbo, I. ".m~.d on ••• ' •• 1. , .... 1 numb., I. " • .., ..... n •• a, ,,.1. Numb". T,;", Num",", "".

, .... , '''n' "fT .1 •• 1ft •. 71 ,h. h.n' .f , ••• 1~".n,I.' ,.",., "9.' •• ;n' '" ..... ' I.'.' .... n 'o~ of <ow, on

.1 ••• , ... 1"""9·" ..... '.L •• '"9.'



. 0·1

. 0·8



Cll'oer('\l Lubl"ir.tlLinn . Lubrication Chart.



rags ....... 0-5


Engine Lubrication. O~l

Oil GI!.U{{e. • ••• O~L

Lubricaticn.. . , ' O·l

Fil1!L 500 Mil 0-1

After 500 Mill" . . . 0-2

Fall-c- WLntet"-Spnng-Summer n~2

Maintaining: on Levei. . " " 0-2-

When t.Q Change Crankcase Oil. , O~2

Crankcase Dilution .. _ _ 0-3

Abnormal Conditions. . 04

Water ill Crunkc:aBe... .. . O.,.jl

Ilerresicn . • • . . . " , . . . 04

TyP<'" of Oil.. .. . • .. . . . .. . _ ... _ . .. . .. 0-1 SA,K Viscosity Number..... 0·1f Vi~ity Grodes _. . .........•......... 0.01 'Vater Pump,.. _ T.'" ••.••.•..••..• 0-5 Carlmretor A~o!elera,ting PUTIlJ'] ..•.......... 0-5

Generator. , .•.. , ...••..•........... 0-5

Starter Moto:r, .••... , . , , . , " "+",.," O~5

Starter Solenold ,. O-~

Powergtide Trensmieeion ... _ .........•.. O-Ii Rear Ade And Standard Tra.ns:mlsIIio:n. .. , 0-5 "Recommended Lubricants. .• 0--5

"Multi-Purpose" Gear Lubricants 0-6

Ll.lbricant Atlditlnn.s ...•.... _ .. " ()"6

Lubricn.nt Dhenges , ,+, .. 0-6

Universal Joint .....•.. _ . _. .. .• _. 0-6

Front Wheel Bearings.. . . .. ., ••.• , •• ,... 0-6

Hear Wbetl Bearing':l.. .. . , 0·6

Spring Shacklej.. . 0--6

Brake and Clutr:h Pe(i:l.1. . • . .. . 0.6

Steoriog Ooar.. .. .. .. .. 0-6

Gea.fflbift Control UoW:!ing ......•.......... 0-7 Shod Absorber. _ . . . .. . 0.7

Cbassls Luhrieation , ...•. , ., .. ,. 0-7

1500)! Lubrication . . ().7

l~ubrir.fIU('ln Chnrt. , •.••..••..... , 0-8


The selection of the propm' lubricant MId its coreeet ",pplication a.L r~r Intervals does much to ln~~~ the life and operatio-n of all moving Ila:rt~ IJj the vchh:le. Constlq'Ucn1Jy, it te impm1;<1f'1t thaI. the CQl'rOOI Ai"lul.e of ell or .A~~WI"" Il.!!Ii .not~d 1n the following p.r1~e", be m;ed.


Pmp~r seleetlon of the oil to be used will odd lt1u~h tu the- performlltuco, J'1!'1i:lbillty, eeenemy ,,]'tel. lQnG lIIe of the eng-inc.

It is imperatfve 111<lt 'the reccnaeeaded light oil s be used in th-e- o::ngine dUTing the break-in period. Light (JIb .Ilssure :1. bl..>ttL'l' br-c.nkinll m Q( the enRifle ss they assure case o{ stnrlintl, prnmpt flow of a sufficient quantity !;If oil to the bearings, less tridiun between mQ\llng parts, le-ss wear of mcvIng peats, etc.


on.. GA:UGE

When starting a celd engine, it will be noted Ihet the ell gauge on the in..,trumcnt panel rt!gis~ ters a high nil preBS'I.IrQ, .A~ the engine wurms. ..... p, the p:r'CSllurc will drop lIntii It reaches n jXIln'l. whr-I'C changiis to hlChcl' speeds will raise the pressure very little, if at all,

1I the oil pr~e regtsters ab.nnrmally bigh rd'icr lh,e englne i.s tJu.lf'Uu,,;hl,y wnnrIl!d UPI on 10- specllt.ll\ should be made to Q.SOOtlalll If the aU lioe..~ end plI.SS8ges are plugg<!n up.


The engine ernnkeese uf all new eMS b: filled

w. lth a light body "br aklng-in" Qil at the factory t1 and it IS .reccmmeaded that this oil be used for

ihc fir..Nl 5DO U1ne5.


At the end of the first 500 1I\1!C);, Lhe a;rankcillie should :00 dealned-cwhcu hot and relillflQ to ths proper leve-l with tbe r~uu.'UII(\'ndl!d oil.


After lh~ first 500 miles the cruukease oil should be selected to gtve the best perferreanee under the cllrnntic :md driving conditions in OH~ \e.ritory in which the vehicle is drjvcn.


DU"il1g the colder months of the- year, <in oil which wit! permit C'il:'ly ~tarllnc fit ihc lowest utmtl:-iIJhI:'Ii.c lClnper.a!urc Iiko.ly In be enecuntorcd, should be used.

when the crankcase is lIrHl ned ;;.lnd refilled, the. cranke ... sc otl should be- seleete+, n('ll I:>n the- ba!>.l"l tlf the Qxislin!;j ten'l)el'ULUl'.e, at the tuue of the cbenge, but en the lowest temperature enttciuuted fur lhe ~rluU JuriJ.lg which the ctl ls to be used.

Unless lile cruukcase oil Is selected on the bcsls of viscosity or Allidity nt, we nnttclpated temperatUI·Co, difficulty in stnrting win be. experienced :l,t each sudden drop 11\ temperature,

'J.'he viscosity grade of crenkcese oil will. therefore, depend upon the climntlc eondltiona under which the vehicle will operate. The Gr:tde~ ~t suited for use In tU'I engine at the varleua ternpl!T.a1urt;'~ are shewn in the Icllcwbre table.

H ,)'1)11 :Ultic~lIal,e Lh:H the lowest atmospheric letnl)t:r-"oLture will he:

.N(lt 1~.H.V.el· than 32~'F. abo v e zero

- N~lL 'lC)w'C."r 'than lO"F. sbcve :l,OTU


Use the grade lndlcatcd.

-----s.A".K 20W ur S.A,E •. 20 SAE. 20W--

below 2.C:t(1

B@low to"F. b~low~ero S.A.E, 5-W (s~ennto:)

NOTE; SA.E. SW oil. Dora purrh:ularly odvontogl!aus during law t@mploralur@.§ "'.CQY •• of th.ir .a~y startl!'!!} CI"cI quid( flow ,hai'acf.riJtiotl. The! t"alY :lIQ,tin~ thorul;ferhtlcs of thell!' oill grpatly reduce .hi!! drain an th~ bottAry in raid weathf!or_

'rho S.A"K 5W oils dc.Iij,jCniltcd "For Service MS·· Jl·" SIn'I]:'" in vi!;j~~()s.ilY1 vr "Body," et englne operetlng temperatures to high qn4IHy S.Al1:. lOW -oils and ~i\'t: equivalent lubrication protection and nil m!fH1{)Ill)r. T1H"!;~ oil" nrc Intended fnr use under :~11 opf'r;:,lir~~ C'llI"LdI nons and linder' »Il 'l'rtlll~~,I1l"rlc tNnpl·"'lllul'C:-;' th.ut moly be eneeunteeed when below zer-o ternpr-raturcs may be CX,4


winter- season,

pected-ctbcy rnny be retained in the crankcase dur-ing UU! wurmer days that m:CUI during the

Fi.g~ 1 shows the datu tu UJl'. above table as it would nppear rm a thf':rmnml'l .. r=the lowest. temperature- at which the indic~ted grades of oil wIlJ pel·mit easy starting.

Non! When in doubt us. the Iightor grade or oU. 'he vse af '$,A.', 20W !j recemmended rather than S,A.E. 20 If '(enl,,!) 1'(o!ti'lpltfCl'Ur.t Clu! antitipQ.ed.

The U::IC 'Of S.A,E, 20W ur S,A.E. ,20 dlJr1n,g (he summer munths wlll uenulr batter all around perf.{lrlllllrl(:1l' ~ If the l.'n~iI'10 'thnn will tho heavier

~::UI~~~~lu:.lth. no Ioll.)ptt'oiable inoT~ase .in uil

MA'N~'Al1'-I1NQ 00, t.EV};l.

The ell St'ltlse rod (fig. 2) is marked "Full" and "Add Oil." 'l'hose notations have broad nrrnwlol pulDling t o the Ie v eI lines. The oil level should be mutn tal n ed bj'tween th~ t"'O Ilncs, uelther g('11l)g flb"ve the "Fu 11" line- nur under the "Add Ott" line.

Chlltk Ihe vB level frequently and udd Q:lJ whau nC(!C'$!i,£lI"Y. AIw e ys be- sure the crankcase i~; f'lLll before !l.tarting 011 a'lollK delve.

NOTE: h is od .... i.sobl-e. whlln takin9 a long tdp, fa reothedc th. e,11 lanl Dffer the- Ani WO miles of Ihe nip. This is a precoutlOi'torV me(ls. ure, due 10 the pO$~ibilit.,. of (ranluosllI difu,jon which wovid givlI U folie- 011 If!ov~1 fll!llldfng, Thl!' diluen1§ whi'lh orQ usually the nnul1 of inCIOoMpll!'le ~ngjn@ warmu~ Itrc ... ellng johor1 dlstancasl arc driyo:i'! ~oJ!' flf ,ho otrQ'nkCDl18' wllh high spilled drivin'g or :iu~IQined normal .ngine o"erll~in9 'emp@rI"JturM.

FlII_ I_L ... ",.I na,mljj'roHnp.rv!\l'" far Qh~ h .. /i.ul~


Oil .. hAve been ,SrcnLly itnprO'l!oL"'(l, (Irlvjn~ con-

ditiulI!i h.wl;! ~h;;l!1l::l;\d !'Inti !r!"lpF)v<;!:mf;'nt~ in englues, I:jm~h as the Cr(l.nkclH:iC vennlnnng system, have' greatly lengthened the life ul goud lubricatin!: pili. However, to insure continuation of best .pl?rftlo!'m.af'lC~. low roatntennnec cost and long en({;I"l<' IHL'J u" h n-(''''-c:h~y to chflnge the c+ankcese u-u :wh'.:lI~vr:+ iL becomes cunterrtinated with harmful f-OToC-ign mat~rinl~. Under normal. drtvtng ccud,itlOns drstntng the crankcase end l·l::f.t1lill~ with fresh oil, CY(!!'Y 2000 00 :)(lOO m.il~5t·ls rcenlllit1(mdQ~I.

~nat"l:" the dl'1vtng cUlldil~on.~ described in the fQIJowil1b! pfl.r-H!!l~l.I.jJh!lt it may become necessary to drQin the- e+ankeass uil nL01'~ frequently.

!!'r.l:'qUirnt long' runs at hlgh speed, with the resultant hil;;h en~inl:' opecrating tempemtures, m:1)! oxidize the oil and ma.y :r::e~Ll.1t in the Iorrnutii:m ,.,C ::Jlv_dge £md vlI.:.ni-5h. WhHe no de.fiuite drain p~:riud; I,; •• u be reeummended under these ccndtncns. they shnukl be mere Ieequent thnn Ulldcr' normal d~iyin~ conditions

Dri.vil"lg over dustyrQads or through dust stc:rtiIlI'i introduces nbrflsiv{' material Into the en. gin~c Ca rburutor alr cleaners deereusc the amount !If (Iu.st 'thntm:1Y enter the [;J-~!"J.'kCi.j~ The. fJ"l"~ 'I.U-tllU;:y of ~I"::!-lninf:. depend. .. un [;.". ... ,T .. ity uf dust, l;ondt1.iom;. .:and no definite dralniug pl.:.iud:.;; can be reeornmmrded, but should, be mOTC" fn:qu@r"IL tlum undo, normal driving ccndtttons.

()) r

Short rung in cold w~a!h"l;", such ~w c;i.ty I.h:.iVlrJK una oe:-;-t c q;'jtve id.ling," doo.;j t\'ot p'.lnTlU thurou!;!h wurmlng LIp cf the E!n~inoiO' und water m~' :iCc.lm'Hih..\L~ in the cl'a:nkea:.:G ,[rom l:t.).n~hm~ sution oJ moisture pruduced by the b,n:n.i.llJ; ~.f the Iuel. Wate-.r in the crankcase i"flAy f;-E:illl! and, lnt ... i-Ie ee with propc.t' rill ctreulatlon. It- H4;iD 'Pt(lInulo!l, I'UstlrlR and mny CO,U3,," d[l~gin~

fig. :;:-Oil G'!UH" IIlO> or 011 :;;cna:n;, iillU P":;:;-~

ages. Ulid'er nerrnal dl,j-vin,g conditions this wuter is 'removed in the Ierm ill y.upo-r 'by the crankcase venttlatcr. How~Vi"'.r~ If 'W:Jt;-..f'clH~,~'IHnlll~_t",,'l, H. ~hfitJlrl 'l!~ !l:t:;ir'IJ, .... ed hy" draln:in~ Uu" i"r:}.I!ki..'H.S~ "'~ Lu:!quO!ntly "",0.: rri-lly he required.

Ii. Is t'\lw.;l,Ys. I'Idviso.blc: to drain the crankcase ').Jj\y :;Jk'T" the t"ng-.,ne hea become tborough.!y warmed up vr reached normal opeti.lt.ing temperature. The. benefit o[ d,mininJ'{ is, to n Jarge extent, ~o..~t if the ur .. uikeuse iii drained when .p'l~



en~i!11;' is CQldj M some of the suspended foreign matenal will Clillg to the sides of tho- ml pan and will not drarn out readily with the cold, slower moving oil. F"lu!l!.hing the crankcase wlih oils or solutions ollitoI" "than 'a good grade of S.A..E. lOW engtne 011 is not ret-crtuaended.


Probably l.h~ m o !':'1.~~I·!i"lII~ pha_'lr:l nt e.ngine flU d ... tcl·lar-a.tloll Is L1Il<:l of ~J"a.l.tkt'~~., dilU!iQfi\J)h~h rs the·tl;J.4tning of the (lil by ro~l vapor le!lking by pistons and rings and mixing with th~ oil.

Ll"a.ka.g~ of fuel. M Iucl vapors. intn thf! oil pan III1'H'ltly oecor-s. du rinG lh~ "w."Lt"milig up" period whC-TI t)-,l-: fuel iii nolthQl"Ough [y v?<po"i~t;d !'!nd burned.

AUTOMATIC CONTROL DEVICES TO MrNIrt.1:1z .. : f"RANKf'.A~I': nn.rrrrov

'I1n,: ChevroldctLginc 1J'1 cq'wpp-ed 'with autom n ttc devices which md ~l"catJy in rninunlaing rh-..., dun~li'r nf erunkeuse dilution.

H.apid w.armhl~ up of the engine is aided by the tbermuatat'lc water turnpuraturu .con.tlol ..... hi.dl nLlllImtlL:i.cfllly prevents circuluuon u[ w~ILo:.t" in the l:O'oliu~ system Ll1'..LUl it reaches 1.1 pre-determined

Thermesturle heut control on the exhaust rnanllcld durinJ'( the wueming up parted, nutcmattcally direcu .. the hot exhuuet _t!mie!'i uealnst the c ... iLter tiE the lnteke m;mifold, gl'f:!HUy .'Ii~~I,l1e ii~ pl"Opel' vapllriz:J1:iun ,I)C the Iu@l.

Spnl'ing use of: the choke reduces dnrsgcr of Taw or unvapunzed Iuel ee terulli: the ccmbuatlon -eh~'11b~r ~ud IC<lk~ng into. the Q.iJ rcscevcrr.

An efficient crunkcaec ventilating system dnvee u!T Iuel vapors and ;J.~d.5 in tile evuporulion uf the !"'!J\V fuel arid water which may find its way Into the oH.re'st.-r"..,ir,

CONTft.or, ltV' (~AU, O\\fllrri!:R.,_~ UNDER PinNOR\\4/\L CQNDI'I'IONS

Otdmarrly the "hove- uutern .. tic ccncrcl d~vl('·Ii':I will. minimi:o:e or elirnmnte the danger of crankl:a~ dilution However, there .art'. . abnormal (,"011- rlili.'ms of s~rvico when 'Ihe C:'T owner must aid j.j'"J' lb~ (:Qnl::r,,) of ~(":'In.k<;!l.l:>e dalltil}n.

Short ruus in cold w ... alL~.t. such mi d~y drlvItlg :Inl~ (!"" ... ~!ol.i'l.'e 'Ldline Ilj\ rln~ rwrr;,it, the 'l.hur'~ ough \v.li."t"CYllnS u!) {)f (he fl-l:Jgil. je m-?I"" thl;! "mc.:~elll upc:I"""'~~on rr(- .. utnm;.lt.io:;: contr-ol rlQ\"ICC.'i. It i,s rocomrncndnd that tho I)';] he ehangod more orren when tho cnr ts !l-uhjlJe~C'd 1.0 thir;, tyJl'~ of operalion.


PPOT mechanical condition of lhl" engine, such ns 5COXOO cynndcrs, poor ring fit, sloppy or Ioose pl.:5iOn::i, faulty valves and poor ignitiOn. will increase ct'nn1cca~ (IitutiQn.

Peer Iuela which contain portions hurd tn 19~ ntte Bnd dQW to burn wi.ll Increase crankcase d.ilution. Usc: a good fuel,


Serious h.lbricHl'ion ~oubles may result in cold westhe r- b,)' Qn :n:aumul"Uon o-f water in th9 nil pun, This c(mtiit.ion is, It!; :I rule, lUll", Wld~rstood by the ern- owner. To. demons-trlll@ the cllj{l,_E MUse of w-a.terin the otl pan, hold a pleee of cold metal ecar the end, of the exhaust ptpe. uE toe engine and note the l";Jpid condensation and colIcc lion of drnp~ of wator- on It, The I:!lxhaust gases are charged with wnter VApor and the moment the::i{:l 1!:"l:it.'S strike B cold surface, they 'Wi]] Connt:n:o;l I forming" drops u( water.

A slight amount. or these gases pass the pistons Ullil rings, even under the rncst favorable conditions, an.d cause the Iormetlcn ut water in the 011 ~, In Q ~ter or Jesser degree, until the CJJ~ gine becomes thoroughly wane, then the crankMlH> will no IDnger AC!t A.~ :'I ecedensar und all of these gAI:''-l!i will pass out through the crflI"lTcc:JlS(:' 'VClItilt>1or system.

Shorl runs in cold weatbee, sueh as cily drivlng, will AJtgl'ilvato this water fO'ttni.nl:! condition.


Practically ell present day engine fuel!' contain. a smell amount of sulphur which. in its natural fOrInt is harrnlcse. This 8ul.pbur. however, when it burns, Ieems a ga~, a small ponlOon of which ls likely to leak past pistons and rin.!_¥ll;lnd l;E';)cting with water when present in the oil pan forms a very CO.t.r:fI~lve add. 'l"hllii moee sulphur in the Iuel the- Greater the danger (1:1Jrn this type 01 eorroaicn. Thi$. is a condiLiu.n which. cannDt be wI-gUy ocrrected, hut it may be reduced to a rninhnum by proper care of the engine.

A..il long M the: gases and intemf'i'l wiJll:s ur the ua.nkC::~1! .are hot vnou"h to keep water vapor Irom ooodensing, no ha.r.m wfll 'result, However, when tho engine is run I.n law 1~mp.,rg_tlll'E'S) moisture will collect and unite wiLh the g;u~~.!< Iorrccd by combustion resulting in an ac.id formaticu. Tho acid thus [firmed is likely 1.0 C31,.1;Stl eert(}115 etchmg 01" :pitling which 'W,ill maolfec>t itse-1I ;11 excessively rapid wear (In piston 'plus, cam!';hah bearings and other moving parts of the enginc, oftentimes cftul'iin-g the owner to blame the C:JJ" mnnufactul'Cr. IOJ" the lubrtcatlng oil when in reality tho- trouble may "be ll'~cd oeck to the character of Iucl U~M, or u cundltion (If the en-


gine such as excessive blowby or improper earburetor adjustm.Qnt.

:rY~E5 OF OIl.S

For maximum pmteerlen of ChcVl"Q]Qt en,gines umlcr Kl1 general driving condntnns, the oil~ d("_~ Igneted I'lr "Servtcc MS1• Ul" "Seevicu M5-DG" .lire recommended. Oils des.iGni;!ted "Service DS" M"I! not g@ne:rAlIsr eeqcb-ed Eor aut.omQbile engines. however, .'i.uch oils may hi! used to ad"::"ntage undee severe stop-end-steet ~l1rvh~ .... during cold winter months. The following chart !U10WS the various oU classlflcaiions and ih~ir previous deslgaations:


Service OS

Now Classificatten

Light and Favorable Service

(G~::c=;in_""_) -1--50;:". -~-;i-cePremium

____ -I--:(eoG--c"";-ollnC! EnginQl-i) MM

ModeLate to Sevcru Service

(Casoline En_-Gil1.ea) MM or MS


(Gasoline El;l~inel'l) Service

LiJil'h.t and Fav-orable MS or DC

(Dlese=l) __ .I _

Hflftvy Duty

Severe (Die5'cl)


The viscosity uJ u lubrieunt is .simply 8 measure of Us body Co:r :AuldHy, Th-e oil5 with the lower S.A,'E, nurnb{),rs ahj lighter and flow mort> :readily than do oils with the higher numbers.

The SA.E. numbeea constitute 'it classification ot ,Iub:tlcants .in tCrrMI of vist:!-Qsity or fluidity. but with nn reference ,to. any .,thef' C'b.ar-ll.Ct~risUc Or proputy.

Thro_'le :S,A.E. numbers have been adopted by practic"n_y oil oil L'\,ompa.nir:!:!j and no dillicuU.y should be experienced in obl,8ln.i:nR the prcpee grade of lubricant to lIu:cL season .. l requirements.


Th;e S.A.E. Viscosity Nwnbl!nl cnnst:ltutc a classificnnon .for I:.tHnkcMp' lubricating oils in. terms of viscosity only. Viscosity numbers without on ... ddh.ic.mal symbol are based un the vlscceBy at :llO°,F', Vl.'rC.o:.ity nurubees with the additiona]. joW" eee based ce the v\$(:m;,ity ~t (tlJF. The visccslty of oih included in this elasslfieatlon {.or usc In crankcases shall 'not be less than 39 sus at 210"'F. QUII.1I" IHctur5 of oil character or que.llty arc: Rot considered,

5.",ll, VII!!:~:nllf n.,._n!l:~. '!i~,I''PH>!! I)-"L~. ~~.

t':fd~~tr I--:-M:;-fu-;-.m-=~-"--:M::~::; ... :::.=m '-==-I-·-"-":::"=--

--wr --_-I~.-

lOW -501)0 Lw3 than -

{Nolo" _f.) 12000

20W 12000 tees than

{Note B) <SOOO

20 30 .0 50

4:5 LeS5 then 58 58 Lc" then 70 70 Less Ulim 85 as· Less than 110

:Not~ A· Minimum VL~osity n't(j(>F. can 'be waived provided viscosity at 210"'.F. is Dot below 40 St"'y'buh SHC'Jond~ 'lJ'nt1l0l:'SiCll.

Note, B' Mihimum VLx:Mity at,O"'F, can be :waived pl"Qvided VtSCOO11y .,~ 21.0":~"" is not below 45 S.ajlbult ~unai> Universal.

Wa.:J:ER I"UMlJo

The water pump ~s of the hal] b~arlng tYFfl, lubricated at the time I}f manufacture and is pernumcnt1y sealed. Thl:!! t~/D'" pump :rcqu'~,~s IlQ Further QI'" additional lubr.ieation.


Ev~_r"y 50-00 miles, remove tbe dust coyer and eaturate the felt zing on the. enrburelcr pump level' !:hafl witl-t lig,ht oil Or engine. op,


li:v<::ry lQ.OO miles put a few drops of a light oll, 0[' engine ctl, in the 2 oil cups, 1)0 n('lt "cver-otl" as csccsstve oil w!ll Row lnlo the cornmutatcr cau.:sJng it to beourne "gLU'"Il .. d up" or st..ecky.


StaJ'f_In_l; ,(Jol,ur "'-.jJd 4-41U_c,~ ;.Il''-' .o;qwpped with ntl-lesa bcartngs whteh do not N(l\li;r~ lebrtcatinn.


l.\ ii:w drops m: engine oil should be used Q,11 tbe piVOts nf the SUI'rw:r shift: 11"'1."<;x m~ch~mi.·,m, Do not oil solenoid. plurrgcr,


LLI_p.ri-cn.nk cup localJe.d on !:lme' ()f hUUJl,iCl;t'; I!; filled with r.:.hll..'!i"j!'.: luhricnnt, Turn ,oup down one iUrl1 every ],O{lO mll .. is. Distribuinr cap (l950-52 rp()d~l$) !;hould be removed CV'~r}' snnn mi~~ii. tn'l'm ~Clmr.v(' tntnr 911rl pln_cc a few dl'OD~ of S)i._F. 10 engtne oil on felt wir..:king rn 'top of cam. Apply e smell amount flE petrelcu:» 1el1,v !CI11 distributne earn surface by h(jldi~ tl clean doth whtc'h has been. ;;o<!k.;:(1 in jIJ'lly agarnst it whUe o:::r:<ln~h1g starter.


Cheek oil leve]. with ersgino idUn'g •. pllrk.lng



brake set, trensrnisstcu WDrlU and COUll·!)] Jevee ill Neutral (N) pomtion. Add only "Automatic T.ra.w,mlssloIlFiuld ~y.p'e !lA._') bearlng-BitAQ • .A:1'F number when Ievef f-eaehes "edd 1 qt." mark QD 0011 level ;rod+ 00 not allow dlr.t to entee fillilt' tube,

Dr,,,lti ~d ~rill tho. PoW~glid", b'-~rn_1,;"_;-i;m. evnry 25,000 rrrlles. Before drainln_s:', warm trammlsslon up to cperattng eernpemture. Complete dr'o.ining is eccomplished ~ fullows:.

1. Remeve L'rIl,YLs~nlS"'1io;"l CBJiC draln p'luG - thi~ draws oil ltum transmleslcn L:aSE.'i.

2. Arter trunsmisslon to;' ecmpl e te1y deulned, in:rttl.U trtinsmi:s!ilon ease pl'Ug.

2. Remove dip sti'cll and .refiil trensmisslon with flvO! (51 q,uart!l of AUtOI1I1~Uc 'I'ranstnlsslen Fluid "1),p. A"

4. St,an engine, and allow to idle for a few minutes In. Neutral pcsttlcn and. then check oil level. If n:['~~.....:;::u-y add oil .1:0 brinl':' up I.n

hLlI mark: QI'! dip stick. "



The passenger car hypotd rear axle operates under fhe mast severe lubrteaucn ccnduiens at h,rl(h. ;.":ip •• ed nTIlI ~·"'ljuires i:I hypqid lubrlcene which -will meet this condition,

J1:.e:commeJ1ded L u bricante

RC;'Jr Axle _ S .. AJ~. 90 "Mu'it:i_Pu.r'pm'c::'i gWU' lubrfcnnt.

Tnlll5rnl5SiQl'l.B-S.A.l;~, 'iO T'ransmlS,S;ion 01' Min. er~L Oil ijoi\!lO..r lu'bric;:]ll.t.

S.A.'E:. 90 ,jMulti-PI.lTp(l::;c~' gc.a"1" lubricant

CAUTION: S'traighl' Mineral Oil g-ear lu&rlcan'. mUll na' bill u .. d in H)'.~aid rear O)ll~~r

'The- S,A..E.. DO vi.s['~:Lity grade hi recommended for year r!)'!"m~ U;5C. However; when extremely IQ\I,.-" teil"lporilt\llXlS ere uneeuntered fur protracted perleds dudug the w!:nlitt JlhIDlhs, the S..A_E. 80 viscnolty g'r"l:!de rna_y he lBe,l

"MHIU.P1.L1'PusC" GcfL't 1'~i.lb:ricD.ntjl.

G."ar lubrtcauts that will sutlsfactur-llyIubrdcate hypcid reur 'ii::d~l:1 have uecn developed und arc ccaunccly .relenred 10 as '!MuJtI-PI,Jrpo-l3c~' gear Iubrtcants.

ThI.'.1I-e- Ill'brleEn1Ls t::EtTI -8lS0 he' s!l.ti.;;f:u:.trl1l"ny u,l;cd in tr-ansmissinnu, steerlug ]:~:'l,TS. and 1.' rdver~l jomt~ reqwl:ng'l) fll-ililll.ibrh::.aflt.

"Multl-Purpose" NL'nT l:L.Ihri~IIJ]L!i: I1IUsl ba car!>Lull_". c;t.mpoWld£d and DI the Iatest Il(m_to.--v' .... --i...-e typo and of proven quIDlty. 'Ibc lubneent manufacturE!' must be-ra:!5pon'liblc fur l],~ !:::J.li~'rn"l.t)ry performance -ul hi~ p.n.;rJuct. Bi.'<l rcputntinn Is the b~lil Indleutlcn uf qualtty.


Luhriclll1t AdillUIIIli

'l'he iubriC'ant level in the axle and trunsmission hm..I.'41ng'!I should be checked pe.r:ivdicully.

It is eecemm ..... ded that nrry r.ddlUons required to btlng up We lubril:ant level be made using the same type lubricant already in the hQl,lsmg.

wben d1c.cking lubr-u:'aut Ievel in teansmissnm 1)[" {I;'.I;It axJc tbe unit being checked should. ba :At ope.-..tin,g temperarwe. WiUJ unit at OpeTDting tcm.pcrnlure the Il,IbrkaJ\t $i!ould b", level with bottom of the filler plug bole. If the lubrtcant level ~~ che~kli!d, w.ith 'the unit cold the lub:r1o;bnt level should be 'Y2 mr::.h below the filler plug hole.

Lubricfmt Clmnges

Wh!1(.!1 5C8!10nal changes of the lubricant are not ecqutrud. it i" I;'(lcomrnc'ndcd that the bcustng be drained nnd J"(!fin~ with the recommended lubticant at. feast twice u year, or every 0,000 to 10,000 miles.

h .!IUY btl (l1;:C~lUY and desirable 1Q drain tt.ar a_xlc,~ and transmtssiccs in vehicles 1iubjcc1 LQ severe scr-vlec t'i'lqrC frcq\.u:ntty than 'recommended above. In :my evunt USe a liGht flu:iliini! oJ] in Ilush out the houd.l"\g& when dt't.tn!ns_

CAUTION: po nlilt 1,1,. weter, stewn, "4!fO~ un., gasoline- Dr ah:ohol tr;l f!v,h ""i',.


UnIverSal joints: nrc (il tho enclosed 'l:rp¥wh.leh are. bushlng equipped nnd receive luhrieatien Jrom the reansrnlsston. Additional lubrication Is net necessary. The universal joint houaing should be filled Lbh.tuQh the !lpL!t:ldorn~t~l' dT"'1vcn !;leur hoIa- for iulU&J.lubrJcHtion uIte.r II replIir oparanen,

CAUTJON: Under no cirr:llm..lifance, Ihould ant' of IhE' loap rype lubricant ... IIch Cli choulf Il1b,Jconl', ,n.bfoul uni ... l?rsot lolnt h,lb,'ca.ols. ete.. bill u~ed' ;n JiI.b.l'itcrtJng Ihria ",ndalt''' fJu,Mng Iype ""i.-enol.


It 'is necessary to remove the wheel end hub assembly to lcbelcate 'the bcartegs. "rhe bea.r1n.g ~llIuli~ should be elcened bcrcee rep;:lcklng wHIt l\.Ib("~o,:;r'Dt. ])0 net pa,ck the hut) I~L\yL'l'l"r.l Lhl'l inner rind IJ-ut.e:;r bearing csserobliee or. the 'hub CD:p.-;. 1.\"1 lh.i,!i eHCC3:Iive lubrjcillJ.Qn rc.orults in 'the luhricanL w(irklng uut into the brake drums and linings.

Fronl. wheels of nli passengsr CIU moa~)s arc equlpped with ball ~a:rilll{-" And shnt_t!d be pa~ked with fl high m~lUng polnt (.:ront wheel be.ar·ing lubricant.

'£bo PI:OjHll' adjWltm.cl'IL ul lront wheel be.;rr!.n~ is nne 01 the Im.pnl'laut service operations thl1t bus a d Ilnite bearing an !We.iy. A em" with Improp" r ly adjusted (-tont wheel bc:adngs Lacks steertng stability, has n tcndauey to wonder or


shimmy and also tnereuses tire wear. In an II!ffort to prov1de for mnre uceumtc adjustmeete !he sptndlcs Qr{! drilled. buLb. ve.rticany .und horlzcutally and thu .ll.djw;ting nuta are slotted oil n'IJ she sides. For adjus1tnentproccdu.l·a, .'Sec "Front Wheel Hearings-Adjust" in Section 3.


'I'hc rear wheel beartugs receive their lubelcation fr-om the Tear a )(Ic. When instillling bear:W~ which have been cleaned .repack wi!.h smooth typo grease.


Tb.\1 spring shackles used at the teM end of thQ rear ubuI'I:-lis sprinl,l!l ore the rubber- hushed type.

Rubber bushings are also used at the -front of each 'rear spring and at the spring seats. These bushlngs muet not be. lubrjcutl.!d or sprayed "With oil.

rUlAKE l"-ND CLUTCf{ "'~[JA(;

These l?edaL'I, lubricated at the time or U55em-bly, ehculd IIU~ require further Icbrtcatton, However, should pedal operatlcn beccrne '<§t1cky," ro:tnovc tho£:; plug, inser-t lubricetlcu filtiliK af1d flU the reservoir- with ehassts lubricant, Rem_Qve lubrication lilUng :md 'rcplcco plug.

CAUTION: B. very ,aref4l1 nOr 10 S'-' any lubricanl on Iflu nearby r",lIb"" pads •


The -steering ;t;;':UI' Is filled at (he £actory wlLll n :<pcciAL a]1-se(:l:;on gear lubricant. Sl:ascmlll change of (hi:;; lubricant 1.5 iJtU1l:ce3SW')' and the houstng should Dot ho dr!}lnfld_ Wh4tri.o::ve.:r nqulrqdl (additions should be ma.~ m::l'ns Iii luhr:ieanL which, ~t 10 ..... tc.m.pC!rJtlllrps, ts Ruid find wlll uct "channel" or caUSE! "haed steering" and which. will provide satlsf.1ctory luurieaticn under extreme :;1ll't'un"''I" ecndlrlons. Stccl'lllg geur lubrican1s are m.rrlc(!tc;(j llY muny oil COllil}Qllil!.':I nnd either "Multi-Purpose" nr "Ilaiversal'' geAr lubricants nre SUUsfHC~ tory to use.

'l'h~ pipe 'plug is iJ'lb'.truled in Uti plrtrllclJ)nr Incn~ non In the meQring gear housing to pt'lI!vEmt everlubrtcettou, ..:cnerally OCC,l' tuned by the \1M:: DC 01 pressure gun. Overlubrroauuu of this unit might J:e~ulL ill- fl.ln:iug Iubricunt up the steertag gear tube to th{l- horn button QJld :'it~cl"'irlg. whl:"el.

On 1953 models cqujpped with POWC;I" .o;tcering ge:;ar, check level ko. g'~1" box by removing cornbinudon vent and fille-l' pluS. Usc eume gear lube ::IS J:i.pl:'cm.ed for ~mf\&('d steering gear and hr1I1S lu [eve], of plug 'hfile. Cbk'k H\.Ild ill pump r-ases-. votr. Add Autumntin TraMm.i~I'm Fluid bcartng au AQ·ATF number 1u bring level to full nuu\: ,01\ rcsC!rVoi"l' tank.


This meebaotsm, is lubelcated at th-e Iaetory and should require no further 'lubricant. I.f ihlIting effort becomes "stil:''ky''. remove nap ttom Q"tronhiH eontral box: .and fill box: with ill soft smooth grease,


Tho shock [lb.~'I'b~s 'UPWd,. i'l'Ont al'1.o:t rear, on all pa.sseng~i' ears aee permanentfy sealed and .r.c=qu.ir.e no maintl.'na:n(:iQ' othor!" than :teplaee-mwt if necessary.


10'1.-0)" cha.'L'lL" lubri e iation, con'suil! the 'lubricatit:m chart. Fisurc 3- shews the points to be Iubrtcated I"l.r!d how; CiH.r-h lh(; hibr1;:,.,._nt lih6u1J: bl;' >!ppii~

The tcnn "ChR&ii.s lubricant" lUi used In thL; manual, dc'!crih~ OL secu.i-flu.id lubneant dcstgncd fo..r K'!'Jjllh:at!.on 'lJy cemtneeetal pr-&.!i8lire gun equipment. It Is coropcscd of mine-Tal oil (30'ij to ~i)O seconds S.ayoolt Unlversel Viscosity at 100~F) combined witl'J flppr<]ximately 87~ liQapJ or soap,.. whlch are Insoluble in water.


Many of tb,e U.ii.tluyiJ:l.g squeaks and noises thAt QJ;:l"W" i.e dosed bodjcs .EU'e- due to :c:wg'iccl:wg a IJQry important mnlnton&l'nce scrviee which n11 bodiC!i should T~eive :r-e.-gul.u-lyc

'!be movable mechan~cal :pa.ru nf the body are lubrtcated nt !he f .. etery fol' e:::lsy opeeettan and to ellminata squ~p'kl! caused by f"ri~t!onllll contact. Th~s lubrication should be malntalned and replenished ."It periodle intervals.

MDst body' lubricattcn points d,o not carry heavy 'loads Ilke the chussls, and for this; reason mnny of the points do not require lUI heavy nor ns '~ucnt .Iuhr.lc.o:Li(ln 02, the eh~s:ii:; }lo-rnt._~.

Far body lubrlcution, a spcdflc kind of lubncant, lb~ Q,1I,e 'J;a"SL sUJ~ed fur individu,!:U polnts, should btl used. Knowing wh!1t (.Q use end where to usc i.t, together with, iI Ilttle care and cleanll-



ne:;s., wW pring m.w:!Y returns in the satisfaction and pleasure of driv1ng lL COU'" pl'tipc:rly serviced.

Fur expesed aurlaces, such a.'1 doo:r ehceks, door lock belts, Jock stnker p1at~, devetall 'bumper wedges, ete., apply 0 thln film of light engine oil.

Where. oil holes ;u"(" provided in body ~ ,f1 drlplesa on can be ,5.II,foly U.o;OOl 'but any lubricant shouldbe used sp.aringiy, and a(te~l3I_pplk:;lthm <Ill ~xc"'ss !!hould be t'.llo:rKully wlped off.

The seat adjusters' And !ie.at 'tracJt. otdifla:rily overlooked, should. be lubelcatcdwdh cup grease, graphite grease, OT- drtpleas nll ... used RParinJ[I:y.

Ther-e are other poinl~ O'[] ·OOdles which may OCCQsiOnFJilly reqwrv: 11.lb.rh:atlol"l, und wbieh ,[Ire. difficult to scevtce. Window regulators and contrcjs .ali! conllued in tha apace between the U)'lhol¥ stery and. the outside door panel and, while it is possible In some cases to apply oil by drops to a lcng wire leading to the! operating mechanism, it i<: not a pra:c:i.i.i'Jlt rl'"('~o".dU1."j:!i 1J:~ e .. t,i"eITl(" care must bo taken to keep the oU [rom oontading the trim. an the inside 0.£ the door, Easy uecess to the wOl'k.l,ng putts may be mode by ramo ... ing the teuu, Duor end tr-unk lld weetherstrips and hood rubber bumpers should btl IIghlly ecatcd with Q rub'b~ lubri~t such as .Hu~Glyd~r


Ex~essiv~ ]llbrlc.at~on of body :ptl.:rt.s. u:JuaDy causes more COlnplaints t.hun lock of lubrlcuncn, 1£ a :soEt, dark gliease is BppUed to a door lo.,:ck bolt 0:1' .II dovetail wedgepil1le on the cxposl:'d Ieee of the deer, a slight brush acrcas tlua snfj, gr.e':<I~fI ili8y rulr .. I'l gown and spoil 't:h~ entire ecenlng fee the owner end othe-rs. Too much lubelcution appHed to exposed 'p.ill""'b serves no good purpo~e. It, i'i not only a w.aste of materlal 'but is a ccn'I.:rthutI9n teo ser-ious eomp'lalnts.

Lubricate only whe-te squeaks de ... e~api or where conditions indicate that the addition of lubric,ont Is d,.(;..sb'-able fat e.asle.r cpeeetlon Df iil.divldl.!aJ. l!.I1i~s or points.



1. J..ower Cenccl Arm CtTont-l each

side) •..•. . •.•.• ,:.,"', .••. IUUU miles 2. Lower Control Arm (RCAT-2 each

liide.) ..•.•• , •....•.•.••••... 11°00 miles 3. Upper Control Arm (Fmnt:-l

each side) .. . 1,000 miles

'i. 'l)ppc"r Cuntrel An!1 (R(!.aT-~ ouch

side) ....•. . T' •••• , •• 1,000 rnil.~s

5. l""'n' Wh e .,] B ea TIIi~ __ ... _10,000",;1.,

6. f'{ln~pin (2 eaeh side).. . . . .. 1,000 rmles

7. 'rio Rod (:.! eccb :.ride) l,OO() rr:U]~l'i

R Steering Gear .....•.....•... ,. l ,000 mfles

9, A:ar Cleaue , , , , , , , , 2,000 miles

10. Steering Column G&mhift

Control '" ~ lO,i)OOroile:),

11. Trrmsmi."o:!!.lol1 •• " ... ,', ...•.. Seo Page Q.5 l2. Rear Axle .. See Page 0-5

13. Generator (2 011 cups) .....••.• 1,000 miles

14. Distrfbutor (t cup) ... , .•. , .... 1,~O miles

15. Clutch and Brake Pedal Shaf:t .. lOIOO~ mil",!; Hi. T.I:u:ol1h: B~H Crank ,>, •• , ••••• 1,000 miles 17. C,uhurolul' Acc<l-lol's.tor Pump

Shutt 11949 Mod"ls) ,., .. ,.. 5.QI}O miles

18. .Sclenoid Llnkar.,,"

tu. Steering Connecting Rod (1 each

end} .• , ..•........... , ..• ,. ItOOO miles

20. Slf:!oi:'!rm~ Idlor and Third Al:n1

(2 plat:f:ll:ll) .•.• , •• ,., .••••.•. 1,000 miles

CL Chassis Lubricant EO LIght EnginQ Oil


WB Wh~'1 BEmring Lub;r.icant sa Steering Ges"t' LlJ.bricunt





Body GenerelDesceiptaon. ,

Service Opertl,li'Jn;;;, .. < ••• , , , •

Door AdJu.'illn-eub, , .

Convertible and Sport CQUPC" • , Care of Trim. ..

'~yO'l' and Locka. ..•................... " .....•..

Page Body General Deseription. .....•.. '," " . , ". 1~2:

Ber ... ie« Opemtiona. ... , .. c , •• , ,. 1.-3

Doors ...•........... " ..• 1-3

Window Garnish M'Qlding, . r , •• , •• , • + 1·3-

Inslde llanlne~ .. __ . . . . . _ , . _ 1-3

Ar!ll R~tiL , ......•..... l-t!

Trim Pan ....•••. , , , , .. , , •••. , •• , . _ 1-::1

OutRide Handle .. " . ' .. "." .. , .", .• 1·3 O~ltl,lidlJ Handle SMaty Lock ..•....... 1·4,

G~<Wi Run Channel. , . .. . . .. .., ,. I ~4

ventilator Division Cha.nnels , 1-4

Convertible Door Ventilator, •• " •.... 1-5

WiJldow Reg.ilatcr. .. hii

Lock Re.u'JOWl Control. .. .. l-R

Luck A.",mbly.. ..... .. .......... l-Il

Lot.:k Sl.dktJl".. . . . . . . . . .. 1-R

Vc,Milat:orASfl~mblY'... ... 1-1

VcftUla~or GlaF..s. .... L·8

Ventllp.tor Rerrula.tol' .. , > ,_. 1-B

Cheek Link. 1-S

}'-'ront Door and/or- Hin~e!) 1-9

Rear Door andyer Hinges. _ 1-10

Rear nnnr ~l!-l!1 ..... Rrrn Chrmnal 1-10

ni:lOi' 8t1:'tHngo .. ~. _ t-.l i

Wlnrlr.wcrtl_" .. I;, i-11

BOOyGla_'%J., ... _.,_ .••. , __ ,.1-12

Wind:shield-Two Piece. 1-12

Wtndshield=-One Piece 1-14-

Rear QUi-lrlcr Window. l-t6

Regulator Type , 1-18

Sliding Type 1-16 Sta~ion:.Ll"Y l'yp~.. ... . ..• "... .. i-H) Conve-rtible and Sport C(Ju~,.,. , " 1-10

Back 'Window .... _. .•. .. _ ..... lr]7

Mu!ilil1gs-, •.. , 1-18

Door Reveal and ne-I~ .......•. , ..• ,. 1-18 O-Q{}f Outer Panel Lower" ...•....... 1-19 Genter Pillar Upper .Molding. , .•...•. 1-19

.. 1-2

.... 1-2

. 1-20

............. . 1-20

•• + ••••••••• ,. c" • + 1-42 . _. _ ..... l-'\4



neu Molding

Upper Side Molding.

Reveal Molding: . .. " .

Door- Fender- Bhiekl . . . .. . .. " .

Real" Quarter Fender Shiel.l .• c •••

Front, S~at.. .. . ... , ...

Scat Assembly. Tilt Seat Back

PUDI', _ 1-19

. ... I-IV . _ 1-19 1-20

... 1-20 1-2Q .I-ZO 1-2.0 1-Z1 l-ZI 1-21

1-21 L-22 l-'~a 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24

1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-211 1-2.H 1-2R

Seat .A.djlls.ter.. . .

~tcibe Core1. .. , ...•.....•.

t:;cat·l:Iack.. . .

Rear Beat Back .. , . , , , ....•. , . , , ...

Rear QlJamr Trim. . ~ .

Headliaing . . . . .. . ...•.......•.. I •

Tnslrureenl Parle] .

Compartment Door .

CompurtmeotBoe .. , ' , + • , _ ••• , •

Compartme» t Door Lock, .

Windshield Wipor!)

Motor .

Transmission .. Adjustment _ •...

Cnsnline Filler Door .. RfI~ Compartment L;d..._ ...

