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Baby “New Rock” Bootees.

Knitting needles – 3mm

Wool – Black double knitting
Finished measurements – 7.5cm long, 5cm wide. Suggested for 0 – 3 months

Right Bootee

Cast on 50 sts

Sole edging – Picot hem

Starting with a knit row, stocking stitch 4 rows
Row 5 – K5, (yo K2tog) seven times, K12, (yo K2tog) seven times, K5
Starting with a Purl row, stocking stitch 4 rows
Row 10 - Pick up picot knitwise – (or knit one row)

Starting with a knit row stocking stitch 6 rows
Toe shaping
Row 7 – K30, SSK, turn
Row 8 – P11, P2tog, turn
row 9 - k11, ssk turn
row 10 - p11, p2tog turn
row 11 - k11, ssk, turn
row 12 - p11, p2tog, turn
row 13 - k11, ssk, turn
row 14 - p11, p2tog, turn
row 15 - k11, ssk, turn
row 16 - p11, p2tog, turn
row 17 - k11, ssk, turn
row 18 - p11, p2tog, turn

Next row Knit 12 sts turn
Working in these 12sts only work 16 rows stocking stitch.
Cast off these 12 sts knitwise.

First side of right bootee

With the wrong side faced rejoin wool to left hand needle.
Working only on these 13 sts
Row 1- Purl one row turn
Row 2 - Knit one row turn
Cast on 20 sts ( 33 sts)
Row 3 - Purl one row
Row 4 - Knit one row
Row 5 - Cast off 20 sts purlwise, purl to end (13 sts)
Row 6 -8 - Stocking stitch 3 rows
Cast on 20 sts
Row 9 - Purl one row
Row 10 - Knit one row
Row 11 -Cast off 20 sts purlwise, purl to end
Row 12 – 16 - Stocking stitch for 5 rows
Row 17 - Knit one row
Row 18 - Purl one row
Cast off knitwise

Second side of right bootee

With right side facing rejoin wool and stocking stitch 16 rows starting with a knit row
Purl one row
Knit one row
Cast off knitwise

Left Bootee
Work as Right Bootee until Tongue cast off is completed.

First side of left bootee

With the right side faced rejoin wool to left hand needle.
Working only on these 13 sts
Row 1- Knit one row turn
Row 2 - Purl one row turn
Cast on 20 sts ( 33 sts)
Row 3 - Knit one row
Row 4 - Purl one row
Row 5 - Cast off 20 sts knitwise, knit to end (13 sts)
Row 6 -8 - Stocking stitch 3 rows
Cast on 20 sts
Row 9 - Knit one row
Row 10 - Purl one row
Row 11 -Cast off 20 sts knitwise, knit to end
Row 12 – 16 - Stocking stitch for 5 rows
Row 17 - Purl one row
Row 18 - Knit one row
Cast off knitwise

Second side of left bootee

With wrong side facing rejoin wool and stocking stitch 16 rows, starting with a purl row
Knit one row
Purl one row
Cast off knitwise

Sole make two

Cast on 10 sts
Garter stitch 30 rows
Cast off knitwise

Sewing up
With right sides together sew up the back seam. Turn right side out.
Sew the sole into the bootee attaching to the picot pick up row. These bootees aren't designed to
be walked in. The picot hem gives the illusion of thick soles.
Catch the straps down with a few stitched.
Weave in all loose ends.

©Barbara Palmer

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