Lid Hinga. >.. 1-26

Lid Lack Stri'btoEii'. 1-2G

Lid Lock Adhl~t:r:ncnt,. . . 1-27

Water L.r.Jlb..... 1-27

Door Adiuotmonts-1949-li2....... .. 1-27

l:hlX:king fur- 'Door lV[i"'a.ligm-ne.nt 1-28

Adjusting-Door Hinges 1-2$

Typ;wl DQQ!, AdjWiLnumQ; •..•••...• ,. l-28 Door' Adju::;Lmenl'l--1~~fi3. . . . 1~ Fret! Wheeling' Adjustment on Henr Deer

J."'"k ...... _... .. 1.;11 U)4'9~52 Model;;. . . . • . . . .. . . . . .. .. .. i-si

1953 Mod.I... .. . .. .. .. . .. _ ..... ,.. 1-32


BODY 1-2

Pa.rle Convertible .';t.nd Sport Ci)\lpc;AdjuilLIrlt:nta .. 1-_32

Convertible Top , l-aZ

Front Roof Hail Corner Brace 1-32

ConLml Link Adjusting PJnLe-19G3 1, ... 13

Hinge Support , 1-33

Female Hinge".. . 1·33

Winoshield Header Dcwols . . . ". I •• 1-33 Control1.ink Adj'U~tlng P'1i.lte-l040.62. 1-34

Hinge Fulcrum 1-34

Side Roof Rajl .. , .. . . .... . .. . 1-~4

Sro" COupe" .... "........ .. 1_~;

Mechanical ~caling Strip.. 1-~5

Hydro-Lectrle System, ...• " .... 1-36

194~-r.O Mudel!:!. 1 -, 1G

Chcckiult Pluid LeveL.... 1-!1!i

Removing Fluid from SY;i!.e1ll _ 1.35

Rcntactna Fluid in System. 1-a5

Folding Top Ope1'ating V:J.ive... 1-:{f)


Fo'JfJifl,l! Top Con trot Rod. , • , . . • . . . 1-36

Testing Procedure .. _ •..• , 1-36

PlWlP Preesore.. .. _ 1·~6

Electneat Uircuit .. _ " , . . .. 1..a7

Service (Jperurions ,. . 1-37

Moraine Pump-1949·52. . l-ll7

Dura Pump-1949-,2 L-:l8

Hydraulic Mctor-.; . . . . 1-38

1951-58 Medal ••.. __ .. . •. 1~39

Motor and Pumn.. 1-39

Hydraulic Pump. 1-3!l

Top Control Switch 1-40

Bervire Ooerancns.: .., 1-40

r()l~Ung Top Lirt Cylinder. ... .,. •.. 1-40 l\'lntoJ' nod "Pump .. ". ." 1-40 PUJIiP P.re.,o;.;;ure '£e~Linl( Procedure. _ . 1-41

El.edtlcal CircuiL 1--42

Care or Trim... ." 1-42


The bud~' frnnt end Dssembly consists primar-ily of D enwt lU1l1 dash assembly, ri.ght and left Jront body hinge plllar fncil1C assembly, right and left front end sld rail assembly, windshield inner imine upper, windshield Inner Irame division feinf-or.;:amclIl, right and. l!:!fl dash to cr.<l.."i!;'l.oe; frame brace assembly und an instrument panel assembly.

The Upper ,pillar portion of the front end is Formed by a front end side rail nssernbly end winds,hicll1 Inner sldc Frame reinforcement. The lower piUar vurtilJn ts formed. by il "U" shaped front body hinge plllal':fE'loing and ,pillar :retnforccrncnt which ar- co welded L!ilI (hI;! 1,:0;'\'. stde panel and the lower end of till! (runt. end stdc .... <1.11 a3£e,nbiy

The upper end of the cowl side panel ia lapped undl!r aud spot welded (0 the cowl upper penel, ln Addition, it is ::II!!a O<'.lig~ OYC.!: and spot welded to tho dR.".}' rHmeL Th-i!o ·rT~mt body hingfl pi.llar portion of tnt:! j)Hnel is fl.anged Over .and spot welded to 9. "u" shaped front. hntty hingepillar facinl'l. R11d II.:; reinforcement whk.h, togethC'.l' wlth relnloreed ~UPI.l()I'ts. prmd.d(!s !'I. mounting .f01' the front doors.

Instrument paneb; :)T(" integrlll with the front end nssembly and are "pot welded to L1l0 h'onL body hinge pJ1illr facing end lite Ircnt ~11d stde rail assembly, Along the lower windshield opening the instrument panel ts ulao welded to the UPr.II::f cowl panel, Iornung a Vinc,h-wclrl Ilaage over which tho windshield rubber ch1llmel js seated,

The roof pollu1 is a one-piece steel sUunping thu-t CDVI'il!":';: the:- ecmplete I"i .. HJJ !'i1;t,:LlQo;.)t j~ stamped

.0;;0 f .... tri tnclude the upper por-tjon of the wlndshiC'lr1 11!;It'.l~lt.Jg·, the eoenpleto b~k wlndow o;PC"I.'lInn. and ~'LL"iO lh~ 11N~I-'r por-tion ai the rear compartrueut epemng.

The rear quarter ""Ide outer panel b: .<l1.f!I"ri[l.·d so BS 'to include the t'cnl" render end a who'!plhuuse sub-assembly panel is welded to the: Ioslde of this quarter Pi1nCI. Access bole, and pintc5 ere proviu(lu [or acecsslbtlity for rcpalrs.

The rear body lock pillar seeucn of the 'tear quarter panel on sedans is. formed by u sedan refit body lock pillar OUlCT' panel. This m tal panel which i!'l welded. 'to the: wbeelheuee lind 1.0 the ftangli'.!I of tho 'rear quarter stde cuter panel acts as Ii nosing [or the rear fender portion of the outer quarter pannl,

The rear ectnpartment or trunk up~ning is formed by welding at the junction cf the roof panel, the reer quarter side outer pane], rear quar ter ~it.l.t.: uu l.er panel cxtcnsicu iDlC the r+l.fl.r end panel.

The r~r compar-tment or trullk lid wnsrsts of un inn<;;:r and outer p<'I1",,1 which DI~C spot welded togcthe~ alullg thch: [Iangcd ~dse3 to fQnn a camplete unit. The 1 id is hinged ".t the tDP to the compartment. npr.nihg with spring waded box type htnges Mid i!ll In!"k{ld at the bottom to the .renr end panel 'by ;:I, eluteli type lock mcehanlsrn. Fur sealing purposes, the upper section of the COlliparlment nlhhcl' weuiliel'strlp is Installed in the: Glltte.1' llf tho ".poTIiIlG, the sides aud bottcm secnon of the wL'nl.h~rstrlp are cemented to the Ilunges of iltelid.

The tire well is sput welded jnto the Hocr for carryj:L"\g the spare t"ire in Il. vertical pceition. The

J'lElLU: Hccr uee .. is: retntceced underneath by longi- 1Ucnnal rear compartment pan metal reinforcement, upper and lower. In addition, the extreme rear end j::; relnlerced by a ht'~\'y ~i:!~:S1J t·WI" CTO"!!S bar which i:i spot welded to the- !)nde~ide (l( the flQQ1·.

DODY 1-']

Door::; 'COWlist iiI Jrmer and enter panola which are Iij)Ot welded together along their; fillilg,ed t'!d",~~. Th~ inner panels an: deep drawn to CODr~JJ·'1J wiLil LI ... .: bod)' :>tyling aud are pio-vido;;:d with lo~ding holes fur the w.3lalJatl(in u( hardware WlO I,a "provide nc:eO;:5:iibillly f'Ql'" r~~inj,



1 R~mov,., Inside w.£>=Ly loo:.lcit.g rod knob.

2. On 1!H:9-,-52 rear doors on1:{, r-emove the wind denectce and. K"iXllnmets. The wind deflector Is held tn the vcutllctor division channel by Lwo crll:ii.-i-ln.:· .. d Sl:rew:,>.

3, Rf:lnOVC g.,1.rWsl1 mo1ding screws. Remove mQlding_ by rP-Q\.Jng it .;:mt or pO!'ohi.Qn ;IjIt "th~ I.l;lV :md then IHt upward to' 'lree .It Frum the r~b.ini.-n..s d!ps nt f.he buHom.

4, TQ iu!"!t..u~ 'reverse this pr-ccedut-e


1. Depress trrm pad and l[l.. ... es-t special pliers K.MOaGOl 01' othe-r- sultublc t01J1. between base of blU.Ldlot.· und be.armg pbte to grip handle retaining spr-ma dip.

2. C<ll'efully extract the ectainrng :;;pring, then xcmovc handle: '1'(_~1oi: bCi:lring plate 1-0<1), also be removed .J: cequleed.

3. 1'0 replace, reverse tbis procedure. Before u .... 'iI.i.mi.lLkm, uotu d ... .: r;uJ~]\: Ii! llu:: )'~IIJ.lt: by observing thu handle pcsitiou 011 the oppoeite doorw.hb windows closed.

/\ltMRI!:s'r Doors

1. Remove the two screws 'huldlng arm rest Irume assembly to the door inner panel and remove urtn rest,

2 To l.rt.s,tFlIi, reverse this proccdlll'[o and adjust .f,~ necessary, Slotted boles in the rel.alner JJI:'r.mi.t OJ. Iore nnd aft .uiju5tmenl.

RClu' Quarte:r

1. Remove finishing cover, Iewer half of arm rest, by t:t!moving three smcl1 cress-head screws hnJrliTIJ;: this past to the Rrlll rest Frame.

2. Remove the two screws hcldlng arm 'r-est Irame a!!st'mbly '10 the- [~<II quarte:r inner pRIlCI end remove arm rest.

a. To Install, reverse this proecduee and adjll.ro;t as t]OC~I1!. :sloltt!d. holes in the retainer permits a to-e and aft adjustment,


1. l\cmflv~ door window garnish rnoldtng.

2. Remove doO,'t' Inslde handles And urm rest. /I. Remove the trim pHd unchor- screws.

4. With a flab tool, pl'y both sldcs of trim pod loose.

5. Llft trim pad. from lower retalnlng ehnnncl, (1. Ttl 'iw:wl, reverse i .. his procedure.

NaIl;: In CCI'lif!-1i where naill break or plIlI loou· during f-llmoyal Ihey :itlQuld be replaned wilh deer trim pgd: rOJpIQ';'II'j'J'Iilfil clip s, PQrll"h'l'!"IbO::r 4Q81772.

ocrsron fJANDLE


J_. Rcl~a~o. the.: dLlOI rubber weetberserlp at the lock pillar faa€" to ~')I'p(l~~ the R~t spring handle retatner,




2 Pull.relainer ~'B" out until 'h:..ndl ... ~l'In £1IR I':'Hm(l.V'NI (T;g_ 1)

In~t a Hatmn

1. Cuck Ioek belt by pusb ing '10 "up" pOI!;i.tion.

2. With push button depressed, install handle. when tn correct positi,)n. the lock bolt will snap down.

.1. Install retainer to position.

BODY 1-4

4. Re-cernent door wcntherstetp ustng 3-M Syn!,!"lotic Rubber Adhesive.

1. Remove door outside handle"

2. Remove retainer s.nap ring.

3. Remove stoP ..... a.Hhcr. spring and detent wusher, notit\g rclntivtl: position. of the two wnehars.

4. B move lock cylinder, loak ~yJl_'ldc't' hnusing and push button sheft assembly. This ucll slips Ollt of the- door handle casting.

S, Remove beadle waling -ring.

6. Remove push bUllon cap by bendtng up small ears of cap to dtsengage from Jock oeylinde:r housing.

7. Remove retainer holdin.g· 1000k <lylindc.:r and push ucucn shaft to hcusleg. A new r-etainerwill be fcquiT~ ~t re.ossembly.

8. Remove dQo!' lock .eylindee and push bullan shart from hQusing.

9. Figure 2 .'!ihUW8 lock Junto;; layout_

]0. To' rp...:'I~embIA, .'!'t'!v'~e this neocedure.

"II. 2-l.4Il"""r .. f t...1r. ,. .. ,If


J, Low!'u" the glees end I"1llilOVC gArnish molding, inside handles, Rnn rest and door trim pad.

2. Remove door' londing hole cover. On front dQU~ rernuve cover nearest door pillar potIicn uf Glass r- un channel.

3. T:h:ro\1gh IOl'ldi:ng hole, Ioceen stud. halt] ~ng bouo)f!?- of g'lns;.! run channel to door pill:u-.

4. Pry the gl.:tSS run channel to release cUps from pinch weld at the door header and pillar ~ide. ... Then, :terlll.lve glass run channel by c.al'efuLiy 'pulling up t.h:tough door window o~ing and fJLtrlH.:ting from nttac:hlng points III lower CJ1d of channel and I'll spring clip retainer on door 'Pillar just below window opening,

C.A.UTION: Us. exl,eme care nol '0 deni !'alnle.u dR.' bead molding on chann.l.

ft. 'To lr.lti'taU, reverse Ihls pro«dun. Mekt;!! sure when .Inserting channel in posi.tion, lh~(, the

spring dip 1Jn. Lh~ G!Hmncl engages 'its reo. tamer I'm the tkmr pi.U~r just below ihe w~n~ dQW opening.SeDI 100dmS hole cover du.dng in:stallallon.


1. Lower the! door window and remove garnh;h molding. lnslde handles, arm rest .rind door trim pad.

2. Hemcve screw "A" (fig. 3) holdiDg divtsicn channel ;0 the ventilutce AI lIS upper end,

3. Remove two screws "5" holding channel rnl}unting bracket to upper- Itaegcd surface IIf deer inner panel at 10"'11;1." wind., w openmg.

4. Remove the lower nut. washers IIDd adjusting screw lie".

NOt!: a.for'. remcvol, 'ho IIl'rl'9th ii' j-h" 5cr~w projetfing owt Ihror.l9h th.. hOot .. Ihould b. nDted.

S. With the door -"'entilalor open, swing djviIliull channel out vi pcsttton, pull up, and eemcve through the window opening of the d.QQJ".

G. To install, reverse thia procedure.


1. To adjust the lower end of t:ha_l'l._ne.llorwnrd or beekward, loosen )1ut "e" (fig. 3) and move stud 1n ~lottMi hole 1n inner pam.·1 the dest-ed amount.

Non: A telul fa-r." and' aft odjultmvnt of '1 ....... i ... pf'Jvided ell thi1' point.

2. Tighten nut "C".

s To illClV"" ~he lower end 01 the cnanhel .in or out, ednet U1C Intemnl stud nut on tho insldc of the i.nnm-[ll'lnQI. This nut j::l accessible ;;IEter removing the loading bole cover.

DOOltVllN'l'lLATOR ASSEMllLYUS:!: Conv. nnd SRi:. C[.e..

1. Remove door Inside Sardwace and trim pad. 1, Carefully cut the, vcntthl.ti)l' and door: weatb-

erstrip indicated at "A" (fig. 't).

3. Loosen the nul "E" and .removu bolt "C",

4. HE!!)lQ"1J- tWD bolts "D".

5, R~l"li(lVe ventilator lewes pivot .lihl1it retaining bolt "E".

6. Remove screw- "1::1'" f:r-orno;o..ntiifltCI" rear at;::l.~hing bmekct.

7. Remove ~ew "G" hnldh·tg vnntllntcr dJVLston channel to dUOl" puncl flange.

8. Loosen regu.lf!VIJ;- to inner- panel etteching SCl'[I,W!i '~RlI.

U. Remove ventilatlon dlvlelon ehannol lowe-r adj 1I .. t:i. n g :dud at tho door Inner pallet

10 r .• oosen lNellth~rstr\P. seal and remove ventl[ator- assembly

11. Tu Install, revense this »reccduee. Cement ends 01 1I: u ~ wtlDt'hcrstrip tndtceted I'll "A" together end the CTCJtl:1t" fmnt pOl;"nQn of the "~ntilatQr WE::aUHl.rsJ..rip bo the belt moldlllg, with ~~ .. M WcolI'lCI$L:i"ip Adh~'iv~ ur its equivalent.

BOgy 1-$


Fnee lind. All-Up nud 'On-WI!

L Loosen :nut "B' und bolt !'C" (fig, 4).

Loosen two boltl3 "u",

}lC'I'i-'H ... ve _O::"J'~W'" "G" ,:'lind "F" from. dlvl~ion ebunnel and 'f~a,. brueket,

4. Leeson divisirm channel Icwer .Gidj'Usting nut.

5. AoJjU:i;t, ve.ulil a .tw· assembly W desired postwCh .Ellid l'Cti~hh!JI bolL~ and screws.

NOTE; AhE"1' adllJ:>rmenl' It mu)' 'all neces~Qrv '0 drill no ..... 5(few heles at "G"

,;Ifl'd "P", S{lt strew IQc(lt'llC!! al "e" ~a!'1·

hoi" th.eo 'frll;fiQn cioml' on iho': r-t:sulator mec:hanh.m.

In. rmd Out

1. Same as step~ 1 thrliugh 11, bullcated above.

2. Adjust "in or out'! at the lower ildju~ti.ng stud "If" and" the division ebannel ndiusnng st'ud. In ~:;;~.., where $NI (If the ventik!tor weatherstrip has been broken 1t must be rescaled u~b"g 3·M WeaU1Clr!'lr'ip Adh{;Sive g.r j!:io ~qul valent,


1 Lower the .100-<' o.vindo"o,r IDlI::l ren'iO'iJ~. g;il"ulcl:. molding, Jnsldc handles, Arm 'rc.CJt and door trim pad,

2, Remove the hJOlcjing bole covers.

3. Tlll"l:mgh the loading holes du the dOtJT inn~ panel. n:mov~ the _fnul'" window assnmblv to

sash chancel cam SC~WI) "A" (fig, 5) SQ 11':;; to di£l:!ng.:lSc ~he window lowe,. !'::.Ish I':hsnnel cam hOl.ll the :rc::gulftl!'lI: maehenlsm.

4, Hnmcve U1e lour screws !'D" holding wlndow

BODY 1·6

[egulat.ur: end two screws "C'j holdlug stationary cam tu inner panel.

5. Remove I'~gnlatm and cum. assembly throngh the leading holt':),

6. Tu Install, rCVc,t'8~ 1.h.is procedure. Seal Iond.ins hole cover's dul'inl;; installation.


1. Rc:mIW~ garni,-h molding, Inside handles, arm rest .. nd door tr+m pad.

2. ReJ:nlJva thE! thr ... ", remote cUlllrol R~mbly aUaehilll'!' l'1C!'CW3 ,,jA" (fig. G) from deer inner panel,

3. Disengage remote C()f\t'ro-l assembly connecting rod from clip "B)' on dool' lnuer panel and ,retaining dip::lt rod attachment. to remote

control. .

II. RnLQti remote cenerol assembly i.c:I di!lmgage fTQTU remota control l!Ooneding rod.

NOTE: RAmo'. tOnlra! asumbly ... plndl~ ro!atel ~:oun"'!ldod:wi5lE1 on righ' hand c:IIaar~ and dOtkwiu an left' hand doors.

5. To. Install, reverse this procedure. Adji..i..Slmcnt

1. Place door lock remote ccnteel button in the locked poi:iiUon.

2. Lccsen remote control to dOOr Inner panel 5cCCWS.

3. Rotate remote control raeehanism to .remove All ploy ill lhe Ilnkogc and tlU!I1 eighten at .. i::io;;hi.ng .!;,~!''''"..".;.


1. With lock balt in "down'" po.~it;i:on. remove door octetde handle.

2 Remove gamtsh molding. iMi~(l h8ndl~s, aM" rli'~-t nnd door trlm pad,

3. Remove Luading hole cover from door .inner panel.

4,. Disconnect tht! door luck rod remote control t:-onnrumng rod r ...... lrl lock by r:emi:l'ilin~' tbe remere central mochealsm.

5-_ Remove Inslda Iccking rod. On rear- doors, remove the- slngle bolt and washer holding OJl~ Inside lock rod lever to LIII!! uoor inner panel.

6. On front doors l."!.Illy, remove the gloss run chann!:!l, t'J:ltlllnlug stud on Ult' inner lower surface of door lock pillar (.acine.

7_. Remove the 'two dcor leek screws and. washcrs from the. Jnnor panel f-acing.

B Rermsvu the three door lock screws arid washers frum the doo'!" leek pillar fnclnlol.

9_ Remove door I.:.ck by rui.:J.ting out of po~iliob and 1:!-xt:rm:Jting the-lock do .... vn and out through the londinc hole. On fronl deora, lock mU5L be dropped ~trllight clown to dell __ r And nf ~ltI.a.'l run channel.

10. To insenll, reverse this procedure, IirsL ch-ecking to see that lock noli. is in "down" position. On (.roul door's tJU!' "U" sbspcd retainer on the lock hnuslng must be! threaded. behind the lower end of tho glass run channel during lnatnlluuen. ThlB can be ncccmpllsbed by pulling the lower end of the glass run channel out slightly. Seal loading hole CQVeT during Installation,

CAUTiON;" ill possible te J:er'all:!"/y damog. Ill. dQQ/' loct U tho door r. "l:Imm~d .hul rdfftr Ih~ lodc: .bolt has been aC(j'd@ni~"Y or inll!nlional/y pud~ed in the "up" po,/lion.



1. With lL pencil scribe the position o( the str-iker on the center or lear ~y pillar.

2. Remuvo the two o.ttllci!lng screws holdinc striker to jnlhu- and lift out of pmdLion.

.1. To install. place striko:r 1n po::;ition within the IMntion destgnatcd by the pencil marks. Hold firmly and rc-tostall uttnchlng screws. NOTE: II is Impalat] ..... hal thll door lock etrlker be in5tollo!d In 0 1'1." .. ,,1 position 50

that it is In ,proper alignment w'ith th(!

lock bolt on U ... lock.


Adju.'flmcnt u! the door lock strikcl' plate ill provided. by means of Iluating ancbor plates in retaining ~Rge~ behind the body ]~I::k piu'ilT 1"11:1 center ptllur Iaelngs. Serratlcns on 'the 8i.riker plates and anchor- plates (62_ 7) provide ample retention to hold the striker plates in the desired position.

To adjust the st r- iker- plate, thoe 3ltadaing screws should be loosened 8umcillfltly to allow the striker plttfe to be moved by hand to the dem:red location, Scribu,ll Lh. positiol"! of U10 lL:rikcr plule on the pU lae with e pencil prtor t~ locscnlng the I:iUachLng screws wlll ulenrly lndleate the UltlOunt the striker plate has been moved. Hammering or blocking the striker plate should never be attempted us dRmilg'o to the seerattons :may result cllU.'l,in~ I~ or 'Pl'OPCT tenaton, lIammring or blocking of the 5trlkor pl,f!.tQ mny u.1.!KI rllSulL In

closing of the lock. bolt groove- which will seeloualy 91'fec:t the operation due, to n bindlng condilion which develops on the lock bult roller.

VIlNTlLA"TOR ASSF2\mI. Y (1949-52)

1. Remove the Lloor window garnish molding, insid ... handles, ann rest .... nd trim pnd.

2. On Iront doors, remove Lhe slngle screw bolding lOp end of doer divk:ion channel to ventilator frame.

3, On rear doors, remove the dMT ventilator division chntmel. Also on rear doors that have stationary vcntllnece windows break seal end r-emove ventilator glu:>:l and rubber glass channel us un assembly.

4. Remove retainer screws holding ventilator

fl'arne to the door header. -

S. Remove ventilator lower mounting brnc.ket

!crCWS at lower window opeui,n.g. 6 ftl!mo>!(! \'~mator assembly,

1. To instal], rpv .. n;.p i.hi.'l procedure.

8. Check alignment and re-seal. using 3-M Auto &.:I:,' Se .. lee.

aODY 1-1


The spring tension of the verrtilater- lower pivOl C'Rn be adjusted by means of a castle nut which holds the piwll ~pring uudur ecmprcsslon AL the haLlom or the venLLtator assembly.


Front .;Ioor ventilators on 19::.3 bodies are operated by a regulator tyPt! oJ mcchcntsm. The ventilator rHvi.:r.ion c.htllmcl 1:11 also on Inlosrn,1 p~tt c)i the vuntllarec- frAr'ne. Front door' ventilators on 1952 bodies are the frilCtion type wi:th an buegrel division cha.nnej_

Rc!:rnuval and Insrallatlon

1. Remove tbe dnor trh» j;)(,tI end loadins hele ccver "A" (fig. S),

2. Remove screws attaching venttlatcr frame ~fl.J ventilator regulator to window opening Al"B"_

3. On 1953 hDdi~:l: remove the \!nnUlfll(lr p~vot attnehinN boh "C" un~ loosen lh.a r(lgul u tor alUtcillng belts "D".

4. Lower the windO'I" and. !'.t "E" dell:1ch cllps and lower the glASS run channel out of position.

S. Remove division c.h:m.nellower stud nut "Fit,

6. Remove verullatce lI.s.~l!mbly.

7. '1'0 insL.aUt revers~ lhc removal precedure waking '!:ure stud and nut locneed at IrFI' and thp loading" hole cover "A" are sealed us specified rn sea.ling procedure for door Inner panels.

BODY' 'I~8


To adjust the lower end o( ventilator divi~inn channel "forward or backward", loosen the stud ID~k nut "F" and move stud the! deslred .amount To move lowue end of division channel "In or out," IOQ5['n stud lack .nut a.nd tum stud in, ur .out til 11m destred adjustmum, then 'Ih:hte!l stlJa nut,


1 R~t1roVQ vcntllatcr assembly.

2. U!.lln~ an oil Call Of slmtler lTIe>ln$. squh-I gasoline 011 the glll5."l fillet all around the glass channel or Irume 10 ~o!tjl'1l the old eca; 'When seal MS softened, remove the jtlass rrOlD thtl ehnnnel.

3. Thotot.Whl'l dean the luslda or· the nless ehanncl wlth sandpaper, removlnn 11'11. rust, ete.

4 Using new J"i!lf!-o;,:; ebnnnel fil1~r. cut the niece 1.0 be, installed. two Inebes lungt'"r thue n~CSsury Ior tbe clrunael. PIHC!"! thi!,) _Plee@ of: Illlar, with tho sospstoncd side of fillc.r :lWIiIIY from the g~As..'i. €ivenly over the edge of the glass which wlll fit into the channel. The extra filler extendlnu beyond the rout edW;i> of the ~IiSS should be pinched together to hold it in place rlurmg glass mstatlanca.

NOtE: One side- of Ihi$ ~Uet tthl!! ouhide of the fDm is IDOpdol'i4ici. T.il:h is, 'the ,i:ld. whleh gO.:I: In!D !Ihe M.apal channel. T1"Ih ghu1- c.hlilrH'l~1 mlGt' is lenrlc:ed in 11,1,'0 t~ic'l!neuCl~, .O·J:~Y t1!1d .047''1, to pl!r!T1it iLiIIlectlO!1 ... f' the, prDp&f" thickn .. :u !l:1 Ihll giou may 'b. inll~alled wi-thoul-the UlLoI of ~p.dal ro01l.

5. Brush the inside of the metal j.!183S channel Irecly with urdlaury S.A,E. 10 enalue oil. Thls will enable the glass and filler to slide fr(,·cly Into tht' channel, kr6h2003

6. Push the glass wllh the fillet" around it, into the channel until it j" firmly seated, Aftl.!r the gLiI~ is firmly In ,phi,"~. the oil aoltena tbu fdler cuustng it to ewell, Uiel"cby tllelking ;1 perfect watertight seal,

1. Trun offthe excess filler !T!i1!erI1'l1 oIIl:"QU!1d the channel nnri Fit the ends of the ohnnnel.

fi It takes 2,4 hours fur the oil to fiLlly affect the filler. Therefore, water lenk tests f1.hQuld nut be made before this period hjj,~ elapsed,


1. Remove the deer trim pad

2". Raru,o)v!:! the 'ftoni ~tladinl=l hoI" CO,,!!!" from di'lol' inne:l' p.l1neL

3 Disconnect ~e vC'n"U:J:tor: low['y pivot &bait feom regul:.tor- rne['ba~ by,remo;vi.n.g cap seeew at "A'~ (fig. 9).

4. Remove the tout' (4) screws, lndicetcd at Hili', Removo rcgulntce rneubanlsm througb loedlng hclc.

5. To install, reverse the removal upe:ratiurui.

Apply a ribbon oJ :'·M CaWkiJl~ Cempeund ::Jh:.n~ th~ UPJH"'r ill'Hi side ed~"!i' u[ the v ~ntiu.toJ" r~~ul .. tor where it [,O~:*Ic!i.s the dour Inner p .. nel.

NOTE: ventllctcr len,ion Is j~cl'e-n5ed Or decrecned by ~dI1J5Ih'!g ~Cf~W "C·'.

CfI'ECK UNK Link Assoell1btv

1. Remove ccwl 'lrinl plla (fur 19049-52 model rt'a"t dout"!';- on'ly) f)"r center plflnr trim (tor all model r~u doo ee}.

2. Remove scr-ew holdin~ hnk to ot;;nwl or center

pill.'!1". -

3 ~,ernnvt' link,

4. To. tnstnll, reverse this procedure.

Support A,s:iiernbly

L Remove window garnish molding, inslde handles. arm rest arrd door" trim pad on 1J.I1 rnudels e.K,"iE!pl 195,3 Ircnt doers,

2. Remove !oUFiding bole cover nearest docr hlnge pfllar.

3. Remove screws Irom door hinge plllur fa-eing i"J)al'kJ.'ng po!_;iiti0l1 of screws in s'lnU~d. holes:

4. Remuv .. SlJ)ll-lOri. a."l.<;en:hly thi"Ull~h loading

hole. .~

5: T{l inst. n I1, rever;s" lhls procedure.

Non: Chedl linloi ,luppar1,Por! No, 45'610}3 is v§f!Od Inlf'!r"hDngeably en born righ, and hdt 'idn. Check ;PDrt fa m,;lk. sure 'pin thai holds reller i, ~taked. If pin lis noi 5iokl!!r:t. mah sura tho I' pin ~.!i inUalied So that head wm be, up when in51Dlled In rh II' door hinge pmOf.


LoIJ.!'!1m s .... pport :o.1;>.o.;em bly en door and m01!C 3~mbly in nr out to decrasse or Inerease 1'Q~p~ti'J~1y t_h~ hold open force. 'Then, tighten scr-ews ~-e(,l'u:re:ly to hold check link ,;:uppD_rt in new p<):!IUQn,


1.. RlI!move screws hnldillg binge cover platH to doer !ling!'! pillar.

:t. Pry -out th~ 'l'O:;~bud {~t(!l'l.o(Io:r_ "A" (fig, 10).

3. With the deer OPW1, rem-pvc the ~l!oW!:' <IS" that~ltar.:b th'" small :r.ct,;jniPS p'into to the body.

4,. Hable the (,lll' !mCi !'emuve tn.Q, ho.ri2:0ntal m~t.·l.~ b:dih.. th:1t e'!l'Ll:'ncl~ rrnm fh"" fr,onL frmd_r!l" t .... the frame. This i,s.-ne(':eso;:~'_ry to gg;in aeeess t .... the body h:ing~ ptllar porti .... n of 1he :!\-e~h!1g' S'l.Ti,p.

_,]'. Prv out the rosebud I(i!tttlDIif ·"C".

H. IJ.'1ine:."l !'l11Uy Irnlfi~. 'Pry the cemented ndgg of the ~~Iing strtp InO-"i1:' f'!'am trll:O 0'1w1 sidlE:' .pun"'-.!

7. Scr:ibe ehc p.c':iiUon of. th.;: door hlngc $ltaps on the door pill ... t-.

B. With n h1!lpQ}'! bcldlng the door, remove the three bolts from tbe door half Qf each hinge strap and remove the dQOT

'NOTr. By "",h'!9 ~gr~, the, dl;1gf (,II;:," bil: f'!!l· moved 'frorll lhe bQdy wl!hg ... ~ f'i!!T1(1',rlns:

Ihe check ft,nk. Rohl1~. the deer tQwg;rd th" clo-:;;ed po:;i1ion 1,jT'ltii the c-ur .... "tI end .f the chock link 51r-ap di5en9Cige. thi: ch,u:k link sup'pori.

9. '1'''1 NInUV\!' !!he 1ling<!! from thg body pillar, t(,I11QV'Cl the body hinge euver ,pl:lt9!o:. ~c,rlbQ poF-ition I)f aacli h.iQgtl,rQrnovc three bQ-lts from body batf nf each h'il1g-e strap Imd ]'O:~ U'~QlJe hj_rl~c.ll.

10. Loosen lb.;: portion cf the rubber dl"lQJ:" weat._hcr::.t.dp that l<.l.po':i over the top of the 5e~Ug.g str-ip,

11. Pry aut rcsebudteetcncr "D".

12. P:i">, Qff clip "E" :fr:om the fastener stud at the Jcwer ~nd of \;he door hingE! ptnar. This stud and fastener k,,""Ii~fJ' .m4 reaintain the! position oI" the ~:iling strip in relatton to Ule door bottom weathe:rstri,p.

1::1. U.!iing,ft putty knife, remove the ·:teallng :;\'lr;ip Irom the door hinge pillar.

14. Clean the surfaces. uf bath the bQd.;; hinge Dill"r and tho done-hinge pffiar.


L [m;;wU tIu:1 'Upper and lower hinges and 'Cover plates to -the- 'hotly p,llIo[' aUgl1ill~ with scribe marks made at time of removal.

~. Cement 9. new senli71E: !Strip I~n thf! door hinge pilbr using 3,·M Weath(,r!;trip Adhesive. Position the ~~HE"'_e: "trip b~ aligning the hole in th~ :::r-='Ill.ng sil"·LV \ ... lth 'l.hA fastener stud i'E" t_fiB~ 10) g_pd aligning thH ~t'irrlil.il.J::!Onding ho}['S1 .in the ,sP.:l.l ina. ~lrir and doo.%' nillnr las'U!n~r "D". Th.'" se.nli",g stTi[l 111 cemented over the dour bottom we.nthpr,tr'ip

3. In5wH the cllp 'iEl' and the .ecsebud futener "D".

4. Ur51:'l ,3-M W'", ... tberstrip Adhc.-ilvc: to cement the deer 1;y~C' wentherstrtp bilCk lb ,po.s1- tian. The luwer pll,rLi~in ur this 'wciIth-er$tdp laps ever the door I!jUlirJE :itl'ip.

5. Hep~ a ce door assembly 1)1'1 tf;1li body, usIng care when, ~ng3ging the mec'k link strap 1.0 the support assembly, and realign ualng' the !;cl'lbli! nUI1:-ks made when the door was removed,

6. Rnlse the car und cement the sealing sfeip to the cowl stde pane] Wilng 3-M Weaih&r:lttip Adheslvo.

7. Jnstall the ,l"O:>ebun fastener '~C.IJ

8. Rotustall the horizontal baffle between the fender and rrame.

9. Lower the cal' and install the rl)80bud Iestr-ner- "A,", 'I'lien, IJ1.I-',iL'Un the retulnlng plata anrl in~t(lll it$ .nttoJ,chintr screws ":6",

10. Rcpluce hinge cover pJo.t~ tc door hiuge pUlar.


Front door hinges on 1953 passenger car ~dj~!S are (If the swlng out box: type designed with an Integral leuf type, door check and held-open, The pivot center of this hinl!!t' ullcws the door to !iw.ing outward awey from the body. An l!ff('oCliv(! but. JCl)S complex door weatherseel C:OMtruction is; unhand with this typo lunge.

()6ur :,nd J1inGe-Removal

1. Apply ma~ing tape along door edge ut hinge pillar.

2. Open rlOQL' and scrtbc locations of hinge ooxt.'l) un {rI)IIL body hinge pillar. kmh2003

3. Suppnrl deer and: remove attaching !leJ'CW'; and hol~ from Ieee uf hinge box and from inl«ri.or of hinge: "Q:(.

4.. Rem,)ve door uno attached Iriugea Irciu "1)1)11),.

Door irUili Hinge Str9p-Rp.mm,oa)

1. Remove door trim. and hardwar-e.

2. Bczlbe .locaflcn of hlng.,. sl;r;:.ps all door inner panel.

3. \Vl!h !.hE' door supported, ecrocve upper hinge cover platE'.

~. Remove hlnl,'!r. l(l {it'lllr athchin~ boll ... 'lnd. carefully slide rlnor fl:'(lll1 hi.ngc sreaps.


1. COlli, ~11 attachIng surfaces wii.h 3-M Autobud)' Sealer or its equivalent.

2. Position hinges within scrlbe marks and reIn::>tnll bnlt ...

3. The" reverse removal procedure.

NOTE: The tea' doar hold- ... p~" mu,1 be lubricaled periDdic.ally.

4. AdjulO't H!l necessary.

R1>M OOOR /\NO/OR mNG1>S-11l49,S,1 Bemoval

1. Hemu v ~ upp-'!" und lower hings cover pla.tt!& at lh~ body hlng!;'! pillnr b .... · l"cnmvinJ.!: their r~talnlhg screws.

2. Scribe hinge locations with a !;(!ribe Or pcnrdl.

3. W,lth :L hcl.pE"l." beldlrur the door, remove

upper and lower hinae bolts at body hina:c plllnr.

4. Swing the door toward th@o closed PosHloD, to diiJengul;:e the curved end of thn [ink from the support assembly, lh@n remove the door.

5. To remove hinges Irom door. remove screws holding metal weatherstrip 'tu dour pillar. Then c.u·efully hreak BI:'ru. between weatherstrip and door plllar with il putty knife. Thls will allow metal weatherstrip retainer to be moved awuy from doer roe binge cover recicvcl.

6. nelnove UP}X'l- and lower hinge cover plate ... cr-ews <md cliver plata; from door }lithu·.

7. Rt:move- upper and lower h.in~e bolls from door- and rumevc h!ngc.."l.

It Clean scrfuoe of door pUlaI' along; 'area th .. L wealh~r~trip Is held 111 p-Q»ill(ln.


1. If hinges were l'P.m(l v ed from door, htsta.lI them to the door pWlIL priur to a1>!,;~I11'h'lIne door 1.0 center plllnr, a.lignin~ with scribe 1ll~,rk5 made at Ws:wernbl,y.

NOTE: La~ a bll'ad of 3-M Aulo Body s@alE-r on lurfato of doo .. "pillar and hii'!SC I@af b e'[ere jm.tl:llling hll'!g" On do!) ... Wh@n hingf!o Is: In.stall.,d apply (J bead of s60ler to tcp and bDUr.m af hln!)1!' ll!!of. Be cti/@'ul of trimmed part~ adllllllollint te hinge area .....

2. Replace rungt: cuv;cr v1(ltes to dO\;II: pjl1",.r. 'I'hen Hppl:y 3~M wcnlhc.:n:s1dp ce,roe-nt to door FeeIn..: where wcotbcrstcip \:';1 fMteneJ. PJ~1.':c" weatherstrip and metal retainer in position and !:~ure with l'c.tain.in~ S:(!f'I>!~"g.

:l.. Place bead of 3-M Auto Body Sealer on surfnr"c nf pi1ll"lt" anrl hingt' Il:."af and assamble, door to center pillar by inserting Ch0Ck link and in$tnl1in~ hinge bolts. Align hinljAS with scrtbe marks made at dlsussembly and Iilolht",n boJt.o; securaly.

4. Place 8. eead of sealer at top und bottom of binge lekr und :liong cntirQ length IJ[ oren covered by the hinge C1JVf'r plates.

5. Install hin.~c eOVQ=f plate:; to clb!ntl!'r plllnr.


Rear dcnrs bcve a 'two section channel ecuststLng uf. a ~hQrt s~dh",r} ~"t,end.ing U'O'l'n {he d'iJUI: lower hinge pillar up to the door belt line and a lnng S('ctinn e:xleru;)ing r"r"Ow th@ top of Ute "hort section around the ..... 'Indow ojJ€n.ing nnd dov.-n th e rionr- lnr~k ,plHar. Thf! short sectlon I~ ectalued at the top by.a sliding clip.

1. R"'1l10v~ door trim pad and luadinS hnle cover.

2. Thraugh IMdln~ hole, loosen uullnd.ic:Ylcd ut

"A" 1"['tri,ihlli£r sheet glass run channel. secLion tc dour hinge pillar rflg, 11).

. ,RemQve screw "B:' from <)PPa..<;i:t", ellv .it cun eh ... nn ... L

4. Lowes- door ,E!:l.a_~:o; and G{lreTully 'pry channel outward to release rosebud Ieateners !TOIn door channel indicated at. ·'<C".

5. R-e-tnqYQ chaancl t.h:r.Oll~ window cpenlng.

6. To ·i.nst<LU reverse this procedure.


The low!'! r ends ot th~ f!"Ia:s...<:. run ~h:;l,J;Lnl!l ITlay be ediusted In or out at the two .uUncliiIlg points "·Au and '!BI!.


The Jellowing sealing open.ltion.'! should be per!Drmed M either- ,the: n·o.ni ,-.r 'r-E',flr .-In."!'!· iUTI"''' panels, H lhu !lI:'.a1ai a.re diRhu·b"d in Lheproi!~ (if repair-. operation!, etc.

NOTe: In addrnon to Ihe '5e-alers outline below an\t' lI;.ornpo,!ro:blll "I!loo!:!lu rnay be used.

1, Apply 0 ribbon of 3~M Autobody Sealer a-c;ltOfS,..<; the top imd dowu the sIdc fi.<ll1ga..'5 of [',~o.h loadmg hole opening.

2. Appl)! .a rtbbun of 3-:M Alitobr;idy Sealer tc the ]tlWfi SIdE' f1~.t' at each liJ~ditl.R h(ll~ COvQr befo.ro it Iii in';;~811ed. This seal to ex ... tend a,pprQ:..:imately ~e it1~h~ t...a,~w.an1

'from the bettum, .

3 AIkl"l!}aWl,ig huh.: l:D\'I>!I'.)l are insl<!Jled. ·'se&\ the lower offser corners wuh a·M Autobody Sewn


4. A}lPly bod~ tape to ail :limN"' pan..f>l I).P""Ulng5 5 .. Apply 3-M Calilklng Cuml'lound to the centerdJvl"io!1 ~dju.sting stud and opening.

Apply 3-M WMthtlr~t.Tlp Ailhesl:\I'e to. tbo ex.JKI3crl au-race ul the regulator spindle hole ~aUng wnsher-.

7. Ren~ doors. seel with 3-:M Caulk.ins: Cern'pound Inner panel. CBm. and ann rest Frcnt ii.1lau,hlnR hcles,

8. R~ai doors, npply II '~ad of :J-.M We.ailil;J:""trip Adhesive nlong the joint of the rear door LnnerptlJ1el extending Imm IKlgc- of lower hinge to edge. of upper h.in¥e.


Bemcval and rn.!';,t.aIIa.tinJl (If the door ~I~· on ~H u-cdels is similar", Oil eenvertlbles and b-port coupes it ;1.0;; eot I"l,!t~ry L9 remove the ventiInto!', but It ~s .1lil"coihill1nry to mnvo the 81M...' .'i(.np.'l .!r.l.""'~ -timl lu ( ... mcve the ruller jl.uid"!'!i.

1. Lower window and remove wlndow I;l'a.mls.h moldi.n~_

2. n~mo"re Inslde 'ti.tim:lleSj arm .rest and door trim pnd. ·kmh2003

3. R~m';;,!"e IOf!ding bQle covers .

4. Hernnve ventilator dh.-{s~Qn cbanucl or veutlI.!:i tcr- assembly.

5. Remove the- window gamtsh 'IilQ'lding retalnin!o: ulrps.

6. Remove the two screws liN' (fis, 12} JWm E":lch end .oj the sash channel to d.i!ien~'age the .'l'.IiI.!ih c:h.'Hmd From the earn.

NOTE~ Th.,.";,,, ~!;;n:w~ gre- cccesslble through Ihl:! hH1d!flg b(loles In 'Ihit door' inner panel with tko!l window in Itl lowered positIon.

7. Carc(ull.y raise the glass 'In nn almost closed position and t:l:1t Inward; Il;o;il"!g <:aT"" to wOl;""k eut «ee of thv lower eceuwe al ~ time so ,13.51 [lu-l tu CHUSC· damage.

8. Squirt gnscllnc on the glMfi till!!." RIO"!: the lower 'eharartel to soften the- seal. Wh,,-[! the

8,ODY 1 ... 12

SlE!:l.t has s:o[t(,!,tl.ro, te:rnovc the ~lu:i:i from the

ehaunel, .

9. 'I'IuH'olJ!!hly clean Lbo;; i.n:>id", of UU! lower scsh c.h.ar'lne.1 with s.and~per, removing all rust, etc.

JO. Usi.ng new glRSs channel filler, cut the pdeec 10 be installed lwo Inches longer then the Iewer cd!::e of the door gI~. Place this piece of Hller, !M.I-I.piltoncd side u.r filler away from. gIiUIs. evenly along the edge (J[ t.he glass which wi1l fit in the channel. The extra filler extending b~yond the ooge:s of glass should be pinched together to held the- filler in place during glass installatlen.

11, Brush the inside of the met n .1 channel Ieeely with. S.A.K 10 engtne oii, :Pu5h the glass, wIth the fille.r, Into thq Cbfi!Ull"l until .it .CI firnlly seated.

t2. After the g:ICt::i5 is fir-mly tn place, the oil sortc.·os the Hllee Ci\U!iinS it La s.wc:.ll, thereby m.aking a ~rfI:CL watertight seal. Trrm off the Ii!x-t:li!~ filler m>!k!"i~l elong the channel. und at the ends

13. In_'<hitl wlndcw gl:.1);:s cssombly c.!!reiully. ceigagp. sasb chanced with cam and )l"I.stull two screws j'A" (6.g. 12) at each end .;0{ scsh channnl,

14. RepL:Jce ventllator diVL"linn nhnrmel, g:ll'n..i:;:h 'I'I\Q.ldin~ dips and loading hole oov~r_o;,

!S. Re-phu!:1'l door Irlm pad, arm rest, inside h~ndies and wlndcw gamish molding.


Sedans and Cuupe~

l. The rra v el of thl.! door glass can be changed by adju:rtiu.g the lower secrton o[ the ventrlol.ll(" divisiun charrrte] ill 1,), .... ul u[ forward or backward.

2. The lower ~cdlon Qf the glalis TWl chauuel on the door lock pillar cen be adjusted .in or out, 'l'be rene flti.Rchmg screw hole of ~h", stationary cam is slotted vertically. By 100000nIng this seeew ilignmM1t of the "up" and 14r1Qwntt have] of the window g!QSS in t"CIRtlnn t.o ·lh", vcn.liI:.Itur dicdstcn und gla:.i!l. run channels eM bn r";,jd~ to thr.ow glass travel forward or tc the ·r~l-Ir.

Sport, Coupes and Convertibles

1. Bcmcve door hardware and trim pad,

Z. Loosen Th'Q Gla~ run adjuillting JIICI'(IWS an door lock pl1hu and move channel in desired direction.

3. Make cceeespondtng a.djustment at vonulatcr dtvislen ehennel stud.

4. It necessary realign ventilator assqrnbly and reae quarter window.

NOTE: Up crdjV:l-PM4Int i'l mad. a. the window ~tI;lP" located at !i~ ... tap 0' the door inner pangl.



The procedure in the removal and installation of the windshield. BIns.." and i1.5 component pal:i3 iR accomplished [rom the outslda o{ the- body. The open:ttioos gjvOlt apply to onl)' half the wtndshluld assembly and may be applied. to either the right or lett side or the complete windshield assembly if necessary.

Before windshield removal, protect the paint Itni:th by mesktng around the windshield opening. AI,s(), Iay B suitable I,:l)vl;'dng across the hood end front fender on. thu 1j.i:~1; che wtndstueld ts being repJa.:)oo.


L Insida the car. T"'~"I.''' the- rear vlaw l11i.rror and ce-nter division mnldlng . .Also, remove windshield garnish ml;lldhlg, including ~IIRC~TB, en the side windshield 1:9 to be replaced.

~QTi: S·uew~ al bottom, lOp and :sidlll diff~/· in length.

2, Underneath Lh", Instrument panel, dlNclly below the pU:liLiun of the lower reveal molding on tho outside of tho cowl, remove the retaining screws and cup waehere whleh hQM this reveel moldtng to lh-t I.up· of the cowl.

3. On the cutaide of the CAl"', remove wlndshleld wipor arm MId blade.

4. Remove center division reveal mo.lding' and lower escutcheon.

NO'!! Roft,,1 "Up" ", ... d r.'elinin9 SU/liW$ CIrE' u5ed 10 hDld oU!t;!t reveel and l nner 'SIc:lti1i!h moldln!l!l~ Je u,;:nt~r dl'll'~'!.lo"_

5. Loosen or remove lower reveal molding TO-tatncr at center division by loo s cnrng Its single


6. RE1:I1uvc lower reveal moldlnt:( uuter retaining screw oT1frnnt body pilla.r.

7. Hemcve lower reveal moldlng by r~l~ln,g molding to clear wiper tmnsmlssicn shaft and sliding it uff tho center retainer.

8. Remove lQwer outer' corner re ... eal molding by unscrewing the single retaining seeew.

9. With th(J palm of tho haud u.guinSl the Inside surface of tho nless (Ag. 13), carefully force the -Il.s:;l(!mb~y outward utI ttl the lip (If the rubber ehnnnul has been removed Ircm the pinch-weld flangl!S of the opening. The ghl.':'-'11 rubber channel end cppcr reveal molding are removed as a unit.

NOn: Hand pre!.$L!re sh~uld be appi!f!d CllfII,I't'ICItely at the vpper and lower tDrner ... until separallon bogin!..

10.. With the windshield out of posltlnn, curl back the lip of th", rubber r.lrl!':~ f'_J,:lrlrl.;>1 :'IFtd r .. ~ mnve the upp~r r-eveal molding (fig. 14).

NOTE: the windshield uppet fe!fe(llt mold ..

in91 [s ,-~_tClln .. d by n molde-d s-ee-e ; ..

rhe wlnd~hieid, rubber ~h!=!!'1!'1eL Our: ta its UI.tg\ning fltllnge Ihls mold,nO ~Qn!1tlt be Illmoved ,from the groove in Ih~ rubber (:J\c:mnll:' ui'liil Pl'lit wind:ihhild il elmest tOmplelely fl!iTillived From the body o,:Jl!:n·


11. LoOS9n the seal. uf .... ·"':llh~r~trip cement between the j:!,l~H .and l·ul.lb!.!r rihl.lnn_o.!.l. Di!i~,n_ Gage. the tLibb;;-t" weathe-rst.eip [.tULU. the: ~las:;; 3n_i;l J;l~ gh--,.~:; rm1 of ~dy openinG (11!;. ,1.5).


Defore new ~li;I~:'· ,~JI.~;t<ll1.i;1til~111 irl':;IJlil,;t the euntQurot'the pinch-weld flange fq.i- any lrrcg\Jhlri(.iCS .acd enmoct. New gtass eun ue used f"l~ a tr'lnplah"l. USinp; ;:l; ~crapcr and ulaum Bpirll". 'remove all old cement end dry ·1hQ.raugl'l~y. A]:t;o, (:IAAn ·t"ubher

BfJOY 1-13:

Clas8 channel. Do net "Use gasoline or similar product to d-ean the rubber channel.

1 &lur.t.iJ-L,>t911r.UnhT -ii_l?pl_y 3-M Auto6tJdy Scalcl:' to- the flange::;; ·.of ihe w~li-d$.ield opening as mdtcated in Figut:c 16-.

fllI_ ~"'_"l"pil'lr.o._ :r~M A~I,,'i,o.d1' ~_i~. 1~ Whial.hlelcl O,,~illii!l

:1" Ap:ply a tI'a .. l' tn ~" eomlnuous b~:td (If s:e.ile):" eleng the 1,l-1.1"c,;oddc r;;bbet oJ the llpt;l!1IDG jr,J~! '~I;!h;w (hI,: JljlLd~-wdd 01;::; ludlc;:~tIk18t (1).

b. Apply D :v. f.~' to 114," bead of £~HIIH .... cress the windshield center bar at tup and hot· tum as indicaL-eti at (21.

80DY 1·14

2. Insert.u strons cord into the pinch-weld cavity of lhe\v!rnltoh.ield rubber clmnuel.

3. Install. windshiQlrI Gl~ into rubber channel.

Work channel over edge of glass all around except at the center dlvlsien edge,

4. To ractntate easy inatalfaflrm, use n mild soap and water .=io}uLiol' and apply thi~ M11u11Qn into the upper reveal moldinjo( grvuve in 1.11 rubber channel and also into the (!entp.t elivisian glass CRvil), of the rubber channel

S. Insert the innt::r end Df the r~veflJ molding into the groove in tho gllll')5 rubber channel 'ix Inches fr-om the center division. ThEQ slide iL towards the center divhion until the oute-r side sccncn Qr the molding comes Jute align:Dl!:nt 'W.cUI the rubber channel. Whm In allznment, insert the Lop and etde seeticns into the rubber channel ann press finnly Into place.

6. Low r the x1:JM nnd its channel into tho wi.n,cls.L.i~lo,l 1,..o,L1y opening and move th_e gla_$!i sa that Its Inner- edge. enters into ehe eentor wv.i.s.IDn grQ\_lVe of lh~ glass chal1Uel.

t. Wi1h a helper. poslfion and hold lhe. ghu ... " and Its channel finnly in the wlndsblald body Ol)('nwg_ Then, use the strihg previously placed in the ptuch-weld cavity of the rubber ch~nncl to p'ull the inner lip of the channel uver the plneh-weld (fig. 17).

8. Arl,cl' tho assembly i~ In pestttee and before 'the moldings fire installed, sea) as indicated (6g. 18) uslug 3-M Weatherstrip Adhesive ln Q seeding gun.

a Seal between out£'T lip of rubber ahd gla:.s IlS lndlcated (It (31, complci;oly around up~ni:ng.

h. Before gamtsh 111Qldlnl! is in.".tallcd; seal Under inner pinch-weld lip uf rubber ~M.ncl as indicated at (4).

O. 1'0 c(!Inplete !lcalinc, al 011 outside reveal molding attar.hing screw holes with 3·M A~;I.lobudy Seolol'.

10, B.c.pla,r:;e gOl"l.lINh Illllhlinl,l!i, outside Io ... I.Io::r reveal ,molding', center d.i ... lslcn zevea] mQldlng and escutcheon, and wfper arms und blades.

WINDSlill:LD ASSE~mLY (1953)

All 1953 Chevrolet botly styles uldlize a large one piece watdshield, 'Ibe removal end uratnllattcn proesdure Is basically the same fnr .. 11 body slyles, with the excepucn of the wuld.ing "'''rnov<,_L

Before windshleld removal, prot '1 the pnit"lL :finish hy masking around the v,·jndshii:'ld opening. Also, nlece u .II.ultn.bl ... oovorLng ueenes the hood and fcnden;;,


1. Remove wlnrlshield wiper blade and arm assemblies and wiper Iransmjssions. LoW-Ar top on Ccnveeubles.

2. R"'move wiud:i;h.i.::hl J.:.a,.r:ni~.h moidtngs, escuteheon and roar view mirror. On converttbles remove screw -rntRioing side TCVC; I molding to upper windshield pillar.

:I. On Sport Coupes, r move ruin dCf\octOI and S-ingle screw n-f)1T] eoCh windshield sidE' r-evcml meldlng.

4. Remove Instrument panel cQmp~rtlh{mt. rK):!( to gale access to belt mplding atttu::hiuij nuts.

5 On closed body st.l{Jr':j leesan two belt molding, oltl!:'!cbing i-1.'Ub I!el;lrt":-;L ftvuL 1!!nl,:t llii.lgt: pillar. Up Sport COllPes and Convertibles it is necessnry-toncmovc Ute entlrcbelt woldins.

6. Loosen hluge pillar trim on Sport Coupes :;'lila CQ-Qvcrtlhl~:;;, hJ g<11n aeccsa -(.Q windshield rubber channel.

7. [.n!:"lidc the hody luns!;!", ehe i~id(;l lip of the windshield rubber ehnnnel, nt the wmdshteld pinch-weld, with a, puH}' kn!iro

S. Startmg at the i (J.'iidQ upper t:"crnt;"r Q,f the g1~, e.arefully force th.Q glass. ,:uIs:o::ro.bl,y 01,1tWi! rd 'wllh the palm L1( the hand. Repeut thia ope-ration until the lip uf the ,[U bber ehnnuel .c-Ica:t;; Uic tipper ptnch-weld fl€l.ngB~

9. Carefully 'Work the wlndshleld assembly outwerd unu tiPWH.:t'd 'to a'.'H:,·n~a·Ge tnt! ll;ubber c}umn.ru 'lip '!'rOin Lh@- lower plnch-wald ftange, On Bel-At r and 210 series bodies, di.sen~a:ge tho;: ihrr'l",ebt each corner reveal molding 11:0'\" from the belt moIdillp (iig:. 19).

LO, WitlJ a helper car.-.J(ully lift 'thof' entire windehteld a..'iH\'lIIbly bum the nPMiing and place It on a cover-ed hum,;!..

11. Remove the reveal molding." lind rubber churtnel Frum the windshield glese,


Bdurl;: in:,ti1Hing new Shil!~l'i, IIl;;pe.;t the ccnteur ef the pinch-weld flange fur any .irregularitles und correct. New~'5t; may bs, w;~d .1.,.0; .F! t~(npl~toE"; for this check,


L Clean, all old saalar-Irom !.he wlodshteld openil1.g and rubber channel with a putty kni11l: and, rugs. Do not use gasoline, oleum !ipirlt~ or other c;.olv(';;pUi ,!~, clean scaler From i:u6be,r: channel as the channel will be: damaged,

2. Install rubbc>r- ch!:mll~l .aeound wlnd.:;;hio';:ld J,ll~~t:l.

3. Inseet ~LL~cl1ln!l n~ifl.{W'; of revecl m-oldings, into 'reveal molding groove u]' rubber channel.

NOfi!:~ Wind~hi~ld 9Ig~~ h !!Htll;!!!~d with manufadurf!n trod!!- mark at 'Ih~ lowi;"r

4. Inacre <l :otr:ong· ecedtete Lh.:: pi..l:leh-wdd !Jangc cavJty or thl! rubber cbnnnel, tie curd I:"nd.oi at botLym eeneer ur lI~embly and tapeends W wjn.iJ'5nilflld C]n~5 (fis·20}:

5. With~ ~lliing guu, apply CJ contincue ~.avy. rfbbcn of 3-M Aut1Joody Se~l1;lrl 01;" i~ equivi1]~nt, to the base of rubb~l' 1J.11Qnn(!1,

6_ Apply!;'l heavy ribbon 1I[ se",'I(lr :l,t the pinchweld flOl,n~c i1.1gn·~ each -ade (II the windshield opcnil1:il: nnd extending nut slx inches hom eneh comer.

1. With the .t.1.1d ot a h!:'ljJ'E:f, place tht:: wtndshield assembly Into the body wind.:,>hiijld Ij.p~:ni!"lS On CUI1\o'tlrtlbl~!:i und Sport COUIX:.'> ~~Iliutli windshield a~B.elflbiy slightly oIT cetltl:'T in lD-pcni..ng:.Kl u.:o 'La (:nl<nK~ ,the nang~ ill the sldc reveal :mnlding with tho windshield plllur. W}lilr; pressing fh·I"I']Y f'l"lwn tht;' 1,~If~hli"!., IUlv4!: hvlp.rr nn tlll~ 111Nitlu :-;itJwl.}' IJUU 1.111..: ;;"vl'll alolj_,b! the botll)ll'1 only so " ... I(} sl'n~ j,h", lip nf th~_rubbc.l" ~h.1tlrn'l P'V~T the pinch-weld, PIJII cord eery a 5 Ier as tile lower corners nf the'

c:pell.ing. Kmh2003

8. On Dd Air and 210 Series LQdil'~ frQHl the outside' nl the wlndsbtelc, apply pros~u~ clcwnwerd !;l.i ctlc:hlQWI.:J" \dL ll.(Jd rlgbt aot:"~)et" so "8 to scat the rower flange or the corner :nl"l,.·cal mDJdih~ uuderneuth the belt molding

9. Continue ·pullin~ the curd up each side and

BODV 1-16

across lop flf th~ windshield unLil U,~ lip ur Lhe rubbt:!r ~h3nnl!J is seated over the pinchwold eorrrplet Iy around the opening. On Convcrtfblca lind. Spwt ClIIIPC,," eng-flge AJ'lngc of .o:;idn 't'e:\t~Jl.1 malrlinp: with wludshlald fllll1i), wit.h (he aid 01.01 putty knife.

10. \Vlth wlndshield in pcslticn, rct:i~htcn belt molding flttllr.hing: nuts underneath the instrument panel, then J·eill!lot.all till; glove W.II. 1.11 its nri}!in:11 [lI,lsit.iun.

11. Sport Coupes, ulil1ly 0. ribbon of 3-M Autobody Scaler, Or" its cqoivalcnt, to the ~ttaching llunge of the rnin deHectnr: 'thi~ _o;.[!;II1~r :-;lwuhl I'ilrlltllly cover the ~ttf!ching screw holes. Then Inciall .rll.ln d~f1.E!c:I.o1" to b<.dy.

'12. On COIWQ,'tjblCJos and Sport Coupes, seal around belt molding art .. ching holes with 3-M Alitoborly sealer or its equlcalcat. Install belt molding.

13. Reeeel winfbhidd wiper transmtssions with 3~M WC!.a.thcNttl'ip Adh~ivp IIr ii.'t ~t'JlliWlhml und install wiper transmig.<;ion!'J.

14-. rnsl..,l1 windshield garnish moldings, c::;cutcheon And Tear vtsw mirror.

15. Seal LIp of rubber ehunnel to windshield with S-M W",alh",rKL:dp Adhl".FIlyo or itr; f.!'Cl1li.v:l1-ent.

Ill. Clerm up j:l:la~, rQIn.O\l~ Pcrt'lh:.divH I~uvp.t·in~~ iimu replace wiper blade find Arm assembltes,

REAR Q.UARTER WINDOW Regulalo.r T)ope.-1949·.!i3

L Remove the (IUarlHr winderw garnish molding.

2. R(li!ll! window, turn dnwn trim pad, T()JnQVetape 0\,..:)"" ~ut--t.vlS tn Inner ('ii.IOrl;C.r panel. Thrull¥h_ these: cut-outs. remove. Ihe f()ur. screws f-I'{II" the regulHtor com.

3. Lower gh1.!';s assembly as fax rut It wll1 go. 'Then, dlsengege mechanism and Iltt up glass. Tilt toward In!il-rti!' nf body to (ree it from it!; channel and remove.

4. Rcmo\'i\1 IJf gl~ Irom sash channel may be ;.tccl.lInplishM in the samo manner cs the door glass.

S. To lnstall, reverse t.hr: "'NOVO prnCl;!d1,lHh

SUd.lnl! T:vp~--1~49~5J

1. RtlIDOvert'[Ir quarter wlndcw garmsb moldmg.

2. R~mQvC\ the three xcrcwe find washers h.olulh.!:j the window end its mechanism tn top ~1": ... '1 of lower window (Jpcnill~.

3. Carefully r~rt)Qve glass and cpceatleg tI}HCh~ anlsm.

4. Removal tlf g~.ss from channel may be nceompllshed in the same I1IIl1.mt!.r. Uti the door eless.

5. To replace, reverse thls procedure. "M<;tke-sure window' Is cl(j~(!d before Ll.chtt!nlng "cre\V';'

G, Adjll:lt.mt.:nt is prcvided by slutted auachlng .!If'rl·W boles which pr{)v.idf<! "In" and "out"

adjustment of the glass and npcrattng mechanism.

SliltioniITy 'type-191.9·:;:j

1. R.(I.m(lV~ [,!,'31" quarter ~Ul>Mh mn!.dins

2 Fl'om iU:iidt.: LI!,: lll,"li,ly~ I'VIII_VV!:! :iitttth:m;:lry gb sa o.: anrl chonnol assembly by frP(!mc: ~h1tnnel from its sealer on the wall uf the rabbet arn\Jnd the window opening,

3. Remove Rias'i from rubber channel

4. Clci.ln any rJin. <ilnd old sealer from the wull of the rabbet around Ih~ !o.1alinM"I'Y winrlQw np\~(linlf'

5. 1'0 repl::u:!~,in..c:ta.ll. glass I..,. rubber- channel.

6. ,P'JP;ce strong !::i.irin~ in rubber cavity of slos. s rubber che oncl luljll ... ·cnt. to mil.,,,· Up ot channel. :Sl.ring must extend completely around cbannel.

,. Apply 3-M Weatbe-rstrJp Adhesive On wall of rabbet completely around channel.

8. Iustoll window and channal :iI!iSli!J:llbly tu cpcntng from inside of body, making SUfi! Ieee ends of .string D1'(, ecccsslclc un outside of body.

9. llolcllng one end ol slri11K sluliolliU:.'1 gnl:';p the oLhp.l' ~t'Jd :~ml pull ;1'1 a pl.'me- paeallcl te tlie J:i,lH:':i, the .sLl-:i.nij should always hQ perpcudlcular- lu ;,hQ rubber channel. Apply moderate nand pressure around the class Il·otrl. lanidc wC hudy in ='ict. the rubber ehennel horne around opening.

10. Install ~o.rnish molding.

All Cunvertlble and 1951J·!)Z Bel Ait and 1953 Sport C"U"':'

1. Ccnvertlble-d.ewcr the ton.

2. Remove rem" :iCi:lt ml;l'Cm~ly.

3. Remove r~ar fju:lt1er trim ;:rnd, hardware.

4. Sport. Coupe--Hemove molding ~l1ppart_

5. Remove qUil;rW.r giHSS hinge pivot bolt.

6, MCJve glass into hall-up po~ili"'J1 Una dtseagage- htnge arm from female hinjtc. Remove rom channel fyom rt,'guh.t.llr ar-m end "remove quarter glass-from body.

7. To Install, reverse this procedure.

A.djustmel1ts Span Coupe

Up and 00\\,]), Fore and Aft Adju~tmcnt

1. "Up and down" aJ\U "f~lrl:! ~md aIe' adjustmenta uf the window glass are miIdeby IO{lseping the pivot bolt. he" I)nd t,hc ndju;;tin!:! stud nuts "A" then .... hlfting window p,1;;;::,q eseembly 1.0 the dC;)~nttl IJIJoS)UUIl (fil'!. 21),

2.. Stnp '''D'' is attached at the: lowce end. (]f: (he gh"L5.:l guide for []dju~lins Lhe dcwuward travel of qLllJtlet SJ. .. sa . .1:1'01' thIs o.djustwt.'nL, it la

neoossary to :~:m(il.'e 'l:b~ li1!l.dirtEi hc.leo ecv ... :I':c The "up" limit of travel of the window ~ controlled 'by lnosenmg the nut and raising or lcworlng .:top j'E"

In ~nd Out

1. The <fin and out" edjusuxecte u.[ the quarter wmdow Is irI;ade by LOOr.;CfIing the stud :nuts "A'~ and turning the studs. 'rus-ung thestuds 1111'\" mnves. tho top of lhQ. glass "tn". Turnmg the :!ituu:o iioue' moves the top of 'the gless cut (fig. 21).

2. The. window SUldlO- may .also bl.! adjusted ".w

or-cut" by two sh.lds 'I:B". .


Up .md U·9WD, [i'o:re and. Aft

1. S:1I11(, ~~ adjustecont en Spert. Coupe

2. "Up" trevel il'i 011500 controlled by ... top ii,A".

Loosen bolts end position stop !lot desired ]~(::1tio;;n, ;n"!tightcD bulb {fig. 22).

In, Imd Out

1. Brune ee adjustment "[~ Sp{ll"t Cou(Jl:.

2, Toe quarter window guide charmcl is ad[ustod in 1')1' out by ]oosl:!nmg the bolt jiB'· on lK;ldy· Iuck pillitl': face and nut i"G"1 at the sdiustlng stud on Inner panel. Move guide tod~<::irc:;d pCI'?itI!1n then retighten nut and bo!t (fig. 32).


TIle remcvelof all back window glass ls basi. :e-a1ly tll~ -S<i.rm,:: as Lhe "",ll:1.o3.shi",l", glass removal Th.i~ operation outlines the back wludnw glass

BODY 1·11

:rcmo\l'al on 1949-53 bodies, The Stylelrne (notch. back) oo.tI.y -seyles have the fol1owi'1g excepflorts, 'I'he rear quarter bah ITl.old1n,g tighl sod lef:!', the Dell moldIng "snap-orr' rctain<'l!l' below the 'back window UpClJ.ing. and. the corner reveal moldings at each lower I:urn.er- [If the beck window I'Ip~nlfig ll"tllst be T"~inl"l\iell hi'!!fnN~ P't'~."Hc'ljilg ..... ith. the :dcplr ;;J.:;; outlined in this epecatlce, On the Stylelina models, the rear quarter belt :mLJ'din~ is etteched wi.th "snap-on" retainers and also :nut and 'Volt assurnblice wbich tlrtl· H~(;~~::i!Me thwllj:lll Ute- upper rear compartment opelling. All ether

cX.(":t::'ptil'lon:s are Mt~ .. t '


1., Remove ool:k window garnish molding. On 19,~3 l;.o(ll~", tu.rn back the !;p o;;of lh-r:- r', .... b'\~~ chunuel, luside al, l.:ii..:1! UJJJn.:r: euruer and remove the uppe.r comer reveal 'flloldlna nuts. Theil remove the mo'iding' Ircm Um outside of the body, With :IJ Hut-bladed tool, loosen the rubber chnnnel from lts cpm ... need h~,.o.;F! ('It pinch-weld flange around inter-ior of back window opening.

2. Appl,r moderate hand pressure ecrcss the top 0:[' glass ,f,n.nIl irul.cd.p the bods- and carefully foQh!Q the glass anti .Ils ~a.fLilQI at cne side to release Ircrrr the pinch-weld.

3._ On iJ~~.out_<:.1~(l E)l 'the 'body, r-emove the! gla,<;:;: and rubber channel assembly from the open'in!:.

Non:: Th~gl.gSl ,,..mains in the chc,rm",1 ~\.Irln[J ~t!mo¥Df.

4. Rj,!JIIOYI'" the reveal mlJldUii! by Iirst -r..utling

BODV' 1-18

the rubber chiln0f,11 011 the side of the meldin~, then sJiding th molding O\J1. of the rubber channel. Th", escutcheons (It the cantee uf the back wiuduw cpcnlng will slide off the molding during its removal.

5. Hcmove ,1a.:;~ from rubber ehuuucl.


Before new glass tustelleuco, Inspect the contour Of Ihe pinch-weld Ilunge (or any incguLariti(ol!; and coned. A new rear- window gla:>::> can be used as a templa.te. UsiUR a scraper and oleum spirits, remove all the uld cement from pinchweld flfl.lJgf:! and dry thoroughly. Also clean rubber gloss chann~l.

CAUTION: DC) ncol U511 9allOllnD OT limi/(lr prbdlJ d 110 rlilomo"'-e 5ealar Irom r ubb-ar (httnl'leJ.

1. Apply 3-M Autvbody Seater around outside Lese or pinch-weld ccnunuously around back wluduw open..iug [1.'I.sho ..... n at "A" (fig, ~3).

base of the loop overlap within thu pinchweld cavity.

4c, Using R mUd seep solution find cloth, lubeicote rubber channel Inside Up.

5, 1.nst .. l1 the glo~ and 'tubber channel Intu the window I1pEnins with ::olrlnA' accessible from tnstde oody. 'W1th either 3 helper 01' mi>)5king tape hQlding Lhe bad·;; ...... j_p(.:k"w assembly firml)' to the opening, use the :;.tri.I'IG I:rom wide the 'l:K:II3.), 'tn pull ,the 111:Qel' lip of rubber channel over the plnch-weld (Ii_g. 24).

6. 01.1 1053 bodies, ~t?ply 3-M Autubudy $calliI' to the upper corner molding holt holt!s in rubber channel aJSO QPpJy ,s!.'lI.le.r to thlJ' b:1Se 01 the 2ttueh~ stud

1. R(,IDshJl garnish moJdln~ and hum the ou-t, side of the body, seal the Hii' of the rubber channal to the gl:;"i'.~ wlth 3-M 'We .... the:rs'lrip Adhesive.

2. In.~I"lI ~!a13li in. Tl,lbber cha rme] and with lifllli:d hft1).d &Clap, lybl"ic."Iiu reveal melding ellvity of rubber d.;;.t\rl.~ Qlld install reveal moldings to ~hO!o.t'!ncl

3. ]n£,crt:'l ~trong c;ord Inlu -roubber pinch-weld cavity ot "CI'. Allow 1\ loop 1.0 extend out or the channel at one ehle while tho;' two ends of the suing ext-end out of the channel at tlro opposite side, Be ~urt! tf1c strings at lh."


Reveal and belt m<Jldin~ .. arul.lnd the window openings are- lustalled ..... jLh c1ip~ while the belt 0(" lower moldings ecruss lhe doors und r-ear quarters are Installed with bolts, hulS and washers. The upper petucn of tho molding uruund the window op<:ning is ualled a "reveal melding," The molding nlnns the. Inwnr- sill uf the window opcnlng is a "belt mo1ding." ThO! Illolrlhl& across the lower dool." panel tsrcfcrrcd 1;0 as li "door outer' panel lower moldin,;:. '-'

DOOR RI1:;Vt-;tu. AND DEL'C MQl.UI Nu- 1!.t49-52


1. Protect the fini.~1 Oil i;'ilch sill!; ur the mulding with m~ing tnp~,

2. Remove upper ~~vl;:<ll mQldlng .mq lower belt molcllrig by I;itrwl" ,rel'f!l;1.;1ing the moldinK clip lull:.; nn 'Ih(: inljlide of the> HOOt' I!;:m~",

underneath (he weathersttip or 'by carefully p!:yir'g tho m~)J.1ing [r-um Lhl;! .JJut,.;;id~ (lor thl;'l door with .,. ~11 i blhlp R:<!I.-bbclAii .t.uoL


1. Install molding chps in then- Ol'~g~l1al postncn in dip cpeulng In door parte], If dip!:> are bent 01· damaged, cse flow ellps. NOn,SD!"I'l-e.!"!1olding Inslolla.Heonl trial' bl! mo.de by pll;ldng the dip,- in the meld-

ing fir:;;t, then ~pacin9 ecch dip ·10 corr9~!=,ondwah 1.h& dip opening in the

door ·pan,,1.

2. ML:er dip lnstallatlon, s@t each cJipand clip U.l.!~.nS.ng in doer panel with a liberal amount of 3~M Autu Body Sealer.

3. Place .woldfug in pcaltlon OVBr llHp.,,", center and ellgu it properly, then snEip In place,



1". Iterno v e ·Window g.u-:[li"," tnvl.Ji'·'g, ill!;!j_.)\," bundles. arm rest and n-tm pad

.2.. R~il1rJve kJl::liling hole ;::U\'~~ en deer Inner panel.

3. Ben-eve nuts and washers on inner surface o[ dtm.r Qute:r panel. Irom molt;Lmg tntaip.ing clip,".

~.. Cardully remove molding from outer I1Ml"'1.

Th.;!.rt't~Jning clips are held in the mole.ing ant;l. ar-e removed ." .... rrth it.

Iu..",(aU .. tiiHl

L Apply a ~oaling IJr 3-M Autu Budy Sealer Mound f'~u:h boll rop;>f.i r'e in dm,l' panel,

2. Equally 5<pfI(:e each d~p and bl~h in ihr-, molding to correspond whh the bult hal e !! in tho d{)l)r panel.

'3. PlacE! molding in por-it.ion nnd Mj~ cncl (If molding with tbe edJ":~ nE the door. Then on the inside of the door, lustull wushers nnd nuts -il.l1.;;1 tighten securely,

-1. Hcplaee Iqad.ing bflle ccvera, l;.E-Se4lillg at ll.~~iltbly.

5. Replace trim pud, lli,!"-Ildc donI' hsndlns; ..... rm rest and g,n:·111sh 1!IQ"il:IiO[l,

1 Loosen center pillartdm »ud w!ndlm~e Iouudcucn Fit UPllp.r· f:i:ll(J

2. Remove center pillar revea; moldlnu assembly by rL'muvillg the Iitt~CJhi!l1: nut and washer en lh<; uonter pilhu- inner pnncl.

3. orb Install, r~W'l'~ this 'P.l':u-c::edul"e, S:"Ulil'g unnchlng hr.I.~ wtth ::i"M ALltLl Body S~al:C!.· pnce 10 poail.i .. ming molding.


1. A'LL STYLES EXCEPT TWO DOOR COUPE: Rerunve the rear .:I~ot. cushlcn and seat back,

2. !i10UR .DO()R i'BRI. Am": On thp. h·l.'~ic]!> !If ..h~ body remove rca- (!ua.rt~l" belt Ilntshlng mnldh.l,il; by j·.Q-fCiotJing Ul:l.ii! (1) screw and slidjr1.1l: rTLuloJinL: Iorwerd Iu di.'1'-JuL:"OItge [rum re-

tll.iniD.g clip. kmh20D3"~

3. ALL STYLES EXCEPT TWO DOOR CO·UP'E: Inside the CDT, lccsen thn headlining cr the qu::rrter t"t]}JTI .p~_p~1 along the rear CJ uartar ar e .:tl .... ·J,j.:;h .... "(,. .. O:'r' is Hppli",a61c ;:ttld ~·CITW\'e. the belu melding T-I3"tainll'!g nuts end wU!iht'J·.:I.

4. ALL STYLES; Underneath the upper seeHan .of the ccrn.p;u;tmen( op:'~il:)& 1:"C,.,.HWo;: all belt. molding retalnlng nufs. cup washers und rubber washers. At this .:;I.f.,ge (he belt meldjfll/i: on d-dou . r ~lylt::;. can be removed,

5. 'tWO DOOR. STYLES ONLY; From outstde the bndy·. ~~I'~[wly· detllcb &ont portion or melding fl'OIll th~ ."!IJ1:lp-nn l'etRiTlnrc'l aklll.(:'l cccb .1'0,11:' r{u ... rter outer panel and remove Il1Qld.ing .

R 1'[1 il1l'blHl r:1:'~."I""&~ th", ~1hntJ .. I"Ir(~cl;'dl1rp,


NOTE: "h~ 11l1;114ingl Ilj:fe~red fa in· ~hi~ pracedure. i~ thll- tric::mgular ~hc.pcd malding

L Remove rem- cushion il.md se .. i buck, Also . [oc)$c.n .El.tld 'turn baek hcRillJ.ninQ At the: rear quarter area.

2. Hcrnove tile rear ·1l.ui;u1.e'r bell moldtng,

3 Through thP. (ui-u1,1l j_n '~h~ inner u.f'"pe1"" quarter censteuctton remove the .tMl.d1ng ralalnlng nul

4. On the outside ul lhe lwdy, remove .rehtining I$CT~\'S securing lower Bang.-; of molding to i'~H~ hi'!lt J'l:r-f'.ll ... F the qll!ll't"'~ l)flhr.1

Sltde molrH.nc forward LtJ dis~nBRC-C il Fmrn clip. Remove Ulmt:r Re'ul' Quarit'r Sjd~ OL,L(l1r Fi:fne] Ml)liHng fr'(Jrrl body,

[i 'ft'! mstall., rcoerso tlns p!'OC'"C"du.I'C'


I, Remove rear seat anel ~i;ll back,

2. Loosen headH[J,in~ ut w-e· rear quarter area :>;0 as tergiti.!.l access 10 ·U1Q nut I"':lL.~'ning muld-, Ing .. .l~cmovc nut and woshcr, Also loosen Iront perf.lcu 01 belt moldIng·,

S, On the cutstde -of csr, wtth a suitable tnol .c~.-eful!y pry the nnrJd,nl~ :>0. U5 to free the.mo~dlng dip Jrom the: cl.Lp hole I.t:J qU.lll·t.e.r panel. . Carefully disen.RDge lower Ilnnge ol

BOiOY '-20

molding from beneath belt molding and ranurve.

4, To Install, .re .. eel clip hole end ~ttachlt:l.g boll hole nnd reverse the above procedure,


1. Bemove thi!' Tt!M 4lu1r!t!r hl-1ll 1'rl.I'!I!rllng.

;;: .. OJ:! ~ (lu.:,;!" siJlltllls I·UIIIUVll the uppe s rear quarter side cuter p.;ln~1 meldinn. 011 2,·,door ~~dans. remove the r-ear- qunrtoE'r hendee muidinJ,,-'5.

:i. Inside the car remove the back glass garnish mold.ing end neer the IIp'pt-:r right and left: comer tum back tho lip of rubber channel sn.d reEtEovot! th.e- nut and washcl' ~ctil"lnlllg upper cnd of side reveal moldir.l;E(.

4. Outside the c,ar 'reuusve 'Uu' sheet metal .';t'!'OW!; 'rElJ~il1ins: mr.otdin~ to the ou ter- C!.U:il.l"ll!r panel. Remove '1noldifL~.

5. To iru;t::.l1, reverse th.ls. ptl),:gdure '-nil sQaL as ~J..1~!-cirb'~d.


1. Remove g<l.tn,lsh ruclding, inside handles, nrm rest find trim pad.

2. Rll'mQ'VC) .'I'(;:;Ir deer 'loading h.c,~l~ cover,

::I. Throu,ll!h the Ioedtng hole, remove fender ;;:hi.,,]d ~~t:atr.ing nuts .f!l"ld w:'l;~."rs from instdo face Qf doer outer panel, On 1953 styles else remove ri.vl!t ni lower comer.

'1. Reo-eve the fender shield aseerablv, . 5. TO' r- epluee, J~eV@1"S~ this procedure.


1. Rameve renr uuuetee trim ..

2, Rell~I)VE:' l("lildin~ hole ("IJ .... er and thnm,ii;h 'loadinG hole, remove nuts and washers retaining fendcr~hield to nose portion of fender.

3. From outside o£ lxad)c, remove the two retaining f;r;reW5 at the bottom nf fm,cl~r shield and remove Shield. OJl 1953 styles remove o-n(l ::!!";!'6W Irvm luwer Ieee IJ"n shield end n retaining nul from lower Henge of fender;

4. 'r.Q in~t.:;J I, reverse thie proCcdl,lTi)<



1. Loosen liet screw ned eemova seat ac:1jli!'iLEl1:' contYOl,kno'b Ir-ruu ),,!'t side (~[ se .. t.

2. Remove scat side panels on d-dcc r m-ndel.~ by removing twn screws. on front curved end of .side panel ;:md t1PlK':!' HI.d It1W~r Quier rch'linIng screws Itt rear uf stde panel On a-doer

modela remove twa srrrcws on front curved end of side panel. then ultseat back assnmblv Iorwcrd to ~;<:p~~t! !;>id-l; p1l,n~ t"ol:.ll" .a~L!:!.!_:hinS:

SOI:OW am;l rumcve scr'ew .

1. Recuavg !.:".at adjustcl" belts a:H.:!.chu~ each seat adiuster support to the Boor pan {fig, 25}.

~. R"Ll"bOV~ th.., front ~c::Jtn5,';embly f!"<lm the rJQdy 'with l:j;ei:iL adjuster assembly attached.

5. To ill~j.!:IIJ! :mver;)1;'l lhi;::; procedure.

1.. With :SCilL tn a full forward. position turn h.:;I~k jloor- l!i1Il'1~At lj~ ex):)(li<P. ihA! l'Clar ~~aL ed[uater lu 1100r pan b~Jt:o,

2. Remove LWO (2) reu .s.r:SI. ndiu. s ter bolts from cueh SiUoCl of scat .

With a helper, puu scat !tSsC!lI'1.bl.v rcarw a rd to. d:ise.n,~<lga the r-r-onr adjuster legs It-era brackets.

4.. RN11.Ov9 scat assembly Ir'nm fhe body.

5. To Install the trent scat assembly, [,(:YCl'SC thA ~h(lV:1:' pl·f.lr.~dU1'o.

'.rJ'LT1NG Sf';AT BAC'K-19S:t

lrl)wli!~ Sid~ r·i!!n~I-It(o,m!i~,fJ.1

1. Loose Se"a1: ~"jdjudl!1' kno.b sat ,~r .. w ru'id 1'~ rncvc ~nob.

2. Remove two (2) Sel:'CW3 (rom Imnt of lawler aldc fl,mel

3. Till seat back forw.(Jm nud rernovn ... r.J"l!!. ..... :md rubber bumper and the screw at inner rear of panel.

4. Pull !;id;'" Iuiuo. panel oulward~t thn :£rnnl to dear br .... .kcts end remove.

5. Toin"Jt.:l·Uj T-l"'V~rs(!. tn.l~ procedure.

Upper Stde FLl11.el

1. R.;!rnlJv~ seraws. Url.l>E.r And lowar- screws at

2. Rotate panel out of position and r-5"rmJVH..

3. To Install, reverse tbis rm~p!flurr,;

Seat Ba1:k

L Hemo,!!. lower sidli! p:an.Q}.

2, RI;iIDOV4;l llie center 'hi_n~l,! past ecvee plat,", 3, Renmva cotter pin nnd weaher frbm_ outsrdc

hinge pin.

~. Till 011PI1l=ii.til,licat. back 'forward.

5. Pull the scot btick bi;!\ng )'~oved reward (l\Jl:liid;;:: of cur dl::;;engaginM outalde -!lUppot"t arm Irom the hinge pin.

6. Rotate the ecat oock furwurd 'to {I"';:I!!,ng:as:" hocked end rj-( ce .. tcr hinge 'pin nom its roetuiner nnd :r~mUVB seat lmck.

7., 'rQ il':ui:lall, eeveese th:f.; prooeduee.

NOU'~ At t,",1;' eemer hing~ ot'ad'oi'nenl a -nLli.':f WOill"eVf II ~n5talh,d en tho hinge pi!"! next ~D the cushlen trl m.


I. Ft.An"Ie'WA T.hA front :'=i:eAt assembly from body.

2. Renic)ve lhe .seat lower eide ptlilela.

3. Debeeb l{)l!klng 'rod ftnm clip;

,4. Re-move seal arjjllstcr- In seat. Jrame bo.lt.

Move: atidinrt mechanism :reQrw-!:I_rd nnd eemove attaching bolt. Move sliding mechanism forward ynd rell'l()Ve allschin_q bolt.

5, With Beat adjuster detecaed, the luc.king ecd can be dlseugaged and the' ediueters a-emoved. 1:'-0 Insi~l!} :rQVG:i"~A this procedure.

ROBE CO~D-l949-52

],. Gra11p cord, push in on one end, tL!I"'C slightly to diJ:;Gl:lgage bock and remove. Repeat, ,fox· oihcr end.

2. To remove escetcbeon plate. romove single ~crew hllidins· e.!iCLiit!hQ!Jn tc' !IIi;!yl back,

3,. To :i.C!itaU, fir':it replace e~u;;'_ltch~l~ 'plate H aemcved. Hold cczd SCoi book end [ .. in ho'tienntel position wltb end of heck toward outI;:id_~ of body, _[:11!l~rt hank 'through eseutnheon plate and. push 00 cord until it snaps into place.

Rom; CURD-usa

1. Remove robe cord escutcheon o.ttaclling screw at ca~h end nf corn and remove cord.

2. "ro install, reverse removal cpeentlon.

NOTE: On somO eDdy pradudlan 4-doi:lt sedan front $~~!li iii "spring rDflded" rlilbli! (ol'd il .... ~(!r:L t"'9 righ •• nd of '!hr;. r';ord h remDved and 'instdlleod {Is explained abl;lve. The 'left (::~d h~w,q:yer, ,. r~mov.d and irntoliud; thl!l IiiQml:l iii:; Q" 194'9~52 1'1'16dehl'.

BODY 1-,~1


On sedans l.h~ frO!l~ seat back may ue removed within the ear without disturbing the'seat cushion proper, or it may bet erncved alter {he entire scat [lSSJ;>I'!1'nly has h~n removed from the car.

L Remove b~d~ tf'im.Jl.!l.-D.f!l al~hln~' S[,,1'~W!l and weebere .:..t lower Qut!;ide corners of 'prlflIl'l,

2. Remove heck trim pHuci by- d&icngngll'l:g the sltdn on ellps :reillining the panel LI,l L1.l.'.,: Lll.f~I.:,r ~~f:I,t back frame

d. .f(ernove four bolts at each ~)de r'i!t!iiiuln~ !>H:,l!t In'lc}.: t(l- th~ 'bottom of cushion frame. Also remove seat adjuster track cover screw.

4 .. Lift Bent back flss.emhly upward from seat ~D('keJ:i> !lJIU remove.

S, To inetell, rCV"L!1':'E thla prcecdcec.

}\'lU.JNT SE!,:A~r BAC,K.-I!,I5~t Solid 'l',Y,pc Removul and Infrihlll<itlon

1. Remuvc the frO-D'L "eat side panels.

2: Rf:!n'iaiJO four (4) bolts Ht each lower corner

of seat 'back. kmh2003

3. RCtnO\'9 SCAt hack by li£til"!S up ."'=Q {hat !u" .. 1 bai::k bt::-C:Oil.1CS dlscngcged :from the cushlcn frame,

4. To Install, reverse thhi prucuduru.

NOT~: It re not nl!>,r~n ... ry 10 Itl k~ th~ s@al .01.11' of the body 'IQ tc-!t!'IIIl!'.e- .he see! ba.IOk,

Fnm1 S~!l. Sid.e Pan~h:-Reroo'ilnJ

1. Luc)~l:lll. ~Qjill.iL~l· kuaL set screw mul remove


2. ReJnove t~() (2) screws- at ,Il'ont o.f panel.

;]. Remove scecw at low-er real: Iaslde of panel. /1. Hemcve screw HL LO'1) rear Qf panel.

5. Pull ptlnE'l. f)n1-'I,'o!~rd HI;. f."on:l. tn .. -'ElM brackets Qud ,l'e.tnOV'Q-.

6, To 'i!1_,;1a,U, l"twcr;';Q;: thi:.> procedure.

litl';AN StAT' BaCK

The manner of ,T'!:tHini!!J:!; Ihe top (,If the seat back has been 'accomplished by three dlfferent methods 61nl,:e the. beginning of the 19::iL prodac\tOn year. Service me-n are cautLQh-r;:cl. ttl aseertain the metlunl uf ~lt a chment before all~D.lpliw;: seat back removal to ]~i"I'i"'Hilt d~mffAQ to the heed .. lining' due 'to Improper diS<:l~."b1:y"

'rhc firrt type WiJ.:! retafned .at the top 'b}r €!, [13- tainer at the top into which the J'lOl,l1gc IoIt Lap of ~at beck was positioned. ThE' second type wag retained tit the top by three screws whioC!h werei'~s1~lled tlrcougb 'the flange !;It the rear cOmp.!lI"'t"mfOnl: !'lb~lf intn thr~p mctal eetaincra tn UU!.!Ioat bnck assembly ';C'rp',;!> thc tQP. Thl:! thl.:r.d ~ is · re taj,nad at !:he: t.o,? by clinchIng ueee retaiaers Icceted cu the front :Rirngc: of the 'Pac:ki'l.g~ shelf over the top .s:prblg border wire.

BODY '.22

1. Li£t up and rcmrwe r-snr seer cushloe.

2., Frum Inside bod), <It bottom of seat LilCk, srratghten nut the metal ,retaming tabs.

J. Obtain two. pieces of [:l=Irdl~l.8rd and trim Que- ~ide of cadi ph~~e wlth scrap u-lm malerial. Insert UJI~ pleue of cardboard in between eaeh end at tile real:' seat molding and the hcadllnicg, with the trimmed sjd" flf lhA cardboard against the headlilu.i1g 1'0 provont the rear !i-e e t hack moLd.iI.l;,( Jrcm damaging the headltnleg durmg removal of the rear seQ! back.

4_ (First 'I'ype] Pull out the ':it:at b~ck .at the bottom arul carefully lift up to itee from eetamar at the top.

(SeL~QDd Type) Open the mar cnmpertmctrt and I'ClUOve the three I\el..<tinlng ~t'(:w::;; H't t'hG top. Then from LI~j.J.._~ wd)" pull ~~ .. t 'back out at the bottom und enrclully " move. (Third Ty}lc) In the trunk cumpartment, rp.mnvp the l'@Ql' scat back trim panel and inscrt .n laege screwdriver in between i.he top spring horner wire und tha ~anse of the pAckll.C't!' shelf at each uppO-r: !i,(Jrlllg' retaining dip and c:;..rAflJlly pry' thp sprtrsg fer-ward 'In unclinch eech clrp. Then Iroui lnslde body pull out sear bock at bottom <Inti curefully raise rear scot back upward approxin\fllciy I" and For-ward to d1sl:mgagii! the uppe1" border WIllI'! Iecm !hE:!' upper rd .. lJnlng ..:.lips and H:l'rIIUVtl sent baek.

5. '1'0 Install reverse this prcceduru inst;l1ling three rp.laining se1'9.Wl'I on second type nnd reclinchlng Upper :JPring rcteiulug clips IJR Olin] type.

6. Clinch Jcwer sprlng retainer tabs ;WE"r border wire .lnn reinstall :t'~i:l'r seat cushi n.



1. nernevc rear quarter window garntsh mold-


2. Remove rear seut cushlon and scat b;]_ck. iJ. Remove rear quarter atl'1I 1't.'JoIL

4-. R(>mov(! wludcw rcguJAtQt handle,

5. USill~ a suitable f1Hi. tool, p:ry loose the front edge of the trim assembly "AI> (fig. ~6) where it ~ secured to the Mlikin~ ~tTip by retainer nalls.

6. Loosen cemented poeuens of pone] .l11nnG floor nnd wbeelhcuse urces.

Loosen natls retaining pant:! along bottom edge of rear ouertcr Inner panel.

a PI'Y Jeoae the ~'i.hglc drive nail "B" ill tup rear corner nr panel.

9, Loosen lower edge of. Ti"'W' l)Qcly lock pfllar

trim Bud pry lClf1,,@ the- quarter trim panel ":lingl~ 11.00U at the top froh'~ co-nee. Remove panel.

10. To ifislitll, reverse lhi') procedure end reo cement the panel. where necessary.


L Remove rea. scat assemhly.

2. RemoV'(! screws retaintng rear quarter arm rest assembly (fiR;. 27).

3. Dlscerrncct wlTlili{ £.rUJIl ii~hJ. swltcb aJ1d ;re-ITlOVt> arm red Qf.\!;lemhly.

4. Remove r-oar uuarter finlshlng mnl.iing anrl regulator handJ~.

:). Un the .sport Coupe s't,yle, r-emove drive n,!>11 ",A",

'6. Swtng panol cul. tu expose blind taeka. Hemove tacks :l::ild Lt:,il'fi pa,no!l!-t

7 Tn install, T-E'VerSe procedure.


P~epiJ'[il1<1l'Y to 'headlining removal, tbe following parts must be .remeved. CI~lIn hands :n~ ~ntialwhw working en tho inte~jo:r trim pam of the body.

::L Garnish 'n<;lldi[l.G~ eroued 'Wihd!>hjeId., rear

quarter and back windows.

b. Sunshades and. br;;r,e:kAls. c, Dome lan.IJl i;Co'!:io.:mbly.

d. 'R~:lr i'le:;t cushion and rclll' !>Q:'.IL baek.

c. R~n~ eeet beck package .sh.elf trim (imitatton leather). '1'his tl'iin ls cemented 'to I:h", we'4li und mDY be removed by Firat loosentng jrcut flap, unbending teba under f1,ap, and &-c-clllg rematndee ru: trim pan.~1 r'.l'Qm cement.

1. Hemova bu~k.!; fN~m hc~dlWih!;l :.1.1 LlP'p1!l' out~ide C;OrneN of wlndsbleld, around quarter window cpemng (z-door stvleal , and from.. !;irl~,= of seat back comp:o.rtmeTLl ~hrilf.

2. Leeson trim around windshield end beck window op~niIlQ:r;. and. on quartet panels ~I;IQve wlieelhcvse on uppliclIbJc styles, Inasmuch as the trim li'l retained at these IocatlQru by pointed metal t:A~ (:6g. 28)1 proceed slowly to avoid damugtng matorlal.

3. St~:rl' I'"rg Bl th"" b-ent ~run0'!:, di.!:;;!ngnge tbo headlining [tom its retainers along buth side tccf cella. By Joose:llirlg the ntAin(!'f screws a1:mS I,h~ slda roof :mil progrcs'-livdy, as

he:ldlinin~ 'Is toosaned, it. Is euslee to dlsnngug<! I.h<." hcudli.ning frnm 'th'!l retainer,

4. On the right roof ran, remove screws hnldlng ends ef headlining 'luP.f; -t wires to sldc t"QQf rail ({lg. 29).

NOn:, j..Ir}r;!ldlirli!19 ~"'PP"'" "'... 1i,ling wh~ij: are ir!"lIrted through hUCldlinii1B li"ltlng~ on ,the I"Ippel' elde of thl!! headUning ~o ",,5 t", form th"l' "'~r;;!dliniilg te the 4:Dnlour (If the reef '(he ~.afl' .gAd of each support wlr@ h 'oI'rrm;;!d ..... H~ an ofF~et whi~h i~ iln~erted thrqugh IF! rubber BrDnim.e-~ in~u1ahld hote ln ~!1e left lid. roof, retl.

5, Swxtlng at the fi"'~"j, end proceeding toward, the rear, disconnect hcadllnlng support wires Irorn theb: attachment on the lo=(l sid~roaf fail, At the roof bow, bend down the metal tabs nod .ramnvo the headlining (rom its att2<!,h.rrHm~ nt the bow+ Proceed Lo the rear nnd remove headlining'.


1. In!j:tft.U the ends of the he .. dHning suppo:tt wires to their Dttr.chmc.nt On the 8i.de- roof ralt'

.Install h~adllnln_g Hstlug wire to its attachment cf ":hr: single H>Qf bow.

BODY 1-2"

3. Secure hoadlinlos to tnbs at buck window opAning.

4, Depending on the body dyln, secure hoadlillitlg at LhQ quarter window area wlth tacks and 19 the lower quarter panel over the tabs at this urea. Tack L1:1.0111'( sldes Q-f package

!&hf!.!( .

:>. At. the wind~hield opening, center and stre,leh hcadllulng forward and tnek at uppe.r· cuter corner-s. Then, alti.lI:b 11l~i1dlining to metal tnbs over the opening,

G. Install h~dl.lnlrig Undli'f T{-tait1c .... :-i fit stele roof "I'811Pl, woling a. h~a.dllning ilLS(>rting tool (fig. 30). M;Jke sure: retailll~'r~ lire tighl before kkil1irming Installation.

7. Install dome lemp, seut back package sheU tT.!1I1. panel, go.rflish moldings. sunshades, (Irld rear scat huck: and cushlcc.



1, Remove t"II"Q screws from euch skln whif'h retatn curved hlllgrtd arms to Inner face of c:lOQI;" and remove dllm -,

2 To in s tull, eaverse this pt·ocl:dure.


L At lop of door openinG, locxcn tbe. two M.:rCW5 of 1.h .. ,.:I.l"\irc.r plate rOl' in and ,ll.lt ndjus-tlru.:.nt. 2, At tho hing@' Drill aU.a('htT\g polnts on door Uliler surface, 'loosen the two screws Sit eneh $lde Cal' tiP and down uujmtmO.l1L.


J. Open the Insu-uu II-'nt panel (''lJmpa["tIuQnt door and remove the screws holding bmt to instru; ment poncl Ileuge at top und bottom and on each !lid'!;. Dirrtng screw 1"\1111IJVIlI, 'note two {lilterC'l1t type SC:rC\VH removed.

NOTE: The 51riker plate ot Iha lop of th@o op~l1iny need Ilot be remoysd in thi~


2. Tv in.!'i1.;lll. :reVCI'!=,C !.his. procedure.


1. The lock i. .. released Ly remcvlng one screw and. washer t.J:t'l the Iccle 'rcte+ner cap.

2. Tn in~I"'ll, reverse lhi~ procedl.lte.



1. Dteconaect vacuum ltne Crum. motor under dnsh,

2. Remove link retainer and ~ptin~ assembly ettaching wiper- arms tv mutur,

3. Remove motor ettechlug :;1~I·U\'l5. drop motor do w -n and di$c;unnect wlpec centro] asseurbLy cablo!!..

4. To et.!pL.cc motor esserubly, uUsen control cable to motor bcforo atla..c.h..ing motor tu mounting bracket. Install mounting ~ ... rews loosely.

5. Attach wiper arms to motor and connect vacuum line to motor and adjust as euxlined under "Adjl,i...;lment."


1. Disconnect Itnk at, motor under dash.

2. Remove glove compaetmont [or right transurlsskm. removal.

3. Disconnect wledshleld wiper 110so at transrrnsslcn illllie~~ed ilt ;'C'I (rig, jl),

"-_ Remove ·trll.n."lui~ion bolt; !'D" also retainer '·B". Br-eak seal and remove 11'an:smi:lsioo th.wugh opening .in top of cowl.

!l, To lnstnll, reverse tb.L s pl'nCli:!dlm~. Apply 3-M Synthetic Rubber Adhesive to both sides of gMke~ HAil find to LllcLnl surfaces of transmteelou ami c-owl.

S. Adju:;t link H:i outlined under iiA.djustrlll;!llt."


1. WHh lUQ"UI'JtiU.g" screws loose. end mctoe opcr{lung arm vertic a l, ~hift the ULutUJ !)O both wiper arm (lpcrtl1.ing levers arc vertical. Tighten lh ... motot;' mlil).ntli1J:; !lC1'CW:-'.

2. when the upt.!mtll1g llwi>:rl{ ,'H,(: vcrtlcal, the. wiper blades shnlllrl nlso bt:! vaefienl. U not.

shift the position 01 the 'blade arrns o-n theireerraued shafts 05 l't:qul'n:J.

3. If further cdtustmcnt uf the sweep nf th~ blades I .. desteed, wet lh~ windshield and turn wiper on to run about hall speed, end note the !;;WCL:':rl flf the arm, TIHm t~I"I"iO\!o:.-, Otl.~ or both wiper a rtns and change lu whatever position mny be necessary on the shaft to p:rovld", lhb desired ~ .. ve('p.


1. Remove th., V\,;per LI a J.,.:,:. cmd arms.

i::'. Remove the wiper transmisslou .qlrtnn .. r nut with '1'001 J-5449 from .... tll:h teansmlsslon. NOTE: The- o~h.r' gnd of Tool J~5449 .is "':!ted 10 r~muye the [onlrol "nob 5pannar


J. Inside the body. underneath the instrument panel, carefull>' pull each tmusecisslcn downWi:lI'L1 so that II l:iHps through the escutcheon On Iup of the cowl, Di.>l\(.onf,:~~~ tho! wiper cables From the meter lJ.UXilinry drive 1'Ir drum d-ri\'tl and rcmnve esscrnblv. To Ruin HCC~\."i: tn th,.. l"'.tIuSauLssi<:m undC1"tl{;9t(i the r,lght side or the eowf rCIIIQv., the tnstrument panel ccmpartmcet hux.

4. On lOp Df !h~ cowl, lift up .and remove I::'ud, wiper trtmsmlsslon escutcheon, Includtna wiper transmlsstcn gasket.

5. Tn in:;.t~U, reverxe Lhi.!i procedur-e. Clean old so n lor from escutcheon, p'Mkf'oj, end transIni~ion op~nltrg in cowl -1Ind reseal with J~M Auwbody Sealer or its equivalent.

6. Cot\rlcd wiper cu~11:5 to Iflotur· drive. On the first type transrrussrcns, tho cables running to tbe left l.i";msmiss10n r\H'I p.aral.lcl, the cable:'> to the rii:jh ~ transmiaslcn ii1E'e crossed.

80DY 1_25

On the second 'typ~, trensnussion !raving D, drum flmfiliary drive, rotate tbe drive ccuntercloekwbe "rod attach riHht lra'n.smisl)1{'1l1 cables-copper end to copper drum and steel colored to steel drum as shown nt "A') in f1~lll'e 3~, 'I,'h.m l'Ot.Q1Q drum loIuxili:lTy ds-ivn clockwise a lid attach IdL transausston ceblea to their respective drums as shown at "B" in f:t;ure- 33. AdjU!lL cable tcnalcri,

NOTE; Fir'4l "'ld i"lI'~md type wiper euxltIc:rry drfves and ttanuninion c:rssl!mblle.!l ar~p'j,o)' Inteu:hanger:ib'e-.


'.l'h.e movement of the wiper blades is controlled by the tcnalon of the wrpcr cables. Tu adjust thls t:cnsinn, wh"l1 urip("l' blade adion is slow;

1. On the flrst t'YPC move Ow wif'er nrrns by heed, rpid,way in their Lrilvcl arc. W'ith the l'Il"t1\5 Ion thL'I position the motor ~uxlliary drive le-ver shoulel ~ in ::'I vertical posiliOh (Au1iUiary drtve should remain in rhls posttion during oil !itto-p.o; or the- .adju!:itmcnL).

NOTe~ 'Thii positioning 0plllraUon h t,rnly neces s ... ry on arm drives. wiper mOlors ",quipped with Iplral drum drhiG moy be ttdjuil@d • n any pD~illon.

2. Remove al'lIL'i and bludes.

3. LflO~Il screw in cod of lransmilo.'Sinn ·lul(t upproximately % turn. Tap sc.rL"W ti14ht1y to in."lIr ... rlJII tensloe.

4. ~'rom under eowl. takn I: .. hl .. _~ bstwccu thumb and f~r",r.,\~~]" and inacll:se fin_g~ pressure unlll one notch rncvemcnt nf treusmisslun serrattons l:i41'"l hp f(>ll or hiulr-d. WMI~ boldin~ ceblea in t!rl .. position rcnebten the tenstun screw; 'I'hls i~ n two-man onemuen

80DY 1·.')6

NOTE: SerrDtian c:onla,t h: ID'!;I if 'en:iioi"l eerew te IDOU!nod exce .. :s.i'll'flly.

S, ,Rcpt:€l:t s:tep~ 2, 3 end 4 QU cppcsue wlp<-'..i transmlssion.

C, Recheck cperuuon of wiper blades on 11 wet windshield, If aclion is .still slow tncreese slack in ci.lhluF; by an addWonal notch moveIr1cnt of the tl'Rnsml.:r:iiQn scrretlcns.

Should ~"f'lA!oIS; Vjl> wi~ bl~d~ !jl.llp be the cumplajnt, it can bll' corrected by imu'~aslng the t~r{'!ion or the wiper calrlas.


1. Disconnect and r~m{Jv~ control cable und VClCtlWJ,1 lilll~ Irnm wiper ureter,

Z. Rp.lnc'ilfo[- two SCl'C-W!: attlll'hlng wipe]: n>oto:r legs to auxiliary drive and 'remove motor,

3. To ins-taU, reverse i:hi..q procedure.

NOn; i'=lr,t ol'td :iEc;und type motors OJI;! inter[h~ngeQbl e.

A.Ux.n.J'ARY DRTVlC----IU53

1. Disconnect tcansrntssmn cables from auxtlI;:'i')' dz-lvc.

2. Hemcve ccrurol cable and vacuuur lin!" fmm wipt::r ID.QtOT.

3> Remove two bolts frOl.h ::tu;(ili:.u:y drive: find remove iluxiBaty delve and motor.

To iustull , I.'l!ve..·.r.~~ ,thi.1:l p:nx:edu,h:' i1.ft,~,- cleeuinl! and regt!olill~ \ .... ~per. motor g:JJ:kf.!t wij:h 3-M Aulo'txxly Sealer or its equivalent. NOTE; Right IronimiUlon cgbl9S must be "crossed" b.fore (onl'ledin9 10 the auxil-

iary driYfl on firsl type onl".

GASOLLNll ~'ILLER 000 ..

1. Remove renr compartment left side trim. oppvsite fil1~r duor. CI~n eeelet from around dunr rotainJlIg nuts anti r~inrtlrc~onL

2. With lh·e fi1lo.':r doer in a raised position, ru- 1I~I) ... e the two upper .dcor r4!:ttcliniog ;S!;:l'(:W$ and washers. TI~(t .100£8 remfurcement lind retaining rwla nUl.)' IA: t't:rnnved frcru till: flJd.r compartment Inlerler lC':ft _'1it1~.

::I. Remove the dour H1\d silencer.

4. Tn ia.st.:JlI, 'reverse this procedure and place 3-M Autu J:ludy SI"Jller aruund drror eetnlner nuts.

S. 'l'hc nJ_]<;=r doo'r \:;; <u:Jju,:;;tRhlll" ver~h:-OAlly and hunzcntnllv by me:mo:: nf p)(ll'1gntcd screw holes.



2. Remove ret.~lning bolts £rmn Ihe hinges, two 0,,) each hlnge, and zerncve lid. "Us€- care to: prevent dl'opping or damal:tI to body finish.

NOTE: Although it I" possible to remO'l1!!

the lid by dn:!wil'l91 Vllt the lid hinge

PIM th", Op~ttiliOh dll'scribDd Ie much ~impler.

3. To ecntaee. with the Rid Ur 11 hplpor, ~gl'efully ,PCrsitio'r1 lid over h.ing .... ~t"f'i:lp:;; wlthtn thl'l ~f:l'illt.' InUI"~_ Install hInge bolts th.l'ou(:ln hin,i!.~ straps to Iloaung anchor ulates at atl.:d.ching points, de; not Lighten. CIQ3e lid «ud check alignment of lid in rrpnniMg

NOTE: 'a help rc-t~l!,! ,£OITut alig:ntn1:"nt a'

the rear dedI' lid in lis, opII!rllng in ttl", btldy

end thu5 imprQ!VIi.': wecther 'IE'aling, a 9yid~ pin whIch is ~diusl~bl. il inslalll!ld

at the borrom of rhl!' lid (nne,. pc:I!'!el on

Ihi! fight $ide of the lock. Wh(ro th" ~e,,"

lid is lowered, the pin flnh!r!l a hole- In e :i~QH plote aHachlE;d to the body th-Clt guides tr.e j~ d into ttl@ ~Clm~ po!:a;'r'!.'" il!cth

time il hi dO~ll-d.

4. '1'0 udiust. mo v ~ aa enher up Of' down or :o;id.cwny,s the desired amount W1d then tjgbt .. n t.h¢ holts.

NOTE; Floal'ing. anc;hor p1QtGS on the lid Innor pCI".;1 pormlt Ih~'!. adjI,lSlmc:nr. Thelid l(ttk ~triker u' tn. bonom of lid opf!nil'!9 and 'he :iide bumpers are aha adjus-table.


I. Supp"rt Ild rm the side Icorn wbtch hiuge is L·u bn removed and scribe hinge Iccufion Qn lid inner panel.

2, Remove Min.ce bolts from lid attar.:hing points,

3. Bend up retuinin,; tebs and remove the lwu hinge pl,ns {rum the supporL s.

4_ Rr:rn("rve th" :hUlgC.

5. '1'0 install, 'Position hln,ge QUi! Install hinge

pin at f"rOtlt of hinge box,

6. J'n"i1:all bcldcpeu pi.n tu f'\)& of hinge box.

7. ]lend down I;et.aining tabs.

Il. Install lid hinge bnlb" ~hcek i1-llg!lmcntand a.uj.lI.!;( as necessary,



'T'h" lid. lock sj_l'ik~r is mounted l<! ;1 .r::triker anchor plate at tilt! boucm of tho TI:!!U" eon.cartmcnt Iuwer opening ii1nQ is stained by two screws. The bevelled surface nnr.hor plate allows the :rl:dk.f'l', Ihl'clIIHh elcned holes -<11. the attaehLn~ pt'intR·! to be adj Ll,glcl up and down. At the

same urns-, ~ slight ~o!'r[l9pcmru;i'\g 'I'Mrwru'd and flfn.Yll:t'a adjustment i~ avatlable. L). extreme :1d[ustment C~P...!;. All omo-r,g"'-nt:y F:pace:r i15 cvclkiblc to obtnln pl'O_pQr eng:'lS,emQnt of lock .and f."tl'ikei'.


Improperly a djastcd rear compartment lld locks eud li'tr'kker plates-result in lilll~n)p"'r cperutlcn ol the Lid lock. Cboc'kinc: engugernent of lock bolt and striker and the f~llnwinp; adjustments should be made where 1~C(:CasHTY;

Chec.k.ioJr EnaAg-em~n't

1. Insert modeling clay at Ul@: bcuorn of the bolt- slot and elosa lid with moderate force (fig. :<4).

2. Open 'lid And check the e~agcmafi.t of lock bolt wtth striker as indicall!d by the compression of the rnodt;ling elny. Witl, a rule, measure the disL.'"lD.cce between the bose of t.hc "U" in the modeling clay lq the base o( the HU'! in the lock boll. This dimension should be ~Ii" 1.(1 %2".

3. Adjust, striker ::IS :requi,rod, j(- necessary. usc S !iPU{,e.r_ which \s available for cxl.l'~me cases of compartment lid lock striker misalignment, Tighten all n1.taf.,hing screws.


L With the deck lid open, SDil.P the catch to its normal locked pcaiticn. If the cutcb docs not go over-center r~.J enough, it can be Icrced to lh~ uukcked position with the hands. In this case the lock :;;hu'uld be loosened and a ~~ (\" shim placed 'between the rear compcrrmeut ,ima!r panel nnd tho lock .

.2. When the key will operate the lid handle pawl but the pawl does nul trip lh", leek I.n the unlocked positiun, loosen the hSlnlll .. n.~sCI1'!;bly nut mid mnvn 4!!~ul j1r handle shaft down.

BODY 1-"11

3. When the '1lIck beadle pawl prevent.'s the Lock from trippIng to the lu(;kc::d position, loosen the- handle: ~~"cmbly nut and movu end ur .hundl'il' ,!l:haft up,

4. When pawl in 'lock handle Llyl1ndei j.aUlll- tI.ElJ cannot be H1UVf'd wy the kuy lar enough to tclp lh~ lock tc the open ocsutcn. remove handle WiseJ:.uL.1y, tll:-ill:. ... --cmull:!' handleleek cyleyunder .wJ check Lip oJ the steel insr.rt. If til-' or .,;lucl Insert is damaged h. should be replaced.

5. Atlju"t rubber bumpers on each side of II.d I{vtz"nin.:.


Checking' Jer water Ica.k:t and then applying the right correction are two operation:.> that often require ccnsiderublc ::;k-m or ingenuity IJII the pea-t I}'f the service uum. Wi.ilur which shows up at u certuln IJlm:tl In Lbt'l body may actually 00 entering at a point ~1t.1'n!r than where the wntee 15 found. [II luci.lti.u~ and correcting a wnter leak. it b Lmiy 1.:1' it tllLl rough kncwledeo of txJrt)/ canstructlon, the lJ.~ ur proper seallng compounds, uud UII: knuck IJr lu()atlng, points O[ which a potential leak may occur, that enables the servlce man to make a successful correction.

'1't'sL tho windshtnld or rear windowfor leac, age by sprayln~ water under ml¥liilm pressure agulnst the fAC.~ of the glass. Direct a hmvy streRIII flhmg weatherstrip while: an assistant inside the hndy (~ .. !jth garnish molding removed} mlo\rks points of leakage, pa:ylng paetlculor ettennon to whether IQakage ~ltrS bclw(':en (he glassand waatberstrip or bC!tw~n weJthe:rsfrip and body window (l,p~I'_;_nii:' pinch-weld.

Af_t~r locattcn of leak 'has heen determined, apply 3-M WcatbQl1'Itr-ip Adhesive u!':inC cement gun .B-lS2-A b~1wC!~n lip flr rubber WCl)thC,l'~lrlp and glass. and before :replacing g-lfrni:;;b melding bet ..... een pinch-w ld lip of rubber weathersb'lp and body. Allow adhesive to set CUlU then retest whh a wotcr spray,

J:f wAter leaks occur around door ccecinn check to make :sure doer seats on rubber , .... eo.lhl:U::itrip. II d(IIIT dces not rest firmly eguinst weathcratrlu, door alignment should be checked and corrected.

"OOR ADruS'rMf~NTS 19i9-5~

There is pP.rh:lflS [10 othcl' part 01 :.J body Ilt'rut;- 1.11 rf> _'mhjc(·'. to m01'9 aCLu:J] use th:m are the doors r)f an autoulu!;lile bmiy. Wh@n one con-~iilel'$ the .l1u.mbel· ef tllTIC!= U1t!- clou1's nrc OPC,ll00 unLi ..:h"';I!d.1 somfJtim~!l. with fOT~e, the- w~luht ur the aOQt"$

ilODY 1-la

tht!nt.'1~h/~!',; Ht1 th .. hing~ and dovl?'tuU asseeebltes, the ccntlnual usc of deer handles and eegulatcr hIUldl~!i with the operation of windows ~j) Mel down, it is only roasonahla in !;uppnsc- t.h::tt doers and their mechunlcnl parts ccrtatnly need maintenance (tlJIIl lime to time. This is p:lrti('ul:lrly reuc of .£ront door~. Ji:xGept i» cases where the body has boon overturned or otherwise dAmag:Qd by Hcl:ident. the doors may ct"cilnnrHy bc Etted lu Lh~ ~Hly Ul)I.l'" cpenlegs by the slmplc method of ndjm:tirH! hinges and the- door Lock _o:;trik9l' plate Be.!ur[' ndjuseing hingc~, h!)~~'C'l,'cr, 0 careful analy.. lis of the deer condtuce as well IlS the corrective methods to hP H"tJod should be studied cut beforehand.

CHECKING FOrt noon ~1[SALIGNm:.N:r

Remnve t.hc door lock strlhcr {rom the body pillar to allow the door to hang free em its hieges .. Then cheek Hu:, sp..'v.:lng at the- sides .and lop of door (or flli.';;illlgllllli.:I1I,_ 'The bell melding Oll the doors and adjnccnt body li8.n~ls (fi~. :15) shoLJld be to t'j')ntll1w"u~ hQrizonW Q1.ignll)cnt


A butt type door b.Wgc i.'l ... ~cd Qn the front doers With "In and cut' ndjusrmem, provided on the dnoe pHh.r \\\hn~ '',._IP and down' l.lt1d "for(1 end aft" adjusLmenl:;; are 'provided through nver:;.LZQ nttaching bolt holl's 011 the front body btngo plllas- (fig .. 36).

A butt. type hinge is also used on the rear d(tVrs of all sedan bodies. An "up and do w n" !l.djlli'lhn~nt. i.!;: prcvldc-l on the door piU;;u-, while an "in und out" adlustmenl.i.!i mudc Oil the center plllllt" (fig. 37) _ Sbl.llu:ning of hh.ges may ~1ro be done to provide nE'CeS~iU-)I mljl.l,,>l.rllilnl.s.


The: Jollowlng dour .nli:;~ligl1IDent illustrations Al'e cxaggeruted 1.0 show pcssfble condition". Aftp.), meetbs of :!i1l-~VI{'_;j~, moet G~I;1G of npp'JXeu.t door

m.l.s!ll.i!:lnml'!nt C:1n be taken care (jf by <limply ti!thwn.ing the hinge screws.

NOlIE; 0" '1949'-52 model$, prior Iv mohing any door adjustment at tho hinge

FI,;., 3i'"-1I~ .. , 1':11_ ..... Iu.tm ... ~

allOithlng 'bolts on ,the frOnt bO'dl" plllof, it win he nllt':@<!Io:!illrV 10 r~mDVII' rho baRlIl pIQ!Q !JndQ-r Ihe f'lJ:!"IdJ:!'rr 1h{lr1o frQm; blil!low. loosen the !lilllJl~n9 Iitri'P [rem thu "01')1 body pilli:ir. Afler dOD,. i:ldjU'iliIMen, h,:u be-en made- she '~e(Jling 5trip $hoJ,lld be rf!ol!E!m~~tol!-d I" t"l!0 frD!'1t ""dV pil!l'I-f wIth 3-M Wccrlhc:nttip Adhc!ii,Yc.

Pigure 38 chews a condiuon where the front dour hi too hLHh ~l the lock jJiIl .. rr side, ',r.h~ "'l!dici:lil ~p;,vc;irlg i~ (.1)9 wide ~t the Lc;p and tou cloljQ at the bottom.' To correct, use one of. the fo.UowjD.g~

1. Remov-e .. 'UpPliil' hInge on dour- pnl-1l.T Iaee :md. plsee Ii thin w ... i~r;lJ.rllllr GRnJLOd.HI shhu 'behind the complete hinge strap, Then, ughten hinge in nlcee,

2, He-move door. lind at the body pHial'. adjust upper hinge "aft" and/or low ... r hinge "ferward" the desired amount.

3, 'I'o correct on 1''Z'al' doors, rQmovl.! thG upper hinge strap ~t 'C&nh:r 'pill", .il,nd pl~~e (i, thin w~tr:'r'pI""OO( cardboard ahlrn behind the complete: hinge strap end tighten in place.

4, Repleee and adjust doer lock str.i.k:et. Fig:ur~ 39 shows n ccndrricn where the front door Is tOD low .a:t the: locl~ pilI .. J: side. Thcvcrelcel ~P ... cillJ1 is Loo close Hl the LUp lind LOG wide at

the bQl1(1m. -

1 To eorreet on front doOt's, Adjust fit b!Jd,y plJlUr., Move the lower hinge "aft" and/or ~hc uppe;)· hinge "for-ward." Also, .p: thin waterproof cardboard shim rnny be plated, under the doo!' pniAr lower hInge strap or n IC"Offibianticn of such adjustments used.

:t On Tt!-Ill" d.oor~,l'f!.ITI".N~~ the- lowes hinge strap from the bm'Iy hinge piHflt HTId place u thin

SOllY' '-2.9'

waterproof cardboard shun behind. the ~OITlplete strap und tighten in plece.

3, Repleec and udiu!;t door look c,trikcr. FlguI'@" 4,0 shows e ccndttiun iLL the ]ul.:k pillar side ·of door where the ve-ncal !;:p.!!.dngl IO~ llhd bottom, "',I; excessive. The- spacing at the hinge pi'IJ~r :;:::'dQ IIf the door ,it; LtlQ close.

L TO' correct 0,11 Iront doors, adjust- upper and lower hi.ngoj:l "att"at bod·y pillar. ,Additions) currecfion may be obtained by ph''l:i!;j~ full

waterprccf cardboard shims under the upper and lower hinge st"l'r.ps on the door pillar.

2. To correct en rear doers, remove each hinge str~p (t:ln~ at ~. tlrne) at center body' 'pi11l,1.T and. place Oil Wiii,t.Cl"p:t{JQ,~ cardboard 5hlrn b,e-

BODY 1-30

hind each cornplctc hinge Illn~p sufficient tu move the door rearward the desired amount, Lli~n tighle-n SCl"fMS.

:1. Replec .. nd ndjust door lock stnker, Figl1rC 4.1 shuws :1 condition at the- hinge pillar side of tho door whore spucin)4 is excessive. The Ilpocing at the lock pill~ side of the door IS- reo close.

l. To correct un r.ront doors, adjust both hinSfiB "forward" at body pillar. A. narrow waterprogf s.him placed behind the inner edgo of [';:u~h h.inl.!e strnp on the door pillar will uu the hinGO aud also move the doer forward in the opening. This ~<:himmln.s adjustment, which L'i 1.I.,1ltodl ceu also be used on r-COl.l' doors at the center pillar hlugt; <iU-i!!.:bjll5: points.

2. Replace Dod adjust dQQJ" leek striker. ji'igurc 42 shows a cOndition :1l center pillar where door stands out Itmn the body ton f(l;['.

1. To correct on r rout doors where door stands nul hom body or ilS in too tar, Iecsen screws lit hinge aunchtng point!!! on doO'i.· pillar and move door "ln" or "cut" to lllign wlth adjacent body panels.

2. To I:orrpt;l r,m r("ar dooes, Jt"JQsf;ln SC!n!WS at hinge n!tachinl!: pnh"t:s on center. pillA!' and move doer ('1;0" Dr "cut" to align w~th adjacent body P&nO!!.9.

;:1. 1£ the door i'.l mounted u:nif(Jrmly toe -high or too Low, i:l.djusl ver-tlcal.ly at euch hinge at-

taching pc:ilnt Hi Ludy piller (hant doors) and dOOT ptllat lrear doors).

4_ Replace and .ad.just door Ivck sleiker.

I>OOR i\D.rUS'fMEKTS-l95~

Adjustment of the deoes is provided by means of slotted end oversize hinge bolt attachlcg boles ur udjustnble cltuch nuts loc-lltco in the dour and adj.ab~t hinl!:oC piU.ar-s- .. Th.,. rear duur adjm:mlcHt", ure tl-io same us for l!.M9-52 models. '!'he J\wingoul hu")( type hlnges llsed on. the front doors have an "up .. nd down" and "in und out" adju.stcflent llt the- £rout budy hinge pilla r. The "(on;: :allY art" ad.justmenL tOg ther- with an additional "up und dawn" adjustment is provided tit the hinge strap to the door Inner panel uti, u chment,

NOTE: Should an .,~p and dOWn" odjullment be madA on g door it iro "eo:e':i'50ry to !'nakl!l a comp .. nsating adll,lJ1ment at the .... 0' loo;k striker.

When Ihe spaclng between door and body (lenter pillar is: excessive trcm tcu ru bottom, makn the Jellcwing corrccUq.ti..

Remove door trim ned, loosen .all hi1'lS' to door inner pane! reLltlning bolts and !':hlft door toward cent r pUlkr (r",.uward), retlghten .atbJchlng boI",~

"Exc!:~ivc sp;lC::in~ OOLwel!'n dour Jmd body ceeter pWil-r fl"(JU1 Lup tu buttorn, may be corrected In tho fol!owh':Lg rnermcr.

Remove doer tnm p;::Id, loosen ull hinge to nnrnInner panel retnining bolts and $hUl door i.owQ'rd Ule body hinge pillar (Ierwurd) , retighten attaching bolt s.

Excessive sp,:tl:ing at lop of dnor tween door In~k p1Uar and center plllar and spacing 100 uarrnw tit bottom of dDOT be'l.wL',-=n door ~ook pll laanel center pi.l.l<il!'1 Is ;:,to'rre.;l~d in the fo.llow!n$ mauner.

Remove door trim pad and barely LotJS1el1 hingtAli.achinJ{ bol.ts at door, pivot door downward ~hl!' desired amount nnd retighten bolts. kmh2003

If spucing 1!1 execsslve nt bottom nr door between door Jock piJIur und center pillar and spacInc is 100 narrow at l(m of door bf"twj!-C!n donr lock pillar find C nter pillar, make thb CUITect1(m.

Remove door tr-im pad o'Il1d batel)r loosen hinge attaching bull!! At deer, pivot door upward the de,..ire<;l nmcunt ;and r"~tiyht(-.n nttocbing bolt", Whet! the door Is Dither "in" or "out" too Iur Ht hinge pillll," _side' correct OIS Follows.

Ln08(111 all hl.rL;I!,;e ott::lt':hing belts Ill1U scr~\\i'lI on body pillar tina shift Ute door in or out the deslrcd amount, reti.ghtl"Tl screws ned belts. An addlliu1ll.Il Qutw!ll"d adjust.mE'llt may be made by sblnuning back u[ thE' hinge attacluceut on the dOOr inner panel.

ShouJd the dour be uni['ormly too high or law, ulignnu.'111 !s 9b~,,~n-t:d as follows.

Loeso» ill h.i:pg-e a.ttachms belts and !';~I;'~W!:: nn budy pillo'r and shift door either up ur down the desired ;:rrrlOuCnt. An sdditienal nellustment can be made by loosening belts at .hinge to doer inner p;LTlI:I and shiftlng door up or down.


IM~.52 Models

Fr-ce-\vhcdiJ.lJ.( neat- doo .. lut:kli ioU'1t lIaf&Ly lucks tli1:Sign('('l !iiQ tr.nt :1 sm:o.'11 'frl2'~wh_ting lin"kngeIn !"hl:l lock mechamsrn In<l.)1 ba ad]!-Wt£'d, to allo-w the dcue Inaldc remote control h.eindle tOo be moved backward and Jcrward (he~-w]lee1) withnut unloektng the door. 'fhe :rr(!I,'!-1:l.Ih('",-Ung featu re -CiJn~~:ils of :.1 tie bur and a Iree-wheeling trip Lever which. are ,in(:o,rpQt.i:lted intQ ,the l-lIck_ The trip lever C.1lIl, be shifted to put tha lock either in fsce-whaellng p(i~itlnn 01" in "fHlrm~.'1 «rIElr'Uin,g p"!l:itiun. Aeeess '~ this s.hifth1r:: Crc::oll'--wheolins trip lever le g ... lncd lh_wugh the lock bolt. slot with the bolt in the normal unlocked position at the bottom ul the slut.

To ~u:3ap1 the doer lock to "fr~~~whi:!~lm.s·~ It is nece&:ary to In!';crl an 8djusl1 ng tool through the lock bolt slot in door pillar ttll.:':inl':, cuxagu the control lever, and trtp tbe lever away Irum We dnnr rHdng (flEe. 4:.1), W111'!'11 thf! control lo....-ot is in lhi~ position .o.nd, the deer loch: buttcn v'dewn" [door lock .. ,:d). tht: i.mide Temote control handle will "(n.lt,.! wheel". II the lock button is "up" (door ur-lockedj , the inside remota control handle will not "free wheel" but. will {)j1er;,'\te tbe door lock,

To remove Ihe luck fn;ml "fcee-wheellce" opumti.m~, insert an oIidjtlstmg tool through U1C loek bolt, slot in door pillat' ta;(':ing, engage the con-

BODY '-31

trQl lever, and pull the lever tcwenl the p']IAt f.olng (fig. 44).

~l'o trip the "Iree-wheelirrg" control lever usc B piece uf win;,! ajmroximntely fj or 7 lnchea Jn length. with ;t hook l,f o?pprnx'n':>ILe-ly 14-% inl":h on on" end. The c:;ontl:'ul lever Is ~ppt'OxJlYi.ai.cly on a level with the leek I'l.tte.chi:nc: screw -IQc!'IteQ above the bolt slot, and. either 1% or 2Ql,j Inches forward of the plltsr factog, dApendin_g On whcrhm- r)r !lot tbc lock is. in. "frcc-v.:hce'Iing". Thi~ cperatlcu hi: ;l{:(:otnplbhed ~hid!y by HIi!t'P' and to trip the coatrel lSVIi![ CI:!.Qu_ir~5 n v~q small amount of "push" or ;'jp'lIn" t;m the ediust-

lng tool. BCi:1l" tbill; (:.:cd In lI:tiud, fur it. may' bl: used A~ ,n guard n,sa\n~t pulling off the tie b.rr return !;;prlng (ftg'. ~5).

BODY 1 .. 32

in A fAW h'J.~IJ4I1(:f>J'l it m;,y be fl':lund that wh~n the eonnol lever is in "free-wheallng", the Inslde refnolA control handle will nat op~ .. ate the door lnrk regardless o( the posruon of tho deer- lock button" Thiti condluou results Ircm loo much l:nri piay in the: remota (;(1111.",1 link:1l!l' ;md Is. caused 'oy improper- adjus1nmnt ur the door lock rcmete eOIlLrul In~h::mism. 'I'o correct: Remove the doer trrm pad, loosen the (JJ nttneblng screws "A" ("!iG. 5) holding the 'I'~ltUllIto[" lo !he doorinner panel and rotate the remote control mechanism to remove ull play ill th~ Iinkflge and thus provide lull cffccti.v~ teavel fur the remote contrnl handle,

1953 J\'Iodcl:s

Stnce lhe 1!)S3 modd 1·(I.~r (Imlrs do not have: vcnnlntor i=I~l:ll'Ib!ic~ the free-wheeling ltnkage iu t.IH:' dUM look can be adjlL<:'ted th)'Qugb Lhe door window opening as follows:

1. To adjust the free wlu;:cliIlU 'link on 1053 Cheveclct !.olJr-l.!(u,Jr gl¥les, lower 'the rear d.oQ'r glass and jn~ltIrt n screw driver or suitable tool tbl"~ugh thl;' openins:: (fig, 46). 'I'he Iree wheeling link may then. be ndju..o;:ted. AS loUows:

To plnce lock lil. [r~ ..... hl.!~l.inl;i, trjp link in the dtrccnon Indlcuted by tho nrrnw (fig. 47). ;,I. IrQ place lock 'in eonventivnel opeJ:atl.ng position. Lr.ip Link in the direction Iedlcated by t.he us-row (lis. 48),


Th0 adiustment of U1", COIlvII!.rLib1e Tap must be planned by determining whether I;JI\C or several ndjustments Me l1(l(':(:SS&.ty eo nhtain the di'!<:irl;lil results.

Front .Roof Rail. Comer Bmce

Should thtl. lOp be too far forward or not fo~ ward Jar ;;:'ilOU~h i;l,t the wiudsbl ld header, it may be ndjusted 1I!'1 follows.

1. Ratse lop sllght1;y iu clear windshlcfd huederdowels .

.I!. Loesen tWQ corner brace att:nchIl1:\! bolls "AI' A'nd "''B'} (H~. 4:l).

3. SIOLLBd holes in coiner brace allew 9 rOTward or rearward movement of I.ht! lup frnnt roof ratl,

1f tbQ lDP t.rlJnt TQ.,f rail l" too hi.gh wllh the top In t.hu Ta:i.b(ld po>:i'tjo_u and ,r(:~u.lis in difficult locklng ,Ilclkm or (Hl .iliudcqlloH.te weathersecl at the wfndsblold he~d",t", <Jdjuj:jl as i"lIow~~

1. Remove cernes b:r~u;e attaching belts CIA" nnd "S".

2. PllIC'p. a sbfm bet ween tho side r.)tif Tuil and oornc:t" Ur!l.-.t:1.! :It bolt "B" }t.>c. ti()i1. Rdm.Lull bolts and check.

Control :LInk Adjnstil1g Plate (l9SJ Convertibles) 1f the- side- 'rolt'f roil is ton h.igh or too low in rHl.Atinn to top of door or quat;'tor window it mny hP. .adjus.tod as [oUmIJS:

1. Lower lop approxiMately halfway.

Z. Loosen two nttachmg nuts "AU end without changing the fme and aft lccatlon of the plateliB," .!I.hlf1. the plate up tu lower the sid..;, roof rail or down to rulsc tbe side, roof rail ([111, SU)

[f the tap Ln the Iclded posit ion ,i:; not down far enough if') the top well, the Ilnkage is III)~ r(~ting on bumpe,r and may be adjusted as Iullcws:

1. Loosen two attaching nuts "AU ami WjLhf.)U~ ~h:'lnging the up end do'"-'n location Q( LIn: p1ate "B" 3hifL 0,0 plilte to the rear H.:ligblt:ll nub.

NO'IE: Adi"~menl madlJl at the cernrol link adjusting plgte s.hould be rna de! in a :itraight line wUh no retetlenel mav~'M manl of plo te.


Hinge Suppn;lt (1~5l ConvuUb1H)

The followinf:: {tdjlJstmcni.s mny be made on the- slde roof ndl H it is too hlgb ~Jr too luw al the' H!!aJ' quarter window urea.

1. Loosen (our bolts I'A" !='Col".1~_l'ifie' Lhro hinefl support (fig_ 51).

2. Move hingQ ,:=uppc.u·t in desired direction and retighten belts. Check tell alignment.

Female Hinge (1953 Convc:ttiblc-)

\Vh~.r1::! there Is too much "Or too Iltrle !'.pnco between top uud reur quarter window, Ill" till" top i."!1 (,W·""T too far to the side at the [TOllt l"uu[ 'roil, :ildjust ~ f'QUQWs:

1. Loostm three belts "B" located down. in quarter (fig, ,'1).

2. Shift. btngn in desired direction and retighten bolts.

S. A (;]Ich'!.- r-oIQUr'lnli! movement i~ prDvided ;1It lhil) point to gil/If: ... lateral currecllon ut the Irout rl)l)r rall,

Wlndshicld lI~der Dowels

LI a h:\J"d IQckl11g top ur- poor fit of top at windshlcld hcadee 13 eocountl!"l'Cd, adjust as fellows.

1. I..tKJ:;rn set screw HAil in header dowel find turn dowel up or down to desired posltlen. R~tir.htoF'n !': .. t screw and cll!~ck oJilW'atkln (~g" 52)

BODY 1-34

Control Link: Adhtst:i.o, Plete (1949·52. CI;tllvc.rtiblns)

Wh..;:_n tne stde roo! r~il js 'ton hiGh Dr too Iow ill. rcluticn i,) top o£ the door I)r queetcr- window!'! &dju~t as follows.

t. Lower the top hallway,

2. Loosen three belts '~A" end shift the plate "B" downwArd QJ' upward. A downward movement will raise the side roof rail and un upward movement will lower it (fig. 53).

:If tho t{1,P is [lot down Jar enough in the top ccmpaetmcnt well to LUUL<h the bUII'ipen lien when in R Iulded pusiiion iL con be I'IdJu~ed 1'1;". follows:

L. With the top in u folded posluon loosen three bolts "A" and shift the plate clirc.cHy rearward, Do not change the horiwllial position uf the plate.

TOil ill ]:lIngo Fulcrum (1949-52 CUII\Ie.rt.ibles)

If the spocing is too great or tee lilUe ilL the rear Quarter wlndcws or the top is uver tee Cc to the side at lh (runt fuuf rall., J:tdjusl: as follows.

L With the tnp riiUreO. half-way loosen bolts

"D''. thj~ nllcws e forwnrd ur rearward mevemcne uf the hinge fulcrum {Lnd permits the desired edjustmerrt (fh;:. 53).

2. A "Ught rotational movement "'t the hmge fulcrum permits a lateI'D! mcvcsneru of thefront roof rail.

Sidoe, Roof ltnH weatherstrip

An adjuI;I-Lub1c three sectioned Bide roof rnil W€.l'!ilien'ilrip 1.'l used on convcrttclce. 'l:h~ w~.:athersb-ips ''lft! secured to tht:ir r~Uiit1ers with ~CUW,5, the rclaincrs arc attached l<! the side. Toof r'~:il5 with scr cws und nuts. 'l'h(!> front. wenlherctr+p sectlon located over the door, also hna A metal ln~srt molded Into the W~fit4i?T~rlp whinh U: alt..;n:h"ld tn the .!ront TOOt rf\il errrner- with screws.

lJ the weaU,cr:Suip is in "I" out too far- for prope-r- l:Qnl';,If't with the door ventilator. deer window or rear quar-tet- wlndnw, ndjust as follows.

1. Remove &;:U::W;:j from groove of weRtherstrip arul remove wcath-l':"rtltrip.

2. Loosen the screws securtng 'the wcothOfstrip retainer to the side roof: r.nil. The screw attaching nuta are loosened along the top o{

the side roof rail, kmh2003

Shift weatherstrtp retatner- "in" Dr dOU1" as requtreo, then tighten screws,

NOlIE: lht: oHo(hlog 5cr.w halon In tho reh;line( MOY be- eion91:1oted If nocena,.,. 10 ~et'",r" oddllioncd odi .... "fment in extreme

U Lhp. wcethersu-ln is too high 11Ut nermtuten o;nnL,e;t with the door vennlarcr, door _glWlS I;J~ rear (J_l.IE1.rtl!r window, adjLlst us follows.

J. Remove weuthcr-sfrip rl'O!" its t-ctalner.

2. Loosen the screws andlor nub securing weatherstrip returner to std roof rail,

3. Insert wuterpreol shlrrut between weatherstrip retainer nnd eld ,ruo( roil, then 'l1ghten screws.

4. Apply 3-M Caulking Compollnd or Il~ I!qulvlllent along lh", basa (II the- sidp l'onf rail weatherstrip 'tf>..iainl!.r, where retaluer and side roof rMiI are joinoo..

!'i. Install wcstherstrtp in retainer- .8nd check alignment.


SLde Boof RaiJ Mec.h!lnlQ!1 Scaling Stdp-R.mov-a:1

1. Remove two screws n nd front CC)TnCT outer sccdlcg sb-lp.

2, Hemcve temalrung nttacblng screws and mechanical :;c.lllinS ~t'r!:p fro-m tilde roof rell,


1. CIQ.a:t:l ohl sealer frQ-1"ll ~id-e- toof n~H and (Tom rubber ga!;.k~t

2. T-!i.pe I-I'fllpper" of mechanical sealing :;;Itdp -iii Il closed posl lion and n.'ppl~ 3-M Weathen;lrip _Adhf.!.'iive or it.5 e-q1,,!_iviI1~nt tc the cementing 1'!L!rf~-e of'tbc -'>(!ming (;!'lrip.

3. Apply adheslve to underside 01 rubber Sil:;;ltd.

NOtE: The h]:nS8 01: th .. , mlli:chunic:al :lieuli"9 It.ip Dna 'ihe lip bf th., ruh'ber !!JI:I!I'lie1 IihoYld be fru of adhlollv e,

4_ Positron rubber gasket on mechunlcnl sealing sn-lp and place a ribbon Qf 3-M C;l,'\!tkID.g Compound bUOng the fHlt-ce-r ~dEe t~f th-!!' Tubber gask-E't,

5. Install i:1c.aling :'ll:rip to side roof roll. Also ioatnll front corner (louler s@il.ll.ng st:rip.


Tho :1.tt~\c.hing 'l~"'"W h(]le~ uf tho @illng strip are slotted to allow an in or- nut ediustmant o[ the sealing ~trip,

if the flipper has n tendeM('·Y to bind or 'M slow operattng, loosen the attaching 5CIeW5 ODe ut a thne until the screw causing the bind is locuted and the fHPPE'T s.naps open. Place a s!otted shim between the 'fQQf rall a_n-a the;- rubber ga~'ket, necund th_p' shank nE the attaching "CI'~W, Rntighten screws and check onereuoc ul tbe ~o!lling 5trip.

1.949.50 MQDELS


'fWD diHerent motor and :pun1p units were used un 194~5oQ- Consertables, These units, the DUl'"R end the Mornine, ure stnulnt in outward appearance hut dif1'Of in the design of the pump, They are iacceporated into a vented hydraulic !!).'steLn and opet'ah .. at maximum Iluld pressures of 2i10!Q 260 p!1L Tl:w~~ "mi~ ilCIJ retl.Qity id(lI!Ufi!i:U by t~ nameplate -0.1'1, l:id~ of molar.


1, Move spring wtee bail out oI pm=::lt.lon :,In,d. lower reservoir.

2. Check fluid level an.d H necessary add Delco Super No. 11, 'Btake :Ou.id.

3. R~pb.~'e ~~r-vQb-.


1. Disconnect pcsltrve c .. ble from 'biJtt~ry.

2. Remove' and drain reeervolr. Place a, contninP,o!'" under the- pump to catch the- hydraulic fluid and J'mmually operate the lop up -i:I.JII1 down, iii conjunction with 'lh~ top op'i!ri9,Hn~ valve, tci dreln Jluid from lift cyllnders nnd li,M;).


prl;lf'tlnJbly ;ill the fall. where the pump reservclr ~ .;onntl:!d tc the ~lInDgpl~dte. Do not iJve,rJHl reservoir.

1. Fill. teiJel:VOlr to spectaed fluid. level with :t'-eGomml!ntJ\!d fluld arid Install On pump.

2. Operate top cQnb'ol \I;J.Lv~ Inovlng lop theougb its up nnd down cycle.

;:I, Rt'!I!1QVE: und refill ,J:lnml'vC)ir end repeat opeI'a~io"- of th~ top. Thi!il is n~sa_ry to cumple1.c.i.y refill hft cylinders,

4. Repoat this operuLion until li"ydru-L~!l,:t"ii;; h:rdr.:l"Ulic =zys'lell'l. jl'o r:efilled.. Co,nUnuoC!' up -S.bd down top eravei CYfllc soveml Wm~a: to elimlnate- nir trap In line and recheck fl!!ld Ievel.

FOLDlNG TOP OI'ERIl.T!NG VIl.J~VE-R."la<o L Dlsconnoet pcslblvc 'baUt".r:''y cable.

2 Di!:!;'onned control rod "A I, by loosening ~~t screw at cpcrnting valve under the hood on the ldt hand s~d-t:: of the N ..... I .(Jig, 54},

3. DL'l-t:uru'I(.",t two wires Jrom I::dntri'll valve.

4. Dlsconneet and (':gp four nyd r- :a,ulic lrn .... s !'BTI at valve.

NOTE!:: K-e-ep cleth handy '0 Ilb!iorb flydreullc n",;~ dr)'_pp!!~91 1rl;lll1' 1!I"!I';i1:,

5. Remove three screws retaining valve 10 support and eerceve valve.

(j Tn ,ln~ta.II, r~ ... ~rM this prnecdur .. 81"':11.1 coupling threads with 3M Hydrllwh.: Tubing Sealer 01' IlS et'juiv.all!>nt.

BODY 1 .. 36

FOI..DING T()P COI'.'TltOL nOD-Adj"".

TIll! folilinS top control cod Is ndju::sted to permit ",I. 1f:1\:rt '.4/' ever-travel iu ",.iIhur dlrecucn to insure the eloctrlcal switch will make postttve contact,

1. Lccscn set screw rP.1.nining control rod nt olito!rnHng valve,

2. Position the cuntrn] red :10 there I~ I" mini. mum to H~:.t mA.yi_rnum between the ferrul On the eontrot roo supporL at the instrument pan I find the ro-werd end ('jt the ccntrnl 'rod knob.

3. 'I'lghten control red set screw at valve.

4. This Adjustment givl;!.S the: i,4," over-travel.

5. If the control rod ls not long I'lnnngh for this adjustment, t-movn control red from .!Lao: !-;U[Iport assembly by removing the rcblining nut ol the- rod l:liUPJKlTt brr.u.:k.d.

6. Loosen the stop nul, and. with the rod secured In ,. vise, lengthen the rod the desired &lIIulUlL by unscrewing the control knob as.5Pmbly

7. Replaco ecetecl 100 uhd t:amplete adjustment.


'The 'nl1o ..... ing procedure IIIlty be used fOT testing and cbef:kll1,!!. tho operation flf thA hydrnulle and eleeu-lenl. olreutts of the 1949-50 HydroLectrle System.

Pump Pressure

Fault¥, erratic cpeeaticn qr Ute I'lvdro-Lcctrtc Sy~Lem may be due to lack of hydraulic Fluid in

the pump reservoir. Fur elllclent nperatlon, Ilutd level should he checked and additional Huld added es indicated by the Iluld level mark (In ChI;: stde of the reservoir. 'l'"01'eigrl matter obstructmg the pressure relief valva or internal RCar"!Ii of the pUIHP may also C'Mll.<:C law pressure resulnn.G in slow open lion of tbc vwtcua power wllb. Fig'UJ'7C 55 shows the J nethud uf testing tho fluid preseure with n pressure ga..ug~ connected to the pressure port of th@: pump.

1. Connect the pressure gauge to one of the pressure pod.s or the operath-g V!llv(". If the tup i~ UJI Il~~ pressure P"l;'t "A'" and If the tup is nQwn use p~t!S:rure pod "B" (fig. 5G). With. the 1 p tiP and Un: pressure gHuge tnstalled lu pressure pan" A ". push the control knob ih. Hold the control in, this pmuti,ull 'ffJr Q few seconds and note the pressure reedrne which should be 25U~2no p:;,i. If pressure readings .Uli! below the ~I!jfip,.f I~ndings and the pump rfl'f':'i.'1I1T-t' iJI l1or-mnl tho tj-uuula Ilea e:lhl'!.I' rn the valve ltsclf or thQ hydraulic; lines leild'ing to the valve. Disassemble and check £UI' obstructlens wlt btn the valve body, also cheek bydraulle hues fer Hn'u; or passage eteuueuoee.

2. A!i.t.>r eheoktng pr .. ssures at pump and control valve, install prc."iSure gB'UgC to eitherport, of the llIt uyliader. Operate the control valve <llId alter tap hAS r::i)mpJ.eted its travel cycle note the: prcs,q\1 rc rendm!:. If pressure rendinRs lite below specified pressures, insped hydraulic tublJll:!, power cylinder con~llJctiD.g tees and the lift {';ylind.-,.l' fur obstrucuons, leaks, ~ll.;. In the l"\,(lnt the lift cyllnd.er .it at bult replace the lift unit.

F.h,:dricDl Circuit

1. Check the battery.

2. ViiillA:lIy Iospect wiring f.u loose cowlect.iuns, corrosion of ~wilJ:h (·rmt...,\l!t or tcnnlnnl, shorts Or broken wires.

3. Ch~c::k operation of motor ::mlcnllid by conneo:"ting cue end of a hcZtvy jumper 'wire to the battery wirE' terminal nf thp sclcnold and the: other end to ths- snl .. nnid swttch wir~ terminal. If the sclancld is nperal ing snt,is~ facturily u dicck will be heard and the meter will operate, rr !j,It' click is 110t heard the solcnold should be replaced.

4. Usc A Voltmeter 10 fp~1 the elcctrlcal c.il'cuit through the foldil:rg top control ... :tiVf'.

~. Connect thcpu~i1iv~ Ieed or 'II'IC tester LO th@ (",,,,d wir-e terminal 01 the v olve nnd ground Lhp negnljv~ 100:u:L The volt::J,Ll@ should approx.imat .. I.hf" hatt~y voltage wlthlu .2 of H volt. u voltagn rj:!Hlline' is lower check for short break, etc.

h. Then eonnaet till) pm.titivQ lend Qf th<:

Voltmctae t.o the othe!;, lo;!l"Jnlmu ur the valve and ground Lh~ T1~g<1tiv(" IMd_ T1,e voltage drop Sh01Uld not exceed .2 uf il volt when the v ... lv"" ccntrcl rod js operated.

c. If IllPrp is DO vuH:1BQ rogtetered, check control rod over-travel ~djus;tml:!-nllf ehcrc is an excessive voltage drop check the elecfrlcal contacts of eooec; valve rc)'r eorrosion.



Di5u"sembly and Inspection

.1. Disccrmect posnlve terminal of b[iit~ry nnd inspccl pressure relief valve by .ernQvtng l,lug, stop washers, cad t:olllpt~Qn spring (lig. $7). Pressure lldjl.i.l.!lments may 00 made at the valve by ud~ \-..msh(l~ to teeeeese pl'u1't'iu.re ur remeving washers to rod wee pressure.

2, R move- motor and pump assembly Irnm it/i nlountinf:l un"!t.iC hood of CU.T flJte'J' first r-e-o moving tnco pump rQservolr and wire hall. Check the reservulr gn_ .. kat, l.;,y motor and pump essemblv on a bench and remove the. pump cover n:s.sembly atli;II.:),ing screws and washers . Remove and inspect cover Msembly rUT.' l'1ogginS end wear.

3. With a. .I11n:;lU screwdriver '01: similar 1.001, carefully ann uni locmly p:t,y up the outer rotor of the pump. The Inner- rom'!' m;:ly then be lifted orr Lhlo'l pump motor shaft. Inspect these perta .Eo. wear (IS well as far jJ:t'eSI:UCI:I uf dlrt or fot'oil-fn matt'eT", either ('Ill ,I'otO'l' parts or on nlP. .. xpt'l.!lC'd fa~e of the pump body assembly.

4. Check the ban and valv(I seat in pump I.lSsembly. The ball and vulva :'I850mbly may be removed by fi.r..;L removing pressure rcltcf pillg. stop washers .. md spring, then lns~rti.ng a hook ly e tool or ~tirr hooked wtee into the p~58Ur~ rcltef pert and pulling out VruVL', 'I'ltun lip the motor And pump over QIlQw,ln~ the hall to drop cut. H II"l vulva is seated tou /-1l'1u~ly in pcsltlcn, 11, mflY ~ eemj''IV~ by iIlS~l'tln!,( the ttlnl into l.hg smell

BODY 1-38

hale ~t hallam 0-£ rol-or: gear welJ end pushing out.

'].'0 remove thn pump body' as5l!l.mbly from 'the motor. iirst phlc--: scrlbc moll:rl~~ ~~J;'flil,$ [urictio:n .. of .moter housing Ann PUirlp body :-I,~qpmbly, then. loosen the two long bolt. .. from the Motl.!r end of "lh~ unit and 'temavl:! pUl"np boq}' .ilssernbly. "Cb~ck meter shaft 1i~i11 and filter \·cI1L ThL-.; pi..nnp Pody l'lS15cmf;.!YI 1(':.~'1 t.h~ cover, is servlced ::U:l 9, uatt.

6. :To reassemble the Moraine pump, reverse the al)i)~ prucedure.

NOf'E~ Two type':!' Qf ector cssembllee were 1tl":I.@d in 194~_ Ei:ic,h Iype ,equIred a dlfFer- 1:'" pump body and W8r. no~ rnter..:hdh,g<eabl'l!l'_ Ide-nUA..:allan of: ro'or typ',1C!" i$ madl!' by part number !lltGmp~d a" idlm!!fitilt'on plate~ on l'IlotQf hQ'-'!ii!1g".


m!;:l,~embl'l ~..!1d ·lnspc~(jOtt

'1. Wclh H prassure g~uge. ~ Illustrated in Flg.. ure :l.ll cheek the pump Iluld. pressure Hec.nrding 10 prCM~Lt(.L speQifh::i1.Uon;:; un oolUnciL Remove the ,Pl'CS5W'C"'! rcltcf plug, washnra aurl c·cHn.pro~"ilon :iopri.n~ (fig'. 58) . Inspect tbilj us.51:'mbl;y fur pos:~iblf-l (}b:;U-Uctii.l1"l 01" d~Lm;lge to sprhtg. Ch",ck the adjustment of pressure tQ withIn opcr~t:lQ.G T";II_l:).(;el 'by varyh~g the numbee ol washers en the plug. Add.ing washers de-creases the ri"1'e::;5UI"C, rL!lILovillg washers In- 1!rc."l~I!'" lhe' pressure.

2. nrseonneer jKlS.itive temunal of bettllty .and ecmcvc the :'ipriill: wit.:' b;'I,j) und pump :n::i:C::("·

"11-01"1:" containing Hul.d" Remnve IDQ!'Q[" end pump assembly from l.~ nttachmnnt on. outer ga;5h pallet Check the reservoir g:<i:.ikcL With motor :l.fid p\.imp MS"",,!l'lbly plMOO Oil a: bench, remove the screws hold in!! dlfluser and r~ tainer tc bottom of in,lake and d~'ichar~e t.UbCB. Clean these nurta. Next. :rc.nu]v~ the l·Ot.UI: PULl:lp L1·'L~mn pluLc (.rUIIJ!, 1.:«lo'ity ,plliw),

3. :Rt:Jlluvv (l.ud check the rubber sealmg ring.

ThlC-ll. I'r'mov~ "" ae h of. th", pn!"'t s in tho' rotcr cavtty as fellows: Rotor plate spider spying, rotor- plate, inner rotor end outer rotor. In,speet :ror wear of parts und presence uf dirt

o • fceelgu ru~h:,rhll. kmh2003

4. :R~m;lVtl the purl, plate Innn bottom ,of mtcr ... .avtty l:lt1d il1!$'~d. Jf ptlr-t ,plnto "tab" bas been dumaued QI' sheared oIT, .teplaee with .t'i new :;;l(:.al ptJJ:"l plate. When replecteg, moke sure tab on pnr.t '[lI::iI.Q etlter.'i. the uutuh ~t bottom (;Ii retcr c.-.vity,

CAUTION; If t ... b hG!!: ·:l:hl!i;i"r('0;1 off t.lt~. a-rigim:rl purt pl~t'i!. "hl;l:{k th8 fQrQr c(J'v{ry t,l, OTOUg,""y. nh $m(ln pl~( .. ",I' .I1l'",'.cil ~ .. y fl.!!" 'Qdg"d in the prusl.lre ,01.11181.1 and' if nlC:it rc-moV9d w;tr ,.-r.il,l:;e II/filler operDling Irregu{.g,!t/es.

5. Be :;;u"r~ :i< nd clean retur- CHvity th.QrQ"!.!chJy~ JI,sp-ed the pressure T(!1ieE valve pr~vir.'U"Ily l;,:.;p1.ii'mcd 'by remuvlne the :plug, washers, and compression ,",pring. With a h'li1ked wh'e, puke: out the valve through {Ipenin]:! in bottom l'( Clt."i~)'. CIt-au out .;my dirt OJ· 1(Jf"ei.gn matter fTom valve and valve seat. Nul ... the location of flu: notch ... ~ Uu: bulllllll Ilf ~)!1: dv.it~ Iur :pt_'!-:it.i.unina the t:lb 011 '{.h(l port plate

6. 'ru remove the pump ]lOusinJ: a ssernbly from the mOl.o.r uult, remcve tbe tour screws l;lnd washers on pumps ... quil)Pp.d wltb AuLu]il", motors, or the twc llJn~ 1;..011.. .. In;'ln lll1'\ t.:1I11 uf ,UI.al.ur unit on pun'l?~ f!,qllipp~d with Delco meters. To fucllltata tf'...a8,._~I"bly, scnbe the t£:Lat.ivQ pn~tUrm;;; of pump .nnd motor housin_as before removal.

H),d_l'{mJic Motor

lu ";i:I:iC::-; where !l!1.l uause u( [allure ur fa'Ulty L:J'pl.!r~Hol,\ nf tlu~ :as'dR~-L(;!tt.tj.c Sy.-:t~,fi'l llppe..VIl to be in the eleeteicct pnrttan. 01 Uli~ systum, if routtne d1~~k uf the circuit should he made, H asu l'1.!. s ult of thls cheek, lhj~ l:J111_se is t r ueed to th~ hydr(lulh:: meter untt, 'il. enmplete toSting of. (he 1'I1r1wr p.u1.s, should bE' u:m:1[il'l"k...,!"l,< }Jc.w-\i:v:et", before 'P ... ocecdi~ with such le!>ting'. make sure 1l.1I COlltaCI.3 .fit ends (If 'both ground imd~oli::ncMI swlteh C':nnn(j!":tC1!" !'.Lr:.l.,p~ are tight und free, of c·OITOS\On.

NOTE: A quick "h~c:k 10 d9;ermiri .. if ,h. ~~U~I! lI.s wllhln 'he ~ .. tor lauumlng botrar), and baHl'ry {Orii'll!'clianl heve bun c:hecktl-d' I, 10 p'oc:e e. lump.r wir'!;' b.lwl!o~n Il1e batt4!i1'Y terminal of Ihe mftlor :Iool,,~oid ~wil,h Clnd th. tunninal where 'hI!- .lftl."(lid swih:h cann.dor sflOp h: C!tPc~,,;hlfd 10 tha, malgr hou.ing. If 'he motor d6i1-i: nol dart, ~hlll! Iroubl!: lies within themOllOlt, and Ihil unit $hould then b. disD$$cmbfcd and te:tlcd gj; Qwtlined In ·'Slrnlinp Mator 1~!l:tt.·' 11"1 th_ij ~(lnual.

195'-53 MODELS

A "sealed-in" Hydro-Lectric system is used to ope-rule till,! (()Idlng tap of uie 1951-5~ Cceveeubte. Th~ pump is not vented lu 'Lh~ etmcsphcre, fl.,'! H result, periodic hydraulic Ouid replacement in tha system is unnecessary. Tbis system Is sell-abbleeding, should air b~n111(! trapped in the Ilnes, ,a few cycles of tl,JJI upltrntioD will expel the trapped ~lr Inl:o th", r~.Y~rvol,..

Th~ reversible motor used with this SyStc111 requbcs 95 ampere when oJ?erat:iug the .pump tc develop 1I fluid pressure of 2~O psi 'I'bc wiring h~n(':;:'l used in the electrical circuit. vr "lie system consist.'! of heavy .No.8 MrAnd"r1 wirf:.>, due to thl:! large electrtcal lead that the harness mw:t carry when l:hro ~y.5lem Is In cperatlon. It. l!il irnperatlve whun conducting electrienl ChC-CKS or .replDelng SiI!C'tlOIl$ of the haTnelXl that Nc. 8 wire is used.

'Ihc pump employed by thts Jjy~foJn is it SPUT gear type and the pl'eSS1JX~ d..,velupcd by the pump Is proportknHl.l IIj the speed 1)£ tht;! molu, therefore IIll pressure relief valve is used. The pump should dellvee a rn~xlmunl lIuid pre.'.l~U_Te or 220 to 200 V81 and should be eapuble of \I'Ii'lin.l': or Lcwllring the top thrcugb u COn11~11'.:1e up or down cyde tn 15 seconds At a nmxlmum Huid p:re::;:,iu.r~ n.Qt. exceeding 250 psi,

M'oto[' ,clHd p\ITIlP Assem,bJy

The' Hydro-kettle molur and pump ~rnbly OOIl5lstS of an eleetrtc motor. a spur gear pump and .a fluid rcseevc!r ~$l;!!11bled Yc,rtl(!filly into u single unit. The Jluid reservoir is located at the tnp o! the assemblYi which 1.5 mol.iiltl:~ wtth rubber. attachinJ! gmmm~l~ nn the real:' eom~rtment lower di.v,i,sion panel under the (oldlng top compa,l'trru"mt. Th~ enfu~unit Is sealed and is not vented to tho aunuspherc.

.An exploded vlew of the motor und pump 8.5- sembiy is shown (fig. 59). TII~ eumponcnt JI':'!TI.~ qf th.." assembly may be Jdcntitlcd 81:1 Icllcws:



BODY 1-39






Uydr- .. ulrc l·ump

A "]JlJr ~1:iJr pump Is used in {.,,\II1;um.:lioli with the l'cv(:t'sible tyP(! motor. Th.ls. pump employes

aODY 1·40

only four moving: pouts, tW(I ;;PU1" gears and twe ball-seeing valve. 'Ibe Ilutd pressure develeped by [hill pump j ... prnpnl'tlonal to tho spetld of the mctos-, A low oot1e.ry will therefore .rI,::-;III~ in tI "sluggtsh" 8r:..'-tinR pump. Figul""fo 6U Sh.,W5 she oompontml parts uf the: pump ~!),5embly, as viewe-d from the 1I1!.1t .... r ntlltchlnJi: side. 'rheee parts may be id~ntmcd as follows:





FlJhl.in! TQP Control Switch

The cperanon 01 the eenveruble Lop L .. contrnll .. rI by a. soU.-I.:t.!nt.ering cOlltr61 switch. TtiC switch Is rncunted a,t Lht! IJUl~Qm of the fnstrumem IJRne) ODd Is (:onflt.'d~d t.n the motor and 'Pump A~lIlb]y willi two electr-ical LC<I&. By pU!i.hing the coutrul switch knQb forward, the currant P.fISS !':rom the battery, through the top control swlteh, end cut thrr~t:lgh the- green leucl to the rnutor. The rueter und pump then operata to raise the top. By pulling the r.nntrnl switch blob rQarw~t'J. the cuercrrt P8!i-'lot'"s from the b."tt ry, through th.e- switch. and cut vra the red l()9d to the motor. Thl'i uauaes the motor rind pump 'toopera.te in the appo:iite directlcn urul luwer the top.


FQldillg Top Lilt Cylinder (194!)·1953) Bemevnl and .Inalullntlen

NOTE: The lap should be in the raised ':LOr tvll "up" posjtion during thi~ "perallal'l.

I. Disconnect the pU!l:itivQ battery cable.

2, Rt:mn v Q rear se .. t cushlun und scat back, 3, Remove "tP.:11" rJu.,rlJ"r side tdJi1 Vtl.J;'Ie1.

4-. Hemnve nu~ and bolt connecting mt ~yHndl3l· piston rod t.Q t".p Hn.knge.

ii. Push the ptstcn assembly down the bottom of the cylinder.

S. V1."n1 hydraulia;: system at reservoir en 1951· 5,3 models.

7. Di..'\(,.(.mT)eGt 11ydJ'H,.dic Lubing from top and bcuom ul fo.ldin~ to)) lift. cylinder and L'UP ends of hydrauhe line::; [(j prevent dripping ur Jlutd.

R_ Rsroovo UlI! r::ott~r pitt and the clevis pin securing lift .:ylimlt=r to floor pan, Ihen semove cylinder.

9. Tu In.,,,t;i.1I1 reverse tJ.u above procedure.

Apply a suitable hvdraulte thread ,,~aler to

the threads vI il11 m a le Hrtrngs. Connect b.il.t .. tery cable 01' swltl:h wire and r:h~!lc opeeatton of 101(. Inspect alI l\Jbing ccrmectlcns fo.r le .. ks .• md check LhQ hydraulic flwd level.

I)lotor and Pump As,o;eml)ly BeDl()vni PHd InslaUn(ion

1. Ratse the (olding top to the full "up" poetuoc.

2. 'Remove C{)VI:'T plAt .. from ri~ht side or fold. jng tilp compa.rtmoent. bottom panel Oi~. 61).

3. Remove teAt !;MI cushion and hack, :::Intl fl'lld bock the insulating pad en right side of body.

4. Disconnect the posltlve battery cabla.

5. Remove ecservctr Jil1er cup 1'0 vent hvurcune system

NO'll:: Venting of the r~~e''''olr Is nf!,o;:ej~ 50:>1)' in ,hi, "!-ealed·in" s;),SiI(l1l1 '0 ",quol~ iu 'he luei-sure 1n ,hI!; r~servl;)ir to rhol of the otmo'phe,e and Dycld the p(luibility gl~ hyd'rouUc fluid being forc-t,,", .... n ... er prol!S1oure from the dilConn~f;'od lines.

6. Disconnect hyeranltc Jtnes from top ofplJlllp .t'c~'!u'v(llr snd e .ap O'p~Yl nWn~!.l to prevent dripp-lns ur hydrn~ll\C Iluld. K,t:!:iJ a doth bundy to nbsorb any Ipakagc of fluid.

7. DiSCQnl"!cct the red nud I::I"I;'Il;!n motor lead wires nnd the hluck ~rounrl wire.

S. Loosen the Jour rubber grommets, rt·i.HTi rear corupartmeut Iower division panel. then lift meter ~nd I,Utn'P assembly .;I.pd remove thTQ\Ig-h Iuill:ma; tup cumpnrtment opening.

9. T~ Inst,HII, r-everse lh"" rlMV"O procedur-e,

App,ly 3~M bydruulle .ILn~ :$ca.lcr or ~ suitable bydraulle pipe sealer tu the threads of all male fittings.

10. To refill the hydraulic system, fill the rc;:servoir to the p,rescribcd level wiib hydraullc Ilutd, Dc.I(;:(J Super No. 11 and operate the top through several cycles, check 'the reaervote end add fluid, repeat this" operation .as often as necessary. One fillin.!:: uf the reservoir- lIIal' nut be 3uffid(mt, as the 'fluid capacity ol rhe 'lwCJ V)-p lilt cylinders io\i almost double that of tbe reservoir"

TF.5TJNG PROCEDURE l'ump Peessuee

The £oHowlng lnlcrmatlon on l~sting the h.y~ draullc units 1118"1" 'i:H:! employed. to locate .any trouble in thls portion of the Hydro-Lecreio System,

NOTE! Whl!'n IPding Hold pr!u'Ura with a Plcydrf'lullo( pro!!uur. gauge' an the 1951 ~53 ·'Sl!al~d.ln" hy-chu u'i..: "V5Iam, It I. nCIol:(!:1:~ '!.or), t(t htlvp a 1f4" conno(to, Rltlng to .. 'h. 9(1u9. 'a hook up ta the ... 'fd ...... vlie lities. If uJ:lng D gouge- l!!quipp.d with f.;'." filtin'5l~ of th~ type u'lIld f(l~ t .... 1ing '950 fir ~..,rl!iI!r [on\ll)rtlbl. madels, an adap'" will hrrv" 10 be uS'l!d.

1. Wilh the top in a .ruiscd pcsittcu, remove tbe inspection ccv e r plate fn.ml ruldiog Lup cumpHl'tmQ.llt, !.he.n remove fille.l· plug wllidJ vents lhlJ .'iyl'tr.m, Check iluld lc v cl ln reservoirJ which should LI.: within two lnehes of the top "r the Te:iCTVDl:r. FlU if IlCCL';.sary with Delee Super No. 11 hydr~lJlic auld and replace Illler pJu~.

"""', 62-Ch~klll" "'lItpF""" , .........

BODY 1-41

2. Hcmcve rear sent cushions and quarter sl.dQ trim. Operate the top, observing tlu: operauon of the lift. cylinders. [f the. tup movemcm appears sluggish or is bindtnz, th~n one of the I1It evlindera l5 il'\l)p~[,oI:lti.¥e or is operatin" tV!) slowly. The condition could be the result 01 a defective eyllnder or cl"g~ed hydraulic lin'll!'.ln.spect the hydraulic tubing and CUUPllngs for obstructions. Binding may Rt'!lll be the result of mechnnlcal fauJL

3. To eheck Huid pressura In hydmullc Hues with thl:l top in If rlli!;~d pO$ltiQll Iastall }lrC'ssure gaug~ ut "A' (fig, 62). Where n~r;:ltlon of the top through. tne duwn cYQlc It; to be checked, lower- the 1QP and Install gauge at ",B."

Oper;:lto th~ top swttcb and the pecsaure should ril!'~d 220 to 260 po.:i!' If pr SSI)Te indlcnted is bolow lhll'i: prescribed maximum ral]~t!, "-.ilh,r the pump 1s not delivering T ... qlli~_'C'd pressure or there bs nLl~d lca'kage pa~t the piston In one or bQth cylinders.

NOTE; Ch~(k 'he Auid pr.uur. d.liv.r.d

by the pump of tor 'h. fop mevement h eempleted.

4. TIl check the Huid Pi'cssu:rtl delivered by lhe pump, Install J?t"c:s:>UTC gauge (fi)!. 63) in hydrauli~ lines leedlng Iu Iht! IKJLLulO of lift cyltnders. Filil:}1 pr "kink" hydrauhe tubing "Au and "B" to completely ShUL !Jon nuiu How to the bottom cf L·(JL.:h u r the folding tQP Jift cylinders, then push. switch knob torward and held a few laec'OlId:-i. nl" pressure should Teild 220 tv 260 ,p~i. The auld pressure to the Lup u! IiJt oyllndere Is checked by insll:IUlng PT(),5;5u't'e ,aLtt:l:1!' ln lwdraullc llnt:., lC-i'lding to top CJ[ Urt cylinders, pulling switch knob rearward 01111.1 pinching or "kinking" hydrilUlic lines "C'' mnl "D", If pressure reads below -tim JJI.'c,l:i\,:.dl.a.td on either check, then. tho trouble lies w.iLhln tile J.lUIllP unU whi-.:h must. be repaired UL- Cl!pJ"c~J. If however the pUIIIP pruasuru reeds within the prescribed mi'l~imum range, 1.111111 nuid mm;\' be ICilkiDJ; past thL' pislum; ln nne nr both ,lift cylindf:nI uml Ih'l:' Iollcwlng check should be mude.

!i. Wtth nhe top In A 'tiii."'l-!d position and pressure gauge Installed in lmes laadtng to the bottom of the lift ~ylinnnrs. test lor Jeekage prist the ptstrm in, eyllnder No. 2 by pinr:.hing lint's "AP and "C" so us 1:0 shut ofT' fluid 'How lo cylinder No.1 [fig. 6J)_ Push emurcl switch knob forward and hold a few seconds, If tho pressure Gauge rends 220 to 21iO p_'!I, then (!ylinder No. 2 is uot defeettve. However, jf the p:re:s:sure reads below the prescribed range, then the! Huld is leaking

fl~. 63-fh.1eI ..... .,,@Ch.,.l.lng PIII"'1

'Pa$t th~ piston In cyllntlllr No. 2 and the cylinder must be replaced. To ttJlOt o.:yHmll;:r !NQ. I, repeat thlF> procedure eed pinch off lines "B'' und "0." WJth the top in I.i tully lowered position and the pressure gause iastalled In lines l~lldillg to the top of the 11ft cylinder, puU control switch knob rearward lind repeat the procedure.

EICf.iJ"i.cul Circuit

1. Cheek tllP bntlery According 10 the reoommended service procedure. A pill"tially discharged battery will rlo!sull in a .sluggish opemting (low t.p.In,) Hvdro-Leerric (lUmp.

2. Ground one lend or 11 light tester and cheek switch battery te-rminaJs. The lWQ termlnuls are connected hy a metal stelp and the hot battery Iead is connected to 00'"' u! the termiuals, 1£ the lest lighl does nollight up un " ntact, trouble is In the hot battery lead nnd the switch Lo bHttery lend should be _~p~lj~d or replaced,

3. Disconnect switch 10 j11utor wires [rom tee.

'l'hiFi seetlrrn contains gE"nwal dlrecttons fal' tho proper oC:lUU uf the intm'Ior trim of tbe eM- '\1U:1 the converuble lop.

Two typ~Sr of cloth reatarlal M"~ or have been used in the Chevrolet; Broadcloths end Pile lnbrles. Tbcy arc distiro~shed in part by Sat woven varus :J.S in Lbo broadelcths nnd pile surra~\:~ uprlgl . .L1 fibers densely wova.n, at r,ight ani;lles to the base o[ the- £Ahr'l,c!.

mlnals RJI(i with one lead of tester grounded, ehl'Xlk. sw-itd-. r!,I~r:a.IiQ~'l. by llliJVlng swtteh control enbcr in or out nnd testLn,g the respcetlvc motor wire terminal. If test Ught fa.ilq to light, repair 01." reclace switch.

4. Chedclnr. Switch to .Motor Lead Wire.'II. Diseoeneer thu green und red switch to motor lend wit:'e!:l nf l'"t!Ot01', neound one tostor wire. Push. lOP switch control knob forward and <lpply tester to the eud conucctor of the green (01' eye]p) 1l-'.1ld wire. -Pu.U control knob rearward end apply tester !.u .;:rnl ui red (down eycle) lead wire, f( tester Inlls to Jighi In cit her ccse, the trouble II> In the lead wlra or wlr:-C.5 'fn)m the switch and repmr's should be made to thls part or tho drcilit.

.1, Checklnq Motor Unit. H, ll[Lt.'l' the above- If:!ost the Jead wires from the opcoTatio;ll, swltch III the mnt.Ur indicate D Bow of current according to the light tester, and tho motor unlt still dotls 001 lJ}JlOlrnlc when tho switch I~ moved (or "up or down" nl')f:,.r~liill1, e final cheek of 'the motor unit itsc'U should be made. First check the motor gro1.U1d~Lr::rp {or prtlpt>r crmeectlon 1.0 the body, then \I!Ie 0 No, stranded "juIJIIJ"''''' wire to test as follows, Cennece ene end of "jumper" to btl!tery positive pole and connect the opposite end to the motor green wire Icrmlnul. Th~, motor sho-uld QP~rntp to raise the t(J(l. Then n-eve "jumper" wire ever tu motor red wire ~et"m.l.na], w hlch should operut'e motor to Jower top. If tho meter Ialls to iJJX!J"IIle un either or both 1;\'1c_c;::trical checks, the motor should be repaired or rephrcer1.. If the rnctor operates wlth the "jumper" wire but docs not opcente wb e n connected to the switch iu motor leads, e v en. after current flow LhmUJ!h these leads has been Iadlcetcd, the truubleffiily be caused by reduced eutrent flow, resultin.s: from damaged lead wires somewhere between the motu!" and tho bnttery t.l!m"!.hulls. Rt:!conne~,t.. red and green ewltoh lead wines to meter RfLcr ccmplutlng u heck,


Genera] Instruetious

Dirt and dust pcrncles should be remeved every few weeks, Or mo .. a often if car- upbolstery is subjcct to ecnatant hard driving. This can be den with a ""hjlik broom, carpet beater

or vacuum clpnnp.r -

IL is essential that stalne be refllu\lml Ircru LlPnobt-::t"y 1lI~; ~on £1:1: possible. H thoy nr:e nlluwl!d to remain on 'LhE: fn.b:ric for some time, they enee

become oxidized and renlQv(i] i.:l difficult·, if act im,possible_

There RTe two basic types uf popular ulsanera evatluble to car owners! (1) V.,latllf! Cleaners, ecterless Ilquida, ji!:~lle.rlllly having cnebon-tetruchloride or m~vhthil <11.-:; i;Io Pil:!le-. (2) Al,kl'lhue Cleaners which M,Vi! a Mnp base.

The Volatile Cleaners are recommended since they have gt'etlt !;io1vent pow~rtI: for grease, oil end road grime. Alkaline Cleaners geolZTlIIlIy emuhoif), stains setisfactcrtly but aL po. ... sible risk to the. removal oJ t.he colo'k" ()( finj~h of the fabric.

Cle-aning rile F:abrlc

Soi1P and water n:wy be used in cleanlng pHc Iabelcs, pl"Ovidinji! the instrutt~Ol'L!l whtch follow are adhered tc cl~l;lly, A [leul..r.i.l ecn-elkelinc SOap eheuld 'be 1.I!i~ with lukewarm wnter. The suds should be fro1hy. n.ot watery, They should be applied in mod rate quantities with a d~mp cloth, spnn(!e. M snfi. bru~h. Rub witb the pile, not flgainst it. Soapsuds shuuld be removed with a dean, drunp doth Qr ~~ng~. Then wipe the surface several limes with 0 dry cloth. While still damp. brush liGhtly with EI whisk bruul1\ (1,1" b'rusb of medium stillness. Permit air to cieculate Ireely over I,hlt;!' wcL upholstery. wber dry. bn.t~h a~~\n, Il.ltauliit lh~ pile.

The eurfuce of pile fabrics can also be freshen d by momin_g. Spts",d fo tliimp cloth over the surface and IOUl!h a not Hotiron to it lightly. WhU~ still damp, the upholstery should be brushed light I,), with :I. whlsk bvoorn OJ' brush of medium stillness. When [hnrnuJl.hly dry, the material ~hould il,i(LI,in be brushed. Brush iElgninsi the pile.

Cleaning BroRdrl.,(hs

Soup nnd welter, regardless of the basic typ~ or .(IO.{Ip, i!:l nnt rE:(.:um:mended for cleonins flat dO-lb.s., particularly broadcloths.

1. Carefully brush all loose particle-s of dirt ond soil.

2. Immerse ~ cloth in. volatile type daanlng scluucn, wring out thomughlv, open cloth aDd allow medium evaporation.

3. Place cloth (In snlled spot, d-o not rub, apply altght tappmc pressure, several. umes. Th~s w:lll pick up ~,rtit:lc:!i whkh are too embedded Ie be removed in the brkl1!h:'-ng nperettcn. This operauun shvuld ~ repeated several tirncs-In each instanes using a cl~aJl. area of the cloth.

4,. Immerse Of new clulh in c.1~aucr, wring out thorQughly, open and allow to evaporate untiJ barely damp. Apply increased prCSSUTf:: and cub soiled area In {I Inu:::kwa.rtl and (orward motion. M"f1he c'Ielilning nlnth should be reversed several times in thi:;; ~po;J'r a tion.

5. Jrnmerac tJ.irfJ clctb, wring out, allo-w evapc-

BODY 1-43

ration and apply tQ both the soiled nod the area surrounding same, using a light. brisk motion.

6. Repeat brushing IJJH;!nit.iun.

7. rr It cleanhll::l :"inA" should form, 'the entire area of the a&,>embly whjuh is being cleaned should 'be thQl"'':l1Jghly brushed and gone e .... er lightly with lh~ solvent.

Sa£cty Precautions for Cleaning F~bri~

1. De nol use- M a ciea.ning solvent iUly gascline which Is colored or which contains 1.(l:U'A.~ ethyl Ie .. d.

.2;, Do nDL U5e any of tbe £oUuwing bleaches ot' reducing agents, R.'( their uxe tends to weaken the fabr~c and change or bll,lju.:b the color o€ the: g:ocdS7 Chloride or 11m!;!, Javelle Willer, Hydrogen percxlde, Sodium Hydrnsulplute, Potassrum permangnnme, Chlorine or chlorine watl!r, Sulphurous Arid (sulphur dioxide), Sodium thlosulphate (Photogrdvhcrs'

hl'1"'). kmh2003

3. Carbon 'l~tr;lchlt)l'idl! is non-lnflammnble.

Most other typc~ of cleaning solvents are innrtmrn<i.ble; .ancl every prCCB.UUQfJ and e:arn 'i1UJ;t be exercised !n handling- them.

4. 00 Dot pt'rmit cleaning solvents to rome in C:O~lt;Jct. with the lIk.in 011 the Upper erms Or the body. Snell eontaets sometimes produce Iccul m+mnon, which is uupleesent, if not serious.

5. 00 RI)L bre~the the fumes of (:1~i1ning solvents, since they are \1_.':Iual!y tcxlc in large qucetttles.

It Ke-r.p oxallo :;Ia1d au! of l'~~('h cl ehild ren and away from tho rnou Lb. It is a dcndly poison .

7. There are (In lilt! market a Gl'l;'OLt number of inexpensive, slow-drying cleaners of the clear type which are not recommended, Core should 00 ta.ken. In the selectlcn of a cleaner for tho upholstery in yvur car, to select a pt"()dy~t of proven reputation and qUiflHty.

8. De not use too much clel!on,inS :fl.uid: some Inte['jar trim assemblies ATC podded, with rubber, mid vulntllc cleaners are I:fe.rte:rlllly solvents fOT :rubber. The I1PVlknuol':'l oJ lOO mach cleaner may deetrcy these Jl,Ibbe.r pads or cause the ruboor IlseU tn penetrate the up..holstery fabrlc end soil it

Clcl)n_ing ~mdnc L$IItllcNi and Imih,tion Leathe.r

Cere (,If Blmulne leather and imitntton leather is a relatively simple but Important matter. It dtrt eccumuhrtes on lhe ~m·f.(l\'"c, th~, generates Into a h>1rd crlt which undt.f pressure will cut the- 6nlsh end cause the: leather to -c::;rwk or bleed eulur-, The sut-lece should be gene eve- OCCl1-

BODY 1-44

sionally with ~ dry doth and if dirt should :!l"CUmulata, lhe Icllcwtng eleantng tnstrucuons should be used:

1. Lukewarm water nnd B neutral S08.p sbuuld be used I;IlId ,I thlok lI-ud.5 worked. up on R piece of cheesecloth and epplled 10 the .surfaee.

2. The uperaLion should be repeated, -u5ing only n darnp eloth and. no soap.

5i <tho leather .!W.uuld. then be wiped dry with fI .sort dCllk

Pcliahex and cleaners used fOl' body finishes, volaule and other etc .. !: cleaners, naphtha, Iurallure pcllehcs, ells, varnishes or huusehcld deansing and. bleaching Hgen~~ should never be used.

Clennilll Cnnv .. rtihle Top 1\'llL111l.r.ilillk

The tOfl lnate.rinls are easily eleaaed and kept attractive if the proper methods of CI~Alling :-mri care, arc exercised. Generally. sotlege can be rc- 11"I1)\'ll!d with. art gum or crude rubb{J%', 1[ dirt: is embedded In the- Iubric, the iQP should be th rougbly brushed with l-I: whisk broom. In this brushing a minimum of pressure- should bf.! applied 1.0 UIU,<;t," areas of the assembly wlnch cover the ,mcliEll bows of 1111:: top structure, :.11ll.:1J hv.Hvy :.br.asioM. will distutb th" suelece of the melerlul "I)P"eci.abJy, cati.!l:ing an unsi_ghlly t'ppiXi:N\Y1CC!. After brushing". the lOp should be WA~hQf1 1.1, .. ,.. cughly with a neutral soap suds uud Jukewarrn water. J\ cloth cr brush with soft bl.'i"tlc.::i should br! used, Gene-row qUUMtLtle..<;; vf clear water ",h_,,-wd then be appH~d over the surface to remove any- soap .... -hlch mIght remain. Volatile and othscclc a r cleaner», naphtha, gasoline 01' household oJ~onl.ns ertd bleechlng agents should never luused.

Aftfolf" cleaniug, alway!': -be sur", thRt the top I!;; thoroughly ory before rnldin~ il. down. Foldlng the top while still wet or damp- may cause mildew and \uuightly wrinkles.

'!'hi!': pr(!~utlc[l. should else be taken by the owner in service. After mlniall, the top should

be allowed tc di'y (Jut thoroughly before 'bei.ng colltlp~u because, hi. addlnon to causing mildew and wrinkles, the top nUltcrlAI will possibly shrink, utter such abuse, to 11 degree that iL InDY be ~Jlll?'(l~ibic to return till;! tup structure tn iL.';' normal upl.·jJ:!hi: pm;ltion,

Cleaniug Carpel Floor Coverings

To clean cu.rPl!t Moor coverings, they should frI":it be bru-sI'Jl"ulhvrol.ld1ly, [f sen remain .. s, n .... olatlle type cleaner I:; recommended. Tilt' c1umin.g eperatlcn should be .repeated ror he;;Lvily embedded stains.

Extreme care should be taken by the ownerto make I.:edi:lill lhi'lL the carpets OTC not !'soaked" wi.th the cleaner. This mo,Y CLtUS~ J(:ledu;t'(l.I.ioll of thp rullber compound bucking con~trlll;!tion uI some carpets.

Neutral scnn and water may also hi':! USI'!d, .A! risk or c;-nl(lr removal, but the owner i.'l cuutioned I.Q rrmke certain that the carpets I1'r~ thoroughly dr;y before dQsins:: all w!ildov.· ~md door openings to prevent pMSibl9. mildew of the carpet.

CleHni:nll Convcrtibl@ Plastie n:J~.k WiQ.dow

1. To remove reed du);~ \.I~1;l a soft doth motstC'n(-d wit" water- eud ..... tee crosswise of the window to remove superflclal dust.

NOff: 0.0 nOr lin a dry t:io,h DT petPfi-1' elton· ing ,jUIlIi.

2. To dean fbe back window use culd or ..... arm ..... ntee and 0 rr'li1rl nel,1p',u soap suds, After WAshing, rinse with clear water and ...... ipe with u dnmp cloth.

C'A UTION: N~nr' ~:II' d.a" .. rl of alcoh on~ or chemic-cd canll'n' 0, ,hIJY -"Joy hove (I d.,.,io/tJ,ing aller:! an 'bt p/adic VT mor Ipa' 'he Dileo flnidt b~'ow ;lte wl,.dow.

3. Do not use B srraner to remove Irust. icc or snow hom 'lh...- plastic back window. Wan)) wat.l~r may be used in ilJ1 mcrgeucy.


Lock t'!,Ylind",rs ure tumlshed fur service uncoded. this necessitates the coding of all TP,plJit'p. ... ment lock cylinders.

The slde bar type lock (fig, 61) Is used (ur the jgnition, dQIJ~ end trunk lid 00 passenger car~ And for igrdUrll'l and Mt.1r JQCks of trucks. Clove compartment locks ere wafer tumbler '~rtgle bitted tyVC having 4 tumblers on passenger and :J tumblees On trut:k. The5f' Jocks iI~ i:l1l coded the S:UIiIl! alle w inS' fo!'" l.Hi!l_.gc of only one key Eol'" i;'IIl looks on the 'v~hi('l~. ToO prot-l!d owners, autcmoblle lock. mo.nuf.n.:!luJ:I:rrs ~lillnp thn lock nlJmlu'r on the lock core, shatl. etc. where they will not

show UI~til the leelc ix removed, The ]ot:aUon uf lock COOl:! numbers on the various typ~ locka Is shown in Figu_rP. 6!i.

Service personnel may be required to cut new keys b:r code UI;" key number whun the uwner is not always in pos.<;~~::"inn yf the key number or he: may be requited to cut :1 new ke-y to fit the leek when lID owner hag Inst his key and hail 1'10 r(!(;utd of tho key number. Simply by removing thn door lock! the: key IlUI1ILI:c InHY' be obtained from the llJ-t"k cere, eheft, etc. w-hlt:h. will be the same (In .tU or tho othsr- 1UL~k.!l:.

[II addition, when ~ loek r.ylinri.er requlres to--



5PJ:IIINIlo ~nAl~~A

placement the luck code number may be obttlined ettber from the- key, if avnilabl • or from the old lock cylinder which is being replaced.

Once the code number of the lock is obtaIned, look 'Up lb.i:l number II). v kr::y cutting (!O(h. book

There ",.(.1 two typ~ of code booklets .iu general U:iC, one which li:;b. we cutting CQd~ by Jett~r C, N, Band Y. Numbers or letters are !;!,'lw<l;Y~ recorded [rom the head of the key 10 the end.

Numbers may be transposed to letters to numbe,~ a.o; fellows:

Code Book-Numbers 1

Code Book-Letters


AU slde bar locks iU!11lJ;;hed to the: field by the Parts Department nrn uneoded, that ,is, they are Iumlshed wltheut tumble~. springs nr spring retebiers: lhe!:~ parts :1iT~ serviced spp3r-Atl"ll' '1'lu. lllmbll.'rs eome in fO\l'r dUft'rp.nt depth .. indleatad by coin' "C" for o pper, "N" [QT Ilil;kf:1, "B" for bhwk and "y" (or yellow.

The slde bar locks es used on Ch!l!vl"(!leLoo; hll.vc slx tumbler pnslnone. and In lonklng up the cutUnlj eodc th~ i61J(lwln~ may be used as an ax-

8C)LJY 1-45

ample. Alter key code number is determined, el.th@.r£:rortt key or from number stamped nn lock cylind~r rC£er to yQI.W code book ~nd record the key curttng Informathm IW fllll~wlj:

Key or

lock cede Nwnbcr

RI09 Cutting I'lT 1_\rmblor ptJ.$itiQn from heed ofl~k.

Key uuLli,rltl

cede Numerical 2-3-2-1-2-4 1-2-3-4_5_6

Key cutttng cede AlphabQticaJ N-B-N-C-N-Y 1-2-3-<-5-6

The numbers or l~ltcrs (del;l\'indiHg nn code book) which .!IlY written. above the euttmg or lumbl@rpusiflon tudtcate the different color lumhl",rs which Hre t(} b.o dropped into each tumbler ..,.'1ul: "f the luck: "C"-ctlPPCI', "NII- nickel, ".B"-bhu;k. "Y"-yellow,

NotE" If r:od .. bod uud tI,ts rh. tc." l;ur;;n9 I;t!J., numlt,lcally, 'hit number.:l "'Vii be 'fo",pond 10 ('ilII'." "J p,.¥i- 1;11,111)' JJotod in order '0 '.'.(1 prapoi, colorea '1.1mb leI I 1o, /ns'oll",;oPl lo'IQ! Ih(l '0(/0'.

1..r'L eases where :R cede book Is not available, the rli.!lgrOim Alii shown I,n figure fill. ma.y be; used to detcmalno the tumblers ecqutred to assemble an uucoded lock cylinder.

1. Lay 'the key em the diagram (6g. Gf'i) with the bottom of the key flush with the cdg of the drcwtng, heud und !Wlni carefully ltned up.

2. Rend fbe ~nde In letters C-N-B-Y Jrcm the ho::-!>;d of kE'Y to tho end from positiuns 1. to G rocluslve. As each depu, t!li QllL&ormined ...... r-ite that letter In the blank apace provided ebcve Ihe posiUon numbers (l~2~3.4--5·6),

3. With the k~ flTo')pP.rly ltned lip nn the dlagrull1, all (:ut.-; that show ~n the first SE'lelil'm are tu be marked "C".

4. Cuts thal fall in the first blnck section, murk "N".

5. Cut."I; thai Iall in the white section, milorlo; '·8·"

6. Curs thRl fall in the second b!ack.'i~Cllon, 1Y10l'k i'Y"_

BODY' 1-<16

After the letter (C-N-B- Y) hAVe been detel'minet! lind writlen above the cutting posttlnns tho luck cylinder shouJd be :.J,r::fiernbl~ ~ IolJQws.

Look C.vlindel' Assembly

'I.. Hold ~'ylindeJ" with bead of cylinder away and $ta.:rting at the bead of the cylill.der. In+ sen the tumblers in thcrr propel' slots in LhE! order called f(l.r by the code, ribbed elde toward you .o.ndlong pf'lir,f_ dnwn (fig. 67)

2. Ailc:r .'Ill ewnblers ere u-. pku.;c, check f()T correctness with the eodc.. Thall, pr~_~ tumblers down wah cne finger (fig. 68).

3, Insert one tumbler sprin~ ill !.hl:!" ~P<1.c.1;! 1,]1:"1]vide-d. abo~9 eaeh. tumbler- (fig. £9),

CAUTION: Jf tfl. :springs are ton !l'ed, do n6i pull t.liem apar'- ... n.fUofW IfI"",m

4. RllVt:t1;1;J the lock cylinders 50 that the head Qf the! eylirul.f'r i~nl'W toward yOU. Insett the ~pring retainer so thlill one of its six prongs enters ia[O each of the sprillK~ and thtt "two lli.ruc end prun.g.~ y\id-e intI) the slots at ~Hh~r ensl uf: tbe cylinder- <fig. '1(;) .. Pres.s the reialner iluwn with one finger.,

5. To ch,-,;:k, in:;crt propel: key illUl if lumhh.H11 At"C install-l=!d prllpH·rly the sldo bar will be allowed to drop down. H bar does not drop tiVW111 remove the key, :;pring retalner, sprinna nnd tumblers and reassemble corTectly.

NO"tt:: " rhol!- tum,Mll"l1II hoYC n,ol .bnn 001- .tomtlhi·"d [olre-dly and 1101· occDrding ro ;he- (ode, 'he rllmbioTi can be remov"d 'ran! .he cylinGsr b~ holdIng it wllh rhe '41mbl., lioh down, puiling the lide bar 0 ... ' with fhe lingers and ;otri"9 rhe eylind~r to s:hnke 'he lumblers aur. This pt" c ~Jlifc" iJ n"tonory be~Q"'lu g"lfr fh. lumiloliu.! ""Ii@! b •• n pressed dawn ''''0 Ih. ~~Jjnder Ihey are held in }"'P.I, ~'1jII11 by Ihe cro~s.ha.r.

6. If Alter ehecklng It l.!l f-O·L .. md that the lock .i.~ uasembled prnpcTly, rerucve h.~y nnd pine" cylinder- in a v lse using leather- 01" ..... ood on each slde to prevent damage LO the cylinder ..

7. Stake tbe retclner securely in place by stakine thO' ('ylind~r me-tal (Jver both edges of tho retainer ends. usin~ 01. suitable stak Inl,! 10;)(11 at right eagles l<J the IQP Q£. the retalner and from the cast rnetul of the cylinder over the ret .... iner- i9.t cach cor-ner,





Shock Abscrbera.

'I'roublee and Remedies. Service News Reference •.. " ...

I'og' 2-\ 2 .. 2-7 2-7




Genera:! Description.. .... . .. Checkln~ Fl-ame Alignment. ,. Cross M~mL['1:'s and. Bracket" ..

Page . ... 2-1 . 2-9 . 2-4


The Irame is the structural center of ehe vehicle for In addition to cnrrying load, it furnishes support {or the body, transmission system and other

units. The frame mainialns eorrilll.~t l"f"biLionship of all parts in order to secure thea normal function and freedom from stress and stroh) And wear that


may be caused by operauon III a tnisa1igncd


The frame for the FleetUnc, end Style-line. modele (fJ.g, 1) j:,j u! ihe box gtrder type. E-ve.ry structural member- 'i~ a bo:lt s.t.!<~tlon, fl1aklng tit!! frame Vel"), sti£E wz-5:iQ7)aUy' and. l~ter!l'lly, with minimum weight. Itis cf t'x.lnllleiy Simple destgn. mAkIng all chassis units ceslly uecessfble Cor servicing.

The stdc members arc of extremely rigid rectangular l'XOSS section, 10 which are attached the hangers and cross members. Thi~ providl?.~ B aimple, :lLurdy WId rigid construction, making the replacement of frame PIl'rtS il comparatively l"a.sy job.

'l'bc front cross ruetnber ts Q 'iflrs~ !;';~rui-tllb"\.ll::ll" unit which is saddle mounted and bolted rigid1y La the Irume side members. The USl!. of bolts in plac .. of rivets facllttates overhaul I1S the complete front end assembly may be removed from th4;: frame us D uniL

A puir of exceptionally sturdy OOlj: section braces ane added to tho !Tame, one at each !litle. The$u braces cxrecd difl.i(onoJl:y forward nom the second em~s member to the frame srde members. They art! Instrumental ln s!lffenlDr;! 'up the entire t1"ont end ar;Q ~~lsQ 'Tl~lnUtlllins the l()llgitudlJ.lal (,Iu.siLjun u{ the side ICI vr I~~O':[':;; CdHLivi.;.' Lv uach other,

The -radialOl" support eeoss member is .of ehannel ,s;:diu_1l end h: ~.n entirely separ-ate ~I)PPQrt 'located just ehcad of the front cross member. It Is riveted to the inner ,flnngt:' of the frame side mell1b..r~ >1_11..1 killed at lhe outside nang~ '10 <tCCVLr~m~J.Jal~ the IIIQuntlng or thQ st.il.bi1i2.cr bmcket. This support member is also indirectly the support for thcEront end sheet metal which 1.-:; s~ured to the rodlctor core support which .in turn is bolted d.irectly to the radiator 5upporl cross rnell:'iOOr. Piguee 2 shows each member of Ihl:' [ram .. in cr-I). ... !',;-~t.lnl1.

ThQ 1950~5Z Bel .A h' models n nd the 1~53

!IIDr. Mt:".(ltf(

TO 1>OOOND e"'_(~O:: r.tf"P.l1\I':~ lUI:"CC



'1". '2-~lomfl Cran S.c1larl


Bel Air and Two Ton Sport COUPI!S- hove n box girder frame similar 10 that used OU closed modu ls, Lut with reinforced stdo rails. ThE' rernforceIm:nt:s, ~~ rt thick and in three S cucna, extend almost lhu !uJJ hmJil.th of each side ratl, The reinIorccmcnts are Inside und puddle welded to tho ti:lP lIt (ILl": (HUHi:'! bcx secdcn.

The- frame assembly used on 1f.t'lO-.i2 r:.loserl model pn1i!'lCngoT cars ('qw,lJ~d with the POW~l"gUdf' trunsmiasum ill tho same a, LhE' regular Iramn wlth the .,.x,l.!~p1ion thal the seuund cruss member is mounted 2%" f .. rtber toward the rear. This .uL·ct.:.~il1:ltllS H ebaago in second cress member and fJJc member lu second cross IT\mnhOT breces. On the CUII\I\Jrtib[1i!: model, tho snme effect hi: eccornpli~I.>:I'1 lJ)I till:: use uJ u new transmtsslon support Ct'OM nuaubur-, aD. 1953 models equipped with Powerglldc transmission, LlUJ li,CI:L.H'ld l:rH~,! mumber or trunsrnlsaicn support L-; i:JvitL'd ir~ ~1'I\':oi.).

The Converttbla body is 0 rather ftcxtbla B{r\m· turc as compared [n a closed bcdy and tor thit; reason the Convertible frame (fig. 3) must be more l'igiJ1y constructed, The side members of this Irau,e ure bi.l.sic.dl~' the slime: as used on uie closed body model ... bul a simplified '"'VX" strucLUTe of I-beem ;sediull I·o.:jlliic~~!; th e various c.rC)s'i IlII:.'JII'LI:.',n; u,o;. .. d 011 the ;1'1':.!!'iultu' passenger cur frame. Euch one of the four (Uw~onal members ui' the IIVK" section (;arrles a body i"['lounLin~ bT-ilckd

m addition to thosa IOL;JIIt!t_t.l un the side members. 'Ibe "VK" assembly is welded Lop and bottom as. well as riveted to The Irnme side members at all Six points of contact.


Vehlcles which hsvo be-en in tl colhsfon, upset or <If) nectdent of any nature which miGht result in. "swayed" (It' ",:;prll nc" frame should always be cheeked for pl'OpC.l' frame 1;1] iglmu:mt in ndditinn tu ~tL't!ring g~metry and wheal fl.lisnllu~nt.

When che.cking a frame EoI' allgnmnnt in case of damage, the most elliclf~nt method ts "X" checking with a tram from given pointa on each side member.

In Iigum L and ::I ·refl!rr.nt'!P pnints are indicated I. A"', ·'B", "C", "0" on Cac11 frame, side member.

Frame ali~U1[H:!nt checks an All i'n~)d~Js should he made with the tram points set at the Ct:!fil-F;r' I'll each Iocuung point lnd~C-6t(!d and the cross bar level tn Insure ilCCL1["UCY.

When "X" t:h~king nny section of the. frame, the measurements should agree within ;51111", If the meesuremoats do n t agree within the above limit. it means that eorrccttcns wllJ have- lu be. JIIW,)l..' In!lw~~ulI those measurement po~nlS tha,t an' DOL cqu u I.

TJIIl ruin iuunn dlllll.iCll:livn between spring hangEl"3. is s11~IWII in fl,!j;Uflz.:t '1 andS a:.Il!i in addition


the spread !;It the Irvnt and rear llf the :i~d.e rtuarnbers is ilia shown.

[! .a tram g~llgC 10; not aV;'lllabkl the "plumb bob" method of chei:iking may be used. To assure {Illy- degree of acenrucy when !lo:ing thts i!1i:'thn.;l. the vd\ide should be: On a level floor when dimenslom are cheeked,

By us-ing this mt:.lhQd, it is PH1)' nccassery tQ have a piece of cord attached to an ordinary SUl:veyor s 'plumb bob. When measuring the distance 6et,,:,-,.,,~t! two iK'~nt,o;_, the ire-<: en.;J -gf u.~ f.'Qi'd should be placed. on tho reference point allowing the, plumb bcb to hang iI.L<;t off the fIlIor. A check: mark, should be made en the floor rust under the

Ljp 1,;( !Ia.: ph.miL- 'buu, Thi" ... p1.."TitUUII. ahould be l'npor,atQd at all ref~I'~ncc Jlnint.'S.Wit_b th~!5e poin'b 11:l~~~d on th~ fi?o-:t', they mrry c>!:.ily be measured with a rule.


Ml arC55 members and brackets that are damtl~~ .t,:Ji' brnkt:n tn>1y b.: I'''pl:).<;;;;d. Cj,__r[ Qrr all ri",,,,l~ hulding par l tc be replaced b)' f.hst drilling the· .heuds and then cuLl.ing them off using u sharp i;(l-l~ d!i~~L C"l.~ ~hould 'be eM,;;l'-dMd to pr~v~n~ di5tnrting rivet holes. In permanently attcchlng il new piece, it is recommended that hut rlveta be 1.1,:;o;;;d. tu :;o;;:cm;e in pla(:e.


General D'6s(::r'il)Linn. _ ,.. ..

Operation ...• , , .

Service Oce-aelons. .

Ftatll Shock Absorber

'Removal _

I.nOilallalian. . .. . .. . ..

Rear Shock Absorber _. . ..•.


Installation _ . _ . . . •. ..


. ... " •..••..•. , .. , ... 2-4

2~5 2-5 2-.

. .. 2-G 2-6 2-6 2-6


~M{'_k absorbers beth CI'cnt and rnar on ill presenget Cal' models are non-cdjustable dll:e:ct fIIeti.n!!: bayonet typo~ eOI~513tiJig of three uonccohi", t,ub~!':- knnwtl ~;;. 1-h~ pzossuro 'l'l:.!b~, r~!':~~v6ir tube and dust shield or C'uL('[ tube. Front ehock abs-orbe-rs 011.195.2-53 models art" not equipped with dust :..hidd;i. Th,~:1oe ah,,;;'k Rb!~o.rLo.:l;':'I !:Ire pf.',rtn<.l~ nently sealed and require no mclutcnancc other than replacement if necessary,

Front shock ./lJ:iOl·be.·:-; nre stern attached 01 the top direo-ctly to the top nJ the fmnt gp~ll1J1: housihy and ~J the bottom -:o.~e i:ile'H1 .:;.ttachltd to a retniner bracket bolted. to the lower control arm (.fig, 4).

Rent shock absorbers. art; stem iltt-ar,,:h~;d ::tt thelOp La the body nUUl" slruek absorber reinforce-

I:l:1(1Ul ch>lHti>!l <ll1tl at tho;; lx)LlQm !It-e p,jH~ ~tl.'1i;lH",d to en anchor- belt in. the rear ~hlg HU" bolt and shock absorber anchor bull plut.e Itig . .5).


On the eorapresston stroke, the urston mQV~ \':Jw;<ll'd the II--'WI:T end. q( th", ,Prt,"-i9i-iJ;'C tld.io(;' Ji.tci1.t: fluid. through the holes Ln the piston. The pressure lHt!> the intake valve pl{lte Blh.l-wlf.J.~ Jluld 1n lower chamber- to pass intc the upper chamber. Sin~~ the ulston red ts -a1S(! ill. the uPPCt chamber, all of the fluid in, the lower chamber- cannot enter the UF!JI::. chamber. 'fhl! volume or fluid which cermet cuter Ul13 upper chsmhrn-, hRC;!iL1S\.l" of tJ~t:' piston r-ed, is forced out d the lower cham bel: thro-ugh 1,110 enmpresston valve orifice and thrcugh open ..

fl" .-front Shock Abl~'"' MaunHng

FRAME AND S,HOCt< AJi$OR.e.~R5 2~5

ing into the sueroundteg tcset"VQi)'-. Thua the amnunt fir C':nrnpr~~<::inn control iII governeQ. only by the volume of fluid dtsplaced by the- piston roo. On f .. st Or extreme nurveroeets when the fluid Row exceeds the capacity uf the orifice, flui.d then H.OW!i lhtuiigh the cernpresslce relief valve, 'l'he fh.l;.hLi,HI1C"" to the vehicle spTing travel Is datermined by th"" (I'i.~mett'r of th~ erlfiee and the strength of the compression vnlvc. spring.

Ou tile rebound stroke. whim the car body mavc:i'j ""W{i;_;Y from the car ~vrJ.lIg:>. Un: n .. ~istllnce uF the ubaorbet is ID!itanlly llfft:ct.i.ve, As the piston is pulled tlpw~tdl fluid In the upper chamber is forced through, slots In the intake vnl've 'pltltc nod

thrmle;h holes in tha plsten -build~ng up p:ras-w·(!. •

o.gainSL the (ll'Hlr.H pll'l Lp, A.OJ the pt"~!'I~U1'P Increases. the pi:itOD spring is ~omprC5\:..~ll:d end t,hp

oritic-~ plAte liil.5 off its sent. permitting Ilujd to

pess into the lower chamber, Since the piston rod

is muving out of the hllll;lr chamber or pressure

tube, the space taken up by the piston rod: is dls"placed by fluid ilr;;.awll into the lower chamber

Irorn the surro'l--lnding reservcle tbl"oilgh the ln-

1Ak..n vAlve. 'I'hi!' valve plate lifts off its saat tn th.Is operation, ullowing the fluid, to 'fill the: pressure



fig. '-ha. SJI.ck .. btll,It ... M .. unting

Since both front und real" shook. ~b:;;cri)£:r.s are permancnt:ly sealed, .,;el'VICCl oper'~Hi{in..'l lire limited to repl~clllrnents only. Shock absorbers may be replaced en the vehicle (15 follows:



1. With a '.4" open end wrench. hold Upper

st(:m from turning and remove upper stern reta..ining nut, sr-o:mmet rettlin(:r nad grommet.

2. Rnmnva nut nnd loekwa..-IDQ:1' h·om spaclal boll', retnlning shock: absorber Icwer mounting bracket to lower coutrul <lTIII, «lid 1'~1l sb o ck absorber ueuc-mb l y nnd ITlI}\lnting bracket out. bott()m of spTing hQ'W;.mg (fiS. 6).

3, Place mounting hrAdcpt if' vise and remove


lower- stem J'uI9IniJ1l!' nut, grommet reHt_incr ann grommet and remove shoclt~DSOrht!r Iroru mounting bracket.

4. 'I'rlJ;p~t rubber grommets Ior i,:ondi.tiol'l and il necessary replace wiU. l1(!W grommet.!?


1. III!J;ll!lll srcnnm.utJ'etain~r, upper erQlnTllP.l, reUlinc.f bracket assembly, liJ.wor grommet and grommet l"f!~iJ\eT un bottom stem CJ( sbcck absOrOO,r and Jnstall grommot rel.:,linfU· nUL !1nd tighten untfl. it bottoms 011 shoulder nf stern. Then, I.ighlcn Io 4,,6 It. lb. torque and slake in plaee

2, Instal! grommet retainer end grommet on upper stem of .'ihnck lli:.l!'IIJtber end i.n!lLalI ... hock absorber up throuJ:ih lower ccnteel urm ond spring housing.

3. Il"lde'lC IJPPPr stud through mounting hole in tnp of !ip;riug' housing lind index mcuntlug hnlt' In shll~k absorber retaluer bracket over speelal bolt in lower control arm.

11. Tn.. .. lnU 10(!k\vngtll'[" und nut on epeclal boll und t'ight..,.n. nut securely.

5. rn~l:IU yroullnet and grommet-eetalner oVl:!r I.lpper stem u( shock AbsQ['~r_

6. Iustull retainer nut to ~l:pptr eheck absorber

stern and, ho1dW~ Slqn:l with ~_I' wrench, UJ(hlclI JIUl unul it oott,Qrn. .. on shoulder of stern. Then ti.!oolhtClll t.u 4.-G It, Ib torg,ut} lind slake In pIR'Cc.


Since till" tipper stern of the rear shock auscrbuc (!-.)(t.l;!.nOs UJl dU'ous-h body floor, the upper retainer nut L .. T£':u'ht?d lhrrnlgh the trunk cumpartmcnt.


1. Raise trunk Ild, f.old back r(!'~r compartment mat and holdlng upper stern (Tom turning, remove \Ipper shock absorber l'£'ta.iner nuL, upper gremmut :rel,'liner, grom.met and lower Lo:"tUlIln'lct 'J'ctuiner from shock <ah$ol'b<:t upper stem.

2. Remove uu'l, lockweeher .. \nu ,Aat washerfrom shock ... bsorber anchcr bolt on rear aprlng j,U" 'bolt end shock absorber anchor bolt phlh:t.

3. Pull ur delve lower shock absorber eye from rmehor- holt 91111 drop down. to disengugu Uppl!r !Item frum body floor.

4. Inspect rubber grommots fQr 1;:1;md.iUon and if n~:4..'iIlry replace wlth new grommeU.


1. l.n.lilclll rubber bushings in ::shoc::k ebsorber eye und Im.wU urcmmet r tainci", gl'ommet WIU l4rrmunet retainer to shock abseebee upper stern.

11151..'111 .'ilCI:!I flet washer on shock absorber anchor hoi ~ flnri then install shock absorber inde!l(in~ upper stem through bole in body floor ilnti then install lower shock absorber eye to anchor hnll.

::s. Install ate~l 'llat washer, lcekwasher and _nut 10 u richer boh and Lighten eoeurely.

4, Install grommet retainer, grommet and gp;'m~ met retainer to upper stern prctrudlag into trunk ccmpnrtment,

5, Iru:tull rel,uine:-r nu.t to. uppe-r stem And holdIng stern from lurnin~ trghten nut until 'it buLtunlS un !!hn1).ld.er of stem. Than tighten to 4-6 It. lb. torque and stake in pI9cC!.



Prob;tble, Remedy

Hard Rlding

0. Shodt <3~rbe.r broken.

a. Disconnect shock absorber and test action; replace Incperatlve shock.

b. Lubricate .'1pring".

b. Vehicle springs improperly Iubrieated,

Vchiclo.TftO Flexible

a. welt; of DuM tn shock :th!;orheJ'.

b. DLrt in relle~ vulvc.

c. Shock absorber broken,

Q_ fu!plllc~ shock absorber. b . Replace shock Il'b=er. c. Replace shock ilbsor'bcr,

Shuck Ab:Wl'be~ N(Ji')Y £I. Insufficient Iluld.

b_ Dirt in r,eli~f v alve.

c, Grommet. s ut uppel;' or lower stems not compressed .sufficienUy O[ nul on rear shock lewer eye not tight.

d. Shock absorber broken Internally.

B.. Replace shock ~hsorb~_ h. Repl.:u:€ shock nbscrber.

c. Tighten tetulner nuts R9 specIfied or ttghten rear shock eye rlJt.ainEir boh nul.

d. Replace $hock 8~Drbcr.

Leaks Fluid

a, SClih:ng w~Ms broken loose. b. Pocking gland worn.

a. Replace shcck nbscrber.

b. Rep]3_ce shuck absorber.




Front Buapenskm , ... , . , . , , .. , ., •. , .. Troubles and Remedies. +_


Special TQol~ .....

Sl;'rvlCt> News: Reference.

f'a.ge . .• 3- 1 .. 3-13 3-18 . 3-19 . 3-20



Dcneral Dl=!.!lcript:ion __ ; _; : __ ~. _ . 3.- 2

MinClr SOrvif2;1) Operations ,. . 3,,-1:

Tie Rod.... . 3- 4-

Removal._~. .. __ .3- 4

Installation. I , ••••.• 1'""""" , •.• 3- 0:1,

SteeringIo ~er and Third Arm and Bracket.

As._<;emhly. .. . .. 3- 5

Removal .

D:I.;a_s.ooernbh ..

Assembly .

Installation "

3- • 3- 5 3- e .3- 7 3- 7

. .... 3- 7 3- 7 . ... a. 7

'Romovul,. ,

Installation ..

Hub a:n.d Drum Assembly. __ ~ Rs-novat ...

I nspeetion , . • " ..•. 3- 7

Repairs .. _ .. +,. ~ _3~, 8

Benrlng Races-Replace. . . _ .... _ .3., 8

Bi"i.ke Drum='Replace .... Wheel nHh-'R('phi'~ Irtstallntitm ... , •.•.•......

Front, Wheel Beo.rin~

cl\..ctju13L. :} Q

Riding Height end Cau SprIng Sag_... . 3~ 9

Major Service Operations ' , , , , ... ~ .•. 3R10

Front, Springt; __ ,. .. . •. 3-10

Removal. . .. .,....... _ r ,-3-tO

Inatallutinn . . . • . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . 3-'10

.. _.3- B



Lower Ccntrul Arm, ShqIt or Bushings

i;arly l!l!l9 Mcdela. co.. ... • • • 3-10

Removal. , 3-11

Diseseeeibly.. . . . . .. . •..•...... 3Rll

A""",bly . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... a-n

Inatallation .. L • " , , , • , • , ., ••• ," ,3-_12

Lat. 1949-53 Modek.. 8·12 Lower CQh~l',,1 Arm PiVQt Bolt and BW:ihing3R12

'Rerr~ovaL.. . 3-12

Installation. . .... s..13

Upper Control Ann Pivot Pin end .IJushings3T13 Removal. __ .. ::l-1:~ Installation .. ,." .. , .... , .... ,." .. 3-1:J.

Upper Control Arm, Shalt. or Bushinga. " . 3-13

RemovaL.. - .. _.3.-14

Installation .... ". .. . .•..... 3~1.4

Kingpin. Bu:>hit~~s .. _.

Removal .

.. _ .. _ .. 3-1-5 •• co ..... 3-15 ......... 3-15

_ •.•...•. 3-18

_ ~.16

..•.. . :)..16 .. 3-16 .3-,16

........... 3-16

.._ .. :l-16 •..•..... :)..17 . .. , ..• iJ.-17 .. _ .. 3-17 .. ...... 3-17

Thliltdl!-lLion ••

.s, B ".3. 0

Front End Alignment.

Kingpin lneliuatlcn .

Custer " , .

Oamber._ .


Steering Geometry .

Service.Operations . _ . __ .

CusLer and Camber-Adjust ..• Kingpin in·c:.lin(l.Ul)n. , , ..... Toe-Jn-AdjlJ!'Iot_ .

Steering Geometry ...



Front wheel!;' un '!ill prl::l::lcn:E:c.r CW" models arc Inoe]Mlf!ilunlly sprung by tho SL.A. (sheet und lnng arms} method (fig'. 1).

'l'hi..'1 (h~::;ign rdlcwe the- whee] tc reeve up 0'[ down independently in fullowiag irrt'p;uillritie.!:l o( the toad, re~uli,hlg In a uihilmum of li:r[! W~;;!r due to scrubbing Qf tires against read surface, Whether these irregularities be raised cbstructioni! or chuck hQI~, the ~l!Mk wl1l n-r.1. be 'lr;m"tnnted to the car or passengers.

In thi'li eonstrucnon the entire assembly i s rat· tached to ea unu:;ufllIy li)gged Frame cress member which is semi-tubular in dC'Slgn and is saddle mounted and bolted 't.igidly to the f1.'amc- sine members. Thi:> construction fa,c.ilittlt!i::i complete overhaul 0,. replacement tn that the complete ~mbl¥ may be i"I!JnClvl.!d (ruin 'the I:r~"" ~ a unit.

Cha1si~ coil ~pring;!'i 11 %~" lceg, po!ri.tianed. .irr Spl"iIlg sects, are used. The 'IOWET .!ipring sect is Ionned in the Jower control aIJU and the upper :c.pring :ieill ,j;; wddo.:d l:nl.n t.he: upper ~t:c::tjun nf'the spring housing tower.

Direct :1cljng p.e-.rm!'L~1en.tly sealed 'lmyonei: 'I:YJlIil ~Im~:k (I bs~~.r'~~·;; Hn.: IUl.:<lh.:d in IJ~"_~ l.:11.C,ll~r u{ the spring and ",pol·ate in a vertical nlanc, The top of the muM: absorber lS stem ~tt;'lc.bed to 'the 'top I)f tho sprmg houatng and the bottom is stern a_t·_ tuched to a removable plate attached to the lower contrDI zrrrn.

The upper l.:unLrol scm IS pivoted fit Ita im10T end un tb r-t>nrl>'!rl sl.f'!",l bllo:hl_ng~ which ar~ threadcd to the upper control arm shaft. The upper control nrrn shaft ~s in turn threaded ut either end ~llto the sp'rlns houstl'..g {!'ss(,I"J."J.bly and into n :1'",i'O_ Iureernunt tit each stde which is we.hlod to the

~prins housing ru;s~mbly .. t the hole locution. Ncoprcne aaals cover t.h", irin ... :r .,nil of .eneh busblng uud the thrlj.l,d.'l ~m th~ ."h>lit. These 60;11 ... p.rcvC'.ot dirt end water from entering the bl:ilriug:), thereby vrl)lor.~Jn(;l their IHe.

'The Iowcr control arm carrie:. t.hrcndp.d :-Itc ... '(:l bU!1htllg::; whkh nrn lhrcadl3:d to ... forged shaft. ;1~1:'1(lhcd to tho:: underside of the {rome Irout cross mcrnbcf by twu Vro;.;lt!.'i:'l.. fo~g('cl lntcgrnl with i he shalt. The »tecl b u shinga are threaded en thn OUU!r d!~!i110;!t~r 01: the shrdt. On curly 1949 lUou\..,b <'l Lock nut Is lnstullcd un t)Ui.CT diumd,e1" 'Of bushing:; next h:J innel" fRCP of lower' control arm whlch 1000ks the- buohing tc the conu'cl utili. On Iate 1!..)4!) ond 1950-ti:l modd ..... ft r itttl'lrtlC'me1'1l ls we.lded to the inn':::l" face of the lower- conlrnl urrn iI;' the bU!.ihll"lg huh: lueutiun dimin .. ting \151;'1 of Lock I'HlU.

NL:01:l1'WIL' ~\'l-Ill'O C~IYV[ the inner end (If eech bushlng and the threads on the shaft. These seals prevL'ut Jid und water Jrcm enterlng the beurings, thereby prclcuging their lifo.

The stecrtnn knuckle- support, whluh currjes L!~(~~llJeriTI.L: k[lw . ikle cnd kingpin, is pivoted nt tts upper end lower ends to the upper and lower control arms. At the lower end a steel thr ... uded type UUSllilll,{ i!'i :;cn.::wcU into the ste-ering knuckle support. A threaded bolt whmh "pRSS<'S through. the lower control arm end threaded bushing com- 1IIVI,~1~ (he IlllJwlUng.

'Iu secure thi<i bolt in )1IRC~ ft lock mit i~ installed on the end and Is tightened down uantnst, uutcr IlII.;!'" uf control firm, NCOJlrcnJ:!" seals In.'i1.nllmi between ends of bushtna and control arm prmect the- bearings frum road <litl. and water. The UPPEr end of me: knuckle support is mounted to the upper- (:OI,1.I"U] urm through threaded steel hl.l.~hl[lgi,; and a thrcnded occc-u-rc bolt which provides for castm- and camber adjustments.

The stcerlng knuckle is of the Tr:VI".rs:C ~lIil)t tvpe, pivoting on th~ kingpin lh.rU\.Igh Ilouung bushings which permits movement of the bushIn'gs on the kingpin ns wC!11 D.~ in lhf.' ~1.P.(1rillg knuckle. A ball bearing lccuu .. ed between lower lace Qf steering knuckle support sud !!.t.I'i(~:r-illtt knuckle absorbs thrust Rnd "UI.IW~ fur easy steering.

The brake .flnnge. i.<l securely bolted to the steering knUt:kl~ lind carries tho brake shoes and wh .. fI!j ('),lil1de-rs. The stoertng knuekte urms art' also "bolted to the stt;;e!'ing j(nuckJe!>,

'Iwu lie reds ate used whl("_h connect the steering knuckle a.rl1~~ dtrecuy to the steer-lug idler and thled ann und bracket :ls.~clnbly. TlH~ bracket «f the .:::tee.ring idler ani! thlrd ar-m aeeembly isin turn bOlted di..rt:e.:lly to the front erose mCI,;lrer btling lccnted on the center line of the vehicle. The right band tte ro,] is solid while the Left t.ie rod is adjustable. to. p r ovldc Fer- tee-in adju.{·Ql1ent ..

The frorit wheel :'1I)tn\.l1w which ere forged ln-


kgra:lIy With the eteerlng knuckles are lilted. downward tit their outer- ends cflu:oi.n, the !-rent whcd5 to he farther apart at tbe top than i.hr"y ~rQ at the hallam. Thi.'i :o;lJght i;l.nguli"ll_[ PtJ~iHQn of the £rc;mt wbecls 1.3 called camber.

The stecrrng knuckle arms urn Installed cu I.hfl: knuckles at An angle, ~l"IniU.ing tho Inmt wheels to toe-out when m.n.kin~ turns. 'I'hts )!;, np.ce:'loltFlry so that when tnmtng eU1"'VI1!:l ~H wheels m}\y travel in dlffA'I'e.nl. ~d'C8 Hbl.1Ul .1 common center so 1.'1:51 to avoid tin' scuffina nnd wcrrr.

Kingpin lock pius cee stepped pins, in5erled (Tom the front of the steering knuckle SUp..ftML Hnd. hl;!ld in pl:-uJf! with a nut a nd lockwcsher, Tbis nut. should be inspected ",tregulol' Inter-vals And tight-

ened whIm nc-eC:'i~1"y. .

Hubbcr- b~)lIIp~jl:i lor rebound nnd cumpresslon are mounted on the front :o;.prin~ housing and on th'1 lower cuntru] arm. 'J11e Lower (or compressicn} bumper which is mounted on the: lower control arm engage-s a bumper pad which is part ul the Ire-at C["IJ5.S. member and the UPP@ir (or rebound) bumper which is mounted CJIl (hI:! frunt spring housing eIlga~e:i aguiruil 11. bumper ped which is putt of the upper control arm,

A front end ;dnbii!.7);'l' bw- is used in ccenectlce with tbi!'; $u,:pens:ion to ptovldc stC-Cl'ing stability and conu-ul of body rull. The .sbbilizor b:u; is attachsd til b.ra~k~b! :!I.t Um outer ends of tho radi-,


,fItoCJi" ~upPOf"t cress I'Member. The.:;e hra~ket~ an;: rubber bushed and .n~ held in pl:H!"" by belts which tl.x_t~u.d through Lhe brackets, radlatcr support ~ member and &~ :rid~ member outer IlLlnge. Delco type connector bnks are used to O;:Pl~tlL'=cl: the ~lnbniv;:t 1m!." to <I. brol;\cko;t welded to tile lower control arm (,fig. 2). The Iinke.J:r:~ provides complete Tubber Insulation between the metal parts.

The boll end socket joints. on the tic rod. CO:t1- nectlens .'II,.,.. of the self arljm::ting 1:yp~. pr[lt~(!t~d r,PJJ!! did uy ~ synlhetiu oil n::)i;ting ru'L'Ut:I seal,

A short, tubular !!:t.",~dng cnnne.roling rod, which is adjustable for length, i s used and is uttacbed to the bf.lI ccnnccbcr -of the .:.teeting idler -fl.nd third arm as."embly' end to the: steel'ing pitman arm by means oE the ball sect .. rid :ipI"lUg type ot CO'-l~lt'ud:icl.l'l.



There ar-e two tie rods used on ell model p-assanger COlIS. The rl~ht tie 'rod i~ A one piece nonedluetsble rod, designed with He :rod ends 'wi::Lkh n~ not L'~mo\,::Ibl('_' The b·ft i'to<:! rod is of three piec-e construction, ccnststtng of the tie rod and two tie. rod end nssemelles. The ends are threaded into the rod and locked with clamps. Right and left hand thread.B are provided to fecilltate tee-in tldjll!;tmlo'nl

The tic rod ends used (fig. 3) arc self adjusting for We:U und require no attention in .!ll:lrViao other rhnn periodic lubrication and oceastonal iuspeeHOn to sec Ihill ball elude are llght. ,Rcplac!:"men't ol tie rod ends of left tlc rod nr eomnletc right h .. {~d ue red al»~r!I'oly ehcuhl 'be made when exeesslve 'Up and down motion is ~vld~nt nr 11 any lust motion or end. play at ball end Df stud exista.


1. Del1d tnngs elf ball stud nutlot,;h:~hll.~ .. way


1, igll 51~il r, 5.~j

~. ~II 5"",~

Fig. J-U .. ~o'" Enol'

6. ~Otk.1 ~_ '~i~~

.,. .!:'Pr~~ 9

f.rlln'l nuts and r.emove, ball stud nuts {rom bult stude.

B, TQ remove outer 0011 ;:;tuJ, screw J .. 1213 re- 1'!"I1.1YI:!1' (>"'1:"1" thr('~.df~d end .,f stud V) 'prijt~t threads, Support steering Arm and drtve all remover- with !I hnmmct- to loosen stud, then. remove tic rod end IT>Qm steertng ntru.

::I. To remove Inner 'ball :-:.tud. ... from 3Let:.ring Idler and thh·d arm »ssemblv; l-etall tip red ball stud. remover J~2%3 (fig, 4). Turning the ,,;(,;rol:'W fl!1 th~ 'wOol will press the 'ball studs tram idler nnd thud nrrn assembly.

4. To remove tic rod ends hom !~tt tie rod, l(ll)~lm dHii1.'f! b(~U lind. unsej-aw ~fH1 HMi=l!flhly frurn fie rod .


1. Il tie rod ends were removed, install ~rJ.ill; On tic rnd Illflking SU n;c lWll ~ (lurll; m-e lhr(:Hded an equal distance into the tit: rod aed tha.~ beth ends Inc in the- same plane (ng. 5}.

2. Mfj'kc :3Ut(; lh.l;J.i. tlu-ceds oil ball !>tud,:j find in ball stud nuts ::j[-~ pCl'f~(:Lly clean and smccth. Install neopl'tlne .. euls on ball. studs.

NOTE! If Ihr~ad'l; ar~ nr.t ri.f!>an and smaQthr boll ~t ... di I"!"!"i!Y tl,lrn iii'! ,iJl: rod ends wh9n atpdompling, to tighltfl!1 nc+,

S. Install ball-HtiJd." into .'ll:oe;erlng .J,'p;"m~ ~t Ol!ter' ends und tu eteerlrm Jdlar and third arm ns&emb.ly at tbe center. Qr inner ends.

·t IJ"!!':l.aJl 'new boll stud nut Ioelc plak:;: and hall stud nut and tigh1.l3h securely. Henri t:lng~ (\gair.i~, nut tc Iock.

5, Adi~;<;l tce-te ;J:;;- ile~Tibea under ·'F.!.·OlJt Wheel Alignment" And t.i!iMt;e1"i ue rod end clamps to 8-1.2 ft. lbs. torque an left tie rod.


1 Hatse front of veblcle and placn on St811d [acks.

Bend t~n~ aI r,~_ht"r' tIe rod erad 'bYII stud nut lock plate away Ircm stud nl.l,t'!i and IOmove nU~ I-rom studs.

!!. Ij"l~t:~ll tool J-20G3 and press ball studs from steerrng Idler and third arm assembly. Hemove cotter pin and end p]ug from end 'Of $tee,ring CQrlJ.II:::-.::ti.ug'r.nd and dleengage red ·from ba,Il on li:t~e]"iJ:~rt ldlee Ijfl~ tMrd ~1'!n as ... sembly.

I, ~mrhl

.2_ "H~r .. ~d 1hl.1I ,h", .!I.Sul

.t. ij~=i !!~~!!"ln~~ :I • ...,~t prfl.


7.~<~r~" Il-.Phiij

9, ~;';,,1 Sl,url


NOn, thrl!lid plug b-tJdc i"~o -arid 0' IIGering conneding rDd '0 pfeVeiif IllIi,ing bull ~eti,h, ::;ptinSi I:"'i:" f'rom "nd' of conn.ding rod.

5, ~R.el'J1);ve three belts which retarn stC't"rl n g Irll.,. r- <lr~d thl.rd arm and. bracket assembly to Ieunt cress member and remove assembly.


1 Sup~rt i...llcr ::md ihir<! ::rn:, 1", vlsc1 l;"GJ::'iiO~.;i luln-toatlon Iittlngs and with 8 J.A:!n puneh drive out idler and thtrd arm t-o ptvot sl"rirft lock pL1.

2, 'Rem.ove pivot, I:>ba!t ph.iSS. This· can be done will, n sharp drlIt. punch by driving through either- p!.ug find. :f9TI:ing the pivot ;ffi,ut. ~g.ain.'..:t tho nlh~'r plug to rcmovaIe (ftg_ 1) Sho:Jt may then be removed and idler and ,thIrd arm assembly :1.'nd sb.im removed fsotn bracket assembly

3. IrI~I)~t bllmmg.:i in bracket assembly and if ""'-'}t"fi ~}q::e!1$~\leIy (ofr i:l.;ilTI;)ged, delve out uSJng K-318 ~I}'''-rhij:! knuckle b'l.i.'ihing driver

(fig. 8). . . .


When replacing the piv~t pin bm.hinglil it ls necessary to- ream them to .. ize Q:i service bu.iliIngs arc not machined to :finish dl~'1Qi~~lons. Wlie.n repi8clnf.! bu~dribWt, CHI"e should be taken to make $U.:r:~ the oi] gTo)Qve(i: in t~t! buehlnga Hne up with lh~ luhTIr':"tinn r.H~ng lu)lpo; il"! the bT-£\ckp1 .

1, Press new bushlngs in the bracket us.ing K-S18 steering kn!ICkle 'bU1;ihJ!!B' driver.

P:,RONI :5U'SpEN510N 3-6

2, Ream 'bushings to :!')22"_.92WT u~liig J-3189 hl1_!;;hlng reamer,

NOTE: bamer mustbl'! lang enough to pilat in ane bushing whUI!! 'raamlng' tho'! other la maintain al~gnment Illg. 0).

3, Inspect rubber dust seale, replace if necesMry and place 'the idle-r and third arm with 1"u'bber drnt ~e:lE: in pIa,;,;: in thE; br~<:'ket, in-

.... L.lLl ~hiw between lower face ot idlf'I" and third ann assembly and bracket end install pivct pm.

4. Ch[~'C1t clearance between idler and 'I.h.itd ann assembly and bracket with R feeler gRUg:e {fig. 10). If this clear-ance E-:xc~ed.H .006" install shim, purl No, 3C87657. 'between bracket and Jcwer Juce uI idler: end thad .ar'm assombl1.

5. Align, pin hole in idler and, third arm aasernbly with pin hole in pivot !;.hili and ins-trul new groove loek. pin.

6. Install plv(lt !l.h:;.ft phlg5 ,e"d slake plu~ Sf"-

curely in four pIaL·1i!5, .

?, Install Iubzicaricn :fitLing:'>.


1. Place eteerfng idler and third ann and bracket assembly in position on :fTOnL suspension cross member and instQIl two krwet bolts and one upper bolt atlrl turn, Hll fhl"Hf'! huli:.3 nuv.-'T1 :finger- tl.ght.

2. Tighten the two lower belts to 30 Jt. 16,. minimum tceque,

3, With the lower bolts nghtened securely, remove the upper belt und cheek space between h'(JJit suspension Cl'(.I.S.',! member and bracket at uppl!r mount.in:g h-ale w-ith a feeler gauge (fig. fl). M'ij:>;iml..lm ellcwable 3P!3.ce ~ thla poi~,l~ hi .008·~.l! W'II':l:l- exceeds ,QO-5", add ~ilTL'J.' <15- necessary to bring space within 01- Iuwable limit.

NOTE; A ,010" ,Mm [5 Cyciicb!IIi!' for USoj: at thts po:int. lhjs ehrm mQy b~ 'I!'",ed 11'1'.11911' 01' in any eemblnetlen to brtng :s.pl!lce within .OOB" maximum limit.

4. 111:=.:t611 upper boll and tighten securely. The specified torque- f(lr th~ii bolt, is 65 ft.. ills. but i.n I'llQst iru;l-tl..nOCH it. is impossible lu plncc a torque wrench on this bolt .50 that the boll must be tightened to !):!l neal" fi5 [L Ib:;.. M possible.

a. [n:;;lnll ball studs of tie red ends into steer-ing idler and third arm, irutAll new ball stud nut lock pi9.te!': :1I'1.d b.ill stud nuts and. tighten securely. Bend tangs of lock plate l:I;g.ii·n.st nuts to lock.

6. .Assemble rubber dust cover ovee ball on steering idl~r and third al'm assembly runk ing sura the short end. is to the rear. Assemble steering connecting rod to bull ern idler and tlurd H,nlL assembly.

7. Screw plllg in tight' until f:prlng is cowVJ'l'!iSl'U- !',vlid and back off ()lle complete turn plus amount necessary to Insert cotter pin.

8. Insert ::.nd clinch colter _Pin.

9. Chec:k Eltocrring to ma.ke .. 'lure wheel'S arc .in etratght ahead posi[ic'ln with steering .gcar <;.It1 blgh .point. If tlt:!CI!!1fial'y. adjust k"nglh ef .iiLcl'cing connecting rod a~ c)utlined ill Section 9, IIS~oP.ring Connoctfng Rod-Adjust."

10. Lowe}' vehicle to floor. lubricate and check Ioe-in Adjust, if nccesesey, :)l'I outlined uudce "Front End Allgnmem-, T('Je-In Adjustment."


A ride- stabilizer is csed on all p&!>Scngcr cars to prcvtde steering stabHity and control of body roll. ThL':: ~1' is rubbee mnuntcd to brackets at-


ruched to the radintcr !;upport cross- men.ner U!'i deeerlbed In the: p:cncrnl c.h:st.;ri nuon,


1. Disconnect the stabllizer links by rel'iHl\'ing the nut from the- tc1P of the link bolt and pulling' the bolt, out {rum the lower br-dCkftt, at.tnched to the lOW'~f control ann,

2. Rcrncvc Ole bclta and nuts that tlltoch t.hL" stablllzer brackets to ~hl;l radiator support cross member and r ... move bnr and brackets.


J" Place rubber busl)iD){t! on stabilizer bar and Install support bnu:IH:t" over busblnga, Uu!n bolt brg,ckets loo~ely to radiator support cross member.

2. The stabilizer link bolt, bushings and retain~l'.'i may be assembled 'by placing OIlO stefll retainer and one rubber bushing QIl the link bfllt nnd threading the bolt up through the bracket. ou the towel" CUl'Ilr.1.l1 i-lrili.

::I. Assemble rubber bwd1ing. rt!.L:lim,,·r, r::t£'f:'J spacer, retainer and rubber bushing uver bulL and thread bolt through eye on stabillacr bhr.

4. Install rubber bu:shing and retainer ever bolt and mstnll nut tlglitun in!:! it to LI.MlT of bolt tht·e-;J~s.

5, With wheels of cor on ROOl' and !1.UllpO·r!lng the pr wetght, bounce JTunt end up find down several tima.'j. 'til allow p;u1.s to seck pruper rolntlonshtp,

6. Tighten bracket mounung beats securely.

HUn AND D!UJ~l ASS.;~JBLY Bemcval

1. Remove hub caps, 'loosen wheel to hub hult. nuts, mise vehicle ft(lIn Iloor, place on stand jucks ;md remove wheels.

2_ 'Remove hub grease cap, (:utler pin, spindle .nu l., spindle washer :;l)HI remove drum and hub assembly.

Non: In some cases It mOy b. nticnsarr to bock off the brak. adjustmont becaln, of fl:Clfed drums or badly worn lIning~ holrling- drum on. IOt.illllll'J

a. Remove outer beorlng from hub with rutgers .

The inner benrtng will r-emain in the bub and may be removed by prying (Jut the Inner bearing Felt seal assembly.

4. 'Vash::111 p;1\1s thoroughly in cleaning solvent.


L Check all be ... rin,pJ!( for cracked hearing cages ur worn or pitted balls ..

2. Check bearing 'face for CrAck.., nr MvinenteJl. er :K:oring.


Check brake drum for lJ'ut of round ur r-;corcd non d i Il.ul"l.

4. Ch(.li;k beR.ring IIute:r race for looseness in hub.

Ilearin~ :rta-l'es-Rell1a,fement

1. Insert front wheel bearing cup -rerncver K~2:::4 thw'I.Igh hub, li1ul,lxing end fif tool with notches in hub shoulder behind bearing cup.

2. Tap lightly OD cup through each notch 1.1.1 remove eup Irum hub.

3. Install new bearing IJUp ID_ hub u~ir)J,'; K463A bearing cup inserter {flc. 12).

4. Make sure that cup is 'not cooked. end that tti!l :hll1y seated fllIB.inst shoulder- in hub.

fIg. ll_lftlialllngi!l!orlftg eli:p

Bmke firrUJll-lW]11accmcnt

The broke drum I:' held to the hub by tbrcc rlvcts ·wbld,1 'rflUNt 1a:l :r(:llIovl~cl l(~ replace the brake drum.

1. Cut heads from three vrlvets which retain dru» ... to huh. D:rilling rolled e-nd of rtvct first wW permit cutting them without. dlstortlng holes" A sharp cold ehiscl ahould be used in this cpemtlcn and ('uri'. exercised tn uvcld di ... tnrtin~ rivet hole». tJrI\tjl,rivl"'l<l frenn drum lind hub ui.:;ing. tllp('rfolrl pnrH".h ..,nri '!·pmnvp drum from 'hub belts.

2. RP.tl'HWP. hi"H'kQ ~l rUIn ~~.,.ilu:"l: frumh ub ~I"\d

dC<.1I~ g;l:3kct surfncc (In hub thorrmshl.:r.

3. Install new brake drum s~ket :)nci br~kl! drum QV~i" hwb b<,H$ llfl.d ,i)'Itert lhl·~~ )1i:~V,! elvcts through :riv(lt holes in. 011 dcllectol':, ·hub" gaeket and dn)l11.

4. Support heads o-f 'rlvete and peen ends eecuecly.

'Wheel Hllb-"Replaccmcnt

1" R1:(fH)VC Inner and outer bearing cups.

2. Remove three rivets retulnlng brake drum to winlc'i hub and 'remove brake drum.

3. Drive bU}J belts Irvrn hub and remove oil deflector.

4. Whf'n in.sldllin~ ~, new huh a is necessary 10 Install now bolts, rivets and ~'as"k.el:,;, T1~c gWiJL between (Ill] hub Ilt!DJt"'l1 and. ell deHector must be: covered with a hlll"t!vy shellac 01:" paint on 'both sides to prevent oil leaks.

5_ Ire .. tall gm:ket and cil deflector to hub fl,a:r"lge and Install new bub bolts.

6. The end of the shoulder OD the hub holts should be pecrmd into the countersink around Lb.", bulr holes ill the hub fla.nge. u!;ing J~554 p('l~jllg tool and anvil (fig. 13).

NOTE:, Shoulder II)f btlU~mu ... 1 b~ penned ii'll(l hub ~(luntQrslnk approximately Yj,'· before cnembling drUM.

7_ Install new brake drum gasket and brakedrum OV"Cl' hub bolts.

8. Instull three new rtvets through rivet boles in oil duficctul", huh Hange ~nd drum end supponing rivet heads peen CJ1d.s securely.

9. Install Inner end outer be.ui!lg cups into hub lIsing K-463-A, Benzing Cu,P [n!l,['rb~l' SeL


1.. Hand peek bUlh inner And outer bcnrlnge. using ::I short fibre "High Melting Point Lubricant".

2. Pillet! inner bearing in hvb, then ill.'itall II new Inner beari.ng fell seal ass mbly.

3. lJ~lJlg n piece ol flD,&! .-;.:tlldp!'Ipe'r, lightly ::sand the Inalde b:rakln~ surface or brake drum to in~ure a clean surface and proper broke operation,

4_ Carefully position hub 011 spindle m!1ki,I1;1!,; sure the inner oil deflector is in proper jX)l!li. tlnn between Inner bearing Hod inner race and ;shoulder on spindle.

S. Install cuter bcnruig, pres..;;_ing it 6nnly into 'lI1@ hub b:l hand

fl. Install spindle w D..$hl'r and spindlf.l eut. Draw spindle nut up .'mug and adjust bearings.


'The Jlrnpru- .fuljuslmcnt of front wheel benrill,tl'i ts one of the importnnt service operations that inJ1! D deflmte b(:a_riug on :'l!1.r(lty, A car with improperly ltd,ju!ited front wheel be~rings lacks st,ocl'ing stability, h3_S a ltmdcncy 10 wander 01' shirnl'l"lY and causes ex(:p_ototiVQ tire wear. In un effort to provide Ior more eceurate adjustments the splndlea


are drilledbo1.h verticAlly and horirontruly {l._nd the ndjurlilig nuts "'1'~ slotted on all six: sldes.

1. TiBhten spindle nut to 33 foot pounds wi.th a torque wrench.

2. Check the locution of a slot in U,£1 nut with reference to [1 hole in the spladle. I( H slot in the nut linea up ·.I.'lth either the vertical ur horizontal holas in the spindle (~r!P. A. Fig. 14), back off the- nul (1M turnl until the next slot tn the: nut Unes up with (he same hole in the spindle and insert ~uUcr pin (see B,F1C, l4),

3. If, when the Flpindlo nut is l1ghlencd to X3 foot pounds, thl:! slut in the nul has passed heyond the vertical 01' berfzcntal holes in tim spindle (see C, Fig. 14)~ beck nff the nul a ;:;Ynh.:~el1t «mount ('tess than % turn) to line up the second next $lol In nut and the otb.Qt hole in lho!'!· spindle.

4. To Illustratn thL'I potal the slot'S in the put are 'indicated 1., 2 ond 3 (see D, Flg. U). If the slot marked 1 on the otlt i ... slightly beYl;u'U'1 the vertical hole In the spindle, the nul should be backed off until the! slot marked ::1 is hi line with tho hurlzcntal hole in the spindle. It will be noted that the nut ha. .... been backed off ~lightly less than ~ tum.

NOTE: FtDnt wheel bearings .houhl nl!lv(!or

bl!' ,@I up tin Ihe IDD!LfI iide 0:1: I~ch un adiustment don net bring the bull" and

racel intu proper Cflllfplit_

,5. Instal] bub grease C3P and wheel. Lower vehicle to floor, retis;hl~n wheel bub bolt nuts and install hub caps.

RIJ)ING m:IOll'I' AND COIL Sl'RING SAG 'Where the car docs nut seem La be jovel and oil chuck o( the coil spring height is de>ircd, posi\ion

the vehicle on a smooth level floor and. reck it sidewise several tlm.es ond allow tQ settle. This will rerncve any bttldinq that might must! :.ri din\t;n.~lm1~;1 dilr1'.::i:"cnjl(:.

Measure the dL .. tnnce from rencm- ('IF tbn 'lnweo-.:~nlrlll ar-m cuter piv~L pin tu the floor and from center tlf !OWl'T control emu :i.nn~l:' bu~hin~ to the! floor (fig, 15). Th~ difference between :th~sc two mC:-!=i~ur(:m~nl~, "hould be: 1%~' =I-- !!"JJ.

If (he difference bctvle~n the t\\10 measurementa l.!> less thea the above Ilnrits iJ shim part No . ..'i9981(~ which ls ~~!;i." thiek t~ b~ a,ltled tp tlru lup ur the coil spring

Mo:ro;! I.h;!o:n l w o l;hims should [Jot be used 1)('CHU!le additiooal shims will cause the spring coils

to bottom bQ.fure 11111 lcwee suppurt arm mnvumnnt L-9 HtoppC!d by the l'u'bbcI" hllmp<~l".

If the uddltion uf shims does 'not bring the ~PTing height within the limits gi.l.'en above, it. will n~ n·N!I!_.c::o:a:ry to ;nc<:tall ~l nnw f:rnnt: sp1'Jng tn make the correction,

Service replacement ~pr~ ~_I'~ choekod to destgued helght b~[ore belng 'shlpped tc. parts wareh,J!..Ui';';:; "nd '" d)lrn~ if n.;;:~'c~~~-)'. ~i w;.:i'-\;tl tv 'lh~ spring, Fic-Id repluccment af. ~prlng.'; should be made to include the shim thct i!i attached. too tile !=;p~'in.g. Sl:tniJll'1 no ~h)II' he l!Itlft~hl~d 'jn I.hr.! sJ!l'illg ua received by deulers pMW, d .. paruuents it indi·C.'ltr..s th:.t .spth:H~ is COtTrot to dcs.~g1) height :rnd uc slum 'is necessary.


1"Rom' SPRINGS R~DlavM

1. Dj~mll"ln!!'I·1:. r.hl~ !-ll,:ihil i7,t':r link .fl'lml ths link bracket Qr"l tll~ lower ~o~trolllnn.

2. Jlcetcve rr--unt sbcck absorber rill the stele sprEng .. L" to be :t'~pl"'l'"!r.>;d J30S i")id.linW under 1Il"mlll Shuck Ab:;;orb~.r-RmnDva1"i!1 Sectil)n 2

3. Raise the -lroru end of car orr the floor and p!.tI(:e st.md jacks beneath fl'anie stde rails. Lower cal' unul weight is carried on stand [ecks,

4 PI~I~A, [I hyrl nwl!.:: j~~k- uncllC"l' the lower cantrcl arm inner shaft on s~d~ Ircm which the Spl'"i"g, is to "IX! removed.

5': fteracve nuts: nnd Icckwashere from the Iewor eonb-cl ann ~hoLt bt(u;.k'i;.t bol'~ end drwe 01,11; the belts.

G. Lower. the j(:l_c;.k slowly to remove the spetng pressure: ehrm, rerrm v e the hydruulic. jade Thts R'IlOW:S the lower control arm to dr-op down; r(!'1("'H:~~ng; tJ-,e. !.lprhlg ..

NOTE: If $him 'i5 u5sd, makr! sure it h rc-movad 'ram upper sprlns :S~~!,


1. Spdngs for servtce replaeament Me' cheekoe hrr (I<:';;i,," hci~ht und 3hhn.."; if necessary ere \\.'ired to lhroo ,!lor.ing.

2. Inst .. ll Rot end of 1:lpriD,B up with shim. if .har.i!1hi¥l with spring; in p'l:.~e Qlld 'then raise ltlWI;fl" ,,-;u!llwl arm making sure lower end of ~pt"ins .(;P.nt.; in recese 'ira lcwce !l"prinl;:: seat,

3. Place a hycll,'El.'I.iiic jack under lower c'onl1"~<)'1

a.nn inner shaft. .

~. Slowly r'a Ise ann ~th jack!u 1.l("lIIpn~;:;i'l thlJ BJ"irlT'1g_ USQ -ll. long clrW: punch ,thJ;"ll~gh the lower ccnnul arm "h~ft; bracket hole and

'hole in :f~un ... o(;j rncrnbcs- 'ttl maintain

ullgnment (fig. 10).

5. J netell hQlt~ thn:)\.Igh crcss rnernber ~nd (Ol}ntrol arm .;:h~ brncker bou hnl~~ and install luckwasltera and n_\.IL::; C!.nd tlghlr;::11 -li1:l'l:lJI"-uly.

G Remove the h.yd.l'~llli,? j;I.c:k, th~:p r~ ~O'lt End of CUI' and remove stand jilcks_

7, Lower ear tQ fIQ('il,' artd cur!li.c(;t the ~{&blH~,;r lmk to tbe brncket on the Icwcr control arm.

B. Ileplace '£rDut shcck ebscrber as cutllned 'J ndl:lr "Fron'l: Slmclr' A h.'«frhl-'r-Tnsbl'1lfll.lcln" in Section 2.


When replacing' the lower control urm, Iower

ceutrcl nrm :;;hnft ur luwc'{' control ann 5!-J;l.,ft bu~hLngl'l, 'It is t'lf.·Cl!~f'y to remove the control urm assembly from tho vehicle And perform the work an the bench. ThL.:: is necessary to insure the proper spacing of the lower control ~ 011 the control firm shaft and for the proper 'tightening of the- ahuft bU.'lh.i.nR lock nuts.


L Remove whl;'(;'l and ure assembly on !':idc of ear .from which control arm, eontrcl arm shaft 01" bushingS are to be replaced.

2. Remove front spring as outlined under I'FronL Sprin'i!:-Removal."

3 . Remove tlo .rud end from sta-e-l',ing (I'I'm ee outlined under '''.L":'e Bed-Removal".

4. RcmQve lower c.mlrul arm plvet holt nut and bolt and "temlJv~ Icwer control arm assembly from beneath vehicle.


1 Place lower control UU;' :sh:lft in :t bench viec (fig. 17) nnd IO;)~Cn Jower control ann :.h<t,(t bU:lhin.g lock n\lt:;.

2. Remove lubelcarlen fittings ,from bUo"jhings end remove bll:5hing,s,

:l. JleJn01l1.: cuntrel arm frmn control arm sha(t and l'c.mnve grense seals From ends of sha.ft.


1. PiaN" lQw('r centre! dr'll shaft i.n a bench vise, instoll new seals over threaded emJ)j: and up onto Bhaft shoulders.

2. Install bushing lock nut'! uver th.r~nded ends of "haft with cha.mfli!1""OO side of nuts toward ends of shaft.

3. Install lo\v~r control arm lu shn£t and thread bu.shiJ!g;i onto ends of shaJ't nnd I'hrnugh Iowcr l'(lnlrnl firm.

,ij_ As bushillg..: :;a:r"" tbrcadcd onto ~hilft i'!.nd through control arm, thread leek nuts unto Lu!;llilll!l.

5. Install lower Coni rol arm assembly ga\J~e


J-31B4, indexing pill ur ll~nl wiLh bolt hole ill .... I,tl(t and tighten bush inc until lower COhu-ul arm inner- face contacts ~nd 1),( tool (fi~, lR),

G. Tighten lock nut securely: then, holding lock nut, tighten bushing tl) l.1f1-~OO ft. Ibs. lalqua using J~t264 Torque Wrench. (fig, I!),

7. Slip seals (lIT of {ihnft shculdera and into thelr seats and Install Iubricatton fit~ings into ends uC bushings.

F:A.ON'f' SUS,ENSION 3-1'.'7


1 Place new seela uvar exposed ... nda of bushlng ill knuckle 5l.1P:POrt.

2. Start pi.vot bolt into lower control arm from rear l!,I (nml. Hd,d knuckle support in the center cf the yoke formed by 'lh;:; lower cont:rd arnl 3nd th.re:ad pivot bnlt, ini.obushi.ng in the knuckle SUppOTt bf'-illg v~ry careful to keee il centered In the yoke.

3 C;:;nlinue to SC:!",e-W ph/'ot bolt in until it COO~ tacts the: 'front facp. of the control ann. If the threads on the bolt end in the control attn Index properly, continue lo screw boll into ccntrcl BrIO 'I.m.til its head seete firmly as;:I:j!:)st the rear race -of the lower ccnteel arm,

4. It the- threads d-o not index l:u:o,per-ly. plac<: u ifC" damp over: ends of control arm aud comprO!l!l 'U~Q "hds .'l.llghtly tryl.hg the threads as you proceed (Jig. 20). It will be found that very little compression will allow the threeda to :inde.x, properly,

5. Tighten pivntbalt to 100-200 foot Ibs., Lu:;;l<lU lUL:k nul and ughten nul tc 90-120 toot Ibs,

6. WIth;:. hon-k math" r,f xtiff w,rA, ·,diI1 "A.l1il .. olT end" of knuckle support 'bushing and Into thea- scots.

7. Install frQnt spriug!> as outlined under- "Front.

Bjmng=Instnllntion", ojcrcttons 1~,j.

8. Install tiR rod u. .~f:oI!Rring Arm RS fl-vHine-c:l under ~FTj-e Red=Inatallatien,"

Il, l'n~taU lub-ieetlon fitting!: <U1d lubelcata

10. [n:sWI wheel end tire Ili'i.:.i~bly, remove stand jacks irOln under .stde l'.:l-ils end lower CDr to :flonr.

11. C01ID..::cl Il"tabillzet" Hn'ktQ b!".;l,.;:ket on lower ecntrol arm and replaeo shcek ~hc;o:rbc!" {is eutltued under "Front Shock Absorbcr-Tnstallutfcn" in Section 2.

12. Chcc.k :liTHi l!~~IJ;S1: r''I'''!:'1'nt wheel alignment as outlined under "Front Wheel Alignment".


Replacement of lower control ,IUTI"I shaft. 0'1- lower- control er-rn :J~ftft bU.;jhin~ mny be nCCQmpll.sh~d, without .til,IlI,OVal o[ lower: COilti:'Oiwli fn)m vehicle.


1.. Support inne.r ~nd of r-c,mtrnL a ern :!;~o:::u.rel:y on jcek :1nd T.emOIJI:' rme bushing

2 Ascertain that control. arm sha..ft i!l centered in eontrfJl Arm hlJ~hing h"lh~. 'I'hl-!nj 'l.hrp.Md new busatnrr onro sbflft and into control arm end tighten to 85-100 ft. lb, tOIQU,E.

3 Remove other bushing- and replace

NOTE: WheH Hlpl .... dng beth bW:lihinYI fW" pla~e ane a' a lime to G~'ur-c- alignment of cantral arm and ,shaff.

'L When replacing' control ann shalt, place shaft in control arm and position by scale rneanrre ... rnent. Start buahinga into control urrn making .'iu.r-c t.hrcadci .index and -enter urrn properly. Tighto. bushings tc 85-100 It, lb, 10«1"0,

5. Install. bo!,h lhrough. croaa member and conh~Q_J arm ;:;hift bracket h_Q]e5~ in~t<lll lock washer ;:;.nd nuts ~tld tlghi~11 socuealy,

6. FQr 're,pl:;u;i,ng' lower (:onLrol arm] ft}llow pro(:'~dLll'~ Inr removal :U'ld, Instullatlon as outlined for 1949 models,



L Baiae the car and place stand jack under the inner side of the lower .spring seat.

2. Remove the wheel end lire assembly.

3, Remove tic rod end es uutfined under "Tie Rod=Removal".

d. RI.":JhIJVO Fivot bolt lock nut und then remove lllQric.atllll1 fitting frUIn pivot bolt and r-emove bolt from lower control ar-m end knuckle suppctt,

5. Turn wheel being' worked on to Un. 1;':':.,rC'I11(> outward position. '£h.i.o; Jocks rho knuckle !;upport so that it cannot move outward at tJH;!- bottom when removing ~he bushing.

1:1. Remove lower pivot bolt bushil'l~ from the knuckle ",uppr~rt (H~. 2.1).


1. Install the lower pivot bolt bush ing into knuckle support from rear to front and lighten it tn ]50-170 foot lbs. torque,

:2. Install pivut bolt as outlined under "Lower COIILrl)l Arm, Shaf-t or BUljhing5-In5mUati 1\",



1 nnl~1:! the frQut end of cu. und plflce a :;L", . ml jl'lck under ale spt'in~ ~E':atl ;:..Ilowing jack to support vr:hi(:l~

2, Remove wheel and tirp. nssembly find r-emove h"IJrIctttian fittin:g from rear bU!:lhln~.

;.I. Remove pivot pln front sud rear lhl"'l:')-Irlcd hushing." [rum uppt;>r control arm. The upper control arm cud pivot pin in cross ::i~liIJJI is shown in figll re 22

4. &movc seals from ends 1)[ pivot pin.

5. Remove clamp ht)lt from UI"'pCr end of knuckle support and slide t_hp upper plvru pin out of Lr.tl knuckle Sup].uJrt wc;ing 11 y~" AI1~n set screw wrench tc il.:,-:sisL removal.

fl" 'U_Upptl C6nt ... 1 Arm ';"DI Pfn and 'lIi"'i"l~

f. V~P"" C .. mlrQI .... .rm 1.. flcol aUI1l1~:j:J

:1. 0" ... " ~,,_Ii

.I" ~j;'9' ri"

5, ~I"" 1I-,,~~llIg Ii, ~""I

,. J(I\~~~I", s .. pp"rl



1. Assemble upper pivot pin thrcugh C\,mt.rol ;ill'HI .i'l ~Id. into knuckle :Jup-po.rL with Allen wrench holt" in pin to the r~l;i.r of cal", Center pivot pin in knuckle support. and lnstnll lock bou, lockwasher und nut and tighten to 30- as loot Ib:-;. f1hu::e' new :-;~:i.lb over ends of P1VIJt pin.

2. St:lTt front bl)~h.ing onto pivot pin ilni! then, It_pine knuclde !luppOl'l centered (lis. 23) carefully Index bu~hing l.hrp;ui!;: Into -control

:1. Sl~:i't eoer 'bu~;hins' onto plvct pin and then c~r+'!f"ll!{ Index lJU!'-hiHg threads hltfl t:unlrol ann.

4. Thread bushings into f':Ohl.rlll FIrm until heads l-Il:'l:I.t and then uahieu to 30-40 fuut lb. ... lon:lue.

5. [n:,tiiH wheel and ttre Rss~lllhly. 'raise- veatcle too remove stand jock and lower vehicle to Roo]",

6. Instal! lub'rlc;atlon fitti.ng~ snd lnbrtcate.

7. CIII:!Ck und adjust caster and e u rebcr H~ outheed und~r i',!I'n_lnt Wheel Alignment".


The upper control arm il.<; furnished for service usc has thr~-Eld.<; cut In bu:>hin~ boles thitt are s1i~hlly ul1d~r~i:r.-e to rssure a. J:Ouuy bushing fit. These threaded boles alsu estobush .tI I~ ... d Ior the b\l.5hins:; when H IIt1W urm is installed .


Wbef'l In~n1lin~ un nrm to servtee, the arm almuld be IJbH;~..t 111 p:~!ULjou on the: "-;olltr,,l arm sh.:./t by ~:;tli;! measurerneet und the bushings started makmg 5Ul"C that the threads index nnd enter the arm pr()pcrly. Since there will be- no control or i.hrAAtl stnrt poaltions, the ann rp.ay be l':Il,tt of postttcn by * t.hn:m.l pitch or %4", The nrf posleien of the ,.halt thn:ad may be eornpensated by positinn.in~ of the pi,vot pin. thread Illlho'Ligh there will ... hvay::. remal.n lh.(!: pu'~i.biliLy o( We nssi"n:thly being Ik thread pitch Gut of POSItIOl}. This may be corrected by means of a ~tcr Il.djU5tmenL

Allor completion of assembly, the buahlngs should bo !inally tighttned tu :10-40 fQQI. lbs. torque. Tho arm should I.m nssamblnd at the shaft end fu,::lt. the lubrtenrors assembled JJi th~ bush. I.ngs, and moved IIp and down through the full range of nocmn1 movement with rubber bumper removed to Insure that Lhere is no int eference between shaft end busbjng;!.

Servicureplacemem shahs <lIC nverelze on the Ih:rruul di.s.meta.r~ whjeh throad Into the !>p.r.ing housing. The Ierge end of' the shaft is Installed tc the rrQl1t of t.he housm~ which OUOW5 the small end ·ur n!;1I" of shaft which ll.arrip.s art IdCh.t.fficllnon lndcntatton to slide through 1111,: Ircnt hole in cpring how-mg.


L :rtoIse trent o'f car end place a stand [aek under the outer end of the lower control 3f1'l1 :r.llnwwg jac.k to !\uppo.rt vehicle.

2. Remove wheel find tire assembly and remove lubrh;.alion fill.i.n~K ,from bwililnp.

3. Remove Ircnt nnd rear bush ings Ieom IJPPOf

control 81·m outer pivot and remove st e als from cads of plu.

4. Remove pivot pin cferrm bait from knuckle support IIII1J ellde lhe pivoL plo out. of the knu~kle suPI?Qrt. using a %" Allen ~t screw wrench to nsslst removal.

S. Swing knuckle ~upport ilnd hub and deum assemhly away f:rom upper control arm.

G. Remove upper coutrol urm ~haft: :m,.nt, and tli!!l.f bus,hln,gs nnd remove control arm frnm control arm shaft.

NOTE: On 1"1 side at yehicle It will b. mtl;eS5ary to I·umove the .,hll!~1 metal ~pla~h iQuard D ... .arlhe sleetinG altor heuaing to get 10 .h. rear bVlhing.

1. J(~move setlls from ends of upper control arm shaft and using 'tJppCI'" Conlr61 Ann Shalt Remover lind Replacer- J-2!J58 (fig. ;:!ct) remove upper. control 81'111 eben from :5pring housing &om :rear to front.


1. Lubricate th reuds uf shail when !.hey ontee sprIng hOUllillg to prevent tcartng threads during Lnst,o.lIation.

2. Install new UPJ'tl!"['- (!onlrnl arm SbAft Into spring h using from front to rear using Uppcr Conlrol Arm Shaft Remover- and .R pincer J-29S8 I fil!!. ~a). Drlve shaft. into hou ... ing until end ,projeeb out back of a.p:ring housin.!ol. ,ilk" (fig. 20). 'R~m"lv"" !.oHL

CAunON: R.:Iur fwd er ,mailer threaded end or ~hd'lullh1ch (1D1t;~S tin ld@nlifir.alian fnd.nlariOn hus rup.rod rhrQud$ and edr~me cor.· ",ust be e ... rclsad w.lUtft In!aralling .halr 30 Ifrdl JJ ,,I; MOr driYM fn 'alii 'Iar dn~. backi .... g it ~'" will' h.(!vCI I·' IDO~II'I In 'Ihe sp/ing housing.

3. Instull new s!;'als over ends of ('nntt'O! arm !J.bnfl nud Iru s tnll control ~~rm 0)"1 shaft,

4, Sbu·t, hbth r..roni anrl rear busbtnge onto ~huill p~iHQn MHl iJy scejc IUt,.,'Ulj.un.:mllnl uurl SUll't bushfngs into arm maklng sure threads Index properly.

5. Tighten bushings until they t',*,1 end then tighten tu 30-4-0 ruut 100. torque.

Jn$I;..,l1 iuhricntilln fillings, lubricate and check operation of arm. Ann ~h(JLlld fall of lus own weight.

7. Install ::ihlH:lt CT1l':L<tl':;J.J!d~h ucurd ever steering gem housing.

It ~n.!>talJ pivot. pin and bushings As outlined under "Upper CJnttol Arm Pivot Pin end Bushings-dnstallaticn,"


1. Plaen u jacle wldO!r the spring scat, raise- the vt;!hiolo off the A..,..,r 3nd ,rE!tnOve- t.he wheal and tlre assembly.

Z. Remove the kingpin look pin, then remove th". upper kingpin hi,Rring plug cover and the upper ~d lower lock ring':!.

3. Remove: lubrieauon fittings.

4. Remove the kingJ.lin lJcarinp; plugs. 'Ihis can 00. aO"!:' with a :o::h:trp drih punch hy d'l'iving t.lu'(ju~h lhe lower- phlg and Forcing t.he kingpln upward until the upper plu.g i~ removed (Ii~. 27). 'I'I itc" kiugpill may th n b~ removed by driving It nut the bottom using it soft steel drift.

5, Remove steenng knuckle and thrust bearing rrom the knuckle support. and remove the 111)(~ling 'bum.i.ng:s r rOil! tho knuckle,

CAU110N: Exrtel'na c<lf. mutt b. ex",_ r;i,.d '0 preven' Jamoglll ID hyJravlit brob hQU d~rlng 'his filP.,.atlon.


When :r-ep18c.i.ng '!.he kingpin floa.tinll: bushings it is not necessary to rerun tbern lI; !:;li:l'.e $1.5 servtcc bushings arc machined to finish dimeneicae. How-


ever, when ,rt::pJildng Boating bU!ihings, CD.l'C should, be taken tc IImkl! xure l.I'm oil grooves in the bushings hne \tp with the lubrrcatlce fitting hole in the stee:ring knuckle. These busbtngs Mould be fh."e boLl-. on the kin~pin and In the steering knuckle.

1. Install new bushings in the steering knuckle and place Ulli~ knuckle on the- InH.II;:lcle !lIJP. pert, '('hen m:'itsll the tl,r\J.Sl bcoring bet ...... eeu the lower yoke of the ~tl;1l:Ting knuck.l~ and knuckle support making sure that lhe shield, on the bearing is toward the top.

a. Install the kingpin [rocn Lhe bottom, making sure to lino up the lock pin slot wlth lh~ 10ck pin hole In 1110.::. knuckle support.


3, Artc), th~ kinGpin 15 installed, check the dear"1"1f!P h .. h.llp"," n'e.o;te("l'il'1glc.nuckle ~udknuekle support with u feeler g"URe (fiR. 28), If this clcerence is more thau .006'1, lnstall & steel s.hirn het w ~n the stC'C'ring knuckle find tup of the steering knuckle support.

NOU: "..;. preve-nt dornr.J9in9 'he steet shim when 'Inatalting kingpin, (I pilot np~ prDximatllillv 1112" long can b. mod. from an ofd lcin'Bpir1. Use 'Of thi:o pilut wlll keep

~lco::l ,him olisned and pre-yen. dQma.gl' to it lI'Iurln'9 kingpin instt!lliolion.

4. Install the kin.:rpin .louk pin, bearing plugs, lock rings and then install upper k.in~pin bearing plug cover.

!;. Install lubrtcattcn fittings 8mI lubricate.

6. lr.;;L .. 'II f rout wheel and t:l:r.c lI:!'1s!':mbly and lower vehicle to Ileer.

7. Ch""ck und edjust £rQnL v vheel toe-in as outlined under "Front End AlIgnm~nt-Toe.In Adjustment."


.FrOnL end .aligl'lment is the mC'ch.nnics ("I! fJdjustIng all the mter-rcleted factors and correct augnmcnt. mU:!'It be maintained ill- order- tc rtSSYTe ease of ~tecring :'Inri So"!! i.o:fn('t"ry tire- life.

There are five factors ur wheel alignment 1111 intc-'!'~relat~ but eneh having a spet:ilil: purpose. 'rhese JIlCtOt~ ccatrcl the [,ront wheels nnd steerins under v.'lrying ecnditlcua und I5hould one of the fn~tQl'.II gEiL out of position jrrnper rp:IAlit)n~hip is destroyed. The s .;, factllr.)! kingpin inclination, caster. C:R.mMr, toe-In and ~t~ring geometry :shuuld be checked at regular Intervals, particu!arly i.l the, frOl'lt >lugp~n:;:IQD unit has been. ::;1,;0- Iected to hof<1YY impacts.

When check! n r; wheel alignment, iL ts irnportol:Ul.1. that wheel bearing$ ::Ind knuckle bearings 'M- in proper udju~Lment. Loose beRnng:; will affect lnstrument readin!;:5 when. cbeeklng camber, 'kingpin inclination end toe-ln.

IUNGJ"1N lNCLINATlO.N-it> the amount in de ... grC(;J<: tha+ thJ.l tops of Ih~ kingpin!!. nro Inclined toward tho center o( the vehicle which comrtbutea to stoCX!J'ing stability.

Ci\Sl'Elt-m the mnnunl: in degrees of th" backward lilt, [rum the vertical of the knuckle support :md kingpin which 111so coctzibuta .. to t;;teedng stability.

CAl'tnu:::R-is the amount ill degrees thet the front wheels are tilted outward at t.h~ top from a vertic:;.1 positiun.

Whe.n II whecl ls tlhed too £2r(Jut:tt the top, h:;Jrd steering 01' wander will be expertenced and tires

will show excessive weer QIl outaide shoulders • Reverse camber- or a wboel th:lt 1!J t,il!:ed toe Jnr in at the top will n::,-uU, in excessive tire wear on the Inner- shoulders.

Unl!quR.l camber ma.y result in unstable steering, wondering or unequal tire wenr.

TO}"':·lN-is the amount in fractions of an inch that the whcc'ls ere closer together- in front than at the rerrr. TIle pUTpOSe- of tea-In is to Insure parallel wllil1~ ur the r~unl wheels, to :!itilbUize stt'l"ring and prevent sine shpping and exceuslve wear of ures. A slight nmcunt of 'POsitive tce-lo is dcslrablc to (lffs.;! Uw 1;iITlI;lU dtdJecti0I't.5 due to rclliag resistance :md braicp. ::t[lp1i(':ll1on which tcnd..'i to runl th('l wheels outward.

8'I'f~I';K)Nlj GW~n;TKY-l~ tht! meebanica of ket:l1illg 1111.: fl"llllt wheels in proper relative alignInpnt :105 the wheels are turned rieht rrr- left. It is sometimes culled error of steezlng ;:nlRularity, Th'G; i!lU\re:rning factol;'s in :f:itl:!p.rifl_g ;i;:eometry ::\rc the length and ungulurity nf tho .'I1e9I'il~g anus and l.inki.lgc,

Th_1:'. front wheels whp.11 Ihp vehicle is making a turn arc. not on the same radfus line drawn from the center MC'tund whkh the vehicle is. tUTI~Lng. B"CR'ISr:! of tW!=>, a is CCCCSSBl'Y for the Irent .... -hecle tu Ilr-i~Jlme fI toed-cut pcaltlcn wht:n roundin:ll: I'\JrVJ.I". This pr,\.l,(ition is govt'rnl'!rl 'by t1w !1np:le of tlu-: si,cl]rillg flrm~.

nH} wbeel 1)( any vehicle', H pmpcrly set on the CYl"'.'t$, will bo fit a richt angle- to the radius line fr<;J.m the C'(!ntCT or point. D:t"Ollhd which the vchtcle is turning .


Tlll;lre are several LI,iJTt:l1ml types or front end alignmC"_nt m,'u;"hinl'!s RU of whieh cutltee pl'tlP!!1" procedure tor chockin" Iactore of proper wheel ruig'1lIDcnt. The irlsirudloM rUI'Mt~hed by each manufacturer for the operation of hj,~ 'Particular

machine should be followed. Regardless o[ type .nf cqlli.pmll'ut used, all (:he~k!l mll(.t 00 mad,", with tnt' vehicle level and w~ III the weight of the vehlele QIl the wheels,

Steering complaints ace not MWUYS the result

01' lmpro.l)crnclYlt. wheel H1Ignwent, therejore, it 'ts recommended that the f-oIlDwin,g factors 'be cheeked and eorreeted prior to plactng the- veluQI~ on the Iront. end rnachme.

1. LOQ!le {j~ ).tnprlJ,p",tly ~ajl!~tcd !OIte~'TIg: geae.

2. Steering gel:lt bousing Iocse ut Imme,

3. Play or excesjsi ... c wear- in ki;ngpins (l-r bush-


4. Loose rlo rod o-r stel:'riIlg ecnnectlcns.

5. lm,propet" front spring betghts. -G. Underfnflated tires

1, Un~lQhc¢d: Q_P ~ni.pl:"iJ[rel"ly m<Jvht..:o;l til"er;i.

8. Motor. mountings impl'Qpeo.rly Adj\lStcd or


9. Drakes draggh ~g.

10. V(1I1:,,,,1 bearings improperly adjusted

:no Shnc:k absorbers not QP~tinG' 'pt"op,I;'Tly,


The custer and camber adjustments aTO both p!Jr[oI:"M'Icd by turning the UPJffi:r ecnteel urm pivot 'piu with an lill~n wr.l'no:;h plolCeli iIi ;i)n~tlo

wrench hole in rear end el pivot pin nIfer IubrlcaUon fitting Is removed from rear bu ... hleg, Thi~ pivot pin is-lh:r" ... dad ini:o the 'f.TO:nt and rear 'b'ushings in. the control arm. anti the steeclng knuckle !i-\.l,PPQd, Is held r..-eulral1y Lvc<t1crl 1111. ll,l,e pi"'l)~ ~irh which is 13S( eccentric, by a clamp bolt which indexell wfth a gseove in the pivot 'pin. WHh this consteuctloe, chunge in costar "is ~light ser a full range of camber adj-ustmt:'nt

'Pro~~du!'~ _ _fpr adjustrncnt, is to tum pivot pin (fig, 2V) until the Ir;;I. v el of pin threads in bushtngs gives en exact caster setting. then turn pivot ptn.Ieas thau 1,6: tW:11 in dtrecuon required for camber adjustment. The direetlort d~"pQfHlll up,ruJ the pO$ltiqD of the eccentric. The maxtmutn amount. 'of Hn-eed b'HVd .during caruber- 6d.iu:>tment is afJl:lui ;.'4 u( the a...-<iiJuhlti cester adjustment so that castor and camber can be brought withln ll.rnlts en tho first trtal.

Ca!;ler shCluld be :Ih~ plu:o oOJ" min!-J,s !hi! and camber- :Uwuld. 'be 'If/' phJ,:!-or 'mWU$ 'Ih~.


from the definitions 'Of "KINGPIN lNCLINA· TlON'1 and "CAMBER,". one belnn the Inward tilt of th", kingpins and the oth~r' ,th~ outward Hlt of thl;' wh('cls. i~, ~:o; c'lidnnt"thn1. one c::m:nQt he corrected without changm~ the ether, FQr thi$ reason these 'two faotIJrs or frunt wheel nltgrrmcnt must be considered together, The correct kingpin lncllnafion aheuld be 4,~ pILLS or minus IkP•

H {! check ",hlJ"w", 'th~t, the I;'flmhl;.[' l~ in~o_r~ct <HId ~he ktngpln lncllnattou i., correct it indicates tbnt the steering knuckle is .bent end must be eeplnccd. If the kingpin inclination i5 lm:uxrect the knuckle .support must be replaced. If a new knucleJe _<:uppnl"t l_~ !nsl:iI!l'!fl _l1_ 1'0 IH~l:'I'_<:_t;ar!t' 'In re-adjust bulb custer and camber.

TOE-IN-Ad; us !

'Ioe-rn which should be O In," en .lU4U-5Z cars

end :1/411 plus or minus ~'';ut on HI$3 curs tim be ~o:ljll:,;'ti;'d by '\;->Q.~o';it1'tlg th\'" (,J!l_ft1)! hc.lb at ;:-Mia ¢J;Jd ,.f the left hand_ til:' _rod and tUl'tling the h'i1: hcnd tic roo to Jncreeee or decrease ,its length, as necessary, until proper toe-in is secured

Before loeldng the clan .. !) 'bolts. make sure that the- lie rod ehd!l: are In alIgnment (fig. 5) with their ball studs, If the tic :rod is not in alignment wHL lb.c studs, binclcog willeesult. Lock the damp belts nt each end of the tie rod b:l 'Ughtening 'the clamp bolt nuts to 8-12 loot Ius.

Gheclr WM",l!; [or- !!:tra.lght ahead poslticn with ;'Jt~ering gear' on high point, If wheels are not ~!.r.tl'gh~ ahei11l wilh ~I·itr ~m hl~h pvin~! i:l,djU~l !lt~er-i.l'l.g connecting rod nil outlined in Seetiou 9, "Steortng Conm:.'cting Rod_AdjUlllLn

5'ttIlRJNG (:1l0MllTRY

$teeriI)g geometry or- ~O'l.1t on 'lllrr},$ l.sCO'Dtrolled by the ~IIMtl,i -Qr ~llIi~l, .. '\':r·~ngann!:i. T!, whee che-ckinG, tee-out does not ffiJI within '!he limits given In the ap~i_ficfttlon.~T it will be necessary to replace the ster:flne arm on the wheel side ,tha,~, does nat come within limits


Symptom and Probable Cause


Probahle Remedy

Bnd Steering

u. LI1Ck of lubrication

b. T-lsht kinGPin. hw::hlng::l e. UnderinflaLed tires

d. Improper toe-in

e. Improper steerrng gear :JdjU!>tment

f. Tie rod ends out of ahgnment

Fn;ml Whc-cl Shimmy

a, Undfri:n.8aied tir-es

b. Brok.ron or 'loose wheel beanngs

c. Improper toe-in

d. Worn kingpin bll'lhin_gs

e. .Impreper caster

f. Unbalanced wheels

g. Steering geAr loose

h, Tic rod ball ~tudo; loose

RURd WHoder

CIo. Underinfiated tires h. L a ck QI Iubvtcation n, Tight .. t~pril'lg gear

d. Improper toe-in

e. Improper custer end camber [, Wurn lie rod ends

WheE'l Tnl_rnp

n, Whee.! ;).b':ll;"mbly out of balance h. Blister or bump on tire

c. Imnreper shock absorber action

Excessive or Uneven Tire WeRr :.1.. Ul:l.derinfl_;'lt::d, tires

h. 11l1p[U~r cambor

c. Improper castor

d. Improper Loe-in

e. Wheels out or balan~e

It. Lubricate chassis and :R(>.ering gear

b. If not corrected by lubr+catiors, 'l'eploll.:t: bushiI"!gs e. Inflate tIrE'!',j to recommended pressure

d. Adjl.lSt toe-In

e. Adiust 5teering gqa:r

r. A.l:ign tic rod ends with ball stud. ...

c, Inflate tir('..s Io reeommended pressure b, RAJlIR~~P nl" :H1jusl whe-el 'b[larJog:;:

c. Adju3L tee-In

d. Replace wurn pmt'i

e. A'-'ju:;:~ caster

f. B~_l;<i~n('_e wheel and. tire assemblies

g. Adjust steering gear

h. Raplac-e worn ball stuns

9. Inflate tues to recommended pl'C,IISurc b. LlIbr;ic~te chassts and :;~ering gear

e. Adjust steering geOl_r

d. AdjUl:>1: toe-in

e. Anju.'it caster and comber

f. Replace tiE;! rod ends

D. Llean wheel find balance assembly

b. Replace or r-epair- tire

c. Replace shock a b~orbi"or

H. lnn:-t~ tires to n"~mnmended pressur-e

b. A.djust cumber

c. Adju~t Casttil' LI. Adjust toe-in

C'_ Balance wheels


CasterDegrees ., ,., ,., ... *~ ::!:~a

C.flmbe.r~D~grce::o; •.... , , .. If.:t:o ± %"

'R.-Ingpi.n Incllcaeton-Degrees ... 40 + Ih:0 'Ice-In-dnchca 1949-52 . . . . . . . .. ¥all

Tee-In-dneh 1953 •.• , 1/4" :I: lito"

Steering Geometry (Toe-Out on


Oul.'lid~ Wbccl-Degrees 2(1°

In.o;lcle Whellill-D~g:r~cs . _ < + ••• 24C- ± 2Q

Riding Height-Front Springs Measure from center of lower cont.TQ1 ann outer pivut Lull Lu floor and center (If lower cuntrol arm inner fl"ont bushing

'to floor. Dille,renee should be-l%." ± :1/.('

Stooring Kn uekle Bushing

Diameter .•. ,867" - ,86ff'

Kingpin Diameter .. 866"

Stccl'ing Idler and Thlrd Arm

Shaft Bushing Diameter 922" - .923"

Steering Idler and Third Arm

Pin DiamAtp.T . . .921"

Clee-enee between Steering Id,lt-r

And Third, Arm Assembly and

Br<'Il:kt:~ ., •• " ••••• ,.," •. ,. ,006'~maximllm

Cleeraece between Steering

Knuckle and Knuckle Support .OOGllmaximum

Clearance between Steering Idler and Tbir-t) Arm Bracket end 'Front CJ;l)SS 'Me'lllber at Upper

Moutttlng Hole. .. Jl-08":rnaxlmum






I. T'It, ..,<1 a.,11 $1".1 R..rm __ r-J-Z963 a. 01J'lr !lall STud ~"monr_J·' 17J

:J., S~,..~';nilll.: ..... c~I.I ... ~lna D,I.~t_O:_3~a

.. , Slo!ouln.ll IlI'llr 811:1~'" lIulhi!l'll ll:'I:lm~,r_I·JlBli 5. W~~cll"'llIrl~i CII, R~lI\o~ .. r-K-:U~

Ti~ Rod Clamp Belt Nui _

1'i8. :;IO-I',unl 'liulipltrlUCI,n 5"l<lol1lali

6. W~o:<i!l l~(I,I"iI C .. p 1~1."".J_I(·Jj6;]_,I.,

7. H ... b iJ.oH Puni~" 1001 Cllld An~;I-~·j~"

~. ,.,....". eu .... ""1 A.", ...... ""il'l' o.l:I~~._J_31~ 9, !IlI'!'" Wa .. ~h_J.U·o •

10. U"" ... Conl.el ",," S~lllt hllll:l~"r and :II:,..ph:lur_J·29.5.81


... 8~12Ft T.lK

Steering Idler Bracket tc Ceces

Member Lower. Bo1f.s ... . . . .. 30 Ft. Lbs. Min.

Steertng Idler Bracket to Cross

MftlnbSr Upper Holt _. 6a Ft. Lbs. Min..

Spindle Nut ... See Fron't Whl;!f;'] Bearings-Adjust Lower CouLrul Ann Sllah Bu:,;hin~

Lock Nut (Early 1919 Mudd,) 150-200 FL LI>5.

Lower Control. Arm Pivot Hl)lt , lO(l-200 Ft. Lbs.

Lower Control Arm Pivot Bolt

I..ook Nut . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 90-120 Fl. Lbs.

r .rIWl'r Cunlh)l Arm Pivot

Bolt Bushing 150-170 Fl Lbs.

tJpper Cflntrnl Arm Pivot

Pln r.ock Rnlt. Nut. 30· 35 Ft. Lbs.

Upper Control Arm Pivot

Pin 'Rushing.'! .. 30-40 Ft. Lbs.

Uppp'I" Cnr.lrlll Arm Shaft

Bushings ...•....... , 30-40:Ft. Los.







Re..'I,l" Aale .•.. "., .,., •• II ••••• , •• ,', •• "., •••••• , •• "', •• , ••••• , •••••.

Page .4- 1 _4-12

Renr Axle Troubles nnd Remedies. . __ . . . . .. . ..••.........

Roa.rAJ:1A Specillc:a.l.ionFi , .4 .. 14

Propeller Sh.aft nnd Universal ,J(Ji:rU~, ".. " •...... , ., "." .4-16

Propeller Shutt lUI,1 Ullivtmw.1 .luints T'ruubles lind Ramedler ,.. ........•.... , . ". ,4 • .16

Rear Spnnlr-i and Shackles. , .. " . . , , .........•.....••.•....•. , •.••.. " ... 4·'17

'Tcrque B(Jt:I;jfll;"ltlnrl~, .• , ., • , I •• , , ••• , • , ,. •• • ••••• , ••••••• " •••••• _ •••••••••••••••• , •• , .4-21

Special '1'0016. . . . . . . . . . .••• . . . . • . . . . . . .• . .•... ,................. ••.•• ••• • • .• 4-21

Rear SprinR Speciflcatione. . • ....•. , .. , . , .. , . . . . .4-22

Service News Reference .. , , , . , ••••• , •• , •.•..• ' ..•• , . ••• . .. 4-22


Genera! Doscripbion . , " • , ... ,.... 4-~

Mjno:r S rvice Operations. 4-2

lude Simft or Drum-Removal und RL'-

placement", ." .... ,', .. "",., ,.. 4-2

Axil:! Shan, SlJarintt a ml/ur Oil Srol-HclIlove und Replace .• , ' , , , . "

M~~r' Service OplJru.Uum;, ... ,. ..,

Rear Axle Asscmbly-. Remove, ... , .. Rear Axljf and Difforenbinl Carrier

Disassembly. , , , . , .

Inspection Repairs ,

T'ropeller Shi.lr~ Bushings and/or Oil Scal-c Replace . ~ ..••.•

Propeller ShML and Pinion.




1!J4!HiO Mndels . .

1!J51-fiK Mudcb .... __ .... _

P«ge ~-6

. _ 4-07 .-8 H +8 4-8 4-S 4-9 4-U 4-9

. 4-10


Inspection ..

H,opflir~,. I.""

DHfcrentfal Bearingr. .... , lliMa: C~e:.!,r"

Assernbly .... , .••

1~4!J anti 'E:arl)' 1951 Mndel~ 1951-5:3 Modcl~.

ALijW:itmcnt Rear Axle Assembly., Replace ,

Adjusting Ring O(!IU' and PiniOll._


1-5 4-6

The rear axle used oe en passenger cur models is (If the ~emi-nOiILlng type with HYIK)id gt:ilr.:; mounted ~n n pl'cs~d steel banjo type h,-,u!Jh-.g "l'ypi~<I1 consrructtou features <IT':! shewn in fig. 1. A:n ail retainer mcuatcd hi the canicl' ahead OI the ,lJinhm FJYltLL euller ~I:t.rin.g eeuu-ds the J'<titlit_lI flew Qr lnbrioent to the cerrter, t.b\I:i ~;:'S\ldng ;;; C'IIIIL1l1lJnk h:.lU, or ull.

The drive pinion i~ overhung, the rear bearing is a Hy:Ht rQller ;_muthp. rl·llI-.l bp.;,Jrlng is u tl:')l..Ihl~

:row ball b~af'ing, 'r'here urn twn dllfeeenual 'Pinion gears nnd two di'A' t~J"lti(\l ,,'cit:: I!fcar:>, Bartel roller hC'~'·inef.t ""'" ll~i.tI In mnunLing the dilfereeuul case. Beth the pinton beunngs and lbit differeutlal bJ:..a:r,h:a~s are ueeloeded in manufacture

'\V'heel fil')d sxln shaft mountings are of the :;;Q1T1i-AnRtln~ dt' ... Ign, 'P~tmlUl"t't'ltly Ivbt-icatcd nnd sealed Hyatt, roller beurlngs are used at the l"I!'U wheels and the axle ~hiln oil seals ore located at tho outer ends. of "hI:' axle tubes.


r. "Inion ShQtj

J. I"III~II it_IIIiI hlai~l~g Hilt :I '~~I flllk!! ,....,..,

+. I_r PIllS- 1Hri1l, 6.lln9~'

, D;W+I'IIIIIII.r '1~1, .. a-

P'k! •• -1 ........ ,'1;1 .n:ld1'

",1"",11,'1,,1'11.-. 1 ..

1' .. 1.1 Su ....

II. I;hi ",,,Iou.

,. Pift.Iff!J!I,JaI Sid. "",",,,Btl

III Dli III~!i ....... ; ••

,ro,o,ji tl .. 1 Hvt II.'Ih"It~OO,

11~ iMl4! 5k1~

1'2. Dill,,,",~ Sid. 0- ll. "liftll aHr COfllt!l!'!

1 ..... 1II1.~ "\19

I s. O>II'.,,"lk1t Pi.1on GHJ' ,,,,,II 16.5hl.,



'1, Pugh wtIi!! s'hR(1s in I.Q.waru the center o'f the <\XII! nnd remove "C" wru;;hers from Inner t!;Dd.,,-;. of the I:IxJe 4hafiJ.

8. RemOve 5ba1l:1i Irmn axle 'ho..wng.

I.. .RcHJ10ye wheel,

~ Remove two .stilmJH:d brake drwn ~t,"nlnli 'DUts (olpon \ypo) from th. two hu'b hoi .. (fiR. 2).

3. 'Remove brDKe drum from exte maft.

-c. lM:ta'll WPft'J c;ylitnlw.r c:lamp. KMO.145, on brake .... hc;oc:l C)'lIn~r.

5. rJnltn lubrf.ctrot from diffu'c:nt.i.al end Rrn:l;tve holDing eover.

G., Re,move the diffllftmlial 'pLnion wft jeck $('l'COWj thlt!l d:J:l:'ferential p'ihlLln. sha:h, ax:l~ sh.aft !lp.e'i!!£' a:nd dllferl:ntliil pin~dns (fig. S).


1. ~u ~kel, to hub ~(jJnin8' 'Lbe ante,!' llll,11!: at tho three holes: cl(lfltri tog@iher with. the IH;)tch In the hub.

NOTE! Apply hHV)' ~hIIlQ( Dr paint to b01h sid" ot g~II_"t and ,,'1 d.R .. dar.

2'. In-'"lb_ll on dlill"atQl"' ov;o-r B3!ikilt .Migp,lbl ,oil poekd with no~" in tktt hub.

3. Insert .six. .5pet:~al bolts and force heede do'I,IVII to the deflector.

4-. Peen end ol shoulder on bolts into countersaik around holt holes In the floiilJu!Q. u~lnlii: anvil and hub bolt ~~:nin.G toal 1-554 (fig, 4f

CAUTJON: Thill p."h'l.in.g Dp .. rll.JDn h vAry rmpQrJO'!'I1 from g !!;!=!'fQry ~hmdpQJ!'It.

5 Inspeet l~~th~r oil ~~nI on, i.m;id.~ of ~.xlf!.

bOUS~lig :[or excessive wh,r, all.m3ge 01;" 'rniIplacement,

6. Slide we.le ::ihoft Into plaee,

CA,UTlON: IEx.,Ci ... cOita IfiCiI .plfflE" Di'i .nd of .. hoff do I;IDt cur /llothlll'r ail .lil!la,/ ilr1d Jbl'l" 'h~y e",S'l'I'ge w{,h .$prrlloC!'$ af diff",enUor ,{de geor,s.

1. Replace "C" washers on mner ends of shaft.

s. Pry -sh a .f~ :!part ~D th::!t "C" washers are seated in counterbore In differential side gears, and. Install dlfferentlal plnlons.

CAUfl0N: fxerdn cure '13 IJ"VO{O sm:r'[h~

i'i'Ig Gr d'crm.:r:£ling inner e .... ,d.t: of s,lta".

9. Seleet nxla shaft spacer to give free fit to .014" maxiteum clearanec between €'Dds of axls shatt And the !l.pac.pl' (fie- 5).

NOTE: Th.up or. four 'liz. ~ ,J)1 nyf., .haft :lipa-car:s. tlyo:iilabt. tis fDllow:lo:

Nwrew ....•••. ,' 1.011"-1.0'13(1 wid~ unu,:u YfDund, slWrfb(81

Medium .....•... LOI:&:",- 1.'021'" wi~. a-cral:li ground $Uifac.c:l-

1.0'18. .. • 1.031" wi:d. 1I;lI(,.o':5: gro!!o!,l"~ !I: ... rfa';Q~

Wid. . 1.03311' .. 1,035"" wid.

ne,DU: graund surfi:u!.s


10. Tm:l_nll spacer in place and assemble pinion shaft, locking in place with. special screw using lcckwasher under head.

11 Rf"pl:II'-re axle housmg covel' using new gasket and refill differential.

]2. :RumQve wheel cylinder damp.

1~. Replace brut' drum and two brake drum retalnlng nuts.

CAUTION:- Mak. sure Jug In web x.dian 01 drem ii olignt.ld ond' li'J:tona'J inlt! dra-in hare 1.n oltls shblt Ron,..,..

14. Replace wheel.


1. Remove wheel and axle shafts ( .. ee axle shaft -e-cmoval}.

2. In ... sart sped .. rl bellr-mg pu.ll~r J -1.436 and remove bearmg, bearing retainer and oil ~cAl (fig. 6).

3. IM~t:t bore and dress out the uld ;o;:c:al .st~ke points to pre-vent damage tc the new seal. when Installed.


1. Using bearing ~nd retainer replacer lC-427 (fig_ 7) place oil sect, beating and Inside beaelng retainer On tool in that order.

2. Place a light coal uf Penuetcx un the D.D. cf ~il saul to assure propel." ,,"Jiling ur uil 10:"'1:11 in boustng bora.

CAUTION: 810' ~urdll' lliur ng Ivolin!:J Mr.ilor;al ge-II Dn lhe J.alhor Up of o{f ~fJa'.

::I. St~t the bearing in[(J lhw il:<11E;l housing :'111'0 tap tool with h(lmml!!-r to seat parts.

'.I. Rt'!1111Jve special tool and stakQ cu seal til place with a prJclt punc:h.

!i. A~!{pmhll2 axle shafts (see altl~ ~lH}ft-r@o_ placement) .

l.. Raise vehicle from floor.

2. Rrunc"l'vli'. rear wheels and bmka drums,

3. Install wheel. cylinder clamps KM.O-H5 on br:akc wheel eyLinde.r3.


4. Disconnect hand brake cables from or0S5 shMt level'.

5. Rem(';;'e hrake cables (rum cable clamp on frame side member.

6. Disconnect hydrr;,.ultc brake ltne connection at rear aide hDUSOg.


7. Disconnect shock absorber from rear spring ~IU'I bolt and shock absorber ancbor 'belt plato.

8. Remove ;:;pxing nU"bol~ 1il.;!:).Q pht_,te.

9< Dlsconnece ,svdllg ehacklea and drop i5Pi:ingS.

10. Slin~ axle: back to dis.[,fmnect torque tube at

Iront end, and t'QIHov-eJ.i"Om velrtcle,

11. Place rude assembly .in nxlc etand.



1. Drain lubricant and remove h~u:Jiti-g (:OV(;I'.

2. RttrllUVC u,;l~ ;ihilrt:. end Jif(cr~.nLii:.1 gCi;l~ (see axle shaft removal}.

3 Remove third 'member by removing' nub holding It to the front of the axle housing.

4. Remove the adju.:.tihg nut Iccks end four differential carrier enp ~C[[! w S.

5. Ri!mo v ~ b@!'l.:[iI'lg r:~~ and ndjrntins uuts and remcvc diRercntioJ a.~sembl,:,.·.

6. Hemcvc three- tapered bea:dng' :rehlnin~ screws iJlII.l Li.lp :Sj:IUm:;d ~nd of pcupelle.r: shalt ... Jlowlng )lIn Inn ShAft, to. slide out,

1. Remove shims, "tram Inside of propeller ~h~(l housing :rnukillg note of number and tornl thickness Q[ shims removed,

8. CII:::.I:Ul tlll p.ttrUi 111 1.11l:!auiug !:)Q}vt!1!L


1'. Ched c1~:lrrl!'1ce het w een prop~IJ~i .shn ft ~n.;1 )1!l bU.'':lhing,

NOTE; If tM~ "je":m:l!l~e eXlieed~ .010" the b'll5hing5 li!nd oU seul should be, re .. ph~cQd.


PropeneI' Sna-H 8ushwG' M!dO!l Seal-

The tOIT(u~ tube front and rear bushings on late 1950 and all 195.1:-5:) mod-e] passenger Cfi1'S arc a Pl."CSS tit u) the- torque tube. el1l:nin.nting the dow!'::l pin io¢kin,i1: method uecd QIl 1949 end early 1950 models. Tht" pre. s s fit eliminates ,any tend .. Gilley tor !ub!'ii!Ill'1~ lQQka.l!e ,!;it 1:h~ dDwQl ping.


These bLtshi.JlIj!i should be installed in leta ,I05G r.nd: Jilll 1951 .. 53 passenger IC"Iil' models using torq,u@ tube b1.l.ShuJ.gdriver J-4259 for the ~,:u bU!'lhins (lind d,ri"'l,:r J-4290 £ot the ;front bwhi.ng. Tb.C":ic dr'ivere must be used Lv proper-I"., PLI~iiilJn. ihl!:

bushmgs in the 'torque lube. - _

When insta,lling the DeW bushings in QD old. torque tube. however, it i'ii imJK'I:ativ~ tl-..(I_t the bushings bo a tight fit in the I;lJbe_ If there .1.!I any do-v'bt, the busbiuS$ must be drUled for dowel pins fcllcwmg the ,iw;h:"'ul:til}n~ ..... !'Ii v en under, "Pl-Oprd.lE'.r Shill I, Bu~h'nr.rs and Oil Seal"i-Replaeemenr (Dowel Type).

It should also b-e noted that rear bushlng driver tool J-4259 Includes a, steel washer. This ~t881 washes- is used wjth the tool linl,:;" when in.stw.ling the ~ bushing Qt1 lh ton trucks to allow for pr"Qpel' po3it"iorung.

TIIIO' U149-1950 oil sealin 'ba-ck of the rear bushing assembly is the- same <I:' previously used on all models except those equipped. with the Powerglide Automnrio Trnnsmtsston.

On the 1050 rear axles used with lhe Power_gl.idc Au1:oma1il': Trauamisasou uml, in ~U 1951-1953. models, iI R(lA] to; used v .. ,hjc..h ts encased in Tubber to p;rev~I't oil leakngc around the O~D. of the seal rcto.inel'.

Rupb,'Ccment:-Dowe[ Type-.l"94.9

L Dri11 out: dowel pius :l'"etaining bushings lfig. 8}.

,2, DriVE'! cut both bushings and oil seal from pinion E'nd of housing

3. Start a 'new nil ~cal.ii:ltu th~ hnu:!iing with free ~i.dc of the leather toward the- front.

4. Install new rear hushing and drive beth bushing and -oil seal firmly ag;.inst their !':er.tl using bushing driver J -968.

5. Drill dowel hule in bushlng belng careful to control depth,

CAUTION! Da o'I'o:r drill -I:fllnpfllrIlJ)' rhrouph bu.:ehin9"


G. Coat dowel with sealer to prevent leakage, install and poen dowel in place.

7. Install front. bushing using bushing driver J~~Jjj~.

8. Drtll dowel hnle in hushing.

CAUTION: E:drome cara mUI' be- u:sed no' ID brepk '''rough 'hili wall ot fhe b",.h.ing.

9. [nstall and )leen dowel In place,

NOT~~ Tc p,oveont di51orllon of th~$E' b.,,,,llings whfllt peoening the dow!!!ls "" (lrb(Jr or ","ivenal lolnl yak. Ihovld b. Insv.-Iud to support th~ bvshing.

10. Dt'e~'i off with file any burrs set· up during peening opeeatton.

llGplaccJDtlnl-Frcss Fit Typ.e-1950~5J

To remove propeller shaft. bushings and Gil scat OD these models, it i::; necessary to pul! both busbIngs and the oil seal from the housing using special puller Joo4i!:.il:l.

1. Rell10ve rear axle assembly [rum vehicle fI.Ilfl remove J.i!tCIVl1lio.l. assembly and propeller shaH find pinion [rom car-rier.

2. insC:-rL s.helt with Hanged end, which is PiI r t Q! .T-425S, from pinion. end of hou1>ing and pQlJjtion finnly Iignin.lll l.hp nil "flo:.!.

3, Assemble puller flange on front of torque tube, theu thread Lhru:,;t bearlnp and nul on shaft. Turn nut to pull both bushlugs end oil seal from the torque tube (fig. 9).

4. Place a new oil seal On driver J-968 SO thAt the free side of the Ieathcr is toward the head uC the delver. Place the driver and sfoal into the: hou~ing find drive the seal Ilgilln.!it .lL", «eat,

Install new rear bushing usin£! bushing driver J-4259. Drive the bushing in until the stop On the driver i."; against end 0,)£ torque tube (fig" 10).

NOTE: The .!imall .!Ileel !l-pnut, ..... hlch II pari of bushing dnvar J~42S9, IhoOuld no.. be u$tld whl n in5tg~'i n9 raar bU1ohing! in

pClSllllnger car~,

6. Install new nvut bushing using drivc.rJ-4290.

Drive thp hWlhing in unl11 st/J};I on driver iii against end (If torque tube.



1. D~ill end of rivet to clear ccunterslak into whleb it i15 upset being CiIlrcCul to center the r.iv!.!t. with center punch.

2. Drive out rivl!L

3. Loosen pinion bcsI"U1e leek nut and !:l:!p.:1,.~te pinlon from propeller shaft.

4, Remove pinion bearing lock nu.t And press bearing from piniQn shill using pillion bcnring 'rml)Over, J-99G.

5. Remove beermg lock sleeve and tear bearin!': lock I-ing.

6 Ilemcve r-ear bt!'uriny [Tom ptnlou shaft.


1. Wash all parts in clr>.a.ning solvent.

2. Inspect splines fnr excessive Wear Dr JWISe-ntr.:i.'l.

3. l.h.,pcx;t shaft at prupuller shaft b'IJshing location for scoring or exeesslvq wear.

4 AItil'.r clcurung a.nd tIlling bcarlags, check for roughness hy slowly turninB the outer race by hand.

NOTI::; Ihuuingl If,uuld bill t:I&an-ed in elee ,",ln9 "501"'1:""''' and btown cvf whh f.ompreu·td elr,

CAunON~ [J~ no' :tpil'! b~o!l.!'; .... gl' with (nm~ pranGa' "'t. a3 thl:iwill ccrUJii:t dumug-4l ro rnnn and balls.

5. Inspect double row front pinion beartng for end 'play.

Notl!~ Any I!!nd piny I,n ·thh bf'llaring' will allo ...... the ;li'inlon to. Rog' In gnd au' changinu pinian depth in ring '!iIllIn.

G. Inspect pinion for cracked, ohipped or 5{:Ql:ed teeth.


1. Install rear pmfcn bearlng en puaon gh,aft and luck In place. with lock .riD!;.

2. Coat belJel;;!d :5lJ_ri~CQ I'l-f pinion b~nr_ins lock sleeve wtth I'eOT axle lubricant and mstell on !!:h~ft, with beveled edge toward the plnlon,

3. Preas front {double ball} bearlng 'On shaft end Install beartng lock nut

NOTE! Wht" auembling either of the "W" I.,pa pinion :ba(lriil"g~. :P~r1 No'. 9$4533. New Departure- ND5J06, eor ND5~1J6-.w, en th.., ,::Iinh;m 'ihcFr. ,thlll btilanng Iohauld b~ ('I!;!;j;OlT!b!ect wilh the loadi!19 dll' ttJo~ WlJrd the 'piniun. Thi:s; JJlu!;Q:i the Ihrl,l:l' acc:urringduring drive an .he sid. of Iha do;ol,lble 'rlQw bcarir;g that dg~5 nat contain rh. loading ,.;IDI~ 'j:;t'lvDrlng n,f the blE"Dring In thls. manner j:ltovidc~ for b~tter ov~r-Q!! b~alln9 pl!'rfarmancflO and gr,ll'oter ltfe.

TI1I1 elder typ.:. bearing, Purl' Nil. 9.5-43'95, ~ hould bl! i'"'~'tan~d wnh .he laodrng !..lllt CiI-wUy- hom plnl'On as the C-QntliU,IU oQf the inner and outer races or. In 0 pesnten reversed 10 lfi. new type bc-t!rin9.

4. [mil a U "VlimllI l!1II1 u( ,Piuiu!I :liliall Into coupiing on end of ,pl"Q~l1e," sh .... ft i\1ign.ing rivet hulas.

5. Jnc'it:ll1 n~w ri .... "U: and rtvet beth ends.

6. Tighten bearing 'lock nut to 200~2·40 ft. Ib:;J. and lock in milled slot in pinnm s'lu:dt_

1951-~3 Mud.els

Thl.:' prll,l?~IlL:.r Ijh"-lJt 'i.:lul~ i.U:C df'sigll!Od so that brunncmg weights can be welded (In- Propeller shalt and pinion shaft essemblv are balanced togl;!theJ' insmad of b~t..nurinS' 'the:! (?!'oC,)pe.llo.!r sh.:llt bd c rc .;J:;;:"lembly tc pi.lllUl1 .:J.:; In the Hl4D-50 modela.

Thl:!'lV'1 iml~ un th~ hypotd drtve ptnfon hnve been designed to provide ~ 2,000 In 1(l,OO() pound press fit into the propeller shaft cOllplil"l~. R@(~;tu-"l'! Df th:'s prc:;;.; fi~. e In''Op.cUcl· shuff and pinion as~m'bly 1.001, J'~4!i41\> must be used to remove and replace the pinion nsscrnbly c

NOn~ 1'953 Dr!Y"'" pin~on fit into tho prQ~ peller :;;h(;if! (0;0 piing h: 0 met!ill 119 mellil'

Rt wHh a coil ;Iprlng adding fot. and aft ti"!nS:!lln_


1. Center punch the: 'slveted end of (;oupHng pin, th~n drill ond vf rivet to clear l"oLJntJi'Tsink into which It ia u~ct_"

2. Drtve o·ut;. (~'-I)up·lIl1g ptn.

3. Install J-1513, propeller sh a {t and pinion assembly and replacer (fig. 11). Separate p~ni(1l"1 essceibly iXUIIl. p:ro1?'ClI.cr :!lhoft.

NOTE: The nUh IOn thu r4lmOl!"illl' t!!'!d J(I .. ptccer 5c:reW.'I :lhould ,b. turned Dyenl" 10- prenl'!t binding.

4. Fur dlscssembly and inspection of the pinicn shaft; I;'efer to procedure ~~ outlined. fol' 1949-50 rnod~l~.


1. Align CQUpli:Il~' pin hctes in p'ir'llo-:tl. l;1h~rt wtth these III the propeller shaft coupling and stan end. or pinion into coupllng.

NOTE~ On 1953 modols ~f'!5tt!!1 o::..,.riI ~prins !!'~ ~Q",p.i ng b~fo-r~ starting end of pinion in;o (olJplin,g.

2. Install tool J'''''.I.548 (fig, 12). Turn nuts (III t!i~ ,rQII1()VG!' and replacer S-C-l'CWS rend press the pinion inlo the l;(luplin!1 until the pin holes 'in the pinjo-n und t'o'\lphng we ~ignGd.

NOTE; Tho end :platc of fDol J-4S48 hf.ls Q smell rfl!"'fllr~1bI8 adapter which hi u§f!n to::ll hold the plnio" i:cI'Jlcrcd. IV 'I'(!""1'$1119 .hi! udep+er, tho iD'ol may be Io'si!ld wlfh pinions whkk he \Ie ,the ' ... nd, .nhlllr eanlurud or c ..... mterborli'd.

3. Install new coupling 'pin :'md r-ivet nver both, enda,

:!tEAR AXLE AND suspeNSION 4-0


1. llJs.PQ~t dilIl!rentii'll side B~Jt.r", fQT SCOi:'Qtl hubs or thI1.1St suefacee.

2. Inspect Internal splincs of side gears and check fit on axle shrafts.

3. Inspect thrust surfaces on differential puuan gCQ1'!l and check thrdr- fit on p!n~on shalt,

~Il' 1:1-lhmll¥inll Di«trl~tioJ "b'in~

4. Inspect diff~l'~nti;ll slde ,sear and pinion gea:r lhru1iL faces in the differential case.

5. URing a torque wrench cheek rint g!,,~l' bolts f()r tightness (should be 40--GO ft. lbs.}.

6. C1CHO dlflerennal side bearings, all nnd check fn.. roughness by .rolaUnij slowly by hand,


Dll'Iere.ntwl I1cllll'_ingR"epIRc~ent

). Install dlffe.rentIal bearing puller TR-218-R making sure puller legs are fittrm securely in nQt~"es: in case D.!Id 'retaining yoke tight.

2. TiGhten pullet: sen.-IV end remove 'bc.fi_:rtJJC (fL<. 13).

3. Rep~ce bearing 'by placing on hub with the thi.ck slde 01 maer race- toward case.

4. Drive bcn:ring in plaee with difl'~r('ntla1 slda bearing replacer J-994 (fig. 14).

Rina: GUT RCl)lA~pment

1. :Rc:moyc rinJl: gear bolls and Iockwashees.

2. With wet hammer tap ring gear Qff the esse.

3. Install gu.iLiLl pins mode from ~"-Z4 xI'h .... long censcrews with heads eut nfl" !'on" ends s.lo(.t~d (f'g. 15) t-a new ring gCAr.

4. Make sure back fece of ring gear and face of case ere free of dirt and burrs and .s]ip gear over pilot diameter of the: case.

5. Install every other ring gent" bolt and Iockwasher. then draw them up evenly and snugly so that rins gear face 1$ flush with face of ease.

6. Remove guide plns and Install remaining belts,

NOTE: All bolts sho\lld be tightened to 40-(.0 ft, Ibl.

7. Install rlilTeI:euti::J cru-rler into axle hcuaing and cheek runout of rear face of rine: ~C-&r.

Thls runout not- to exceed .0035", --

DIFl'mIENTlAL CARRffiR M'i'hlbly-1949 lind Eo rly 1951

1 If orlginal r.ing gt:!M and pinion are to be used, ropleee same thickness of shtrns. in propeller shaft housing counterbore that were removed.

NOTE: As; a I'I1Qanl of adjusting pini(ll" depth, shim. Of 0 ovoilobl, in thteknesses of .01211, ,015", ,018'" ond .O:H". By combIning two lihim~ Il talul shim rhil:k .. ".n ftt .024" to _042" may be s@l:urf!d.

2. n new ring gear and plulon arc used one .0]5" and one .01S" shim should be used as a standard start.ing point.

CAUTION: MahG .Iura :thim.a, when irisla{led, are flat in 'he ('ounte,bore fmd nol COcked, a...,,'1II1

3. III~li.Jl propeller :-lhult and pinion assembly, dr'LIlin~~iL rlnwn IJllut bl:.lHrillgJ'i are seated In thl'l hOIl:c;illg lI:<1ln~ spillx~r ti:lhl J .4050 to provide proper plnlcu to boating clcnrnnce (~g.16).

Check through the bl;ttulng lQck screw .... clcs


to make sure lock sleeve is in posltiun agalnst back !If r n'ml. pinion bearing.

5. Install three tapered lock screws end draw them down evenly end tightly, then tighten lock screw nut.5.

6. Install dlflererrtial a. ... sembly in the carrier and Install adjusting nuts.

CAUTION; Car.tully did. O'djlJs-ling nUf: (r'onglld. ,ho iboClrlng se til-CIt tf!r~ad, on n uh flI 1111.0 tft,efJd~ in corr;er.

7. In.' .. l!-Jl1 hE~;tI'1ng CHt~S aligning marks on cop with mar-ka on carder.

S. Tn,.,lJoIlJ J.lful ugbten cap screws until lock\Ii.'it.Sl,eI"S JLlSL Hatten 'Out.

Msembly-l951-5" 'N1'odch:

The deptb of the bore in the diffcrr.:nti<ll t:rnl.'"ict' itlK~iru.1: whh;h the pinion double row beartng seals has been reduced .015" Oll all l1R::...:;cngCJ· cl:ll models. 'l'hi/:l necessitates to change in the shim settip fer adjusting pinion depth in the I"jng gear. Although the :;An'I(: number end thickness shims are available {namely .012", .015u, .OlSH, nnd .021") only Ol"\tj' Shim i..q used between the double row bearing and the bottom of the bore in tlu~ carrter Instead of the two shims whleb w~r~ formerly used.

Whl:'lJ in.sl,.HlIlng a III:W r-illl} gern- and pinion in nn nx'lc foI'1l1ippp(l with lhp. new differential cerrfer uurl torque tube .:ls. .. ~m.blYI om::: .018" shim ahculd be used as .Q etartina point. Checkicg the tooth puttei-u uccordlng to Jns,trucUm~:; under, j'i\djusting Ring Gear arid Pinlun," wUl cstabhsh any chungee In 'tJle shimming thut It.lUY be fjCC~S~t'y tn procure p.rIJPe-r p1ninl'1. dflPth adjustment.

'These dJffe:renti:l1 caJ'l'let" and torque tube ,:'11':scmbhes started in prcducuce on. 5-/29/51 at the


fill_ H'-AdjWlIl"lI ltlnv GIKII and I"'n'O.ll

Detroit pl..,.:otJ and 4/26/51 ~t.lhc Tona:lililludu plant and n~y be Identilled ea Iollowsi

Detroit Tonawtmda

[·hmt Plant

Regular Passenger JA 529 JB 426

Powe-.rglide Passl:.'nsu J'J 529 JK 426

ThE'! numbee foHQwing the prefix is the calendar month and the number OT nunrbcra rollowing t,he month designation will be the day uf the monLh. £xample: JA 5Z9-the prefix J A ldentlfies tJ1P DetrolL plant, the numNal ;; irlpnl.ifip.g thl!- month as May. IlJ1rl.29 the tWf'l_nty~nif1th day of that month.

Scr v Icc stock of these differential carrier and torque tube as:ic-mblit:1; ere identified by e baud of yellow pilint ercund the lOJ'Yl.i.C Lu'Li.:. Mtlc.l:IHUic!l should remember that only one sbirn 13 to be used when ussembllng the pln.lun ;11m) propeller shaft in a diffel'ential uarrivr assembly identified by a band IJr ydlow paint.


L Loosen :right h9T'1d Adjusting nut and tishten left hand udjustlng nul ustng dlffel:entiru adjusting wrench J~972 while turning ring gear. Continue Ughl~ning h.-It hand nut until all lnsb is removed, then b,Qck Off the Jeit hand nut one notch to a locking position.

2. Tighten right hand nut to force toefl beadn!!: fir~nhi' Into ccntect with left adj\~slin" nut. Then loosen the r-ighL .n u t and again ttghten snugly again·t the bearing.

NOTe: This pusifion mar be liIu~ily d.t.,.~ mined os the nut cernes to a dlllAnit'l!' stop.

S. Tighten right hand. nut .a minimum 01 one additional notch to maximum of. two nntchea further to a locklng pcsltlcn r£t4. 17). This operation preloads the dlfferentiul bearings.

4 MI)lInt n dtal Indtcatoe on the caTTier and t!h,.~k the back lash (fig. 18), between tho ting gellr and pinion. The back lash should be from .005··~_008".

NOTE: If beek 100sh is more than .008" lalft.nn rig"t hand adjusting nulq."e "Clltch find tighl.n ,.tt hand odju$1lng f'I"t an. notch. If bcu:k Ip~h 1$ less than .005" loosen I",ft hanel Cl!djusUng nul ona nofch I'Ind t;ghlen right hand adju'&tlng nul ono nCiltch.

5. Tish10n ooaring cap bolts to 65-80 ft. Ibs.

Recheck beck In$h and lnstcll both a.dju-&tinG nut leeks.

R!lMt AXLEA~~ .. mbly

1. Cl~an out axle houslng and cover- and :PIDC'f! new go.s.keL 0.,..\:.[' l,;iIIrl"itlr mounnng bolts.

Z. Assemble differential ~rTiel" assembly to axle hnll!>;lng, tn.sl.all Jockwashers and nuts and tighten securely.

3. Lubricate hob:s of differential side gears wJlh hypoid lubricant and install tlaera into d.iJ'~ fcrcntlal Case.

4. Install axle shafts, making sura the long@t shaft is used on the right hend slda and inmall "C'· shaped.axle shaft Jocks

5. Spread shafts tom~kc sUt"t: th::.t the shlJJl::l, lo~kl;l and. dil1·cl'cnli::.l side: gcurSi ~:rc .in pt'I;';Iletve contact,

6. Roll the two dlfferentml pinions into position ... ml jU_"'!'HII l-I.xl~ sha lt spacer, pinion gear .:ihaft end pinion gC=Eu' shaH lock screw.

NOTE~ Chl!!tk el • .fIran~. bOfWun end 0'

c)l:re ,hafr (lnd I:pat::er. Th" lho v ld be

from fr.cre fit ta .Of4'1 UJg. 5J.

7. Install the axle houslng' cove-r using a new gasket and :reIDl differential with 3"'h pints (If g,A:E,:. 90 "Mul~i-]~iJt1X'sl)" gc:u ll,"'br,i[!~nt..


1 Adj lI~t Lln.iv~r_'!"ftl b ... l1 [ulnt ~I:! I)L,lilill~d. In Tran:limi:i3Jon, Section.

2. Slide. axle essembly under vehicle and start 'Prilp~lJtr shaft \,i:\to- \l!'!iVIi:~!'~Rl joi.nt splinc.C!.

3. Raise axle assembly and eeplace a-ear spring shackles.

4. Fill :r:eta'iner bousin.g through sreedometee driven. gear hole with ~ pInt of lubricant to provide lnitial Iuhrication fur universal joint nnd propeller shaft bl.l.Ghil1g~. Install cpee-domcter driven geaT' and, connect eable.

S. Replace renr &p1'inS '!U!! bolt und shock abso-ber I-lilchm bolt plate, install j'll" bolts and tighten securely.

6. Rupluou SLluck Hh. ... u:rla.![" i:'Yl! LcJ bull un <!.Ul!l:JUL' plate.

7. Connect hydraulic brake' line Lto connecter at :r:C-'ll axle housing.

8. Remove wh~cl cyH:ndet clamps and h:lSI;Il.U brak-e IJruir\~ und .rear wheals.

9. Con:ne.ct, hand brake eables to cross-shaft lever end to bracket on frame stde member and adjust, Sec Brake Section.

10. Lower vehlcle to floes.

11. BJc£d brake I.in~" :,iL all flll1l' wh"",I!!l See Bra kc Becklon.


Proper ring gear and p.inion :;Ldju.;llmeflt i~ important if thl! .eaar- rutJ!:! [ __ .'iSj,!mbly is to provi.de quiet and trcuble-Iree operntjofl.. Thl:' Iollowiug procedure il'i recommended for che,"k~ gear tooth ~iirlng, @ithel' ~fol'O disassembly 'to determine whether improper adjustment Ix UJl! L.:i.jUI>L~ of nctsy operatton, or foUowiFig the In:;t a lletton or a new gear set.

Cpf'nplpin'l!.t of renr exte notse, whlch C.:l,n nCOl'ly Alwny", 1-1 ... c;rmt,rihlltl;orj to improper adjustment, can be placed. In three geuercl clussificuficns:

] DRIVE NOISE i..:l most pronounced on con.!ihmt ecceterancn th:ro"ugh the ... peed rilll~1: of J5 \0 45 M.P.H.

2, COA.ST Nal~E ·is most proncunecd when the car Is allowed to coast through the speed


range (rom 45 to 15 M.P.Ii. wnh lhe clutch engaged and. throttle-closed .

3.. FLOAT NOISE is meet pronounced while holdtnp tho car speed constant 'at mrervels l~Lw~<:'!H l!'i "ml 45 'M_'P ~H

Drive, couet and Ho.L'it nOcb,C:I wHI be very rough and Irregular if the differential or pinion ~h;)ft becrtngs ar-e rough, worn or loose.

Sc:.l'vll:c pc-rMI'Ybel should fe-fer to Figul'Cl: 19 t(} r~mlliari:te !.ht!ln"l!lv-l:!o~ with the tanns lu;.('d in l'l!~ fCITjn~ Lei lhE! di.rr~!r{'!Jll }J.nbi uf the gc<o,r LDI~lh. The large end of the tooth ts called the "heel" and the ~r!'Io:n end the "toe." Aleo, the- 'top of the too-th, whu-h is th .. 'pert above dll" pitch 11lJIit, ls ~1I~d the "face," while the part below the pitch line is called the "Hunk," The ::lp."I.CC between the meshed teeth is referred to lI-'i "backlash."


SAUlASH .005",.007"


fiTCH UN!:



FIlii. 't'i'-IifoOr TOl!'llh Tr.flfti

1, RHi:;;~ rPRI" n; ern- find plll1~ nn "tHnd jfH'.k. .. , then, drain and flush rear axle housing end leave housing cover Q,ff.

2. Wipe ,ring gear and pinion dry with n 1.>1"011 clnth. Paint :r1ng gQW- Leeth lightly and evenly with red lead of suitable consistency.

Apply P a rkiIl~ brl'lkE'" to provide n LWDVY drag <It the rear wheels.

4. RWI t:lLglL.lL.: .slowly wid} UilJL:iu"aiss:iO:n lc Jlrst ~Cftr and llioil in f~VeJ":'i(: fnr- .a lewseconds

5. Stop tho eugiue end compare the marks produced on the gear teeth wtth the marks shown ~n Figure- 20" Tooth pattern "A" provides the ide-ill bearing lor quletnc:i."'i and lung lift".

If the paLtB.rn shows 11. tee contact ~iB", it ind;~fttes not enough backlash. To correct) move the ring gear away from the plruon by loosening left-band dlfferontial adjusting nut and l.igMe,nlng rlJ:"ht~hand ildju!j;til1~ nut.

NOH: Mcrk-e adjustmelit olie north 01' G" tlme, .n~pl!-ot, [h~[~ with rf"'d Il![Id onn canlinwu' Ydlw.:;imelit "'lim !ai:lth contelel appears as in "A".




7. If U\,1;l ,pattort'L shews 8 heel t:untilct "'C," il il1l:fi(:;tt~ toe much baeklaeb. Mnkc eoj-recbicn us in step No.6, hllwevl'r. 10()~n right hand differential aaj'I.L.,tin~ nut and U.I;!ni.pn Ip.fi hand t:l.djusl ug nul, to OiOVG r1n.~ gear toward pluton.

8. rr the pnttem shQWS a high face contact "D." it Indlcatcs thHt the plnicn is too Ia r uut, that Is toe far toward the tt(al.t o£ the car. To correct, remuvc tbe dlffeeentlnl earrlec OSseIUbly and place in a vise nr nn J'I bench, Remuve dHIerentiitl benemg caps and remove diffemntlal :i~~ell\bly. HeJYIove three t~per'l:ld 'b- .. mrlng l'r.-ta.in.~ .. serews Md Itlp spiLled end of propeller ~Afl JlUnwiq.,c: pin.iun sh~ft. to ~Hdc out. Be careful In T.@movin~. tlrn .~h=:tft thQ_l the met ... l :;hilll::l between bali beartng FInd eurrleenre not lost. U15e a palr u[ micrometers to cictl'.l'lIijne shim thickness.

Non;, Lnt. model 1051 G"d till 1952:-53 models hevu a shellewer hllr@ Into which the piniun double row bearing sea". ""'e-:;e modeb, therefore, uu only one shim between the- b~(],ingi and the bot- 10m of the bore if! Ih. ttmier wherein thl!o 194'il-.50 Dnd ('Iarly 1951 modl!!s u.~.ed 'Wft Ihims.

Then, use l;t new ccrnbtnetfcn of sh bus to provide ,OO{V' Increase :i:tI :;;hhn pack thickness. Re:Js._~r!tnbic nnd repeAl check with sed lead and continue adiustment tlntj} tooth contact appears us in "A",

NOTE: 4s a 'means of adj,";I,ting pinion deplh, ,him:. lUI:' availuble In Ihlcknenll5 of .01'-", ,015", .018" Qnd ,021,j. 6y COmbining lwe 1'himl, a total shim H.idcnen 0' "02.4" te .042" mel", be ohlfll"",d.

9. If the pattern shows a finnk contact 4'E," it indicutes tha~ tbe pinion i~ in too Inr. To cc:h'ccl, proceed as outlined in step-No, 8 end select a new shim combination to provide (lIlt," reduction in ~hirn, pack thickness. Reassemble and repent check with red lead and coutlnue m:Jju:-;hn~nt. until tooth contact nppcura {I;;i in "AI',

10. In IlliIkinl: pinion adjustments, be' sure backlash i.:f correct before :rettl:sLing with red lead COr tooth petteru. M" v illJ:l_ the pinion in rcduces b.'ll!.klu.:.h and moving i.t out incre a ses it.

11. When lll't"l[ier tooth contact 1:> obtained, 'Nip" red lead from. gears and currtcr with cloth 1l.1!:.>1::;h:m:d with clean gnsoltne IJr kerosene. Wipe QuL hQy.~ng with dean du~h . .,..., • .t'l

12, I:-'OllI a Hboral quuntity cf rear I'IxlC! 11.1bric:)J'It on geru:~ and bearings and turn rear wheels to work lubrlcect into ... 11 surfaces.

13. Im~tall hcusteg cover- using a new gasket, renting bolt threads with Permutex to avoid oill""aks.

14. 'Remove car from stand jack~ and rill dffferentia] can-lee with 3Yz. pints of S.A.E. 90 "Multi-Purpose" ge~r lubl"l(!tmt.


Symptom and Probable Cause t:~cessive Haelcla:sh.

R. Leese wheel bolts.


Prohilble Remedy

b. Worn universal ;oint.

c. Leese propeller shaft to pinion splines.

d. Loose ring gear and pinion adjustment.

e. Worn difl':en::ntlAl gears or case.

f. Worn nxle sh ... ft or diffe:rentia~ side gC'ill" spltnes.

Klnnklng Noise in Axle or Vebicle Wei~ht

Shills From Side to Side

c. Exceaslvc end ploy I n axle :,r.ilft:l. Axl..: Nui~y ..... 11 Drive

:to Ring ~.co.r rind pinleu adjustment lco light. h. Pininn L{!arinss T~~ul::lh,

A~II!!: Noi$), 011 Co.'\st

n. Ring gl:!ur nnd pinion adjul'i:tment too loose. b. Ptnlnn beartngs rough.

c. Excessive end piny in pinion.

d. End piuy in double row beunng Axle Noisy on Both Drive nnd COAS.t a. Pinion bcm'ina:~ TO\lgh.

b. Loose ur dnmuged difTcrcntiill side bcaringa. c , Durn a ",cti 111'i le ~h",ft be-flrlng.

d. Worn un i ver-se I joint. or pevpel 1 <::,1' ~hilit bushleg.

c. Dad ~Y' worn r-ing Bear or pinion teeth. f. Lon~e or worn wheel beerlngs.

c. Tighten nuts securely. Make su~ the tapered

end of nut is toward wheel b, Replace or overhaul joint.

c. Replace worn parts.

d. Adjust ring g'l;i'tr and pinion.

e. Replace worn pacts.

f. Replace worn p~H'~:!j,

a. loo n lJ thicker e xlc !l'hall spacer.

a R~adju~~ rit~!1 gear nnd pinioD.

b. Replace 'bearing and readjust ring gear end pinion.

a Readjust ring gear and pinion.

b. Replace beartng and readjust J"ihg ge.a.l' nnd pinion.

c. Tighten pinion bearing retaining scr~w!t or replace bearing.

d. Replace pininn hl"ArillS

d. Ileplace bearings and adju~l rlng gl.:a:r and


b. Replace or ildj ust dU:Terentinl side beertugs.

c. Rep'lo>;e bcaC"ill~.

cl. Ri,:JlIrJ~1;l wuru tJHr~~.

4.: Jteplcce ,l'iuJ;: go,:ill" U._'IlJ piuicu. r. RI:,!JliJ~,\lb"':jJrill.s::;,



Type Gears Ralio

CU.Dventi:onal 1949-52 Canvonl.IQnall!.l53 P'W":(,l"Rlidc l.MO-53




4.11'[ 3.70:1 3.55:1


PfNION Mounting Adjug_tmont


PINION BEARINGS Part No. F<r(,U\l nnd Type Rear





Shim "nd- - ---------------

T::lp¢rcd C(lliar

Again:;;t Frcnt


N.D. 954780

By. 125631)

Two PiniOfi

By. 127881 _--'- _


'Jorqcc Tube


Wheel Drive :IT'hm~e lul.;:@r .. J with Sh~t

I\XL~ SHAl"!, JjKARJNGS Part 'No, and Ty)Jt.:

DRrVE TORQUE Lubricant Capacity


General Description Servi(~~ Opl;"r.ation~ Propeller ShaH, .•• " ... Ilniveraat JOJ!lt_ ,_

Pag!! ..... <-15 .. 4-1.5 ... 1-10 ,.4,..'15


Disessereb!v. .• . .. _ .... fn:;.pcc.t.ion, ..

Reriairs ... , .. " , A&!ic.mhJy, ,


A tubular type propeller shaft is used nn all P~!lS"11~_~r cars. Unhr.,rsal jo.Lnls are 0:.£ 'lhli: ~\.I!ih. in!A: type.

'Ihe torque tube drtve Js ~'uipil('l;l wilh a urtlVt.;:,I"::>il.l '-'01.1 .i;l,1 .d slip joint Located n t the transnussicn end of the shall.

A xlip jnillt whic;h cqmpcn:'ouLe-::; for varifli.ions In dlSl;,rn,cebctw~cn rear uxle und trWl51J'UlSSIOn :111':1 :-I.l'i-tl rlldliiJ1t(l~ i.rHI~~lnk'lllln IIr J:I~IW"'I'" IJ1Hnt mTno""1\} i!i located ;;;t rww!ird end. of propeJie!" shalt.

't'hc r-cso- end of tbc spl'inod U-PCilit.g of t.hl.! sltp Joint is 6G1'I'led by means o[ a. cork Pi:I'Cklng C~D.uuned in <.1 retuiner 1":;1~ which screws an th-Q cud of the yoke (Ii;:;:. '21).

Pol]!!. . . .'I-Hi .. .4-1~

, .. , .4-lfi

..... 4-16


f,l .. rvif,io1 Iir"'_'~':ln'iIi<: 'ill tl-tj~ ll;lo;-:.pl1g~t' car prep['llC"r sh:::Lf1;.s :U(, ,",overed In· the R_¢:<I'r Axh:



Thi!!. unlversal jolnl :I!i :..J Iully enclce .. ed 'Unit \f.'),~d1 j" ('Qui'pped whh bnshlngs. in the l.runnlons l!"'iguro 2.2 shows eortstr-uctlon dc--i.ails.


1.. Unhook hand brake pull back :.-pri'nS', di.~connect pull enble elevts from tdlct lever tlI1d remove idler lever.

2. Remove ean st-rews which r- ... tM_n ball retainer t:olb.r t~} tr-::.m;mi55ion re.')':' be.:n-ing support and slide Golla'!: end brill bock on pJ:'opelle:r !3'hnft huustng,

3. Remove CLIP serewa which Iasten Jrcot. trunnlcn ll~urir~l!::> to the [runt yoke.

1\ Plcce j=:lck under propdlc-r slmFt, rc1110VC the twu Jront yoke trunuicn t.re,u-ing;.:; and .split the [otnt.


. . ur


,. 'l'rlln~h'9 Lotii' ~j~1l

J. T'''MI-DH ktltIHg.Eln~ lul~i~g

... T~III'I-~i-C!nlflh..llhtl'

FI~. :i'll:-~~f'I~..r~,.1 v; ...... _V"l ... ~.!,,1 J",:j~t I. ~"'''I ,.c~~

~ . .c"f""'eYI'

,~" ~~"r 'T"'~~k'lI 1l.~l:Irl~c D~C !ulltrng

7. RHr rCl"~

S. LQ\~'C1' pr"pton..,,. ",hn(t nnd remove thl! r-t':u y,)k(! ''l_nd u-nnnlcn from the pTQpelh~T llha[t spllnes.


6. Remove front yoke by remcvtng bolt and lockwasber from end of transmisslcn n'll:Iin .h.fl.


1. Wash all pal't~tn cleaning solvent.

2. Inspect yokes fU,r oxcesslve spline wear or n::ln'~ec.

3, In s pect trunnion voke for scoring Or excessive Wear.

4 . Inspect bushing for scoring OJ" excessive


1. Remove- lack 'ril'gs [rom trunnkm bearln~~_

2. WHh yoke supported in a bench vis , drive on the center- of the trunnion with c drift punch tc remove rear trunnion bearings (fig 23).

3. Press new r-ear trllnnion b~arings in'to yoke and ever hubs o[ trunnion [ust fill' enough to lnstull Jock rtngs.

4. Install look rings and while hf'llrling yak", j"one hand, ti:lp ends of trunnluns with a ham. mer to firmty saat 'bushings .:J.g~lim::t 10('1,,rings.

NOTE:: Use new lock rj"'Hii in r.o'Ulilimbly.

5. Adjul'lL Universal BAH .Toint as outlined l n Tt(lnsmisslon SCL:tii.m.


1. Install Iront yoke orl ttii.DSmLoIo:>i.ol) main shaft end lock in position with lockwa·::h~J' and nut.

2. Slide rear Y'lJKJ:! and trunnion on propeller .i!h~fl ."lnd raise front end of pecpellcr ~h.)ft

3, Install new front trunnion bl!Ai"lngs to th@ trunnion, fasten front trunnlun bearings to frQ1)t yoke and tlghl.~n cap screws to 25-30 'ft.. Ibs. torque,

NOTE: Use new !ock ptuita unde-f" Ili:Clp tc:tuws and bend fang.!: up '0 lock ItOP scrowl gfteT ou.mbly.

4. Sllde collar and k111 retainer forward on propeller maft housing und Install retaining CQ]~ tar CAp screws and tighten lu 8~12 It. lbs, torque

5. Remove speedometer drlven gear and fill hOlJsing with Ih ptnt transmission lubricant.

B. Install band brake idJ~r lever, pull b.,'u:k :;JJrin~!nnd CQDI1e1:t pull, cable clevis to ~dle,[ ,1Qv40r.


SymptOln and PrQb."Ihie. Cause E!i~es~i\'C!V.:br:tl;on

A. Worn universal joint h. Bent prvvcHer shnn;

t: Propeller sb-aft bushings 'JOt' universal ~I)int

yoke bushlnns wore.

E"Xce..'!.si\·1'I Bntldasb

a. 'Wol'n ,mh,..:r:w,'l joints.

b. Worn drive shaft or juint ;qplino>s.

Prububle Remedy

a. Replace worn parts,

b. RQphn:e bent sh:lof1.. 1;. Hepluce worn parts.

a. RcfJ!.ace warn paris.

b. Repbc.c 'Worn parte.




Oeneral Dese-iption . .4-17

Service QperatiQnl'j. . . .•...... 4-18

Removal. . . 4-]8

Inspeeticn . . . . ... . ..•...... 4,..18

Repairs .. , . . ,.. .. .. . .. ... > •••• ,.4-18

Front Buehlng-c-Repluee.. .4-18

Spring Lenr-c-Replace. . 4-18


Lnsi;aHat~~f'I . . .

Rear Sh::t6kle ,,-lr Bushinga+Replace .

Rear Sprl r.g Scat.

Rear Spring Hanger .. , Remuval , ..... , .. Instellaticn. ..

8prirtg Lubtleallon ..

Pl"(J!!, .. 4-18 .. +19


.. _". . " ~-~o

.. .. " _._ .1-20




The 'rear ~l'tng~ used on all pr .... senger car models ere of lh~ :S-Qrl'1t-eUiptic typiOl and Are designed to 'provide ndequ a te lund carrying capl.1I::ity and n sprtng '[I'lI1.c whtch i!i propcrttcaal to thot of the front spring 1:0 give the smoothest ride possible.

'The front. euds cf thE reur ,~p[ifl.~ IU"I;} mounted tn rubber bushings (fiS. 24).

These bu.!illjo~:l OOIJ.si:>t 'Of an internal steel lU'lliO". ~ Lubulur cuter reteincr ... mu a ~u'b'bl'lr bushinG securely held between these two 'steel rncmbcTs.

lI:1.!bbe:r bu'iihing~ reqctre nc lub:ric:ation·md no attention other t.han to keep the bolt dr'!9:wn up to

60;o_!!Q it. lbs. tcequc to compress irmQr ,ale-we between cilrs of front hanger.

The !lpring sbcckles used at the re.ill' end of the rear ehsssis 5pTings arc rubber bushed type.

11H!:se rubb4!t bush&il ty~ shackles COnsl!lt of

the cuter "hackle plate with buLh p,in!! serrated •

through the plate ,1lI~nd rtvetcd in place, two natu-

rill rubb~1: bushings (ecch in two halves), the

inner shackle plate, and. the two special Jock mrts

{fig. 2,).

Till:! .rub-bot" bushings, tittlng Jn eaeh SJ)ritlS' and hanger eye, ure in two halv'£.'1 having u shoulder

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